Peterson Criteria
Peterson Criteria
Peterson Criteria
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Journal of Internal Medicine 2004; 256: 183–194
Abstract. Petersen RC (Mayo Clinic College of regarding the precise definition of the concept and
Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA). Mild cognitive its implementation in various clinical settings.
impairment as a diagnostic entity (Key Clinical subtypes of MCI have been proposed to
Symposium). J Intern Med 2004; 256: 183–194. broaden the concept and include prodromal forms of
a variety of dementias. It is suggested that the
The concept of cognitive impairment intervening
diagnosis of MCI can be made in a fashion similar to
between normal ageing and very early dementia has
the clinical diagnoses of dementia and AD. An
been in the literature for many years. Recently, the
algorithm is presented to assist the clinician in
construct of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) has
identifying subjects and subclassifying them into the
been proposed to designate an early, but abnormal,
various types of MCI. By refining the criteria for MCI,
state of cognitive impairment. MCI has generated a
clinical trials can be designed with appropriate
great deal of research from both clinical and re-
inclusion and exclusion restrictions to allow for the
search perspectives. Numerous epidemiological
investigation of therapeutics tailored for specific
studies have documented the accelerated rate of
targets and populations.
progression to dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
(AD) in MCI subjects and certain predictor variables Keywords: mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s
appear valid. However, there has been controversy disease, aging.
Fig. 1 Hypothetical change in function as an individual develops
Alzheimer’s disease (adapted with permission from Ref. [50]). Over the years, several terms have been used to
describe an intermediate stage of cognitive impair-
ment. Benign senescence forgetfulness was one of
Normal the initial descriptors of this concept, and this term
was believed to be a variant of normal ageing [4]. In
Mild Cognitive
recent years, there has been a further study of this
Impairment concept, and whilst it was originally felt to reflect a
stage of normal ageing, more recent data have cast
some doubt on that [5]. In 1986, an National
Alzheimer’s Disease Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) work group
proposed the term, age-associated memory impair-
ment (AAMI) and this concept was meant to
Fig. 2 Cognitive continuum showing the overlap in the boundary
between normal ageing and mild cognitive impairment and characterize memory changes in ageing which were
Alzheimer’s disease (adapted with permission from Ref. [link- felt to be a manifestation of normal cognition [6].
RIDb1111]). These criteria referenced memory function in older
individuals to the performance of younger adults
degree of cognitive decline has taken place. The and this proved to be problematical for a wider
construct of MCI proposes to identify these individ- application of the term [7]. More recently, the term,
uals at an earlier point in the cognitive decline such ‘age-associated cognitive decline’ (AACD) has been
that if therapeutic interventions become available, proposed by individuals of the International Psycho-
clinicians can intervene at this juncture. geriatric Association to refer to multiple cognitive
Another manner in which to view this continuum domains presumed to decline in normal ageing [8].
in shown in Fig. 2. This figure demonstrates MCI as The Canadian Study of Health and Aging has used
interposed between the cognitive changes of normal the term, ‘cognitive impairment no dementia’
ageing and what might constitute very early (CIND), to characterize intermediate cognitive func-
dementia. Note that there is overlap on both ends tion of insufficient severity to constitute dementia
of the MCI bar indicating that the distinction [9]. This concept has been rather heterogeneous
between normal ageing and MCI can be quite subtle with regard to its inclusion of a variety of types of
and, in addition, the specific transition between MCI cognitive dysfunction, but more recently has been
and very early dementia can also be challenging. We refined to correspond more closely to MCI [10].
will use this theoretical construct as a background Consequently, there have been a variety of terms
against which to discuss the concept of MCI as a used to discuss transitional stages between normal
diagnostic entity. ageing and early dementia in the literature. MCI has
The continuum outlined in Fig. 2 can apply to a come to be recognized as a pathological condition,
variety of underlying dimensions. Most commonly, i.e. not a manifestation of normal ageing, and has
we refer to clinical criteria to distinguish between received a great deal of attention as a clinically
normal ageing and MCI and between MCI and useful entity.
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Deterioration Scale of 3 were followed and 23 of test of nonverbal memory to characterize the mem-
them progressed to dementia. ory impairment. As such, they found that 40% of
In a study from Harvard, Daly and colleagues their sample had reverted to normal and therefore
recruited a cohort of individuals through media concluded that MCI could be unstable. However,
advertisements and followed them longitudinally. their use of a single nonverbal memory test
These investigators used a modification of the may have also contributed to the instability and
Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) to detect individuals therefore, further refinement of the implementation
who had subtle memory impairments [20]. This of the memory criteria are needed.
group demonstrated a progression rate of 6% per The Religious Order Study is a research project
year which is somewhat lower than other studies. concerning nuns and priests who constitute a
This lower rate may represent a combination of volunteer cohort and are being followed longitudi-
factors including the recruitment strategy using nally [23]. Investigators from Rush Alzheimer’s
media advertising and the use of the CDR as the sole Disease Center followed 211 of these individuals
instrument for evaluation. and diagnosed them with MCI which included
A study from France employed MCI criteria and multiple domains of impairment in addition to
criteria for AACD to evaluate a cohort of 833 memory. These subjects were followed for a mean
subjects who had been followed longitudinally [21]. of 4.5 years and the authors concluded that MCI
In this epidemiological study, the investigators subjects developed AD at a rate 3.1 times those
retrospectively applied neuropsychologically based subjects who did not meet criteria for MCI.
criteria to diagnose MCI and compared the outcome Investigators from the Cardiovascular Health
of those subjects with that of a group who met Study applied criteria for the amnestic type of MCI
criteria for AACD. These investigators felt that MCI (a-MCI) and multiple domain-MCI (md-MCI) to their
was an unstable construct and that the AACD sample and calculated prevalence figures [24]. They
subjects showed a higher conversion rate. However, found that the overall MCI prevalence in the
the literal retrospective application of MCI criteria Pittsburgh site was 22% with a-MCI accounting for
using neuropsychological cutoff scores likely contri- 6% and md-MCI representing 16%. These are the first
buted to the instability of these rates. population-based prevalence data on MCI subtypes.
The PAQUID study from France also followed a The Canadian Study of Health and Aging evalu-
population-based cohort 1265 subjects longitudi- ated separate features of the criteria for a-MCI from
nally [22]. These investigators found that overall their CIND subjects to determine the relative contri-
MCI was a good predictor of progression to AD but bution of each of the factors [10]. They concluded
also indicated that MCI may be unstable over time. the subjective complaint and an impairment
These investigators used one neuropsychological in instrumental activities of daily living may be
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unnecessary for the definition of MCI; however, dementia and AD. If we consider the diagnosis of
regardless of the definition, most people with MCI dementia or AD in the clinic, we can evaluate a
progress to dementia, mostly AD. typical set of criteria such as those in Diagnostic and
Investigators from Stockholm used the Kungshol- Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) IV [29].
men Project to evaluate the outcome of subjects with The essential features of these criteria include: (i)
their definition of CIND [based on Mini-Mental State memory impairment, (ii) aphasia and/or apraxia,
Exam (MMSE) scores] [25]. They found an increased agnosia or an impairment in executive function. In
risk of developing dementia based on the level of addition, these deficits must include a significant
severity of CIND and noted that those subjects who impairment in social or occupational functioning and
improved from CIND did not have an increased risk constitute a change from a previous level of perform-
of subsequently progressing to dementia. ance. They also need to exclude other psychiatric
A decade ago, Dawe and colleagues reviewed the disorders or neurological explanations for the decline
concept of MCI at that time and concluded that there in function. Practically, the requirements for apraxia,
was a wide discrepancy in rates of progression agnosia, and executive dysfunction have been sub-
varying from 1 to 25% [26]. These investigators stituted with impairments in relevant cognitive
speculated that there were several factors contribu- domains such as language, attention/executive func-
ting to this variability including the source of the tion, and visuospatial skills. These domains can be
subjects, specific criteria used, methods for imple- assessed by commonly used cognitive measures. At
menting the criteria and length of follow-up. All of times other domains are also used such as problem-
these issues remain relevant today. solving, constructional praxis or behavioural fea-
A more recent review of MCI with recommenda- tures, but, in general, any commonly accepted
tions for future research was recently reported by domain beyond memory is regarded as being suffi-
Luis and colleagues at Mt Sinai Medical Center in cient for the diagnosis of AD. It is important to note
Miami [27]. They advocated for additional research that in addition to these cognitive impairments, there
to develop appropriate and sensitive neuropsycho- needs to be a concomitant impairment in functioning
logical and functional measures, reliable methods to either socially or occupationally. These features
assess progression, and epidemiologically oriented constitute the hallmarks of AD.
instruments that are sensitive to multiple cultures. Most clinicians are well familiar with these
As is apparent from the literature, there is criteria and make this diagnosis on a regular basis.
variability with regard to the characterization of A recent evidence-based medicine review of the
subjects with MCI. Some of this variability relates to literature on the validity of the criteria for dementia
the source of the subjects, i.e. clinic based versus and AD demonstrated that these criteria and other
epidemiologically derived and also to the specific variations of them are quite accurate in identifying
criteria employed as well as the implementation AD clinically when the diagnosis is confirmed with
strategies. When one defines a memory impairment, postmortem analysis [30]. As such, the criteria are
there are numerous procedures that can be used to valid. Although, as will be discussed later, it is likely
characterize these subjects and this likely contri- that these criteria are more precise when applied in
butes to differences amongst studies. Nevertheless, the clinic setting than in epidemiological field work.
in spite of this apparent lack of agreement, there also The most relevant issue concerning these criteria
is a relatively consistent pattern that indicates that for the present purposes relates to the manner in
subjects with MCI, however defined, are at an which they are operationalized. Certainly, the DSM-
increased risk of developing dementia and conse- IV criteria are quite open with respect to the manner
quently merit further study [28]. We will now turn in which the criteria are to be met. Specifically,
to the issue of applying MCI criteria diagnostically. cognitive functions are mentioned but not specified,
e.g. agnosia, and certainly instruments or cutoff
scores are not designated. The National Institute of
Diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer’s
Neurologic and Communicative Disorders and
Stroke (NINCDS) and Alzheimer’s Disease and Rela-
To put MCI in perspective, we need to consider how ted Disorders Association (ADRDA) criteria are
we make other comparable clinical diagnoses, e.g. somewhat more specific insofar as they indicate
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that the diagnosis of AD can be established by language, executive function and visuospatial skills
mental status testing and confirmed by neuropsy- with or without a memory impairment. Those with
chological tests [31]. This is a bit more precise but a memory impairment (amnesia) are labelled md-
also stops short of specifying particular instruments MCI + a and those without are labelled md-
and cutoff scores. MCI ) a. This distinction becomes relevant when
This approach to the diagnosis of AD is quite one discusses the outcomes of subjects with MCI.
reasonable. It would be virtually impossible for the The third, and least common type of MCI, is single
clinical/scientific community to agree upon nonmemory domain MCI in which a person has an
domains, instruments and cutoff scores for cognition impairment in a single nonmemory cognitive
and equally problematical for social or occupational domain such as language, executive function or
function impairments. Therefore, the assumption is visuospatial skills. These subjects likely have a
that clinicians will use their experience and instru- different outcome from those with a memory
ments of their choosing to make these judgements. impairment. It is also imperative that all of these
As indicated above, these decisions have been quite clinical subtypes of MCI have minimal impairments
accurate. in functional activities, i.e. do not represent a
In addition, in the setting of presumed AD, the significant change in function from a prior level,
aetiology of the clinical disorder is assumed to be and do not meet criteria for dementia.
degeneration. This is accounted for in the criteria by In addition to the clinical subtypes, there can also
statements concerning the gradual onset and pro- be multiple aetiologies or causes for each subtype as
gression of symptoms. In the more general situation depicted in Fig. 4. Therefore, if one selected the
the diagnosis of dementia using criteria such as those a-MCI subtype of a presumed degenerative aetiology,
found in DSM-III-R or in DSM-IV, criteria are this would likely represent a prodromal form of AD.
presented for the cognitive impairment in multiple However, one could also add the subtype of md-
domains in addition to a functional impairment MCI + a since this subtype has a high likelihood of
component. These criteria do not include any state- progressing to AD also [33]. However, the other
ments about the nature of the onset or the course of subtypes such as those emphasizing impairments in
the progression. Rather, in these instances once the nonmemory domains such as executive function
diagnosis of a general dementia has been made, one and visuospatial skills, may have a higher likelihood
searches for potential aetiologies by evaluating the of progressing to a non-AD dementia such as
nature of the onset, time course, variability in dementia with Lewy bodies [34]. Therefore, the
cognitive presentation, etc. Occasionally, ancillary combination of clinical subtypes and putative aeti-
tests such as laboratory studies and imaging proce- ologies can be useful in predicting the ultimate type
dures can contribute to the differential diagnosis of of dementia to which these persons will evolve.
the dementia. These data then in combination lead to
the conclusion that the dementia is based on a
degenerative process, e.g. AD, frontotemporal e
tiv r ic
dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies or a vascular Aetiology era la
r iat a
en cu ych m
g s Ps au
basis such as in vascular dementia. The diagnosis is De Va Tr
essentially made in a two-step procedure with the MCI
clinical determination of dementia emerging first, Amnestic AD Depr
Clinical classification
distinction is between normal ageing and MCI MMSE and shows no impairments in complex
rather than between MCI and AD. activities of daily living, despite the subjective
As one can see, the application of the MCI criteria is complaint, the person may be normal. Of course,
very similar to that employed for the diagnosis of other explanations for this cognitive complaint, such
dementia or AD. The fundamental change involves a as depression, must also be entertained. There are
shift in threshold of cognitive impairment that the many instances, however, in which a clinician is
clinician is willing to recognize. This presents a uncertain as to the precise cognitive status of the
challenge for all of us insofar as the standards for person and may entertain the diagnosis of MCI. In
normal ageing, as will be discussed below, can be this instance, the diagram in Fig. 5 may help the
difficult to determine. In the older subjects, a degree of diagnostic process [36].
memory impairment is frequently seen and felt to be Once the clinician has determined that the person
associated with ageing and consequently, the demar- is neither normal nor demented, the next decision
cation between normal ageing and early MCI can be a involves assessing a decline in function. This is done
clinical challenge. Nevertheless, the concept is through a careful history from the patient and
reasonable and several multicentre studies have preferably a collateral source. If there is evidence for
now documented that these criteria can be imple- a decline in cognition, the clinician must then
mented on a reliable basis across institutions [35]. determine if this change in cognition constitutes a
significant impairment in functional activities such
that the person might be considered for having a very
Proposed diagnostic scheme
mild dementia. However, if the functional impair-
To consider a procedure for generating a diagnosis of ment is not significant, the clinician may entertain
MCI in a new patient, Fig. 5 may help to guide the the diagnosis of MCI and the next task is to identify
diagnostic process. Ultimately this scheme will lead the clinical subtype. The clinician should next assess
to the classification outlined in Fig. 4. Presuming a memory more carefully, perhaps with a word list
person or another individual with knowledge about learning procedure or paragraph recall. There are no
the person expresses some concern about the generally accepted instruments for this determin-
person’s cognitive function, the doctor must make ation, and neuropsychological testing may be useful.
a judgement. Based on the history and a mental If the clinician determines that a significant
status exam, the doctor makes a judgement as memory impairment is present, the person is
to normal cognition or suspected dementia. For described as having a-MCI with a memory impair-
example, if the person has a clear impairment in ment. However, if no memory impairment is present
functional activities and scores 20 of 30 on the then the person has non amnestic MCI (na MCI).
MMSE, this person will likely be demented. The next step in the process is to determine if the
Although, if the person scores 29 of 30 on the person has an isolated cognitive domain impairment
or not. Therefore, if the person has a-MCI, the
Mild Cognitive Impairment clinician needs to assess other cognitive domains
Cognitive complaint such as language, attention/executive function or
Not normal for age visuospatial skills, to determine if the impairment is
Not demented
Cognitive decline just memory or involves other domains as well and
Essentially normal functional activities
hence is a-MCI-multiple domain. If memory is the
only domain impaired in a relative sense, then the
Yes Memory impaired? No
classification is a-MCI-single domain. If other
Amnestic MCI Non-Amnestic MCI
domains are impaired in addition to memory, the
Memory Single nonmemory classification is a-MCI-multiple domain. Similarly, if
Yes impairment only? No Yes cognitive domain No
impaired? memory is not impaired, na-MCI is the classification,
Amnestic MCI Amnestic MCI Non-Amnestic MCI Non-Amnestic MCI
and again the determination is then made of either a
Single Domain Multiple Domain Single Domain Multiple Domain
single nonmemory domain or multiple nonmemory
Fig. 5 Flow chart of decision process for making diagnosis of
domains being impaired yielding na-MCI-single
subtypes of mild cognitive impairment (with permission from domain or na-MCI-multiple domain, respectively. This
Ref. [36]. classification scheme will serve of heuristic value to
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determine the ultimate outcome of these four scale, a GDS of 3 can represent either MCI or AD in
subtypes of MCI. much the similar fashion as a CDR of 0.5. Conse-
quently, if the research group characterizes their
subjects as having a GDS 3, one is not certain if they
Variability in the literature
are referring to subjects of similar MCI category or
As research on MCI progresses, several areas of mild AD [19, 41, 42].
controversy have arisen. Some studies have used Therefore, whilst rating scales can be useful in
alternate criteria for MCI leading to variable results. certain settings, they also have inherent limitations
In particular, the operationalization of the criteria and should not be confused for the operational
have led to mixed results. Longitudinal studies have equivalent of clinical criteria. This can cause confu-
differed on their outcomes and follow-up character- sion in the literature.
Normal reference standards
Rating scales
A great deal of clinical judgement is involved in
Whilst the criteria outlined in Table 1 represent making a decision concerning normal versus MCI.
commonly accepted guidelines for a-MCI, these Inherent in this decision is a discussion of what is
recommendations are by no means universally ‘normal’ as a reference point. Normal performance
accepted. It is not uncommon for research groups can be viewed from a variety of perspectives
to substitute various stages on rating scales as including, amongst others, optimally normal, typic-
equivalent to the clinical diagnosis of MCI. This can ally or statistically normal. Some groups have
lead to difficulties. A commonly used instrument in studied individuals who are ageing optimally [43].
research on ageing dementia is the CDR [37, 38]. These subjects have been selected from those elderly
The CDR is a rating scale ranging from normal (CDR individuals who are relatively devoid of comorbid
0) to questionable dementia (CDR 0.5) and ulti- illnesses. This is a reasonable approach to studying
mately to varying stages of dementia, mild (CDR 1), optimal health and characterizing potential per-
moderate (CDR 2) and severe (CDR 3). Some formance of individuals. This approach can lead to
research studies have equated a CDR 0.5 to MCI; the inference that any decline in performance is due
however, it should be noted that the CDR is a to some disease, yet studies often demonstrate that
severity rating scale and not a diagnostic instru- even in the absence of significant disease, some
ment. Therefore, subjects with a CDR of 0.5 may cognitive decline is inevitable.
meet the criteria stated above for MCI or they may Another approach is to study typical or statistically
represent very mild AD. This can have implications normal subjects [44]. In this instance, criteria for
for the interpretation of progression of subjects. For normal function are identified similar to those used in
example, in clinical trials, some studies have the Mayo research studies: (i) no active neurological
enrolled subjects with MCI and used progression to or psychiatric disease, (ii) no psychotropic medica-
AD as a primary outcome [39]. Other studies have tions, and (iii) the subjects may have medical disor-
proposed progression along the CDR from 0.5 to 1. ders but neither they nor their treatment compromise
This is fundamentally different, however, as the cognitive function. This group of reference subjects
clinical classification of AD may reside in the CDR of constitutes a typical ageing cohort but it must be
0.5 or 1. Therefore, if one uses the clinical progres- recognized that these subjects may also be experien-
sion from MCI to AD as the outcome measure, the cing slight cognitive impairments. A question arises
subject may still remain in a CDR 0.5 category. as to whether these cognitive impairments are
Similarly, the Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) is associated with disease or the ageing process itself.
another commonly used severity rating scale for The NIMH work group in the mid-1980s sugges-
dementia [40]. On the GDS, a score of 1 or 2 ted using young normals’ performance as a refer-
represents variations of normal function with and ence point [6]. This position assumed that any
without a subjective complaint, respectively. Higher change in performance relative to young normals
stages of GDS from 3 to 7 represent varying stages of represented a change because of ageing. However,
increasing degree of cognitive impairment. In this subsequent research has documented that depending
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upon which instrument and measures were chosen, members who are concerned about the subject’s
one could classify up to 90% of all older individuals cognitive function. There may be a higher repre-
as having AAMI [7, 45]. sentation of cases with a positive family history for
Finally, some investigators have argued that a dementia as well.
change in performance is an index of abnormal On the contrary, cases recruited in these settings
function [46]. This position assumes that normal may get more thorough evaluations including
subjects will remain stable or improved over time extensive histories from the subject and an inform-
but any decline likely represents incipient disease. ant as well as detailed neuropsychological testing
The difficulty with this position is that the course of and a variety of neuroimaging studies. This evalu-
change in normal subjects is variable and may be ation may lead to more precise diagnoses and a
instrument-dependent. Some research has indicated possible careful classification of MCI subtypes. Pre-
that repeated testing of normal subjects results in sumably, this may also lead to a more pure culture
improved performance, at least initially [47]. of cases with greater stability in their outcome.
None of these approaches to defining normal Alternatively, if the MCI cases are derived from a
performance in ageing is absolutely right or wrong. epidemiological study, other considerations apply
Each reflects a different position for characterizing [21, 22, 49]. For example, by definition there is no
performance. Many research groups use a variation restriction on the nature of the sample. If it is a truly
of age-adjusted normative neuropsychology data to random sample of certain age groups, there will
gauge impairment. Some argue that this approach likely be multiple types, degrees and causes of
results in an underassessment of impaired perform- cognitive impairment encountered. As such, this
ance as most normal subject groups include incipi- type of study must be capable of addressing clinical
ent cases of dementia who are going to develop the heterogeneity and determining which types of cog-
full manifestation of the disease process in ensuing nitive impairment may lead to various forms of
years [48]. Counter arguments claim that this effect dementing illnesses. Therefore, in certain respects,
is minimal [45]. At present, there is no definite the challenge is greater for the epidemiological
solution to this problem, but readers of the literature studies, yet the tools of evaluation may be somewhat
need to be aware of the set of assumptions being limited. Since the study of large populations requires
employed in any research study. relatively brief assessments with screening batteries,
questionnaires and assessment techniques, the
breadth of the data may be somewhat compromised.
Source of subjects
This is not a criticism of the investigators performing
A third component of the variability with regard to the studies; rather, it is a result of the research
studies in the literature pertains to the sources of environment. Out of necessity, less thorough exam-
subjects for a particular study. A great deal of inations need to be done because of the large
literature on MCI has been generated from clinical number of evaluations that must be carried out.
settings such as dementia or memory disorders These are generally carried out by very skilled
clinics [12, 17–20]. This rather constrained envi- research staffs who are trained at performing
ronment has several implications for the outcomes screening evaluations on large cohorts of subjects
of these studies. The referral nature of these clinics as opposed to making fine clinical discriminations as
predisposes to a certain type of patient population. may be required in the setting of MCI.
Depending upon the recruitment mechanism of the Consequently, whilst the sources of subjects can
clinic, certain preselection criteria may be in place, be very important for the outcome of the study, this
which may lead to recruiting subjects who may factor is likely confounded with the nature of the
have a degenerative aetiology of their symptoms. evaluation procedures. In the clinic setting, the
Cases, which are ‘messy’, such as those involving subjects may be subtly preselected to yield a certain
trauma or substance abuse, may be excluded. As type of presentation, and the subjects likely undergo
such, the resultant cohort might be ‘cleaner’ than a very thorough evaluations by expert clinicians. In
community-based sample. In addition, these subjects the field study, there is likely to be more heterogen-
may have a cognitive complaint or their problems eity in the subject population and out of necessity,
may have been brought to the attention of family the evaluations must be somewhat more cursory.
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