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6.002 Circuits and Electronics

Homework #2 – Free Response Problems

Due: February 16, 2022 at 11:59 pm (Cambridge time)

YOUR NAME __________________________________________________________

KERBEROS ____________________________________________________________

General Instructions:

1. You are allowed to discuss general strategies for this homework with your
colleagues and the 6.002 staff, but you must submit your own independent
solutions to the problems.

2. Try to do all of your work in the space provided below. In particular, try to do your work
for each problem part within the boundaries of that part, or on additional pages appended
to the end of your uploaded solutions. If you use additional pages, clearly mark those
pages to indicate the problem part to which they relate. Finally, clearly circle or
otherwise indicate your final answer to each problem part.

3. These free response homework problems must be completed and uploaded by the
indicated date/time to receive credit.
6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response
Problem 2.1

This problem uses the browser-based 6.002 circuit simulator. The simulator can be
reached from the 6.002 website page The link
to the simulator is part way down the page in the section “7) Online circuit simulators”.

Within the simulator, click on the “?” in the upper left corner. This opens a page with
instructions. In summary, the following instruction subset should be adequate to complete
this problem.

• To add a component to the circuit, click on the component in the bin to the right, and
drag it onto the canvas. The component will be highlighted in green.
• To highlight a component already on the canvas, click on it. It will turn green.
• To delete a highlighted (green) component, type the “delete” or “backspace” key, or
click on the “Cut” button above the canvas to the left.
• To connect two components, either move them so that their terminals overlap, or
draw a wire between them. To draw a wire, click on the connection point that will be
one end of the wire, and then drag/draw the wire to the connection point that will be
the other end of the wire.
• To set a component value and name, double click on the component, and fill in the
pop-up box. The standard unit multipliers of p, n, u, m, k, M, and G, for pico, nano,
micro, milli, kilo, mega and giga, respectively, and so on may be used.
• At the bottom right of the component bin is a current probe that looks like a wire with
an arrow in the middle. Using it as a wire will cause the branch current to print during
the DC Analysis studied here.
• Finally, EVERY CIRCUIT MUST HAVE A GROUND to simulate properly.

Additionally, note that you can highlight sections of circuits by selecting them with a
bounding box drawn with a mouse. To do so, choose a corner location for the bounding
box, and then click and hold on that location. Dragging the mouse will then open the
bounding box with the mouse pointer at the location of the opposite corner. Releasing the
click highlights every component that is at least partially within the bounding box. Also,
note the copy and paste buttons above the canvas to the left. They too are useful.

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

(A) Draw the circuit shown below on the canvas, and the run a DC Analysis by clicking
on the “DC Simulation” button above the canvas. Cut and paste your simulation results
below the figure. (Note that because the circuit contains only one ground, no current
flows into the ground. In this case, the purpose of the ground is only to define 0 Volts.)

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

(B) How much power do the voltage and current sources produce individually? How
much power do the resistors dissipate collectively (not individually)?

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Voltage Source:
Current Source: l 5mW

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response
(C) Consider now the circuit shown below, which is identical to that shown above except
for the addition of a terminal pair. Determine the Thevenin equivalent of the new circuit
at its terminals. Cut and paste any new simulation results below the figure. Hint: to solve
this problem requires one more very simple simulation.



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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response
Problem 2.2

In view of your results above, what general loading principle can one apply to deliver the maximum
power to a load from a Thevenin equivalent characterized by VTH and RTH?

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response
Problem 2.3


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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

Problem 2.4
This problem is not due, and will not be graded. Nonetheless, please answer it
anyway so we can calibrate the difficulty of these problems. Approximately how long did it take
for you to complete this homework?

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6.002 Circuits and Electronics
Spring 2022 HW #2 – Free Response

(Page for extra work)

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