Equilibrium As Part 1
Equilibrium As Part 1
Equilibrium As Part 1
State of a process in which measurable properties like pressure,
temperature etc does not undergo any change with passage of time .
Types of equilibrium
1. Equilibrium in physical process
2. Equilibrium in chemical process
Liquid-vapour equilibria
Characteristics of liquid- vapour equilibrium
• Attained in a closed system.
• Attained at any temperature.
• Mass of vapour & liquid do not change.
• The pressure of the vapour doesn’t change as long as the
temperature remains constant.
• This pressure of the vapour is called equilibrium vapour
pressure of the liquid.
• It is a dynamic equilibrium where the processes of
evaporation & condensation take place at equal rates.
Equilibrium involving dissolution of solid in liquid
In a saturated solution,a dynamic equilibrium exists between the solute
molecules in the solid state and in the solution
Equilibrium in beaker1 N2 + H2 ⇌ NH3
Equilibrium in beaker2 N2 + D2 ⇌ ND3
Mix up the contents of beaker 1 and 2
NH2D, NHD2 , ND3 and HD are also there in the beaker in addition to
the original contents of beaker 1 and 2
Scrambling of H and D atoms in the molecules must result from a
continuation of the forward and reverse reactions in the mixture.
If the reaction had simply stopped when they reached
equilibrium, then there would have been no mixing of isotopes .
Law of chemical equilibrium
At a given temperature
The ratio of the concentration of the product to the concentration of the
reactant raised to their respective stoichiometric coefficient in the balanced
chemical equation is constant.
For a reversible reaction
aA + bB ⇌ cC + dD
Kc=[C]c [D]d/[B]b[A]a
where Kc is equilibrium constant
Equilibrium constant of some reactions:
Magnitude of equilibrium constant
For the reaction H2+I2 ⇌ 2HI (i)
Kc=[H I]2/[H2 ][I2]
Heterogeneous equilibria
Homogeneous Equilibria
All the reactants and products are in the same phase
1. 2NO2(g) ⇌ N2O4(g);
Kp = Kc (RT)-1
The equation for K is applicable only when concentration of reactants and products
have attained constant value (Equilibrium has been established).
The equilibrium constant for the reverse reaction is equal to the inverse of the
equilibrium constant for the forward reaction.
Features of equilibrium constant
Applications of the equilibrium constant
Predicting the Extent of a Reaction
c) Kc is in the range of 10-3 to 103 :appreciable concentrations of both reactants and products
Predicting the Direction of the Reaction:
ΔG = ΔGo + RT ln Q.
At Equilibrium, ΔG = 0, & Q = K
So, ΔGo = --RT lnK
ΔGo = --2.303RT logK
If ΔGo < 0, then log K is +ve making K >1. The reaction has proceeded in the
forward direction to such an extent that the products are predominant.
If ΔGo > 0, then log K is --ve making K <1. The reaction has proceeded in the
backword direction to such an extent that the reactants are predominant.
Factors affecting Equilibria
Le Chatelier principle
Change in any of the factors that determine
the equilibrium conditions of a system will
cause the system to change in such a manner
so as to reduce or to counteract the effect of
the change.
At constant volume
the pressure of the system increases but the partial pressures & molar concentrations of
the reactants & products do not change.
So the equilibrium remains undisturbed
At constant pressure
decreases the partial pressure of the reacting species.
Equilibrium shifts in the direction having more number of gaseous moles
Effect of Temperature change
When the temperature of the system at equilibrium is increased (by giving
heat to the system), the reaction will proceed in the direction in which it will
use up the heat provided. That is, the reaction will proceed in the direction in
which it is endothermic
Equilibrium constant changes with change in temperature
The Equilibrium constant for an
• Endothermic reaction increases with increase in temperature
• Exothermic reaction decreases with increase in temperature
Effect of temperature
Effect of a Catalyst
o A catalyst increases the rate of the reaction by making available a lower energy
pathway for the reaction to occur.
o It increase the rate of the forward as well as reverse reaction, but does not
affect the position of equilibrium.
o Catalyst just helps to attain the equilibrium faster.
o The catalyst lowers the activation energy of both the forward as well as reverse
reaction by exactly the same amount.
Summary of Lechatelier Principle
Change Effect on Effect on Kc
1. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. x/a
8. True
9. True
10. absorbed