2. Which was the first book printed by Gutenberg? 3. When was the first paperback edition of books printed? 4. Name the books sold by travelling paddler? 5. Which of the reading sources were popular among women? 6. Vernacular Press act of 1878 was modeled on which act? 7. Name the oldest printed book in Japan? 8. Name the countries where printing developed initially. 9. Who was responsible for protestant reformation? 10. Who was the author of Gulamgiri? 11. Who brought woodblock printing to Europe? 12. When and how was printing introduced to India? 13. Printing is the ultimate gift of God and the greatest one. Who said these lines? 14. Name two Persian newspapers published in 1822.
Long Answer type questions (3/5 marks)
1. Wood Block Printing came to Europe after 1295. Explain
2. Print culture created the conditions within which French revolution occurred? Give reasons 3. What are manuscripts? Discuss their limitations. 4. Print not only stimulate the publication of conflicting opinions amongst communities, but also connected communities and people in different parts of India. Elucidate 5. Discuss the role of Print culture in encouraging the role of Nationalism in India 6. Why printed books became popular among the less literate people? 7. Why was vernacular press act passed in India? 8. The division within the catholic Church was brought about by Print revolution. Discuss. 9. What was the reaction of Society towards women literacy? How women reacted? 10. What methods were adopted to popularize printed books among people? 11. Explain the effect of print revolution? 12. Why did some people fear the effect of easily available printed books? choose one example from Europe and one from India. 13. Describe the drawbacks of handwritten manuscripts in comparison to printed materials? 14. Why couldn’t the production of manuscripts satisfy the ever-increasing demand for books? Give reasons? 15. Explain the factors that led to rise of Print culture in Europe? 16. What steps were taken by he British to curb freedom of Press in India? 17. What was the impact of Print culture on Indian women? Explain with the help of examples.