PHEV Timeline (8 13)

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Policy Activities

AB118 air qual. improvement panel July 1, 2008 increase in smog abatement fees for ZEV Phase I deadline Release of first OEM PHEVs Study how to measure & award credits (ARB) Plan for acheieving AB32 adopted by Jan. 1, 2009

Research Roadmap Timeline

2012 AB1007 Goals (9% alt. fuels) 2014 ZEV phase III deadline AB118 Air qual. imp. funding ends 2017 ZEV phase IV deadline AB1007 goals (11% alt. fuels) CA global warming solutions act of 2006 req.s 1990 2022 AB1007 goals (20% alt. fuels) levels of GHG by 2020 LCFS requires 10% reduction in carbon intensity of trans. fuels by 2020

Adopt regulations for achieving AB32 reductions in GHGs 2011 ZEV Phase II Deadline Research autodocking starting with existing patents Test early PHEVs w/ emergency V2H capabilities (1 appliance)

Develop battery charge profile from early consumer research

Control strategy testing for emissions optimization

Vehicle Architecture


Develop total energy use vehicle instrumentation Evaluate need for or benefit of Test regional alt. on-board AC kWh monitor ownership scenarios Eva lua te p re- hea ting c atalytic conve r te rs ( E- c a ts) for c lea ner on-off PHEV ope ration Evaluate alternative engines Begin testing 2nd Li- ion c ell b a tter y including fuel cells for PHEV APU use applications lifec y c le testing Re se arch into batte r y re cycle ability Ba tter y lifec y c le for various che m s & m anus p a c k testing

Developement & testing vehicles with I.D. & communication on-board to allow for V2G Cost impact of V2H/V2G capable architectures

Battery testing for V2G use Establish battery recycling centers 2nd use of batteries a realistic opportunity? Research logistics? Develop effective V2G rates

Research potential for widespread use of used batteries


Evaluate state of Li-Ion recycling Research alternative first use of batteries Develo p a lt. b a tte r y owne rship sce narios Investigate changing solutions Research cost, locations, & Resea rc h ex isting for multi-unit dwellings requirements for public charging EV T O U resp onse D e ve lop Develo p e 2nd use e ffe ctive Test regional Develop safe disconnect b usiness c a se TOU rate s smart grid systems for V2H Resea rc h re quire m e nts fo r suc c essful V2H & c ha nge timing e tc. Identify potential market Study willingness to pay for PHEV tech. Study consumer interest in emergency V2H Encourage Unde rstand mobile charging electricity be havior markets Smart meters implemented in California Study cust. re sponse to TOU rate s Develop PHEV CO2 feedback website Test driver response to advanced PHEV energy instrument

Develop economical widespread safety features for V2G

Develop strategies & solutions for paing for energy use outside of home utility grid (third party?)

Develop solutions to pay utility co. directly for use when traveling

Establish compatible comm. protocols for vehicle & grid

Consumer Behaviors

Co nsumer P H EV stud y la unc h Define c urrent c o nsumer k now led ge of H EV /P H EV s

Study consumer interest in U2C studies

To have a viable PHEV industry, market, infrastructure, & regulatory system in CA that results in measurable reductions in CO2 & petroleum consumption


Codes and Standards

Identify optimal consumer incentives Define infor ma tio na l nee ds for prope r ce r tification Develo p P H EV Fu e l e conom y sticke r, Ene rgy Star R ating and o ther ea sy, c onsu m e r frie ndly infor m ation

D ev elo p V2H c o m m u ni c a t i o n s t a nd a rd s

D ev elo p V2G c o m m u ni c a t i o n s t a nd a rd s

Sha re use patte r ns & im pacts w/ SA E e m issions standards group Develop plug standards & codes safety evaluation Need to research ways to mitigate hazards of quiet cars to seeing impaired Develop SAE P H EV emissions te sting standard What is the im pact of 2nd life and re cycle ability of batte rie s (on labo r, toxicity, e ne rgy inputs, source s, e ne rgy se curity, and gre e n jobs)? How to measure & award carbon credits? Study im pact of V2H or V2G Wha t is CO 2 a nd ma te rials imp a c t o f P H EV s b a sed on c onsumers usea b le a nd va rious a rc hitec tures ( inc lud ing p ow er tra in and b a tter y size) ? How to m e asure and award carbon cre dits? How to do so in a way to e ncourage ce r tain driving/use be haviors? Ongoing effort to continually add modern fuel properties to models

Environmental Benefits Lifetime Costs

Input results of V2G test on local grid Calculate changing benefits of PHEV use

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