2024 JITI-23-01-15-2551-Tirta+Pratama-OK

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ISSN: 1412-6869 (Print), ISSN: 2460-4038 (Online)

Journal homepage: http://journals.ums.ac.id/index.php/jiti/index
doi: 10.23917/jiti.v23i1.2551

Development of Performance Monitoring Dashboard for Product

Packaging Manufacturer by using Waterfall Methodology
Difa Haq Jayadinata1a, Aditya Tirta Pratama1b, Tanika Dewi Sofianti1c
Abstract. Implementation of a robust and advanced management information system can enhance the
organizational efficiency by streamlining data management, improving decision-making processes, optimizing
resource allocation, and facilitating seamless communication across all departments. PT. MPM wanted to increase
organizational efficiency but discovered that the organization currently lacks an appropriate system for measuring
and monitoring the performance of its core processes. In this research, a business intelligence (BI) solution was used
to address the issue by developing a BI dashboard, i.e., sales performance dashboard and production performance
dashboard. The waterfall approach was used as the development framework and Google Data Studio was utilized for
developing the dashboard itself. The BI Dashboard offered clear and understandable information, pertinent and
accurate data, as well as an interactive user interface, so the implemented system aided the business in making
decisions or developing a business strategy. The BI Dashboard was evaluated through alpha and beta testing, and
the users were satisfied with the BI Dashboard with an average score of 82%.

Keywords: waterfall, google data studio, dashboard, business intelligence, management information system

In the face of ongoing alterations and

intricacies within the business landscape,
Business intelligence (BI), a kind of companies are compelled to expedite their
contemporary information technology, enables decision-making processes due to the evolving
businesses to collect, organize, and analyze data circumstances brought about by various
in both structured and unstructured forms (Lin et pressures. These decision-related endeavors
al., 2009; Nyblom et al., 2012). Thus, the field of demand substantial quantities of pertinent data,
information, expertise, and sagacity. Moreover, all
information technology is generally interested in
all aspects of the development, deployment, procedures within this framework must be
implementation, usage, and impact of executed with efficiency and proficiency, often
information technology in businesses and society necessitating computerized assistance (Turban et
(Boell & Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2015). What matters al., 2008).
in an information system is how technology is BI can be defined as an umbrella term that
spans people, processes and applications/tools to
applied and used to enable the fulfillment of an
information system that satisfies the information organize information, enable access to it and
demands and requirements of different analyze it to improve decisions and manage
stakeholders in respect to certain objectives and performance (Hostmann et al., 2009). BI’s main
practices (Lee, 2010). objective is to gain and accumulate business
knowledge and insights, to make better business
decisions, to make business operations more
effective, to improve business processes, to
1 Department of Industrial Engineering, Swiss German
promote business performances and to enhance
University, The Prominence Tower Tangerang, Indonesia, competitive advantages in the market (Lu, 2014).
15143. Additionally, according to (Gilad & Gilad,
1988), BI can be referred to as the processes,
email: difa.jayadinata@student.sgu.ac.id
organizational functions, and products. In other
b email: aditya.pratama@sgu.ac.id
c email: tanika.sofianti@sgu.ac.id words, BI is an activity carried out by BI

corresponding author employees to produce BI products. Instead of
pure programming, which requires substantial
Submited: 21-08-2023 Revised: 06-06-2024
knowledge and skill, BI systems today offer built-
Accepted: 15-06-2024

Jayadinata et al./ Development of Performance Monitoring Dashboard … JITI, Vol.23(1), Jun 2024, 151-161

in features for point-and-click data visualization monitoring performance, the top management
and analysis. These so-called management user ends up making decisions ineffectively, which
interfaces have boosted the number of users for reduces its competitiveness in relation to rivals.
BI systems and provided whole new information Therefore, this research attempts to provide a BI
management paradigms, like self-service BI. dashboard to help businesses monitor and
Meanwhile, the phrase "enterprise evaluate the performance of their critical
dashboard" is used by (Malik, 2005) to refer to a operations effectively and efficiently. This
computer interface that displays several charts, research is crucial for BI solutions through the
reports, visual indicators, and alarm systems on a development of a BI Dashboard for the
dynamic and pertinent platform. While (Orts, organization, particularly in the operations
2005) used the word "dashboard" to describe a department.
tool used to regularly monitor an organization.
Decision-makers may obtain data that can be II. RESEARCH METHOD
used to actively steer business performance by The waterfall methodology was chosen as
seeing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in a the approach for this research. Each activity will
single interface. A group of indicators known as be thoroughly described, along with a list of
key performance indicators (KPI) concentrate on
required tools. Dr. Winston W. Royce was the
the aspects of organizational performance that pioneer in introducing the waterfall methodology
are most important to the success of an as the inaugural approach in the software
organization (Parmenter, 2015). There is a helpful development lifecycle (SDLC) (Powell-Morse,
acronym for summarizing the fundamental 2016).The waterfall methodology, according to
features of an organizational dashboard, i.e., (Sherman, 2014), uses a sequential or linear
IMPACT (Interactive, More data history,
approach to software development. The project is
Personalized, Analytical, Collaborative, broken up into tasks, with phases being the
Trackability) and SMART (Synergetic, Monitor, highest-level grouping. A proper waterfall
Accurate, Responsive, Timely) (Malik, 2005). approach requires phases to be finished in order
Operational dashboards, tactical dashboards, and and to have clear exit criteria, frequently a project
strategic dashboards are the three categories into stakeholder sign-off. In the waterfall
which dashboards may be categorized based on
methodology, a necessity exists for thorough
the level of management they provide (Eckerson, definition and precise documentation, which
2006; Few, 2006). serves to prevent misunderstandings and
A great tool for producing attractive and communication gaps (Calvello, 2021). The
understandable data visualizations is Google Data waterfall methodology adheres to a
Studio (Snipes, 2018). As part of Google's predetermined sequence of stages, which can
premium Analytics360 package, Google Data result in the creation of anticipated timelines and
Studio was introduced in May 2016 and is a user-
guarantee the project's punctual completion (Van
friendly tool for presenting complicated data sets Der Merwe, 2017). The waterfall methodology
in an engaging and understandable way (Snipes, may be a suitable option for intricate projects
2018). characterized by clearly outlined requirements
PT. MPM is the case study for this research. It and unchanging timelines (Van Der Merwe, 2017).
is one firm that is interested in using BI solutions (Utami et al., 2023) used waterfall methodology
to enhance its operational performance. They are
for developing Yogyakarta web-based food recipe
a regional producer of packaging based in application and based on the test results using a
Indonesia, providing a wide range of products. An black box, the system created has functional
efficient and strong information system is crucial, features according to what is expected. SDLC
and BI solutions may be used to do this. waterfall methodology also used in development
Due to the lack of a suitable application of project management system and it can support
and/or system for properly assessing and

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

sources. The main method of data collection is

further divided into two groups, e.g., quantitative,
and qualitative data, respectively. Primary data for
this study was collected through focus group
discussions, interviews, and observation.
Information obtained by a person other than the
original user is referred to as secondary data.
After the data has been gathered and examined, a
system requirements analysis is carried out.
Determining the system requirements that must
be made is the aim of system requirements
Next, several visualization possibilities are
established to provide the final BI dashboard
representation that is needed. This visualization
just has a static layout that shows several
components of the finished design but is
otherwise unusable. The operational manager
approved the BI dashboard's final visual
To improve the structure of the BI system, all
gathered report data should also be converted to
the same format. Google Sheets will be used to
transform all the research's data. After all the data
has been converted to Google Sheets format, the
ETL (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading)
process starts. In the ETL process, extraneous data
is removed from the table structure (data
cleansing), and the table structure is then divided
into different components (data transformation).
The data warehouse created in Google Sheets
format will be uploaded into Google Data Studio
once all data transformations have been finished.
A dashboard may now be made using the
preceding procedure to display the data kept in
the data warehouse. Additionally, the design must
consider the parts that were identified and
Figure 1. Research framework based on waterfall registered during the system requirements
model analysis stage, and the visualization design itself
must refer to the design that the operations
the company in handling project to be more
manager has approved. A sales performance
productive and efficient (Hanief et al., 2020).
dashboard and a production performance
Figure 1 shows the research framework
dashboard are created during this stage of
which adopt the waterfall methodology that
dashboard development.
consists of Analysis phase, Requirement phase,
Following the successful completion of the
Design phase, Development phase, Testing phase,
construction of the BI dashboard, the system
and Implementation phase. In this research, data
must undergo numerous types of testing to
were gathered using both primary and secondary
ensure the quality of the final product and user

Jayadinata et al./ Development of Performance Monitoring Dashboard … JITI, Vol.23(1), Jun 2024, 151-161

satisfaction. Alpha testing, in the form of user the assigned staff engage in a comprehensive
acceptability testing, is important to identify any review and adjustment of prevailing production
issues and flaws that a system might have before levels to optimize efficiency. This planning also
the finished system is distributed to the users. involves a retrospective analysis of historical sales
Beta testing, which is carried out by a specific data, inventory availability, and insights from the
group of actual users of the program, is another production division manager. Every quarter, PT.
type of acceptance testing. Since it is the highest MPM undertakes aggregate and material
degree of testing, it is carried out in a real or planning. Aggregate planning, a facility-wide
operational setting. The software is sent to a small strategy, is adopted to enhance resource
number of outside participants or users for this allocation, considering various factors such as
type of testing, and they offer their opinions on changes in customer orders. This approach
the system's layout, usability, and overall quality. contributes to the optimization of resource
After Alpha and Beta testing, the assessment utilization despite fluctuations in specialized
procedure will be carried out. If the evaluation product demand. Its production system also
step is unsuccessful, the procedure will restart at operates as a form of specialized mass
the development stage. If favorable, the manufacturing. Multiple workstations are
corporation may fully employ the suggested BI strategically positioned, and the assembly line
dashboard to begin evaluating and tracking the cycles through each of them. Work at these
performance of its main operations. stations follows a specialized workflow, with each
station accountable for specific tasks.
Conceptual Model
PT. MPM undertakes both mass production
To portray the conceptual model, a data flow
and customized job orders, spanning retail
diagram will be employed in this study. In this
packaging, consumables, and shipping supplies. It
investigation, two data flow diagrams will be
typically receives sales forecasts in three formats –
generated: data flow diagram (DFD) level 0 and
annual, quarterly, and monthly – from its clientele.
DFD 1. Positioned at the highest level, DFD level 0
When these projections reach the organization,

Figure 2. DFD Level 0

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

Figure 3. DFD Level 1

encompasses fundamental operations and serves System Requirements

as an input interface for external entities. The The analysis of sales performance examines
illustration in Figure 2 represents the context diverse aspects of product sales, encompassing
diagram. It offers an overarching view of the product categories, sales periods, revenues, and
upcoming BI diagram, along with insights into the quantities sold, among others. On the other hand,
system's user access privileges. The envisioned the analysis of production performance evaluates
conceptual model of the management multiple production key performance indicators
information system encompasses six key entities: (KPIs) such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Technical & Industrial Design, Inventory & (OEE), Production Capacity, Product Ratio, Quality
Warehouse, Sales, Manufacturing, Data Analyst, Ratio, and Time Ratio. Sales contribute data based
and Top Management. on a compilation of sales endeavors,
In contrast to the DFD level 0, Figure 3 encompassing elements like Product Category,
presents the DFD level 1, revealing the intricate Product Name, Total Sales, Forecast Sales and/or
procedures highlighted within the context Revenue, Sales Period, and Customer ID.
diagram. It outlines the specific permissions Conversely, production supplies data concerning
granted to each user for different processes and production-related tasks, encompassing Machine,
system modules. DFD level 1 will encompass a Availability, Performance, Quality, OEE, Planned
total of six distinct processes, labeled from 1.0 to Production, Actual Production, Planned
6.0. Production Time, Run Time, Stop Time, Product

Jayadinata et al./ Development of Performance Monitoring Dashboard … JITI, Vol.23(1), Jun 2024, 151-161

4 and Figure 5 present the sales data warehouse

and production data warehouse, respectively.

ETL and Data Import

This research involved the creation of two
distinct BI dashboards: the sales performance
dashboard and the production performance
dashboard. The proposed visualization design for
both BI dashboards has already undergone
validation by the upper management of PT. MPM.
Data will be amassed from diverse origins to
formulate a warehouse database, which will
subsequently undergo the ETL (extract, transform,
and load) sequence. Once all necessary data is
assembled, the primary phase entails converting
this data into the Google Sheets format. For data
that already resides in Google Sheets format, the
Figure 4. Sales Data Warehouse
ETL process will be initiated, involving the
elimination of superfluous data (data cleaning).
Solely data essential as per the system
requirements will be retained, subsequently
undergoing transformation. This transformation
encompasses altering the data format of files,
such as converting string-formatted date files into
date formats, and similar adjustments. The sales
table furnishes information based on combined
sales operations. The production performance
database table will be populated with data
sourced from both the production report and the
maintenance report prior to commencing the ETL
process. The goal of this procedure is to produce
a warehouse database that satisfies the system's

Development of BI Dashboard
Figure 5. Production Data Warehouse
The outcome of this research will yield the
sales performance dashboard and the production
Division, and Production Period. Output data performance dashboard. It’s important to note
requirements are also produced by the sales and that the data exhibited in the forthcoming
production performance analysis information dashboard are not authentic due to the
systems. company’s confidentiality. The sales performance
Modeling a data warehouse constitutes a dashboard, which is depicted in Figure 6, enables
pivotal phase in the creation of a business the company's senior management to assess
intelligence (BI) dashboard, as it grants the sales performance and evaluate if it satisfies its
developer the ability to depict the KPIs. The user of a BI dashboard may examine the
interconnections among data repositories. Figure variation in addition to comparing the accuracy of
the anticipated value to the actual value. The
initial portion of the dashboard's design is seen in

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

Figure 6. Sales Performance Dashboard

Figure 7. Production Performance Dashboard

Figure 6 section A. The control chart, from which dashboard, along with the name of the
the user may choose the required data depending dashboard and the firm.
on the date range, quarter, customer ID, and The second phase of the dashboard design is
product category, is presented at the top of the seen in Figure 6 section B. Two pie charts are
included in this section where the user may learn

Jayadinata et al./ Development of Performance Monitoring Dashboard … JITI, Vol.23(1), Jun 2024, 151-161

more about how well the company's clients and used to display the data in a pivot table. The color
goods are performing. The computation may of each cell indicates its rank, the darker the hue,
consider both the volume of goods sold and the the higher the rank, and vice versa. The user may
income made. The ultimate section of the sales also choose the pivot table's display style using
performance dashboard, illustrated in Figure 6 the expand-collapse function.
Section C, entails a comparison between the
company's projected and realized values. The Testing and Evaluation
table on the left adopts a heatmap format, with After the system is created, it must be tested;
each cell's hue indicating its performance ranking; in this study, both alpha and beta testing are
brighter colors signify lower rankings and vice done. The alpha testing has multiple aims: to
versa. Conversely, the right side features a combo ascertain that all the system's features and
chart, permitting users to contrast more than two functions work as intended, to see if the system
datasets simultaneously. satisfies the specifications outlined at the start of
Figure 7 depicts the production performance the development process, to determine whether
dashboard, the secondary dashboard created. the proposed system satisfies the system
This dashboard furnishes the company's upper requirements and to evaluate the system's
management with the capability to scrutinize the features and operations. The functioning of the
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) across each system will be tested in a system environment by
production line within the company. Beyond the using the list of system functions. The results of
OEE figure, users can delve into the analysis of the alpha testing are displayed on Table 1.
machine-specific aspects. Moreover, the Table 1 shows that with all eight functions
company's senior management can conduct an passing the alpha testing, the beta testing phase
evaluation of the production department’s can be conducted. In the beta testing process,
productivity by contrasting the projected there were several PT. MPM stakeholders that
production count against the actual production participated. The user is supposed to use the
count. system to find flaws or mistakes while using it,
The initial segment of the design is and then submit comments to the developer as a
illustrated in Figure 7 section A. Positioned in the guide to enhance the proposed system. This beta
dashboard's header are both the dashboard's testing will also be termed a UAT (User
name and the company's name. This is followed Acceptance Test). The researcher created a survey
by a control chart, facilitating user selection of to gather feedback after the system's user testing.
specific desired data through certain options. The The five criteria that will be assessed are
second element of the production performance perceived satisfaction and usefulness, technical
dashboard is shown in Figure 7 section B. The system quality, information quality, service
gauge chart at the top of this section is used to quality, and perceived satisfaction.
illustrate the OEE (Overall Equipment Five PT. MPM stakeholders tested the
Effectiveness) factors, which comprise product proposed business BI dashboard. Users of the
ratio (performance), time ratio (availability), and dashboard were selected from the operations,
quality ratio (quality). The difference in output production, finance, and president and director of
between planned and reality is then depicted in a the business. A six-point Likert scale with a rating
bar chart. The anticipated production number and from strongly disagree (scale 1) to strongly agree
the actual production number for a certain time (scale 6) is used to rate each statement in the
are summarized in the two scorecards to the right questionnaire.
of this paragraph. The last element of the Based on the overview presented on Table 2,
production performance dashboard is shown in the mean score for beta testing of the proposed
Figure 7 section C. The company's top BI dashboard system tallies to 4.9 or 82 percent,
management may evaluate each machine's OEE signifying a satisfactory outcome. The most
(Overall Equipment Effectiveness). A heatmap is elevated score emerges from perceived

Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri p-ISSN 1412-6869 e-ISSN 2460-4038

Table 1. The Alpha Testing Result

No Function Acceptance Requirement
Accept Reject
1 Login Session The user can login into the system to view the intended dashboard
without having trouble
2 Update & Upload The warehouse database can be updated and uploaded into the
Data warehouse
3 View Dashboard When the user successfully enters the system, the system will
provide user with a dashboard
4 Analysis Feature All the analysis features such as drill down analysis and optional
metric can be used
5 Edit Dashboard The user can edit the dashboard, change layout, add, and remove
6 Share Feature The dashboard can be shared across platform and the report can
be printed
7 Dashboard The dashboard can visualize the data that has been recorded in
Functionality data warehouse
8 Dashboard The objective of the dashboard is to meet the system requirements
Objectives listed by the top management

Table 2. BI Dashboard Evaluation

Total Total
Criteria Indicator Score
Score Score %
Technical System Quality System User Friendliness 5.2
Usefulness of features provided 5 5.1 84%
BI Dashboard Availability 5
Information Quality Information Completeness 4.8
Information Accessibility 4.4
Information Clarity and Understandability 4.2 4.7 78%
Information Relevancy 4.6
BI Dashboard Interface Quality 5.4
Service Quality Instruction Clarity 4.8
Quality of Service Provided 4.6 4.7 78%
Responsiveness and Cooperation 4.6
Perceived Satisfaction & BI Dashboard Performance Satisfaction 5.2
Usefulness BI Dashboard assist user perceive information 5.2
5.2 86%
BI Dashboard assist user in decision making process 5
BI Dashboard Usefulness 5.2
Average Score 4.88 4.9 82%

satisfaction and usefulness, amassing a total of Conversely, the aspects of information

5.2 or 86 percent. This indicates users' quality and service quality garnered the least
gratification with the performance of the ratings, both resulting in a cumulative score of 4.7
proposed BI dashboard, as the system facilitates or 78 percent. Specifically, within information
their comprehension of company information, quality, data completeness and data relevancy
subsequently enabling informed business attained scores of 4.8 and 4.6, respectively.
decisions and strategies. However, information clarity and
understandability achieved only a score of 4.2,

Jayadinata et al./ Development of Performance Monitoring Dashboard … JITI, Vol.23(1), Jun 2024, 151-161

implying some challenges in users other divisions like finance, buying, and logistics.
comprehending the information displayed by the Secondly, the enterprise resource planning (ERP)
system. This challenge could be attributed to the system should be installed so that all
need for users to adapt to the novel system, a departmental data may be connected into one
process that is expected to become smoother as system for the BI dashboard network to function
familiarity with the system increases. successfully. The company can expand the use of
the BI dashboard to other departments. In
Implementation addition, it is recommended to the company that
Both alpha and beta tests show that the for the BI dashboard network to operate
system has successfully satisfied all the system's effectively, the ERP system needs to be
success criteria. Because of this, the proposed BI implemented, so that all department data can be
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