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CH01EN General Desciptions

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General description WRO H


Intended use .............................................................................. 2

Introduction .............................................................................. 2

Dialysis fluid quality ............................................................... 3

Microbiological quality ................................................................. 3
Chemical quality .......................................................................... 3

Description of reverse osmosis ............................................. 4

Description of the WRO H ...................................................... 5

General description ...................................................................... 5
Conductivity monitoring .............................................................. 5
Flow monitoring ........................................................................... 5
Hot water circulation ................................................................... 6
HW-unit ........................................................................................ 6
Heating periods ............................................................................ 6
Setting of heating periods ............................................................ 6
Acceptance temperature .............................................................. 6
Flow diagram and component list ............................................... 7
Components - view of interior ..................................................... 8
Components - view from right ..................................................... 9
Main components ........................................................................ 10

The operator´s panel ............................................................... 11

Function of the different buttons ............................................... 11

Alarm information ................................................................. 15

Symbols found in the alarm list .................................................15
External alarm indication ..........................................................15
Power failure ...............................................................................15
Water supply interruption ..........................................................15
Flow alarms ................................................................................. 15
Alarm list .....................................................................................16

Chemical disinfection of the RO-unit ................................ 17

General ........................................................................................17
Frequency .................................................................................... 17
Disinfectant information ............................................................ 17
General about peracetic acid ...................................................... 17
Required amounts of disinfectant ..............................................17
Disinfection programme .............................................................18
Safety during disinfection ..........................................................18
Valve test .....................................................................................18
Loop test ...................................................................................... 18
Action in case of a stop during chemical disinfection ................19

External indication ................................................................ 20

Remote control (option) ........................................................ 20

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:1

Intended use
The Gambro water treatment system CWP 100, WRO, the base unit of the CWP 100 system,
model WRO H, produces water of high quality, operates under the principle of reverse osmosis
chemically and microbiologically and with (RO) which is the preferred method for the
adequate flow, provided that the feed water purification of water for dialysis. This system
complies with existing standards for drinking removes at least 95% of total dissolved salts
water and has been properly pre-treated by (based on conductivity) and more than 99% of
softening, charcoal filtration and particle filtration the bacteria and endotoxin from the inlet water.
to minimum 10 µm.
The system also includes a heat disinfection unit
(H) for disinfection of the distribution system to
Introduction minimize any form of microbial growth and
biofilm formation.
The water used in the dialysis setting is a very
important factor in achieving and maintaining In order to ensure that the microbiological
an adequate quality of the dialysis fluid. The quality will be maintained, the system has:
chemical and microbiological quality of the water
depends not only on technical parameters of • An automated chemical disinfection procedure
membranes (such as retention rate, rejection of the reverse osmosis unit to keep the
rate, chemical composition, and pore size), membrane surfaces clean and minimize
but also to a large extent on the condition of, bacterial growth.
and proper maintenance of, equipment and
distribution system. • Hygienic design with smooth surfaces and a
minimum of stagnant zones.
The Gambro water treatment system CWP 100,
model WRO H, has been specially designed to • Automatic flushing programs at preset
meet the unique requirements of the dialysis intervals when the system is not in use.
clinic. When properly maintained, it will produce
water of high quality, both from a chemical and In addition, the WRO H has been designed to
microbiological standpoint (provided that the reduce water consumption by automatically
source water complies with normal standards for adjusting the reject flow to the actual
drinking water and has been properly pre- consumption of pure water.

Fig. 1. CWP100, model WRO H

1:2 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Dialysis fluid quality
Microbiological quality Chemical quality

The microbiological quality of the dialysis fluid is The conductivity of the water, i.e. its ability to
a function of a number of factors. Neglecting conduct a current, is a measure of the amount of
only one of these could result in a poor quality. dissolved salts in water. It is therefore a good
These factors are: indicator of the quality of the water as well as
the performance of different water treatment
• Acceptable quality of the inlet water to the processes, such as reverse osmosis.
water treatment system, i.e. in accordance
with standards for drinking water. Conductivity in water is normally expressed in
microsiemens per cm (µS/cm).
• High capacity of reduction of microorganisms
and endotoxin in the water treatment The amount of dissolved salts in the source
system. This requires both the necessary water varies significantly from place to place and
purification steps (e.g. RO) as well as hygienic may also change over time due to seasonal
design and correct maintenance including variations. As reverse osmosis removes a
regular cleaning and disinfection. percentage of the salts (approximately 95%), the
pure water conductivity will also vary depending
• Hygienic design of the distribution system of on the quality of the inlet water.
treated water to the dialysis clinic with
smooth surfaces and with a minimum of The conductivity of the water, however, is not
joints and stagnant zones. always a good indicator of the suitability of the
water for dialysis. Aluminium, for example, may
• Frequent disinfection of the distribution be present in concentrations well exceeding
system. recommended standards without affecting the
• Hygienic design and regular cleaning and
disinfection of the dialysis machines. The quality of dialysis water should therefore
always be verified by regular water analyses.
• High quality and proper handling of
bicarbonate concentrates. The conductivity should mainly be used as an
indicator of the performance of the reverse
• Correct arrangement of the drain connections osmosis system.
from the dialysis machines, i.e., an air gap to
avoid microbial contamination from the
drainage system.

• Regular sampling to verify that the quality is

maintained. Note that the selection of
cultivation methods is of vital importance.
Incorrect methods will give inaccurate results,
refer to below.

Note: The regulations and guidelines on the quality requirements for dialysis water varies in
different countries around the world. In US, the AAMI (Association for the Advancement of
Medical Instrumentation) has issued standards for water for dialysis which have been used for
more than 15 years as a guideline for water for dialysis. In Europe The EUROPEAN
PHARMACOPOEIA has issued guidelines (1992) that regulates the microbiological as well as the
chemical requirements for water for dialysis in Europe, as well as analysis methods to be used both
for the microbiological and chemical testing of water.

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:3

Description of reverse osmosis
Reverse osmosis is a membrane process and is The membrane that is used in the CWP system
the most widely used technique for the will retain at least 95 % of dissolved salts (based
production of water for dialysis today. on conductivity) and about 99 % of the contents
The membrane that is used is semipermeable, of bacteria, endotoxins and substances exceeding
i.e. it allows passage of water but retains most of a molecular weight of 200 Dalton.
the dissolved salts, particles, bacteria and
endotoxin 1). As seen in figure 2, there are two flows of water
leaving the reverse osmosis membrane unit.The
Principle: If two solutions, having different pure water from the reverse osmosis process, as
concentrations of salts, are separated by a used in the dialysis setting, is called permeate,
semipermeable membrane, water will pass or product. The reject water, containing the
through the membrane from the weaker to the retained contaminants, is also called waste, or
stronger solution in an effort to equalize the concentrate.
difference in concentration, or osmotic pressure.
This is called OSMOSIS. Part of the reject water, normally 25 - 50 %, is
sent directly to drain; part is returned to the
By applying a pressure to the more concentrated inlet of the membrane, via a needle valve, to
solution, the transport of water will go in the help reduce total water comsumption.
opposite direction, i.e. from the stronger to the
weaker solution. This process is called Generally, the required operating pressure in
REVERSE OSMOSIS. (See figure 2). reverse osmosis systems ranges from 10 to 60 bar,
depending on application. The maximum pressure
Cell fragments, with pyrogenic in the CWP system is approximately 18 bar.
properties, of gram negative bacteria.

pure water

water inlet


reject recirculation

reject to

Fig. 2. Principle of reverse osmosis

1:4 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Description of the WRO H
General description of the RO-unit Conductivity monitoring

(Refer to figure 3, 4) The conductivity of the inlet water and pure

water are continuously monitored by two
After pretreatment (i.e., sediment filter, water conductivity cells, (32) and (35), and are
softener, charcoal filter, etc.), the water enters presented on the display on the operator´s panel.
inlet water tank (4) via solenoid valve (1). Refer to Operator´s panel.
Inlet water tank (4) has float valve (5) and an air
gap to help isolate the flowpath from the Flow monitoring
municipal water system. Main pump (33) then
creates the pressure (up to 20 bar) that is The following flow rates are measured:
required for the reverse osmosis process.
Flow sensor pos. designation
Pure water from the WRO-unit is distributed • Inlet water 3 F1
directly to the clinics distribution system via • Reject from RO-unit 42 F2
solenoid valves (48), (103) and (105). Excess pure • Return pure water
water that has not been used in the clinic is from clinic 51 F4
recirculated back to inlet water tank (4) via
solenoid valve (106). These flow rates are used to calculate:
• Actual pure water consumption,
The reject flow leaving the reverse osmsis F5 = F1 - F2
module is split into two streams.One part is • Outlet pure water flow,
recirculated back to the inlet side of the main F6 = F1 - F2 + F4
pump via valve (71) to maintain a high flow
velocity over the membrane surface. The other All flow rates are presented on the operator´s
part is the reject flow rate which is set with panel on request. Refer to Operator´s panel.
valve (41).

To save water, a three-way motor valve is

installed in the reject line downstream reject
valve (41). This valve will direct part of the
reject water back to the inlet tank during
periods of low product water consumption.

The WRO-unit utilizes proportioning pump (45)

and solution container (46) to proportion
disinfectant during the disinfection cycle. The
proportioning pump is disconnected from the
flow path during normal operation.

The pure water line has a solenoid valve (36) for

automatic flushing to drain at start up, in
conductivity alarm situations, every two hours
when the unit is in stand-by mode and at rinse
during disinfection.

The pure water line also has a solenoid valve

arrangement to isolate the system from the
distribution system during disinfection. Refer to
Safety during disinfection.

The WRO-unit has overflow valve (64) on the

pure water side to control pressure and to relieve
pressure peaks.

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:5

Hot water circulation Setting of heating periods

Circulation of hot water in the distribution The heating of the water in the tank to 90°C
system should be performed on a regular basis, should be set to start two hours before the
preferably every day, to minimize bacterial dialysis session normally ends. By doing this, the
growth in the distribution system. tank temperature will be 90°C at the time that
Hot water circulation is initiated by the operator the operator starts the hot water circulation and
at the end of the dialysis session. A special code the necessary time to reach the acceptance
is also required to avoid inadvertant start of the temperature (see below) will be the shortest
process. possible.
Hot water will then be circulated in the loop
until it is interrupted, either manually by the Note: The temperature of the water in the tank
operator, or automatically at a preset time. will drop momentarily when the hot water
circulation is initiated. This is because of the
HW - unit cold water from the loop returning to the tank.
The temperature will then gradually increase.
The heating unit consists of a tank made of
stainless steel and an electrical heater . The Acceptance temperature
tank is filled up with pure water from the RO-
unit. The effective volume of the tank is 270 The periods for heating to 90°C should be long
liters or 340 liters, depending of size of the CWP. enough to allow the return water from the clinic,
The heating unit also contains level swiches (93, at least once every circulation period, to reach
94) and temperature sensors (56, 92) to monitor the preset acceptance temperature. This is
and control the operation of the unit. normally is set at 85°C. Other settings may,
The tank temperature in the tank is displayed however, be required, depending on the length of
continuously on the operator´s panel during the loop, insulation properties et.c.
periods when hot water is circulated. An alarm will notify the operator if the
acceptance temperature for some reason has not
Heating periods been reached.

The temperature of the water in the tank is Caution: Disinfection of the water distribution
always maintained at minimum 63°C (Low on loop cannot be assured unless 85 °C is circulated
the display). It is periodically increased to 90°C in the distribution loop for at least 10 minutes.
(High on the display). These heating periods to
90°C must be adapted to the operation schedule
for the specific clinic and are set by technical
personnel during installation and start up. Refer
to the Installation section.

1:6 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Fig. 3. Flow diagram WRO H

101 93
92 T 90
P retreated 95 143 96
wate r in let 56
32 106
1 T
3 µS 5 52 P3 51

133 From c li ni c
6 125
48 103 105 104
33 P1 µS 9

71 T o c li ni c
36 102

di si nfe ction ope rati on

53 +11 0 44 +11 1 134

M 138
P ure water
45 flus h to drai n
Reje ct wate r to drai n

62 61

Fig. 4.

1 inlet solenoid valve 90 hot water tank

3 flow meter probe, inlet water 91 electrical heater
4 inlet water tank 92 temperature sensor in hot water tank
5 float valve 93 upper level switch in hot water tank
6 level switch, inlet water tank 94 lower level switch in hot water tank
9 sample port, product water 95 drain valve for hot water tank
32 conductivity cell, inlet water 96 circulation pump for hot water
33 main pump WRO 101 overflow valve, hot water return
34 RO-modules (1-4 or 6 pieces) 102 solenoid valve, air gap
35 conductivity cell, product water 103 outlet solenoid valve, after air gap
36 solenoid valve, product water flush line 104 non-return valve
41 needle valve, RO-reject 105 solenoid/non-return valve, product water
42 flow meter probe, RO-reject 106 solenoid valve, product return line inlet tank
44 disinfectant connector sensor, operation pos. 110 disinfectant connector, disinfection position
45 proportioning pump, disinfectant 111 disinfectant connector, operation position
46 container for disinfectant 122 flow control
47 pick-up tube + level switch for disinfectant 125 solenoid valve in feed line for hot water
48 outlet solenoid valve, product water 133 sample port in product water return line
51 flow meter probe, product water return 134 drain funnel, product water rinse
52 overflow valve, product water return 138 motor valve
53 disinfectant connector sensor, disinf. pos. 143 Valve for hot water tank
54 solenoid valve, return to hot water tank
56 temperature sensor, product water return Pressure measuring points:
61 collecting tray (1/4" female thread):
62 level switch for collecting tray P1 RO pump pressure
64 overflow valve, product water P2 product water outlet pressure
71 needle valve, recirculation of reject P3 return pressure from loop

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:7

Fig.4. WRO H - view of interior

90 93 133 56 54 101 P3 106 52 P1






94 33



96 95 91 47 32 71 51 3 1

1:8 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Fig. 5. WRO H - view from right.

64 P2

36 35




HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:9

Main components (figures 3, 4 and 5)
Inlet water tank (4) Electrical heater (91)
The inlet water tank separates the WRO from The electrical heater heats the water in the tank
the mains water supply system by an air gap. to 90°C during preprogrammed disinfection
The water level is regulated by means of a float periods and maintains it at 60°C at other times.
valve (5). The tank also contains a low level Regarding the programming of heating periods,
switch (6) which stops the unit if the water please refer to Service and maintenance.
supply is inadequate.
Main pump module (33) The unit is enclosed in a painted steel plate cover.
The pump module consists of a polypropylene The internal parts are accessible through doors
vessel containing a multistage centrifugal pump. on the front and the right hand side of the unit.
Both ends are closed by plastic o-ring sealed end
plugs. The module is connected to the upper and Operator´s panel
lower stainless steel frames through the plastic The operator´s panel on the front of the WRO is
end plugs and sealed by o-rings. used for all communication between operator
and CWP100. Refer to Operator´s panel.
RO-module (34)
The WRO-module consists of a fibreglass Electrical control cabinet WRO
reinforced pressure vessel containing a reverse The electrical components are mounted behind
osmosis membrane assembly. Note that one to the upper front cover of the WRO (behind the
four or six membrane modules may be present operator´s panel). This cabinet contains
depending on the model. Both ends are closed by equipment such as programmable controller
plastic o-ring sealed end plugs. The module is (PLC), signal converters, relays and fuses. For
connected to the upper and lower stainless steel access, release the two locking screws.
frames through the plastic end plugs and sealed
by o-rings. Caution: Those parts of the cover that are
fastened with screws must only be opened by
Proportioning pump (45) trained technical personnel.
Proportioning pump (45) draws chemical
disinfectant from container (46) and proportions Motor valve (138)
the solution during the disinfection cycle. The The purpose of this three-way valve is to reduce
container has a level switch for attention alarm the overall water consumption. The valve is
at low level. The pump (45) is disconnected from mounted in the reject line (fig. 3, 4) and is
the flow path during normal operation. controlled by the PLC. It will recirculate part of
the reject water to the inlet tank during periods
Collecting tray (61) when less water is used.
The collecting tray at the bottom of the unit is Function: The reject flow rate leaving the RO-
connected to the drain line and will allow small module(s) is constant and is set with needle
amounts of water, such as spillage and valve 41 with fully open motor valve to the value
condensation, to drain away. The tray has a recommended in the Installation and Service
level switch (62) which will stop the unit and and maintenance sections.
shut off the water supply in case of a larger leak. When the consumption of pure water goes down,
valve 138 gradually closes, thereby leading a
Hot water tank (90) larger part of the reject water back to the inlet
The hot water tank is a high capacity insulated tank. (4). The Water Conversion Factor =
tank made of stainless steel. The tank is WCF (%) = pure water consumption x 100
equipped with sensors for high (93) and low (94) inlet water flow
level, temperature sensor (92), electrical heater will therefore remain constant during operation,
(91), drain valve and overflow connection. independent of product water consumption.

Circulation pump for hot water (96) Note: The part of the product water that is not
used in the clinic will also be recirculated to the
This pump circulates hot water from the tank to
inlet tank. The quality of the product water will
the distribution system during heat disinfection
remain unchanged, regardless of the degree of
recirculation of reject.

1:10 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

The operator´s panel



7 8 9

M N Q R U V ` ´

O P S T W X : ,

Y Z C1 C2 C5 C6

LIST MENU ° % C3 C4 C7 C8

+ = ( ) ! ?

- 0 Enter
Fig. 6. Operator´s panel
/ < > #

The operator´s panel on the front of the RO-unit is used for the operation of the system 1). It is also
used for alarm information and when setting certain parameters. The display normally shows a
limited amount of information about the operational status of the system. More detailed information
can also be selected (refer to Service and maintenance).

START The START button has the following functions:

1: To start the system : START UP .....MIN
When START is pressed, START UP is shown on the display and a ....µS/cm .....°C
5 minute flush to drain takes place , followed by a 30 second
conductivity check. If the conductivity is approved the system goes -
into operation. If not approved, flushing continues; refer to alarms OPERATION
5 and 6 in Trouble shooting guide. ... µS/cm
If the heating unit has been in operation, the start up phase
will be extended for a minimum of 10 minutes (adjustable) to flush
out the hot water from the loop. START UP will be displayed and the water will be diverted to the
hot water tank until the temperature in the return line from the clinic is below 28°C. The system
then goes into normal operation and OPERATION is displayed.

2: To shorten the start up phase:

The 5 minute flush to drain during the start up phase can be - rapid
shortened to 5 seconds by keeping START pressed during the initial START UP ...MIN
flush to drain, i.e., until the display reads 0 MIN. .... µS/cm ...°C
Caution: This function should only be used at accidental
interruptions of the operation.

3. To initiate rinse during disinfection:

The disinfection cycle can be interrupted at any time and rinse
DISINF ...min
initiated by first pressing STOP and then pressing START for 5
seconds, until RINSE appears on the display.

If the system is in remote control mode, start and stop of operation and heat disinfection can only be
done from the remote control unit (not from the operator´s panel). Refer to Remote control.
The system also has an autostart function at a preset time, refer to Service and maintenance.
If a restart is done within 10 minutes after a stop, the system will delete the five minutes flush.

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:11

Stop button -0
Pressing the STOP button during operation stops the CWP and
puts it into STAND BY. In stand by mode the display shows the HEAT L/H ...°C CIRC. ON/OFF
status of the heating unit (Heat status Low or High, actual
temperature in the tank and whether the pump is ON or OFF).
In stand by mode the CWP starts every two hours and flush to
drain for 10 minutes. FLUSHING then appears on the display.
If the STOP button is pressed while the CWP is in disinfection
mode, the system stops, and STOPPED flashes on the display. DISINF ...min

The cursor in the upper left corner of the display is used when
searching for information.


Arrow Buttons

The arrow buttons are used to move the cursor to desired position on the display.

1 2 9 Numbered Buttons

The numbered buttons are used to enter the operator´s (see below) or technician’s code when
required. They are also used for setting of technical parameters, together with the - button. Refer to
Service and maintenance for more information.


The ENTER - button is used to confirm entered information and to perform commands.

Operator´s code
To avoid an inadvertent start of the heat or chemical disinfection modes, a special operator’s code +
ENTER is required before the start of any of these modes is possible.

Note: The cursor must be in the top left corner when the code is entered.

When the correct code + ENTER is entered, arrows will appear

on the display after which the modes can be selected. The -XXX >>>>>>>
arrows will disappear after one minute if no action is taken. STAND BY
Contact your Gambro Technical Department to obtain the
operator´s code. HEAT L/H ...°C CIRC. ON/OFF


Button to initiate disinfection. Remaining time will be displayed during disinfection.

STOPPED will be displayed if the disinfection cycle for some reason has been interrupted.
To continue disinfection after a stop, press DISINF. Refer to Operating instructions.

1:12 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02


These buttons are used to start and stop the circulation of hot water in the distribution system.


When this button is pressed the screen displays status information. If the detailed (versus standard)
display has been selected, the indication will return to normal reading by keeping STATUS
depressed for 5 seconds, independent of previous display.


These buttons are used for handling of alarms in alarm situations. Refer to Alarm information on
page 1:14


The Clear - button is used during programming to delete unwanted digits or signs.

The information button is used to bring up the time display on the alarm list (refer to page 1:14)
and to get information about setting ranges during setting of technical parameters.

This button is not used in this appliaction.

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:13

Present time Shows if the CWP
MENU is in local or remote

The MAIN MENU button allows access to more

detailed information about the system. It also day, date, time
allows the operator to disengage the water saving 1. CWP info local/remote
control system if required. 2. Technician info
Pressing this button brings up the display shown 3. Test operation XXX
to the right. To make a selection, place the cursor 4. WS control XXX
in front the the respective option and the press AUT (aut)

1. Selecting CWP INFO will reveal operational

information about the system. Use the arrow button CWP INFO
to move down through the list.
inlet water ... l/min
• inlet water flow rate, l/min pure water ... l/min
• produced pure water flow rate, l/min -
• drain flow (reject), l/min RO reject ... l/min
• return water flow from clinic or flow of hot water return flow 1) ... l/min
during heating periods, l/min consumption ... l/min
• pure water consumption, l/min cond. in ... µS/cm
• feed water conductivity, µS/cm cond. out ... µS/cm
• pure water conductivity, µS/cm recovery rate ...%
• actual recovery rate of water in % (portion of inlet rejection rate ...%
water that is converted to pure water) temp. return ... °C
• actual rejection of dissolved salts in % temp. tank ... °C
• temperature in return water from clinic, °C tank level ...
• temperature in the hot water tank, °C ...
• shows empty if the hot water tank is empty
• level in hot water tank (full/not full)
1) This text changes to HW circ
2. Selecting Technical info will give technical during circulation of hot water
information about the system. Refer to Service and
maintenance for more information.

3. Selecting Test operation will start the system and let it run for 20 minutes with all product
water being diverted to drain. This mode is useful in service situations.
To initiate test operation: Enter the operator´s code and press ENTER.

4. Water saving control

Indication of the status of the water saving control system:

AUT - Normal position. The water saving control system follows what is set in the technical level,
Refer to Service and maintenance for more information.
MAN - The water saving control system is disenganged and the CWP is operated with the motor
valve 138 fully open to drain.

To disengage the water saving function:

1. Move the cursor to the free space after WS control on line 4.

2. Enter the operator´s code and then press ENTER (>>>> appears on line 5).
3. Place the cursor at AUT and press ENTER. The text then changes to MAN and the motor valve
opens fully to drain.

1:14 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Alarm information
Remote control, Installation and Electrical
In alarm situations, ALARM will be displayed in
diagrams for more information.
the upper right corner of the display. Action:
1. Press ALARM LIST. A list of the alarms that
have occurred (max. 32) will then appear with Power failure
the latest alarm at the top. The time at the In case of power failure, the WRO will stop and
bottom of the display is the time that the alarm the display will go blank. An alarm condition
that the cursor points at occurred . will, however, be issued on the external alarm
(If no time is displayed: Press i ) contact. All relevant data will be retained in
the memory during the power failure.
2. As appropriate, press ALARM ACK to reset
the alarm that the cursor points at. Then press If during normal operation: The WRO will
STATUS for normal reading. restart automatically and return to operation
after 45 seconds (conductivity check) when the
power returns.
The Alarm list on next page shows all alarms
If during stand by or disinfection: The
that can occur in the system. Alarms that are
system will restart from where it was before the
easy to correct are listed in “Alarms that can
power failure occurred as soon as the power
be handled by the operator” (refer to
Operating instructions). Other alarms
Alarm that have not been reset will return in
normally requires technical assistance and can
the alarm list as soon as the power returns.
be found in the Trouble shooting guide.
Note: The time indication will then show the
Symbols found in the alarm messages time that the power returned.
Symbol Meaning Other alarms will be deleted from the alarm
list in case of a power failure.
* Active alarm that has not been
reset in the alarm list
Water supply interruption
During operation: The WRO will stop and issue
- Active alarm that has been reset
alarm number 1. It will then make up to four
in the alarm list (the cause of the
attempts to restart. The interval between
alarm remains).
atempts is one minute.
If all four restart attempts fail the WRO will
$ Alarm that has not been reset but
stop. It must then be restarted manually after
is no longer active in the alarm list
resetting of the alarm.
(the cause of the alarm is cleared)
If a restart attempt is successful the WRO
will return to operation. The alarm(s) will,
no sign Old alarms that are no longer
however, remain in the alarm list and must be
active and that have been reset.
reset manually.
These alarms do not affect the
During STAND BY flushing: No alarm is
performance of the WRO.
issued. The flushing will be interrupted. A new
flushing period will be initiated after 120
External alarm information minutes, provided that there is water in the inlet
1: The CWP can be connected to an external tank.
alarm device via a potential-free switch contact During disinfection: No alarm is issued. “ low
in the electrical control box, refer to level “ will appear on the display. The WRO will
Installation. Alarms that are issued on this try to start at preprogrammed intervals
contact are classified as A-alarms, other alarms (standard setting 30 minutes).
are classified as B-alarms.
Flow alarms
2: The CWP can be supplied with a lamp
The flow rates in the CWP is monitored to
indication unit, to be placed at a visible place
ensure safe and troublefree operation. Some of
in the clinic, which gives continuous information
the flow limits are specific for the size of CWP
about the status of the system, including
and are preprogrammed. Refer to the Alarm
indication of both A- and B-alarms. Refer to
listand Trouble shooting guide for more info.

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:15

Alarm list
(Refer to Trouble shooting guide for more information)

Display text Cause Sensor Type

1.Low level inlet low level inlet water tank 6 A

2 Vacant - - -

3.Drain valve error the motor valve is in wrong position 115, 116 A

4.Dos. conn. error wrong position dosing connector 110, 111 B

5.Warning cond warning signal pure water conductivity 35 A

6.High cond high pure water conductivity 35 A

7.Motorprotect.WRO 1. motor protector error for the RO-pump 33 A

2. unauthorized use of the fast stepping function

8.Low flow F5 low pure water flow during rinse 3, 42 A

9.Low level chem. low level in solution container 47 B

10.Leakage on tray internal leakage-water on tray 62 A

11.Dis. temp low low disinfection temperature 56 B

12.V-test ph1 bef. flow error (F5) in phase 1 of valve test 1 (before disinf) 3, 42 A

13.V-test ph1 aft. flow error (F5) in phase 1 of valve test 2 (after disinf) 3, 42 A

14.Low level HW low level in hot water tank 94 A

15.Motorprotect HW pump motor protector in HW-unit 96 A

16.Low flow F1 low inlet water flow (F1) 3 A

17.Low flow F2 low drain flow from RO-unit (F2) 42 A

18.Vacant - -

19.HW loop leakage low return flow during hot water circulation 51 A

20.V-test ph2 bef. flow error (F5) in phase 2 of valve test 1 (before disinf) 3, 42 A

21.V-test ph3 bef. flow error (F5) in phase 3 of valve test 1 (before disinf) 3, 42 A

22.V-test ph4 bef. flow error (F5) in phase 4 of valve test 1 (before disinf) 3, 42 A

23.V-test ph2 aft. flow error (F5) in phase 2 of valve test 2 (after disinf) 3, 42 A

24.V-test ph3 aft. flow error (F5) in phase 3 of valve test 2 (after disinf) 3, 42 A

25.V-test ph4 aft. flow error (F5) in phase 4 of valve test 2 (after disinf) 3, 42 A

26.Remote control error in remote control system (optional) - A

27.Battery low PLC the PLC battery voltage is < 3.0V (internal)

28.HW-tanktemp err error in tank temperature control system 92 A

29.HW-ret.temp err error in return temperature measuring system 56 A

30.WS-control err error in the water saving control system 138 A

31. Cond.measuring error in the product water conductivity measurement 35 B

1:16 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Chemical disinfection of the RO-unit
General Caution: Peracetic acid concentrates are very
CWP 100 has an automated disinfection cycle corrosive and may cause damage to eyes and
which is manually initiated. A special operator´s skin. Carefully study the safety instructions
code is required to avoid inadvertent initiation. prior to use. Use protective glasses! Exposed
The same code is used to return to operation skin will be irritated and white spots may
after disinfection is finished. appear which, however, disappears after 1-2
hours. In case of spillage, flush with plenty of
Caution: Chemical disinfectants are toxic. The water.
user shall therefore inform himself about
necessary precautions prior to use! Caution: Incorrect concentrations of peracetic
acid will cause irreversible damage to the
reverse osmosis membranes! Damage will also
Frequency occur if the temperature of the disinfection
Disinfection must be performed on a regular solution that is circulated in the system exceeds
basis to ensure consistent microbiological quality 25 °C. Therefore, consult Gambro if any doubts
of the pure water. Required frequency depends exist!
on factors such as inlet water quality and
operation schedule and should therefore be
determined by regular microbiological testing. Required amount of disinfectant
Once a week should however be regarded as a
minimum if consistent quality is desired. The recommended amounts of disinfectant for
each disinfection cycle are listed below. Dialox
has been used as an example below. Consult
Disinfectant information Gambro if another trade mark is to be used:
Disinfection of the system is performed either
with peracetic acid or formaldehyde. model size Dialox
Information about peracetic acid:
Peracetic acid is a chemical disinfectant which WRO101H 0.8
consists of a mixture of hydrogen peroxide WRO102H 1.0
(H2O2), acetic acid (CH3COOH) and water. WRO103H 1.2
Peracetic acid is formed as a product acc. to the WRO104H 1.4
formula below: WRO106H 1.8


hydrogen peroxide acetic acid peracetic acid water Table 1. Required amount of Dialox or formalin

Trade names: Dialox, Puristeril, Acetoper,

Renalin, Minntec

Peracetic acid has strong oxidising properties. It

attacks proteins in the cellular membranes of
the microorganisms, penetrates into the cells
and oxidizes the enzymatic system. After
reaction it decomposes to water, oxygen and
Potassium Iodine test strips are used to test for
residual chemicals, e.g. Merck Peroxide test
strips (sensitivity 0.5 mg/l of H2O2).
Gambro order no 113 004 078.

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:17

Disinfection programme
The disinfection programme includes the (refer to Alarm list), informing about where in
following phases: the valve test the alarm occurred.

Phase Minutes Each phase takes 1.5 min., i. e. total duration for
each cycle is 6 minutes. Refer to Service and
Valve test 1 6 maintenance for more information.
Proportioning of disinfectant 15
Circulation of disinfectant 20 Loop test
Rinse 90
Valve test 2 6 If an alarm occurs in valve test 2 (after
Total 137 disinfection), an extra test of the water in the
distribution system is required before the system
Table 2. Disinfection programme can be put into normal operation again. To
If formaldehyde is used for disinfection, the program
indicate this, “loop test required” will appear
should be manually interrupted after the cicrulation
phase for minimum 2 hours to obtain sufficient
on the display during stand by and the flush-to-
contact time. drain period at start up. When the flush is ready
and the water is diverted to the loop, the display
Refer to Operating Instructions for starting will still read START UP but the text “test the
cleaning/disinfection. loop” will appear. To avoid inadvertent use of
Refer to Service and maintenance for more the water before the test has been performed,
information. the system will operate intermittently until the
test has been confirmed by dialling in the
Safety during disinfection operator´s code + ENTER.
A loop test will also be mandatory after a total
stop and when the fast stepping function has
A solenoid valve arrangement on the pure water
been used. Refer to Service and maintenance
outlet line creates an air gap (open to
and Trouble shooting guide for more
atmosphere) between the RO-unit and the
distribution system during disinfection periods,
The water treatment system is thereby isolated
Note: Confirmation of the loop test has to be
from the loop during these periods (fig. 7).
done while the system is in operation and the
display is in normal (not detailed) mode. Refer to
Valve test Service and maintenance p.4:2 for more info.
The function of the valves included in the air gap
arrangement is checked in a four-phase
sequence before as well as after the
disinfection cycle. The HW circulation pump
stops (if in operation) and the main pump is in Air gap
operation during the test. If any of the flow
demands is not fulfilled an alarm will be issued

Pure water Distribution

from RO-unit system
48 103 105
36 102


1:18 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

Action in case of a stop during chemical disinfection

press press

Valve test 1 (before System goes into test after Valve test restarts. The
disinfection) disinfection. disinfection procedure then

Proportioning and The system goes to rinse Disinfection procedure

circulation of (100 minutes) and then to continues from where it was
disinfectant test after disinfection. before the stop.

Rinse Rinse continues from where Rinse continues from where

it was before the stop. The it was before the stop.
system then goes into test
after disinfection.

Valve test 2 (after In case of low level inlet Valve test 2 restarts.
disinfection) or flow alarm: System goes
into test after disinfection.
Note: Loop test will be
required, refer to page 1:17
Other alarms or manual
stop: Valve test 2 restarts

HCEN9151 Rev. 06. 02 1:19

External indication (option) Remote control (option)
The CWP is prepared for the connection of an
external lamp indicaton panel ( fig 7) and MAN AUTO
buzzer unit.
The lamp indication panel gives information
about the present status of the CWP and should O HEAT
be placed in a suitable location with good
Fig. 8.
visibility in the clinic. It contains five lamps:

green As an option, a key selector box (fig. 8) can

Normal operation
also be fitted if external control is desired. This
box should be placed at a suitable place in the
yellow Heat disinfection in progress
dialysis unit, such as in the head nurse´s office.
Chemical disinfection is
The key selector box has the following positions:
white activated. The acceptance code
has not yet been dialed in
O: The CWP will go to Stand By and no heat
orange circulation will take place when the key is
turned to this position. The key switch also ha s
to be in this position when activating/
red A-alarm Fig. 7.
deactivating the remote control function. Refer
to Servica and maintenance.
MAN: The WRO will be in normal operation as
Blinking green lamp: The unit is in start-up long as the key is in this position.
mode AUTO: Normal position during remote control of
Blinking white light: Disinfection is finished the system. If the key is turned back to this
position after initiation of hot water circulation
Refer to page Operating instructions for more (see below), automatic start of normal operation
information about the meaning of different lamp will take place at a selected time of day, provided
signals. that this has been programmed into the system
software. Refer to 9. on page 4:5 for more infor-
The buzzer unit issues an audible alarm when mation.
an alarm occurs. The signal is silenced by pres-
sing the green button on the buzzer unit. Note: The autostart function cannot be used
when a chemical disinfection of the WRO has
been performed. For safety reasons, normal
operation cannot be initiated until the test for
residual disinfectants has been performed.

HEAT: Turning the key to this position will

interrupt normal operation and initiate hot
water circulation. The start of the hot water
circulation pump is delayed 30 seconds.



Fig. 10. CWP 100 with external indication and
remote control

1:20 HCEN9151 Rev 06. 02

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