Is Reformed
Is Reformed
Is Reformed
In early 1500’s many individuals set out to establish a revised set of Christian principals. Those principles
were to have the effect of restoring the church in it’s totality from what was viewed as the defective
practice of Christianity found within the Roman Catholic church and to reject the idea that simply
following “tradition” was sufficient for matters of faith and belief.
The reformers, as they would become known, would insist that the written “Word of God” be held as
the ultimate source of appeal in all matters of faith, and that all other sources of knowledge, including
church tradition and personal experience, had to appeal to this central source for validation. As a result
of the demand for the preeminence of the written “Word of God” 5 Solas or affirmations were created
Sola Fide ~ by faith alone, our only means, in specific reference to justification.
Sola Scriptura ~ by the Scriptures alone, our only foundation in reference to authority.
Solus Christus ~ by Christ alone, as our sole mediator and intercessor before God.
Soli Deo Gloria ~ to God alone the glory. Our only ambition.
Although there were many proponents of these teachings and beliefs, such as Martin Luther (1483-
1546) who was said to be the first and greatest of the reformers; there was none as prolific as French
theologian, John Calvin (1509-1564) Dr. Calvin, one of the greatest theologians of the reformed
tradition, set forth a set of Christian principles and specific theological trains of thought as to what and
how the church should believe and interpret the Bible as it pertains to matters of salvation, Christian
living and government. Although these principles were not entirely his invention, he offers much
information through his writings that are held in high esteem among many, if not most, reformed
churches today.
In this writing we will point out many of the principals that Dr. Calvin set forth and that many within the
reformed tradition hold dear today. We will make assertions and also ask certain questions to challenge
the logic of many reformed beliefs as it pertains to God and the Bible.
T~ Total Depravity
U~ Unconditional election
I~ Irresistible grace
This affirmation of reformed and Calvinistic dogma was adopted primarily in opposition to the 5 Articles
Of The Remonstrance (an expression of opposition or protest) originally created by a theologian name
Jacob Arminius (1560-1609). The Remonstrance, which also contained 5 points, was actually submitted
to the church of Holland in 1610 by the followers of Dr. Arminius after his death in 1609. Dr. Arminius
opposed the ideas of election and predestination as set forth by Dr. Calvin and as promoted by most
reformed theologians and ideologues of the era.
The doctrine of predestination was and is currently a major focus of reformed doctrine. It is interesting
to note that Dr. Calvin warned against delving too deeply into the subject of predestination in his
writings (John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 21, section 1). Unfortunately,
predestination became the controlling principle in reformed theology, expressed by the Synod of Dort,
and yet remains a topic of much controversy within reformed theology and the Christian community
Although other reformed and Calvinistic confessions arose such as the Westminster Confession of Faith,
whose Assembly at Westminster (1643-1652) met in defiance of the English King, the confession
adopted by the Synod of Dort seems to be one of the most common and widespread throughout the
United States. This is partially due to the preaching and ministry of Puritan Reformist, Jonathan Edwards
(1703-1758) whose ministry became widely accepted during the First Great Awakening (1730’s – 1740’s)
Understanding The Reformed Message. The Basics
One is hard pressed to define an exact “Reformed Doctrine” due to variations and mixing and matching
within the tradition itself, there are however certain components that are generally accepted by most if
not all adherents to reformed doctrine. The summation of reformed doctrine is called monergism–
primarily meaning “the work of one”. We will lay out some of the rather more common aspects of
monergistic doctrine at this point.
1- The Sovereignty Of God ~ God is sovereign and has decreed certain things for HIS own purpose, will
and pleasure, without any explanation to any of his creation. This is the starting point for most reformed
theology today. A proof text for this could be:
(Isa. 46:10,11)“…My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please… What I have said, that will I bring
about; what I have planned, that will I do.”
2- Total Depravity ~ As a result of Adam’s sin, everyone is born in a “depraved” state or condition. This
means that although people do good things from time to time, they are yet constitutionally unable to
submit themselves to the gospel and turn in any way to truth. Proof texts for this could be:
(Rom. 3:11,12) “.. . there is none who seeks for God; all have turned aside, together they have become
useless . . .”
(John 6:44, 65) “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him
up at the last day…..And He was saying, “For this reason I have said to you, that no one can come to Me,
unless it has been granted him from the Father.”.
3- Unconditional Election ~ This teaching is best summed up like this; because of total depravity,
salvation is completely dependent on God’s choice (Sovereignty) to bestow it. In this construct, for his
own good reasons, God sovereignly chooses which individuals he will save. “Unconditional” is to mean
that there are no conditions that humans must meet, including faith. Faith is a purely a gift of God, and if
human-generated faith plays a part in salvation, salvation is not entirely by grace. Proof texts for this
belief would be:
(Eph. 1:4,5) “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and
blameless before Him. In love He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself,
according to the kind intention of His will . ..”
(1 Pet. 2:8) “they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also
(ROM 9:16,18,22-24) “So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on
God who has mercy . . . (18) So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He
desires . . . (22) What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known,
endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction? And He did so in order that He
might make known the riches of His glory upon vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for
glory, even us, whom He also called, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles. . . .”
4- Double Predestination ~ Also known as reprobation means that God predestines the elect to heaven,
and that he predestines the non-elect to hell
(II Thess. 2:13) “But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord,
because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and
belief of the truth:”
(I Peter 2:8)“And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word,
being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.”
(Jude 4)– “For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this
condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only
Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.”
(John Calvin stated) “…(God) does not create everyone in the same condition, but ordains eternal life for
some and eternal damnation for others.” (Cited in Alister McGrath, Christian Theology, p. 396) Please
note: Not all Calvinists believe in double predestination. Instead, they follow Saint Augustine’s teaching
that God is active only in the salvation of the elect, while he is passive with regard to the non-elect.
4- Limited Atonement ~ Christ died for the purpose of saving only the elect. Calvinists infer this from the
passages that say that Christ died “for his people” Since God sovereignly elected some to salvation, he
sent Christ to die only for them. Not all Calvinists hold to limited atonement
5- Irresistible Grace ~ God’s grace in salvation includes imparting saving faith to the elect. This grace is
irresistible since it does not depend on human will God causes the elect to believe the gospel (Acts
13:48), even though they may not be aware of this fact. Proof texts for this belief may include:
(Jn. 6:37)-“All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly
not cast out.”
(Acts 13:48)-“When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all
who were appointed for eternal life believed.”
6- Perseverance Of The Saints ~ Because election depends on God, those who are elected cannot lose
their salvation (i.e., eternal security). However, the elect will show evidence of their election by
continuing to believe in Christ and manifesting good works consistent with salvation This teaching was
the origin of “Lordship Theology”.
(2 Pet. 1:10) “Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and
choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble.”
(Heb. 3:6,14) “Christ was faithful as a Son over His house whose house we are, if we hold fast our
confidence and the boast of our hope firm until the end . . . For we have become partakers of Christ, if
we hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end.”
In This Part 1 I have taken the time to outline the basics of Reformed or Evangelical Theology. I hope
that I have not been disengenuous to the rich history and traditions of faith in any measure. If so, you
may comment or correct me as you are able.
In part 2, I will outline more specifically the problems associated with Reform Theology outlining 7
critical points that in our opinion effect the validity of Reformed Theology. My critique should not be
understood in the light of denying or claiming to deny salvation for the millions of believers who practice
and have practiced Reformed Doctrine at some point in history. Our effort is to shed light on some of
the more flawed assertions that Reformed Theology presents in general along with providing more
poignant, biblical alternatives to such beliefs.
Is Reformed & Evangelical Theology Biblical? Pt. 2
For those who have not read part one of this article, I would advise that you stop a moment and do so
now for much of what you will read is in direct response to Reformed and Evangelical Theology. As
Stated at the end of part one, our objective is to point out the critical flaws associated with Reformed
Doctrine while simultaneously offering what we feel is a better and more biblically credible alternative
to many biblical intepretives rendered by reformed theologians.
This debate has raged for over 400 years and I do not expect to settle it here however, that does not
disuade me from trying…<:)
1- Reformed Theology begins with the premise of a characteristic of God rather than that of HIS essence.
As demonstrated, monergism begins with the thought that God is Sovereign. Although it is correct that
God is soveriegn, sovereignty describes a characteristic of God and does not describe his essence. This
simply describes what he chooses to do or HIS actions. I submit that this is simply not the best place to
begin when it comes to matters of salvation toward humanity.
A much better place to begin a theology of salvation is where God has revealed his essence to humanity
through Jesus Christ. Rather than Sovereignty, which is a prerogative of God’s will and actions, one is
better served to express the love of God. HIS love is the unending river from which HIS sovereignty is
exercised among men. Love better indicates the nature and essence of God according to scripture:
(I John 4:8) ~ “He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love”
(John 3:15) ~ “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn
the world; but that the world through him might be saved”
(John 15:13-14) ~ “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are
my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.”
(I John 4:16-19) ~ “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he
that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. Herein is our love made perfect, that we may
have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love;
but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in
love. We love him, because he first loved us.”
(I John 3:16) ~ “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought
to lay down our lives for the brethren.”
This concept is vitally important to understand. Why? Because God has communicated truth to the
WORLD because he loves the whole of mankind and has moved to free man from his sin, not to destroy
man in his sin. This is one of the first acknowledgements that must be made in order to have a more
effective understanding of our union with the Creator. Reformed Theology as commonly taught and
understood in many circles today does not begin from this perspective and therefore neglects that God’s
sovereignty, as it pertains to the salvation of mankind, is exercised from the position and nature of God’s
Although God is sovereign, HE has invested all to save humanity from their sins and HIS grace is
abundant throughout HIS creation to ALL of his creation not just a select group.
2 – By virtue of his essence or nature (LOVE), God has not Limited HIS atonement or grace toward
humanity. If that were true, HIS atonement would be ineffectual to the world and powerless to those
who in Dr. Calvin’s view, were not the elect. Grace therefore would become a penalty to some and a
blessing to others.
(Titus 2:11) ~”For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,”
The grace that has appeared to ALL men is the grace that BRINGETH salvation
(John 12:32) ~ “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
The purpose of the Cross was to DRAW ALL men not a select few, and certainly not to reject those who
would come.
(II Corinthians 4:6-7) ~ “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our
hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this
treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.”
God shined in our hearts “out of darkness” meaning that when we were in darkness he shined to give
the light of knowledge. Darkness indicates two things:
(I Timothy 2:3-4) ~ “For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all
men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth”
(II Peter 3:9) ~ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Saved folk need no repentance only sinners who don’t know God.
(Matt. 9:12-13) ~ “But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a
physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not
sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”
(Romans 5:2) ~ “By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in
hope of the glory of God.”
(Romans 5:15) ~ “But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many
be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath
abounded unto many”
These scriptures explain 2 types of Grace. One Grace “wherein we stand” after being saved (v.2) and a
Second grace that “hath abounded to many” or extended to us (all individuals) to be saved (v.15)
through and by our Lord Jesus Christ.
(II Cor. 4:14) ~ “For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving
of many redound to the glory of God.
(I Timothy 1:13) ~ “And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in
Christ Jesus.”
3- The Calvinist/Reformist says, “OK, then, since man is Totally Depraved without the natural ability to
hear or respond to God, where did the faith come from that repentant sinners exercise? Certainly not
of themselves. So from where did it proceed?
We acknowledge that faith came from God given to man. For the scripture has said this:
(II Peter 1:3) ~ “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and
godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:”
“All things that pertain unto life and godliness” also includes faith, and the ability to believe. That ability,
given by God, includes the free-will of man. Therefore, it is improper to believe that God has somehow
restricted or prohibited men from belief or the ability to come to saving faith since the complete object
of God’s position towards mankind was to provide a savior.
4- The reformist would hold that what I set forth (in point 3) is a form synergism or a combination of
God’s grace and man’s free-will being exercised in order for one to be saved and therefore contrary to
Sola Gratia or grace alone.
One of the best examples here is this: God has written a check that you did not earn. It is a free gift . Is it
really considered work or helping God when you take the check to the bank and cash it? NO. You do
yourself a favor by using what he has delivered to you, but you gave yourself nothing. Cashing the check
in no way dimishes the roll of God, HIS grace, or HIS sovereignty.
The free gift of grace that has been given by God is no less powerful and no less effective when I turn to
God with the same free-will that he has allowed to come alive in me because of the propitiation of Jesus
in the world.
The illumination of our free-will and conscious has been done by God through a process called
Reconciliation through the process of Regeneration:
(Romans 5:8-10) ~ “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through
him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more,
being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”
“Reconciliation”~ is the process by which God and people are brought together again. The Bible teaches
that they are alienated from one another because of God’s holiness and human sinfulness. Although
God loves the sinner (Rom. 5:8), it is impossible for Him not to judge sin (Heb. 10:27). Therefore, in
biblical reconciliation, both parties are affected. Through the sacrifice of Christ, people’s sins are atoned
for and God’s wrath is appeased. Thus, a relationship of hostility and alienation is changed into one of
peace and fellowship. The uniquess of Christian theology is that the initiative in reconciliation was taken
by God—while we were still sinners and “enemies,” Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8, 10; Col. 1:21).
Reconciliation is thus God’s own completed act, something that takes place before human actions such
as confession, repentance, and restitution. God Himself “has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus
Christ” (2 Cor. 5:18). Paul regarded the gospel as “the word of reconciliation” (2 Cor. 5:19). And knowing
“the terror of the Lord,” Paul pleaded, implored, and persuaded people to be “reconciled to God” (2 Cor.
This reconciliation is the very act of the preceding grace, or the grace that was taught by Jacob Arminius
to be “prevenient grace”.
(II Cor. 5:18-19) ~ “And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath
given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto
himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of
(Col. 1:21-22) ~ “And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet
now hath he reconciled In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and
unreproveable in his sight:”
Throughout all humanity culminating in the work and ministry of Jesus and specifically on the cross
when Jesus, hung his head and died. The Roman Centurion was among the first to have been illuminated
as a result of the finished work of grace and truth. (Mark 15:38-39, Luke 23:45-47)
(Matt. 27:50-54) ~ “Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold,
the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the
rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out
of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when
the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that
were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was the Son of God.”
The veil was what ceremonially separated between God and man. It represented the part of God’s
knowledge and revelation that the common man or common sinner could not experience. Although the
grace of God was ever present on the outside of the veil, when the veil was torn apart, there remained
nothing that could further separate God and man.
I contend that it was at that point that man (mankind) gained the ability to have an enlightened
conscious. Although man’s free-will was still tainted by the sin nature, now a light shined which did not
shine previously and that could not be dimmed. Man was given a renewed sense of the ability to choose
good and evil. This ability was present BEFORE the cross of Christ but was made efficacious after the
sacrifice on the cross.
(Deut. 30:19) ~ “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and
death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:”
The Law (Pentateuch) provided clear evidence that a choice for or against the will of God could be
exercised at a time BEFORE the sacrificial offering and atonement of Jesus.
(John 1:4) ~ “In him was life; and the life was the light of men”
The New Testament outlines that that “life” and “light” was in Jesus. This scripture indicates 2 things
1- That there was a replacement of death (life = redemption) provided by the Jesus and
2- That life was the illumination (light = regeneration) of men (aka mankind)
5- The Reformationist believes solidly in election and predestination. In fact the most strict monergist
believes that the “elect CANNOT miss their salvation” no matter what they do because they are elect to
participate in the grace of God from the beginning. Likewise he also believes that there are certain
individuals (the non-elect) that are born or destined to go to hell.
This particular element of Reformed Theology is probably one of it’s most exasperating and divisive
teachings. The doctrine of unconditional election if taken to it’s logical conclusion would teach that
salvation is totally dependent upon God’s choice as is his prerogative, and that man does not under any
circumstance have the ability to provide a response to the call of salvation or the resultant end which is
the salvation of God.
This element is class distinction between the elect and those that are not elect and is dangerously close
to fatalistic pre-determinism, which offers no room for choice and at best sets parameters by which
free-will operates. In essence this doctrine creates only an illusion of free-will. To the atheist and non
Christian, this becomes a great source of contention for obvious reasons and in large part a reason that
many Christians do not accept reformed theology. It should be noted that many reform believers reject
this element of the doctrine. Strict adherence to this element and other more restrictive elements of the
theology are not necessarily essential to the application of reformed theology.
To further demonstrate the point, Reformed Blacks Of America addresses the issue of Limited
Atonement in the following manner:
“Jesus died and rose for those whom the Father predestined. If God were to die for all, then all would be
saved. The atonement is sufficient for all, but not efficacious for all. The atonement is accomplished and
eternally secured for the elect through the cross of Christ. Christ did not die a hypothetical death for
every single human being, but rather a real death for his people, his sheep whom he actually and really
saves. Therefore, the atonement is not limited in power, but in extent.”
This doctrine, when coupled with double predestination inspires questions and attitudes such as,
One should keep in mind what Dr. Calvin actually taught in this regard:
(John Calvin stated) “…(God) does not create everyone in the same condition, but ordains eternal life for
some and eternal damnation for others.” (Cited in Alister McGrath, Christian Theology, p. 396)
By his own statements Dr. Calvin sets forth the idea that some people are born to be lost. This is a rather
despairing way to live or exist especially since the doctrine also teaches a literal, perpetual hell coupled
with torment and not annihilation.
Although many credit Saint Augustine with the formulation of Evangelical doctrine, Dr. Calvin’s teachings
in this area were clearly at variance with Saint Augustine’s teaching. St Augustine (-Life-) taught that God
is active only in the salvation of the elect, while he is passive (inactive) with regard to the non-elect. This
may be a way for some to reconcile this problem.
Another interpretation regarding this issue and much closer to the source of the original Apostles was
Clement Of Alexandria. In debates against the gnostics of his day, Clement Of Alexandria (150-115 CE)
wrote the following in 195 CE regarding election:
“Therefore, all having been called, those who are willing to obey have been named “the called”. For
there is no unrighteousness with God…To these, prophecy says, “If you are willing and hear me, you will
eat the good of the land,” proving that choice or refusal depends upon ourselves.”
Here Clement Of Alexandria acknowledges that ALL have been called but only them that “obey” have
been named “the called” ie: elect. He goes on to provide his support for his position by invoking Isaiah
1:19 restating that in his understanding God has not withheld salvation from any man.
Sola Scriptura ~ by the Scriptures alone, our only foundation in reference to authority.
For many, this teaching of reformed theology is the most essential element. Without it no other
teaching is solidly affirmed. But is this teaching practical or meant to be applied in the way that many
reform theologians apply it?
Remember the imputus of the reformed theology is to return to the scriptural message that God has
delivered to his people through the Bible and to remove “tradition” especially “indulgences” from
matters of faith. The aim was against the tradition of the Catholic Church which had taken liberties that
were unbiblical. This was Martin Luther’s purpose for nailing the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle
Church in Whittenburg, Germany.
It is taught and commonly understood that the written word is the only current revelation whereby man
can know God. It is the final place of arbitration for all matters of Christian living and practice and that
God’s written word is the capstone of all Christianity and without it we are in trouble. Please note that
all of things are generally held to be true among most protestant Christians. However, there are
problems in understanding that must be addressed that cannot be overlooked regarding this issue.
Serious questions are outlined as follows:
In applying Sola Scripture does one dogmatically assert that each letter of the written text is an exacting
copy of what was originally written within the first manuscripts?
Is it necessary to assert that what was written in the New Testament is an all inclusive or a verbatim
disposition of the sayings of Christ, the disciples and eventually apostles in the gospels and Acts?
Why is it that many adherents to Sola Scriptura revert to “tradition” as it pertains to the exclusionary
teachings against the understanding of the perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts and the dispensation of the 5 fold
ministry offices?
What role does Oral Historicity and Oral Tradition have in establishing the scriptures that we have today,
and why has that tradition since the closing of the canon of scripture in 367 AD by Athanasius been
How do we account for the fact that all of the Apostles including Paul and the brother of our Lord,
James, were only persuaded in salvation after an experience with Christ in the resurrection? This is to
say that although the WORD (Pentateuch) was present, that was not the final place where salvation was
Although this type of argument can be a two-edged sword if not placed within proper context, we
cannot overlook the current works and studies of Professor Bart Ehrman, Professor of Religious Studies
at the University of NC and one of the worlds leading textual critics. Professor Ehrman has stated in his
work “Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why” (2006 San Francisco:
HarperSanFrancisco pg. 10) the following:
“These copies (in refrence to biblical texts and manuscripts) differ from one another in so many places
that we don’t even know how many differences there are.”
In fact Dr. Ehrman’s conclusion is that there were over 200,000 to 400,000 textual variants found within
scripture itself. This means that there were a significant number of changes and or scribal additions to or
from the original text.
In this writing I don’t have time to settle every issue as it pertains to the variants that Dr. Ehrman points
out but I will conclude this section by saying that the meaningful and viable variant number is
approximately 1% or less of all variants. Further those variants that are both meaningful and viable only
suggest a difference in orthopraxy (the practice of the Christian faith) and not orthodoxy(what the
Christian faith teaches). With that said even conservative scholars confirm that there are yet variants.
Is Sola Scriptura as taught in reform theology able to withstand the fact that variants within the
scriptural text exist? If so, do the variants affect the doctrine of scriptural inspiration in the way that
inspiration is often interpreted and applied under the monergist system?
As we can see these are not simple issues and do not deserve cavalieer answers. However people are
effected by many if not all of the doctrines set forthin this study.
Is Reformed and Evangelical Theology biblical? Certainly elements of the theology are biblical without
question, but yet there are important elements that are only constructions of men. One should be
careful as to not overstate his/her case when discussing these issues and related matters matters of
faith. There are, as I have demonstrated valid and more powerful and persuave arguments to be made
from scripture regarding many points that reformed theology attempts to address.
Additional Reading & Study: Has God Condemned Some While Saving Others?
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83 Responses
Diane says:
I dont know how Reformed believers get around the desire and Will of God, as shown in Ezekiel 18 “Do I
have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?” says the Lord God, “and not that he should turn
from his ways and live?”
tommichnay says:
John Piper has an excellent response to this in a chapter entitled “Are there two wills in God?” I believe
the book is called The Pleasures of God. D.A. Carson also handles this issue in a small book entitled, “The
Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God.” I recommend you look into these. Both of these men are
As for your question Eze. 18:23 you quoted, in v.30 reads “Therefore, I will judge you, O house of Israel,
every one according to his ways declares the Lord GOD, Repent and turn from all your
transgressions,lest iniquity be your ruin. v.32 so turn and live.”
Reformed believers don’t try to “get around” this verse. These verses are a call to repentance. Reformed
theology is clear. God is Sovereign in Salvation and man is dead in sin. The Scriptures also teach that
man is responsible for his sin. Calvinism affirms that sinners perish for one reason and only one reason,
refusing to repent.
[PHB~ Tom, Thanks for stopping by and thanks for reading and giving a critique on the article. It doesn’t
take a rocket scientist to see that we clearly disagree on some pretty significant points regarding this
issue and the basis and wielding of the soveriegnty of God about which we both agree. The problem I
have is this, what you say in the preceeding statement is inconsistent. You say there is a “call to
repentance” (once again we agree), that man is “responsible for his sin” (once again we agree) and that
sinners will perish for “refusing to repent” (once again, we agree)…but on your site you clearly say
this:“Many individuals falsely assume that ALL are called to be saved. While this is true in one sense (the
General call of the Gospel that goes out to everyone,) it is quite the opposite in another as this text
bears out. This “call” that Paul is speaking of here is a special one. Theologians draw a distinction
between general revelation and special revelation.”There we totally disagree and that total
disagreement is the whole deal in my opinion, because under your theological system fatalism to
damnation exists. We’re not talking about mere quality of life as in saying that not all men will be rich or
something of the sort, what you hold to is that God has decided to ultimately and completely withhold
his goodness and salvation from certain of his creatures while simultaneously and as far as we know
arbitrarily provide that goodness to others. I contend that your approach IS NOT biblical and is further
ungodly and is a twisting of scripture and an unwarrented interpretation of scripture. Under your
system, the call to repentance is false and is only mechanical in nature and not done to save the whole
world even though the whole world is preached to. Under your construct God acts within the world as a
deceiver, even if his intent is to only save those that have been “predestined” he ‘acts’ as if he has a
sincere call to all only to limit the actual appeal to them that are elect. So although the “elect” may be
lost at the time of the call, noone outside of that group will be saved or is really being preached to. So
that is a fault of the theology as promoted by most reformed apologists, teachers and promoters such as
Peter taught this in his sermon in Acts. Jesus was delivered over by the predetermined plan of God, but
was crucified by the hands of evil men. You have Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility. Scripture
affirms BOTH of these concepts. See Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J.I. Packer for a more
detailed explanation.
[PHB~ These things are not in dispute, however your obtuse teaching of it is. Jesus had a WILL that he
subjugated to the WILL of God. This is a crucial distinction. It is one of the basis upon which the “Person”
of God the son or the second person of the Trinity is determined. To merely claim that Jesus was
fatalistically assigned to his actions without the acknowledgement of his free-will decision to do so is yet
another fault and one with significant theological implications and considerations. Although that’s
certainly not an easy one, man, having been given the same or similar type of free will enjoins a similar
decision making process that certainly is constructed or shaped by God but not fatalistically
predetermined by God. there is a sharp and poignant distinction that you fail to make or address.]
tommichnay says:
In view of the elect being lost at the call please allow me to clarify with Romans 8:30 Moreover, whom
He predestined, these He also called; whom he called,, these he also justified; and whom He justified,
these he also glorified. Here you see my dear friend that the called are guaranteed to be justified and
consequently glorified. No one gets lost through the cracks.
This is not determinism, According to the Westminster Confession under God’s Eternal Decree Point 1.
“God from all eternity did by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably
ordain whatsoever comes to pass; yet so as thereby neither is God the author of sin; nor is violence
offered to the will of the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes taken away, but
rather established.” It is my sincere hope that this addresses your concern.
tommichnay says:
[PHB~ I know that is what you claim, however this is the point of the argument in general. I don’t believe
there is adequate scriptural support of that claim when the nuance of scripture is considered. See my
response to your other commentary to get more detail on at least one criticism that reformed apologists
work with and struggle to answer currently regarding the reformed thesis.]
Your questions. As for point 1. Scripture Alone affirms that Scripture is ALL that is necessary for us today,
period. God has spoken and His word is contained within the 66 books. (It seems to me you have
questions lie more with textual criticism.) Sola Scriptura doesn’t address this, it wasn’t an issue
historicaly when it was addressed. Evangelicals affirm that Scripture is infallible and inerrant in its’
original autographs. Furthermore, thus the need to continually compare various texts to ensure accurate
translation i.e. various codices, UBS Text, Nestle Aland, et cetera.
PHB~ Absolutely correct. What is transferred in the text? what Jesus said word for word or what jesus
meant by what he said? For example, how long does it take to read through teh Sermon On The Mount?
If this is one of his greatest messages, do you think that there may have been more actual content?
Granted i affirm with you that what we have is from the Lord. so that’s not in question. The question I
raise is that since we know that Jesus more than likely said a more abundance of actual words, it sounds
more like “alphabetic worship” to say that each letter was what Jesus specifically spoke. God has
specifically and expressly spoken it by his Spirit and we have teh letter taht we do according to the will
and word of God, but to set forth a dogmatism based on the physical letters and words themselves I
believe is more than we are called to do. Is what we have infallible in the original? Yes I believe so. Is
what we have the revealed word of God? Yes! Should we limit our complete understanding to God by
the letters written on the page? NO. To do so will reduce the scripture itself to “spiritless” rendering
which is not supported by scripture itself. John 6:63~ It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth
nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] ARE SPIRIT, and [they] are life. Now when you can tell
me how you can confine “spirit” to a mathematical equation or letters on a page you can let me know.]
Point 2. Yes, it is absolutely necessary to say that the 66 books known as canon are ALL inclusive. To say
anything to the contrary immediately calls into question what actually is and is not the Word of God.
Point 3. It is wrong to assume that many who affirm Sola Scriptura are cessationists (denying the
spiritual gifts/charismata). Wayne Grudem, Vern Poythress, both of whom are reformed do not fall into
this category. Also as a former Assembly of God member now Reformed, I had several Professors who
attended Reformed Seminaries that definitely affirmed Sola Scriptura and believed the gifts were in
operation today. Dr Douglas Oss, Dr. Dale Brueggeman, and Dr. Waverly Nunnally just to name a few.
[PHB~ That is good to note and maybe I can reword that section because I didn’t mean to broadbrush.
So thanks for looking out.]
Point 4. I believe you misunderstand the closing of the canon. This wasn’t singlehandly done by
Athanasius. Nor was canonicity decided by a group of men in smoke filled rooms forcing people to
accept/reject what was canon and what wasn’t. Most of canonicity had already been determined by
what was being accepted by the local churches. F.F. Bruce has done some great work on the subject
along with Norman Geisler’s work How We Got our Bible (even though Norm isn’t Reformed).
[PHB~ I haven’t really set forth and accounting of this issue. so statements toward this are incidental,
however onnce again, I’ll review and see the context in which I make certain conclusions. Sawyer,
Wallace and Komoszewski have also set forth a good and detailed account in Reinventing Jesus also.
Thanks again.]
Point 5. Your last point is ambiguous to say the least. Salvation in the Old Testament was accomplished
the same way it was in the New Testament. By Faith Alone. In the O.T. they looked forward to the
coming of the Messiah, In the N.T. they had to Repent and Believe the Gospel, Today, We look back.
Lastly we account for Paul’s salvation and James salvation the same way we do for anyone’s, solely on
Christs Righteousness, plus or minus nothing.
[PHB~ Yes, ultimately you’re correct, but in practice there’s a lot to be said here. In the NT all judgement
is based on works whether that was for reward or for eternal destiny. I take a look at that in my article,
“Are Works & Faith Inseperable?” This is a hot topic and one deserving of additional research and study
in my opinion and one that should not be merely discarded as many withyin reform circles have done.]
tommichnay says:
Faith and Works haven’t been discarded in reformed circles as many have wrote concerning this. Your
statement here is without suffficient ground or warrant. Dr. Norman Shepherd (formally from
Westminster Seminary), John MacArthur in “The Gospel According to Jesus”, and his “Gospel According
to the Apostles.” Earlier, J. Gresham Machen in “What is Faith?” Calvin himself dealt with this topic in his
institutes;moreover, so did the Westminster Confession of Faith” Lastly Luther in his Commentary on
Romans. This list is not meant to be exhaustive by any means, but to provide a starting point as the
backbone of what Reformed Theology represents.
In the Westminster Confession of Faith (hereby referred to as WCF) The larger catechism in Q. 76 asks,
“What is repentance unto life?” A. Repentance unto life is a saving grace wrought in the heart of the
sinner by the Spirit and the Word of God, whereby, out of the sight and sense, not only of the danger,
but also of the filthiness and odiousness of his sins, and upon the apprehension of God’s mercy in Christ
to such as are penitent, he so grieves for and hates his sins…purposing and endeavouring constantly to
walk with him in all the ways of new obedience.” See II Cor. 7:11
When you ask are works and faith inseperable, I believe you are contemplating the doctrines of
Justification and Sanctification. See WCF Q.77 Wherin do justification and sanctification differ? A.
Although sanctification be inseparably joined with justification, yet they differ, in that God in justification
imputeth the righteousness of Christ; in sanctification his Spirit infuseth grace, and enableth to the
exercise thereof; in the former sin is pardoned in the other it is subdued….”
Machen in What is Faith pg. 204 wrote “But if the faith regarded insufficient by James is different from
the faith commended by Paul, so also the works commended by James are different from the works
commended by James are different from the works regarded as inefficacious by Paul. Paul is speaking of
the works of the law, he is speaking of works that are intended to acquire merit in order that God’s favor
may be earned; James on the other hand is speaking of works like Abraham’s sacrifice of Issac that are
the real result of faith and show that faith is real faith.”
The difference of works in reformed thinking is that they establish nor gain any merit in salvation. (This
includes initial saving faith.) Pelagian, or semi-Pelagian thought emphasizes works as the basis for
salvation. Consequently many falsely assume that the reformers tossed works altogether. Martin Luther
flies in the face of this kind of thinking in his commentary of Romans in his introduction pg. 17
“Faith, however is a divine work in us…Oh it is a living busy, active, mighty thing, this faith and so it is
impossible for it not to do good works incessantly. It does not ask whether there are good works to do,
but before the question rises, it has already done them. He gropes and looks about after faith and good
works and knows neither what faith is nor what good works are….it is impossible to seperate works from
faith, quite as impossible as to separate heat and light fires. Beware therefore of your own false notions
and of the idle talkers who would be wise enough to make decisions about faith and good works, and
yet are the greatest fools. Pray God to work faith in yo; else you will remain forever without faith,
whatever you think or do.”
Calvin discussing James 2:21-22 (see MacArthur Faith Works pg. 92) wrote this “It appears that he is
speaking of the manifestation, not of the imputation of righteousness, as if he had said, Those who are
justified by ture faith prove their justification by obedience and good works…And as Paul contends that
men are justified without the aid of works, so James will not allow any to be regarded as justified who
are destitute of good works. Due attention to the scope will thus disentangle every doubt; for the error
of our opponents lies chiefly in this, that they think James is defining the mode of justification, whereas
his only object is to destroy the depraved security of those who vainly pretended faith as an excuse for
the contempt of good works.Therefore let them twist the words of James as they may, they will never
extract out of them more than the two propositions: That an empty phantom of faith does not justify,
and taht the believer, not contented with such an imagination, manifests his justification with good
In addition it is absolutely essential to understand that justification is by faith alone. Works merely
illustrate that truth. The WCF mentions that justification and sanctification are inseperable. I urge you
kindly not to say this topic has been discarded by people of the Reformed Faith. This is a gross
misunderstanding on your part. In response to it needing additional research, I can kindly assure you
that a multitude of articles in Theological Journals like JETS, WTJ and practically every Puritan wrote on
this topic. I hope you find this helpful.
[PHB~ Tom, Thanks for posting once again, I’ve placed your response in the comments section of the
post I mentioned (Are Faith & Works Inseperable?)and it is a good read…shaky, but a good read. What I
see is a desire to have it both ways. On one hand works can’t save (a sentiment to which I agree)
however they also can’t be discarded or minimized because eternal bliss or reward may just depend
upon them to a certain degree. Now the debate is over who the “Goats” are in Mt. 25 as a “sinner” isn’t
expected to do or have any good works so why and how would they be judged according to their works?
Secondly they would have already been separated not because they didn’t do “Christian” things but
because they didn’t follow the Lord. But what I see in Reformed Theology is an equivocation on the issue
to make faith and works have some sort of systemmatic appeal. There is much lacking however, which
cannot be simplified by reading a few reformed theologians mental exercises and simply saying, “now
take our word for it”. That may well be what they say, but none of it squares with the rest of their
doctrine and IF the teaching is effectual it is only effectual for them who are elect and predestined
according to your view. So in essence, this is much greater than a pelagian/neopelagian argument
(which NONE of my arguments resemble in the least bit) and I don’t believe my any of my statements
misrepresent what is traditionally and openly espoused and taught within reformed circles. So labeling
doesn’t help the argument, but an honest look at scripture might depending upon what you’re willing to
rethink and pray about.
What I’ve stated and continue to state is that scripture does not support that works are simply
overlooked and are only an afterthought of the Christian experience as is commonly expressed. They are
more closely tied to the actual experience of salvation, but do not flow from the vessel receiving
salvation, nevertheless are so important that Paul said that they which “do such things” will NOT inherit
the kingdom. Works are repeatedly taught as determing factors of both God’s blessings, rewards and
eternal bliss. The same isn’t said of faith. The scriptures are dramatically clear on the issue.
So I know this may seem a little shocking and certainly does not fit reformed dogmas or systematic
theological structures, BUT if our aim is to value the word of God and make it our only authority, we
can’t arbitrarily accept what we wish while discarding other parts that offer an equally as intense and
clear message. I’ll respond to further inquiry on this particular subject (faith and works) at the
aforementioned blog.]
dunamis2 says:
Thanks for the comment and the call. I’m sorry I haven’t returned the call as of yet but I saved your
number. I appreciate the commentary even if it’s in variance to my primary position. One thing to keep
in mind in these type of discussions is that people who are Christians and disagree with you are not the
enemy. Calvinism and Reformed Theology is a systematic approach to many difficult biblical problems
but it is not the ONLY approach and does address some problems that many Reformed theologians are
aware of and try to address frequently. I think researching doctrines are a good thing and does not
automatically lend itself disintegration of the scripture but helps open a more full dimension of it that
will help all of us who only “know in part” and “prophesy in part” (1 Cor.13:9) In modern times no one
system can claim superiority before an endless and timeless God. I thank God for that because we are
creatues who soon forget who we are worshipping at times. Thank God that we all have an opportunity
to know the ultimate and complete plan of God for us and we’ll know if we follow on to know (Hos. 6:3).
So thanks and hopefully we’ll speak soon. If not have a very Merry Christmas!
Seekerman says:
Reformed Theology is of the devil, for only the devil would want people to believe that God only died for
a certain few, and that is death on the cross didn’t atone for total humanity.
Michael says:
[PHB~ Michael, thanks for stopping, reading and commenting, but your defense is, “you don’t know
what you’re talking about because I’m reformed” is simply dumb! I’ve acurately represented reformed
doctrine and you can disagree with my conclusions but do it on a basis that displays that there is an
actual intelligence or rationalle behind what you’re communicating]
There are plenty of good written works on the subject, easily researched on the internet, which it
appears you’ve either deliberately ignored or haven’t taken the time to research properly.
May I suggest a sermon series by Brian Borgman of Grace Community Church in Nevada (Blank) he has
done a series on Reformed Theology recently that excellently handles these basics, and shows the truth
of the doctrine for what it is – Soli Deo Gloria.
[PHB~ May I suggest that you actually read the bible and denounce many of the fallacious doctrines of
Reformed Theology such as that there are some people that cannot escape hell, because they are
predestined to hell??? Do that for me based on the bible, not some obtuse scholar trying to interpret
what he obviously doens’t have discernment to rightly divide…There’s nothign worse than a person who
doesn’t support their arguments]
Michael says:
Do you get away with being this rude in day to day life? Please don’t put words in my mouth. I would
never be so rude as to say something as dumb as “you don’t know what you’re talking about because
I’m reformed”!
[PHB~ Well Ya DID…whether you like it being pointed out or not. Then talk about arrogance!!! WOW…
fro the first commentary on thsi board you’ve displayed that. You get what you put out and what you
deserve. I’m not out here to play and or twist minds and hearts. Your’s fighting for a pet doctrine, I fight
for the Kingdom and sound, and literate biblical interpretation and have not incorrectly set forth
concepts and ideas that are solidly rooted, promoted and supported by reformed theologians.]
My point is, I hold to this doctrine and do not come to the interpretation you have.
[PHB~ Then you shoudl say you don’t accept that particular tenet of reformed theology, NOT that it
doesn’t exist or that it is not taught and or promoted with reformed circles. you try to paint me as a liar
and unstudied and wonder why you get handled like you do. You are a promoter of man and not God
and I don’t appreciate it and will simply call you on it everytime.]
I don’t have time right now to respond to all your points, I’m having too much fun researching why
Jehovah’s Witnesses are wrong. 🙂 I may come back here and take the time to do so, but I hope that
others who come here and read might take the opportunity to read other authors or listen to preachers
who are able to articulate the Biblical doctrines of election better than I. Your comment above is more
than a little arrogant concerning Pastor Borgman, perhaps you’d like to take the time to listen to him
before you malign him so viciously?
[PHB~ Im “malign” noone, only that if he teaches what you say he has a wrong interpretive and does not
promote the best possible rendering of scripture in that area, that’s all.]
You would do well to approach the comments left by your readers with a little more graciousness. By
doing so, you might encourage more people to interact with you. As it is, if you insist upon tearing down
anyone who disagrees with you with language such as you’ve used above, I find myself asking which
fruits of the Spirit do you see in your own responses?
[PHB~ And from the first comment you’ve rendered no godly fruit only unfounded doctrine…If you were
gracious in error, I’d be gracious in addressing such, but one reaps what they sow. I believe that
scriptural also!]
Michael says:
I will take the time to respond to one point, because it’s a commonly misrepresented and
misunderstood aspect of Biblical election. I am not a theologian, I am simply a computer operator who
loves the Lord our God. I do say “our” because I can see from your articles that you are zealous for the
faith. The differences we have in points of theology such as election and reprobation should be
considered “in house” discussions, not dividing lines to separate brothers in Christ. On that conciliatory
note, let us begin.
“The purpose of the Cross was to DRAW ALL men not a select few, and certainly not to reject those who
would come.”
I would be surprised if you could find any Reformed writer who says God would reject any who would
come to Him.
[PHB~ Thank you for your tone but this is where the serious difference begins. Without reading any
further you will introduce the fact that no man comes to God except he “draws” them and further
introduce the fact that not all men are drawn THEREFORE some will be lost, because they did not come.
However the construct in your view is that it is because GOD DID NOT draw them because they weren’t
chosen or elected to salvation. So effectively, the shift is then to God’s soveriegnty in drawing or as
theologians would state election. I say that’s carefully constructed BUNK! There is no scriptural
precident for it and God does NOT as the hypercalvinist would affirm, out of hand commit the greatest
resource, Jesus Blood, to the salvation of all souls and then limit those to who he extends teh priveledge
of salvation. That may work with material blessings or even certain spiritual or material gifts, but
salvation was bought at a much higher price, and to disaffirm the intent of God in the effort to save ALL
MEN from their sins is a inadequate method and system of biblical interpretation.]
From my reading and study of the doctrine of election, this is just some of what I can tell you is a
Reformed position.
Our natural state is to be dead in our sin and unable and unWILLING to turn to Him (Psa 14:3, Eph 2:1,
Rom 5:6-8, I Cor 2:14, I Cor 1:18, Rom 8:7 and many many more).
The answer is given by Christ Himself in John 6:44 – those whom the Father draws (note: Greek ελκυση
– literally “to drag”) to Himself.
[PHB~ This is called limited atonement, meaning that the Father will only draw certain that he has
chosen to draw. Next up are double predestination and election. This part is another carefully
constructed error filled with all kinds of spiritual, logical and social contradictions.]
Nobody can come to Christ by their own power, it it only through a work of the Holy Spirit on their sinful
hearts. Without that work of the Holy Spirit, we are dead in our sins and the Cross is foolishness to us. (1
Cor 2:14)
So who would come to God? Those whom God has worked on their heart! Who are they? Those whom
God has chosen! (John 15:16,19) When were they chosen? Since before the foundation of the world!
(Eph 1:4) How do we know who is chosen? We don’t! Which is why we should go and do what Jesus told
us to do preach to everyone who will hear, because those He has a plan for could be one of those YOU
share the Gospel with!
What you’ve said above reminds me of an example used by D.A. Carson, when he described a meeting
where the doctrine of election was being explained. I’ll try to remember this story accurately.
A woman came up to the preacher and said, “It’s just not fair, why would God reject people like that?”
The minister said to her, “You are assuming that it’s as if there is a great throng of people at the gates of
Heaven, and God is there saying, ‘I’ll take you, and you, but not you, or you, yes you and you, not you’,
which would indeed be abominable. But in Scripture we read that it is more like this – God stands at the
gates of Heaven, arms wide open, saying COME TO ME, COME TO ME, COME TO ME, and the totality of
humanity is rushing headlong in the other direction, straight to Hell, and happy to do so. God, in His
infinite wisdom and grace, reaches out and snatches this one, that one, away from the very edge of the
Rom 9:19 Thou wilt say then unto me, Why doth he yet find fault? For who hath resisted his will? 20 Nay
but, O man, who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it,
Why hast thou made me thus? 21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to make
one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? 22 What if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to
make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: 23
And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had afore
prepared unto glory, 24 Even us, whom he hath called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?
The synergistic viewpoint is often described like this: we are swimming in the pool of humanity, and
Jesus hovers over us, arm outstretched, saying “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear
my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” And some of
us reach up our hand, take His, and are saved.
If we take Scripture to heart, that we are dead in our sins, then we are not swimming in the pool at all,
but we are dead carcasses, lying lifeless at the bottom of the pool. Dead. Dead. Dead. And quite happily
so. Jesus CALLS to the sheep who know His voice, “COME OUT”, and like Lazarus, we arise, and are made
alive in Him.
I hope I have made at least this point clear. Let us reason together as brothers in Christ, not as
adversaries to tear each other down in public.
[PHB~ The problem with the story is that you believe the dead is motionless. Paul’s analogy to death was
to indicate ineffectiveness or to point out one’s inability to please and or serve God, not to indicate that
one was motionless as in being in a sin straight jacket. So the story does not render a correct parallel to
what Paul’s phrase “dead in tresspasses and sins” was actually about. For example if we are dead and
unable to move as you and the writer assert, then just as we cannot add righteousness to ourselves, we
could also not add any additional sins. once choice is restricted we do not maintain choice either way,
for either righteousness or for sin. This is very important.
Throughout the gospels Jesus came to save the people from their SINS (collective of the people)
however individuals also are described as having multiple sins as pointed out Mt, 9:5-6, Mt. 26:28, Mk.
2:5-9, Mk. 4:12, Lk. 5:20, Jn. 8:24, Rom. 4:7. to name a few scriptures that clearly identified a person or
individual as having SINS or more than one sin. Both you and i had multiple SINS in our lives that we
CHOSE of our own accord to add to us. It was primarily due to the overarching principle of sin in our
lives, but the pint is that we had teh ability to choose additional and more sins. We were not immobile
or motionless, only we counld not free ourselves from SIN nor the SINS that we were committing. The
point I am making here is that sin does not equate inability to act spiritually. A sinner cannot save
himself but he can go further into sin and all sin is not at the same level.
So sin is a condition and individuals exercise their spirits unto multiple more sins. Our wills are exercised
to increase sins and go deeper into sin. Our redemption through Jesus is not one that is withheld in
some fashion. It is one whereby a path that otherwise was not there has been provided as an escape
from our sins. We were dead in the fact that without Jesus that path does not exist and there is an
inability to be free.
Now, this reveals another error in reformed theology. In order to believe that sin makes a person
spiritually immobile, and more specifically unable to choose good, you also have to believe that freewill
of a sinner does not exist, and if it does exist it is noly limited to choosing sinful things to one lever,
degree or another.
The problem is however, if sin is the constraining factor then a person is not acting out any different
than is their ability as they have been stripped of true freewill or that freewill is somehow limited in
Reformed theology has to be constructed the way it is because there are so many pitfalls and in my
opinion is AT BEST a theological system constructed by men in many aspects and especially those
aspects dealing with salvation, freewill and ultimately what Christi’s mission was when he came and
ultimately God’s plan of salvation. Sorry Bru…I can’t get with that!]
Michael says:
No, they are not drawn because they did not come, they did not come because they were not drawn.
Incidentally, the Greek word for “drawn” is used in Acts 16:19 and 21:30 where Paul is being dragged to
the rulers and out of the temple.
[PHB, the problem Michael is that you make the dragging like it’s kicking and screaming. Paul went WITH
the will of God for his life even if that was to the death chamber. He recounts his rediness to die. Now in
that context, his freewill was exercised to that extend BEFORE he was physically drawn away. I’ll get
more at it a little later.]
In your treatment of the “dead in sins” comment, you have created an idea that neither I nor the
Reformers have articulated, then proceeded to tear down that idea. It is simply incorrect to conclude
from my example that our position is that we are immobile in sin and that the position is incorrect
because then we wouldn’t be able to add to our sin. That representation is yours only.
On the subject of free will – I used to believe in man’s free will to choose his destiny, but then I started
reading the Bible, and I realised I couldn’t find anything in the Bible about man being able to turn to God
by his own power.
As you’ve pointed out above, Paul clearly states that man is unable to please or serve God. You’ve also
stated that man is unable to save himself.
Which is it to be? Please answer me this question: Why do people turn to God?
[PHB~ For a myriad of reasons, but I believe you are pointing to the point where that decision or turning
is made and asking what sparks that? I mean it’s like asking what is the cause for the first cause? It’s
somewhat circular and leaves 2 possibilities. Either man decides to turn or God decides to turn him. The
biblical concept is that teh grace of God has appeard to all men (Titus 2:11) (ALL, meaning sinner and
saint alike) The sinner not knowing what it is, the Saint identifying it through and by the Grace of God.
The one to one that you’re trying to make is a fundamentalist and literalist error. you expect to draw a
straight line to a cause. There’s a greater diversity than that. We’ll look at freewill here in a minute]
You cannot, based on your own words and the words of Scripture, say that man turns to God out of his
own free will. It is simply a denial of Scripture and your own words to say that. Man’s free will, if there is
such a thing, enables him to choose that which is dearest to his heart. Scripture tells us clearly that
without God drawing us, through the work of the Holy Spirit, our natural CHOICE and WILL is AWAY from
[PHB~ Totally incorrect on many points and I’ll point out the primary fallacy here. If a person could not
choose righteously or things that aren’t sinful, then before salvation every choice that we could make
would be evil. That’s not the case and sinners don’t only choose to do evil now. Let’s take a married
couple, married for 30 years but yet unsaved. now, did they make a choice that God honored or that the
devil honored? According to you they had an inability to do good, but yet the Bible says that marriage is
honorable in ALL. (Saint and sinner) Heb. 13:4. Other examples abound. in your literalist world sinners
have an inability to do good, right and things that are not sinful. Based on the evidence what do we see?
Sinners can do good things and even exercise great nonsinful virtues, BUT they cannot save themselves.
Sinners DO NOT always choose sin, many of them choose good and God pleasing things. This is an error
and will hinder you in reaching sinners. If you think their capacity is only to do evil as you have
communicated, your communication with them will be ineffective and that will show forth. Many
sinners live ethically and morally good lives, BUT they cannot save themselves from the SIN that resides
within themselves no matter what they do.]
So let me present you with a small challenge. Please find for me all the Scriptural references that say we
have a free will to choose good, to turn ourselves to God of our own volition.
[PHB~ A small challenge it is…Heb. 3:7-15 ~ 7-Wherefore (as the Holy Ghost saith, To day if ye will hear
his voice, 8-Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness: 9-
When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years. 10-Wherefore I was grieved
with that generation, and said, They do alway err in [their] heart; and they have not known my ways. 11-
So I sware in my wrath, They shall not enter into my rest.) 12-Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any
of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. 13-But exhort one another daily, while
it is called To day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. 14-For we are made
partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end; 15-While it is said,
To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.”
This is a repetition of the OT story of the children of Israel in teh wilderness and a repetition of Ps. 95.
What elements do we see that were seen through the scripture? 1-God made the call (that’s not in
question) Thats teh path of salvation…but man exercises his WILL to hear…”today if ye “will” hear his
voice…”harden not your hearts” This is an exercise of freewill and the context was savific NOT merely
materialistic blessing. the materialistic blessing of the OT represents the place of promise or relationship
and fellowship with God (ie salvation) in the NT. V. 14 signifies that a person can be deceived by sin to
continue in it, but that doesn’t strip us of freewill in exercising a response to God and the ability to
choose righteously. Man cannot save himself, but he can choose the path that God has given to be
saved. So we can chose to harden our hearts IF we choose to do that, at either rate God has already
revealed salvation by the present state of Grace that exists in the world. As you can see I thoroughly and
biblically reject limited atonement]
Would you say that if there are twins, brought up in the same house, loved equally by their parents,
trained in the way of the Lord and raised with a positive view of God, then one comes to Christ as an
adult and the other simply doesn’t … is one smarter than the other? Is one more faithful than the other?
Is one more gifted than the other? Is one more holy than the other? Is one more inclined to believe? Is
one better than the other? Is the one who doesn’t come to Christ less holy? less righteous? more sinful?
Rom 9:11-13 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the
purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) 12 It was said
unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. 13 As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
The Bible tells us there is nothing within any of us that would make us righteous in God’s eyes. No, not
[PHB~ Once again, the pasture is confused with the cow. They are not one in the same. We cannot make
ourselves righteous. God has done that through Jesus. That is the path…ie: the way, truth and the life
right? however that has nothing to do with our ability to choose righteously as evidence by our ability to
choose righteous things.]
God loves all mankind, to be sure, this is called common grace, but simply look around you … do you see
anything in mankind that gives you the impression they are oriented toward God?
Do you believe all are covered by the blood of Jesus? If you honestly believe that all of mankind has
been made righteous through the blood of Jesus, doesn’t that require you to believe that all are saved?
Doesn’t that make you a Universalist? No? Okay, so all are not saved … then who is saved? Some are
saved, assuredly.
[PHB~ Those who have turned away from their sins, NOT those who are somehow elected, but covered
up or like a diamond in the ruff waiting for somebody to preach to them…You make this far too difficult.
Salvation is present the sinner need choose God. That doesn’t add one thing to salvation, the path is
constructed and a way made by HIM and HIM alone. Choosing the path is a right response to what he
has done.]
Who, then, determines who will be saved? I see three options: Mankind individually, Satan or God. Do
you see any other source of salvation?
[PHB~ Once again this is a confused question and flawed logic. God is not willing that ANY should perish
right? 2 Peter 3:9 – “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is
longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that all should come to repentance.”
Scripturally it’s clear, that the devil intends our destruction, God wills our salvation and man can’t save
himself. God wouldn’t be God withouit knowing who will be or (in his case) who IS saved but that is not
on a fatalistically predetermined basis. What you are describing is hypercalvinism as best as I can figure.
That path is determined based on the foreknowledge of God, not fatalistically but omnisciently. So the
question doesn’t match the nature of God, teh abilities of man, nor the power of the devil]
If it is mankind, then by Scripture we have made our choice – it’s the Pit for us. Or, if you want to ignore
Scripture, or create a new religion, then mankind believes each of us individually to be good in some
way, and therefore all mankind would be saved. Clearly, this is not the case.
If it is Satan, then all would go to Hell. I don’t think we would need to labour that point, but suffice to
say that clearly Satan does not choose who is saved.
The only other option is that God chooses who will be saved, and Scripture clearly tells us this, over and
over and over again.
Do a word search on “chose”, “chosen”, “elect”, “election”, “predestined”, “foreknew”, “knew”, and
make sure you use a Greek reference or something with Strong’s numbers that will allow you to search
across all Scripture including the LXX and I can’t imagine you could come away still believing that God is
not sovereign in salvation.
I have more thoughts on this but I need to get to work so I’ll leave it at this for now.
[PHB~ God being soveriegn in salvation has nothing to do with HIM witholding salvation from some
while conferring it upon others and that’s only because the blood of Jesus was so precious. Before that i
would agree, like most Jews did, the plan of God was nationalistic and exclusive, that wall has been torn
down brother. Calvin mixed up some concepts and made God only save some. I haven’t written on this
yet, but I am inclined to believe that this was in part constructed to justify the enslavement and
mistreatment of men assuming taht if God wanted them to be saved they would hear and submit to the
slavemaster’s preaching. There is much more to all of reformed doctrine than meets the eye…that’s all
I’ll say for now. Thanks!]
Michael says:
I am preparing a more detailed response to this, but a quick note on your passage in Hebrews is that the
whole of that chapter is directed at believers.
The reference to the OT account of the Exodus is that these were people who had already been saved
from Egypt, and then began their grumbling … “9-When your fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw
my works forty years.” They were punished for their unbelief. Were they still believers? Had they
stopped being God’s people? Does God’s promise that they would not enter His “rest” indicate a greater
punishment than simply their physical bodies not entering the physical Promised Land? I don’t know.
We know it’s possible to believe and still struggle with unbelief … ?
Mark 9:24
And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine
So I can’t see how you can make that passage fit a free will in salvation argument.
True enough, Pharoah hardened his heart, but God also hardened Pharoah’s heart. (Exodus 9-10)
Romans 9:15-18
15For he saith to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on
whom I will have compassion.
16So then [it is] not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy.
17For the scripture saith unto Pharaoh, Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up, that I might
shew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth.
18Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will [have mercy], and whom he will he hardeneth.
[PHB~ Michael, I appreciate your heart but there is so much of a misapplication of both typeology,
spiritual and metaspiritual truth and all I just don’t know where to begin. Look I’ll take it point by point
either in this post or another in real shortly. Thanks for your renewed approach and I appreciate you
dealing scripturally]
Michael says:
Pastor, I’ve got over 150 verses that support predestination, election and the sovereignty of God in our
salvation including calling and saving. I asked you for one reference that supports a free will view, and
you provided a reference that is clearly written to believers.
[PHB~ And I have equally as many that affirm that God does not withhold good things from his children.
A good thing would be salvation, which is available to them that ask. I also have proof that God’s WILL is
not for ANY to perish but that all should have everlasting life. I also have proof that men can ask God for
salvation as repeated over and over in scripture and that salvation will be granted by God. What you
have is an interpretation of scripture whereby people are excluded from the greatest gift that GOd ever
gave and the blood of Jesus is minimized and rationalized away. Predestination, election and the
soveriegnty of GOd ARE NOT in question. Your understanding of those things are in question and the
basis upon which you understand how those things are done are in question. You seem to think that
scripture is interpreted in an exclusionary manner. This creates classism. This is exactly what the
progenetors of reformed theology wanted to create. A class of have’s and have nots using the bible as
support. This is the yet another problem with many teachings prevalent in reformed theology.]
Now, as far as us choosing good as per the longer reply above, how do you interpret Isaiah 64,
particularly verse 6?
4For since the beginning of the world [men] have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the
eye seen, O God, beside thee, [what] he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.
5Thou meetest him that rejoiceth and worketh righteousness, [those that] remember thee in thy ways:
behold, thou art wroth; for we have sinned: in those is continuance, and we shall be saved.
6But we are all as an unclean [thing], and all our righteousnesses [are] as filthy rags; and we all do fade
as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
7And [there is] none that calleth upon thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee: for thou
hast hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities.
8But now, O LORD, thou [art] our father; we [are] the clay, and thou our potter; and we all [are] the
work of thy hand.
4Marriage [is] honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will
4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the
sexually immoral and adulterous.
The whole passage is full of exhortations to believers. Context is a wonderful thing. Are you saying that
an unbeliever’s marriage is honorable in God’s eyes because they stayed together?
[PHB~ Look, what does any of that have to do with the sunject?]
How do you interpret Romans 3:10-11?
11There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God.
[PHB~ So there is none, that would include you right? I mean to interpret this as you means that you’re
included. If that’s the case how can you be saved?]
How was your heart opened to God, Pastor? Was it through your own understanding? Did you seek God
by your own will?
Luke 24:45
45Then opened he their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures,
2 Timothy 2:7
7Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things.
Acts 16:14
14And a certain woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the city of Thyatira, which worshipped God,
heard [us]: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended unto the things which were spoken of Paul.
1 John 5:20
20And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know
him that is true, and we are in him that is true, [even] in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and
eternal life.
John 1:13
13Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
[PHB~ And the meaning of that is??? and further how is that applicable??? I see no connection to God
witholding salvation from those who ask and can choose it of their own free will.]
Eph. 2:8-9
8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: [it is] the gift of God:
To even be able to understand enough Scripture for you to be saved, God had to open your heart and
give you understanding, which comes as a result of God’s will, not man’s.
[PHB~ That’s not in question. There isenough grace revealed throughout the world. AS I STATE IN THE
ARTICLE: Titus 2:11
For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath APPEARED TO ALL MEN,” that grace that brings
salvation has appeared. Through the sacrifice of Jesus the foundations of hell were destroyed. So you
tirade offers NOTHING that hasn’t been addressed
To assert free will from a few verses on the love of God (which we Reformed folk embrace
wholeheartedly) and the writings of philosophers (including Erasmus of Rotterdam) is to oppose the
surfeit of Scripture that establishes conclusively that God chooses who is saved, that He did so
sovereignly before the foundation of the world, and we should ascribe to Him worship and joy in our
salvation, that He chose us. We cannot conclude from Scripture that we can say “I chose God”.
[PHB~ Man has his part in the matter. God saves noone apart from their choice to be saved and some of
them that he calls reject his voice of their own accord. Your efforts to create a God of exclusion on
supports the fallacy of reformed theology. It’s scriptural applications and suggestions such as yours that
is the greatest strength for the anti-Christ movement in the world today. For almost 3 years I’ve been in
the trenches with atheists and God rejecters. The chord that unifies them is the same when they have
been in church. It’s the hypercalvinism that you expouse that is not only damaging teh church but
creating a growing and increasing number of atheists because they are able to read for themselves and
see that if the God you preach wants them to be saved then under your interpretation, he’s moved
contrary to what he has promised by excluding more than he will save. They conclude that if GOd exists
that you don’t know jack about him. With doctrines and teachings like you espouse, I conclude the
same. Any system whereby God denies salvation to them that freely come is of the dEVIL, plain and
simple. All of the resource and greatest love of God has been poured into the blood of Jesus it’s systems
like your that allow that blood to be trampled on to give you an excuse and make you feel better about
them that are lost. You’re finished here, I won’t entertain any more ridiculous assertions and
misinterpretations fo God’s word on this site. Thanks for your contribution, false teachings like that are
the reason I wrote the article to begin with. ]
Michael says:
I don’t expect you to put this up as a response, so please consider this a personal reply.
The main idea I’d like to leave with you is the one I started with in my first comment. The caricatures of
Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism that you’ve asserted are simply false. Please hear me out.
No Calvinist/Reformist believes that God turns away those who would come to Him. Please don’t assert
that, as you cannot support that from any Reformed writing. If there is anyone saying that, they would
be considered heretical by Reformers.
Hyper-Calvinism is primarily evidenced by a teaching that missions should not be done, as God will save
whom He will without man’s help. Quite simply, this is a gross distortion of Scripture, and an outright
denial of Jesus’ words to go out into all the world and make disciples of all nations.
Reformed theology should spur mission, as the primary focus of Reformed teaching in that area is that
until the Judgement Day, we should assume that ALL are elect and proclaim the Word of the Gospel to
ALL, as it is the work of the Holy Spirit to draw those to Him.
So what I’m getting at is that as I read your original article, and as I read your responses to my posts and
others, I just keep thinking, “but that’s not what we believe!”
I have to go to a meeting, but I pray you’ll take this in the tone and intent I’m trying to convey. I truly
hope you personally meet some Reformed folk who display the love and grace of God I see in the
teaching of those I listen to, such as CJ Maheney, D.A. Carson, John Piper, R.C. Sproul, etc.
I hope the Reformers you meet help you see the side of this doctrine that promotes the love and grace
of God in everything, rather than the aspect you’ve represented above, which really makes me feel sad.
Kind Regards,
[PHB~ Michael, thanks for setting forth your understanding of the reformed theological system of
biblical interpretation. I appreciate the interraction. God bless and feel free to comment on other
subjects as you are moved or as they arise. Just to be clear I don’t consider you an enemy. Thanks
Michael says:
I was following up some more study on this, and had heard about a sermon preached by Pastor Mark
Driscoll at Mars Hill Church *in Seattle* (to distinguish it from the heretical Mars Hill Bible Church in
Grand Rapids led by Rob Bell) called Unlimited Limited Atonement, so I went and found it here:
Pastor Mark points out the unfortunate behaviour of both sides in making it an either/or situation,
slinging Scripture verses at each other and claiming one side to be right, and essentially denying the
Scriptural validity of the other “side’s” position (something I have also been guilty of). (PHB~Me Too!)
What is also shown by Pastor Mark is that the “Calvinist” position was developed by the FOLLOWERS of
Calvin, NOT by Calvin, something I was generally aware of but not to extent shown in this study. The
position that Mark’s church has taken on the atonement is actually along the lines of what Calvin himself
REALLY wrote about. Mark also points out that Jacob Arminius (although unfortunately Mark persists in
calling him James for some reason) was supportive of Calvin, and actually recommended that his
students read Scripture as their first priority, then Calvin’s Institutes Of The Christian Religion as their
(PHB~ Now, that’s another good point because as far as I was able to research Arminius was certainly a
student of Calvin and his arguments. he made some significant distinctions of course, but the fact is that
Calvin spoke against going too far into certain subjects and creating division. That wasn’t his motivation,
but it seemed to be the motivation of some of those who promoted many of his teachings and actually
over emphasized certain aspects of the doctrine that calvin said not to over-emphasize.)
I can’t remember right now who he attributes the quote to, it might have been Spurgeon, but when
asked if there was a way to reconcile Arminians and Calvinists, the response was, “Why is there a need
to reconcile friends?” or something to that effect.
Please take the time to at least read the notes at the above link, but essentially what it boils down to is
this (taken from the notes):
… since Jesus died for the sins of everyone that means that He also died for the sins of the elect. Second,
Jesus’ death for all people does not accomplish the same thing as His death for the elect. This point is
complicated, but is in fact taught in Scripture (1Tim 4:10; 2Pet 2:1).
Simply, by dying for everyone, Jesus purchased everyone as His posession and He then applies His
forgiveness to the elect by grace and applies His wrath to the non-elect. Objectively, Jesus’ death was
sufficient to save anyone, and, subjectively, only efficient to save those who repent of their sin and trust
in Him. This position is called Unlimited Limited Atonement or Modified Calvinism.
So, while I don’t expect this will settle the issue for everyone, it has certainly contributed significantly to
my understanding and appreciation of how to do theology in general and the doctrine of election
I trust you will take the time to listen to Pastor Mark’s sermon, as he takes a refreshingly frank overview
of both “sides” that would benefit anyone concerned about this issue.
Michael says:
Sorry I realised I made a mistake with the last comment. It wasn’t Calvin’s Institutes that Arminius
recommended his students read, it was Calvin’s Bible commentaries.
terrybreathinggrace says:
I am not quite sure how I found this article, but it has provided great inspiration for serious thought and
prayer searching of the Scriptures.
Thank you.
Seekerman says:
Simply put, Jesus died for everyone, however, everyone will not choose the free will offering provided
by Jesus, because of their own free will-not because of some pre-ordained plan from God.
Only Satan would want you to believe that Jesus’s death on the cross/the atonement wasn’t for
everyone, but for a select few in the “Jesus Loves You” club. Only Satan would want you to believe that
God preordains every sinful and vile act, as well as every good act, and that ultimately it is God’s fault,
the reason why human beings wind up in a Christless eternity, because God didn’t truly love them
enough to preordain their salvation.
I’m sorry, but you can put a nice spin on this, with whip cream and a cherry on top, but when all is said
Seekerman says:
Seekerman says:
June 4, 2010 at 2:35 pm
The elect are those who freely come to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. It doesn’t make sense for
Jesus to die for the elect and non-elect, with provisions only for the elect, seeing as how the elect was
already preordained by God to salvation, whereas the non-elect was preordained to hell, even though
Christ died for them, but yet wants them in hell. This doesn’t make any sense at all.
I’m just cutting through all of the bunk that hyper-calvinist, and reformed lite calvinists believe at the
root. In other words, the difference between hyper-calvinists who gleefully and proudly boast, that God
only died for them, and loved them, and will adamantly defend their status in the “Jesus Only Loves Me
And Not Them Club,” and the Calvinist/Reformed Lite crowd, is what differentiates the role of the “good
cop,” and “bad cop” role, in police interrogation: THEY ARE ALL SAYING THE SAME THING, WITH A
as these cops, will always come at you from different angles, in order to draw you into his vortex. Some
people he can come at raw and unadulterated, because of the predilections and character traits and
flaws, these people may have, whereas others he must come at with a syrupy and sweet presentation,
mixing lies with enough truth, in order to put folks to asleep, deceive, and fool the “very elect,” with
their evil teachings.
As I said before, so say I now and again, and that is-CALVINISM/MONERGISM, HAS THE HANDPRINTS OF
Only the devil would like for you to think this doctrine that shuts off salvation from the human family,
with claims that the gifts of the Spirit have ceased-IS TRUE REFORM.
Seekerman says:
Oh and of course Reformed types don’t believe that God will turn away those that will come to him,
Seekerman says:
Just think, anyone group of folks, who will make fun of those who speak in tongues, and will claim that
the Gifts of the Spirit have ceased, and that God only died for a certain few, and not those over there,
somewhere down there, can only be influenced by teachings that come from below, instead of above.
Seekerman says:
Don’t get me wrong, I do believe that you can be reformed, and still serve the same Jesus that I serve,
who died for everyone, and who loves everyone. HOWEVER, you don’t serve the same biblical Jesus if
you zealously defend, and get off, on the fact that you’re saved because you’re of that special “Jesus
Loves You Club And Not Them,” to where you reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaally want folks to know this
about you, and your God. If the God you claim to serve, have you obsessed over the fact that God only
died for a select few, whereas he preordained the rest to hell, because he’s sovereign, then I’m sorry-
Seekerman says:
The black spiritual sojourn in this country has possessed many black folks to foolishly seek out religious
movements that make them feel special and set aside by God, whether it was due to their suffering, or
race, or a combination of the two. Many sought out religious movements that gave them a sense of
understanding, concerning their sufferings, trials and tribulations that allowed them a sense of being or
feeling “chosen” or special.
Black folks descent into Reformed theology, with its teaching that God only loves certain people, or died
for certain people and not all, and that those who are saved, are “special” and “elect,” reveals an
intense character flaw on the part of many black folks who believe in such a system.
This system does for black christians, the same thing that non-black christian cults (e.g. NOI, Moorish
Science Temple, Black Hebrew Israelites, etc.) do, in that it feeds their egos; makes them feel special,
buttressed by a false humility; and makes sense of all of their suffering, which was supposedly based on
a divine plan.
I can say more, but have said enough.
Michael says:
Friend, thank you for your considered input to the discussion. Could I trouble you to read Romans 7
through 9 very slowly and carefully, then get back to us on your thoughts?
I am confident that the many caricatures, misrepresentations and misapplications of Reformed theology
are the failings of men, not the failings of God’s word in the Bible.
seekerman says:
Michael, I am familiar with Romans 7 through 9, because people on your side of the aisle will
occasionally throw those chapters at me, however, their interpretation of those chapters are misguided,
because you will run into scriptures that teach the opposite of what message reformed types are trying
to deliver, via the misinterpretation, contortion, reconfiguration and perverting of Romans 7 through 9.
Not only that there are patterns throughout the Bible that details man’s free will, as well as a plethora of
scripture that outlines Christ’s atonement on the cross being efficacious for everyone, if they choose-not
just a select few. It’s all about reading scripture in light of clearer scripture, and properly synergizing
them, as oppose to reading into them.
Secondly, I’ve talked to many on your side of the aisle, who have told me to my face, as well as on the
net, that God doesn’t love everyone, and that our perceptions about the love of God is faulty and
unscriptural. I’ve heard folks on your side of the aisle, who have told me to my face, as well as on the
net, that God preordains every act, whether it is good or evil (one cat over on a hyper-Calivinist site told
me that God ordained black slavery, and justified the acts of oppression associated with it). I’ve even
heard these same folks tell me that the Gifts of the Spirit have ceased; that folks who speak in tongues
are just babbling, or demon possessed; Arminians aren’t truly saved; etc.
Only Satan would want folks to believe that such beliefs are truly REFORMED.
Many of your brethren, who take great pride, joy and zeal, in being a part of the “Jesus only loves you
club,” or “God loves you better than thee or thine club,” are similar to Pharisees in one respect, in that
you guys looooooooooooooooove to shut up the kingdom of heaven to all men and women. Why-
because to embrace the very biblical concept that Jesus died for everyone, and that everyone has a
The humility that many of you have, that will stand in awe over the fact that God purposely chose you
for salvation, as oppose to those losers over there, across the way, is a false humility and modesty,
contingent on the fact that others are not able to benefit from the atonement. Simply put, many (not
all) will feel less special, and less beloved in the sight of God, and wouldn’t appreciate and be as zealous
for God, if you believed that God has an open admissions policy for all those who will freely come.
So no friend, I’m pretty familiar with your side of the aisle, and have become somewhat of an expert on
the seamier side of Calvinism, to where I can tell the difference between true Calvinism, and what it
teaches, as opposed to spokesmen and women from your side of the aisle, who are in public relations
seekerman says:
And explain this one-how can God preordain an evil act, yet not approve of it? What type of twisted
deity will do such a thing? I can understand giving human beings the type of free will that will allow
them to dig their own ditch, but to say that God preordains everything, as opposed to allowing for
certain things, is like me saying that God preordained Satanism; voodoo; witchcraft; child sacrifice; the
actions of Hitler, Pol Pot, Amin; 911; all types of slavery; child rape victims; adult rape victims; folks who
were victims of cannibalism; all murders; all evils on the face of the earth; etc.
(I believe that God preordains some things, based on his reading of the future; and real time
circumstances- a pattern which is backed up by scriptures. God is sovereign in that regardless of how
human beings will choose, he, being God, will be vindicated in the end, and will have everything under
submitted under his feet in the final consummation.)
Oh for sure, on one hand, it does sound simplistic and powerful, to label God as being in charge of
everything, via preordaining everything, because to some folks logic, it denotes an all powerful God. But
if your logic leads you to believe in the type of sovereignty that says that God preordained every single
act on the face of the earth, from the Garden until now, then you have to deal with the seamier side of
Saying that God preordains everything only makes him a little better than the devil, because at least God
does preordain some good things, whereas Satan only preordains evil, exclusively. But does that really
make the reformed theologian’s concept of God any better, just because he preordains some good
BEGINNING! And boy did he create some evil.
Is this the type of God you truly want to claim, because you know the net effect of the sovereignty
teachings your side espouses portrays God as being as being a masochistic puppet master/ruler, who
will do good when he feels the “spirit”, and create evil to such macabre proportions, simply because he
feels like it, or is in the mood.
Oh sure, you will say that this conception of God is holy and righteous, and cannot tolerate sin, but yet-
If you truly lift up the mask on this “reformed” concept of deity-YOU WILL SEE THE FACE OF SATAN,
Don’t be deceived.
Only Satan will cause such confusion about God, not God.
seekerman says:
I meant to say in the 2nd and 5th paragraphs what is written below:
“I believe that God preordains some things, based on his reading of the future; and real time
circumstances- a pattern which is backed up by scriptures. God is sovereign in that regardless of how
human beings will choose, he, being God, will be vindicated in the end, and will have everything
submitted under his feet in the final consummation.”
“Is this the type of God you truly want to claim, because you know the net effect of the sovereignty
teachings your side espouses, portrays God as being a masochistic puppet master/ruler, who will do
good when he feels the “spirit”, and create evil to such macabre proportions, simply because he feels
like it, or is in the mood.”
seekerman says:
Just think- as was stated in the above- if God preordains every single act on the face of the earth that
means he CREATES every single act on the face of the earth, including sin. This also means that his mind
is constantly on sin, and in the gutter (of course I don’t believe this, because I am a free will Arminian),
for a sin is created every millisecond, or way less than that.
Just think of all the insidious, and lascivious, and pernicious acts that God doesn’t allow, but PREORDAIN
(i.e. created beforehand), and think of the imagination it takes to create such sinful and highly wicked
acts, but yet we are told that God wants us to think of holy, pure and righteous things? We are told to
think on that which is good, pure and edifying, yet we serve a deity who is perpetually plotting on how
to rape, murder and kill?
This God of the reformed variety has an imagination that would give the vilest and sickest human being
on the planet, a run for his or her own money. Now that I think about it-MY BAD! This God of the
reformed variety GAVE BIRTH TO THE SICKEST AND VILEST OF THIS PLANET. (It is said that Jack the
Ripper claimed to have given birth to the 20th Century, due to his hideous acts, but truth be told, if you
believe in the reformed concept of deity-it was GOD who gave birth to Jack the Ripper, his thoughts and
actions, as well as the subsequent consequences that followed.) He’s even more sinister than his
adversary, the devil, seeing as how the devil didn’t create anything that is perniciously evil, but rather
God created it, or inspired Satan to create the evil that was left to him, by this reformed God’s
This is why the God of the reformed variety doesn’t want folks praying to him, so as to effect change,
and would like folks to sit idly by, with all passivity, and accept the present status quo-because the
present status quo is drenched in depravity, that has an agenda that is congruent with the prince of the
power of the air: SATAN!
Not only that, Satan doesn’t want you to seek after God, but run away from the true God.
And yes, I will admit that reformed types are tight with the scriptures, but that’s not telling me much,
because in order to have this false teaching spread with such power, SATAN HAS TO COME HARD WITH
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
“Just think of all the insidious, and lascivious, and pernicious acts that God DON’T allow, but PREORDAIN
(i.e. created beforehand), and think of the imagination it takes to create such sinful and highly wicked
acts, but yet we are told that God wants us to think of holy, pure and righteous things? We are told to
think on that which is good, pure and edifying, yet we serve a deity who is perpetually plotting on how
to rape, murder and kill?”
seekerman says:
I apologize for the grammatical errors, for I know they abound. When you’re in a rush, such things will
happen. Too bad there isn’t an edit button…
seekerman says:
June 7, 2010 at 7:14 pm
Pastor Burnette, you’ve written an excellent treatise on the matter, despite what anyone will say, in an
attempt to diminish your impact. Even though you and I may not agree on everything, on this one thing,
we are definitely in accord. More importantly, we are in accord with scripture, and with God, concerning
this particular matter.
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
devil wanted us to believe.
The devil didn’t want black folks to feel that their enslaved condition was wrong, but rather ordained by
God, along with the very oppressive acts inflicted upon them.
Thank God the slaves intuitively believed in a God that answered prayers that challenged the wicked
status quo, and loved everybody-not just a select few.
If black folks during the Civil Rights movement were burdened with black clergymen of the reformed
mentality, then we’d still be sitting on the back of the bus, because the belief would be that our second
class status was ordained by God-EVEN THE MURDER OF EMMITT TILL!
I don’t serve that type of God, but rather the God of scripture, who loves everyone; died for everyone;
and doesn’t preordain every evil act on the face of the earth, from the Garden, until now.
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
OR A “no.”
Michael says:
I’m not sure if you’ve read through all the preceding comments, perhaps you’d like to read what I’ve
already written, but let me repeat myself by saying there are, without doubt, awful people claiming to
represent Reformed theology but not showing the love of God at all. For these I am deeply grieved. I
also openly acknowledge the terrible things that have been done by people claiming God’s approval on
their side. In the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” you have knights shouting “GOD WILLS IT!”. Indeed, but
ironically they themselves are not of God. I pray you meet and interact with the same sort of people I
interact with, who see the wonder of God’s grace and show love and care to others rather than the
attitudes you’ve described. How tragic. I would want to explain the theology fully to those people even
more than yourself, so they don’t fall into the trap of human pride and arrogance through poor
understanding, which usually comes from poor teaching. And no, this is not PR mode. We need not use
such language as “sides”, as I’ve expressed earlier. We can be brothers in Christ, seeking to learn more
about Him.
Also, there are many greater men than I who have articulated the Doctrines of Grace much more
thoroughly than I. John Owen’s work, The Death of Death, can be accessed here at the Christian Classics
Ethereal Library: – you can also find many other works
of great men at that site, and I encourage anyone to spend time there. If you have a few spare dollars,
you might like to buy James White’s book “The Potter’s Freedom” from this site:
products_id=48&osCsid=b4316160208b6e05987dc6e6b0daf569 or you can get it on Amazon and pay a
bit more. If you’re really interested in understanding this, I know you’ll follow those up.
God is not the author of sin. This is clear from the Bible. God is sovereign in all things. This is also clear
from the Bible. If you say, “If you believe xxxx, then you are saying God is the author of sin”, you must
bring yourself to the point where you can appreciate that you have come to ONE logical conclusion, not
THE logical conclusion. Once you have come to this point you will be able to consider the opinions of
other without discounting them out of hand.
So, if we know God is not the author of sin, but He is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent, then
this presents a challenge, does it not? We must reconcile these perspectives, and I believe Romans 9
addresses this admirably. I will leave it to you to review, again slowly and carefully, what is written
there. I could write more but as I’ve said, others have done a better job than I.
Now, if you are going to say God is not sovereign, please say so, but I’m not sure you want to go there.
Either He is sovereign, or He is not. If He is not, then we are suffering under the greatest delusion in all
history. If He is, then we must deal with the consequences of that fact, no matter how uncomfortable it
makes us feel.
Now as to the things you are saying about what is of Satan. I agree with most of what you’re saying! And
most Reformed writing would also! This is what you need to work on – what you think you know about
Reformed theology is simply not correct. Please take that as it’s intended – simply an encouragement to
look deeper, to not take things on face value. Do you really believe that your brothers in Christ, who
truly have the Spirit within them, would believe such awful things? I acknowledge, sadly, there are
people in Reformed circles who do not show the fruits of the Spirit, just as there are in every church. We
can only pray for them, that God will work on their hearts in love and grace, and try to correct them if
we become aware of them behaving badly.
Now to a few questions for you. Please let us keep our responses to each other short and concise, as I’m
sure we, Pastor Burnett and the readers are busy people. Consider what I’ve already written and the talk
by Mark Driscoll I’ve referenced above if you’re thinking about using the list of “all”, “world”, and
“whosoever” verses, and let us not “sling” Scripture at each other, but consider everything in context
and balance. 🙂
What is your understanding of Open Theism? Feel free to provide a link to external web pages if you feel
someone else has ably represented your views in a readily presentable format.
Do you want to re-word your statement “reading of the future”? God is God. He is not a seer. Following
that line of reasoning though, if God “looks down the corridor of time and sees those who will believe,
and then elects them” (not quoting you, but others who I believe represent this viewpoint), does that
not mean their future is set, and they WILL believe? Doesn’t that become self-contradictory?
How do you see Christ’s death in God’s plan of salvation from eternity past?
Was this, the greatest travesty of justice in all time and a terrible murder that included horrific torture,
under God’s control, or was it not? Consider Luke 22:42 ref Jesus’ desire, as God, not to endure “this
cup”, but His willingness, as God, to submit to the Father’s will. Here we have what I believe to be the
clearest statement in Scripture of the two wills of God. “Not my will, but yours, be done.”
Was Isaiah’s prophecy breathed out by God, as a plan, or was it just one possibility among millions of
possible outcomes?
What about the rest of the Old Testament, do you see it as pointing towards Christ as the Savior, God
With Us?
Do you agree with the writing of Paul where he compares Adam and Christ?
Let’s see where we get with that and see if we can dialog in love and grace. I look forward to reading
your responses to these questions.
dunamis2 says:
Yea, I see that this is a pretty hot topic and one that deserves attention.
Please don’t get angry at one another just try to debate the facts and points of scripture applicable to
the argument being made.
Michael says:
You’re up late, Pastor! Please forgive me for jumping in again before seekerman has had the chance to
respond, but I feel that a great work that needs to be highlighted is Al Martin’s “The Practical
Implications of Calvinism”, which addresses a number of what I believe to be our mutual criticisms of
badly represented theology. It is also significantly shorter than John Owen’s work, and therefore might
serve our readers well to use it as a small introduction if they’ve never really taken the time to read
material from Reformed writers. I feel it accurately represents my position.
seekerman says:
Michael, I’m not going to answer any of your questions, because I’ve debated this topic, ad infinitum,
over on other websites (and in real life), dealing with folks from your crowd, and from what I’m able to
get a handle on, you guys have what I call the raw and unadulterated Calvinists/reformed types, who
come raw and honest with it, and those, such as yourself, with silver tongues, who will operate from a
public relations mode, similar to a fox- and I don’t trust foxes.
Now if you’d like, I may consider posting up those links where I debated many from your side of the
aisle, if I’m so inclined, but truth be told, I don’t feel that you’re worth the effort in going back and forth
with, or answering any questions coming from you, for the simple fact of the matter is, as was stated by
me before-your doctrine is of the devil.
I’ve been on websites where I debated calvinists/reformed types who will tell me on the net (and yes in
person), that God doesn’t love everyone and that the net effect of your teaching is that God preordain
folks to hell. This is what your side teaches. I’ve had these raw and unadulterated folks come at me with
a fury, only to be bombarded by what I call Calvinist/Reformed lite folks, who try and come at me similar
to how a “good cop” would (similar to you), with a different spin, while I’m debating their raw and
unadulterated brethren- -but still preaching the same thing, that the rest of their brethren are, on these
very sites.
Why didn’t these “good cop” “public relations” “Calvinist/reformed lite” folks rebuke those hardliner
Calvinist folks on these very websites they were on, if there was such a difference between the two
camps? I’ll tell you why they didn’t: BECAUSE AT THE CORE, EVERYTHING THAT I’VE OUTLINED THAT
Any time I’m at a reformed centered bible study, and some quack of a “reformer” tells me that God
preordains people to hell, and that he has that right to, simply because he’s sovereign, and if I don’t
believe that, then I believe God to be impotent, because I don’t believe in his sovereignty-then that’s
saying a lot. Any time I challenge such a person, only for me to get jumped up on, with scripture twisting
zeal, with the implication and inference that I’m not saved, because I serve another Jesus and don’t
believe in his sovereignty (I believe in God’s sovereignty, but not the way you guys believe): then that’s
saying a lot. And for the person who invited me to the bible study, to come at me the way you’re coming
at me, AFTERWARDS, while apologizing for the experience that I went through, only to agree with those
who were coming at me, while at this particular “event”: that says a lot. And for this same person to use
the same arguments you’re using (Calvinist/lite, public relations spin, to entice and convert free will free
will arminian types, or 4 point Calvinists), so that I can look at certain things from a “different
perspective,” but yet he doesn’t tell those on his side of the aisle where they are wrong: SAYS A LOT!
The net effect of your teaching, or the ultimate gist of what you’re getting at, despite masking and hiding
your presentation to me, and others on this site, with theo babble, and scripture reconfiguration, is that:
And another thing, you guys believe that God preordained every single sinful act, but yet claim that your
God is holy?
When I try to tell folks on your side that God has foreknowledge, and will allow certain things to come
about, due to the free will nature he has given to man, and that he will preordain some things
(according to biblical examples), but isn’t the author of sin, the devil, and all types of wickedness (which
is what your side ultimately believes, regardless of the politically correct, 21st century face lift your
attempting, in order to convert free will arminians and 4 point Calvinists to this Satanic inspired
teaching), all they can say in essence is: “Oh well.” They tell me that God can do anything he wants to
do, and every good and evil act that he creates, is done for his own sovereign purposes, and that God is
only good, holy and righteous, BECAUSE THE BOOK SAYS SO.
This is why some critics of the bible have a problem with the God of the Bible, because they conflate it
with the satanic inspired teachings of Calvinism/reformed theology, that ultimately teaches, regardless
of what you say, and try to spin it-THAT GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF SIN, THE DEVIL, AND PREORDAINS
So no man, I’m not going to dialogue with you, for to do so would be similar to me “casting pearls before
swine.” I’m not trying to be mean or callous, but just telling the truth of the matter.
If you want to get a glimpse of my side of the argument, go read Pastor Burnette’s treatise, or I may,
again, if I’m so inclined, post up my links from other websites, whereas you and I can go over line by line,
and point by point, concerning my positions; because other than that-I just don’t trust you to be honest,
when it comes to your presentation. This is why I’m not going to answer any of your questions, because I
know your agenda already, and where it will inevitably land: GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF SIN (which is the
net effect of what you guys teach, despite what you say); GOD ONLY LOVES A FEW, WHICH IS EVIDENT
IN THAT HE ONLY DIED FOR A FEW (which is the net effect of what you guys teach, despite what you
(believing that Jesus died for everyone, isn’t an endorsement of “universalism,” which is what many on
your side of the aisle disingenuously put forth); YOU DON’T HAVE TO SPREAD THE GOSPEL, THE WAY
WHAT IS IN PLACE, HAS BEEN PREORDAINED BY GOD (You know this is what your peeps teach)
So again, take your questions, and use your stuff on someone else, because as I told you yesterday,
which was akin to: I understand what you’re trying to sell in your policy, and how you’re trying to
present your policy in a different light, that will ultimately result in the same outcome, therefore-I’M
You may fool others, but I’ve dealt with enough of you-to have your number, and the number of those
on your side, who represent, what you represent. In other words, I don’t trust you, or the integrity of
the information that you will put forth, because it all leads back to the handprints of Satan.
One comes at you playing the “mean” cop, whereas the other comes at you, playing the role of the
“good” cop; without the perp, or victim realizing-THAT THEY ARE ALL ON THE SAME TEAM. You never
see the “good” cop telling the “bad” cop, publicly, and to their face, that he, or she is wrong, but they
will tell you that the “bad” cop is wrong, only for you to be put to sleep, let down your defenses, and
buy what they’re selling.
One minister of Satan will come at you hard, raw, unadulterated, and straight, no chaser; whereas the
other minister of Satan, will come gentle, with a smile, full of scripture enough to deceive the masses,
while presenting himself as an “Angel of Light.”
seekerman says:
Oops, my bad! According to the reformed lite folks, God didn’t preordain folks to hell, but had
“foreknowledge (I believe in God having foreknowledge, but not with the spin they put on it)” of their
descent into hell-that’s why he didn’t die for them, and provide for them a way out, ONLY FOR A SELECT
FEW, thus having the ultimate net effect of PREORDAINING THOSE FOLKS TO HELL, BECAUSE HE NEVER
Only Satan would want you to believe that Jesus doesn’t love everyone and that God didn’t provide
salvation for everyone, via the sacrifice of his Son’s life on the cross. Satan wants you to believe that.
Satan wants you to ultimately draw conclusions that God plays favors when it comes to where human
beings will spend eternity, despite how reformed and calvinist lite folks are trying to spin it. Satan also
wants you to believe that God preordained every sinful act, but yet he is still to be considered righteous
and holy, because he says so.
This is a perverted deity, but yet this is the type of deity Calvinists/Reformed types preach and teach
about, regardless of their spin.
As I said before, and that is despite what these politically correct, free will arminian terminology using,
21st century, spiritually correct, reformed lite folks will say, or try to coerce you into believing, via their
I mean if you were to lift up its’ dress, and/or take off its’ mask-YOU’D SEE THE FACE OF THE DEVIL.
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
Calvinists/reformed types believe that God will not turn away anyone that comes to him for salvation,
seekerman says:
If Satan had his druthers, Jesus would only have died for a select few…
seekerman says:
This is what Satan and his ministers of “light” would want you to believe:
“The system of Calvinism adheres to a very high view of scripture and seeks to derive its theological
formulations based solely on God’s word. It focuses on God’s sovereignty, stating that God is able and
willing by virtue of his omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence, to do whatever He desires with
His creation (like WILL SIN INTO EXISTENCE). It also maintains that within the Bible are the following
teachings: That God, by His sovereign grace PREDESTINES people into salvation; THAT JESUS DIED ONLY
seekerman says:
Here’s an example of a silver tongued, honey throated, full of scripture twisting, Calvinist:
“Some may object and say that God does not will sin (Okay?). I agree (Oh really?). However, this is not
what I am saying (then what are you saying). I am saying that God wills the circumstances to exist that
make sin possible (if he wills the circumstances, he then preordains and authorizes it)but that He is not
responsible for the sin that occurs (how can he not be responsible, if he preordains and authorizes it).”
So I see, God wills for sin to place, I mean, he wills the circumstances for all sin to take place (same
difference), but yet he isn’t responsible for the sinful acts that take place, under his “will.”
Man, this vision, or concept, or understanding of deity, isn’t the God of the Bible, but is the DEVIL.
seekerman says:
There’s a difference between a sovereign God turning an evil act, perpetuated by human beings with
free will, into a situation that will produce good, as opposed to a God who will at ALL times, preordain
evil acts, in order to produce good, or not produce good.
seekerman says:
Let me get this straight-if I were to will, or set up the circumstances, or climate, for that little girl in the
Carolinas to be a victim of rape, prostitution and murder, then it isn’t my fault, because I don’t condone,
nor approve of the acts? Or better yet, even if I do approve of such acts, I shouldn’t be held accountable
because I didn’t physically touch or harm the little girl, but just set up the conditions and environment,
based on my will.
Oh, my bad again! I as a human being, according to Calvinist/reformed types, don’t have a “will,” where
I could perform actions that I can choose, or choose not to do. Oh noooooooooooo! Any action I
perform, whether it is good, or bad, happy, or sad, was preodained by God ahead of time for me to do,
because it was according to his “sovereign” will, that the little girl in the Carolinas be a victim of rape,
prostitution, and murder.
(Of course I’m speaking tongue and cheek here, because I’ve never been involved in such wicked
behavior, and pray by the grace of God, that I will be involved in such behavior. I’m speaking
hypothetically, and playing the role of the “fool”, in order to impart a broader message.)
Silly me, and here it is I’m thinking it would be my fault, because I chose to set up the circumstances that
allowed these actions, when all along I had nothing to do with it, for it was all on God, who willed the
circumstances into existence, and just used me as a tool for his “glory.”
Yeah right. Only SATAN can get glory out of the rape, prostitution, and murder, of that little girl in the
Carolinas, not God.
But I see, I’m only able to absolve God from having any hand in this wicked matter, simply because the
book supposedly says he’s innocent, and because he says so.
seekerman says:
“Of course I’m speaking tongue and cheek here, because I’ve never been involved in such wicked
behavior, and pray by the grace of God, that I will NEVER be involved in such behavior. I’m speaking
hypothetically, and playing the role of the “fool”, in order to impart a broader message.”
seekerman says:
June 8, 2010 at 3:07 pm
If God wills everything evil act into existence, and what he wills was preordained, then the net effect is-
seekerman says:
God mustn’t like black people, because he willed everything that we went through, and what were going
through, into existence beforehand…
seekerman says:
God wants black men to have high unemployment rates, for it is based on what he wills, what he wants,
so he sets up the circumstances for it to occur.
seekerman says:
God wants black families to be broken, and for the black community to be in a state of moral seige, and
not collectively come up, because according to his sovereign will-HE CREATED THE CIRCUMSTANCES.
seekerman says:
Black fathers not being there for their children, has nothing to do with the will of the fathers, but with
the will of God, for he set up those circumstances, based on his sovereign will.
seekerman says:
God gets the glory, in every wrong thing, the black community does, even from dirty rap lyrics, because
every thing that black folks do, is according to the circumstances he’s ultimately willed.
seekerman says:
Black folks ought not blame the white man, themselves, or any mortal, for what they went through, or
are going through, or will go through, because in the end, God preordained it, by his will (whether it be
perfect or permissive; Satanic double speak if you ask me), by setting up the circumstances: SO BLAME
seekerman says:
My perfect will is not to steal, but that don’t mean I won’t set up the circumstances that will allow me
the opportunity to steal, which is my permissive will, which is again-SATAN DOUBLE SPEAK.
Michael says:
Wow. I would hate to associate with the Calvinists you’ve been around. Let me just copy and paste the
specific section you’ve used above.
GOD IS THE AUTHOR OF SIN (which is the net effect of what you guys teach, despite what you say); GOD
what you guys teach, despite what you say); IF MAN CHOOSES TO COME TO GOD, THEN THE
SOVEREIGNTY OF GOD IS GREATLY COMPROMISED (believing that Jesus died for everyone, isn’t an
endorsement of “universalism,” which is what many on your side of the aisle disingenuously put forth);
GOD (You know this is what your peeps teach) INCLUDING EVERY EVIL ACT ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH;
Nobody I know or read or listen to believes or teaches any of that. Not in those words and not with the
vitriolic spin you’re putting on it. In my not so humble opinion, if you really want to know how the
theology works, I think you need to spend more time reading stuff written by respectable authors and
less time listening to idiots. This is why I keep giving you links to what others have written, as the
doctrines of grace have been worked through by far greater men than I, and I beg you to do some
reading. I’m really not sure you’ve read any of what I’ve written above in earlier comments, let alone
followed any of the links. It is a long comments page though, so I can understand if you’ve missed some.
Call me naive if you like, but I just don’t see this the way you do. If you read the material I read, and see
it from my perspective (which is NOT how people who oppose it keep presenting it), you’ll see the lies
you’ve been told for what they are.
Anything that isn’t done in an attitude of grace and love should be viewed with suspicion, so I
understand your reticence given your past experiences, but if you want to dialog on this I need to ask
you to make an effort to get educated on the position you’re opposing. At the moment what you’re
presenting is vehement opposition to something I don’t even recognize.
By the way, let’s be careful not to engage in unnecessary insults like the “silver tongue” comment. This is
how I talk and write. This is who I am.
If you want to tilt at windmills, well I suppose it’s up to Pastor Burnett as to what he allows here.
seekerman says:
Jeffrey Dahmer’s actions were willed into existence by God, via the circumstances it created, because it
ultimately brought glory to God.
I mean eating a human rib showed all of us, who’s sitting on the throne!
seekerman says:
Of course I don’t believe any of what I posted above, about God, rather I’m proving a point here.
seekerman says:
I’ve said enough. You guys can have this topic back. I know what I’ve said was harsh and a little too raw
for some folks, but what has been said, needed to be said.
Again, I will move on, and not bother anyone, anymore, unless moved by the Holy Spirit…
God bless…
seekerman says:
Michael, how long have you been a reformed/Calvinist? Are you telling me that you haven’t run across
the type of folks I’m describing? Why is it that I have? The very first encounters I had with folks on your
side of the aisle, presented the information I claim they believe.
I’ve been on their websites, and debated some reformed/calvinist associates in real life, and they
ultimately affirm what I claim they teach, and imply that I ought to go get with the program. I find it
highly suspicious that you’ve been able to avoid these people, and come out unscathed, when all I’ve
been running into-until recently, I must confess-are the Calvinist/reformed types I’m talking about.
And yes, I’ve read some of your earlier links, and it still draws me back to the same conclusion,
concerning what your side of the aisle ultimately believes. That’s why I keep using terms like Calvinist
lite, or Reformed lite, because to me, the information contained within those links have the net effect of
what these other Calvinists/reformed folks are saying-who come raw, hard, and unadulterated.
To me, the links you provide are just public relations type of information that is layered with theo babble
and filibusters, before inevitably hitting upon the points your other brethren, from your side of aisle,
believe in.
Maybe I’ve been dealing with too many black reformed types, who were possessed with a hyper zeal for
their newly acquired belief system, because it made them feel “special,” and loved of God, more so than
those other folks over there (read my brief statement on the religious experience of black folks in this
country), to where they misrepresented their views wrongly. And mind you, I’m giving you and your side
the benefit of the doubt by saying this.
All I know is that the belief system they put forth to me, and all of the teachings they put out there,
which I have faithfully recorded, is of the devil.
And yes, I’ve been told that my free will beliefs are heretical, and that I’m not truly saved, and if I am,
the inference was that I was somehow a second class christian. I was also told that if I spoke in tongues,
that just babble that doesn’t mean anything, or a sign of demonic possession.
Trust me, I use to debate these cats with mountains of scripture, so intensely, to where some folks
thought I was faking it, but came to realize that in the end, I was merely casting my pearls before swine.
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
Michael said:
“but if you want to dialog on this I need to ask you to make an effort to get educated on the position
you’re opposing. At the moment what you’re presenting is vehement opposition to something I don’t
even recognize.”
You may not recognize it-so you say (I find it strange that others outside your circle, and within your
circle, recognize it) but it doesn’t mean it isn’t out there, coming from your side of the aisle. In other
words, I am “educated on the position” I’m “opposing.” And I am presenting and targeting that position
well, despite the spin.
seekerman says:
Okay Michael, even though I don’t believe in the spin you’re presenting (it’s foolish and arrogant to
believe that the only reason why I don’t believe in reformed theology, is because I don’t understand it; I
understand what you’re trying to say, and what those reformed lite folks are trying to say-I simply don’t
agree with it), have you guys, who believe in a gentler, kinder reformed/calvinist theology-ever called
the folks I, and Pastor Burnette have implicitly called out? We’re not just making this stuff up out of thin
With that said, I am familiar with your arguments as well, coming from, what I call, the reformed lite
side, but again, I just don’t agree with them. Now, if you want to say that your spin on reformed
theology is the proper theology, and representation (even if I still don’t agree with it), then that’s one
thing, but to deny, and/or sit passively by, and not rebuke and admonish those of your ilk out there, who
put forth the teachings I highlighted, makes your attempt at dialogue with me, highly suspicious-for I’ve
dealt with your kind before (rebuke the actions of their hyper Calvinist brethren to you, but will not
confront them to them personally, face to face).
Again, I said that I will read your links, again, and reconsider your side again, but you should also be
mature enough to realize that despite the fact that I may re-read your information, and understand your
information-I will not necessarily agree with the information.
seekerman says:
Michael said:
“Nobody I know or read or listen to believes or teaches any of that. NOT IN THOSE WORDS (emphasis
seekerman says:
“Now, if you want to say that your spin on reformed theology is the proper theology, and representation
(even if I still don’t agree with it), then that’s one thing, but to deny, and/or sit passively by, and not
rebuke and admonish those of your ilk out there, who put forth the teachings I highlighted, makes your
attempt at dialogue with me, highly suspicious-for I’ve dealt with your kind before (rebuke the actions of
their hyper Calvinist brethren to you, but will not CONFRONT THEM PERSONALLY, face to face).”
seekerman says:
It appears as if some Calvinist/reformed lite types, want to interpret God’s sovereignty as God willing
everything into existence, regardless of how “uncomfortable” it sounds, but once you follow that logic,
to its’ logical conclusion, then one can easily say that God is the author of sin. But when you say this-
they go berserk, instead of owning up to it.
If God wills everything into existence, regardless of the perfect and permissive will dichotomy, it then
stands to reason that God authorized and preordained every act, whether it is good, or bad, based on
reformed folks view of sovereignty.
In other words, he set up the circumstances, or climate, or atmosphere, for a Charles Manson, for
example. And if he set up the circumstance, or climate, or atmosphere for a Charles Manson, according
to his (God) will, then he must have, by default, approved of those actions taken by Charles Manson.
How so you ask? Well, if it weren’t for God, according to the reformers, Manson wouldn’t have had the
will to commit the heinous acts he perpetrated, if God hadn’t given it to him. In other words, it was God
who guided and ultimately inspired Manson, to do what he did, not Manson. But yet, God isn’t
responsible, Manson and his followers are, right? Is this the gist of it, once you take away the layers?
Okay, let’s say that God doesn’t approve of the actions Manson performed, will reformed lite types
admit that God’s will set up the circumstances that led to Manson’s actions, according to their theology?
seekerman says:
And if God set up the circumstances that led to Manson’s actions, according to reformed theology,
again-what is this ultimately saying about the God of reformed theology?
Again, I do believe that God preordains some actions, based on his foreknowledge, and real time
circumstances, so that these actions can give him glory. And I do believe that some actions caused by
the free will choice of human beings that was meant for no good, can, due to God’s sovereignty-be
restructured for God’s glory.
But I don’t believe that every act of sinful man, was preordained and willed into existence by God, to
where certain human beings wouldn’t have had the druthers, the desire, or the will, to commit certain
acts-whether they were good or evil-if God hadn’t implanted, or initiated the thought, the motivation,
the desire, the choice and the actions.
And you’re right; this view of God’s sovereignty is “uncomfortable,” and unsettling.
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
June 8, 2010 at 9:04 pm
I know I said I was through, but I feel I was led here. This is one man’s experience with a Calvinist, which
has been similar to mine own experiences, as well as the experiences of others. We all can’t be lying.
Check it out:
“In my analysis the error that promulgates the other errors is the predestinarians weak view of the
sovereignty of God. They believe that God is sovereign but not to the point where He can allow man to
have a free will but must FOREORDAIN ALL THAT OCCURS. Sproul (AS IN R.C. SPROUL, FAMOUS
REFORMED THEOLOGIAN) goes on to make a very ARROGANT comment (you don’t say?)that if you do
not believe that God has foreordained all things “then you are basically an ATHEIST.” I was highly
offended that because of his weak view of sovereignty, causing him to not recognize God’s ability to give
man a free will and yet still maintain His sovereignty, that he would call everyone else an atheist. His
it is the exact opposite. The proper view and stronger view of the sovereignty of God is one in which
seekerman says:
seekerman says:
Michael says:
Thanks for the link, I’ll have a look at that and read it in context. Thank you for what seems to be a
willingness to interact on a level of mutual respect in Christ, let’s continue as much as possible in that
atmosphere of brothers learning together.
I might try something I’ve not done before, I will number my paragraphs, which might make it easier for
you to reference my comments if you’d like to respond. Let’s see if that’s useful or not.
1. Let me clarify one thing – I certainly have met those kind of Calvinists, and I certainly rebuke them. I
should have been clearer – I “know of” people who think that way but I don’t know them personally
because I choose not to associate with them. It’s one reason I choose not to attend a certain hyper-
Calvinist church in my area, because I believe them to be indolent *preventers* of evangelism,
withholding the Gospel and engaging in zero outreach, which is absolutely an invalid and indefensible
position scripturally. So I didn’t mean I haven’t met any like that, I was just expressing sadness that
those are the only type you’ve met.
2. Leading on from that, my comment “not in those words” relates to the reading and listening I’ve done
that does not come to those conclusions. It is a pointer to my sense of righteous outrage at those people
in point 1, for twisting a theology that I understand to be a driver for evangelism, that should be a
source of *humble* joy and spur a desire to share that with as many people as possible.
3. How long have I believed this? About four years. I was firmly against it but my faith was based on very
little personal interaction with the scriptures. This is why I feel compelled to interact with discussions
like this, because I see most of my own previous objections in what you’re stating above. I could give
you another one that hasn’t come up yet!
4. I apologize if you got the impression I was saying the only reason you don’t believe my position is
because you don’t understand it. Indeed, that would be foolish and arrogant! What I was trying to say
was that your understanding appears to be driven more by what people have said to you or how you’ve
interacted with people on the internet, which may not be the best way to come to an understanding of
a theology. Certainly it’s a good way of seeing the worst of mankind’s inherent fallen nature, but what I
was getting at is that I’d like you to expand your reading beyond websites like the one you’ve linked to
above, and pursue original source material from respected theologians where you can read and
appreciate the entirety of the presentation in context (such as the John Owen work – but that’s some
serious reading). Does that make sense?
5. Let me try something else that’s a bit different. Could you please share with me your understanding of
Romans 9:1-13? (we will look at the whole chapter but we don’t need to try to tackle it all at once). Just
tell me what that section says to you. I’m genuinely interested in your perspective, I’m not trying to set
you up. Don’t make your response about me, or what you think I’m wrong about, I just want to
understand what you think when you read that passage, so I’d appreciate it if you could take the time to
share your thoughts. Pastor Burnett, feel free to give your perspective, as I couldn’t find anything in your
article speaking to Romans 7-9. This isn’t the verse warfare method, where we carpet bomb each other
with proof texts, but an interest in seeing more of your heart for God in your understanding of passages
of scripture. Feel free to refer to commentaries or external websites if you feel you’ve found something
written by someone else that adequately represents your interpretation of the text.
6. I’m a pretty reasonable guy, I don’t usually get overly excitable, so if something seems to you to be
offensive or confrontational, it’s more likely I haven’t expressed myself well, so please confirm that I
meant what you think I meant before getting excited about it. 🙂 There’s a great quote from Oscar Wilde:
“A gentleman never offends … unintentionally”. Sometimes the things we say will offend others and
there’s nothing we can do about it, but I believe we can be offended yet graciously agree to disagree
without losing sight of our Savior.
dunamis2 says:
I did a post on the Limited Atonement issue that seems to come up as a result of this post quite often.
Fro reading the dialogue, that’s a major part of the problem here.
It can be found HERE. Thanks and please continue the commentary and feel free to comment on the
other also.
seekerman says:
I don’t interpret Romans 7 through 9 the way you interpret, but just the opposite, in light of the
scriptures that clarify the topic of election, from where I’m coming from, as well as where the totality of
scripture hangs.
With that said, I will, as I did your links, go back over Romans 7 through 9, and will come back at you
with questions, or statements.
In the meantime, here are some links you may want to check out, that contains information you may
prayerfully want to consider (the information you will read from these links, may assist you in looking at
Romans 7 through 9, from a different perspective):
seekerman says:
I will, as I did your links, go back over Romans 7 through 9, and will come back at you with questions, or
statements. Now having said that-I don’t interpret Romans 7 through 9 the way you interpret, but just
the opposite, in light of the scriptures that clarify the topic of election, from where I’m coming from, as
well as where the totality of scripture hangs.
In the meantime, here are some links you may want to check out, that contains information you may
prayerfully want to consider (the information you will read from these links, may assist you in looking at
Romans 7 through 9, from a different perspective):
seekerman says:
Michael, here are some good links to check out, and prayerfully consider:
I’ll reread over Romans 7 through 9, even though I now interpret those chapters from the perspective of
someone possessing free will and there being unlimited atonement. Hopefully the links I’ve provided
can prayerfully have you look at those chapters from a new perspective.
Michael says:
Thanks for those links, I’ll have a look at them. Like I said above, we can take this slowly, just a few
verses at a time, so my question above about Rom 9:1-13 can be a starting point. I’m interested in
hearing *your* take on those verses, I really want to see where you’re at with your own understanding.
Paul N says:
I believe one should look at scripture and not be biased by a set of beliefs. To me that is very dangerous
as you feel compelled to believe that you must believe the whole in order to be of that group.