Quiz1 MIL Q2

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Digos City Senior High School

Brgy. Igpit, Digos City

Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

Second Quarter-Quiz

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Do not write anything onto this paper.

1. It is commonly used on the Web and is also a popular choice for application graphics.
a. PNG c. GIF
2. A format stores color data for each pixel in the image without any compression.
a. TIFF c. BMP
b. PNG d. GIF
3. An illusion of the surfaces peaks and valleys, resulting in a feeling of smoothness or roughness in
a. Value c. Line
b. Texture d. Shape
4. It is used for emphasis, or may elicit emotions from viewers.
a. Color c. Line
b. Shape d. Value
5. A geometric or organic area that stands out from the space next to or around it, or because of
differences in value, color, or texture.
a. Value c. Texture
b. Form d. Shape
6. It is a contrast between black and white and all the tones in between.
a. Shape c. Value
b. Form d. Texture
7. What kind of picture is this?
a. Photography
b. Data Visualization
c. Screenshots
d. Memes

8. Which among the following is not a type Visual Media?

a. PowerPoint Presentation
b. Calligraphy
c. Poster
d. Video
9. The following are visual design elements EXCEPT for:
a. Color c. Shape
b. Value d. Harmony
10. All of those are primary purpose of visual information, EXCEPT
a. Gain Attention c. Create meaning
b. Facilitate retention d. Improve the design
11. This is Visual Element is defined as the degree of light and dark in a design.
a. Form c. Texture
b. Value d. Harmony
12. It is used widely by people to express their ideas, opinions and sentiments.
a. Picture c. Video
b. 3D Image d. Graphic design
13. Which term best describes what the elements of design are?
a. Equipment and materials used to create artwork and designs, e.g. pencil, paper, brushes and
b. The essential and most basic components used to construct all designs and images.
c. The many ways in which we combine our images, symbols and type to create designs.
d. The hot part of a stove use for cooking up tasty designs.

14. Which element that is how dark or light something is.

a. Tone/Value
Digos City Senior High School
Brgy. Igpit, Digos City

Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

Second Quarter-Quiz
b. Shading
c. Intensity
d. Contrast
15. Which of the following BEST defines design?
a. Design is the process of communicating and promoting understanding.
b. Design is the process of making potentially purposeless items appear more useful.
c. Design is the process of creating anything we can see.
d. Design is the process of creating, or using the elements of art for utility or use and visual
16. The volume and shape of a three-dimensional work, perhaps including unfilled areas that are
integral to the work as a whole.
a. Line c. Texture
b. Form d. Color
17. The lightness or darkness of a color; contrasts between light and dark.
a. Value c. Shape
b. Shade d. Volume
18. A feeling of equality in weight, attention, or attraction of the various elements within a composition
as a means of accomplishing unity.
a. Balance c. Asymmetrical Balance
b. Symmetrical Balance d. Proportion
19. Refers to the relative size and scale of the various elements in a design.
a. Balance c. Asymmetrical Balance
b. Symmetrical Balance d. Proportion
20. Involves the use of patterning to achieve timed movement and a visual "beat".
a. Repetition c. Emphasis
b. White space d. Contrast
21. It marks the locations in a composition which most strongly draw the viewers attention.
a. Emphasis c. Contrast
b. Repetition d. Movement
22. Is the juxtaposition of opposing elements eg. opposite colors on the color wheel - red / green, blue /
orange etc.
a. Contrast c. Movement
b. Harmony d. Proportion
23. Which one is a design element?
a. Light and shadow
b. Light and dark
c. Sound and Vision
d. Shape and Form
24. What are the Elements of Design:
a. Design options c. The rules of design
b. The principles of design d. The tools used to create good design
25. Which of the following is NOT a reason you want to use white space?
a. Provides a rest for the eyes
b. Uses less ink when printing
c. Visually organizes what is on the page
d. All of the above

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