MRHD0001 multiFiltratePRO Sales Brochure
MRHD0001 multiFiltratePRO Sales Brochure
MRHD0001 multiFiltratePRO Sales Brochure
Supporting your clinical practice
Ci-Ca® multiIntenseCare
In discussions with CRRT users we often hear about • Treatment safety based on long-standing
increasing workload compression in the intensive experience
care unit (ICU) and we hear about their demand for Ci-Ca® as regional citrate anticoagulation
error-free and efficient use of resources. With the contributes to overall treatment safety by mini-
multiFiltratePRO Fresenius Medical Care aims to mizing bleeding risk. 1–3 A multitude of sensors
fulfil these requirements in the best way possible: continuously monitors the therapy. When the
multiFiltratePRO cannot correct a situation itself,
alarms display probable reasons to ease identifi-
cation of the root cause.
Focus on simple and effective therapy
Healthcare personnel in more than 30 countries have gained experience and benefited from Ci-Ca® citrate
anticoagulation during more than 500,000 treatment runs.
• Ci-Ca® Dialysate compositions well-concerted • With Ci-Ca® CVVHD the released filter lifetime
with the established 4% sodium citrate solution2, 6 of 72 hours is reached in most cases; making
filter changes a projectable activity 2, 4, 7
• Long-term proven Ci-Ca® protocol, building on
experience since 2004 2–10 • Three Ci-Ca® therapy options: Ci-Ca CVVHD,
Ci-Ca® postCVVHDF and Ci-Ca® EMiC®2
• Ci-Ca® module as integral part of
multiFiltratePRO • Ci-Ca® EMiC®2 uses an optimised haemofilter
enabling diffusive middle molecule clearance
• All involved pumps controlled via a single partly exceeding the level achieved with CVVH 11
user interface
clotting issues.” 2
The integrated Ci-Ca® anticoagulation with the
multiFiltratePRO carries forward intelligent links
Ci-Ca® Dialysate K2 / K4
Ci-Ca® Dialysate K2 / K4 P lus between the CRRT-pumps, for which the user does
not have to look up values manually in tables:
CaCl2 Solution
4% Na3
Citrate • If the filtrate flow is changed, the calcium pump is
Filtrate adjusted accordingly
Ci-Ca® CVVHD / Ci-Ca® EMiC®2:
Extracorporeal circuit with citrate anticoagulation In addition, the multiFiltratePRO supports the user
with expert information:
Due to reduced healthcare budgets, cost pressure • Up to 20 L fresh CRRT-fluid can be connected
is increasing. From this perspective the cost factors at a time resulting in long time intervals between
for the device (incl. service and repairs), disposables bag changes
(filters, solutions) and staff (nurses, physicians) are
decisive. • Lack of significant predilution results in efficient
use of the CRRT-fluids. Approx. 30% more
replacement fluid can be required in predilution
compared with to postdilution 12
The practical and economic advantages of the
Ci-Ca® therapy can be summarized as follows: • Taking all this together, minimised workload for
the staff allows an efficient patient-nurse relation
• Long filter patency, predominantly reaching 72 h,
reduces the number of kits required 2, 4, 7
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Schematic depiction of filter changes during CRRT treatment: heparin vs Ci-Ca® citrate anticoagulation
Reliable technology, reliable service
Fresenius Medical Care supports you from the initial Logistical service
implementation of your CRRT program to the point In case of order transactions or logistical manage-
of daily questions. If you need any help setting up a ment, the customer support is there to assist you.
treatment on the multiFiltratePRO, face a question
during an ongoing CRRT treatment or have any
questions in general, just call your local support hot-
line or Fresenius Medical Care representative.
Ci-Ca® multiIntenseCare
Fresenius Medical Care was the first to offer a The therapy circle symbolizes the complete
complete Ci-Ca® regional citrate anticoagulation. therapy range, combining products, therapy assis-
Ci-Ca® improves anticoagulation in CRRT and tance, training and education, and service support.
reduces the risk of bleeding complications.1–3
Ci-Ca® multiIntenseCare
The Pillars
Head office: Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH · 61346 Bad Homburg v. d. H. · Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 6172-609-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 6172-609-2191