Xii CH 13 Nuclei
Xii CH 13 Nuclei
Xii CH 13 Nuclei
27. The binding energies per nucleon for a deutron and an α- particle are x1 and x2 respectively. The
energy Q released in reaction
1H² + 1H² → 2He4 + Q is
(a) 4 (x1 + x2)
(b) 4 (x1 – x2)
(c) 2 (x1 + x2)
(d) 2 (X1 – x2).
28. In nuclear reaction, there is conservation of
(a) mass only
(b) energy only
(c) momentum only
(d) mass, energy and momentum
29. Control rods used in nuclear reactors are made of
(a) stainless steel
(b) graphite
(c) cadmium
(d) plutonium
30. The nuclear radius is of the order of
(a) 10–10 m
(b) 10–6 m
(c ) 10–12 m
(d) 10–14 m
31. 1. The wavelength of the first line of balmer series is 6563 A0.The Rydberg constant for hydrogen
is about
a. 1.09x107 per m
b. 1.09x108 per m
c. 1.09x109 per m
d. 1.09x105 per m
32. 2. The angular momentum of electron in nth orbit is given by
a. nh
b. n/2πn
c. nh/2π
d. n2h/2π
34. 4. Which of the following transitions in a hydrogen atom emits the photon of highest frequency?
a. n =2 to n = 6
b. n =6 to n = 2
c. n =1 to n = 2
d. n =2 to n = 1
35. 5. when an electron jumps from the fourth orbit to the second orbit, one gets the
a. Second line of Paschen series
b. Second line of Balmer series
c. first line of Pfund series
d. Second line of Lyman series
37. 1. In the nuclear reaction 116𝐶 → 5𝐵 + 𝛽+ + 𝑋
a. An electron
b. A proton
c. A neutron
d. A neutrino
12. Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 27 : 125. What is the ratio of their nuclear radii?
1. Using Bohr’s postulates for hydrogen atom, show that the total energy(E) of the electron in the
stationary states can be expressed as the sum of kinetic energy(K) and potential energy(U),where
K=-1/2U.Hence deduce the expression for the total energy in the nth energy level of hydrogen atom.
2. Distinguish between nuclear fission and fusion.Show how in both these processes energy is
Calculate the energy release in MeV in the deuterium-tritium fusion reaction :
2H 3 + 3H 4He + n
1 1→ 2
Using the data :
m(2H1) = 2.014102 u, m(3H1)= 3.016049 u,
m(4He2) = 4.002603 u, m(n) = 1.008665 u,
1u = 931.5 MeV/c2
3. Write shortcomings of Rutherford atomic model. Explain how these were overcome by the
postulates of Bohr's atomic model.
1. Analyse the graph and explain, at what distance the repulsion is stronger and at what distance we
will be observe attraction?
2. What can be concluded about the nature of nuclear force?
On the basis of the graph explain what observations and conclusions can be drawn regarding an atom.
6. Calculate the shortest wavelength of the spectral lines emitted in Balmer series. (Rydberg constant =
7. Calculate the energy released in MeV in the following nuclear reaction:
8. (a) The mass of a nucleus in its ground state is always less than the total mass of its constituents –
neutrons and protons. Explain.
(b) Plot a graph showing the variation of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their
9. (a) Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their separation.
(b) Write two important conclusions which you can draw regarding the nature of nuclear forces.
10. Write any three characteristic properties of nuclear force.
11. Calculate the wavelength associated with the electron revolving in the first excited state in hydrogen
atom. The ground state energy of the hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV.
12. Write shortcoming of Rutherford atomic model. Explain how these were overcome by the postulates
of Bohr’s atomic model.
1. The fact that more neutrons are produced in fission than are consumed gives the possibility of a chain
reaction with each neutron that is produced triggering another fission. The chain reaction is
uncontrolled and rapid in a nuclear bomb explosion. It is controlled and steady in a nuclear reactor. In
a reactor, the value of the neutron multiplication factor k is maintained at 1.
In fusion, lighter nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus. Fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium
nuclei is the source of energy of all stars including our sun.
1. Why is the energy released during both fission and fusion process?
2. Why is it difficult to make nuclear fusion reactors?
2. The Rutherford nuclear model of the atom which involves classical concepts, pictures the atom as an
electrically neutral sphere consisting of a very small, massive and positively charged nucleus at the
centre surrounded by the revolving electrons in their respective dynamically stable orbits. The
electrostatic force of attraction, Fe, between the revolving electrons and the nucleus provides the
requisite centripetal force (Fc) to keep them in their orbits. Thus, for a dynamically stable orbit in a
hydrogen atom
Fe = Fc
The kinetic energy (K) and electrostatic potential energy (U) of the electron in hydrogen atom are
𝑒² 𝑒²
K= 8𝜋𝜀₀𝑟 and U= - 4𝜋𝜀₀𝑟
E= K+U= - 8𝜋𝜀₀𝑟
1. The total ground state energy of any hydrogen atom is -13.6eV then what is the (i) total energy, (ii)
kinetic energy and (iii) potential energy in the first excited state?
2. The ground state of an atom is -13.6eV. What do the negative sign signify?
3. a) The mass of a nucleus in its ground state is always less than the total mass of its
constituents – neutrons and protons. Explain.
b) Plot a graph showing the variation of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of
their separation.
4. Using the curve for the binding energy per nucleon as a function of mass number A, state clearly
how the release of energy in the processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion can be explained.
1 1. Draw a plot of binding energy per nucleons as a function of mass number A.
2. With the help of the graph highlight the salient features of the curve.
Observe the graph carefully and explain the constancy of binding energy per nucleon curve for the
range 30<A<170.
2 (i) Define the term ‘mass defect’ of a nucleus. How is it related with its binding energy?
(ii) Determine the Q-value of the following reaction:
If both the number of protons and neutrons in a nuclear reaction is conserved, in what way is mass
converted into energy (or vice versa)? Explain giving one example
1. d
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. a
10. a
11. (a) 6557 Ȧ
12. (c)4En
13. (d)122.4eV
14. (a)is not important because nuclear forces are short-ranged
15. (b)M=mproton + melectron – B/c2(B=13.6 eV)
16. (c)Mass
17. (c)2/3
18. (c)8 MeV
19. (b)e2/2r
20. (b)e2/2r
21. (d) Mass defect = B.E./c2
Mass of nucleus = Mass of proton + mass of neutron – mass defect
22. (d) energy which binds nucleons together
23. (b) is very stable
24. (d) Extremely high temps needed for fusion make K.E. large enough to overcome repulsion between
25. (c) Moderator slows down neutrons.
26. b) Binding energy per nucleon
27. (b) 4 (x1 – x2)
28. (d) mass, energy and momentum.
29. (c ) cadmium
30. (d) 10–14 m
31. (a) 1.07x 107 per metre
32. (c) nh/2π
33. (a) 5:9
34. (c) n=6 to n= 2
35. (b) second line of Balmer series
36. (d) liquid drop model of nucleus
37. (d) neutrino
38. (c) 8 MeV
39. (c) mass
40. (c) 1:2:3
1 1. mass defect
2. ΔM= (16.12744 - 15.99493)= 0.13251u= 0.13251×931.5 MeV/c2= 123.43MeV/c2
ΔEb= ΔMc2= 123.43MeV
2 Nuclear density= 3/(4πr03)
3 Gold is highly malleable and the mass of gold atom is more than that of alpha particle
In hydgrogen foil alpha particle will not bounce back as mass of the hydrogen atom is less than the
alpha particle.
4 Ionization energy is the energy required to free an electron from the ground state to infinity = E ∞-
E1=0-(-13.6/12)=13.6 eV and the ionization potential will be 13.6 V.[Energy =qV,13.6eV=eV]
5 In case, the total mass energy of the decay products is less than the mass energy of the original
nuclide;(Q value of the process is positive)the energy is liberated.
Though the number of nucleons is same, it is their mass that gets converted into the energy.
6 The following are the two characteristics of nuclear forces :
(i)Nuclear forces are the strongest forces in nature.
(ii)Nuclear forces depend on spin or angular momentum of nuclei.
B.E. per nucleon decreases with increase in mass number as electrostatic repulsion increases due to
increase in number of protons and nucleus becomes less stable.
8 Neutrons produced during fission get slowed if they collide with a nucleus of the same mass. As
ordinary water contains hydrogen atoms (of mass nearly that of neutrons), so it can be used as a
moderator. But it absorbs neutrons at a fast rate via reaction :
Here d is deutron. To overcome this difficulty, heavy water is used as a moderator which has
negligible cross-section for neutron absorption.
2. Nuclear fission :The breaking of a heavy nucleus into two or more lighter nuclei is called nuclear
Nuclear Fusion : The joining of two lighter nuclei to form a heavy nucleus is called nuclear fusion.
In nuclear fission and fusion both, the binding energy per nucleon of the daughter nuclei is more
than that of the parent nuclei. The difference in binding energy is released in the form of energy.
This is due to conversion of some mass into energy.
The energy released in the reaction is calculated as :
Q= [m(2H1)+m(3H1)-m(4He2)-m(n)]x 931.5MeV
Q= [2.014102+3.016049-4.002603-1.008665]x931.5MeV
Q= 0.018883x931.5MeV=17.59 MeV
3. Two important limitations of Rutherford model are:
i) According to Rutherford model, electron orbiting around the nucleus, continuously radiates
energy due to the acceleration; hence the atom will not remain stable.
2) As electron spirals inwards, its angular velocity and frequency change continuously, therefore it
should emit a continuous spectrum. But an atom like hydrogen always emits a discrete line
(1) Bohr stated that negatively charged electrons revolve around positively charged nucleus in
certain orbits called stationary orbits. The electrons does not radiate energy when in stationary
(2) The quantum of energy is released or absorbed when an electron jumps from one orbit to
4. a) Repulsion at r<r0; Attraction at r>r0
b) Nuclear force is short range force (or any other salient feature of nuclear force)
5. Observations and conclusions of Rutherford’s alpha scattering experiment.
6. 1 1 1
= R[𝑛₁ - 𝑛₂], n1= 2 & n2= ∞; λ= 4000 Å
8. (a) When nucleons approach each other to form a nucleus, they strongly attract each other. Their
potential energy decreases and becomes negative. It is this potential energy which holds the
nucleons together in the nucleus. The decrease in’ potential energy results in the decrease in the
mass of the nucleons inside the nucleus.
9. (a) Nuclear force between two nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance is more than a few
femtometres. This explains constancy of the binding energy per nucleon for large-size nucleus.
(b) Graph explains that force is attractive for distances larger than 0.8 fin and repulsive for distances
less than 0.8 fm.
10. The following are the three characteristics properties----
(a) Nuclear force is a short range force
(b) Nuclear forces show the saturation effect.
(c) Nuclear forces are charge independent.
11. −13.6
In the first excited state (n=2), 𝐸2 = 22 𝑒𝑉
𝐾. 𝐸. = 22 𝑒𝑉
= 3.4 eV= 3.4 x 1.6x10-19 J
𝜆2 =
𝜆2 = √2∗10−31
= 0.6663x10-9 m
= 6.663𝐴0
12. The Rutherford’s models suffers from several difficulties. The revolving electrons which are
constantly accelerated towards the centre, must continuously emit electromagnetic radiation
according to classical theory. Hence they should describe paths of less and less radii and ultimately
fall into the nucleus. Further in the Rutherford’s model the electron can revolve in orbits of all
possible radii and so they should emit continuous radiation of all frequencies. But the experimental
fact is that atoms like hydrogen emit line spectra of only certain fixed frequencies.
Bohr suggested that the stability of the atom and the emission of sharp spectral lines could both be
explained by applying Planck’s quantum theory of the atom. He proposed that-----
(i) An electron can move only in those orbits for which the angular momentum is an integral multiple
of h/2π (mvr = nh/2π).
(ii) The electron does not emit radiation while moving in the orbit in spite of its accelerated motion.
Hence atom is stable.
(iii) A quantum of energy called photon is emitted when an electron jumps from an orbit of higher
energy to an orbit of lower energy. Hence the emitted spectrum has fixed frequencies.
Bohr’s postulates though successful, were arbitrary without physical interpretation.
4. (a) Nuclear fission : Binding energy per nucleon is smaller for heavier nuclei than the middle
ones i.e. heavier nuclei are less stable. When a heavier nucleus splits into the lighter nuclei,
the B.E./nucleon changes (increases) from about 7.6 MeV to 8.4 MeV. Greater binding
energy of the product nuclei results in the liberation of energy. This is what happens in
nuclear fission which is the basis of the atom bomb.
(b) Nuclear fusion : The binding energy per nucleon is small for light nuclei, i.e., they are less
stable. So when two light nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, the higher binding
energy per nucleon of the latter results in the release of energy.
2. (i) the binding energy per nucleon, Ebn, is practically constant, i.e. practically independent of the
atomic number for nuclei of middle mass number ( 30 < A < 170). The curve has a maximum of
about 8.75 MeV for A = 56 and has a value of 7.6 MeV for A = 238.
(ii) Ebn is lower for both light nuclei (A<30) and heavy nuclei (A>170).
3. The constancy of the binding energy in the range 30 < A < 170 is a consequence of the fact that
the nuclear force is short-ranged.
2 (i) The mass defect of a nucleus equals the difference between the total mass of its
constituents and the mass of the nucleus itself.
Explanation for release of energy in a nuclear reaction: Since proton number and neutron number
are conserved in a nuclear reaction, the total rest mass of neutrons and protons is the same on
either side of the nuclear reaction.
But total binding energy of nuclei on the left side need not be the same as that on the right-hand
side. The difference in binding energy causes a release of energy in the reaction.
Examples :