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Summer Internship Project Varun

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Ms. Sonali Arora

Assistant Professor, RDIAS



Enrollment No.- 04315903921

MBA, Semester-2

Batch 2021– 2023


An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute

NAAC Accredited:A+Grade (2nd Cycle), Category A+ Institution (by SFRC, Govt. of NCT

(Approved by AICTE, HRD Ministry, Govt. of India)

Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

2A & 2B, Madhuban Chowk, Outer Ring Road, Phase-1, Delhi-110085


This is to certify that i have completed the project titled “a study on marketing strategies of
counselling centres: a case of direct admission” under the guidance of “Sonali Arora” in the
partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of “master’s in business
administration” from “Rukmini devi institute of advanced studies, New Delhi”.
It is also certified that my project of mine is an original work and the same has not been
submitted earlier elsewhere.


ENROLLMENT NO. - 04515903921

Every task completed brings joy and a feeling of fulfilments. We would like to take this opportunity
to thank everyone who has contributed in some way, whether directly or indirectly, to the
completion of this report. However, some people are always determined to motivate, critique,
and appreciate work with their objective views and opinions. We owe a great deal of gratitude to
a huge number of people who supported and helped me finish this project. My sincere gratitude
goes out to Ms. Sonali Arora, the Mentor for the Project, for her guidance throughout the Project.
Additionally, I would like to thank my institution, without which this Project would not have been
possible. I also like to express our sincere gratitude to our family and friends.

Name of the Student – Varun Kumar

Enrollment No. - 04515903921
Class & Section - MBA 3rd semester

1.1 About the Topic

A study on Marketing Strategies of Counselling centres: A case of Direct Admission

Admissionsdirect.com is one of the fastest growing web portals which connects international students with
global universities. It’s a novel concept to help students who seek admissions for higher studies at colleges
and universities abroad. Students completed their secondary level, diploma and degree education, can opt for
their preferred courses at various universities across the world without third party assistance and thus by
avoid additional charges.

We are trying to implement a new approach in the field of overseas education against the traditional way of
depending educational agencies for admissions. It’s a common belief that such educational advisers can only
provide accurate information and quality guidance. Now the scenario has changed drastically thanks to the
advancement in digitization, students, anywhere in the world, can choose their courses by themselves online.
Admissionsdirect.com provides a platform whereby students can freely connect themselves with their select
universities confidently for their admission processes.

The uniqueness of this medium is that students get their offer letters without any consultation charges, which
is normally paid at agencies before starting the admission procedure. Another advantage they experience is
the application fee waiver with selected Universities. Besides, we offer discounted flight tickets and free
accommodation for a particular duration based on Institutions and the country you choose.

Through our wide range of free support services, we guide students to their dream study destination- by
helping them find the courses, colleges and universities that meet their expectations and needs-on a global

Admission | College Centre

The Counselling Centre of study – Best provides independent and free advice on all aspects of student.
They address all individual factors from the perspective of prospective students and students and
support you in finding the most favorable and best College and best study option for you. All admission
options are included in the individual one-on-one consultation.
A prospective university students apply for admission during their last year of high
school or community college. In some countries, there are independent organizations or government
agencies to centralize the administration of standardized admission exams and the processing
of applications.

In our Country Most universities participate in one or another centralized admission procedure. No weight is
given to applicants' past or recent academic record and their admission happens by their ranking in the
entrance exam. Applicants are ranked by their entrance exam marks and submit their preference of
universities/programs based on their rank and choice.

Some such common entrance tests are:

 Joint Entrance Examination – Main (JEE-Main) Standard means of entry to the National Institutes of
 Joint Entrance Examination – Advanced (JEE-Advanced) – Standard exams for entry to the Indian
Institutes of Technology
 Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) – Standard means of entry to the National Law Universities
across India.
 National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (Undergraduate) (NEET (UG)) – For entry into
undergraduate medical education MBBS.
 Common University Entrance Test (CUET) – For admission to Central Government
Universities and selected state universities.
1.3 About the company

Admissionsdirect.com is one of the fastest growing web portal which connects international students with
global universities. Its a novel concept to help students who seek admissions for higher studies at colleges
and universities abroad. Students completed their secondary level, diploma and degree education, can opt for
their preferred courses at various universities across the world without third party assistance and thus by
avoid additional charges.

At Admissions Direct, we believe that education is a right for all and should be equally accessible for rich
and poor, without affecting the color of the skin or their native language.

We empower people around the world to access the best education available. Through our platform and team
of experts with more than 20 years of Industry knowledge, we streamline the application process, from
submission to enrolment, assisting thousands of students pursue their dreams of studying abroad.

Each one student who applies through admissions direct is opening door for somebody from a remote
village, in an underdeveloped country to achieve his dream of studying abroad.

Students have around 30 top destinations to choose from. So it’s always advisable to learn more about each
of the countries before filing your application

The world is changing day by day. we could see new courses being added to the databases day by day which
often confuse to students. Company expert advisers give the more detailed information about each subject,
its opportunities and potentials.

In Company database of 500 plus Institutions, Students can choose the best option available with the help of
latest technologies.

1. Counselling Services

The Counselling Service is regarded as an essential to deal effectively with children and

youth’s personal, career and academic concerns, and crisis situations.

The counsellor will provide useful and objective information and advice to children and
youths to assist them in overcoming difficulties in their personal and other life.

1.1. Personal Counselling

Counselling will be provided to deal key personal issues include Self-esteem,

Depression, Anxiety and stress, Interpersonal relationships, Sexuality, Adaptation to a
tertiary setting, Alcohol and drugs, etc.

.Academic Counselling

Counselling services will be provided to deal key career and academic issues include :
Job and Study skills, Time management, Test anxiety, Poor job and academic
performance, Communication with supervisors.

Career Guidance:

Early planning of career and progression pathways is vital in order for children and
youths to identify their future goals and take appropriate steps for meeting intermedia te
milestones to achieve them.
Advisors in career centers will provide guidance and support to children and youths to help
to equip them with the critical personal qualities and practical skills required in the working
Online Portal:

An online portal is specially designed web page which brings information together from
diverse sources in a uniform way. The portal is a platform for guidance and counselling
service to students and youths.It will be a source of information pertaining to job and
careers, admission, courses etc.It will be a medium to get financial assistance and other
services to the needy.

Project Components

Sl. Name of the Programme Area Name of the Programme No of

proposed in the Project Component (s) proposed in beneficiaries to

No. be covered
1 Registration- login- Job seeker registration
Employer registration
memberships Student registration
2 Guidance and Counselling Admission advice
Career advice
Online Guidance and Subject Experts
Therapeutic counsel ling

Counselling sessions Guidance on self-Employment and

3 Career Test-Psychometric Mock career Test

Test Online Psychometric test

Aptitude Assessment
Job Matching
4 Information Courses, Colleges and Universities
5 Admission Help Tie up with colleges and other
6 Financial Assistance Online financial assistance to the
needy students
7 Jobs related Job alerts and notifications
Recruitment drives
Job postings
8 Scholarships Government and private

International scholarships
Registration- login-memberships

The students and youths can register in the online portal. There will be options for different
types of registration. It will be based on the purpose of registration. The three categories of
registration will be:

a. Jobseeker registratio n
b. Employer registratio n
c. Student registration

There will be fee for the registration. We will provide login id and password to login in the
CH -2
Review of literature

King et al. (2020)

It is used a consensual qualitative research methodology to explore the motivations and
experiences of youth who utilized the Internet for counselling. Semi-structured online focus
groups were conducted with 39 participants from the Kids Help Line, a national Australian
counselling service that provides free online and telephone counselling for youth. The main
benefits of online counselling cited by the participants were the privacy and emotionally safe
environment. It also emerged that some participants felt better protected in the text
environment from negative counsellor emotions such as boredom or criticism. Another
frequently mentioned aspect that was reported by adolescents was that the online
environment provided a sense of privacy, unlike the telephone where they may be in fear of
someone else listening to their conversations. Youth reported that time constraints were the
biggest problem with the online counselling service. Insufficient time allowed per
counselling session, long wait times while in the queue, and insufficient hours of availabil ity
for the service were consistently reported throughout the focus groups. In some instances,
participants reported the impression of being rushed and not being valued. A number of
adolescents mentioned difficulties expressing their emotions through text communicatio ns;
however this was not as prominent a theme as had been expected by the researchers.

Robinson et al. (2019)

conducted a pilot study to explore the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of a text
messaging intervention in the aftercare of patients with bulimia nervosa who had received
outpatient therapy. A total of 21 patients participated in the 6-month text messaging
intervention as a step-down treatment after outpatient therapy. Participants were asked to rate
their motivation to take part in the intervention and to complete a questionnaire exploring
their views of the program. In the study, the participants’ low response rates and answers to
the views questionnaire suggested to the researchers that the intervention was only
moderately well accepted by participants. However, at least a subgroup of participants felt
supported and encouraged by the feedback messages. A significant proportion of participant s
were dissatisfied with the lack of personal contact, and there were suggestions to supplement
the intervention with phone calls. Some participants found the program ‘‘too formal’’ and
‘‘computerized’’ and the content of the texts ‘‘impersonal’’ or ‘‘patronizing.’’ There were
also occasional technical problems.
Young (20021)

used a survey research design to study client attitudes towards online counselling. A total of 48 e-
clients seen by the principal investigator who suffered from Internet addiction were evaluated. The
mean ages of the participants were 44 (males) and 48 (females). The online counselling was in the
form of cognitive behavioural therapy in a chat format. Anonymity from friends, family and
coworkers was the most often cited reason for seeking online counselling, with 96% of participants
17 indicating that online treatment provided a viable way to get help without having to risk being
seen in a psychologist’s office or risk having a loved one know he or she was in counselling. The
convenience of online counselling was cited by 71% of participants as a reason for seeking online
counselling, while the clinical skills and credentials of the counsellor were important to 52% of
participants. Access (38%) and cost (27%) were other reasons cited by participants. Participants
were also asked to report their concerns regarding online counselling. The main concerns reported
were: lack of privacy with using technology, lack of security associated with using technology and
concerns about being caught by a spouse or employer while participating in online sessions. 27% of
participants reported that they had no concerns about e-counselling.

In Cook and Doyle’s study (2018)

of the working alliance in online counselling provided by e-mail or chat (discussed below),
the 14 participants were given the opportunity to provide comments about their experience
of receiving counselling online. The theme discussed in the most depth was disinhibition.
Participants described the sense of freedom they felt to express themselves online without
embarrassment or fear of judgment from therapists. Many discussed the stress they typically
feel in a face-to-face therapy situation and indicated that, with online counselling, there
were able to be completely honest and open with a therapist. Other themes that emerged were
the viability of online therapy, the affordability of online therapy, the advantages for those
who have mobility challenges or who live in isolated areas, the strength of the client/counsellor
relationship, the benefits of written communication (the ability to re-read messages and the
ease felt when expressing thoughts and feelings through writing), and the convenience and
flexibility of online therapy
Rochlen, Beretvas, and Zack (2020)

conducted an instrument-development project that addressed preliminary validation of measured

attitudes toward online and face-to-face counselling services. Factor analyses of the Online Counselling
Attitude Scale (OCAS) and the corresponding Face-to-Face Counselling Attitude Scale (FCAS) yielded
similar two-factor structures, which assess perceived levels of value and discomfort with the two
respective counselling modalities.
Overall, respondents expressed more favorable evaluations of face-to-face than online counselling
(although none of the clients had ever engaged in online counselling). Lewis, Coursol and Wahl (2003)
carried out an exploratory study of the client and counsellor experience with respect to online
counselling. The participants were two female graduate students enrolled in a graduate counselling
program. The counsellor was a female in the second year of a counselling masters program. Three
sessions of cybercounselling were provided via videoconferencing. The counsellor and clients were
interviewed at the end of each session. The interviews with the clients revealed a number of themes,
including the following: more comfortable than face-toface counselling, unexpected depth of emotion,
empowerment and equal relationship but lack of emotional connection.


Research is defined as “a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific
topic”. Research is an art of scientific investigation. Research is a systematized effort to gain
now knowledge. It is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts
in any branch of knowledge. Research is an academic activity and this term should be used in a
technical sense. Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or
suggested solutions. Making deductions and reaching conclusions to determine whether they if
the formulating hypothesis. Research is thus, an original contribution to Meaning of Research

the existing stock of knowledge making for its advancement. The search for knowledge through
objective and systematic method of finding solutions to a problem is research.

Research Design

A research designs is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis data in a
manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.
Research Design is the conceptual structure with in which research in conducted. It constitutes
the blueprint for the collection measurement and analysis of data. Research Design includes
and outline of what the researcher will do form writing the hypothesis and it operational
implication to the final analysis of data. A research design is a framework for the study and is
used as guide in collection and analyzing the data. It is a strategy specifying which approach
will be used for gathering and analyzing the data. It also include the time and cost budget since
most studies are done under these two cost budget since most studies are done under theses tow
constraints. The design is such studies must be rigid and not flexible and most focus attention
on the following:-



Exploratory Research Design: This research design is preferred when researcher has a vague


Descriptive research design is used in this study because it will ensure the minimization of bias
and maximization of reliability of data collected. Descriptive study is based on some previous
understanding of the topic. Research has got a very specific objective and clear cut data
requirements From the study, the type of data to be collected and the procedure to be used for
this purpose were decided


A population is the pool of individuals from which a statistical sample is drawn for a study.
Thus, any selection of individuals grouped together by a common feature can be said as
population. (Cooper & Schindler 2006)

Population refers to any group of people or objects that form the subject of study in a particular
survey and are similar in one or more ways.

Sample Design –

A sample is a statistically significant portion of a population not an entire population

(Cooper & Schindler, 2006)

Sample Size -200

Sampling Technique-Purposive Sampling-

Purposive sampling (also known as judgement, selective, or subjective sampling) is a sampling

approach in which the researcher chooses members of the population to participate in the study
based on his or her own judgement. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling
in which "components chosen for the sample are picked based on the researcher's
judgement. Researchers frequently feel that by applying competent judgement, they may
produce a representative sample and save time and money

Data Collection Method

The process of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and
research design been chalked out.

There are two types of data –

PRIMARY DATA - It is first hand data, which is collected by researcher itself.

Primary data is collected by various approaches so as to get a precise, accurate, realistic
and relevant data. The main tool in gathering primary data was investigation and
observation. It was achieved by a direct approach and observation from the officials of
the company.

SECONDARY DATA - it is the data which is already collected by someone else.

Researcher has to analyze the data and interprets the results. It has always been important
for the completion of any report. It provides reliable, suitable, adequate and specific

Data Analysis and Interpretation

The analysis of the data is done as per the survey finding. The data is represented graphically
in percentage. The percentage of the people opinion were analyzed expressed in the form of charts.
Total number of respondent- 50 Persons


When Do the students Need Counselling?

 Class 10
 Class 12
 Graduation
Particular Responded Percentage %
Class 10 25 50%
Class 12 20 40%
Graduation 5 10%ph

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr


Most of the students Prefer Counselling After Class 10, 40% Prefer to take After Class 12 Where
as only 10% Takes after graduation.

Have You been referred for career counselling?

Particular Responded Percentage %

Yes 35 70%
No 15 30%

Most of the students responded 70% for YES and 30% responded For NO

What Do you do for getting career guidance?
Particular Respondent Percentage %
Consult family 15 30%
Consult Senior 15 30%
Approach career Counselor 20 40%

The Analysis indicates 40% students approach career counselor, 30%

Consult Senior and 30% consults their family.

Do you think internet can be competent guide for your career change

Particular Respondent Percentage %

Yes 30 60%
No 3 6%
Most Likely 10 20%

Some what 7 14%

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr


Most of the respondent i.e 60% respond YES and 6% responds NO where as 20% responded
for MOST LIKELY and 14% responds for SOMEWHAT

Have you Felt the Need of professional career guidance while planning career advancement?
Particular Respondent Percentage %

Always 25 50%

Never 5 10%
Most of the time 15 30%

Rarely 5 10%

1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Findings and Conclusion


 According to the study counselling differs from class for each students.
 On the basics of collected that it was found that the most of the people
chooses for psychometric test as compared to other counselling test.
 It was found that company uses different means to give assurance to their
 According to the study it is absorb that company is using social sites in order to

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