Literature Lesson Plan 1st Grade Am

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Lesson Plan Form

CSUDH - Teacher Education Department

Candidate: Subject(s): Grade Level(s): Date:

Adriana Marquez English Language 1st grade November 2014
Arts & Literacy
Reading Standards for Literature K-5
Key Ideas and Details
3. Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

Writing Standards K–2

Research to Build and Present Knowledge
8. With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from
provided sources to answer a question.

Language Standards K-5

Conventions of Standard English
1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or

I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):

Characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details will be described.


Students will describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.

III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
In the previous lesson, students retold stories, including key details. In the next lesson, students will
identify words and phrases in stories that suggest feelings.

A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activities):
“Today, I will read a favorite book of mine, Corduroy, by Don Freeman. But, first, let’s look at the
vocabulary words.” (Words are charted, will be pronounced with students repeating each word.)

“Why do you think I brought these words to you? (Students must respond in complete sentences.)
As you hear the story, listen for the vocabulary words, listen for the names of important people or
things, and what happens in the story.”
Corduroy, by Don Freeman is read.

“Which words from our vocabulary list did you hear? Who is Corduroy? What is a department
store? Who else is in the story? What happened to Corduroy? What else can you tell us about the
story? Let’s see what else you can tell us about the story…”

B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology with Student Activities):

Step #1: Name the important characters.
a. In pairs, give the names of the important people or things in the story and be able to tell one
thing that they did in the story.
b. Teacher listens to responses as pairs of students share their information.
Step #2: What happened to Corduroy?
a. How did Corduroy lose his button? What happened to Corduroy as he searched for his
button? Who helped
b. Teacher listens to students’ responses.
Step #3: Charting responses
a. In pairs, talk about why Corduroy is worried. And after Corduroy got lost, where did he go?
How did Corduroy get a new button?
b. Teacher charts responses, putting the contributing student’s name next to the statement.
Step #4: Application Task/Formative Assessment
a. Students complete Corduroy worksheet.
b. Teacher collects and corrects worksheet.
Step #5: Summative Assessment
a. Students make journal entries
b. Teacher shares some of the journal entries and has students share their favorite part of the

C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection):

*Vocabulary chart
*Blank chart for responses
*Marking pen
*Book, Corduroy by Don Freeman
*Corduroy Worksheet
*ELA journals

V. ASSESMENT STRATEGIES (Methods for Obtaining Evidence of Learning):

• FORMATIVE – See Step #4 and Application Task.
• SUMMATIVE – Process; the “why” of the lesson, ie: summarizing what was learned.


TPE #7: Teaching English Learners
• For visually and hearing impaired students, have them sit in the front of the class.
• For hyperactive students: Give them a specific task (monitor/helper)
• Working in pairs
• For ELL: working in pairs; proficient English learner with ELL
• Use manipulatives
• Visual aids, ie: charts, vocabulary cards
• Use ELMO projector
• Use whiteboards
• 1-1 assistance
• Paraprofessional/volunteer
• Video
• iPads, computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.
• iPods, CD’s


Draw pictures of the main events in the story, draw pictures of how Corduroy found what he
searched for and where this took place. Write one sentence telling your favorite part of the story,
using some of the vocabulary words.

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