Literature Lesson Plan 1st Grade Am
Literature Lesson Plan 1st Grade Am
Literature Lesson Plan 1st Grade Am
III. CURRICULUM CONNECTION (How lesson fits into larger unit sequence):
In the previous lesson, students retold stories, including key details. In the next lesson, students will
identify words and phrases in stories that suggest feelings.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activities):
“Today, I will read a favorite book of mine, Corduroy, by Don Freeman. But, first, let’s look at the
vocabulary words.” (Words are charted, will be pronounced with students repeating each word.)
“Why do you think I brought these words to you? (Students must respond in complete sentences.)
As you hear the story, listen for the vocabulary words, listen for the names of important people or
things, and what happens in the story.”
Corduroy, by Don Freeman is read.
“Which words from our vocabulary list did you hear? Who is Corduroy? What is a department
store? Who else is in the story? What happened to Corduroy? What else can you tell us about the
story? Let’s see what else you can tell us about the story…”