Electrostatics and Capacitors

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Paper 2
2 hours

Questions and Answers

Paper II 2024
Paper Two
2 hours
Teacher: Walter OKELLO


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• Assume where necessary;

Speed of light in a vacuum, c = 3.0 × 108 ms−1

-week3 : Magnetism and Electrostatics

Week 3

1. (a) i. Define the term capacitance of a capacitor (01 mark)

Capacitance of a capacitor is the ratio of the magnitude of charge between the plates to
the p.d between the plates.
ii. Explain the process of charging a capacitor from a battery. (04 marks)
When the battery of emf, say Vo , is connected across the plates A and B of a capacitor,
electrons are urged by the battery from plate B and get deposited on plate A. Thus, B
acquires a positive charge while A acquires a negative charge and a p.d, V , between the
plates comes into existence. As charges accumulate, V increases and since it is
opposing Vo , the charging current I decreases. When V becomes equal to Vo , the
capacitor is said to be fully charged with respect to the battery p.d Vo and the charging
current, I becomes zero. When the battery is disconnected, the plates retain their
iii. Derive an expression for the energy stored in a capacitor of capacitance C, farads when
connected to a d.c source of emf V, volts. (04 marks)
iv. Two capacitors each of capacitance 500P F (1P F = 10−12 F ) and with air as a
dielectric between them are connected to each other in parallel and charged by 6V
battery. The battery is removed, the capacitors remaining connected and an insulating
liquid is poured into one of the capacitors increasing its capacitance to 2500P F .
a. Calculate the charge on each capacitor before and after the liquid is poured in. (04
b. Calculate the change in energy (05 mark)
v. Describe an experiment to determine the capacitance of a capacitor using a ballistic
galvanometer. (05 marks)
(b) i. Define dielectric strength (01 mark)
Is the maximum potential gradient beyond which a dielectric material breaks down.
Or A maximum electric field intensity on an insulator that it can withstand without
becoming conducting.
ii. A 200µF capacitor is connected a cross a 120V battery and allowed to charge fully.
The capacitor is then disconnected from the battery and instead connected to an electric
heater immersed in 1.0cm3 of water at room temperature. assuming no energy loses
occur in the process, determine the temperature change in the water.
( Take density of water as 1.0gcm−3 ) (04 marks)

iii. Two capacitors of capacitance 3µF and 2µF respectively are connected in series, the
free plate of the smaller being connected to earth. If the free plate of the larger is
charged to a potential of 200volt, determine the potential difference across the smaller
capacitor and the energy stored in it. (05 marks)
iv. The movement of a thin metal diaphragm in a pressure guage is determined by the
arrangement shown where two electrodes E1 and E2 and the diaphragm, D from two
plates C1 and C2 in series.

Assume equilibrium distance E1 to D and D to E2 be both equal to d, and effective

area of C1 and C2 to be A.
(V (d + x))
Show that V1 =
Where x is the distance moved by the diapragm down from its central equilibrium
positrion. (04 marks) (04 marks).

2. The End

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