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Annexure -II

Micro-Project Report

Prepare power point presentation to explain the working of

Microwave Horn Antenna
1.0 Rationale
The working of a microwave horn antenna is to understand its fundamental role in the field of
wireless communication, radar, and satellite systems. Microwave horn antennas are crucial
because they convert confined electromagnetic waves from a waveguide into a more focused
beam that can be transmitted over long distances. Understanding how these antennas operate,
including their design and working principles, helps in optimizing their performance for specific
applications like radar systems or satellite communications, where precision and high signal
strength are required. This study also highlights the advantages, limitations, and practical uses
of horn antennas, providing a solid foundation for their application in various modern
communication technologies. By exploring the design considerations and operational
parameters, the report aims to give a clearer picture of how these antennas contribute to
advancements in communication systems.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

• Understand how microwave horn antennas work.
• Learn design parameters for better optimization.
• Compare different types of horn antennas.
• Identify real-world applications like radar and satellites
• Gain practical knowledge in antenna design, essential for engineering applications.
• Identify advantages like high gain and directivity, and limitations like size and alignment

3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved

a) Use specified waveguides in microwave communication system.

d) Interpret RADAR based system for range detection.
4.0 Actual Methodology Followed

4.1 Brief Information about Micro-project / Brief Description:

A horn antenna is used to transmit radio waves from a waveguide (a metal pipe used to carry
radio waves) out into space, or collect radio waves into a waveguide for reception. It typically
consists of a short length of rectangular or cylindrical metal tube (the waveguide), closed at one
end, flaring into an open-ended conical or pyramidal shaped horn on the other end. The radio
waves are usually introduced into the waveguide by a coaxial cable attached to the side, with the
central conductor projecting into the waveguide to form a quarter-wave monopole antenna. The
waves then radiate out the horn end in a narrow beam.

A microwave horn antenna is a highly directional antenna used to transmit or receive microwave
signals. Its design features a flared shape, resembling a horn, that gradually widens from a narrow
waveguide to a larger opening, allowing it to effectively focus electromagnetic waves in a
specific direction. Operating in the frequency range of 1 GHz to 40 GHz or higher, horn antennas
offer moderate to high gain, typically between 10 dB and 25 dB, making them ideal for point-to-
point communication. They are commonly used in applications like satellite communication,
radar systems, wireless microwave links, and microwave testing setups. Their straightforward
design and efficient radiation pattern make them a preferred choice for high-frequency

4.2. Data Collected

H plane Sectoral Horn Antenna

An H-plane sectoral horn antenna is a type of microwave horn antenna that flares only in the H-
plane, which is the plane where the magnetic field (H-field) is oriented. This design involves a
horizontal expansion while maintaining a fixed vertical dimension, resulting in a rectangular
aperture that shapes the radiated beam into a fan-like pattern. The horizontal flaring narrows the
beamwidth in the H-plane while creating a broader spread in the E-plane, where the electric field
is aligned. The degree of flare determines the gain and directivity, with greater flare angles
leading to more focused radiation and higher gain. This type of horn antenna is commonly used
in radar systems, microwave communication links, and as feed horns for larger parabolic dishes,
offering a controlled horizontal spread and ease of construction for high-frequency applications.

• E plane sectoral horn :-

An E-plane sectoral horn antenna is a type of microwave horn antenna that expands only in the E-
plane, which is the plane where the electric field (E-field) is aligned. In this design, the waveguide's
aperture flares out vertically while the horizontal dimension remains constant, creating a rectangular
shape that produces a fan-shaped radiation pattern. This vertical expansion narrows the beamwidth
in the E-plane while keeping a broader beam in the H-plane, where the magnetic field is oriented.
The gain and directivity of an E-plane sectoral horn depend on the extent of the flare in the vertical
direction, with a greater flare angle resulting in higher directivity and gain. These antennas are often
used in applications that require focused vertical beams, such as in radar systems, microwave
communication links, and testing environments, making them valuable for controlling beam spread
in the E-plane while maintaining a compact design.
• Pyramidal Horn Antenna: -

A pyramidal horn antenna is a type of microwave horn antenna that flares in both the E-plane and H-
plane, creating a rectangular, pyramidal shape at the aperture. This dual expansion allows for a more
focused and symmetrical radiation pattern, providing higher gain and directivity compared to sectoral
horn antennas, which flare in only one plane. The pyramidal horn's design is typically an extension
of a rectangular waveguide, with both vertical and horizontal dimensions expanding outward. This
balanced flaring results in narrower beamwidths in both planes, making it highly effective for
applications requiring precise directionality, such as in radar systems, satellite communication, and
microwave testing setups. The gain of a pyramidal horn can be adjusted by altering the flare angle
and aperture size, allowing for fine-tuning to specific application needs. Its straightforward
construction, combined with high efficiency and low signal loss, makes the pyramidal horn a popular
choice for high-frequency, point-to-point communication systems.

4.3. Actual Procedure Followed

• Selected the topic for micro project which is, to make a report on cassegrain antenna.
• After selecting topic, we searched the information about antenna.
• We confirmed the circuit diagram of antenna.
• First, we collected the data as per the topic.
• We have gathered all the information as per the topic and entered in the report.
• Then we have gathered the information for the power point presentation.
• Then we have created the PPT for the project.
• Then we have finalize the report.
4.4. Result Analysis
• The Cassegrain antenna configuration enhances performance by orienting the feed antenna to
direct signals forward, unlike front-fed dish antennas. This orientation reduces side lobes and
leverages a dual-reflector system to tailor the radiation pattern for maximum antenna

5.0. Actual Resources Used

Name of Resource
Sr. No. Specifications Qty. Remarks
1 Laptop Windows 10\11 01 Used
Kennedy's Electronic Used
2 George Kennedy 01
Communication Systems

3 A4 size papers - As req. Used

4 Printer Laser printer 01 Used

6.0 Output of Micro-Projects (Program Output/Screenshot/Photos/Model)

Thus we have studied about various types of cassegrain antenna and where it is

7.0 Skill Developed/ Learning outcome of this Micro-Project

1. Learned to search information on internet.
2. Learned to understand the basic of Cassegrain Antennas in Communication.

8.0 Applications of Micro-Project

• Used for object detection in radar.
• Essential for transmitting signals to satellites.
• Utilized for calibrating microwave testing devices.
• long-distance data communication links.
• Enables accurate detection of moving objects.
• Provides reliable communication with satellites.
• Monitors material properties using microwave signals.

Name and designation of the Teacher- Mr. Rane S.P. (Lecturer in E&TC Dept.)
Dated Signature………………………………………………………………………..


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