Sales Dashboard

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Product Name (empty)

Cello Pen
Print Paper
Total Result
Order Date Product Code Product Name Price/Unit Basic Price Month Region Area
4/1/2022 PC019 Dettol 50 55 Jan East Assam
4/2/2022 PC001 Lux 15 20 Jan West Gujarat
4/3/2022 PC003 Cello Pen 12 15 Jan North J&K
4/4/2022 PC043 Print Paper 150 160 Jan South Karnataka
4/5/2022 PC021 Pepsodent 50 60 Jan East Meghalaya
4/6/2022 PC019 Dettol 50 55 Feb West Rajesthan
4/7/2022 PC001 Lux 15 20 Feb North HP
4/8/2022 PC003 Cello Pen 12 15 Feb South Kerala
4/9/2022 PC043 Print Paper 150 160 Feb East Manipur
4/10/2022 PC021 Pepsodent 50 60 Feb West Rajesthan
4/11/2022 PC019 Dettol 50 55 Mar North Punjab
4/12/2022 PC001 Lux 15 20 Mar South TN
4/13/2022 PC003 Cello Pen 12 15 Mar East Nagaland
4/14/2022 PC043 Print Paper 150 160 Mar West Gujarat
4/15/2022 PC021 Pepsodent 50 60 Mar North Uttaranchal
4/16/2022 PC019 Dettol 50 55 Apr South AP
4/17/2022 PC001 Lux 15 20 Apr East Tripura
4/18/2022 PC003 Cello Pen 12 15 Apr West Maharastra
4/19/2022 PC043 Print Paper 150 160 Apr North Delhi
4/20/2022 PC021 Pepsodent 50 60 Apr South TN
4/21/2022 PC019 Dettol 50 55 Jun East Tripura
4/22/2022 PC001 Lux 15 20 Jun West Maharastra
4/23/2022 PC003 Cello Pen 12 15 Jun North Punjab
4/24/2022 PC043 Print Paper 150 160 Jun South AP
4/25/2022 PC021 Pepsodent 50 60 Jun East Arunachal Pradesh
4/26/2022 PC019 Dettol 50 55 Jul West Rajesthan
4/27/2022 PC001 Lux 15 20 Jul North HP
4/28/2022 PC003 Cello Pen 12 15 Jul South Kerala
4/29/2022 PC043 Print Paper 150 160 Jul East Manipur
4/30/2022 PC021 Pepsodent 50 60 Jul West Rajesthan
Territory Agent Units Sold Sales Value Commission Profit
Dispur ABC 2000 110000 5500 4500
Vadodara GTC 1000 20000 1000 4000
Jammu JKTC 1200 18000 900 2700
Bangalore KATC 1250 200000 10000 2500
Shillong MTC 1300 78000 3900 9100 Go to Dashboard
Bikaner RTC 1350 74250 3712.5 3037.5
Simla HPTC 1400 28000 1400 5600
Kochi KETC 9000 135000 6750 20250
Imphal MATC 800 128000 6400 1600
Ajmer RTC 1700 102000 5100 11900
Amrithsar PTC 650 35750 1787.5 1462.5
Chennai TNTC 780 15600 780 3120
Kohima NTC 820 12300 615 1845
Ahmedabad GTC 780 124800 6240 1560
Nanital UTC 850 51000 2550 5950
Hyderabad APTC 980 53900 2695 2205
Agarthala TTC 900 18000 900 3600
Mumbai MHTC 656 9840 492 1476
Delhi DTC 985 157600 7880 1970
Trichy TNTC 658 39480 1974 4606
Agarthala TRTC 657 36135 1806.75 1478.25
Nasik MHTC 895 17900 895 3580
Kapurthala PTC 856 12840 642 1926
Warangal APTC 985 157600 7880 1970
Itanagar ARTC 658 39480 1974 4606
Jaipur RTC 896 49280 2464 2016
Manali HPTC 577 11540 577 2308
Kollam KETC 987 14805 740.25 2220.75
Bishnupur MATC 897 143520 7176 1794
Jaipur RTC 852 51120 2556 5964
Product Name Total_Sales Productwise Sales
Cello Pen 202785
Dettol 359315
Lux 111040
Pepsodent 361080 1750000
Print Paper 911520 1250000 Total_Sales
Total Result 1945740 1945740
278820 250000 202785 359315 111040 361080
Cello Dettol Lux Pepso- Print Total
Pen dent Paper Result

To- 202785 359315 111040 361080 911520 194574

tal 0
ales This shape represents a Go to Dashboard
slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
Total_Sales or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
1520 slicer cannot be used.

nt Total
er Result

520 194574 This shape represents a

0 slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.
Month Sum of Commission Monthwise Commission
Apr 13941 16000
Total Result 13941
14000 13941 13941


Sum of Commiss




Apr Total Result

Go to Dashboard

This shape represents a

Sum of Commission slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.
Region Sum of Sales Value
East 565435 Regionwise Sales
West 449190
North 314730 East; 565435
South 616385
Total Result 1945740
West; 449190 West
Total Result; South
1945740 Total Resul

North; 314730

South; 616385
Go to Dashboard

East This shape represents a

West; 449190 West slicer. Slicers are supported
North in Excel 2010 or later.
Total Result If the shape was modified in
an earlier version of Excel,
North; 314730 or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.
Product Name Sum of Units Sold Productwise Unit Sold
Cello Pen 13519
Dettol 6533 Cello Pen;
Lux 5552
Cello Pen
Pepsodent 6018 Dettol
Print Paper 5697 Lux
Total Result 37319 Pepsodent
Total Result; Print Paper
37319 Total Result
Dettol; 6533
Print Paper; Lux; 5552
This shape represents a
slicer. Slicers are supported
nit Sold in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in Go to Dashboard

9 an earlier version of Excel,
Cello Pen or if the workbook was saved
Dettol in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
Lux slicer cannot be used.
Print Paper
Total Result
ettol; 6533
This shape represents a
slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.
Total Sales Total Profit Total Commission Total Unit Sold

9840 33533.5 492 656

Productwise Sales

This shape represents a 1250000 Total_Sales
slicer. Slicers are supported
KPI1 750000
in Excel 2010 or later. 250000 202785 359315 111040 361080
Cello Dettol Lux Pepso- Print Total
If the shape was modified in Pen dent Paper Result
an earlier version of Excel, or KPI2
To 20278 35931 11104 36108 91152 19457
if the workbook was saved in tal 5 5 0 0 0 40
Excel 2003 or earlier, the _S
slicer cannot be used. KPI3 s

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later. KPI4 Regionwise Sales
If the shape was modified in Data East;
an earlier version of Excel, or 565435
if the workbook was saved in East
Excel 2003 or earlier, the West; West
slicer cannot be used. 449190
Total South
1945740 Total Result
Timeline: Works in Excel 2013 or higher. Do
not move or resize. North;

Sales Dashboard
Productwise Sales
2000000 1945740
1000000 911520
al 500000
ult 359315 361080
202785 111040
57 n l x nt er t
Pe tto Lu ul
ll o De ode Pap es
ps t l R
Ce Pe in ta
Pr To

Productwise Unit Sold

Cello Pen; 13519

East Cello Pen

West Dettol
North Lux
South Pepsodent
Total Result Total Result; Print Paper
37319 Total Result
Dettol; 6533

Print Paper; Lux; 5552

Pepsodent; 6018
Total Sales Total Profit Total Commission Total Unit Sold

9840 33533.5 492 656

Productwise Sales

East KPI1 10000

9840 Total
West 5000

North KPI2 0
Cello Pen
South Total 9840
Product Name

Cello Pen KPI4

Regionwise Sales
Print Paper

Order Date West

All Periods YEARS

West, 9840
tal Unit Sold

Sales Dashboard
e Sales Productwise Sales

10000 9840
Total Total

Cello Pen

e Sales Productwise Unit Sold

Cello Pen, Cello Pen
Order Date Sum of Profit
4/1/2022 4500 140000
4/2/2022 4000 100000
4/3/2022 2700 80000
60000 Sum of Profit This shape represents a
4/4/2022 2500 40000 slicer. Slicers are supported
4/5/2022 9100 20000 in Excel 2010 or later.
4/6/2022 3037.5 2 5 8 1 4 7 0 3 6 9 lt
65 65 65 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 su If the shape was modified in
4/7/2022 5600 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 l Re
an earlier version of Excel,
4/8/2022 20250 To or if the workbook was saved
4/9/2022 1600 in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
4/10/2022 11900 slicer cannot be used.
Timeline: Works in Excel 2013 or higher. Do not move
4/11/2022 1462.5 or resize.
4/12/2022 3120
4/13/2022 1845
4/14/2022 1560
4/15/2022 5950
4/16/2022 2205
4/17/2022 3600
4/18/2022 1476
4/19/2022 1970
4/20/2022 4606
4/21/2022 1478.25
4/22/2022 3580
4/23/2022 1926
4/24/2022 1970
4/25/2022 4606
4/26/2022 2016
4/27/2022 2308
4/28/2022 2220.75
4/29/2022 1794
4/30/2022 5964
Total Result 120845
Go to Dashboard
This shape represents a
slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later. This shape represents a
slicer. Slicers are supported
If the shape was modified in in Excel 2010 or later.
an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved If the shape was modified in
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the an earlier version of Excel,
slicer cannot be used. or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

This shape represents a

slicer. Slicers are supported
in Excel 2010 or later.

If the shape was modified in

an earlier version of Excel,
or if the workbook was saved
in Excel 2003 or earlier, the
slicer cannot be used.

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