Art I Coli Eee Transactions
Art I Coli Eee Transactions
Art I Coli Eee Transactions
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1 author:
Vasile Obreja
National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies - IMT Bucharest
All content following this page was uploaded by Vasile Obreja on 29 May 2014.
Abstract—At this time, little importance is given to the surface is the charge carriers intrinsic concentration. Power diodes in-
component of reverse leakage current of silicon pn-junctions al- volved in new developed applications [9], [10] may experience
though reliability issues reveal device blocking weakness when per- high surge values of the current in reverse direction with high
forming at high voltage and temperature. Junctions which have
almost the same perimeter but different area have been realized reached peaks of the junction temperature.
and their reverse current has been measured at room temperature Fewer experimental results about behavior at reverse bias
and high temperature both for standard recovery and fast recovery voltage and high operation temperature of silicon power
(gold-doped or electron irradiated) pn-junctions. It is shown that junctions have been published. In [1], are shown reverse
for standard recovery junctions the surface component of the re- current-voltage ( - ) characteristics from room temperature
verse current is the primary component from room temperature
up to above 150 C and has influence on reaching high permissible up to 220 C for a silicon rectifier diode of 16.5 mm junction
working voltages. For gold-doped or electron irradiated junctions, diameter. The characteristics are shown up to 200 V reverse
the bulk component is dominant at high junction temperature, but voltage. of about 7 mA at 10 V reverse voltage and around
it is shown that a comparatively negligible surface component can 10 mA at 100 V are evidenced as typical values for 200 C
impose lower reverse working voltages or lower junction operation
junction temperature. The analysis carried out concludes that
temperature. The surface component may be a cause of limitation
on the operation of power silicon diodes at high reverse voltage the surface component of reverse current is negligible in
above 175–200 C junction temperature. comparison with the bulk component. Later in [4], results about
Index Terms—High temperature, high voltage, junction passiva- the level of at 2000 V reverse voltage and 175 C junction
tion, leakage current, semiconductor device. temperature were reported for a power rectifier diode whose
structure dimensions do not differ much from the corresponding
ones for the diode used in [1]. Statistical data indicated that
for polymide passivated diode structures, was above 10
Fig. 2. Reverse electrical characteristics at room temperature for silicon Fig. 4. Reverse electrical characteristics for silicon junctions of approximately
junctions of approximately the same perimeter but very different area. Solid the same perimeter but very different area at high junction temperature 150 C
line: the same surface treatment. Dashed and dotted line: different surface (the same structures used for Figs. 2–3).
treatment. The dimensions according to the structure shown in Fig. 1.
exists between their areas so that the perimeter ratio of the central
and a half-ring junction is not lower than 0.85, but the area
ratio is of 10 or 14. The measurements have been performed on
nonpassivated junctions and, as mentioned earlier, without any
measure to minimize the surface reverse current component. In
Figs. 2–4, reverse current–voltage – characteristics at room
temperature, 100 C, and 150 C are shown for standard diffused
and gold-doped structures with the three junctions separated, as
shown in Fig. 1. As expected, the reverse current is dominated by
the surface component in the case of standard diffused junctions
and by the bulk component in the case of fast recovery junctions
obtained by gold doping. After the gold doping at 900 C, the
increase of reverse current may exceed two orders of magnitude.
From Fig. 2, one can see that an additional etching of the central
junction may lead to visible change in the level of reverse current
for the standard recovery junction, but not for the fast recovery
junction (the dashed line characteristic is shown only for the
standard diode because for the fast diode, the new electrical char-
acteristic is identical with the previous characteristic). In the case
of fast recovery junction, some increase of on behalf of the
surface component becomes visible after the central junctions
were electrochemically contacted by a layer of nickel and then Fig. 6. Electrical characteristics at room temperature and high junction tem-
again etched for a short time (the dotted line characteristics). For peratures for three gold diffused junctions at 850 C (approximately the same
the standard junction, this surface treatment leads to a significant perimeter but different area). Solid line—the same junction surface treatment.
Dotted line—different junction surface treatment.
increase of of about one order of magnitude. At higher
junction temperature, as shown in Figs. 3–4, the corresponding
electrical characteristics for the mentioned surface treatments Fig. 7 shows current–voltage characteristics for electron irra-
of the central junctions (dotted line or dashed line) have been diated junctions. The structure with the three junctions has been
not shown anymore because for the fast diode there is no visible obtained this time by using a nonpassivated electron irradiated
change in the level of reverse current and for the standard diode mesa structure of 9.5 mm diameter with slight positive bevel
the change of is lower than for the room temperature case angle which is not significantly different from a right angle.
(under one order of magnitude). Fig. 5 shows current–voltage Only an inner circle of 7 mm diameter was necessary to obtain a
characteristics for the standard recovery junctions at tempera- structure like that shown in Fig. 1. Before irradiation, a value
tures higher than 100–150 C. In comparison with the situation of about 35 s was measured. After irradiation, a value of about
at 100 C, the reverse current of the central junction becomes 1.5 s was found. A storage for 3–5 h of the irradiated structures
higher than the corresponding level for the outer half-ring at 300 C has led to a decrease of the reverse leakage current and
junctions. Nevertheless, the difference remains under one order an increase of to about 12 s. As seen from Fig. 7, no signif-
of magnitude at a junction temperature of 270 C so that the icant difference exists between the reverse current of the central
surface component is not negligible in comparison with the junction and the two half-ring junctions, from room temperature
bulk component as in the case of gold-doped junctions. up to 150 C. Such a difference is visible at temperatures higher
If the gold diffusion is made at a lower temperature, e.g., than 150 C. For electron irradiated junctions, it has been found
850 C, then values of around 1.0 s are obtained and the that even after their passivation [13], the surface component of
level of the reverse current is lower than the corresponding one the reverse current may be dominant up to 100–125 C.
for a diffusion at 900 C. – characteristics for junctions dif-
fused at 850 C are shown in Fig. 6. This time, an influence
of the surface component on the current–voltage characteristics
can be seen at room temperature. At low reverse voltage, the The above mentioned experimental results show that un-
leakage current ratio is lower than 6 (the junction area ratio) and controlled electrical phenomena taking place at the junction
higher than 6 toward 100 V. A short etching after nickel contact peripheral surface can seriously limit the permissible device
metallization of the junction peripheral surface of the central working reverse voltage due to strong voltage dependence of
structure reveals an influence on the reverse current from low , appearing at much lower reverse voltage than for the case of
reverse voltage (the dotted line characteristic) at room temper- similar passivated devices. Our target has been to passivate the
ature but not at higher temperature. For of 3–5 s (obtained structures used for Figs. 2–7 in order to minimize the surface
by gold doping at a temperature lower than 850 C), compa- component of and to reach reverse voltages of 1000 V
rable values of for the three junctions have been found up to and even higher, as is the case for standard manufactured
100–125 C, but at higher temperature the reverse current of the diodes when using silicon diffused wafers with the same
central junction is dominant. characteristics. Unfortunately, to date, the experiment could
according to the second term in(1) even for standard fabricated and takes place after irradiation, but the reverse current level
high-voltage diodes cannot be considered sure experimental evi- does not change significantly up to 100–125 C [13], as is the
dence for a dominance of the generated current in the bulk space case for gold-doped junctions. As one can see from Fig. 7 after
charge region because a dominant surface component of can high-temperature annealing, due to a reduction of the genera-
have a similar dependence [11]. The – characteristic with tion-recombination centers leading to increase of about an
unusual voltage dependence for the one of outer half-ring junc- order of magnitude, lower values of the reverse current are ob-
tions (Fig. 2) has been caused by possible mechanical damage tained. Above 150 C this current decrease takes place mainly
to the crystalline lattice near the junction perimeter which acci- on behalf of the bulk component but below 150 C lower values
dentally has occurred in measurements. Such a behavior is due of reverse current are due to a reduction of the surface com-
to an excessive high surface component. As can been seen from ponent. At 24 C, from Fig. 7, one can even see a tendency
Figs. 3–5, this anomaly disappears at high temperature. While of increase of after carrier lifetime increase because of the
at high junction temperature (see Figs. 3 and 4) almost the same fluctuations in the level of the dominant surface component for
voltage dependence for the room temperature case is manifested nonpassivated junctions. From Fig. 7, it can be seen that the in-
by the heavy gold-doped junctions; for the long carrier lifetime troduction of generation-recombination centrers by irradiation
junctions less voltage dependence is exhibited. A saturation ten- may also increase the level of the surface component in compar-
dency is visible, for example, at 150 C at low voltage, although ison with the situation when these centers are not present. The
the surface leakage current is still the primary component. The same behavior may be valid for irradiation with light ions. A sig-
behavior at 200 C and 270 C (see Fig. 5) could be caused nificant change of the effective doping density in the diode base
by the bulk diffusion component becoming noticeable above after irradiation has not been found for diodes with an avalanche
150 C. A saturation tendency of the current, especially for the breakdown voltage of 800–1000 V.
central junction, could support such a supposition. Nevertheless, As a consequence, the generation current component given
such a saturation tendency has been observed in other experi- by (1) is not very useful for explaining the behavior at reverse
ments when the surface component is dominant. On the other bias voltage of power junctions.According to [11], a variation
hand, for another experiment using standard recovery wafers such as or 0.6 eV activation energy has also been found for a
with a of 40–45 s, no significant difference between the dominant surface component. Concerning behavior at low for-
reverse current of the central junction and of the half-ring junc- ward voltage of 0.1–0.3 V, it has been found that the forward
tions has been found at 200–250 C. Taking into account that, current of the three junctions from the standard diffused wafer
for the junctions used in Fig. 5 has a value of about 20 s, (Figs. 2–4) does not differ by more than a factor of two. Conse-
it is possible that above 150–200 C, the diffusion bulk compo- quently, the forward current at low voltage may be dominated by
nent will become visible. A significant surface component still the surface component instead of the bulk recombination com-
present at 250–300 C may explain why present-day manufac- ponent, as was also revealed in [11]. Almost the same difference,
tured silicon standard recovery diodes cannot have a reliable op- by a factor at least ten, has been found for the low-voltage for-
eration at such temperature values and high reverse voltage. To ward current as for the reverse current in the case of gold-doped
reach such junction operation temperatures for silicon devices, junctions. On the other hand, fast diodes obtained by electron
further advancement in the junction passivation techniques is irradiation may have the same value of near room tempera-
necessary to enable a lower level of the surface reverse current ture as the similar nonirradiated ones, although at low forward
component in comparison with the present state of the art. voltage the direct current is significantly different. Such a be-
An excessive high level for the of gold-doped junctions havior at low forward bias voltage could be attributed to the
in comparison with similar undoped junctions could be under- recombination current component in the depletion layer of the
stood according to (1) by significant decrease of and as a gold-doped or electron irradiated junction. However, this is not
consequence of generation-recombination centres presence. A supported by a visible voltage dependence of the reverse cur-
dominance of the first term component from (1) for gold-doped rent due to the generation of carriers in the depletion layer for
junctions seems to be supported by less voltage dependence of gold-doped junctions or bulk component change at room
reverse current. Also, some change of the effective doping den- temperature after irradiation.
sity due to the presence of the gold atoms in the base may In [12], this behavior was explained by a drastic reduction of
contribute to the level of if in (1) decreases by com- the junction built-in voltage in the case of the fast recovery diode
pensation of some donor centers when heavy doping is per- due to the low carrier lifetime. For this reason, at low forward bias
formed. Nonetheless, for gold doping at 850 C, no significant voltage the fast recovery junction is more open for the flowing
change in the effective doping concentration in the base has current than a similar standard recovery junction. Consequently,
been found [12], because about the same avalanche breakdown a significant forward current flows through the gold-doped junc-
voltage value of approximately 1300 V has been found before tion after little increase of the direct bias voltage in comparison
and after the gold doping of low-power rectifier diodes. Experi- with the similar undoped junction. For this reason, at reverse bias
mental observations may indicate visible difference in the level voltage for the gold-doped junction, the current in our opinion,
of for standard recovery junctions of the same area but with is mainly determined from carriers generated in the low-doped
significant different values. Nonetheless, such a behavior is neutral region (diffusion component), because the density of
caused by the surface component[12]. charge carriers near the border of the depletion layer is much
What cannot be explained by (1) is the behavior of electron higher than for the standard recovery junction. A gradient dis-
irradiated junctions. A significant change of and hence of tribution of the carriers along the neutral low-doped region
starting from the edge of the depletion layer at reverse bias, al- using the planar process. Special junction terminations, such as
most does not exist for the gold-doped diode as in the case of the multiple rings and other methods, enabled planar junctions to
similar standard recovery diode, due to much lower carrier life- overcome the junction curvature effect and to reach permissible
time. A mismatch of activation energy value found experimen- working reverse voltages closer to the values obtained by using
tally under 1.0 eV, despite the fact that the first term of (1) indi- mesa technology (plane junctions). Inorganic dielectrics, such as
cates proportionality with , could be attributed to the fact that SiO and other suitable junction protective layers for the planar
some suppositions admitted for (1) may be not valid (e.g., low- process, are used instead of organic dielectrics in the mesa tech-
level injection) in the case of gold-doped junctions. nology. The question now arises: “Does the surface component
For standard recovery junctions it has been shown [11] that, of have any influence on the – reverse electrical character-
after the passivation process, significant lower values of reverse istic of advanced junctions?” As demonstrated in [11], the sur-
leakage current are obtained both at low and high reverse voltage face component of and its related effects do not disappear by
due to the reduction of the surface component. Nevertheless, the using advanced developed processes. As an example, we could
surface current component can still remain the primary compo- mention that N P junctions fabricated by using an n-channel
nent. For gold-doped junctions, a reduction of the reverse cur- MOSFET process exhibited excessive high leakage reverse cur-
rent after passivation may take place at higher reverse voltage rent when some change was made in the nitrous oxide passiva-
but not at low voltage. A reduction of the surface component tion layer [14]. Such a junction surface treatment, which is com-
after passivation is not visible at low reverse voltage because pletely different from the treatment applied to the central junc-
the bulk component is dominant even when excessive surface tion of the standard recovery diode in Fig. 2 (dotted curve) leads
leakage current is present. At high reverse voltage where the to a similar effect. Furthermore, as demonstrated in [8], advanced
surface component may become comparable with the bulk com- power diodes manufactured by using a junction termination ex-
ponent, this reduction is detectable. tension exhibited serious reduction of the reverse voltage (ini-
A negligible surface component in comparison with the tially of 3500 V) to 2000 V only after a high-temperature re-
bulk component for gold-doped diodes does not mean that this verse bias stress of 1000 V at 165 C for 7000 s. Such a behavior
component cannot influence their performance. As shown in was attributed to charge changes at the silicon nitrous oxide cov-
Figs. 2–4 for the standard recovery junctions, their – char- ering the junction peripheral surface. A similar effect of lowering
acteristics could not be explored above 100–300 V because of the initial measured reverse voltage well above 1000 V has been
device failure imminence due to the surface breakdown caused found for mesa junction devices with passivation insufficiencies
by excessive high surface reverse current. The same behavior when they are stored a long time without applied reverse bias
is valid for gold-doped junctions. Such a limitation is still valid voltage at a temperature of 150–175 C. These are not the only
for higher voltages above 1000 V, available after passivation examples which prove that the stability of the reverse current of
when the maximum permissible working voltage cannot reach today’s power device junctions still depends on electrical phe-
values close to the theoretical bulk breakdown voltage. Even nomena taking place at the semiconductor-dielectric interface
in the case where the surface component for gold-doped which is in contact with the pn-junction.
diodes is at the same level as for the similar standard recovery
ones, this hidden component may lead to an imminent device
failure without the possibility of its monitoring by means of
the noticeable increase of the reverse current. Unlike the bulk
component, the surface component is nonuniformly distributed We know from semiconductor surface physics, that the
over the junction area. It flows only through a very thin surface charge due to surface states or fixed ions induces a
layer at the junction peripheral surface. Moreover, the current space charge layer in the semiconductor surface region. In
distribution around the junction perimeter may be nonuniform. our opinion, although considerable advancements have taken
Consequently, a surface current lower than the bulk dominant place in the silicon junction manufacturing processes, this
current may cause a local overheating in comparison with surface space charge layer is still unavoidable. When little
the rest of the silicon structure. This overheating can lead the importance is given to the contamination of the junction
reverse electrical characteristic instability through local thermal peripheral surface from the surrounding ambience, as is the
runaway, resulting in catastrophic device failure. Because the case with the results shown in Figs. 2–7, then a strong surface
surface component is not very noticeable, it is more difficult for accumulation layer (see Fig. 8) or a strong inversion layer
fast recovery diodes to reach the same high working voltages (see Fig. 9) adjacent to the semiconductor-dielectric interface
as standard recovery diodes. As a consequence, the task of a is present. Such semiconductor surface layers are favored by
tight control by passivation of the surface component for a silicon of higher resistivity. These surface layers are first shown
gold-doped diode that can be negligible in comparison with its at zero bias voltage both for a mesa and a planar junction.
exhibited current is important for the standard recovery diodes. A deposition of dielectric layer on an already contaminated,
The results and discussions presented thus far in this paper noncleaned junction peripheral surface has almost no effect on
have been related to mesa technology mostly used in the past for the – characteristics. When reverse bias voltage is applied,
the manufacture of power silicon devices. The availability of the the formed junction bulk depletion layer is affected near the
planar technology that has contributed to significant advance in junction peripheral surface. A lower width is possible at the
the development of power MOS and IGBT power devices has junction peripheral surface than in its bulk. Consequently, a
determined that even simple junction diodes can be realized by higher intensity for the electric field is favored although positive
Fig. 8. Strong surface accumulation layers for mesa and planar junctions (1:
passivation dielectric layer; 2: surface space charge layer). (a) Mesa junction, An experiment for mesa silicon junctions of about the same
zero bias voltage. (b) Planar junction, zero bias voltage. (c) Mesa junction under
reverse bias voltage. (d) Planar junction under reverse bias voltage.
perimeter but significant different area has revealed a possible
contribution of the surface component to the level of reverse
leakage current of present-day manufactured pn-junction silicon
power devices. For gold-doped diodes known for their high
excessive leakage reverse current, it has been shown that, in
spite of a dominant bulk component, even an initial negligible by
comparison surface component may limit the maximum permis-
sible reverse working voltage or maximum permissible junction
operation temperature. For electron irradiated junctions, it has
been found that the surface component may be the primary
component up to 100–150 C. For standard recovery junctions
(high carrier lifetime in their base) the surface component
of reverse current may be dominant from room temperature
up to 250–300 C junction temperature. A limitation of the
permissible reverse working voltage or of the junction operation
temperature of present-day manufactured silicon power devices,
is due to junction reverse electrical characteristic instability
leading to catastrophic device failure through thermal runaway
Fig. 9. Strong surface inversion layers for mesa and planar junctions (1:
caused by the surface component. A pn-junction rough physical
passivation dielectric layer; 2 and 3: surface space charge layer formed by model taking into consideration electrical phenomena near the
inversion and depletion layers). (a) Mesa junction, zero bias voltage. (b) Planar silicon-dielectric interface provides at least a qualitative expla-
junction, zero bias voltage. (c) Mesa junction under reverse bias voltage. (d)
Planar junction under reverse bias voltage.
nation of the presented results. Advancement in the performance
of power silicon devices is possible by further reduction of the
surface reverse current component through suitable junction
bevel angle or proper junction termination for a planar process passivation techniques leading to optimization of the surface
is achieved. Due to higher electrical field, surface breakdown space electric charge layer both at low and high temperature.
may appear at lower voltages. Solid line and dashed line
characteristics in Fig. 2 can be attributed to an accumulation ACKNOWLEDGMENT
layer whereas dotted line characteristics can be attributed to
a strong inversion layer. By junction passivation consisting The author wishes to thank Dr. E. Lakatos for providing the
of proper cleaning treatments and dielectric covering of the gold diffused silicon wafers processed at Baneasa S.A. Com-
junction peripheral surface, strong accumulation or inversion pany; colleague G. Dinoiu, and E. Iliescu from IFTAR Bucharest
layers are eliminated and improvement in the reverse electrical for the electron irradiation of junction structures. Thanks are also
characteristics is obtained. Nevertheless, a surface space due to the anonymous reviewers whose pertinent comments have
charge region, usually as a surface depletion region or even contributed to the improvement of this paper.
weak inversion or accumulation layers, is present. An ideal
desired case without any surface charge layer is not possible. REFERENCES
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