Simulation of Lamb Waves Using The Spectral Cell Method: A B B A A B
Simulation of Lamb Waves Using The Spectral Cell Method: A B B A A B
Simulation of Lamb Waves Using The Spectral Cell Method: A B B A A B
Today a steadily growing interest in on-line monitoring of structures is seen. Commonly referred to as structural
health monitoring (SHM), the basic idea of this technique is to decrease the maintenance costs based on a
continuous flow of information concerning the state of the structure. With respect to the aeronautic industry
increasing the service time of airplanes is another important goal. A popular approach to SHM is to be seen
in ultrasonic guided wave based monitoring systems. Since one focus is on typical lightweight materials elastic
waves seem to be a viable means to detect delimitations, cracks and material degradation. Due to the complexity
of such structures efficient numerical tools are called for. Several studies have shown that linear or quadratic
pure displacement finite elements are not appropriate to resolve wave propagation problems. Both the mesh
density and the spatial resolution needed to control the numerical dispersion are prohibitively large. Therefore,
higher order finite element methods (p-FEM, SEM) are considered by the authors.
One important goal is to simulate the propagation of guided ultrasonic waves in carbon/glass fiber reinforced
plastics (CFRP, GFRP) or sandwich materials. These materials are typically deployed in aeronautical and
aerospace application and feature a complex micro-structure. This micro-structure, however, needs to be resolved
in order to capture effects like transmission, reflection and conversion of the different wave modes. It is known
that using standard discretization techniques it is almost impossible to mesh the aforementioned heterogeneous
materials without accepting enormous computational costs. Therefore, the authors propose to apply the finite
cell method (FCM) and extend this approach by using Lagrange shape functions evaluated at a Gauss-Lobatto-
Legendre grid. The latter scheme leads to the so called spectral cell method (SCM). Here, the meshing effort is
shifted towards an adaptive integration technique used to determine the cell matrices and load vectors. Hence,
a rectangular Cartesian grid can be used, even for the most complex structures.
The functionality of the proposed approach will be demonstrated by studying the Lamb wave propagation in a
two-dimensional plate with a circular hole. The perturbation is not symmetric with respect of the middle plane
in order to introduce mode conversion. In the paper, an efficient method to simulate the elastic wave propagation
in heterogeneous media utilizing the finite or spectral cell method is presented in detail.
Keywords: p-FEM, SEM, FCM, SCM, Fictitious Domain Method, Lamb Waves, SHM.
Reliable damage detection plays a vital role for structural health monitoring (SHM) systems. Regarding thin-
walled structures, techniques based on the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves seem to be a viable choice. 1–3
Since the aeronautic industry is a driving force behind developments concerning SHM the focus in research
activities has shifted from relatively simple aluminum to more complex composite and sandwich plates. 4–6 To
compute the wave propagation in these highly heterogeneous structures is a rather demanding task. Both, the
spatial as well as the temporal discretization have to be fine in order to resolve the high frequency Lamb waves
and to capture the small wavelength. A guideline on how to choose the optimal polynomial degrees and the
corresponding finite element size to reduce the numerical costs has been published by Willberg et al.7 In this
article the authors deal with three different higher order finite element approaches, namely the spectral ele-
ment method8 (SEM), the p-version of the finite element method 9, 10 (p-FEM) and the isogeometric analysis 11
(IGA). It is shown that when using higher order finite element methods significant savings in memory storage
Send correspondence to S. Duczek and A. Düster
S. Duczek: E-mail:, Telephone: +49 (0)391 67 12754
A. Düster: E-mail:, Telephone: +49 (0)40 42878 6083
Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2013, edited by Tribikram Kundu, Proc. of SPIE
Vol. 8695, 86951U · © 2013 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X/13/$18 · doi: 10.1117/12.2009983
MÜ + KU = f . (1)
Here, the mass matrix M, the stiffness matrix K and the load vector of the external forces f , are introduced.
The displacement field u(x, t) is approximated by the product of the space-dependent shape function matrix
N(x) and the time-dependent vector of unknowns U(t)
For further explanations the reader is referred to standard text books on this subject by Zienkiewicz, 21–23 Bathe24
and Hughes,25 for instance.
The nodal distribution ξj with j = 1, . . . , (p + 1) that is applied in the current article is defined as
−1 if j=1
ξj = ξ Lo,p−1 if 2 ≤ j < p + 1 , (4)
+1 if j =p+1
where ξ0,a with a = 1, . . . , (p − 1) denotes the roots of the (p − 1)th -order Lobatto polynomial
1 dp+1 h 2 p i
Lop−1 (ξ) = ξ − 1 . (5)
2p p! dξ p+1
This nodal distribution is generally referred to as Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre (GLL) grid. Spectral elements em-
ploying the GLL-grid have been proposed by Komatitsch and Tromp, 26 Zak et al.,27 Kudela et al.,28 Peng et
al.29 and Ha and Chang30 in order to mention just a few.
Ω + = Ωe
Figure 1: The physical domain Ω is extended by an so called fictitious domain Ω f ict . This allows for an easy
discretization of the whole embedding domain Ω e .
Fig. 2 illustrates the situation for a two-dimensional setting. Here, also the role of the indicator function α
is indicated. This parameter is used to control the influence of the fictitious domain on the accuracy of the
numerical results. Generally, the weak form of equilibrium is given by
in which
Ce = αC (8)
α 1.0
No Pm α = 1.0
α 1.0
Figure 2: Finite cell discretization. To control the Figure 3: The embedding domain Ω e is discretized
influence of the fictitious domain on the accuracy of using rectangular cells.
the results an indicator function α is introduced.
Inserting Eq. (8) and (9) into Eq. (7), the bilinear functional can be expressed as
Be (u, v) = [D v] αC [D u] dΩ
= [D v] C [D u] dΩ + [D v] 0 [D u] dΩ = B(u, v) . (10)
Ω Ωe \Ω
At the discretized level, the weak form Eq. (7) turns into
nc Z
Be (u, v) = [D v] αC [D u] dΩ . (12)
c=1 Ω
To resolve the the boundary of the physical domain an adaptive integration scheme has been proposed by Düster
and co-workers.17, 31 Fig. 4 depicts a schematic sketch of the deployed integration technique. The Gaussian
quadrature assumes smoothness of the integrands which is disturbed by introducing the indicator function α
within the finite cells. Consequently, the finite cell method uses a composed Gaussian quadrature to improve
the integration accuracy in cells cut by geometric boundaries. To this end, the original cells are divided for
integration purposes by means of a quadtree/octree space partitioning scheme set of sub-cells. 15, 31
discontinuity cut cell
Figure 4: Sub-cells for the adaptive integration scheme. The original finite cell is refined if it is cut by the
boundary of the actual structure. Several refinement levels are required until the boundary is appropriately
resolved. This is checked by computing the area of the domain we are interested in. If a certain relative error is
reached the refinement is stopped.
Several refinement levels are required until a sufficient accuracy is ensured. Starting from the original finite
cell of level k = 0, each sub-cell of level k = i is first checked whether it is cut by a geometric boundary. If true,
the relevant cell is replaced by 4 equally spaced cells of level k = i + 1. In Fig. 4 a finite cell, cut by the physical
This section demonstrates the capabilities of the finite and spectral cell method. Important wave propagation
characteristics such as the multi-modal behaviour of Lamb waves as well as their dispersive nature are to be
resolved. To this end a simple two-dimensional benchmark problem with a circular hole is chosen.
4.1 Two-Dimensional Benchmark Problem
The first simple benchmark problem is a two-dimensional plate with a circular hole. The hole is eccentrically
located with respect to the mid-plane of the structure, cf. Fig. 5. This geometric perturbation causes mode
conversion and thus highlights an important characteristic of Lamb waves. 33
In Fig. 6 contour plots of the travelling wave are depicted. At the left boundary of the plate a pure S0 -mode
is excited, cf. Fig. 6a. After interacting with the local perturbation a converted A0 -mode can be observed
additionally to the transmitted S0 -wave packet, cf. Fig. 6b. For the sake of minimizing the numerical costs
we assume infinite dimensions in x3 -direction and consequently utilize the plain strain assumption. This poses
no limitation on the received results as all key features of guided wave propagation can be studied using the
described setup. The boundary conditions, material properties as well as the dimensions of the plate are given
in Fig. 5. The time history of the displacement field is saved at the measurement points P1 to P4 . The results
obtained using the finite cell method and the spectral cell method are later compared to reference solutions
gained by applying the p-version of FEM.
F1 (t)
l1 l2 l3 l4
x1 P3 P1 P2 P4 t
d e
F2 (t)
Figure 5: 2d aluminum plate (E = 70 000 N/mm2 ; ν = 0.33, ρ = 2700 kg/m3 ) with a circular hole. Loads and
boundary conditions are marked in the figure. Two point forces F1 (t) and F2 (t) = aF1 (t) are applied, with a = 1
for the excitation of a purely symmetric Lamb wave mode (S0 ) and a = −1 if the anti-symmetric mode (A0 ) is
considered. The dimensions of the plate are: l1 = 100 mm, l2 = 50 mm, l3 = 152 mm, l4 = 298 mm, tp = 5 mm,
d = 2 mm, e = 2 mm. The signal parameters are: F̂ = 1 N , ω = 2πf , f = 200 kHz and n = 5.
This kind of pulse has the advantage that the frequency content is narrow-banded and thus limiting the physical
dispersion of these waves to a minimum. The number of cycles within the signal n determines the width of the
excited frequency band around the central frequency f (see Fig. 7b). For a narrow frequency bandwidth, n has
to be chosen relatively high.
1 7E-6
0.5 5E-6
A [−]
A [−]
-0.5 2E-6
-1 0E+0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0E+0 1E+5 2E+5 3E+5 4E+5
t [10 −5
s] f [Hz]
(a) Time domain signal (b) Frequency content
Figure 7: Sine-burst.
Applying concentrated loads at the top and bottom surfaces allows us to exploit the advantages of a mono-modal
excitation, which means that only a single mode is present at a time for f ∙ tp < 1.5 M Hzmm (see Fig. 8). In
order to generate a signal containing only the A0 -mode both forces have to act in the same direction, meaning
they have to be in-phase. If the two loads are out-of-phase a pure S0 -mode is generated.
5 S0
8 A1
4 0.4 1
cp [km/s]
cg [km/s]
2 A0 4 0.4 1
2 A0
1 A1
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
f d [M Hzmm] f d [M Hzmm]
(a) Group velocity (b) Phase velocity
Figure 8: Group and phase velocity dispersion diagrams for an aluminum plate.
The discretization parameter are chosen according to the guidelines published in Willberg et al.7 Accordingly,
be,max = 0.003 m
Δtmax = 1e-7 s.
4.2 Results
As a reference solution, to evaluate the performance of the finite cell method and the spectral cell method, we
choose the results obtained by applying the p-version of FEM (nelem = 404, ndof = 11288, be = 3 mm) with
the optimal polynomial degree template and the corresponding finite element size determined in the previous
section 4.1. The geometrical features such as the circular hole are described exactly using the blending function
method.9, 34–36 These blending elements have been proposed as a remedy to circumvent the geometrical approx-
imation error. In this case the corresponding blending functions are sin- and cos-functions. Consequently, the
error of the geometry representation is equal to zero. The finite element discretization is depicted in Fig. 9. In
the finite and spectral cell method the mesh does not necessarily match the geometry and therefore the mesh
generation is straightforward. Here the domain is simply discretized by using a Cartesian grid of cells, cf. Fig.
10. For the current example 400 quadrilateral high order cells are utilized. The polynomial degree and the cell
dimensions are similar to the p-FEM grid. To account for the circular hole in the 4 cut cells (cells, which exhibit
a discontinuous integrand) an adaptive integration is carried out. Fig. 10 depicts the sub-cells, that are used
during the integration process.
In order to judge the accuracy of the FCM and SCM they are compared to the reference solution (p-FEM) of
the displacement time history at the points P1 to P4 , cf. Fig. 11. It is worth mentioning that even though the
cells do not resolve the circular hole geometrically, the FCM and SCM are able to produce results with a similar
accuracy as the p-FEM even at the points located at the boundary of the hole, cf. Fig. 11a and 11b.
The different curves are virtually coincident for all numerical approaches and thus highlight the ability of ficti-
tious domain methods to capture the discontinuity of the structure.
As can be seen the reflection and mode conversion phenomena are well resolved. Only the displacements in x1 -
direction are depicted. From the displacement field in x2 -direction no new insights can be gained, consequently
these figures have been omitted.
Due to the extension of the higher order fictitious domain method to utilizing spectral shape functions the nu-
merical efficiency for structural dynamics applications has been vastly improved. Hence, we can sum up, that
both the FCM and SCM are viable tools to investigate the propagation of ultrasonic guided waves in thin-walled
Figure 9: Blending elements used for the geometrically Figure 10: Sub-cells generated by the adaptive integra-
exact discretization. tion algorithm.
All results for the SCM have been obtained using a consistent mass matrix. During the course of the
investigation the authors observed that the diagonalized mass matrix featured negative masses on the principal
diagonal. This led to a divergence of the central differencing scheme. Note, that the negative masses are only
related to cut cells. Therefore, if only a few cells are used to discretize the perturbation in the structure the
following approach is suggested:
u1 [m]
u1 [m]
-1E-13 -6E-14
-2E-13 -1E-13
0E+0 2E-5 4E-5 6E-5 8E-5 1E-4 1E-4 0E+0 2E-5 4E-5 6E-5 8E-5 1E-4 1E-4
t [s] t [s]
(a) u1 -displacement signal at P1 (b) u1 -displacement signal at P2
8E-14 8E-14
4E-14 SCM 4E-14 SCM
u1 [m]
u1 [m]
0E+0 0E+0
-4E-14 -4E-14
-8E-14 -8E-14
0E+0 2E-5 4E-5 6E-5 8E-5 1E-4 1E-4 0E+0 2E-5 4E-5 6E-5 8E-5 1E-4 1E-4
t [s] t [s]
(c) u1 -displacement signal at P3 (d) u1 -displacement signal at P4
Figure 11: Comparison of the time history of the displacements for the different numerical approaches, namely
p-FEM, FCM and SCM. An excellent agreement of the numerical results is to be observed.
The obtained results demonstrate the abilities of the FCM and SCM to deal with ultrasonic guided wave prop-
agation in thin-walled structures. Since lightweight designs are often made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic
(CFRP) plates or sandwich panels with honeycomb or foam cores these complex, heterogeneous materials need
to be addressed as well in future studies.
We think that using the finite cell and/or spectral cell method is the only viable solution for the described
problem. These algorithms retain the accuracy of higher order finite element methods while simplifying the
The authors would like to thank the German Research Foundation (DFG) and all project partners (PAK 357)
for their support (GA 480/13-2). Furthermore, the support received under grant DU 405/4-1 is also gratefully
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