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Micom P64X: Transformer Protection Relay

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MiCOM P64x

P642, P643 & P645

Transformer Protection Relay

P64x/EN PX/E31

Software Version 04

Note The technical manual for this device gives instructions for its installation, commissioning, and
operation. However, the manual cannot cover all conceivable circumstances or include detailed
information on all topics. In the event of questions or specific problems, do not take any action
without proper authorization. Contact the appropriate Schneider Electric technical sales office and
request the necessary information.
Any agreements, commitments, and legal relationships and any obligations on the part of Schneider
Electric including settlements of warranties, result solely from the applicable purchase contract,
which is not affected by the contents of the technical manual.
This device MUST NOT be modified. If any modification is made without the express permission of
Schneider Electric, it will invalidate the warranty, and may render the product unsafe.
The Schneider Electric logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of Schneider
All trade names or trademarks mentioned herein whether registered or not, are the property of their owners.
This manual is provided for informational use only and is subject to change without notice.
© 2012, Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.
Contents PIXIT


1 Protocol Implementation Extra Information For Testing 5

1.1 Introduction 5
1.2 Document Structure 5
2 Application Association Model 6
2.1 Association Parameters 6
2.2 Aborting Associations 6
2.3 Maximum Client Associations 6
2.4 TCP Keep Alive 6
2.5 Loss of Link Detection 6
2.6 Authentication 7
2.7 MMS PDU Size 7
2.8 Startup Time 7
3 Server Model 8
3.1 Data Quality (Measurements and Status Points) 8
3.2 Get / Set Data Values Services 8
3.3 Measurement Deadbands 8
4 Data Set Model 9
4.1 Fixed Data Sets 9
4.2 Configurable Data Sets 9
4.3 Dynamic Data Sets 9
5 Substitution Model 10
5.1 Measurement and Status Point Substitution 10
6 Setting Group Control Model 11
6.1 Protection Configuration 11
6.2 Active Data Attribute Values 11
7 Reporting Model 12
7.1 Supported Report Control Block Types 12
7.2 Trigger Conditions 12
7.3 Optional Fields 12
7.4 Segmented Reports 12
7.5 Multi-Client Support 12
7.6 Data Set Assignment 13
7.7 Buffer Size 13
8 Logging Model 14
8.1 Event Logging 14

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PIXIT Contents

9 Generic Substation Events Model 15

9.1 Supported GSE Models 15
9.2 GOOSE Service Support 15
9.3 Subscription to Publishing IEDs 15
9.3.1 Message Validation 15
9.3.2 Data Processing 16
9.3.3 Quality Processing 16
9.3.4 Duplicated, Out-Of-Order and Missed Messages 17
9.3.5 Time Allowed to Live (TAL) 17
9.3.6 Needs Commissioning and Test Flags 17
9.3.7 Absent Publishing Devices 17
9.3.8 Data Set Reconfiguration 17
9.3.9 Default Values 18
9.4 Publication 18
9.4.1 Pre-Configured Attributes 18
9.4.2 Commissioning 18
9.4.3 Transient Data Attributes 18

10 Transmission of Sampled Values Model 19

10.1 Modes of Operation 19
11 Control Model 20
11.1 Modes of Operation 20
11.2 Test Flag 20
11.3 Error Feedback 20
11.4 Uniqueness of Control 20
11.5 Control Bypass 20
11.6 Control Operation 21
11.6.1 Status Value Validation 21
11.6.2 Originator Category 21
11.6.3 Simultaneous Operate Requests 21
11.6.4 Local Mode Operation 21
11.6.5 Unknown Control Objects 21
11.6.6 Multiple Selects from the Same Client (Tissue 334) 21

12 Time and Time Synchronisation 23

12.1 Time Quality 23
12.2 Time Accuracy 23
12.3 Time Stratum 23
12.4 SNTP External Synchronization – Unicast Operation 23
12.5 SNTP External Synchronisation – Anycast Operation 23
12.6 SNTP Server Operation 24
12.7 IRIG-B 24
12.8 Synchronization Indication 24
13 File Transfer Model 25

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Contents PIXIT

13.1 File Transfer Mode 25

13.2 Directory and File Structure 25
13.3 Automatic Extraction 25
13.4 Directory Separator 25
13.5 Maximum Filename Length 26
13.6 Filename Case Sensitivity 26
13.7 Maximum File Size 26
14 Sub-Station Configuration Language 27
14.1 Conformance Level 27
14.2 SCL Schema Compliance 27
14.3 Private Data 27
14.4 IED Name 27
15 IED Configurator 28
15.1 Configuration Banks 28
15.2 Measurement Deadbands and Range Configuration 28
16 Special Data Type 29
16.1 INT 64 29

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PIXIT Contents


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Protocol Implementation Extra Information For Testing PIXIT



1.1 Introduction
This document specifies the Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing
(PIXIT) of the IEC61850 interface in the MiCOM Px40 range of protection IEDs. Together
with the PICS and MICS specifications the PIXIT forms the basis for conformance testing
in accordance with part 10 of the IEC61850 standard specifications.

1.2 Document Structure

Each section within this specification specifies the PIXIT for each supported ACSI service
model as structured in parts 7-2 and 10 of the IEC61850 standard specifications.

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PIXIT Application Association Model


2.1 Association Parameters

The following parameters are required to be specified when attempting to initiate an
association with MiCOM Px40 IEDs:
Parameter Value
Transport selector (tsel) 00 01
Session selector (ssel) 00 01
Presentation selector (psel) 00 00 00 01

The following parameters are only required for OSI based connections only and are not
 AP Title
 AE Qualifier

2.2 Aborting Associations

When a client aborts its association the TCP/IP socket is not immediately closed down by
the relay. This is a standard operating principle to ensure that any delayed or out-of-order
frames are correctly processed before closing down the socket.
The time-out period for aborted sockets is approximately sixty (60) seconds. For the
duration of this time-out period the socket resources are unavailable for new client
association requests.
A total of 100 sockets are available but it should be noted that these resources are
shared with other network tasks (for example SNTP time synchronisation). If no sockets
are available the relay will refuse new association requests from a client.

2.3 Maximum Client Associations

The maximum number of simultaneously connected clients supported is sixteen (16).

2.4 TCP Keep Alive

The TCP_KEEPALIVE function has been implemented according to part 8 of the
IEC61850 standards and the RFCs which the specification references.
Acknowledgements received by the relay to keep-alive messages are not processed.
The interval between the keep-alive messages is configurable between one (1) and
twenty (20) seconds, with a setting increment of one (1) second.
The default interval for TCP_KEEPALIVE messages transmitted by the relay is five (5)
The TCP_KEEPALIVE messages are transmitted for a fixed period of approximately 75
seconds following the last received keep-alive response, after which time the client
association will be dropped.

2.5 Loss of Link Detection

Px40 devices support loss of network link detection. The device will automatically attempt
to connect back onto the network using alternating copper/fibre interfaces. The period for

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Application Association Model PIXIT

alternating between interfaces is user configurable with a default period of sixty (60)
Any client associations will be automatically aborted if the network link is not re-
established after a maximum of ninety (90) seconds.

2.6 Authentication
Authentication is not supported by MiCOM Px40 IEDs.
The default access level over the IEC61850 interface is level 2 although actual setting
changes are not supported.

2.7 MMS PDU Size

The maximum supported MMS PDU size is 8000 bytes. The minimum supported MMS
PDU size is 500 bytes.

2.8 Startup Time

The typical start-up time of basic Ethernet services, following an interruption to the power
supply, is approximately 25 seconds. Full IEC61850 services are available after an
approximate start-up time of 90 seconds.

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PIXIT Server Model


3.1 Data Quality (Measurements and Status Points)

The MiCOM Px40 range of products does not support the concept of IEC61850 quality
information, as such all quality data attributes return a fixed value of zero (0) indicating
the quality of data is good.

3.2 Get / Set Data Values Services

The maximum number of data values supported in one GetDataValues and
SetDataValues service request is dependant upon the following elements:
 The maximum negotiated size of the MMS PDU
 The total length of all ObjectReferences to be included within the service request
That is to say, the total length of all ObjectReferences must be less than the maximum
supported MMS PDU size, taking into account any relevant header information.

3.3 Measurement Deadbands

Each measurement provides a range configuration in the data model where a minimum
and maximum value can be set. Then deadbands can be specified as a percentage
change based on such a range.
Deadbands will be configured based on a percentage change of the applied
measurement range. A deadband setting of zero (0) forces the measurement to follow the
instantaneous value (i.e. deadbanding is disabled).
Comment Impact
Deadbanded measurements follow the
0 Deadbanding disabled
instantaneous measurement value.
Absolute value changes of 0.001 to Deadbanded measurement will be
100.0 respectively. updated when the instantaneous
1 – 100,000
Based on the formula: (absolute) value changes by more than
(Deadband setting / 1000) the absolute deadband value.

The main limitation of this implementation is that the maximum deadband value (100,000)
may still produce data changes if the change is large enough.
For complex measurement types supporting both magnitude and angle, the deadband
will only apply to the magnitude element.

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Data Set Model PIXIT


4.1 Fixed Data Sets

There are no fixed data set definitions within MiCOM Px40 devices

4.2 Configurable Data Sets

Configurable data sets are definable using the IED Configurator application. They can
exist in any Logical Node of the MiCOM Px40 data model and may contain any Data
Object(s) or Data Attribute(s) in the devices data model belonging to the following
Functional Constraints:
 ST – Status Information
 MX – Measurands (analogue values)
 CF – Configuration
 EX – Extended definition

4.3 Dynamic Data Sets

MiCOM Px40 devices do not support the dynamic creation of any type of user-defined
data set, either persistent or non-persistent.

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PIXIT Substitution Model


5.1 Measurement and Status Point Substitution

The substitution model for measurements (MX functional constraint) and status points
(ST functional constraint) is not supported in MiCOM Px40 IEDs.

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Setting Group Control Model PIXIT


6.1 Protection Configuration

MiCOM Px40 devices do not support on-line setting changes of protection elements over
the IEC 61850 interface despite supporting multiple setting groups. Only basic
measurements and status point (read-only) information is provided.
Configuration of MiCOM Px40 devices is achieved through the use of the tools provided
in the MiCOM S1 configuration software package.
A Setting Group Control Block (SGCB) is provided in the System/LLN0 Logical Node
instance and provides services for changing the active setting group only.

6.2 Active Data Attribute Values

The data attribute values returned over the IEC61850 interface to requesting clients are
always taken from the active setting group of the IED.
It should be noted that there is no way of changing the active setting group using the
IEC61850 data model, however it is possible through the use of GOOSE.

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PIXIT Reporting Model


7.1 Supported Report Control Block Types

MiCOM Px40 devices support both Buffered (BRCB) and unbuffered (URCB) Report
Control Block services.

7.2 Trigger Conditions

The following report trigger conditions are supported:
 Integrity
 Data change
 General Interrogation
All other trigger conditions are not supported and an attempt to enable them will result in
a negative response being returned by the IED.
The supported trigger options are set in the devices IED Capability Description (ICD) file
to define the IED’s reporting capability. This is not to be confused with the actual devices
configuration, which would normally be represented in a Configured IED Description
(CID) file.

7.3 Optional Fields

The following optional fields can be included in reports created by MiCOM Px40 devices:
 Sequence number (URCB and BRCB)
 Time-stamp (URCB and BRCB)
 Reason for inclusion (URCB and BRCB)
 Data set name (URCB and BRCB)
 Data reference (URCB and BRCB)
 Buffer Overflow (BRCB only)
 Entry ID (BRCB only)
 Configuration revision (URCB and BRCB)

7.4 Segmented Reports

Reports will be segmented, and sent with sub-sequence numbers, if the data is too big to
fit into a single MMS frame.

7.5 Multi-Client Support

MiCOM Px40 IEDs support a total of sixteen (16) Unbuffered Report Control Blocks and
eight (8) Buffered Report Control Blocks. All Report Control Blocks are located within the
System\LLN0 Logical Node. All Report Control Blocks are indexed, with a maximum
number of instances of one (1): RptEnabled max = 1.
Each Report Control Block can only be assigned to a single client.

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Reporting Model PIXIT

7.6 Data Set Assignment

Before a Report Control Block can be used by a client, a data set must be created and
assigned to it. This can only be done during configuration time (i.e. from SCL) and is not
a supported action of an online/connected client.
Reporting of Data Attributes is not supported. Only reporting of Data Objects is

7.7 Buffer Size

Buffered Report Control Blocks store, to some practical limit, events that could not be
reported to the client (i.e. due to transport flow constraints or loss of network connection).
Therefore, BRCB provides sequence-of-events (SOE) functionality
The memory size allocated to each buffered Report Control Block is eight thousand
(8,000) bytes. Buffered Report Control Block could store 10 DO-based reports causing
Buffer Overflow.

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PIXIT Logging Model


8.1 Event Logging

MiCOM Px40 devices do not support IEC61850 logging services, hence there are no Log
Control Blocks (LCB) exposed within the data model.
The existing relay event log is used to store historical data. This is only available over the
front panel user interface or legacy rear port protocols (i.e. Courier).

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Generic Substation Events Model PIXIT


9.1 Supported GSE Models

MiCOM Px40 IEDs support IEC61850 GOOSE. GSSE, formerly UCA2 GOOSE, is not

9.2 GOOSE Service Support

The following GOOSE services are supported by Px40 devices:
 SendGOOSEMessage
 GetGoReference
 GetGoCBValues
The SetGoCBValues service is not supported, although it is possible for connected
clients to change the GoEna attribute online

9.3 Subscription to Publishing IEDs

9.3.1 Message Validation

The following elements of a GOOSE message header are checked in order to determine
the messages validity prior to processing its data within the IEDs GOOSE scheme:
 Destination MAC address, which is expected to match the publishing devices
GoCB as set during device configuration (from SCL).
 Frame Ethertype, which is filtered by the CLNP layer.
 AppID, which is filtered by the CLNP layer.
 Time Allowed to Live, which is expected to be a value greater than zero (0).
 DatSet, which is expected to be a valid reference as taken from the publishing
devices GoCB during device configuration (from SCL) and not a NULL value.
 GoID, which is expected to be a valid reference as taken from the publishing
devices GoCB during device configuration (from SCL) and not a NULL value.
 ConfRev, which is expected to match the publishing devices GoCB as set during
device configuration (from SCL).
 numDatSetEntries, but only after an initial message from the publishing device
has been received and the device has been enrolled. At this point each
subsequent message must contain the same number of data set elements as the
first received message.
The following elements of the GOOSE message header are not checked during validation
of received messages:
 Source MAC address
 VLAN id and priority
 GoCBRef
 t
 stNum

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PIXIT Generic Substation Events Model

 sqNum
 test
 Ndscom
When IED receives double GOOSE message with same sqNum, the second message
will be ignored, and the virtual input value remain the previous received publish message

9.3.2 Data Processing

The data received in a GOOSE message is only processed when a change in status
number (stNum), taken from the GOOSE message header, is detected. No validation
checks are made to ensure the data has changed inline with the stNum increment and it
is accepted and processed as per the normal procedure given below.
The data is transferred onto Boolean virtual input Programmable Scheme Logic (PSL)
signals when the data subscription parameters are met:
Virtual Input State Criteria
The received data value matches the virtual inputs target value in
True | On
accordance with its comparison operator.
The received data value does not match the virtual inputs target value in
False | Off
accordance with its comparison operator.

MiCOM Px40 IEDs support one hundred twenty-eight (128) virtual input signals each with
their own GOOSE data set attribute index, target value and comparison operator. The
following comparison operators are supported:
 GOOSE data value EQUALS target value
 GOOSE data value IS NOT EQUAL TO target value
 GOOSE data value IS LESS THAN target value
 GOOSE data value IS GREATER THAN target value
 GOOSE data value is PASSED THROUGH without comparison. (For MiCOM Px40
IEDs this is only applicable for binary data elements)
Only items of the following types can be decoded from the incoming GOOSE data set
 Unsigned integer – 32bits, 16bits & 8bits
 Signed integer – 32bits, 16bits & 8bits
 Boolean
 Bit-string 2
 Floating point – 32bits only
 SPC – Common Data Class
 DPS – Common Data Class

9.3.3 Quality Processing

The assignment of data values processed in received GOOSE messages is only
transferred to virtual input PSL signals if the quality of the data is acceptable.

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Generic Substation Events Model PIXIT

If the item being decoded is of a Common Data Class type (e.g. SPS) then an
assignment to a quality value is automatically made (as it also forms part of the Common
Data Class value). For basic data types, assignment to a quality value is manual.
A value is classed as being bad quality if any of the user specified quality flags are
asserted in the received quality value. If no quality flags have been specified, the value is
always classed as good.

9.3.4 Duplicated, Out-Of-Order and Missed Messages

No checks are made for duplicated or out-of-order GOOSE messages. They are
validated in accordance with the rules given in section 9.3.1 and the data is transferred
onto the virtual inputs as per section 9.3.2.
GOOSE messages received with non-contiguous state / sequence numbers will be
processed as normal.
No alarm or warning conditions are reported for any of these conditions.

9.3.5 Time Allowed to Live (TAL)

If a GOOSE message from one of the subscribed publishers is not received within the
TAL plus 1 second taken from the last valid GOOSE message from that publisher a
GOOSE IED Absent alarm will be raised. This alarm will self-reset as soon as a valid
message from the absent publisher is received.
It should be noted that this single alarm provides a Logical OR of all publishing IEDs that
the MiCOM Px40 relay has subscribed to. This alarm therefore remains set while there
are one (1) or more publishers absent.
It is not possible from this alarm condition to identify which publishing device has
exceeded its TAL and has been classed as absent, but there is a set of DDB signals for
use within PSL that provides this information. Refer to section 9.3.7.
The virtual inputs value will return to default value when (TAL+1) expires, and will accept
publisher message as soon as valid message from absent publisher is received.

9.3.6 Needs Commissioning and Test Flags

If a GOOSE message is received and the NdsCom and/or test flags are set the message
will be accepted as valid [The TAL will be updated thus ensuring the device is classed as
fully subscribed within the IEDs GOOSE scheme], however the message data will not be
extracted nor processed within the IEDs GOOSE scheme logic.
Any Virtual Input that is driven by the incoming GOOSE message (flagged as NdsCom or
test) will revert to its configured default value.
The default value can be configured by user using IED configuration tool.

9.3.7 Absent Publishing Devices

If a GOOSE message isn’t received from a publishing device that the IEDs has
subscribed to, or a message is received that is syntactically incorrect, a GOOSE IED
Absent alarm condition will be raised (see section 9.3.5).
The alarm condition will be reset when valid messages from all publishing devices that
are subscribed in the IEDs GOOSE scheme are received.

9.3.8 Data Set Reconfiguration

Under normal circumstances a change to the data set published in a GOOSE message
will result in an increment of the GoCB ConfigRev attribute.

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PIXIT Generic Substation Events Model

If the relay has subscribed to a device that changes its published data set without
incrementing the ConfigRev attribute, it will attempt to extract and decode the data as
normal. If successful the data will be processed as described in section 9.3.2 however it
should be noted that it will be a different data set element that is now driving the virtual
input PSL signal. No alarm or warning conditions are reported for this situation.
If the IEDs is unable to extract and decode the data then the GOOSE message will be
considered invalid and will be discarded.

9.3.9 Default Values

For the following conditions, a virtual inputs value will be forced to its configured default
 The publishing device is absent (e.g. no GOOSE messages are received).
 The received GOOSE message does not pass the validation criteria given in
section 9.3.1.
 The received GOOSE message has the test flag set.
 The received GOOSE message has the NdsCom flag set.

9.4 Publication

9.4.1 Pre-Configured Attributes

The following pre-configured attributes of the GOOSE Control Block (GoCB) can not be
changed, either during device configuration (from SCL) or online by a connected client:
 NdsCom [Needs commissioning]
The following data objects of the GoCB are configurable from SCL but cannot be
changed online by a connected client:
 DatSet [Data set to transmit]
 DstAddress [Destination Address]

9.4.2 Commissioning
The data set assigned to the GOOSE Control Block is user-configurable and must be
created/assigned to the GoCB at system configuration time.
When a GoCB is assigned a data set, the NdsCom attribute is primarily set to FALSE. If
the assigned data set can not be encoded into a GOOSE frame, because (for example)
it’s too large, the NdsCom attribute will be set to TRUE.
For any GoCB that does not have an assigned data set the NdsCom attribute is fixed to

9.4.3 Transient Data Attributes

MiCOM Px40 IEDs will publish both state-transitions (Off->On, On->Off) of transient or
pulsed data attribute values (e.g. a trip).

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Transmission of Sampled Values Model PIXIT


10.1 Modes of Operation

MiCOM Px40 IEDs do not support transmission of sampled value services using any
modes of operation (multicast or unicast). As such there are no Multicast Sample Value
Control Blocks (MSVCB) or Unicast Sample Value Control Blocks (USVCB) exposed
within the data model.

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PIXIT Control Model


11.1 Modes of Operation

MiCOM Px40 IEDs support all the control model services:
 Direct control with normal security
 SBO control with normal security
 Direct control with enhanced security
 SBO control with enhanced security
The operating mode of a control object, if configurable, must be set during system
configuration. It cannot be changed dynamically by an online/connected client.

11.2 Test Flag

The Test flag state in Select, Operate and Cancel requests is not supported.

11.3 Error Feedback

Error feedback, normally associated with enhanced-security control models, will also be
generated for normal-security configured control objects.

11.4 Uniqueness of Control

Uniqueness of control is a system aspect that only allows one (1) control object to be
active at any one time throughout an entire system (which may consist of many IEDs with
many control objects).
Consequently, part of the uniqueness checks is to ensure that only one (1) control object
is ever active at any one time in the IED. This means, for example, it is not possible to
select all SBO control objects simultaneously. Instead, each control object must be
selected and then operated (or cancelled) before the next can be used.

11.5 Control Bypass

Each control object has a Schneider Electric-specific bypass data attribute. This attribute
is modeled in IED as bitstring. Because SCL does not have basic type for coded enum
bitstring, the closest data type is ENUMERATED which is mapped on INT type.
The bypass mechanism allows an operator to force a control overriding the result of a
specific check. The checks that may be bypassed are:
 Automation (Interlocking)
 Status (No checks on status value are made against control value)
 Uniqueness of control
 Locking (Only applicable to XCBR)

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Control Model PIXIT

11.6 Control Operation

11.6.1 Status Value Validation

For any configured mode of operation, if the specified control value is the same as the
actual control status value a “Position-reached” Response- condition will be returned.

11.6.2 Originator Category

Any received control operation containing an invalid Originator Category value will be
rejected with a “Not-supported” Response- condition.

11.6.3 Simultaneous Operate Requests

Regardless of how or when a control operation is received by a MiCOM Px40 IED the
same checks are always performed. The return condition for the request will depend
upon many factors including:
 Is the control available or is it still operating from a previous request
 Is the received control value the same as the control status value
In most instances, assuming the two received control operations have the same control
value, the second request will result with an “IEC POSITION REACHED” Response-.

11.6.4 Local Mode Operation

MiCOM Px40 IEDs can only identify they are in a “Local” control mode during the operate
procedure of a control object. In the case of SBO controls, this means the select
operation will not be rejected.

11.6.5 Unknown Control Objects

Any attempt at accessing unknown Object References in the IEC 61850 data model,
including control objects, will result in an object-non-existent error being returned.

11.6.6 Multiple Selects from the Same Client (Tissue 334)

The IED will not accept a select request from the same client when the control object is
already selected. This applies to both SBO control with normal security and SBO control
with enhanced security. SBO Control with Normal Security

If the client has already successfully selected the control and a second select request is
issued, the IED will return a null string which indicates a Select Response-. The failure to
select the control does not affect its initial state (i.e. the control remains in a selected
state). SBO Control with Enhanced Security

If the client has already successfully selected the control and a second select request is
issued, the IED will return the following:
 SelectWithValue Response- with data access error “temporarily-unavailable”
 LastApplError.Error = “Operator Test Not OK”
 LastApplError.AddCause
= “Command-already-in-execution”

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PIXIT Control Model

The failure to select the control does not affect its initial state (i.e. the control remains in a
selected state).
Attempts to operate an SBO control with enhanced security will only be successful if the
control number in the operate request matches the control number of the successful
select request.

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Time and Time Synchronisation PIXIT


12.1 Time Quality

MiCOM Px40 IEDs support quality information of timestamps. The only quality bit which
is supported is the ‘Clock not synchronized’ bit. All other bits are fixed at a value of zero
(0). Clock Not Synchronized Bit

The ‘Clock not synchronized’ bit at power-up has a default status of not synchronized (set
to one (1)). When the clock becomes synchronized, the bit will be reset to zero (0).
All available time synchronization sources will affect the ‘Clock not synchronized’ bit.
These time sources include SNTP and where applicable, IRIG-B.
The ‘Clock not synchronized’ bit will not be updated until the corresponding data value
changing. If no event is generated again, the time quality keeps the old status.

12.2 Time Accuracy

The time accuracy of MiCOM Px40 IEDs is to ten (10) significant bits of the
FractionOfSecond attribute. This equates to approximately one (1) millisecond, meeting
the requirements of performance class T1 as defined in part 5 of the IEC61850

12.3 Time Stratum

MiCOM Px40 IEDs will synchronize to an SNTP server of any valid stratum level,
including zero (0 to 15).

12.4 SNTP External Synchronization – Unicast Operation

MiCOM Px40 IEDs can be configured with two (2) external time synchronization servers,
of which only 1 is ever the active time synchronization source.
If an external source fails to respond to a client synchronization request, or responds with
and invalid/unsupported message, the IED will automatically switch to the unused source,
if configured.
When no configured external time source is available the IED will alternately send
requests to all configured sources every five (5) seconds. This occurs until a valid
response is received.
The status of SNTP time synchronization is given by a Courier data cell in the “Date &

12.5 NTP External Synchronisation – Anycast Operation

MiCOM Px40 IEDs can be configured with an anycast IP address for synchronizing to
any time server in the connected system.
For the anycast mode of operation only one (1) external address may be supplied. This is
because the initial SNTP request made the Px40 IED is broadcast to all SNTP servers on
the network and not specifically aimed at one time server like the unicast mode of

P64x/EN PX/E31 Page 23

PIXIT Time and Time Synchronisation

The Px40 IED will only accept the first valid response received from all time servers in
thesystem and ignore/discard the rest. All subsequent synchronization requests will then
be directly addressed to the first accepted server as per the unicast mode of operation.
If the selected time server fails to respond, or responds with invalid data, the Px40 IED
will revert back to the anycast mode of operation until a new valid time server is found.

12.6 SNTP Server Operation

MiCOM Px40 IEDs can be configured to act as an external time synchronization source.
Time synchronization requests received by either unicast or anycast modes will be
accepted and processed.
The precision of the clock is two (2) milliseconds with a recommended polling interval of
sixty-four (64) seconds.

12.7 IRIG-B
If IRIG-B is enabled and a valid signal is being received by the IED, SNTP server
responses will be ignored as IRIG-B is deemed to be the primary source of time
If IRIG-B becomes unavailable during normal operating conditions, SNTP will become the
active time synchronization source until such time that IRIG-B becomes available once

12.8 Synchronization Indication

The data object System/LLN0$ST$SyncSt provides an indication of the clock
synchronization state in the IED:
 TRUE: Clock is synchronized (Either by SNTP or IRIG-B)
 FALSE:Clock is not synchronized

Page 24 P64x/EN PX/E31

File Transfer Model PIXIT


13.1 File Transfer Mode

MiCOM Px40 IEDs use MMS file transfer services for the transfer of disturbance records.
The File Transfer Protocol (FTP), as defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF), is not supported.

13.2 Directory and File Structure

The following directory structure is presented by MiCOM Px40 IEDs:

Device Root/
 dr/
 dr_unextracted/
 LD/
 {IEDNAME}Control/
 {IEDNAME}Measurements/
 {IEDNAME}Protection/
 {IEDNAME}Records/
 {IEDNAME}System/
With the exception of the following, all directories will be empty:
 dr/
These folders contain all disturbance records held in non-volatile memory, in an ASCII
comtrade format (*.cfg and *.dat)
 dr_unextracted/
This folder contains disturbance records that have not been downloaded from the relay
by a client. A record is classed as downloaded (or extracted) when the *.dat file has been
Once extracted, disturbance records are removed from this directory. However it should
be noted that these records are still available from the two (2) folders mentioned above.

13.3 Automatic Extraction

If automatic extraction of Disturbance Records is required, the file operations must be
performed on the /dr_unextracted/ directory.
This is a special directory whereby Disturbance Record files are automatically deleted
once they have been uploaded. The deleted files are still available within the standard
directories as detailed in section 13.2.

13.4 Directory Separator

MiCOM Px40 IEDs use a file system based on the UNIX directory separator character ‘/’.

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PIXIT File Transfer Model

The use of MS-DOS directory separator characters (‘\’) will return a positive result to the
file transfer MMS service requests but with no data elements (directory or filenames).

13.5 Maximum Filename Length

Disturbance record filenames are a based around the following fixed format giving a
maximum filename length of twenty eight (28) characters:
 yyyymmdd_HHMMSS_xxx_rNNN.*
yyyy = The year, i.e. 2006
mm = The month, i.e. 03 (for March)
dd = The day of month, i.e. 15th
HH = Hours in 24hr format, i.e. 12
MM = Minutes, i.e. 59
SS = Seconds, i.e. 59
xxx = Milli-seconds, i.e. 999
r = A literal ‘r’ character
NNN = Disturbance record number, i.e. 001
* = The file type, either cfg or dat
Taking into account the directory structure presented in section 13.2, this gives a
maximum, fully qualified, filename length of forty four (44) characters.

13.6 Filename Case Sensitivity

Directory and filenames are both case sensitive.

13.7 Maximum File Size

The maximum file size is not restricted over the MMS file transfer interface, however it is
dependant upon the configuration of the disturbance recorder.
The longer the recording time, the larger the comtrade file will be. The maximum
recording time for MiCOM Px40 IEDs is 10.5 seconds, with an approximate 1 MB of data
per second of recording.

Page 26 P64x/EN PX/E31

Sub-Station Configuration Language PIXIT


14.1 Conformance Level

MiCOM Px40 IEDs are conformant to SCL.1 as defined by part 8 of the IEC61850
standards; annex D.
ICD template files are available within the MiCOM S1 IED Configurator application.

14.2 SCL Schema Compliance

MiCOM Px40 ICD template files are conformant to V1.4 of the SCL schema.

14.3 Private Data

MiCOM Px40 ICD files contain private SCL data. This is required by the IED configurator
tool in order to correctly extract, process and configure an IED.
Any tool that imports Px40 ICD files is required to preserve the private data in accordance
with part 6 of the IEC61850 standards.

14.4 IED Name

The Sub-station Configuration Language (SCL) allows customisable IED names. MiCOM
Px40 IEDs support user-definable IED names however these are restricted to a maximum
of eight (8) characters in length.

P64x/EN PX/E31 Page 27

PIXIT IED Configurator


15.1 Configuration Banks

MiCOM Px40 IEDs support two (2) configuration banks for holding IED configurations
taken from SCD or CID Substation Configuration Language (SCL) files. This includes IP
configuration, SNTP, GOOSE publishing/subscription parameters etc.
The IED Configurator tool only allows a configuration to be downloaded to the inactive
bank. This bank can then be made active through the use of a Courier command cell at
any time.

15.2 Measurement Deadbands and Range Configuration

Measurement deadbands and range configuration settings are configurable using the IED
Configurator. Deadbands (but not range) may also be changed by an online/connected
The MiCOM Px40 IED processes and applies these values using a three-layered
1. Default values from application firmware are extracted to live data buffer
2. User configured values from MCL are copied over the default values in the live
data buffer
3. Values changed by online clients are then restored and copied over the
default/MCL user configured values in the live data buffer The values changed by
online clients can be reset at any time using a command cell in the
IED CONFIGURATOR column of the MiCOM Px40 IED. Performing this action effectively
removes step III from above, until such time a connected/online client changes one of the
values again.

Page 28 P64x/EN PX/E31

Special Data Type PIXIT


16.1 INT 64
CDC BCR_PRIV includes a data attribute actVal which type is INT128, whereas it is
INT64 in the IED actually. According to Tissue 7-2 580, INT64 type is used to model at

P64x/EN PX/E31 Page 29

PIXIT Special Data Type


Page 30 P64x/EN PX/E31

Customer Care Centre

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92506 Rueil-Malmaison
Phone: +33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00
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www.schneider-electric.com Publisher: Schneider Electric
Publication: P64x/EN PX/E31 Software Version: 04 12/2012

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