LeanDNA Security Overview
LeanDNA Security Overview
LeanDNA Security Overview
A more than 30-year supply chain veteran, CEO and • Identify and prioritize shortages (current and projected)
Founder Richard Lebovitz has worked with manufacturers • Collaborate internally and with suppliers to resolve
throughout the world in engineering, sales, marketing, and current and projected shortages
Lean strategy roles to empower factory-level employees • Initiate and manage continuous improvement projects
with technology that increases efficiency and enables
• Track KPIs related to supply chain and continuous
global scale.
Configuration Changes
LeanDNA runs on Amazon Linux. Access to LeanDNA
• Changes to site and company settings
Amazon Linux instances is highly restricted. A bastion host
• Changes to the setup configuration for Metrics, Lean
accepts external SSH connections which may forward
Projects, or Supply Chain
traffic within the datacenter. Acquiring a connection to
the bastion requires presenting a Time-based One-Time
Privileged Access
Password (TOTP) in addition to public key authentication.
• LeanDNA admin (privileged) access is also logged:
Console access to the bastion is restricted to administrative
• AWS Account creation, role changes, and account
users within the operations team. For interactive access to
any other system, users must first connect to the bastion
• Terminal access to AWS instances
host and present a TOTP, then connect from the bastion to
• Database access
the system of interest.
Application servers and other internal services are run MONITORING AND ALERTING
within containers (OS-level virtualization) which isolate An external service regularly monitors the availability of the
filesystem, process, and network access. Access to the web application. When downtime is detected, alerts go out
container orchestration API is private, authenticated, to on-duty staff using smartphone apps, instant messages
and isolated to a distinct administrative bastion for each and emails. In addition, anomalies in LeanDNA logs are
operating environment. reported as email alerts to LeanDNA DevOps. Abnormal
usage of AWS resources such as low disk space or memory
A dedicated SFTP server allows external connections for generates email alerts. Active data pipeline monitoring
customer data uploads. All connections are authenticated detects and alerts our teams if customer data imports do
and encrypted and operate in a chroot environment. not complete successfully and on time.
File permissions further restrict customer accounts from
exploring the file system.
VENDOR AND PARTNER MANAGEMENT LeanDNA does not own, house, or manage its own cloud
LeanDNA’s vendor risk assessment review process occurs infrastructure. Business critical systems are either vendor-
before service begins, and at a quarterly cadence for provided, cloud-based software solutions, or internally-
existing vendors. Security Personnel audit and decide if a developed software which is hosted with high-availability
vendor is a critical vendor based on predefined conditions. cloud providers.
LeanDNA uses SaaS/Cloud vendors exclusively for services
related to data handling. As such, if a vendor is deemed In the event of an unexpected outage or disruption at
critical (before or after starting to use their services), a any office location, employees are able to work remotely
cloud-specific risk assessment shall be conducted. If a and continue customer support and normal business
vendor cannot produce evidence that shows conformance operations.
with either SOC 2 Type II, or ISO 27001, alternative vendors
are evaluated. If no alternative is found, the vendor RTO/RPO/SLA
must complete the Consensus Assessments Initiative LeanDNA maintains a 99.5% availability SLA for all
Questionnaire that is published by the Cloud Security customers. Because LeanDNA performs daily backups, the
Alliance. Answers must be reviewed and vetted by Security Recovery Point Objective (RPO) is 24 hours. The Recovery
Personnel. Time Objective (RTO) is four hours.