Interview Questions

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Mind Tree

1. Realization phase activities ,Cutover activities what is the sequence and

Data take over accounting entries
2. What level issues will you handle & priority time?
3. Planned delivery cost & unplanned delivery cost ? Accounting entries?
4. Given one scenario vendor is having 3 banks a/c’s how will map & how
to make payment from particular bank?
5. How to change the wrong recon account postings’?
6. In f110 run shall I pay check payment & wire transfer in single run ?
7. If customer is a vendor & vendor is a customer what is the configuration
settings & how will u clear 1 against another ?
8. New GL functionality ?Document splitting purpose? Passive splitting give
me a example?
9. Difference b/w FYV & PPV
10. Month ending and year ending activities
11. I have a requirement to change coa’s is it possible? Then how?
12. Cost center accounting functionality?
13. Distribution assessment use ? Budgeting plan vs actual n variance
14. 10 company codes having difference COA ‘s can I assign 1 cod?
15. Spl gl transactions ? Types? What is noted item & real posings is it
applicable spl gl transactions for credit check?
16. Duplication of invoice processing configuration steps?

Hcl Techonlogies FICO Interview Questions

1. Support issues in AA, App & functional specification?

2. Tell me the P2P cycle what are all the accounting entries when the
product delivery to the customer ?
3. Standard price vs moving average price give me a example? which is
using for which product?
4. New gl functionality ?Dummy profit center in New GL?
5. Document splitting configuration steps?
6. Material Master data how the cost s update? Previous cost ,present
cost& Future cost how it will update?
7. Formula based vs condition based procedure?
8. How many coa’s are using the client ? what is the use of country specific
coa’s ? Tell me one scenario where it is using ? how the consolidation will
9. Data Migration all accounting entries ?
10. Asset entries ? Depreciation entry? Asset sale with customer & without
entries and scrapping?
11. Cost center accounting , Distribution ,Assessment where it is used &
SKF use ? Activity types use?
12. Credit controlling area ? client using Make to Stock , Make to order?
13. Use of availability amount field in bank determination?
14. In PO what is the use of a/c assignment category?

TCS Telephonic

1. Cost center planning? actual vs planning n variance analysis tell me one

scenario where it is used?
2. Difference b/w Assessment & distribution in which business scenario it
is using give me a example?
3. Profit center accounting how it will derive? How the cost flows in to pc?
4. Asset purchase through po configuration steps and tell the accounting
5. Tell me the auc settlement process?
6. FI-SD integration accounting entries? where is the 1st integration point .
Account keys are in sd where it is assigned?
7. APP configuration steps . If cheque is void what u will do? How to assign
sequential cheque lot?

PM Round

1. Support process how will u resolve the issues, SLA & priorities ?
2. WHT Sections
3. In current client Tcurr table updation daily base or monthely?
4. Back ground jobs
5. What are all the month end activities ?

Robert Bosch FICO Interview Questions

1. Enterprise structure
2. 1 Company operating business in 10 countries how many company
codes will you create?
3. BRS process all accounting entries?

CTS FICO Interview Questions

1. Reclassify assets – Wrongly created asset class ?while doing

reclassification of asset’s you are getting an error what will you do?
2. App configuration steps ? use of script forms?
3. What is the variant principle at what level it is created?
4. Cost center ,Profit center table tables
5. BRS entries
6. What is the purpose to use the GR/IR clearing a/c ?
7. OIM ? what a/c’s has to be maintained ?
8. Customer is a vendor Configuration steps
9. Month ending activities
10. Retained earnings a/c ? how the balance carry forward?
2nd round CTS

1. Support issues
2. Month end activites
3. FCV entries
4. New gl document splitting strcture ? item categories ,business
transaction ? tell me the business transaction for vendor?
5. Document splitting with accounting entry ?
6. GR/IR clearing a/c
7. FI-MM integration entries
8. Standard price vs moving average price ? where it is maintained give me
a example?

Accenture FICO Interview Questions

1. Realization phase ? what areas you configured?

2. Business area? Assignments ? what level? How many b/s area’s you
3. Documents type what does it control? A/c type? Can we use the D.T for
Batch input session?
4. A/c Group ?what does it control? FSG vs FSV?
5. LSMW steps?
6. Dunning? Procedure?
7. COD? Which tool u are using?
8. WHT Steps? New reports?
9. Group asset ? Reporting?
10. Month ending activities and you are role?
11. Make to order
12. Make to stock
13. FI-sd,What is subsequent debit?
14. For defining co what do you need?
Wipro FICO Interview Questions

1. Dunning keys?
2. Terms of payment ? use of Day limit? How the top will derive at
transaction level?
3. Tax’s on sales and purchases configuration steps? WHT steps?
4. Asset class?
5. New gl functionality document splitting/
6. FI-MM integration entries ,valuation class
7. In FBZP settings use of payment medium work bench ?
8. How to change the payment method after proposal created?
9. User was posted 15 invoices he was not up dated the wht code for that
line ltems now the user want to update ? then how?
10. Support issues and transportation procedure?

ITC Infotech FICO Interview Questions

1. New gl functionality ,Document splitting with example , Zero balancing

clearing a/c?
2. Co-FI reconciliation?
3. A/C entry’s of freight charges,asset scrapping,asset sale ,down payment
made ,asset depreciation,FCV and Document type?
4. FSG vs FSV
5. COD, Dep areas,
6. Support issue? Asset value date ?
7. Manual cheque deposit T-code?
8. House Bank , Bank Id , GL a/c
9. 10 invoices are there I need to pay 1 only invoice how to pay in app?

Infinite solution telephonic FICO Interview Questions

1. Cut over activites, Data migration ,balance uploads entries?
2. How will you interact with master data team?
3. Customer recon a/c wrongly assigned ? how to handle the situation?
4. Document reversals and country specific requirements?
5. New gl functionality LL –NLL , Document splitting with example, Zero
balance clearing a/c
6. What is the correspondence types ? with new gl will u send splitted line
items are the normal line items?
7. When the user doing posings he was not given the business area ? Is it
possible to update the business area for posted document what is the
8. Classic WHT vs Extended WHT diff? Vat returens?

KPMG SAP FICO Interview Questions

1. Asap methodology phases? System landscape?

2. Foreign currency valuation process and tell the entries diff b/w realized
gain and unrealized gain
3. OIM ? GL a/c wrongly created without selecting the OIM entries are
posted to that gl a/c how will solve the issue ?
4. WHT rate has been changed will you make the rate change to the
existing code are create a new code ? then how what is the effect on the
open items?
5. Sort key use?
6. BRS process and entries? What basis cheque wil credit?
7. Document splitting ?
8. Leading ledger & non leading ledger?
gate patni FICO Interview Questions

1. Cut over activates ,vendor balances upload entry?

2. New gl functionality , Direct postings to non-leading ledger?
3. Asset issue ? App issue? Importance of variant principle/
4. Changes in the dep key what is the impact on asset accounting?
5. T code ABS0 ? unplanned depreciation use?
6. Up to How many depreciation area’s able to create?
7. Asset class what level? Depreciation key at what level?
8. Derived depreciation & delta depreciation area difference?
9. Clearings? Partial & residual payments and entry?
10. Cash discount configuration ? entry?
11. App configuration steps and payment terms?
12. Support process , SLA?
13. Tell me any new report that you enhanced?
14. Controlling area assignments, Standard hierarchy
15. Internal order settlement tcode?
16. Profit center accounting? If there is no derivation rule what will
happen? Dummy profit center to original pc moving possible?
17. FI-SD integration entries,F I-MM integration entries?
18. Asset purchase entry ?

PM Round

1. Tell me about your work process in support project?

2. Which tool you are using ?
3. How is your client interaction ? What type of challenges you will faced
in the project? Tell me one challenge ?
4. Tell me recently solved critical issue ?
5. How do you came into sap ? where you learnt?

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