LAWBOTS Utilization of AI Chatbots For
LAWBOTS Utilization of AI Chatbots For
LAWBOTS Utilization of AI Chatbots For
Abstract— Artificial intelligence is reshaping global industries, technology was used in different sectors and industries in the
optimizing processes, and fostering innovation across healthcare, country. AI is being tested and employed in the medical area to
finance, and education sectors. Chatbots, a popular AI form, are help with surgical procedures in the operating room, find
widely embraced for their ability to deliver instant responses,
treatments, and recommend medicine dosages. AI is also being
streamline customer service, and provide 24/7 assistance in the
digital era. With the benefits chatbots provide, chatbots for legal
implemented into automobiles to create self-driving vehicles in
advising currently exist and are developing, aiming to provide the transportation sector. This was made possible by integrating
efficient legal assistance and guidance for users to navigate legal an AI-powered computer system that analyzes data from
complexities. This paper explores the potential use of AI chatbot sensors embedded into the car and governs the car so that the
technology for legal advising activities or “Lawbots” in the vehicle prevents a collision. AI is currently being utilized in the
Philippines by exploring existing legal advising chatbots, their financial sector to identify and flag anomalous debit card usage
effectiveness and potential in shaping the legal advising industry, and significant account deposits, among other banking and
and the public perception regarding its innovation. This paper finance-related activities. AI applications are also being utilized
also examines Filipinos’ perception of Lawbots regarding the
to simplify and improve trade. This is accomplished by
technology’s benefits, challenges, and impact on the Philippines,
providing knowledge of its acceptance and potential simplifying the securities' supply, demand, and pricing
implementation. estimation.
AI is also always present and around Every person in
Keywords— AI-integration, chatbot, legal advising, public
perception, Philippines
today's world. Cloud-based commercial applications, consumer
apps, embedded software, and even cloud-based apps use it
I. INTRODUCTION extensively [1]. Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter,
and Instagram utilize AI to improve user experience and
A. Artificial Intelligence advertising. The owners say that modern smartphones already
Artificial intelligence or AI refers to using machines, have virtual assistants to perform tasks. Computers can detect
specifically computer systems, to simulate human intelligence and determine objects being highlighted or shown in front of a
processes. The term encompasses a broad range of technologies connected camera, thanks to the convolutional neural network
and techniques that enable computers to perform tasks humans (CNN) behind the AI. These are just several examples of the
commonly do. AI is capable of mimicking human intelligence applications of AI in society, providing convenience and
through machine or deep learning algorithms and models, with benefits to every person.
their structure inspired by the cognitive process of a human
brain. With AI, computers can now conduct problem-solving, In recent years, artificial intelligence has been seen
speech recognition, learning, planning, perception, and natural exponentially increasing in popularity than ever before, with
language understanding. chat-based conversational AI tools are leading the way for its
fame. The year 2022 marked the widespread adoption of
The term AI is not a new scientific field for people, as it Generative Pre-Training Transformer applications, which
was already known in the 1950s when experts and scientists propelled AI into the mainstream [1]. Generative Pre-Training
became interested in making intelligent computers. John Transformer, or GPT, is based on the transformer architecture,
McCarthy coined AI, and the term came into widespread use. a deep neural network built for natural language processing
In the succeeding years, AI experienced rapid growth, and the applications. It is a group of language models that OpenAI has
created. The technology is a significant advance in natural environment since they are changing how companies
language processing, which is helping people build machines communicate with their clients and consumers. These systems'
that can comprehend and converse with language in a way that automated and responsive characteristics facilitate prompt and
is very similar to that of humans [2]. GPT led to the creation of effective communication, augmenting customer service
ChatGPT, a language model that can be described as a chatbot encounters. Chatbots expedite support services and save
(chat robot) that garnered widespread fascination and became organizations time and resources by answering questions,
synonymous with AI. ChatGPT can be a conversational agent giving information, and assisting users through procedures.
and virtual assistant, allowing users to ask questions and With these benefits of chatbots in mind, chatbots can provide
receive text-based responses. The model works well for significant help in improving legal advising services to the
managing multi-turn discussions since it can preserve the people, especially in the Philippine setting.
context throughout the exchange [4]. There are also chatbots Hence, the researchers of this study aim to explore the
with language models other than ChatGPT available for people potential use of AI chatbot technology for legal activities in
using the internet. Examples of these are Bard, which uses the Philippines. In doing this, this study seeks to examine
PaLM2 by Google, and Claude, which uses Claude 2 by existing studies regarding the public perception on chatbots
Anthropic. However, ChatGPT and other OpenAI models are and what influences their acceptance of the technology. This
distinguished from the rest by their ability to be integrated into study also aims to analyze the potential and effectiveness of
services and apps. The chatbot's Application Programming legal advising AI-powered chatbots and the legal advising
Interface (API) is provided by the company that created it, chatbots through existing case studies. A simple survey is
enabling developers to incorporate the technology into their conducted to examine the public's perception of using AI-
products, services, and applications [4]. powered chatbots to create chatbots for legal advising or
"Lawbots" in the Philippines, which will provide knowledge
B. Legal Advising in the Philippines
about Lawbots acceptance and possible implementation in the
Like many other countries, the Philippines struggles with country.
issues of limited access to legal aid, particularly within
marginalized communities. The 2018 survey by the World II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Justice Project revealed that only 20 percent of Filipinos were A. Public Perception of Chatbots
able to obtain legal help, leaving a substantial 80 percent
without access to legal assistance. Within this 20 percent, 72 Despite the increase in usage of chatbots, it has yet to be
percent sought legal aid from friends and family, while 15 determined whether users are prepared to embrace such
percent sought assistance from lawyers, and the remainder technology within legal advisory institutions fully. Many
sought help from institutions. Reasons such as insufficient factors, including concerns about reliability, privacy, and the
funds, distance and traffic, prolonged cases, and lack of complexity of legal issues, may influence the acceptance and
contact with lawyers contribute to the challenges faced by adoption of chatbots in this context.
individuals seeking legal advice in these communities [5]. Utilizing a multicriteria decision-making model to tackle
The Covid-19 pandemic has further emphasized these the complexities surrounding users' decisions in adopting
challenges. According to lawyer Ansheline Bacudio, the chatbots within the legal domain, a study highlighted the
manager of the Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment significance of trust-related behavior and perceived
through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS) program for usefulness, with perceived ease of use following closely
human rights, at a period of uncertainty and unrest, it is behind [9]. Furthermore, the consistency in response quality,
important to have access to legal services and information, convenience, accuracy, and cost positively impacts user
especially while travel restrictions are in place [6]. In an effort satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and the perceived coolness
to address this problem, IDEALS launched Tisya Hustisya in factor [10,11,12], thus bolstering public trust and acceptance
June 2020, a human rights live chat on Facebook that offers in chatbots [13]. Despite these benefits, concerns persist
free legal services and education on human rights and laws. regarding data sharing, privacy, and security, with potential
Over 18,200 clients were given help during its first year of for drawbacks [14].
operation, where among the top concerns were domestic In addition, individuals within the medical profession are
violence, labor issues, and human rights violations [7,8]. inclined to accept risks due to health anxiety and their
Notably, Tisya Hustisya has received recognition from the informational needs [12]. Social influences also play a pivotal
World Justice Project and was one of the ten international role in shaping positive perceptions and acceptance of chatbots
finalists under the Access to Justice category of the World [14]. Public trust in chatbots varies depending on the context
Justice Challenge. This recognition highlights the importance of inquiry, with responses related to simpler tasks like waste
of access to legal aid in the Philippines. separation and tax consultation being perceived as easier to
program and requiring fewer social and political skills.
However, more complex areas such as parental support
C. Objectives and Scope of the Study present challenges, necessitating chatbots to provide desired
Chatbots are computer programs with language models information, exercise situational judgment, and communicate
behind them that are designed to simulate conversation with empathetically, which may pose difficulties [10].
human users. Chatbots are significant in the current digital
Millennials often reciprocate emotional affection or affect- imperfections and regulatory concerns, encompassing issues
based trust when interacting with chatbots in various contexts, related to incomplete responses and the potential unauthorized
such as seeking guidance and discussing job complexities practice of law. Societal threats, including the manipulation of
[15]. Millennials also view chatbots as reliable and competent beliefs and emotions, underscore the need for ethical
assistants across different scenarios, trusting them to considerations [19].
consistently perform tasks. Additionally, some students The evolving landscape envisions a redefinition of
perceive ChatGPT, a chatbot tool, as a potential substitute for information access, legal services, and career preparation with
traditional information-seeking methods [16]. the increasing integration of AI, particularly chatbots, into the
legal profession. This document provides a preliminary
glimpse into the imminent disruptions arising from the swift
B. Potential of Chatbots
development of AI, accentuating both the promising
Numerous robots have become integral in various aspects advantages and ethical intricacies associated with its
of our daily lives, significantly contributing to increased incorporation into the legal field.
efficiency and convenience. As a result, there is a growing Artificial intelligence (AI) has demonstrated superior
tendency to overlook the potential consequences of relying too efficiency compared to humans in handling intricate tasks
heavily on automation. Presently, robots are adept at [20]. Within the legal domain, where predictions often reflect
performing a wide range of tasks, including reading, running subjective biases originating from client preferences and
errands, and handling paperwork in office environments. personal experiences, the incorporation of machine learning
These capabilities extend to professions such as law, where emerges as a viable solution. This application is proposed to
robots and artificial intelligence (AI) exhibit the potential to augment the objectivity and impartiality of legal outcome
outperform human practitioners. Research emphasizes the predictions within the legal community.
transformative impact of AI on legal practices, indicating that The authors accentuate the efficacy of algorithms in
robots can effectively navigate the complexities of the legal situating facts within the context of pertinent legal precedents.
field [17]. Importantly, the cost-effectiveness of utilizing AI in Through this methodology, predictions not only attain
law firms is underscored, with a one-time purchase providing consistency and replicability but also alleviate the inherent
continuous and economic assistance compared to the limitations and biases associated with human judgment. The
traditional model of employing human lawyers who undergo research underscores the transformative impact of big data and
extensive educational training. AI on the legal landscape, specifically emphasizing their
As society transitions into the modern era, the widespread substantial influence on predictive realms such as discovery,
adoption of AI has garnered significant attention for its legal search, document generation, brief creation, and case
multifaceted capabilities. While AI has proven instrumental in outcome prediction. This progression is depicted as a
optimizing various task its integration into the legal field is a noteworthy advancement, holding the potential to enhance the
complex and ongoing process. The current state of AI precision, uniformity, and equity of legal predictions within
implementation in the legal sector suggests that there is much the legal profession.
work to be done before its full optimization can be achieved. The legal industry has experienced significant progress in
The legal field is gradually adapting to incorporate AI, but the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly in
there remain apprehensions and challenges [18]. Concerns tasks such as automation, document preparation, legal
persist, particularly regarding AI’s understanding of human research, and predictive analytics for case outcomes. The
emotions, as these systems lack the innate capacity for adoption of AI in law firms necessitates strict adherence to
emotional comprehension. Despite these challenges, the legal and ethical standards [21]. Considerations such as client
anticipated impact of AI on the legal profession is confidentiality, data privacy, and regulatory compliance must
considerable, with the expectation of reshaping legal services, be meticulously addressed during the implementation of AI
and reallocation global legal resources. The potential technologies in legal practices.
contribution of AI includes enhancing flexibility, Notably, federal agencies like the USDA and VA have
standardization, systematization, commercialization, taken steps to automate interactions through a spectrum of
transparency, and automation within the realm of legal tools, ranging from basic internet search functionalities to
services. sophisticated chatbots designed to handle specific topics, such
ChatGPT, an exemplary chatbot, was unveiled in as the discussion of COVID-19-related benefits [22]. The
November 2022 and swiftly emerged as a major success in degree of sophistication in these tools varies across agencies,
legal technology, symbolizing the prospective transformation with some providing elementary responses, while others are
of the legal industry. Four pivotal areas, namely legal research, actively developing advanced automated solutions.
document generation, legal information, and legal analysis, Exploring Steve Jobs’ analogy of personal computers as “a
have been identified as key domains impacted by ChatGPT bicycle for our mind” and as a suitable role of AI in the legal
[19]. The paper illustrates ChatGPT's prowess by industry, humans are inefficient machines due to the amount
autonomously generating substantial sections without human of calories being burnt to move from one place to another [23].
editing, underscoring the technology's rapidity and efficiency. On the other hand, if humans used bicycles to travel, humans
Nevertheless, the deployment of AI in law acknowledges would become a lot more efficient [23]. This fun yet inspiring
quotation by well-renowned entrepreneur, Steve Jobs, is
highly meaningful in the context of AI in the legal industry.
C. Existing Legal Chatbots
Much like a bicycle, AI can be used by humans to make them
more efficient through AI tools. It is important to overcome With various use of AI Chatbots in different industries, one
the fear that AI will take over and control humans because that of its notable applications is in the legal sector. AI- powered
is not the purpose of why AI was created in the first place chatbots are increasingly being innovated and employed to
[23,17,18] Artificial Intelligence was never designed to enhance and streamline various aspects of legal processes and
destroy humans, instead, it was created to help us prosper - services. Sokatyanurak et al. developed LAW-U, a chatbot
much like developing an even better version of the modern focusing on giving sexual violence victims legal guidance
bicycle [23,18]. Continuous improvement of AI will greatly through recommending Supreme Court decisions that are
improve our lives and, potentially, the lives of other species relevant with the circumstances of the survivors [27]. LAW-
too. According to many papers, continuous improvement in U's Natural Language Processing (NLP) pipelines were
Artificial Intelligence will lead to cheaper, and greater created utilizing Thai Supreme Court cases involving sexual
accessibility to legal services for all [23,18]. One such way of violence, with a specific focus on Sections 276, 277, 278, and
improving artificial intelligence is through using Machine and 279 of the Criminal Code. Legal experts created mock-up
Deep Learning algorithms. Machine Learning greatly allows dialogs from these cases, forming the training data to enhance
AI to improve through repetitive training [23,24]. LAW-U's capabilities in providing legal guidance. The chatbot
Furthermore, artificial intelligence robots or LawBots can help acquired an 88.89% accuracy when tested and compared
maximize the efficiency of a legal project far better than a between user’s input and its matched Supreme Court case
legal associate [23,25,17,18]. Hence, these associates can be which implies its readiness for practical, real-life application.
used elsewhere, where such advanced technologies aren’t Another study developed two chatbots addressing Canada’s
applicable or impossible to apply [23]. However, there are a immigration issues and legal issues related to bank employees’
few challenges that need to be solved before lawyers and job tasks [28]. For the immigration chatbot, the study
clients can fully utilize and integrate artificial intelligence into compared the classic StarSpace model with an information
their lives, namely issues on data privacy and reliability, legal retrieval variant and observed that the Information Retrieval-
regulation of LawBots, the potential lack of legal inspired version brought a significant improvement in
responsibility, lack of trust by many, and standardization of an performance. The study also experimented with BERT for the
artificial intelligent robot. Nonetheless, these issues can be legal information chatbot and reported that, despite the
resolved through continuous development of the system. In the enhanced training cost, BERT demonstrated improved
future, better data privacy and regulatory systems could be performance over the baseline StarSpace model.
implemented to improve the information security of clients
and lawyers alike [23,26,17,18]. This will alleviate hackers
from stealing confidential information for potentially
malicious use cases [23]. Furthermore, improving legal A survey was conducted via Google Forms in this study to
regulation of LawBots will help enforce the use of AI in legal gather the Filipino Public's perception of utilizing AI chatbots
advising [23,18]. Greater enforcement of this technology will for legal advising or Lawbots in the Philippines. The survey is
lead to more reliable data training and data gathering composed of multiple choice, Likert scale, and linear scale
techniques from AI as there will be regulations on how to train questions regarding the demographic profile (e.g., name, age,
it [23,24,17,18]. The standardization of Artificial Intelligence sex, and nature of employment) and questions about their
is also a key challenge to solve as it will further improve the familiarity with AI and their awareness with chatbots for legal
regulation and enforcement of legal rules on the use of AI. The advising activities to which are the following:
lack of responsibility could be a major challenge towards this
novel technology because it is largely an ethical matter.
However, changing and adjusting the legal regulations on
artificial intelligence could help solve this. As you can see,
these challenges that AI may be solved through proper
adoption of artificial intelligence as it grows more in
popularity and use [23,18]. As for the matter of trust in AI,
this is a case of misinformed judgements. According to a
study, AI cannot fully replace human lawyers, instead, they
can assist human lawyers in producing credible content and
documents [18]. This is because AI does not possess human
abilities such as intuition, empathy, creativity, psychological
warfare, and negotiation [18]. Hence why it is extremely
important that the public is properly informed by credible
sources on the advantages and disadvantages of AI to gain Figure 1: Demographics.
their trust in the technology.
A total of 60 respondents have answered the survey. As text-based conversational AI tools or chatbot technologies.
shown in Figure 1, most of the respondents are in the age Also, 11.7% of the respondents answered that they never had
range of 19-25 years old (50 respondents or 83.3%). used the technology. 60% of the respondents have yet to hear
about chatbots being used for legal advising activities,
Figure 5: Awareness of Chatbots for Legal Advice
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