Cement Customer Seminar Hyderabad
Cement Customer Seminar Hyderabad
Cement Customer Seminar Hyderabad
2 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
1.1 Cement bonded castables – overview and
Installation method
Bonding type
Raw material base
Application (Industry) or other special features
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1.1 Cement Bonded Mixes
4 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
1.1 Cement bonded castables – overview and
Cement bonded castables are the most commonly used type of
alumina based castables.
Easy to install. Mixes are unproblematic in terms of water demand and
dosage, installation temperature and setting behaviour.
Shelf life 12 month.
High water demand high porosity and low density
Lower refractoriness, lower alkaline and chemical attack resistance
Relatively low CCS at higher temperatures
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1.1.2 LCC – Low-Cement Castables
Widely used type of mix with lower cement content
Lower cement content compared to conventional castables (decreased
water demand 5-8 litres / 100 kg)
Lower water content lower porosity and higher density, fibres added
Higher refractoriness, better alkaline and chemical attack resistance
Higher CCS and abrasion resistance at higher temperatures
There are some additives necessary in the mix for an easier handling.
That make them susceptible to errors and bad mixing equipment and
decreases the shelf life (8-9 month).
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1.1.3 ULCC – Ultra-Low-Cement Castables
Further reduction of cement compared to other castables and therefore
lowered water demand (below 5 litres / 100 kg)
Lower water demand decreased porosity, higher density
plastic fibres necessary in the mix for a proper heating-up
Higher refractoriness, alkaline and chemical resistance
Higher CCS and abrasion resistance at higher temperatures
For a better workability complex additives (e.g. dispersing additive) are
necessary, therefore the workability is more difficult and shelf life reduced
Well trained personal / high accuracy / good mixing equipment necessary
8 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
NC-castables, bonding based upon Si-O-Si
Setting without development of hydrate phases very fast, save and easy
heating up procedures (heating finished at 150°C or even below)
No further additives in the dry mix easy and simple workability, low
equipment (mixer) requirements
Superior resistance to thermal shocks, high alkaline-, acid-, sulphur and
chemical resistances
Homogeneous and very fine pore distribution
External binder is very sensible to frost
Insta. temp. above +5°C (binder will be irreversible destroyed when freezed
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1.2.6 Insulating Castables
Insulating castables can be casted, poured or gunned but are not allowed to
vibrate or gunned with high air pressures, because they need a certain
porosity to give the right insulating properties.
They are made of very different light materials, resulting in different densities,
application temperatures and heat conductivities:
light weight fireclay
foam glass
porcelain breakage
CA6 porous
bubble alumina
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1.2.6 Insulating Castables
Most of the insulating castables have low strength and abrasion resistance
with the exception of Litecast 44G, which is high strength and abrasion
resistance gunning mix designed for special use in preheater and cyclone
General properties:
11 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2 Application Technology / Processing /
Installation / Machinery
12 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2 Application Technology / Processing / Installation /
All necessary information is given in the RHI-Operating Instruction
manuals (Example: Didurit B83-6, ULCC).
Overall wet
Dry mixing time mixing time
13 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2 Application Technology / Processing / Installation
Techniques / Machinery
14 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2 Application Technology / Processing / Installation
Techniques / Machinery
Bricks Castables
Mixing Mixing
Forming: Pressing Production QC
Storage Storage:
- Storage Facilities
Installation: Bricking - Shelf Life
Installation (Forming):
- Gunning
Customer - Casting
- Self Flowing
- Mixer (Transport)
- Gunning machine
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2.1 Storage
16 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.1 Storage
Alumina monolithic materials must be kept completely dry and frost free at
an ideal temperature of 15 to 25°C (if possible indoors).
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2.1 Storage
Shelf life:
Typically, storage life for conventional castables and gunning mixes is one
year from date of manufacture.
Low cement castables and ready for use mortars may have shorter shelf
lives down to 6-3 month.
Shelf life is given in RHI data sheets and visible the bags.
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2.1 Storage
Effect of wetness:
Fireclay bricks, high alumina bricks, light weight bricks and insulating bricks
have to be dried carefully before use.
Ceramic fibres, wools and blankets cannot be used when they got wet,
because they are compressed and lost therefore flexibility properties.
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2.2 Casting
20 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.2 Casting
The most important types of proccessing / installation of castables is casting-
vibrating and several gunning applications.
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2.2.1 Mixing - General
The mixing procedure has to ensure that the fine and reactive components,
such as
cement, (or alternative binder)
dispersing agents,
setting agents
will be wetted perfectly.
The proper wetting of the cement enables the bonding system to form the
CA-phases – being of utmost importance for the final strength of the
The fine dispersed setting agents ensure the desired processability and the
achieved setting behaviour of the mix (particularly for LCC and ULCC).
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2.2.1 Mixing - General
It is important to use proper mixing equipment, observe the mixing time and
use the right amount of mixing liquid.
If mistakes happen here, the installed material will most likely not provide
the service properties you expect.
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2.2.1 Mixing - Preparation
The mixer must be:
1. clean
2. slightly wet before the first mixing
Therefore never mix more material as you can install within half an hour
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2.2.1 Mixing – Mixing Liquid
The required amount of mixing liquid is indicated on the bags, the
installation guidelines and in the technical data sheets in litres per 100kg with
maximum and minimum values.
The optimum quantity of water will vary with the temperature and the
“vibrating circumstances”.
Do never use more than the recommended amount of water unless having
talked with our technical service first.
Decreased castable strength results often from excess moisture.
Insufficient water reduces workability and result in voids and laminations.
26 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.2.1 Mixing – Mixing Liquid
120 16
Cold Crushing Strengh (%)
Rupture (%)
KDF [%]
60 8
40 6
0 0
4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5
Water (%)[%]
Wassergehalt Water (%)
Wassergehalt [%]
27 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.2.1 Mixing – Mixing Liquid
Rohdichte [g/cm³]
Porosity [%]
Bulk Density (%)
off. Porosität
3,0 10
2,8 0
4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 6,5
Water (%) Water (%)
W assergehalt [%] W assergehalt [%]
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2.2.1 Mixing – Mixing Liquid
If water is the mixing liquid, use always potable water!
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2.2.1 Mixing – Mixing Liquid
Key figures for good mixing water:
3. Visually clean
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2.2.1 Mixing – Mixing Procedure
Different castable types have different mixing instructions, please
read them before starting!
Low cement, ultra low cement and self levelling castables will require more
total mixing time up to seven minutes.
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2.2.2 Mixing Units
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2.2.2 Mixing Units, Paddle Mixer
Zyklos Mixer
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2.2.2 Mixing Units, Paddle Mixer
DIEM Design
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2.2.2 Mixing Units, Paddle Mixer
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2.2.3 Mixing – Consistency Test
Vibration Testing:
During production quality control and for pre-shape production vibrating tables
are used to determine the spreading values (EN-ISO1402-4)
On Site Testing:
Place the vibrator in the mixing pan or in a bucket:
if there is a cavity remaining when pulling out the vibrator, the castable
contains too less water
if the castable flows well, the castable has the proper consistency for
When starting the work the consistency of the first batch should be checked.
Form a compact ball with the castable in the hands and toss it upward about
30 to 50 cm and catch it in one hand. Upon catching it:
if the ball flows apart slowly, the castable has proper consistency for
if the ball flows apart immediately, the castable contains too much water
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2.2.3 Mixing – “Ball-in-Hand” Test
crumbles – the concrete is too dry
No compaction possible.
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2.2.3 Mixing – “Ball-in-Hand” Test
Matrix is optimal.
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2.2.3 Mixing – “Ball-in-Hand” Test
Easy compaction.
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2.3 Castable Placement
43 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.3 Castable Placement
The total elapsed time from addition of water until the material is in place
should not exceed 30 minutes.
Delays have the risk of premature hardening and the formation of layers.
This can have negative effects on the desired durability of the lined unit.
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2.4 Compaction / Vibrating
45 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.4 Compaction / Vibration
Mixed castables content a relatively high amount of air as small bubbles.
To reach the final properties for dense castables the air must be removed.
mostly used for insulating castables (high porosity)
done by hand with help of a wooden or metallic stick
vibration is used for dense castables with exception of free flowing
done by an electrical or air powered vibrator
can not be done by hand!
“modelling” is forbidden!
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2.4 Compaction / Vibration
For dense castables its absolutely necessary to vibrate (excep. free flowing)!
Vibration is finished, when no more air bubbles escape from the mix
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2.4 Compaction – Types of Vibrators
Types of vibrators
Poker vibrator
External vibrator
Poker vibrator
The diameter of poker vibrator should be not more than a third of the lining
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2.4 Compaction – Poker Vibrators
49 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.4 Compaction – Poker Vibrators
50 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.4 Compaction – Poker Vibrators
51 92 TCC_Alumina Monolithics_Day 1
2.4 Compaction – Poker Vibrators
Rule of thumb:
The diameter of the vibrator should be at least 1/6 of the lining thickness but
the bigger the better!
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2.4 Compaction – Poker Vibrators
Sufficient compaction is reached when:
the sound of the vibrator in the concrete does not change anymore
the surface is smooth and only a few isolated air bubbles ascend to the
in general a smooth and shiny surface indicates good compaction.
If vibration is carried out too long, the mix will begin to segregate and the fines
and water drifts towards the surface.
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2.4 Compaction of an open bottom (flat) area
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2.4 Compaction of a side wall
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2.4 Compaction done wrong
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2.4 Compaction with external vibrators
External vibrators transfer the vibration energy from the mould into the
refractory material (maybe useful for burner pipes or meal ducts).
External vibration needs much more energy for the same results compared to
internal vibration and cant be done for large and heavy structures.
Positioning of external vibrators can be done using:
Tension belts
You have to use several external vibrators for larger structural elements.
The number and power of vibrators is depending on lining thickness and
mould design
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2.4 Compaction with external vibrators
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2.5 Setting Time / Curing / Retarding /
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2.5 Optimum Installation Conditions
What may have a major effect on the processing, the setting time and the
quality of the lining :
the temperature of the refractory product to be installed
the ambient temperature
the mixing liquid temperature and quality (chemical composition)
the residual temperature of the unit to be lined (steel shell, insulating)
The physical and chemical reactions taking place after the mixing are highly
influenced by the circumstances of installation.
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2.5 Curing
Influence of stetting temperatures and curing time
80 20°C
70 Einfluß der Gießtemperatur auf die Festigkeit
Cold Crushing Strengh (%)
60 24h
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Gießtemperatur (°C)
Mixing Temperature
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2.5 Optimum Installation Conditions
If you are facing very hot or cold temperatures during installation, you have to
take the following measures:
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2.5 Site Preparation
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5 Field Arrangement / Shuttering
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5 Field Arrangement
65 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
5 Field arrangement
max. 1000 mm
max. 1000 mm
2 4 2 4
1 3 1 3
2 4 2 4
Pos. II Pos. III Pos. II Pos. III
1 3 1 3
Pos. II Pos. III Pos. II Pos. III
Pos. I
Pos. I
Pos. I
Pos. I
Pos. I
66 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
5 Field arrangement
The installation sequence as well as placement of the refractory mix is
as follows:
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5 Field arrangement
68 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
5 Field arrangement
69 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
5 Field arrangement
The work sections should not exceed a maximum of 1 m².
In the area of the insulation there are straight working joints.
The working joints in the front layer have a "z" design (refer to figure 2).
The working joints of the individual layers may not be vertically on top of
each another. They must be offset. The working joint should be offset by
50 % from front to insulation layer. The joint must, however, be offset by a
minimum 25 %.
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5 Contact Areas
71 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
5 Field Sizes for Repair Work
72 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
5 Field Sizes for Repair Work
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6 Expansion and Joints
74 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
6 General & Type of Joints
Generally refractory materials could not be installed in fields of any size. The
total area must be split up in fields by stoppage moulds. The result are joints
because the materials will be installed field by field one after the other.
Type of Joints
Working joints
Are “dry” joints between installed fields.
Expansion joints
Are required to compensate the change of geometric dimensions ( length and
volume ) caused by temperature change.
75 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
6 Type of Joints - Examples
60 30 60
Quartz glass
Vitrified clay
Material Basalt
Thermal Expansion
23,8 9 10-14 8 5,5 3,8-4,5 0,5-0,6 4-6 4-4,5
Coefficient (10-6.K-1)
l= . ( t1-t0 ) . L0
= 5,5.10-6/K . 1050K . 15.10³mm
= 86,6 mm
This expansion can not be absorbed with one joint in wall centre. Split the
length of into fifteen fields ( are sixteen joints ). These joints can be filled with
compressible fibre materials.
The expansion joints must be carried out that the fibre material will be
compressed about 50% during operation temperature.
These expansion joints could be designed 12 mm wide each and filled with ½”
thick ceramic fibre blanket.
78 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
6 Expansion Calculation – Example
Combustion chamber
height: 4m / average temperature: 1200°C / pressure shell temperature: 200°C
( 13 Cr Mo 44 ) = 12,1.10-6/K
( of inner layer of corundum brick ) = 1% at 1200°C
l steel shell= 12,1.10-6/K . 200K . 4000mm = 9,7mm
l corundum layer= 0,01 . 4000mm = 40mm
Difference = 40mm – 9,7mm = 30,3mm
80 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
7.2 Refractory Tile and Metallic Anchor Types
81 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
7.2 Recommendations for Monolithic Linings -
metal-only Anchoring
82 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
7.2 Metallic Anchors for Monolithic Linings
In one line walls the generally accepted anchoring method involves the use of
commonly V anchors.
Anchor types:
CH1 / CH2 / CH3
CV1 / CV2 / CV3
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8 Drying and Heat up
87 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Introduction
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8 Drying and Heat Up – Why?
Arithmetic example:
A new cement-plant was erected, using 1000 tonnes of monolithics
(castables and gunning mixes; insulation and wear lining). As an average, the
water content of these mixes is 8 %.
This results in an amount of 80 tonnes (80.000 litres) of water used for
processing these mixes. These 80.000 litres have to be withdrawn from the
lining in a safe and gentle way.
During the heating process water will vaporise, forming 1.700 litres of steam
out of 1 litre of water. 1.700 x 80.000 = 136.000.000 litres of steam, that
equals 136.000 m³ !
The resulting volume complies with the area of a common soccer field (100 x
70 m) by a height of 20 meters.
89 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up – Why?
The single products within the system have their individual thermal behaviour
and particular physical properties:
different strength (CCS)
different thermal conductivity
different thermal expansion
different ductility
different (open) porosity
different temperature gradients within the material
Thus, the most important goal for the heat-up process must be to bring the
whole plant to normal service conditions without damaging any of the
single components within this system.
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8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
91 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Stress
Different stresses on
refractory, heat-loaded
from one side only
92 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Nomenclature
Drying: is the process, during which humidity is driven out of the lining under
controlled conditions. Within the range from ambient temperature up
to 150°C (~ 300 °F) the amount of water is reduced to 20 to 25 %
(of the initial content).
Heat-up: is the process, which brings the lining up to the temperature that is
required for service. During this phase the remaining water has to
be removed.
93 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Terms
The proper development of these phases is the utmost important basis of the
resulting final strength of the installed products.
Whilst curing, the concretes could loose up to 10 % of the added water due to
vaporization (which is not desired !!). For that reason you have to cover the
lining with foils, plastic, wet textiles or similar materials. Particularly for fast
drying RHI-sol-bonded products this is highly recommended.
94 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
The water – blended into the „unshaped“ refractory product to enable
processing – has to be removed from the concrete prior to putting into
There are 3 steps during which the water will be removed from the installed
95 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
In the drying phase the temperature will be increased above the boiling
point of water (as a rule of thumb up to 150 °C). Due to the added heat water
will be transformed into steam and leaves in this gaseous state the material.
Having been transformed into steam, humidity can migrate even through
narrow capillaries to the surface.
96 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
During this dehydrating not only the transition of the humidity to the
surrounding atmosphere has to be considered. Furthermore in the lapse of
the drying period the activities in the core material are of utmost importance.
97 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
900 90
Curing-period Drying-period
800 80
600 60
heat-up rate
500 50
water loss %
400 40
300 30
200 20
100 10
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Initially the only loosely bonded pore- and capillary water, next the mantle-
water, followed by the intermediate water will be removed.
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8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
Temperature Saturation vapour pressure
[°C] [bar]
During the heat-up phase the
remaining water has to be driven out of 20 0,02
350 165,37
101 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up - Heat-up Process
103 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Heat Up Schedule - LCC
Heat-up schedule for ULC / LC / CC-refractories
Universal heat-up schedule for a one-layer lining of 150mm thickness.
The given temperatures are furnace chamber temperatures. Holding-time (HT) is 1h / 1cm at lower
temperatures and 0.5h / 1cm at higher temperatures. For combined lining a individual heat-up schedule is
working temperature
Temperature [°C]
HT 7,5h
200 HT 15h
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
Time [h]
104 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Heat Up - LCC
After heat up
Prior heat up
Record of a 30 K/h heat up schedule of a normal LCC (DID-F50-6) and
the improved Speedcast F51-6 (same raw material base / properties).
105 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up of Sol-products - Heat-up Process
The average pore size in Sol-mixes is significantly lower than for a LCC (lower
risk of infiltration).
Safe and very fast heat up that can be finished completely even below
106 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up of Sol-products - Heat-up Process
Sol-Gel mixes: properties - heating
Brenner Abzug
1 Brenner
Versuchsblock ANKOCAST 341
Fasermatte 3mm
2 Form and
3 Trial tundish
107 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Drying and Heat Up of Sol-products - Heat-up Process
Thermogravimetry of a sol-bound 130 kg block
700 100
500 70
temperature [°C]
dehydration [%]
temperature in the furnace
emitted water 20
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
time [h]
108 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
8 Heat Up Schedule LCC vs Sol
Heat Up Schedules of Low Cement and Compac /
Carsit Sol Castbales
Temperature (°C)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time [h]
109 92 TCC_Alumina_Monolithics_Day 2
Thank you for your attention!