Peter Ochs CV 2023
Peter Ochs CV 2023
Peter Ochs CV 2023
VPA Reports (an ethnolinguistics company, forecasting group behavior in regions of conflict):
President, 2020-
Co-founder, 2018-
Value Predicate Analysis Research Team Director, 2012-
Edgar Bronfman Professor Emeritus of Modern Judaic Studies, 2022-
Center of Theological Inquiry, Member, Research Seminar in Religion and Violence, Sp. 2019
Edgar Bronfman Professor of Modern Judaic Studies,
University of Virginia, 1997-2021
Co-Director, UVA Research Initiative in Religion, Politics, and
Politics, 2017-
Global Covenant of Religions: Co-founder, Steering Committee: 2015-
Research Director: 2015-
U.S. Department of State, Religion and Foreign Policy Working Group,
Sub-Working Group on Conflict Mitigation: Chair, “Interreligious Relations,” 2014-2015
U.S. Department of State, Academic Consultant on Religion and Violence, 2012-2014
École des Hautes Études, Paris : Visiting Faculty Member, Summer 2007
Member, The Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, 2003 (non-resident); 2009.
Wallerstein Professor of Jewish Studies, Drew University, 1995-7.
Visiting Professor, Hebrew Union College/Jewish Inst. of Religion, 1997.
Wallerstein Associate Professor of Jewish Studies, Drew University, 1990-94.
Member, The Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, 1992-3.
Wallerstein Visiting Assoc. Prof. of Jewish Studies, Drew University, 1988-1990.
Fulbright Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Hebrew University. Spring, 1988.
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy, Yale U. 1986-8.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Philosophy and Religion and
Counselor to Jewish Students. Colgate University. l979-86.
Colgate Jerusalem Study Session Director. January l982,83,84,86.
Lecturer in Anthropology, Philosophy, Religion, the University of Maryland,
European Division. l978-79.
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Yale University. Dissertation Title: Charles Peirce's
Metaphysical Conviction. Advisor: John E. Smith. January l980.
M.A. in Jewish Thought, The Jewish Theological Seminary. l975.
B.A. summa cum laude in Anthropology with Honors with Exceptional
Distinction, Yale College. l97l.
Peter Ochs 2023
Peter Ochs 2023
Peter Ochs Publications 1996-2021
Religion Without Violence: The Philosophy and Practice of Scriptural Reasoning (Wipf & Stock
Press/Cascade: 2019)
Another Reformation: Postliberal Christianity and the Jews (Brazos Press, 2011)
The Free Church and Israel’s Covenant (Winnipeg, CA: Canadian Mennonite University, 2010).
Wording a Radiance: Parting Conversations on God and the Church, Daniel Hardy
Peter Ochs 2023
(posthumous) with Deborah Ford, Peter Ochs, and David Ford (SCM Press: 2010).
Crisis, Call and Leadership in the Abrahamic Traditions, eds. Peter Ochs and Stacy Johnson (New York:
Palgrave/Macmillan, 2009).
Breaking the Tablets: Jewish Theology After Shoah, by David Halivni, edited, with introduction and
commentaries by Peter Ochs (Rowman & Littlefield: 2007).
David Halivni, Shevirat Haluchot, Teologia Yehudit Leachar Hashoa, ed. Peter Ochs (Jerusalem: Toby Press, 2010):
Hebrew Translation (with additions and edits) of Breaking the Tablets: Jewish Theology After Shoah.
Textual Reasonings: Jewish Philosophy and Text Study at the end of the Twentieth Century eds. Peter
Ochs and Nancy Levene (London: SCM Press, 2002; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003).
John Howard Yoder, The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited, eds. Michael Cartwright and Peter Ochs
(with Introduction and Commentary) (London: SCM Press; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003).
Reviewing the Covenant: Eugene Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of Jewish Theology, with
Eugene Borowitz (Albany: SUNY Press, 2000).
Christianity in Jewish Terms, eds. T. Frymer-Kensky, D. Novak, P. Ochs, D. Sandmel, M. Signer,
(Boulder Co: Westview Press/Perseus, Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies: Sept, 2000).
Reasoning After Revelation: Dialogues in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy, with Steven Kepnes and
Robert Gibbs (Boulder and San Francisco: Westview Press/Perseus, 1998).
Peirce, Pragmatism, and the Logic of Scripture (Cambridge: Cambridge U Press, 1998).
The Return to Scripture in Judaism and Christianity: Essays in Postcritical Scriptural Interpretation (edited
collection, with introduction and commentaries, Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1993).
Repr. Edition: Wipf & Stock: Eugene, Oregon, 2008.
with David Ray Griffin, John B. Cobb, Jr., Marcus P. Ford and Pete A.Y. Gunter, Founders of Constructive
Postmodern Philosophy: Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead and Hartshorne (Albany: SUNY
Understanding the Rabbinic Mind: Essays on the Hermeneutic of Max Kadushin (edited collection,
with commentaries and contributed essay, Atlanta: Scholars Press for South Florida Studies
in the History of Judaism, 1990).
Manuscripts held by the Smithsonian Institution:
Learning Sea Lore on Puluwat Atoll (l975)
Talk of the Sea: Oral Navigational Lore on Puluwat (l97l)
Knowledge Under the Mast (l970)
IN PROGRESS: Value Predicate Analysis: Forecasting Near Future Behavior of Religion- or Value-
Based Stakeholder Groups
"Rabbinic Text Process Theology," Jewish Theology and Process Thought, ed. S. Lubarsky and
D. Griffin (Albany: SUNY Press, 1996):195-231.
"Judaism and Christian Theology," in The Modern Theologians Second Ed., David F. Ford, ed.
(Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell, 1997): 607-625.
"Forward," to David Halivni, Revelation Restored (Boulder: Westview Press, 1997): pp. xi-xviii.
“Exodus 3: An Introduction to Textual Reasoning,” in Stephen Fowl, ed., The Theological Interpretation
of Scripture (Oxford and Cambridge, Blackwell: 1997): pp.129-142.
Peter Ochs 2023
“The Emergence of Postmodern Jewish Theology and Philosophy,” and “Borowitz and the Postmodern
Renewal of Jewish Theology,” in Reviewing the Covenant: Eugene Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of
Jewish Theology, P. Ochs with Eugene Borowitz (Albany: SUNY Press, 2000).
“Wounded Word, Wounded Interpreter,” in Humanity at the Limits, ed. M. Signer (Indiana U
Press, 2000): 148-160.
Preface to Heather Armstrong, Face to Face with the Other in George Eliot’s Romola, Middlemarch, and
Daniel Deronda (Scholar’s Press, 2002): i-iv.
“Ethical Monotheism When the Word Is Wounded: Wendell Dietrich Reread,” in Ethical Monotheism,
Past and Present: Essays in honor of Wendell Dietrich, eds. Theodore Vial and Mark Hadley (Atlanta:
Scholars Press for Brown Judaica Series, 2001): 15-48.
“Preface,” “God,” and “Epilogue,” in Christianity in Jewish Terms, eds. D. Novak, P. Ochs, D. Sandmel M.
Signer, T. Frymer-Kensky (Westview Press/Perseus: 2000): xi-xiv, 49-69, 366-73 passim.
“The Renewal of Jewish Theology Today: Under the Sign of Three,” Blackwell Companion to Postmodern
Theology, ed. Graham Ward (London: Blackwell Pubs., 2001): 324-348.
“Small Actions Against Terror: Jewish Reflections on a Christian Witness,” in Surviving Terror: Hope and
Justice in a World of Violence, eds. Victoria Lee Erickson and Michelle Lim Jones (Ada, MI:
Brazos Press, 2001): 287-304.
“September 11 and the Children of Abraham,” in Dissent from the Homeland: Essays after September 11
(Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2003): 137-147 (repr. From The South Atlantic
Quarterly 101:2).
“Introduction,” and “Gold and Silver: Talmudic Semiotics” (with Robert Gibbs), and “Talmudic
Scholarship as Textual Reasoning: Halivni’s Pragmatic Historiography,” and “Epilogue,” in
Textual Reasonings, eds. Peter Ochs and Nancy Levene (London: SCM Press, 2002; Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003): 2-14, 90-102, 120-143, 289-302.
“Introduction” and running commentaries for John Howard Yoder, The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited,
edited and with commentary by Michael Cartwright and Peter Ochs (London: SCM Press; Grand
Rapids: Eerdmans, 2003).
“Recovering the God of History: Scriptural Life after Death in Judaism and Christianity,” in Jews and
Christians, People of God, eds. Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson (Grand Rapids and
Cambridge: Eerdmans, 2003): 114-147.
“Abrahamic Theo-politics: A Jewish View,” in eds. William Cavanaugh and Peter Scott, the Blackwell
Companion to Political Theology (Oxford: Blackwells, 2004): 519-534.
“Dreifaltigkeit und Judentum,” trans. Gabriele Stein in Der lebendige Gott: Auf den Spuren neueren
trinitarischen Denkens, ed. Rudolf Weth, Neukrichen-Vluyn: Neukrichener Verlag, 2005: 75-84.
Repr. from “Dreifaltigkeit und Judentum,” in Concilium 39.4 (Oct 2003).
“Scripture,” in Fields of Faith: Theological and Religious Studies for the Twenty-First Century, eds. David
Ford, Janet Soskice, Ben Quash (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004): 104-118.
Peter Ochs 2023
“A Road to the Postmodern Palace: Michael Rosenak’s Theological Response to the Postmodern
Condition,” in ed. Jonathan Cohen, In Search of a Jewish Paideia: Directions in the Philosophy of
Jewish Education. Melton Studies in Jewish Education Vol X (Hebrew University, Magnes Press,
2004: 17-31.
“Israel’s Redeemer is the One to Whom and with Whom She Prays,” in eds. S. David, D. Kendall, and G.
Collins, The Redemption: An Interdisciplinary Symposium on Christ as Redeemer (Oxford
University Press, 2004): 121-146.
“Israels Erlöser ist der Eine und Einzige, zu dem und mit dem Israel betend spricht,” trans. Annegrete
Sauter, Evangelische Theologie 64 Jg. (2004) Heft 6: S. 405-420.
“Textual Reasoning as a Model for Jewish Thought After Shoah,” in eds. P. Amodio, G. Giannini, and G.
Lissa, Filosofia E Critica Della Filisofia Nel Pensiero Ebraico (Napoli: Giannini, 2004):233-272.
“Covenant,” in Modern Judaism: An Oxford Guide, eds. Nicholas de Lange and Miri Frued-Kandel
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005): 290-300.
“God” and “Trinity,” in A Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Relations, eds. Edward Kessler and Neil
Wenborn, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005): 167-170, 429-430.
“Judaism and Christian Theology,” The Modern Theologians 3rd Edition, eds. David Ford and Rachel
Muers (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2005): 645-662.
“The Logic of Indignity and the Logic of Redemption,” in eds. K. Soulen and L Moorehead, Theological
Anthropology (Eerdmans Press, 2005): 143-160.
“Zeichen” and “Tora,” in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Handwörterbuch für Theologie und
Religionswissenschaft, eds. Betz, Browning, Janowski und Jüngel (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006).
“A Third Epoch: The Future of Discourse in Jewish-Christian Relations,” with David Ford, in
Challenges in Jewish-Christian Relations, eds. James Aitken and Edward Kessler
(Mahwah: Paulist Press, 2006): 153-170.
“Morning Prayer as Redemptive Thinking,” in Liturgy, Time, and the Politics of Redemption, eds. Chad
Pecknold and Randi Rashkover (Eerdmans Pub, 2006): 50-90.
“Philosophic Warrants for Scriptural Reasoning,” in The Promise of Scriptural Reasoning, eds. David Ford
and Chad Pecknold (Oxford: Blackwell Pub., 2006): 121-138. Repr. of Modern Theology Vol. 22
No. 3 (July 2006).
“Forward,” in Ten Commandments for Jews, Christians, and Others, ed. Roger Van Harn
(Eerdmans, 2007): viii-x.
“From Two to Three: To Know is also to Know the Context of Knowing,” in Steven Kepnes and Basit Bilal Koshul,
eds., Scripture, Reason and the Contemporary Islam-West Encounter: Studying the "Other," Understanding
the "Self" (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007): 177-200.
“The Bible’s Wounded Authority,” in ed. William Brown, Engaging Biblical Authority (Westminster John
Peter Ochs 2023
“Reading Across a Difference,” in ed. Jessica Feldman, Thinking of Reading: A University of Virginia
Guide (Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2008).
“Saints and the Heterological Historians,” in Saintly Influence: Texts for Edith Wyschogrod, ed. Martin
Kavka, Stephen Hood and Eric Boynton (Fordham University Press, 2009): 219-237.
“Moses at the Sea: Scripture as Performance,” and “Introduction: Crisis, Leadership, and
Scriptural Reasoning,” in Crisis, Call and Leadership in the Abrahamic Traditions, eds.
Peter Ochs and Stacy Johnson (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009): 1-9, 290-305.
“Shalom Chaver: From Strangers to Study-Partners,” in Who is My Enemy? Religious Hope in A Time of
Fear, eds. Darlene Fozard Weaver and Jeffrey S. Mayer, (Selected Papers from the 2009 Annual
Conference of the Theology Institute at Villanova University (Villanova PA: Villanova University
Press, 2011): 55-76.
“Scripture and Text,” in The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy: The Modern Era, eds. David Novak
and Martin Kavka (Cambridge U Press, 2012): 191-223.
“For John E Smith: “Reparative Reasoning: From Peirce’s Pragmatism to Augustine’s Scriptural
Semiotic,” in ed. Vincent Colapietro, The Retrieval of Experience: Classical American
Pragmatism and Its Relevance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012): 79-110.
“Do We Worship the Same God?” in Do We Worship the Same God? ed. Miroslav Volf (Grand Rapids:
Eerdmans, 2012): 148-165.
“Pragmatism and the Logic of Jewish Political Messianism,” in Pragmatic Studies in Judaism, ed. Andrew
Schumann (Piscataway NJ: Gorgias Press, 2013): 135-178.
“What Kinds of Thinking Complement What kinds of Societal Action?” in The Vocation of
Theology Today, A festschrift for David Ford, eds. T Greggs, R. Muers, and S. Zahl (Eugene Or.:
Cascade Books, 2013): pp. 193-210.
“Signs: (in the) Philosophy of Religion,” in Religion Past & Present Volume XII “From Sifra to Togo”
(Leiden: Brill, 2013): p. 6.
“Meantime and Endtime Theologies of the Return to Zion,” in Returning to Zion, Christian and Jewish
Perspectives, eds. Robert Jenson and Eugene Korn (The Center for Jewish-Christian
Understanding and Cooperation, 2015): 135-163.
“The Possibilities and Limits of Inter-Religious Dialogue in The Oxford Handbook in Religion, Peace, and
Conflict Resolutions, eds. Scott Appleby et. al. (Oxford, 2015): 488-515.
“Torah [in the] Philosophy of Religion,” in Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart (RGG) XIII,
eds Hans Dieter Betz, Don S. Browning, Bernd Janowski and Eberhard Jüngel (Leiden:
Brill, 2012 [appearing 2014]): 16-17.
Peter Ochs 2023
“Jewish and other Abrahamic Philosophic Arguments for Abrahamic Studies,” in The Oxford Handbook of
Abrahamic Religions, eds. Adam Silverstein and Guy G. Stroumsa (London, 2015): 559-579.
"Postliberal Logics in the Spirit of Jenson," in ed. Christopher E. Green and Stephen J. Wright, The
Promise of Robert W. Jenson’s Theology: Constructive Engagements (Augsburg: Fortress Press,
2017), 73-93.
“Kadushin, Max,” in ed. Sebastian Fuhrmann, Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception
(EBR), (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017), 2pp.
“To Love Tanakh/OT is Love Enough for the Jews: on ‘A Jewish Statement on Christians and
Christianity,’” ed. George Hunsinger, Karl Barth, the Jews, and Judaism (Grand Rapids, MI:
Eerdmans, 2018), 75-102.
“Continuity in American Pragmatism” (Russian), in Pragmatizm i ego istoriya (Pragmatism and its
History: Recent Interpretations), ed. Igor Dzhokhadze (Игорь Джохадзе), (Institute of
Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2018), 129-133.
“Afterward: Iqbal, Peirce, and Modernity,” in Basit Bilal Koshul, Semiotics as a Resource for Theology:
Philosophical Warrants and Illustrations (Abu Dabi, UAE: Kalam Research and Media, 2017
(pub. 2018/2019): 55-64.
“Comparative Theology Raised to the Ninth Degree: Response to Boesel and Rashkover,” in eds. Martha
Moore-Keish and Christian Winn, Karl Barth and Comparative Theology (New York: Fordham U
Press, 2019): 57-66.
“Abrahamic Theo-politics Revisited,” in eds. William Cavanaugh and Peter Scott, Blackwell
Companion to Political Theology (Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell, 2019), 604-618.
“Scriptural Pragmatism: How Scriptural Reasoners Read and Interpret Scripture,” in Ingolf Dalforth, ed.,
Theologische Literaturzeitung 144.11 (Nov, 2019), 1103-1121.
“David Novak on Covenantal Relations,” in eds. Yaniv Feller and Paul Nahme, Rethinking the Covenant:
Engagements with the Theology of David Novak (Waco, Tx: Baylor U. Press forthcoming, 2020), 23pp.
“The Logic of Revelation,” in eds. Jean-Luc Marion and Christiaan Jacobs-Vandegeer, The Enigma of
Divine Revelation, Between Phenomenology and Comparative Theology (Chasm Switzerland,
Springer International, 2020), 261-281.
“Foreward,” in Miklos Veto, From Budapest to Paris (1936-1957), trans. Rajat Acharya (Eugene Oregon:
Wipf & Stock/Resource, 2020), vii-ix.
“Preface: God is not known if God is not feared: Midrash (Homily) on Coleman’s Homilies,” in Our
Hearts Are Restless Til They Find Their Rest in Thee: Selected Sermons by Coleman Brown, eds.
Michael Granzen and Lisa Masotta (Wipf & Stock/Cascade, 2021), ix-xiv.
“Underdetermined Singularity: The Way the Creator Speaks,” in The Unique, the Singular, and the
Peter Ochs 2023
“Scriptural Reasoning and Peacebuilding” in Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace, eds.,
Jolyon Mitchell, Lesley Orr, Martyn Percy, and Francesca Po (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell,
2022), 264-274.
"Teaching Judaism in a Secular Setting," A Roundtable with Larry Schiffman, Yaakov Elman, and Susan
Handelman, Wellsprings (Spring, 1996).
“Zionism” (Introduction) Textual Reasoning: The Journal of the Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Network, Vol
6.3, Winter, 1997.
“Genesis 1-2: Creation as Evolution,” The Living Pulpit 9 no 2 (April/June, 2000): 8-10.
“From Phenomenology to Scripture,” essay and edited collection, Modern Theology 16 No 3 (July, 2000): 341-346
(collection, 301-346).
“Church and Sociality,” The Living Pulpit 9 no. 4 (Oct/Dec, 2000): 4-5.
David Halivni, “Prayer in the Shoah,” trans. from the Hebrew by P. Ochs, Judaism 199 Vol. 50 No. 3 (Summer,
2001), pp. 268-291.
“Preface to David Halivni’s Prayer in the Shoah,” in Judaism 199 Vol. 50 No. 3 (Summer, 2001), pp. 259-267.;col1
“The Rules of Scriptural Reasoning,” in The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning 2 No. 1 (May, 2002)
(Pub. of the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia): 1-20.
“Is the Scriptural Reasoner’s Heart Hardened or Warm?” in The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning 2 No. 2 (Sept.,
2002)(Pub. of the Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia): 2pp.
“Behind the Mechitsa: Reflections on The Rules of Textual Reasoning,” in Journal of Textual Reasoning (New
Series) Vol. 1.1 (University of Virginia Electronic Book Center: Spring, 2002): pp. 2-47.
“Introduction,” Theologie et Philosophie de Langue Française, Volume 1.1 (Spring 2002), University of
Virginia Electronic Text Center.
“Three Visitors and Scriptural Hermeneutics,” in The Journal of Scriptural Reasoning 2 No. 3 (September,
Peter Ochs 2023
“September 11 and the Children of Abraham,” in “Dissent from the Homeland: Essays after September
11, The South Atlantic Quarterly 101:2 (Sp 2002): 391-402.
“Jewish Morning Worship: New Life Through Redemptive Prayer,” in The Living Pulpit 12. No 3 (July-
September 2003): 20-21.
“On Hauerwas’ “With the Grain of the Universe,” Modern Theology 19. No. 1 (January, 2003): 77-88
“Postliberal Scholars Find Reason to Study Christian Theology: an interview with Peter Ochs,” by David
Reid, Vital Theology 1 #3 (April, 2004): 4-5.
“Peacemaking among the Abrahamic Faiths: An Interview with Peter Ochs,” by Jennifer L. Geddes,
The Hedgehog Review 6 #1 (Spring 2004): 90-102.
“The Passion and Repentance,” in The Living Pulpit 13 #3 (July-Sept, 2004): 6-8.
“Dreifaltigkeit und Judentum,” in Concilium 39.4 (Oct 2003): Von anderen Religionen Lernen,
pp. 433-441.
“Response to Ellen Armour,” “Comparative Religious Traditions,” and “Reply to Robert Segal,” Journal of
the American Academy of Religion 74 #1 (March 2006): pp. 16-18, 125-128, 133-34.
“Jewish Sensibilities,” Issue edited and with an introduction by P. Ochs, The Journal of
Textual Reasoning 4:3 (May 2006)
“Revised: Comparative Religious Traditions,” and “Reply to Robert Segal,” Journal of the American
Academy of Religion 74 #2 (June 2006): pp. 483-494, 499-500.
“Philosophic Warrants for Scriptural Reasoning,” in Modern Theology Vol. 22 No. 3 (July 2006). Special Issue, "The
Promise of Scriptural Reasoning." Guest Editors: C. C. Pecknold and David F. Ford: pp. 465-483.
“Coda,” in “Spreading Rumours of Wisdom: Essays in honour of David Ford,” The Journal of
Scriptural Reasoning Vol. 7 No. 1(January 2008): 10 pp.
“Iqbal, Peirce, and Modernity,” in Iqbal Review, ed. Muhammad Suheyl Umar (October 2008): 12 pp.
Repr. in Muhammad Iqbal, A Contemporary, eds. Muhammad Suheyl Umar and Basit Bilal
Koshul (Lahore, Pakistan: Iqbal Academy, 2008): 79-94.
Peter Ochs 2023
“Scriptural Pragmatism: A Response to the ‘Roots and Hopes of Scriptural Reasoning,’” in The Journal of
Scriptural Reasoning Vol 9 No. 1 (September, 2010): 70pp.
“Grassroots Scriptural Reasoning on Campus,” with Homayra Ziad, Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue 4
(Summer 2010): 38-45.
“Another Enlightenment: How my mind has changed,” Christian Century 128:2 (Jan. 25 2011), p. 28:
10pp. []
"Nonviolence and Shabbat," in “Special Issue on John Howard Yoder, Nonviolence - A Brief History,”
The Conrad Grebel Review (2011): 30PP.
“Morning Prayer as Another Way of Knowing the World,” in RELIGIONS / ADYĀN (Journal of
the Doha International Center for Interfaith Dialogue) Summer, 2011: 23-33.
“Judaism and Physics,” in “Judaism and Science,” eds. Philip Cohen and Hava Tirosh-Samuelson
Special Issue of CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly (Winter 2012): pp. 58-71.
“Competing for Abrahamic Justice,” in RELIGIONS/ADYĀN special issue on Justice 3, ed. (2012): pp.47-
54. [online version:]
“Introduction,” Autonomy, Community, and the Jewish Self, special issue of Journal of Textual
Reasoning 7:1 (March 2012): pp.1-3.
“Abrahamic Theo-Politics: A Jewish View” (Chinese) trans. Jiang Li-qun, Minzu Tribune #295 (2012.03):
“An Introduction to Scriptural Reasoning: From Practice to Theory,” Special Issue on Historical Practice &
Modern Value of Scriptural Reasoning between China and the West, ed. Yang Huilin, Journal of
Renmin University of China (2012) Vol. 26.5:16-22
“The Way Sabbath Complements the Weekday: A Response to Ephraim Radner, A Brutal Unity,” in Pro
Ecclesia XXIII (2014): 266-273.
“Hospitality and the Power of Divine Attraction” A Jewish Commentary on the Anglican Setting of
Scriptural Reasoning,” in Journal of Anglican Studies,11:2 (November 2013), pp 179-198.
Peter Ochs 2023
“Scriptural Life after Death: When the Plain Sense of History Challenges the Plain Sense of
Scripture,” in ABC RELIGION AND ETHICS 22 APR 2014
“Out of the Depths I Call: Re-Reading Scripture after Destruction,” in ABC RELIGION AND
ETHICS 23 JUL 2014. []
“Reading in the Meantime: Life after the End of Jewish - and Christian – Modernity,” in ABC
“Covenantal Ethics Eugene Borowitz’s Practice and Theory of Virtue,” in Journal of Jewish Ethics 1.1
2015: 39-58.
"The Emergence of Postmodern Jewish Theology and Philosophy," in ed. Paul Golomb, Special Issue in
Memory of Eugene Borowitz, CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly (Summer 2016), 14-
“Being with George Lindbeck's Being-With,” in Pro Ecclesia XVII.4 (2018), 376-386.
“Measuring Pragmatism by its Classical Tenets” Part 1, in Тhe Philosophy Journal (Russian Academy of
Sciences) (2018) 11:4, 47-58.(Filjsjfskii Zhurnal,, 47-58.
with Nauman Faizi, Jonathan Teubner, and Zain Moulvi, “Value Predicate Analysis: A Language-Based
Tool for Diagnosing Behavioral Tendencies of Religious or Value-Based Groups in Regions of
Conflict,” in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (2019) 58.1, 93-113.
“Rosh Hashanah and the Renewal of Abraham’s Children,” ABC Religion and Ethics (Australia), Sept
2019 4pp.
"The Hearths of Scriptural Reasoning": Response to a Symposium on Peter Ochs, Religion Without
Violence: The Practice and Philosophy of Scriptural Reasoning, Modern Theology 37:3 (July
2021), eds. Jim Fodor and Bill Cavanaugh, 769-796.
"Reparative Jewish Philosophy of Education: Rereading Roads to the Palace," in A Festschrift In Honor of
Prof. Jonathan Cohen, eds. Avinoam Rosenak and Elie Holzer (forthcoming 2022), (45 pp. ms)
“Steven Kepnes’ Proposal: A Pragmatic Reading,” in a symposium on New Directions in Jewish Theology,
Journal of Textual Reasoning 12:1 (March 2021), 12pp.
“Innovation in Hasdai Crescas’s Light of the Lord,” epilogue to a symposium on Hasdai Crescas’s Light of
the Lord, in Journal of Textual Reasoning 13:1 (2022): 251-290.
with Thomas Matyok & William Flavin, “Religious-Values Negotiation in the Military Environment.” In
Marshall Center Papers, George C Marshall European Center for Security Studies 1 (April 2022).
Peter Ochs 2023
“Pragmatism and Theology: Between Hasdai Crescas and Charles Peirce,” Modern Theology 2022, (23 pp).
with Essam Fahim and Paola Pinzon Hernandez, “Read the Signs: Detecting Early Warning
Signals of Interreligious Conflict,” in Religions (April 2022): 20pp.
with Vineet Kapoor; William Flavin; Thomas Matyók; and Essam Fahim “Community
Policing Solutions for Religion-on-Religion Conflict: Lessons from an Indian Case
Study.” World 2022, 3, 840-857.
Review of Mike Higton and Rachel Muers, The Text in Play: Experiments in Reading Scripture (Eugene,
Or: Cascade, 2012) in Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 2015, Vol. 69(3), 368.
“John Brown: Madman? Terrorist? Righteous warrior?” In “Political Theology and Divine Violence: A
Forum on Ted A. Smith’s Weird John Brown,” ed. Davey Henreckson, Political Theology Today
and Marginalia (part of the LA Review of Books), (Feb. 23 2015).
Review of Atalia Omer, When Peace Is Not Enough: How the Israeli Peace Camp Thinks about Religion,
Nationalism and Justice (The University of Chicago Press, 2013), in Journal of the American
Academy of Religion (2014) 82 (3): 892-895.
“The 5 most essential books on Jewish thought,” Notes on Essential Readings, Christian Century
(April, 2014)
“Wisdom’s Cry: Reparative Pneumatology in David Ford’s Christian Wisdom,” A Review Essay
for Special Issue, “Focus on Scriptural Reasoning,” in Conversati`ons in Religion and Theology
7:2 (2009): 134-144.
Response to Nicholas Adams, “Review of P. Ochs, Peirce, Pragmatism and the Logic of
Scripture,” for Special Issue, “Focus on Scriptural Reasoning,” in Conversations in Religion and
Theology 7:2 (2009): 170-172.
Review of Chris Boesel, Risking Proclamation, Respecting Difference (Eugene, OR: Cascade
Books, 2008) in Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 7.1 (2012)
Review of Phillip Cary, Outward Signs: The Powerlessness of External Things in Augustine’s Thought
(Oxford: Oxford U Press 2008), xxiv + 344 pp. in Modern Theology 27.1 (Dec 2010): 206-208.
Review of F. E. Peters, The Monotheists Vols. 1-2 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2003), in Theology
Today 63 No. 4 (January, 2007): 518-520.
Review of Peter Schäfer, Jesus in the Talmud (Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press,
2007), for Theology Today.
Peter Ochs 2023
Review: “Books on Jewish-Christian Dialogue: George Lindbeck, The Nature of Doctrine” in Review and
Expositor Vol. 103 No. 1 (Winter 2006): 239-239.
Review of Jane Dammen McAuliffe, Barry Walfish, and Joseph Goering, eds. With Reverence for the Word:
Medieval Scriptural Exegesis in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003): in:
Journal of Medieval Studies 803 (2004): pp. 926-927.
Review of Hyam Macoby, The Philosophy of the Talmud (New York: Routledge, 2002), in Shofar 22 No.4
(Summer 2003).
“A Framework for American Jewish Theological Dialogue?” A Review of Eugene Borowitz, Studies in
the Meaning of Judaism and of Eliezer Berkovits, Essential Essays on Judaism, ed. David
Hazony in Sh'ma: A Journal of Jewish Responsibility (2003).
“A Jewish Reading of Trinity, Time and the Church: A Response to the Theology of Robert W. Jenson,” A
Review Essay, in Modern Theology 19. No. 3 (July 2003): 419-428.
“How to Read the Torah,” Review Essay on Richard Elliot Friedman, Commentary on the Torah: With a
New English Translation and Hebrew Text (HarperSan Francisco, 2001), in Books & Culture, A Christian Review
8 No. 2 (March/April, 2002): 24-25.
Review of Sandra B. Rosenthal and Rogene A. Bucholz, Rethinking Business Ethics, a Pragmatic Approach
(New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000), in Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce
Society (Fall, 2001), Vol. 37 No.4: pp. 627-634.
Review of Robert Jenson, Systematic Theology Volume 2 in Journal of Religion, 2001: 301-302.
Review of Michael Fishbane, The Exegetical Imagination, in Journal of the American Academy of Religion,
2000; 68: 633-636
“Rosenzweig as Postcritical Jewish Philosophy,” a review of Idolatry and Representation: The Philosophy of
Franz Rosenzweig Reconsidered, by Leora Batnitzky (Princeton University Press, 2000), Journal for
Cultural and Religious Theory (electronic), Vol 2. No. 1 (Dec., 2000): 6pp.
"Book Notes" on Neusner and Chilton, Jewish—Christian Debates: God, Kingdom, and the Messiah,
in Theology Today (July, 1999).
Review of Yudit Greenberg, Sweeter than Wine, in Jewish Quarterly Review, XC Nos 1-2 (July/October,
1999): 215-219.
Review of Steven Kepnes, The Text as Thou, Martin Buber's Dialogical Hermeneutics and Narrative Theology,
In The Jewish Quarterly Review LXXXVI No. 3-4 (Jan-April 1996): 480-82.
"From Peshat to Derash and Back Again," review essay on Adin Steinsaltz, The Talmud Vol XIV:
Tractate Ta'anit Part II, trans. I. Berman (Random House, 1995) and David Halivni,
Peshat and Derash (Oxford U Press, 1991) in Judaism (Summer, 1997).
Series Co-Editor (with Stanley Hauerwas, Maria Dakake, and Randi Rashkover), "Encountering Traditions”, Stanford
University Press (2010-2018).
• Muhammad Iqbal, Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam (2013) (republication with a new
Forward and Introduction)
Peter Ochs 2023
• Francis X. Clooney, S.J., His Hiding Place is Darkness: A Hindu-Catholic Theo poetics of Divine
Absence (2013).
• David Decosimo, Ethics as a Work of Charity: Thomas Aquinas and Pagan Virtue (2014).
• Shaul Magid, Hasidism Incarnate: Hasidism, Christianity, and the Construction of Modern Judaism
• Ted A. Smith, Weird John Brown: Divine Violence and the Limits of Ethics (2015).
• Natalie Carnes, Image and Presence: A Christological Reflection on Iconoclasm and Iconophilia (2017)
Series Co-Editor (with Stanley Hauerwas), "Radical Traditions: Theology in a Postcritical Key," Westview Press/
Harper Collins. (1997-2001) Books appearing in the series:
• David Weiss Halivni, Revelation Restored (1997) (with Forwards by Peter Ochs and by Stanley
Hauerwas) * Winner, 1997 National Jewish Book Award for Jewish Scholarship.
o Restaurateur la Revelation (Italian translation. Firenze: Guanine, 2000).
• Stanley Hauerwas, Wilderness Wanderings (1997)
• Steven Kepnes, Peter Ochs, Robert Gibbs, Reasoning After Revelation:
Dialogues in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy (1998).
• David Toole, Waiting for Godot in Sarajevo: Theological Reflections on Nihilism, Tragedy, and
Apocalypse (1998).
• Scott Bader-Saye, Church and Israel After Christendom: The Politics of Election (1999).
• Joel James Shuman, The Body of Compassion: Ethics, Medicine and the Church (1999).
• Christianity in Jewish Terms, eds. T. Frymer-Kensky, D. Novak, P. Ochs, D. Sandmel, M.
Signer (2000). Nominated for the 2001 National Jewish Book Award in Jewish-
Christian Relations.
• P. Travis Kroeker and Bruce K. Ward, Remembering the End: Dostoevsky as Prophet to
Modernity (2001).
• Michael Rosenak, Tree of Life, Tree of Knowledge, Conversations with the Torah (2001).
Series Co-Editor (with Stanley Hauerwas), "Radical Traditions: Theology in a Postcritical Key," SCM Press/
Eerdmans. (2002-2010) Books appearing in the new series:
• George A. Lindbeck, The Church in A Postliberal Age, ed. James J. Buckley (2002).
• Textual Reasonings: Jewish Philosophy and Text Study at the end of the Twentieth Century eds.
Peter Ochs and Nancy Levene (2002/ 2003).
• John Howard Yoder, The Jewish-Christian Schism Revisited, edited and with commentary
by Michael Cartwright and Peter Ochs (2003).
• Michael Wyschogrod, Abraham’s Promise: Judaism and Jewish-Christian Relations, ed. R. Kendall
Soulen (2004).
• David Novak, Talking with Christians: Some Musings of a Jewish Theologian (2005).
• Eugene Rogers, After the Spirit (2005)
• Peter M. Candler, Jr., Theology, Rhetoric, Manuduction (2006)
• Liturgy, Time, and the Politics of Redemption, eds. Randi Rashkover and C. C. Neckmold (2006).
• Jason Byassee, Praise Seeking Understanding: Reading the Psalms with Augustine (2007)
• David Novak, Tradition in the Public Square: A David Novak Reader, eds. Randi Rashkover and
Martin Kavka (2008).
• Bruce K. Ward, Redeeming the Enlightenment: Christianity and the Liberal Virtues (2009).
• J. Alexander Sider, To See History Doxologically: History and Holiness in John Howard Yoder's
Ecclesiology (2010).
Blogs, Podcasts
(a) Theology Matters Podcast, Center of Theological Inquiry
1. Religion and Violence (Episode 9, May 2019):
(b) Huffington Post
Peter Ochs 2023
"Scriptural Logic: Diagrams for a Postcritical Metaphysics," in Rethinking Metaphysics, Gregory Jones and Stephen
Fowl, eds., (Oxford and Cambridge: Blackwell, 1995): 65 Repr. Modern Theology 11:1 (Jan, 1995).
"KADUSHIN, MAX," in Dictionary of American Biography (1995)
"A Jewish View of Blessing," in of Human Bondage and Divine Grace: A Global Testimony, ed. John
Ross Carter (La Salle, ILL: Open Court, 1992):171-186.
"Charles Peirce as Postmodern Philosopher," in David Ray Griffin et. al. Founders of Constructive
Postmodern Philosophy: Peirce, James, Bergson, Whitehead and Hartshorne (Albany: SUNY
Press, 1992): 43-87.
"Postcritical Scriptural Interpretation," in Torah and Revelation, ed. Dan Cohn-Sherbok (New York,
Toronto: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992): 51-73.
"A Rabbinic Pragmatism," in Bruce Marshall (ed.), Theology and Dialogue: Essays in Conversation with George
Lindbeck (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1990).
"Max Kadushin as Rabbinic Pragmatist," in Understanding the Rabbinic Mind, ed. Peter Ochs
(Atlanta: Scholars Press for South Florida Studies in the History of Judaism, 1990): 165-196
"Individuality," and "Truth," in Contemporary Jewish Religious Thought, A. Cohen and P. Mendes-
Flohr, eds. (Scribner's, New York:1987), pp.483-85, and 1017-23.
Refereed Journal Essays
"Scriptural Logic: Diagrams for a Postcritical Metaphysics," Modern Theology 11:1 (Jan, 1995): 65-92.
"Peirce as Mono-theist, Dyo-theist, and Tri-theist," Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society (1994)
"Returning to Scripture: Trends in Postcritical Scriptural Interpretation," Crosscurrents 44:4
(Winter, 1994-5): 437-452.
"Epilogue to Michael Wyschogrod's Letter to a Jewish Christian Friend," Modern Theology 10
"Borowitz and the Postmodern Renewal of Theology," Cross Currents 43 #2 (Summer, 1993) :164-
"Gold and Silver: Philosophical Talmud (on B. Talmud perek hazahav), “with Robert Gibbs in
Postmodern Jewish Philosophy Network Vol 2: Special AAR Newsletter (Nov., '93): 2-18.
"Continuity as Vagueness: The Mathematical Antecedents of Peirce's Semiotics," Semiotica, 96-3/4 (1993):
"Rabbinic Semiotics," The American Journal of Semiotics 10 Nos. 1-2 (1993): 35-66.
"Pragmatic Conditions for Jewish-Christian Theological Dialogue," Modern Theology 9#2 (April 1993): 123-
"Compassionate Postmodernism: An Introduction to Rabbinic Semiotics," Soundings LXXVI#1 (Sp '93): 140-
152; in a collection of essays edited by P. Ochs on "Trends in Postmodern Jewish Philosophy."
"The Sentiment of Pragmatism: From the Pragmatic Maxim to a Pragmatic Faith," The Monist, issue on
Peter Ochs 2023
Review of The Emergence of Jewish Theology in America, by Robert G. Goldy, AJS Review 17.2
(1992): 352-54.
Review of Jewish Philosophy in a Secular Age, by Kenneth Seeskin, and Introduction to Modern
Jewish Philosophy, by Norbert Samuelson, Teaching Philosophy,14:2 (June 1991): 209-214.
Review of The Philosophical Mishnah, 4 Vols., by Jacob Neusner, Religious Studies Review
17.2 (Apr. '91):176-77.
Review of Peirce's Philosophy of Religion by Michael Raposa, Society for Advancement of American
Philosophy Newsletter (Summer 1990).
Review of Peirce's Approach to the Self by Vincent Colapietro, Journal of Speculative Philosophy
4:2 (Winter 1989-90)
Review Essay on On the Relevance of Charles Peirce, Eugene Freeman, ed, Transactions of the Charles S.
Peirce Society XXI.l (Winter, l985): l2l-38
Review of A land of Two Peoples: Martin Buber on Jews and Arabs by Paul Mendes-Flohr,
Religion and Intellectual Life IL (Spring, l984): ll9-24.