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Contact: +91 8610614755

Rishabh Tyagi rishabhtyagi4298@gmail.com


PayPal, Chennai — Software Engineer
● Backend engineer at Compliance team. The team develops and maintains spring-boot Java, C++, Python
microservices that provide compliance checks for PayPal transactions.
● Added flow for 1099k US tax policy in transaction orchestrator & Altus Message Queue. It takes care
of SoR updates and calling Tax collection APIs. This policy will provide a check to about 70-80% of SKILLS
transactions. ​Spring-boot, AI/ML,
● Made changes in remittance transfer rule policy implementation as per the requirements. sklearn, NumPy, JAX-RS,
● Worked on framework and cache upgrade for components Django
● Developed a python script that highlights the changes done in two versions of an excel sheet. A
productivity tool to save efforts Achievements
● Wrote pig scripts for monitoring dashboards
● Under the top 15 in
TCS, Bangalore — (AI/ML) Software Engineer PayPal hackathon
Nov 2020 - May 2021
● Worked on NLP pipelines for Text classification. Classified tickets into different buckets based on ● Google India Challenge
the description text. Cleaned the text and used TF-IDF with different classifiers to get around 80%
● Created Audio Analysis solutions for call center recordings. Performed K-Means clustering to Android app
separate each user in a call recording (Speaker diarization). Provided rating based on the tone of development training
the customer care executive. program
● Created Analytics tools with NumPy, sklearn. Created dashboards for them using Django,
bootstrap and CSS.
● Amrita Nidhi
Dattendriya Data Science Solutions, Salem — (AI/ML) Software Engineer Intern scholarship
May 2018 - July 2018
secured all India rank
● Time series Analysis was done using Holt winters and ARIMA algorithms. These were
implemented in (embed R) K. The database in use was KDB+. under 1500 in AEEE and
receive a 50% tuition fee
● Applied APRIORI algorithm on a US medical drug data set. Found pairs of frequently bought
medicines. waiver
● Used beautiful soup and selenium for web scraping. Collected data for observing relation between
numerical data and their visualization techniques.
● Secured 2nd rank in ML
machine learning
Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore — B.Tech (Computer Science) hackathon conducted at
Aug 2016 - Aug 2020, CGPA: 8.89/10 the college annual tech
Muzix - (Dec 2018 – Mar 2019)
( Android Music App, which gives temperature-based recommendations )
● An Android music player that senses local temperature using the mobile’s thermal sensor and
records it when music is played. It keeps count of every song played in a particular temperature
range and recommends the most frequently played song in the current temperature range.
Wind resource assessment - (Oct 18 – Mar 19)
(Performance comparison of machine learning algorithms for time series analysis)
● Studied a data set that contains the last 10 years’ wind energy production data for a Wind Farm. I
have used conventional methods like ARIMA, Holt-Winters, & Facebook Prophet for time series
analysis, and a few classification algorithms such as Random Forest, SVM, and RNN to recursively
generate forecast values of wind energy.
Plant disease detection using CNN - (Feb 2018 – Mar 2018)
● An application to detect plant disease using leaf images. We have trained a CNN with healthy and
affected leaves to detect disease based on the leaf image.

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