Article On Tooth Wear
Article On Tooth Wear
Article On Tooth Wear
Key points
Removable prostheses in severely worn The general design features of a removable Patients who are provided with removable
dentitions are of value when fixed approaches prosthesis include: metal backings on teeth of prostheses to manage their tooth wear need
are not indicated or have low prognosis for guarded long-term prognosis; metal or acrylic to be carefully monitored, with reduced recall
success, where there are missing teeth, or as part onlays on posterior teeth where the occlusion intervals of 3–4 months. Close attention
of a combined fixed-removable treatment plan. allows or vertical dimension is increased; anterior should be paid to preventative regimes and
bite platforms where required to gain functional identification of new disease.
tooth contacts; and minimal apron flanges over
teeth used as overdenture abutments.
In the next part of this series on tooth wear management, we discuss the indications and clinical stages for the
provision of removable prostheses for the treatment of severely worn and depleted dentitions. The general design
features of a complex prosthesis are described for reorganised occlusal schemes and maintenance guidelines are
explained. In addition, the clinical stages for three different situations are described: removable-only approaches, and
combined fixed and removable in the same arch and separate arches. The value of providing removable prostheses
in worn dentitions allows the immediate rehabilitation of severely worn teeth taking a non-invasive and retrievable
approach when the remaining dentition is of poor quality or structure and/or there are missing teeth.
Introduction chrome-based dentures offer more rigidity • Removable partial dentures only
(particularly relevant to parafunctioning • Fixed restorations and a removable partial
In this paper, we will discuss the clinical patients), tooth support on retained worn teeth, denture in the same arch
indications for removable prostheses in the fit more accurately and are less bulky. • Fixed restorations in one arch and a
treatment of tooth wear. Removable prostheses In the treatment of tooth wear, removable removable prosthesis in the opposing arch.
provide an option for when fixed restorations partial dentures can replace teeth which have
are contraindicated or have a poor chance of been completely lost, or as overdentures when Studies have shown a high degree of patient
being successful. They can also be provided with teeth are severely worn. Retaining roots as satisfaction with overdenture treatment, with
fixed restorations as part of a more complex abutments improves proprioception,1 assists over 94% of patients being either mostly or
treatment plan. It is the authors’ preference to with tooth support for the denture, maintains fully satisfied with their prosthesis over several
provide definitive cobalt chromium prostheses local alveolar bone2 and prevents combination years.4,5 A recent review found that mandibular
for all patients, unless a transitional denture is syndrome from developing.3 canine-root-supported overdentures compared
required when acrylic is preferred, for example, Overdenture-type prostheses can be favourably with mandibular two-implant
in a growing patient, a failing dentition, or as subdivided in to three main categories (Fig. 1): supported overdentures.6 They found no
an interim prosthesis during a more protracted • Overdentures – where the denture covers statistically significant differences with patient
fixed-removable treatment plan. Overall, retained roots satisfaction, prosthodontic complications, or
• Onlay dentures – components of the denture patients’ ability to clean their prosthesis.
Speciality Registrar in Restorative Dentistry, Department
onlay posterior teeth, similar to a ‘table top’.
of Restorative Dentistry, Liverpool University Dental Can re-establish the occlusal plane and Indications for removable
Hospital, Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L3 5PS, UK;
restore contacts with the opposing arch prosthodontics
Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, Department of
Restorative Dentistry, Liverpool University Dental Hospital, • Overlay dentures – anterior flange and
Pembroke Place, Liverpool, L3 5PS, UK. prosthetic teeth cover the labial surfaces of Patients with tooth wear can be managed with
*Correspondence to: Stephanie Hackett
Email address: retained anterior teeth whose crowns remain fixed or removable treatment options. Should
Refereed Paper.
at least partially intact. the worn teeth lack adequate tooth structure for
Submitted 5 October 2022 bonding or to provide a ferrule effect for a crown,
Revised 8 January 2023 Furthermore, partial dentures for the it is not predictable to restore these teeth with
Accepted 14 January 2023 treatment of tooth wear may be provided in a fixed restoration. Also, a history of repeated
any one of the following scenarios: failure of direct restorations might indicate
the lack of potential for bonding or retention experience, teeth which have lost more than 50% of direct resin composite build-up treatment.
on the worn teeth, which might be better used coronal tooth structure and have poor quality Sclerotic dentine caused by pathological tooth
as overdenture abutments. In the authors’ sclerotic dentine have more frequent failure wear has been shown to feature histological
Fig. 1 Three broad types of overdentures to treat tooth wear patients. a, b) Onlay denture covers labial surfaces of anterior teeth. c, d) Overdenture
covers retained roots of maxillary teeth. e, f) Onlay-overdenture prosthesis covering roots of anterior teeth and onlay rests on posterior teeth
Fig. 2 a, b, c, d, e, f) Patient with severe tooth wear and loss of occlusal vertical dimension. Rehabilitated with anterior tooth composites in the
mandibular arch, and maxillary and mandibular onlay/overlay partial dentures. Notice how the mandibular prosthesis has metal backings on the
lingual surface of the anterior teeth to facilitate easy addition to the denture should these teeth of dubious prognosis be extracted in the future
Fig. 3 a, b, c) A patient with significant overeruption and dentoalveolar compensation in to opposing edentulous spaces, on a background
of localised anterior tooth wear. This patient would benefit from extractions and subsequent resorption of the alveolus to allow prosthetic
rehabilitation. Photographs courtesy of Callum Cowan
Fig. 4 Full coverage overlay-onlay denture to restore worn maxillary teeth. a, b) Old denture was frequently broken as patient was able to break
off the prosthetic teeth at the extremities of dynamic occlusion due to severe parafunctioning habits. c, d, e, f) New denture metal framework
lips over incisal edge to prevent fracture of the prosthetic teeth in a patient with severe parafunctional tendencies
obliteration of dentine tubules with intratubular removed during episodes of acute parafunction metal over incisal edges, metal backings on
sclerotic casts, in addition to an acid-resistant and replaced with a protective guard for sleep anterior teeth and occlusal onlay rests (Fig. 4).
hypermineralised layer, thus reducing the ability to maintain the abutment teeth. The skeletal
of adhesive systems from achieving the hybrid relationship may further guide the clinician Problems with removable
layer necessary for optimal dentine bonding.7 to either fixed or removable prostheses. A prosthodontics
In these cases, consideration could be given Class III incisor relationship (particularly
to rehabilitate these patients with removable with associated loss of posterior support) may Some patients may not tolerate a partial denture,
prosthetics. Retaining worn teeth as overdenture benefit from a maxillary denture, maintaining especially those who gag. We know from
abutments affords the benefit of bracing and the worn anterior teeth as overdenture existing research that one of the prognostic
support for the denture, particularly when there abutments and facilitating the prosthetic indictors for success are dentures which
are reduced features of denture bearing anatomy, incisors into a preferred Class I relationship. replace anterior teeth.10 Despite counselling
such as diminutive tuberosities, inadequate General reasons for providing removable a patient that their partial denture to replace
sulcus depth and a flat vaulted palate. over fixed restorations still apply, including missing posterior teeth will protect their newly
From an occlusal viewpoint, one should patient-related factors, such as a requirement provided anterior fixed restorations, it is easy
assess the lower face height and decide if the for reduced clinical time and large edentulous to understand why compliance to wearing a
patient is over-closed. If so, this can be restored spans not amenable to fixed rehabilitation. seemingly non-essential prosthesis is still one
with an onlay/overlay denture at an increased of the great challenges in the restoration of a
occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) or by using Benefits of removable worn dentition. Additionally, patients tend to
a retruded contact position that increases the prosthodontics seek a fixed solution over a removable prosthesis
vertical dimension to a suitable level (Fig. 2). for restoration of their worn teeth, as they often
Patients with severely worn roots and teeth that Treatment can be provided reversibly, since the associate wearing a denture with negative social
have compensated will have a correct lower prosthesis is removable and requires minimal stigma. It is down to the clinician to make a
face height. Such patients, who are unsuitable tooth preparation. Additionally, the worn balanced judgement on the predictability of
for surgical crown lengthening, may require dentition with multiple missing posterior fixed and removable treatment, and to guide
extraction and subsequent resorption of the teeth may present with reduced vertical facial patients, while attempting to remove some of the
alveolus to create interocclusal space followed proportions. A denture can immediately negative connotations of removable prostheses.
by prosthetic replacement of the spaces (Fig. 3). restore this, improving aesthetics, increasing A removable prosthesis may hinder plaque
Assessment and diagnosis of the aetiology the number of occlusal contacts and therefore control. 11 An onlay/overlay denture can
of tooth wear will aid in the clinician’s restoring function. have a more complicated design than usual.
determination of fixed restoration prognosis. For patients with primarily attritional tooth It is therefore imperative that patients can
A bruxist patient with primarily attritional wear, chrome dentures can be reinforced demonstrate optimal plaque control and are on
tooth wear will apply excessive force to the with additional metal-based features to resist a tailored supportive maintenance programme
teeth and therefore fixed restorations will be warpage or breakage of the framework, often to ensure that the dentures do not act as plaque
at much greater risk of failure.8,9 If a removable seen in severe bruxists (Fig. 2). Clinicians can traps and accelerate the loss of their remaining
alternative is provided, at least it can be be creative with these features, such as lipping dentition.12
Fig. 7 a, b, c, d, e, f) An overclosed patient with loss of posterior occlusal support. On the retruded arc of closure, the first tooth contact offers
adequate restorative space to restore the worn anterior teeth
Fig. 9 Case photographs for a separate arch fixed-removable case with severe erosive and attritional tooth wear. a) Pre-operative retracted
view. b, c) Jaw registration completed with maxillary wax rim, temporary composite mock-up of 41, 43, 31 at desired OVD, followed by
segmental removal of composite for silicone registration material. d, e) Wax-tooth try-in to verify tooth position and lip support. f) Metal
framework try-in of maxillary partial denture. Retention tags to support prosthetic teeth. g, h) Completed maxillary denture ready to fit. Note
acrylic anterior bite platform, which was essential to provide anterior tooth contact in this Class II division 1 incisor relationship. i, j) Completed
mandibular direct composite build-up restorations. k, l) Completion photographs, with maxillary denture in situ
rests be designed, standard protocols for would be tolerated and suitable. Features such remembered that when increasing the vertical
cutting of rest seats is recommended to provide as an apron flange (Fig. 8) not only reduce an dimension, the overjet is also increased and
positive seating of the framework. Clinicians excessive lip support but disguise a striking this sometimes comes with loss of anterior
should avoid placing rest seats into direct acrylic-soft tissue junction. By surveying the tooth contact. The choice of material for this
restorations, since repair and maintenance of soft tissue undercut on the cast, the flange is clinician- and patient-driven. Acrylic bite
these restorations in the future is complicated can be placed just 1 mm beyond the survey platforms, for the majority, are acceptable
by the metal framework being cast into line.16 This allows future reline or repair of the and benefit from ease of adjustment at the
these areas. denture should a root be lost subsequently. chairside and reduced technical challenges.
Lip support is a challenging concept when When increasing the vertical dimension, it However, if there is insufficient interocclusal
retaining anterior roots as overdenture is sometimes necessary to provide an anterior space for acrylic, or the patient requires a
abutments. Assessment of the required lip bite platform to ensure functional anterior more robust bite platform, then metal may be
support should be evaluated at the wax-tooth tooth contact, especially in Class I and II a more predictable option. This principle also
try-in stage to see if increased lip support incisor relationships (Fig. 9g). It should be applies to the choice of material for occlusal
Fig. 11 Moderate generalised erosive tooth wear treated with same arch maxillary direct composite build-ups, resin-bonded bridge 22, 23 to
replace 22 and definitive cobalt-chrome partial denture, and mandibular direct composite build-up restorations. The patient required an interim
phase with acrylic partial denture before the definitive cobalt-chrome denture was constructed. a, b, c) Pre-operative views demonstrating
erosive tooth wear in both arches, chipped existing composite restorations and failing Resin bonded bridge 22,23. d, e) Diagnostic wax-ups
and maxillary partial denture wax-tooth try-in made on articulated study models mounted at the desired OVD on a semi-adjustable articulator.
Note how the wax-tooth try-in has acrylic onlay rests on 26, 27 a to provide tooth support at the increased OVD. f, g, h) Aesthetic preview
appointment with temporary crown and bridge material (Integrity, Dentsply Sirona) on teeth to have composite restorations, and wax-tooth
try-in maxillary partial denture. i) Addition cured silicone (Memosil 2, Kulzer) full coverage indices made from diagnostic wax-ups. j) Palatal
addition cured silicone guide used for direct composite build-up restorations, based on the confirmed diagnostic wax-up. k, l, m, n) Post-
operative photographs following provision of definitive maxillary cobalt-chrome partial denture. The completed restorations were direct
composite build-up restorations on 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 31, ,32, 33, 41, 42, 43, resin-bonded bridge 22, 23, maxillary partial cobalt-chrome denture
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