08 Chapter 3
08 Chapter 3
08 Chapter 3
Gwalior, 1967, P. 70
f'' -l
Municipal Revenue
Tax Revenue Non Tax Revenue
I I (1) Property and
6)Tax on dogs.
7)Betterment Tax.
8)Tax on advertisement
9)Theater Tax.
10)Tax on deeds.
Municipal Taxes
funds from the people. These funds are used for the
mentioned below.
(b) An octroi.
(d) A tax on Cinema, theaters, circuses, carnivals,
Provided that —-
official year.
shall be payable.
revenues of municipality.
Table No. 1.
1970-71 To 1986-87.
(Rs. in lakhs)
The income from rates and taxes was Rs. 66.49 lakhs.
the level of Rs. 281.58 and Rs. 250.81. Thus the Sangli
1) Octroi.
of revenue.
* .
Table No. 2.
(Income Rs. in lakhs)
Sr. Years Income Per capita collection
No. of octroi Rs.
Table No. 3.
Non-Tax revenue.
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sr. Y e ar s Total tax & Income from %of octroi
No. Non t ax Octroi in total tax
revenue & non tax
1) 1970-71 66.49 24.95 37.53
2) 1972-72 66.85 26.54 39.70
3) 1972-73 76.13 27.52 36.14
4) 1973-74 82.89 30.82 37.17
5) 1974-75 105.37 37.18 35.18
6) 1975-76 128.90 51.11 39.65
7) 1976-77 163.7§ 61.15 37.34
8) 1977-78 164.99 69.33 42.01
9) 1978-79 180.98 72.88 40.27
10) 1979-80 228.69 82.53 36.08
11) 1980-81 269.11 103.27 38.37
12) 1981-82 329.11 121.00 36.77
13) 1982-83 399.63 142.25 35.60
14) 1983-84 383.13 147.90 88.60
15) 1984-85 412.40 153.02 37.10
16) 1985-86 519.02 191.41 36.88
17) 1986-87 473.29 245.87 51.95
Refund# etc.
enter the city by small paths which do not have octroi nakas.
to a subordinate agency.
of exports.
local body.
the process.
well staffed.
of this tax.
following ways.
and cess-pools.
provided the owner thereof does not own any other building
Administration of Act
Unexoloited Potential
result of....
from the above bodies, just has they would in the case of
be a solution.
1) 1970-71 13.57
2) 1971-72 9.81
3) 1972-73 14.65,
4) 1973-74 16.85
5) 1974-75 18.06
6) 1975-76 20.41
7) 1976-77 25.35
(8) 1977-78 18.89
9) 1978-79 28.82
10) 1979-80 26.05
more bouancy.
Table Mo. 5.
1) 1970-71 —
2) 1972-72 mmmm
3) 1972-73 —
4) 1971-7* mmmm
5) 1974-75 —
6) 1975-76 «»MI
7) 1976-77 3700
8) 1977-78 2250
9) 1978-79 150
10) 1979-80 mb mm
11) 1980-81 —
12) 1981-82 —
13) 1982-83 —
14) 1983-84 mmmm
15) 1984-85 —
16) 1984-85 mmmm
17) 1985-86 —
18) 1986-87
The data from table no. 5 show that Municipality
the city are taxed. The fixation of wheel tax and animal
Table No. 6.
(1971 to 1987)
(Figuresin Rupees)
1) 1970-71 2918
2) 1971-72 —
3) 1972-73 465
4) 1973-74 349
5) 1974-75 844
6) 1975-76 209
7) 1976-77 —
8) 1977-78
9) 1978-79 —
10) 1979-80 —
11) 1980-81
12) 1981-82 ——
13) 1982-83 ——
14) 1983-84
15) 1984-85 ——
16) 1985-86 ——
17) 1986-87 ——
Service Taxes.
makes arrangements.
Table Ho. 7
(Rs. In lakhs)
Sr.No. Years Income
1) 1970-71 —
2) 1971-72 —
3) 1972-73
4) 1973-74 —
5) 1974-75 —
6) 1975-76 —
7) 1976-77 0.11
8) 1977-78
9) 1978-79 0.23
Table No. 8.
1) 1970-71 0.60
2) 1971-72 0.73
3) 1972-73 0.77
4) 1973-74 0.76
5) 1974-75 0.77
6) 1975-76 0.79
7) 1976-77 0.78
8) 1977-78 0.78
9) 1978-79 0.81
in 1986-87.
Table No. 9.
(Rs. in lacks)
1) 1970-71 0.34
2) 1971-72 0.41
3) 1972-73 0.57
4) 1973-74 0.59
5) 1974-75 0.66
6) 1975-76 0*66
7) 1976-77 0.72
8) 1977-78 0,58
9) 1978-79 0.69