Micom P64X: Transformer Protection Relay
Micom P64X: Transformer Protection Relay
Micom P64X: Transformer Protection Relay
P64x/EN PX/E31
Software Version 04
Note The technical manual for this device gives instructions for its installation, commissioning, and
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Contents PIXIT
1.1 Introduction
This document specifies the Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing
(PIXIT) of the IEC61850 interface in the MiCOM Px40 range of protection IEDs. Together
with the PICS and MICS specifications the PIXIT forms the basis for conformance testing
in accordance with part 10 of the IEC61850 standard specifications.
The following parameters are only required for OSI based connections only and are not
AP Title
AE Qualifier
alternating between interfaces is user configurable with a default period of sixty (60)
Any client associations will be automatically aborted if the network link is not re-
established after a maximum of ninety (90) seconds.
2.6 Authentication
Authentication is not supported by MiCOM Px40 IEDs.
The default access level over the IEC61850 interface is level 2 although actual setting
changes are not supported.
The main limitation of this implementation is that the maximum deadband value (100,000)
may still produce data changes if the change is large enough.
For complex measurement types supporting both magnitude and angle, the deadband
will only apply to the magnitude element.
When IED receives double GOOSE message with same sqNum, the second message
will be ignored, and the virtual input value remain the previous received publish message
MiCOM Px40 IEDs support one hundred twenty-eight (128) virtual input signals each with
their own GOOSE data set attribute index, target value and comparison operator. The
following comparison operators are supported:
GOOSE data value EQUALS target value
GOOSE data value IS NOT EQUAL TO target value
GOOSE data value IS LESS THAN target value
GOOSE data value IS GREATER THAN target value
GOOSE data value is PASSED THROUGH without comparison. (For MiCOM Px40
IEDs this is only applicable for binary data elements)
Only items of the following types can be decoded from the incoming GOOSE data set
Unsigned integer – 32bits, 16bits & 8bits
Signed integer – 32bits, 16bits & 8bits
Bit-string 2
Floating point – 32bits only
SPC – Common Data Class
DPS – Common Data Class
If the item being decoded is of a Common Data Class type (e.g. SPS) then an
assignment to a quality value is automatically made (as it also forms part of the Common
Data Class value). For basic data types, assignment to a quality value is manual.
A value is classed as being bad quality if any of the user specified quality flags are
asserted in the received quality value. If no quality flags have been specified, the value is
always classed as good.
If the relay has subscribed to a device that changes its published data set without
incrementing the ConfigRev attribute, it will attempt to extract and decode the data as
normal. If successful the data will be processed as described in section 9.3.2 however it
should be noted that it will be a different data set element that is now driving the virtual
input PSL signal. No alarm or warning conditions are reported for this situation.
If the IEDs is unable to extract and decode the data then the GOOSE message will be
considered invalid and will be discarded.
9.4 Publication
9.4.2 Commissioning
The data set assigned to the GOOSE Control Block is user-configurable and must be
created/assigned to the GoCB at system configuration time.
When a GoCB is assigned a data set, the NdsCom attribute is primarily set to FALSE. If
the assigned data set can not be encoded into a GOOSE frame, because (for example)
it’s too large, the NdsCom attribute will be set to TRUE.
For any GoCB that does not have an assigned data set the NdsCom attribute is fixed to
The failure to select the control does not affect its initial state (i.e. the control remains in a
selected state).
Attempts to operate an SBO control with enhanced security will only be successful if the
control number in the operate request matches the control number of the successful
select request.
The Px40 IED will only accept the first valid response received from all time servers in
thesystem and ignore/discard the rest. All subsequent synchronization requests will then
be directly addressed to the first accepted server as per the unicast mode of operation.
If the selected time server fails to respond, or responds with invalid data, the Px40 IED
will revert back to the anycast mode of operation until a new valid time server is found.
12.7 IRIG-B
If IRIG-B is enabled and a valid signal is being received by the IED, SNTP server
responses will be ignored as IRIG-B is deemed to be the primary source of time
If IRIG-B becomes unavailable during normal operating conditions, SNTP will become the
active time synchronization source until such time that IRIG-B becomes available once
Device Root/
With the exception of the following, all directories will be empty:
These folders contain all disturbance records held in non-volatile memory, in an ASCII
comtrade format (*.cfg and *.dat)
This folder contains disturbance records that have not been downloaded from the relay
by a client. A record is classed as downloaded (or extracted) when the *.dat file has been
Once extracted, disturbance records are removed from this directory. However it should
be noted that these records are still available from the two (2) folders mentioned above.
The use of MS-DOS directory separator characters (‘\’) will return a positive result to the
file transfer MMS service requests but with no data elements (directory or filenames).
16.1 INT 64
CDC BCR_PRIV includes a data attribute actVal which type is INT128, whereas it is
INT64 in the IED actually. According to Tissue 7-2 580, INT64 type is used to model at
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Publication: P64x/EN PX/E31 Software Version: 04 12/2012