Abb Ag: Remote Terminal Unit Connections and Settings Binary Input 23BE40

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Remote Terminal Unit

Connections and Settings
Binary Input 23BE40

Application, characteristics and technical data have to Notice:

be taken from the hardware data sheet:
• Never remove top cover when process volt-
23BE40 1KGT 150 600 age is applied! Danger!
• DIL-switch S1 may only be operated under
off-circuit conditions (24 V supply removed)
Operation • Take ESD-protective measures before re-
moval of the cover
The device 23BE40 scan all 16 input channels every
millisecond and prepares them on the basis of prede-
fined parameters for the RTU560. See Figure 6 for a
block diagram of the 23BE40. Signaling
LED’s ”1 ...16”
Processing function
The 23BE40 has sixteen yellow light emitting diodes
The micro controller (EAP Ein- Ausgabe-Prozessor / (LED’s) on the front plate, which indicate the state of
Input- output processor) reads the input register and the sixteen inputs:
process each input according to the loaded process
signal type and parameters. The configuration pa- • LED ON Input Enn 110 ... 220 V DC
rameters are loaded by the CMU (CMU = communica- • LED OFF Input Enn 0 V DC
tion unit).
The 23BE40 device can support: The board monitors and checks its functionality as well
as the dialog via the peripheral bus. Detected errors
are indicated and/or transmitted by the board:
• Single indications
• Double indications • by the red LED ”ST”
• 8/16 bit digital measured values • by diagnostic messages
(with limitations)
• 8/16 bit bitstring inputs (with limitations) LED ”5V”
The LED indicates that the 5 V DC power is applied.

On the 23BE40, only the rack address and the slot
address have to be set via the DIL- switch S1. To The „ST“ LED indicates board errors or peripheral bus
access S1, the top cover has to be removed. Figure 1 errors.
shows the position, Figure 2, Table 7 and Table 8
show the layout of the DIL-switch S1. Furthermore a The „ST“ LED indicates:
terminating resistor of 1kΩ for the serial RTU system
Bus can be activated via S1, see Table 9. • board runs initialization procedure
• board is doing a cold- or warm start
• board has detected a memory error (RAM or
• micro controller faulty
• no dialog via the peripheral bus for at least 2
minutes. The board is not polled by the PBP
of CMU.

Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 603 V001 1 1

Connections and Settings 23BE40 RTU560

Pin 1 Pin 3
Pin 2 Pin 2
Pin 3 Pin 1

Pin 1 Pin 3
Pin 2 Pin 2
Pin 3 Pin 1

Figure 1: Position of the indication-, connection- and control elements

2 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 603 V001 1

RTU560 Connections and Settings 23BE40

Connection elements

Process connectors X1, X2: 16-pole pluggable screw-terminal: Phoenix Contact

MVSTBR 2,5/16-STF-5,08

Power supply and /E-line X3, X4: 3-pole pluggable screw-terminal: Phoenix Contact
MVSTBR 2,5/3-ST-5,08

Serial RTU peripheral bus X5,X6: 3-pole pluggable screw-terminal: Phoenix Contact
MVSTBR 2,5/3-ST-5,08

Several devices 23BA40 and 23BE40 can be mounted side by side on an EN-rail. The connectors X3, X4 and X5,
X6 are suitable for through-wiring. The internal wiring is designed for up to 8 devices 23BA40 or 23BE40.
The Event-line (E) connects all devices of one string (up to 8). No further connection to other devices is allowed.
The cable shield shall be grounded near the devices.

Pin Signal name Pin Signal name

1 I1 1 +24V
2 I2 2 0V
3 I3 3 E
4 I4
5 C1 Table 3: Pin assignment for X3
6 C2
7 C3
8 C4
9 C5
10 C6 Pin Signal name
11 C7 1 E
12 C8 2 0V
13 I5
3 +24V
14 I6
15 I7 Table 4: Pin assignment for X4
16 I8
Table 1: Pin assignment for X1

Pin Signal name

Pin Signal name 1 TA
1 I16 2 TB
2 I15 3 0V
3 I14
4 I13 Table 5: Pin assignment for X5
5 C16
6 C15
7 C14
8 C13
Pin Signal name
9 C12
10 C11 1 0V
11 C10 2 TB
12 C9 3 TA
13 I12
14 I11 Table 6: Pin assignment for X6
15 I10
16 I9
Table 2: Pin assignment for X2

Doc.–No. 1KGT 150 603 V001 1 3

Connections and Settings 23BE40 RTU560

Rack S1/2 S1/3 S1/4

0 not allowed
1 0 0 1
2 0 1 0
3 0 1 1
resistor B Rack address Slot address 4 1 0 0
5 1 0 1
S1/1 S1/2 S1/3 S1/4 S1/5 S1/6 S1/7 S1/8
6 1 1 0
1 7 1 1 1

0 Table 8: DIL-switch S1: Rack address

DIL- switch S1
Terminating S1/1
resistor B
Open 0
Figure 2: Assignment DIL-switch S1 Terminated 1
Table 9: DIL-switch S1: Terminating resistor
Slot/device S1/5 S1/6 S1/7 S1/8
address From the software point-of-view the module 23BE40
0 0 0 0 0 is treated as a 23BE23 mounted in a dedicated rack
1 0 0 0 1 on a dedicated slot (device address). This virtual
2 0 0 1 0 rack has 8 different slots.
3 0 0 1 1
4 0 1 0 0 One power supply unit 560PSU40 is able to drive up
5 0 1 0 1 to 8 modules 23BE40.
6 0 1 1 0
7 0 1 1 1 The following configuration and wiring rules apply to
8 1 0 0 0 23BE40 and 23BA40 as well:
9 1 0 0 1
10 1 0 1 0 • Not more than 8 modules per 560PSU40
11 1 0 1 1 • Not more than 8 modules per rack
12 1 1 0 0 • All modules with connected E-line must
13 1 1 0 1 have the same rack address
14 1 1 1 0 • The E-line must be wired between 23BE40
15 1 1 1 1 and 23BA40 modules with same rack ad-
dress, but need not to be connected to any
Table 7: DIL-switch S1: Slot/device address other device
• Terminate only the last module within a bus
Remark: For the RTU200/232 the configured
Slot/Device address of the DIL-switch The following figures are examples for the possible
has to be incremented by one for the connections of different modules:
corresponding Slot address in RTUtil.

4 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 603 V001 1

RTU560 Connections and Settings 23BE40

40 X4 X3 X4 X3 X4
24 V
23BA40/23BE40 23BA40/23BE40 ..... 23BA40/23BE40
560 X6 X5 X6 X5 X6
xx TB
TA Rack 1, Slot/Address 0 Rack 1, Slot/Address 1 Rack 1, Slot/Address 7
1 8 1 8 1 Terminated 8

S1 1

Figure 3: Connection principle of 23BE40 / 23BA 40

Figure 4: Wiring of two complete virtual racks with 8 slots each

Doc.–No. 1KGT 150 603 V001 1 5

Connections and Settings 23BE40 RTU560

Figure 5: Wiring of different racks, one or more bus segments

6 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 603 V001 1

RTU560 Connections and Settings 23BE40

Figure 6: Logic block diagram

Doc.–No. 1KGT 150 603 V001 1 7

Connections and Settings 23BE40 RTU560

Figure 7: Binary input, two different process voltages for eight inputs each.

8 Doc.-No.: 1KGT 150 603 V001 1

RTU560 Connections and Settings 23BE40

Power Technologies Division
Power Technology Systems

Kallstadter Str. 1, D-68309 Mannheim

Telephone +49 (0) 621 381 - 7592
Fax +49 (0) 621 381 – 7622 Subject to alteration

Doc.–No. 1KGT 150 603 V001 1 9

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