60 Ee 001

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K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology – Autonomous R2022

Common to CSE, IT, AIDS, AIML, MECH, MCT, BT, FT and CIVIL Branches
60 EE 001 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Hours/Week Total Credit Maximum Marks
L T P Hours C CA ES Total
I 3 0 0 3 3 40 60 100
Electrical Circuits
DC Circuits: Circuit Components: Resistor, Inductor, Capacitor – Ohm’s Law - Kirchhoff’s
Laws– Simple problems.
Introduction to AC Circuits and Parameters: Waveforms, Average value and RMS Value of [9]
Sinusoidal Waveform real power, reactive power and apparent power, power factor –
Steady state analysis of RLC series circuits- Simple problems. Introduction to three phase
AC circuits
Electrical Machines*
Construction and Working principle - Separately and Self excited DC Generators, EMF
equation, Types and Applications. Working Principle of DC motors, Torque Equation, Types
and Applications. Construction, Working principle and Applications of Transformer,
Three phases Alternator,
Synchronous motor and Three Phase Induction Motor.
Electrical Installations*
Domestic wiring, types of wires and cables, earthing, protective devices- switch fuse unit-
Miniature Circuit Breaker-Moulded Case Circuit Breaker- Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker,
Batteries and types, UPS, Safety precautions and First Aid.
Analog Electronics
Introduction to Semiconductor Materials– PN Junction Diodes, Zener Diode –
Characteristics and Applications – Bipolar Junction Transistor - Biasing and Configuration
(NPN) - Regulated Power Supply Unit, Switched Mode Power Supply*.
Measurements and Instrumentation
Functional Elements of an Instrument, Standards and Calibration, Operating Principle,
Types -Moving Coil and Moving Iron meters, Operating Principles and Types of Wattmeter, [9]
Energy Meter, Instrument Transformers-CT and PT, DSO- Block Diagram- Data
Total Hours: 45
Text Book(s):
Kothari DP and I.J Nagrath, “Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering”, Second Edition,
McGraw Hill Education, 2020.
A.K. Sawhney, Puneet Sawhney ‘A Course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements &
Instrumentation’, Dhanpat Rai and Co, 2015.
Kothari DP and I.J Nagrath, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill
Education, 2019.
2. Albert Malvino, David Bates, ‘Electronic Principles, McGraw Hill Education; 7th edition, 2017.
Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph A. Edminister, “Electric Circuits”, Schaum’ Outline Series, McGraw
Hill, 2002.
4. H.S. Kalsi, ‘Electronic Instrumentation’, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
*SDG 9 – Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

Rev. No.0/w.e.f. 01.07.2024

Passed in BoS Meeting held on 21.05.2024
Approved in Academic Council Meeting held on 25.05.2024

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