WT Syllabus L&T
WT Syllabus L&T
WT Syllabus L&T
– II Semester
(Common to CSE and CSSE)
COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able
CO1. Demonstrate knowledge on web page design elements, dynamic content and
database connection.
CO2. Analyze user requirements to develop web applications.
CO3. Design client-server applications using web technologies.
CO4. Demonstrate problem solving skills to develop enterprise web applications.
CO5. Apply HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap and PHP technologies for device
independent web application development.
CO6. Apply web technologies to develop interactive, dynamic and scalable web
applications for societal needs.
Total Periods: 45
Topics for self-study are provided in the lesson plan
1. Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, HTML 5 Black Book: Covers CSS3, JavaScript, XML,
XHTML, AJAX, PHP and JQuery, Dreamtech Press, First Edition, 2011.
2. W. Jason Gilmore, Beginning PHP and MySQL, APress, Fourth Edition, 2011.
1. Snig Bahumik, Bootstrap Essentials, PACKT Publishing, First Edition, 2015. (e-book).
2. Thomas A. Powell, The Complete Reference: HTML and CSS, Tata McGraw Hill, Fifth
Edition, 2010.
3. Andrea Tarr, PHP and MySQL, Willy India, First Edition, 2012.
COURSE OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students will be able
CO1. Demonstrate knowledge on web page design elements, dynamic content and
database connection.
CO2. Analyze user requirements to develop web applications.
CO3. Design client-server applications using web technologies.
CO4. Demonstrate problem solving skills to develop enterprise web applications.
CO5. Apply HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap and PHP technologies for device
independent web application development.
CO6. Apply web technologies to develop interactive, dynamic and scalable web
applications for societal needs.
CO7. Work independently or in teams to solve problems with effective communication.
1. Design the following static web pages of an online book store web application.
a. Home Page:
Home Best Sellers Contact Us Search
Electrical HTML5 Black Book
Bio-Tech Kogent Learning Solutions
More Details
Dreamtech Press
Rs. 570/-
c. Registration Page:
Design the Registration page with the following fields and navigate it with create
an account link.
i. First Name ii. Last Name iii. Gender
iv. Date of Birth v. Username vi. Password
vii. Confirm Password viii. Address ix. Postal Code
x. Mobile No. xi. Email-Id
2. a. Design a web page to store username and password information using the local
storage concept.
b. Design a web page to store employee information including Name, Emp. Id,
Department, Salary and Address on a client’s machine using a real SQL database.
3. Apply the following styles to all web pages of online book store web application.
a. Fonts and Styles: font-family, font-style, font-weight and font-size
b. Backgrounds and colors: color, background-color, background-image and
c. Text: text-decoration, text-transformation, text-align and text-indentation, text-
d. Borders: border, border-width, border-color and border-style
e. Styles for links: A: link, A: visited, A: active, A: hover
f. Selectors, Classes, Layers and Positioning elements.
5. Design a web page with the following features using HTML5, JavaScript and JQuery
a. Displaying of images with Custom animated effects
b. Playing of selected video from the list of videos
c. Showing the animated text in increasing and decreasing font size
d. Changing the size of the area in a web page using DIV tag
e. Hiding and Showing elements in a web page.
6. Design a web page with the following features using Bootstrap and Media Query.
a. Components
b. Responsive tables
c. Responsive images and videos
d. Toolbars, Buttons and Lists
7. a. Deploy and navigate web pages of online book store using WAMP/XAMPP web
b. Write a PHP program to read user name and favorite color from the HTML form.
Display the name of the user in green color and sets user favorite color as a
background for the web page.
8. Write a PHP code to read the username and password entered in the Login form of
the online book store and authenticate with the values available in cookies. If user
enters a valid username and password, welcome the user by username otherwise
display a message stating that, entered details are invalid.
9. Write a PHP code to read user details entered through the registration web page and
store the same into MySQL database.
10. Write a PHP code for storing books details like Name of the book, author, publisher,
edition, price, etc into MySQL database. Embed a PHP code in catalogue page of the
online book store to extract books details from the database.