National Institute of Public Finance and Policy: Notice Inviting Tender
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy: Notice Inviting Tender
National Institute of Public Finance and Policy: Notice Inviting Tender
E-tenders under Two Bid System (Technical and Financial bids) are invited for
Waterproofing Work at the Academic, R&T and Residential Building in National Institute of
Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi from eligible and qualified contractors. The bids
are to be submitted on or before 15/05/2024 by 1500 hrs. as per the terms and conditions
prescribed in the tender document. For downloading tender documents, please log on to
E-tenders are invited for Waterproofing Work at the Academic, R&T and Residential
Building in National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi as per details
and specifications shown in Annexure-II
The tenderers must fulfill the following eligibility criteria failing which their offer
will be summarily rejected: -
1. The contractor/bidder must possess required valid license, Registration etc. issued by
the Competent Authority as per law.
2. The bidding agency/contractor must have at least one branch office in Delhi/NCR for
100% support services. Documentary proof need to be submitted for office address in
3. The tenderer must have completed satisfactorily during the last 03 Financial Years
(2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24) and the Current Financial Year combined, at least
[N.B.: (i) the supply in progress irrespective of any value against any supply order not
satisfactorily supplied/completed/executed shall not be considered; (ii) Supply in any private
organization shall not be considered.]
4. The tenderer must have the annual turnover of at least Rs.80,00,000.00 (Rupees Eighty
Lakhs only) or more during each of the last 03 Financial Years (2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-
5. The tenderer must have its own Bank Account, PAN, TAN, GSTIN No. etc.
6. All the tenderers must deposit ₹80,000/- (Rupees Eighty thousand only) towards
Earnest Money (EMD) along with tender, in the form of Demand Draft, drawn in favour of
“National Institute of Public Finance and Policy” payable at “New Delhi”. MSMEs and Start-ups
are also required to submit EMDs.
7. The tenderer must submit the following documents (self-attested) along with the tender
(scanned and uploaded with the tender document):
(c) Copy of income tax return and annual accounts of the last 03 Financial Years.
(f) The agency must not have been debarred from any establishment. An
Undertaking to this effect is to be submitted in the specified format (Annexure-IV).
(g) In accordance with the Ministry of Finance Office memorandum No. F 20/2/2014
PPD (Pt) dated 25th July 2016 NIPFP may relax condition of prior turnover and prior
experiences for Start-ups and MSMEs subject to meeting of quality and technical
specifications on case-to-case basis.
(h) Bidders from neighbouring countries: Any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in any procurement whether of
goods, services (including consultancy services and non-consultancy services) or works
(including turnkey projects) only if the bidder is registered with the Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) as per GOI Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure Order No. F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July 2020. A
certificate in this regard is to be submitted as per Annexure-V.
8. False declarations will be in breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule 175(1)(i)(h)
of the General Financial Rules for which a bidder or its successors can be debarred as per
Rule 151 (iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other action as may be
permissible under law.
1. Any bidder from a country which shares a land border with India will be eligible
to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Department for Promotion
of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
4. The beneficial owner for the purpose of (3) above will be as under:
(b) In case of a partnership firm, the beneficial owner is the natural person(s)
who, whether acting alone or together, or through one or more juridical person,
has ownership of entitlement to more than fifteen percent of capital or profits of
the partnership;
(d) Where no natural person is identified under (a) or (b) or (c) above, the
beneficial owner is the relevant natural person who holds the position of senior
managing official;
1. Submission of Bids: The tenderer shall upload separately two bids: Technical Bid
and Financial Bid. Bidders or its representative may visit the institute on any working days
during office hours (0930-1700hrs., Monday to Friday except holidays) before quoting their
(a) Technical Bid: The technical bid should be submitted on the letterhead of
the tenderer addressed to the Director, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy
(NIPFP) New Delhi containing the information detailed at Annexure-I & II. All pages
of the tender documents should be signed, stamped, dated and serially numbered
including the Annexures and uploaded online through scanned copies.
(b) Financial Bid: Schedule of price bid is in the form of BoQ. The Financial
Proposal/Commercial bid format is provided as BoQ along with this tender document at Bidders are advised to download this BoQ as it
is and quote their offer/rates in the permitted column and upload the same in the
commercial bid. Bidder shall not tamper/modify the format of downloaded price bid
template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be tempered/modified in any
manner, tender will be completely rejected. The financial bid should be submitted online
in e-procurement website only. Firm shall quote rates in Indian Rupee (INR) only as per
the given format (excel) only. The bidders shall quote for rate F.O.R. at NIPFP New
Delhi only.
(c) Mode of Submission. “Technical Bid” & “Financial Bid” must be uploaded
separately clearly marked as “Technical Bid” & “Financial Bid”. Tenders/bids
submitted through post/courier/fax will not be considered at all.
(d) Bid Opening. Technical bids shall be opened first on the due date and
evaluated. Subsequently, Financial bids of only those tenderers whose technical bids
have been found suitable in accordance with the extant procedure, tender terms and
conditions shall be opened.
3. Validity of Bids: Tender/Bids must be valid for 120 days from the tender opening
date. If any bidder withdraws his tender before the said period shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be suspended for participation in the bid for next 01 year.
4. Tendered Quantity and Variation: The required quantity mentioned in the
Annexure-II may vary as per the requirement of the Institute to the tune of 10% (plus or
5. Execution Period. The successful tenderer must sign the agreement within 07 days
of the issue of Letter of Intent/Work Order. The work need to be commenced within 05 days
from the date of signing of the agreement. The successful bidder/contractor is required to
submit bar chart programme regarding execution of the waterproofing work as per the
schedule time within 01 week from the date of letter of award. The work need to be executed
within 120 days from the date of commencement of work. Delayed execution of work will
attract the levy of penalty/liquidated damages.
7. The Defect Liability Period in respect of the work is 05 (five) years from the date of
completion of work.
10. Tender Opening: Tender shall be accepted till 1500 hrs. on 15/05/2024. The
tenders shall be opened as per following schedule: -
Financial bids of only those tenderers whose technical bids will be found suitable in
accordance with the extant procedure, tender terms and conditions shall be opened. The firms
who have submitted the bids and whose offers are found technically suitable shall be informed
of the opening date of the second cover i.e., Financial Bid through portal.
11. Evaluation of Bids:
(b) Evaluation of bids shall be carried out based on the information furnished by the
bidder. The conformity of the bids to the technical specifications and commercial terms
and conditions shall be examined.
(c) The Purchaser will examine the bids to determine the correctness of the
information furnished by the bidder in its bid. In case, any information is found to be
incorrect/false, the bid shall be considered as non-responsive.
(d) Purchaser may contact and verify bidder's information, references and data
submitted in the bid without further reference to bidders.
(e) Purchaser reserves the right to use and interpret the bids as it may, in its
discretion, consider appropriate, when selecting bidders for granting of the letter of
intent/ Notification of Award of work.
(f) Purchaser may waive off any minor infirmity or non-conformity or irregularity in
a bid, which does not constitute a material deviation, provided such a waiving, does not
prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any bidder.
(g) The purchaser may seek clarification in writing from bidder. Bidder shall be
promptly replying within the time limit specified in the clarification from the purchaser.
(a) The Purchaser reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the
bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to the award of contract, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to
inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for the Purchaser’s action.
(b) The acceptance of tender will rest with the Director, NIPFP New Delhi who does
not bind himself/herself to accept the lowest bid and reserves himself/herself the right
to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment of any reason. All the
bids in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or are incomplete in any
respect are liable to be rejected.
(c) Canvassing in connection with tenders is illegal & strictly prohibited and the tenders
submitted by the bidders, who resort to canvassing, will be rejected.
13. Selection of successful bidder:
(a) Eligible Bidder (technically qualified) quoting the least (L1) will be declared as
the Successful Lowest Bidder and his offer will be processed further.
(b) In the event of receiving more than one bid quoting the same amount, the final
selection of successful bidder shall be made in the following manner: -
(i) The one with the highest turnover during the last 3 years put together;
(ii) If more than one bid having the same total turnover, then the earliest one
registered with the Registrar of Companies/Partnership Firms/date of license
under the Shops & Establishment Act;
14. Condition of goods/Quality of Works. The contractor must supply the goods
in good condition without any defect whatsoever to the satisfaction of the Institute. Any
deviation in the material and the specifications from the accepted terms is liable to be rejected
and the contractor need to execute the work in the specified form to the satisfaction /
specifications specified in the Work Order.
15. Taxes and Duties. Supplier shall be entirely responsible for all taxes, duties,
license fees, etc., incurred until delivery of the Contracted Goods & services to the Purchaser.
No tax or duty will be payable by the purchaser/no document will be provided by purchaser
for custom clearance etc.
16. Payment. ‘Advance Payment’ is not allowed in any case. Period and value of running
account bill is 15 days and Rs.4,00,000.00 (Rupees Four Lakhs only) respectively. Period of
final measurement will be 30 days from the date of virtual completion of work. Pre-receipted
bill in triplicate duly revenue stamped on the name of the Director, National Institute of Public
Finance and Policy, New Delhi shall be furnished by the contractor for making payment as per
the actual work executed at site. GST/Cess to be charged as applicable. Contractor shall
provide mandate form with the bank detail for RTGS/ECS payment in India only.
17. Electrical and Water Charges. Deductions @0.75% for electrical charges and
@0.25% for water charges will be made from the total work executed at site.
7. Detailed specifications of the goods proposed to be supplied by the tenderer (The tenderer
must submit the same in the enclosed format only at Annexure-II).
In consideration of the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy New Delhi (hereinafter called
“NIPFP, New Delhi”) having offered to accept the terms and conditions of the proposed agreement
between NIPFP, New Delhi and …………………………………………………………. having its registered office
at ………………………………………………………… ……….……………………………………………... (hereinafter
called “the said Supplier”) for the Supply of …………… Nos. of equipment of ………………………… Make
(hereinafter called “the said agreement”) vide NIPFP, New Delhi Supply Order No.
…………………………………………………………………. dated …………………………………. having agreed to
production of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs………………………… (Rupees
……………………………………………………… only) as a security/guarantee from the Supplier for
compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said agreement.
2. We, _____________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the
amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from NIPFP,
New Delhi stating that the amount claimed as required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due
from the said Supplier. Any such demand made on the bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount
due and payable by the bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall
be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs………………………………. /- (Rupees
………………….…………………………………………………… only).
3. We, the said bank further undertakes to pay NIPFP, New Delhi any money so demanded
notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the supplier in any suit or proceeding pending before
any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal.
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment
there-under and the Supplier shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
4. We, _____________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the guarantee
herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the
performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of NIPFP,
New Delhi under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or
discharged or till Director on behalf of the NIPFP, New Delhi certified that the terms and conditions of
the said agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said Supplier and accordingly
discharges this guarantee.
5. We, _____________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree with NIPFP, New
Delhi that NIPFP, New Delhi shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in
any manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement
or to extend time of performance by the said Supplier from time to time or to postpone for any time
or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by NIPFP, New Delhi against the said Supplier and
to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not
be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said
Supplier or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of NIPFP, New Delhi or any indulgence by
NIPFP, New Delhi to the said Supplier or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law
relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the
7. We, _____________________ (indicate the name of the Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke
this guarantee except with the previous consent of NIPFP, New Delhi in writing.
9. Dated the ______ day of _________ for ____________________________ (indicate the name
of the Bank).
1. I/We have downloaded/obtained the tender documents (s) for the above-mentioned
tender/work from e-procurement website as per your advertisement.
2. I/We hereby certify the I/We have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents
(including all documents like Annexure(s), Schedule(s) etc., which form part of the contract agreement
and I/We shall abide hereby by the terms/conditions/clauses contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department/ organization too has also
been taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
6. I / We assure the Institution that neither I / We nor any of my / our workers will do any act(s)
which are improper / illegal during the execution in case the tender is awarded to us.
7. Neither I / We nor anybody on my / our behalf will indulge in any corrupt activities / practices
in my / our dealing with the Institution.
8. Our Firm/ Company/ Agency has not been blacklisted or banned by any Govt. Department
(Central/State), PSU, University, Autonomous Institute (Central/State).
9. I/We certify that all information furnished by our Firm is true and correct and in the event that
the information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your institution shall without
giving notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or terminate the contract, without
prejudice to any other rights or remedy.
It has been certified that (i) my firm does not belongs to a country which shares a land border with
India. / (ii) my firm belongs to country……………….……… which shares a land border with India and my
firm is registered with the Registration Committee constituted by the Department for Promotion of
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) as per GOI O.M. No. F.No.6/18/2019-PPD dated 23rd July 2020
vide Registration No. …………………………. (Please strike out which is not applicable). Please find
enclosed the registration certificate from the authority concerned and the country of operation.
“We have read the clause regarding restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which
shares a land border with India; I certify that this bidder is not from such a country or, if from such a
country, has been registered with the DPIIT”.
We hereby certify that this bidder fulfils all requirements in this regard and is eligible to be