Ee 050196
Ee 050196
Ee 050196
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material to the composition of bedrock must be inferred
Gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) can be very helpful in from consideration of complementary evidence,
mapping surface geology. The method provides provided by geological maps, air photos, satellite
estimates of apparent surface concentrations of, the most imagery or ground inspection.
common naturally occurring radioactive elements,
potassium (K), equivalent uranium (eU), and equivalent This work presents a case study in which the airborne
thorium (eTh). The use of the method for geological gamma-ray spectrometric data were presented and
mapping is based on the assumption that absolute and interpreted to map different lithologic units of the study
relative concentrations of these radioelements vary area. Image display and ternary image techniques were
measurably and significantly with lithology. In this study, applied to enhance discrimination of the different
the airborne gamma-ray spectrometric survey data were lithologic units based on the spatial differences in the
interpreted to map the surface geology of the study area. radioelement contents.
The composite image technique is used to display
simultaneously three parameters of the radioelements GEOLOGY OF THE STUDY AREA
concentrations and ratios on one image. The technique
offered much in terms of lithologic discrimination based The study area is covered with a variety of basement and
on colour differences and showed efficiency in defining sedimentary rocks ranging in age from Precambrian to
areas where different lithofacies occur within areas Quaternary (Fig. 1). Precambrian rocks cover the eastern
mapped as one continuous lithology. southern part of the area and comprise acidic
metavolcanics (MVa), metasediments (MS) and calc
KEY WORDS: Gamma-ray spectrometry, geological alkaline granites (gα and gβ). Upper Cretaceous
mapping. volcanics (wadi natash volcanics) and trachyte pluges
cover the northern eastern part of the area (Hashad, et al.,
INTRODUCTION 1982). Meanwhile, the upper Cretasous Nubian
sandstones cover the central and western parts of the
The gamma-ray spectrometry method is widely used in area represented by (Abu-Aggag (Ku) and Um Barmil
diverse fields. Initially developed as uranium exploration (Kub) Formations). In the northwestern corner of the
tool, the application of the method now include area, late cretaceous shall and limestone represented by
geological mapping (Andrson and Nash, 1997; Graham, Dakhla (kud) and Kiseiba (Tpl) are recorded (Conoco
and Bonham-carter, 1993; Jaques et al., 1997; Report, 1989).
Charbonneau et al., 1997), mineral exploration (Grasty
and Shives, 1997; Lo and Pitcher, 1996), soil mapping AIRBORNE SPECTROMETRIC SURVEY DATA
(Cook et al., 1996; Wilford et al., 1997), and
environmental radiation monitoring (Lahti et al., 2001; Airborne gamma-ray spectrometric data were acquired,
Ford et al., 2001; Sanderson et al., 1995). Wilford et al., in 1984, over the Eastern Desert of Egypt including the
(1997) demonstrated that airborne gamma-ray study area. The survey was flown using fixed–wing
spectrometry patterns provided important information aircraft equipped with a high-sensitivity 256-channel
for soil, regolith, and geomorphology studies used for airborne gamma-ray spectrometer system. The survey
land management and mineral exploration decisions. has been carried out along a set of parallel flight lines
Darnley and Ford (1989) show that, in many situations, maintaining 1.0 km line spacing and NE-SW direction.
gamma-ray spectrometry is probably more useful than Nominal sampling interval and flight height were 90 m
any other single airborne geophysical or remote sensing and 120 m terrain clearance, respectively (Aero service
technique in providing information directly interpretable Division, 1984).
in terms of surface geology. Interpretation of radioelemts
distribution for mapping the surface geology is based on The data were corrected for background radiation
the assumption that different rock types are composed of resulting from cosmic rays and aircraft contamination,
certain amounts of rock-forming minerals which for variations caused by changes in the aircraft altitude
comprise specific quantities of radioactive elements. relative to the ground, and for Compton scattered gamma
Thus the efficiency of the technique relies on the extent rays in the potassium and uranium energy windows. The
to which there are detectable compositional differences corrected data provide an estimate of the apparent
between lithologies, and the extent to which these surface concentrations of potassium, uranium, and
differences are retained in surficial materials. The thorium (K, eU, and eTh). The data were gridded at a 50
relationship of the radioelement content of this surficial m interval prior to producing colour images for the
radioelements concentrations, radioelements ratios as 4. The thorium composite image combines the data of
well as radioelement colour composite images. eTh (in red), with the ratios eTh/eU (in green), and
eTh/K (in blue).
MAPPING THE SURFACE GEOLOGY 5. The radioelement ratio composite image combines the
data of the three radiometric ratios eU/eTh (in red), eU/K
Gamma-ray spectrometry (GRS) provides a direct (in green) and eTh/K (in blue).
measurement of the surface distribution of the naturally
occurring radioelements (K, U, and Th). Potassium is a The radioelement composite image provides on one
major constituent of most rocks, while Uranium and display an overall pattern of the radioelement
thorium are present in trace amounts, as mobile and distribution. This image offers much in term of lithologic
immobile elements, respectively. As the concentration of discrimination based on colour differences. The uranium,
these radioelements varies between different rock types, thorium, and potassium images highlight areas where the
the measured radioelement distribution can be reliably particular radioelement has an absolute and relatively
used to map and distinguish the different lithologies. The higher concentration (Duval, 1983).
method showed potentiality to map and subdivide acid
igneous and metamorphic rocks and highlights those On the other hand, radiometric data can supplement the
rock types characterized by unusual amounts or structural interpretation of other geophysical data. Since
proportions of radioelements such as ultrabasic structures play a role in controlling the surficial geology,
complexes. Recently, applications have been extended some structures, that may not produces anomalous
into less radioactive environments, such as sedimentary magnetic and gravity responses, can be inferred from the
basins, volcano-sedimentary terrains, and heavily radiometric data.
glaciated or tropical weathered areas, where subtle
contrasts offer reliable mapping guides. The merit to APPLICATION TO THE STUDY ATEA
which lithologic units can be delineated from the GRS is
affected by many factors including: In the present study, the radioelement composite image
1. The contrasts in radioelement content between (Fig. 2) was used to first outline the major lithological
lithological units; units which describe different radioactivity levels. The
2. The extent of bedrock exposure and soil cover; interpreted individual units were subjected to further
3. The relative distribution of transported and in-situ refinement using the potassium, thorium and uranium
soils; composite colour images (Figs. 3, 4, and 5). Figure 5
4. The nature and type of weathering; shows the interpreted lithologic units as inferred from
5. The soil moisture content; and the radioelement composite image. Subdivisions and
6. The vegetation cover. enhancements inferred from the other composite images
However, GRS shows advantages when compared to are displayed in figures 5 and 7.
other remote sensing techniques in mapping soil
variations in areas of dense vegetation and areas of Close inspection of the composite images in comparison
absence of geomorphic features in flat terrain (Aspin and to the geologic map presented by Conoco (Fig. 1) reveals
Bierwirth 1997). the following:
The most eye-catching feature in the composite images
With the advances of the computer-image processing is the basement-sedimentary contact. This contact is
technology, different methods of representing, associated with dramatically change in the radioelement
displaying and processing radiometric data have been concentrations (mainly potassium) and can be easily
developed. The basis of this technology is the distinguished in the radioelement and potassium
representation of the radiometry data in a digital raster composite images (Figs. 2 and 3).
format that contain both amplitude (colour) and spatial
information. In this format, the data can be statistically The calc-alkaline granite and acidic intrusions of Natash
analyzed, enhanced for visual inspection and combined volcanics are clearly distinguishable, in the radioelement
arithmetically or statistically with other types of data composite image (Fig. 2), with white colour reflecting
forming colour composite images. Composite images relatively high background concentration of the three
provide a simultaneous display of up to three parameters radioelements.
on one image and facilitates the correlation and The granitic body, located in the northwestern part of the
delineation of areas based on subtle differences in study area, is mapped in the geologic map as older
numerical values. The following combinations are granite. The composite images show a high similarity in
developed by the USGS (Duval, 1983): the radioelement content between this granitic mass and
1. The radioelement composite image combines the data the other three younger granitic bodies located in the
of K (in red), eTh (in green), and eU (in blue). northwestern part of the study area. Accordingly, this
2. The potassium composite image combines the data of granite mass is considered as younger granites on the
K (in red), with the ratios K/eTh (in green) and K/eU (in basis of this study.
3. The uranium composite image combines the data of The Nubia formations could be divided into two main
eU (in red) with the ratios eU/eTh (in green) and eU/K zones in the radioelement composite image. The first
(in blue). zone (including Kub-1 and Ku-2 subzones) shows
predominantly light blue and greenish blue colours,
reflecting relatively moderate content of the three
radioelements. Meanwhile, the second zone (including resolution aeromagnetic, radiometric, Landsat data
Ku-1, Kub-2 and Ku-3 subzones) -which maintains black and aerial photographs, Exploration Geophysics, 28,
and dark green colours- possesses relatively lower 185-191.
contents of K, eU, and eTh. Accordingly the Nubia Charbonneau, B.W., Holman, P.B., Hetu, R.J., 1997.
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from the radioelement composite image. Moreover, this 735.
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The colour zones displayed on the thorium composite radiometric data: a tool for reconnaissance geological
image (Fig. 6) show good agreement with the lithologic mapping using a GIS, Photogrammetric Engineering
units interpreted before from the radioelement composite and Remote Sensing, 58, 1243-1249.
image. Moreover, this image offers a significant colour Grasty, R.L., Shives, R.B.K., 1997, Applications of
discrimination of the subdivisions, interpreted before gamma ray spectrometry to mineral exploration and
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CONCLUSIONS Jaques, A.L., Wellman, P., Whitaker, A., Wyborn, D.,
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Figure 1. Geological map of the study area (after Conoco Coral, 1987).
33°40' 33°50' 34° 34°10'
880000 900000 920000 940000
eTh eU
Egypt 1907 / Egypt Red Belt
Figure 3. Lithologic map interpreted from the radioelement composite image (Fig. 2).
33°40' 33°50' 34° 34°10'
880000 900000 920000 940000
K/eTh K/eU
Egypt 1907 / Egypt Red Belt
880000 900000 920000 940000
33°30' 33°40' 33°50' 34° 34°10'
eU/eTh eU/K
Egypt 1907 / Egypt Red Belt
eTt/K eTH/eU
Figure 8. Lithologic map interpreted from the thorium composite image (Fig. 6).