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Ethics and Values

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Foundation of Ethics

Ethics - is the capacity to determine right conduct and the knowledge of what is right from wrong;
specific moral choices to be made by the individual in his relationship with others; the moral quality of a
course of action, fitness and propriety.
Republic Act No. 6713 the "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.”
to uphold the time-honored principle of public service being a public trust, granting awards and
incentives for exemplary service, enumerating prohibited acts and transactions and providing penalties
for violations thereof and for other purposes.
Approved: February 20, 1989.
CRIME – an act committed or omitted in violation of law forbidding or commanding it. Simple
nonfeasance, misfeasance, or malfeasance by public servants or police officers that violates the
provisions of the RPC and other statutes may constitute the commission of the crime.
DISHONESTY – the concealment or distortion of truth in a manner of a fact relevant to one’s office or
connected with the performance of his duties.
DISLOYALTY TO THE GOVERNMENT – Consist of abandonment or renunciation of one’s loyalty to the
government of the Philippines, or advocating the overthrow of the government.
ETHICAL STANDARD – refers to the conduct and behavior governing a group, a class, or organization.
GIFT – Refers to the thing or right disposed gratuitously, or any act of liberty in favor of another who
accepts it, and shall include a simulated sale or ostensibly onerous disposition thereof. It shall not
include an unsolicited gift of nominal or insignificant value not given in anticipation of, or exchange for a
INCOMPETENCY – It is the manifested lack of adequate ability and fitness for the satisfactory
performance of police duties. This refers to any physical and intellectual quality, the lack of which
substantially incapacitates one to perform the duties of peace officers.
MALFEASANCE – It is the performance of some act which ought not to be done. It is the doing either
through ignorance, inattention or malice, of that which the officer had no legal right to do at all, as when
he acts without any authority whatsoever, or exceeds, ignores or abuse his powers. Or the performance
of some act which is unlawful or wrongful or which one has specially contracted not to perform or it is
sometimes called official misconduct.
MISCONDUCT – This is generally premeditated, obstinate or intentional purpose. It usually refers to
transgression of some established and definite rule of action, where no discretion is left except what
necessity may demand. It does not necessarily means corruption or criminal intention but implies wrong
intention and not mere error of judgment.
MISFEASANCE or Irregularities in the Performance of a Duty – It is the improper performance of some
act which might lawfully be done or the performance of a lawful act in an unlawfully or culpably
negligent manner.
MORALS AND MORALITY – It refers to what is judged as good conduct. The term moral is also used to
describe someone who has the capacity to make value judgments and discernment from wrong.
MOONLIGHTING – An act of a member of the PNP pursuing or following any calling or occupation or the
act of engaging in any business, which includes but not limited to all activities, jobs, work, and similar
functions, performed, engaged in or undertaken by him, in or off duty hours with or without
compensation, which is inconsistent or incompatible with the PNP duties and/or functions.
NONEFEASANCE OR NEGLECT OF DUTY – It is omission of some act, which ought to be performed. It is
the omission or refusal without sufficient excuse, to perform an act or duty, which is a peace officers
legal obligation to perform.
OPPRESSION – Imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful execution, or excessive use of authority.
POLICE CUSTOMS AND SOCIAL DECORUM – A set of norms and standards practiced by members during
social and other functions.
POLICE ETHICS – It is the practical science that treats the principle of human morality and duty as
applied to law enforcement.
PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT – It refers to the set of behavioral standard governing particular profession or
PUBLIC OFFICIAL – Includes elective and appointive officials and employees, permanent or temporary,
whether in the career or non- career service, including military and police personnel, whether they
receive compensation or not, regardless of amount.
PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE – Any persons holding any public office or employment by virtue of an
appointment, election, contract and any persons holding any office or employment, by appointment or
contract in any state-owned or controlled corporation.
VIOLATION OF LAW – Presupposes conviction in court of any crime or offense penalized under RPC or
any special law or ordinances.
Conflict of interest arises-when a public official or employee is a member of a board, an officer,or a
substantial stockholder of a private corporation or owner or has a substantial interest in a business, and
the interest of such corporation or business, or his rights or duties therein, may be opposed to or
affected by the faithful performance of official duty.
Commitment to public interest - Public officials and employees shall always uphold the public interest
over and above personal interest. All government resources and powers of their respective offices must
be employed and used efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically, particularly to avoid wastage
in public.
Professionalism - Public officials and employees shall perform and discharge their duties with the
highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall enter public service with
utmost devotion and dedication to duty. They shall endeavor to discourage wrong perceptions of their
roles as dispensers or peddlers of undue patronage.
Nationalism and patriotism - Public officials and employees shall at all times be loyal to the Republic
and to the Filipino people, promote the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology and
encourage appreciation and pride of country and people. They shall endeavor to maintain and defend
Philippine sovereignty against foreign intrusion.
Solicitation or acceptance of gifts - Public officials and employees shall not solicit or accept, directly or
indirectly, any gift, gratuity, favor, entertainment, loan or anything of monetary value from any person
in the course of their official duties or in connection with any operation being regulated by, or any
transaction which may be affected by the functions of their office.
Values – are beliefs, principles and philosophies that are important, cherished, prized, upheld and
Virtue – the quality of moral excellence, righteousness, probity, responsibility and goodness; conformity
to standard morality or mores (as by abstention from vices, rectitude); specific type of moral excellence
or other exemplary quality considered meritorious, a worthy practice or ideal
Maximum Tolerance - A conceptual policy laid down for observance of all law enforcement personnel to
exercise utmost restraint and self-control in the performance of their official functions.
Statements of Assets and Liabilities and Financial Disclosure - All public officials and employees, except
those who serve in an honorary capacity, laborers and casual or temporary workers, shall file under oath
their Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net Worth and a Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial
Connections and those of their spouses and unmarried children under eighteen (18) years of age living
in their households.
-Fear of the Lord (Pagkatakot sa Diyos).
-Faith (Pananalig)
-Close Family Ties (Makapamilya)
-Community Spirit (Bayanihan)
-Solidarity (Pakikibaka)
-Love for Others/Fellowmen (Pakikipagkapwa/Pakikisama)
-Knowledge (Karunungan)
-Love for Country or Patriotism (Pagmamahal sa Bayan)
-Responsible Citizenship (Mabuting Mamayan)
-Courage (Lakas or Tibay ng Loob)
Prudence- ability to govern and discipline oneself be means of reason and sound judgment. It is a virtue
that attracts the intellect to choose the most effective means of accomplishing what is morally good and
for avoiding what is evil.
Temperance- An ability to moderate or avoid something. It is a virtue that regulates the carnal appetite
for sensual pleasure.
Fortitude - Firmness of mind. It is the courage to endure without yielding. A virtue that incites courage.
It is exercise by means of:
*Patience- calmness and composure in enduring something;
*Perseverance- the ability to go on despite of the obstacles and opposition; and
*Endurance- it is the ability to last.
Justice - The virtue that inclines the will to give to each one of his rights. There are three (3) division of
justice, to wit:
*Commutative- virtue that regulates those actions that involve the rights that exist between one
*Distributive- it regulates those actions that involve the rights that an individual may claim from society;
*Legal- virtue that regulates those actions which society may justly require to the individual for the
common good.
1.Prevention of Crime and Disorder - The police have the responsibility to prevent and control crime.
2.Community Approval - The police have the responsibility to recognize that the fulfillment of its
function is dependent upon community by approval of its existence and on its ability to obtain and
maintain responsive support and participative cooperation.
3.Willingness of the People to Assist - The police have the responsibility to recognized that in order to
secure and maintain the approval, support and cooperation of the public, it has a collateral
responsibility of securing the willing assistance of the public in the task of securing observance of law.
4.Use of Physical Force and Compulsion - The police have the responsibility to recognized that when the
community cooperate and assist the police it diminishes proportionately the need for the use of physical
force and compulsion in achieving law enforcement objectives.
5.Offering of Individual Service to Preserve Public Favor - To seek and preserved public favor, not by
soliciting public opinion, but by constant demonstration of impartiality by ready offering members of the
community without regard to their wealth, friendship, social standing, and race and by ready offering of
individual sacrifice and to some extent, the sacrifice of relatives.
6.Resort Minimum Degree of Physical Force when Necessary -The use of physical force, only when the
exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient in the pursuit of law observance or
to restore order and shall restore only minimum degree of physical force necessary or any particular
occasions in achieving the enforcement objectives.
7.Police is the People and the People is the Police
8.Refrain from Usurping the Power of Judiciary - To recognize the need of strict adherence to the law,
refrain from usurping the power and authority of the judiciary in avenging individuals, judging guilt and
punishing the guilty.
9.Test of Police Efficiency - Crime prevention
10.Test of Law Enforcement Integrity - Presence of personal moral responsibility exemplified by virtuous
behavior and non- compromising law enforcement.
11.Constant Development of Police Education and Training - Achieved of professional service
Stability on the
12.Republic and the Strength of Democracy - To recognize the stability
13.Magnificent Principle:
*Love God;
*Honor the Government; and
*Respect the People.
14.People-Peacemaker, Police- Peacekeeper, LGU-Peace observer/observer
In summary, the Ethical Standard of the PNP is based on the following canons or criteria (these
are all embodied in the Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards):
1.Primordial Police Responsibility - the performance of the basic responsibility of the police which is the
protection of lives and properties.
2.Limitation of Police Authority - in the practice of law enforcement profession, there are always
boundaries to avoid violation of human rights.
3.Knowledge of the Law and other Responsibility - it is primarily requirement for a police officer to be
knowledgeable of the laws being enforced.
4.Use of proper Means to Obtain Proper Ends - it is the proper performance of not the nobleness of
objective or mission which should guide every police officer.
5.Cooperation with Public Officials - it is an irrefutable fact that the effective enforcement of laws
entails the cooperation of the other public officials and employees.
6.Proper Conduct and Behavior- Being a police officer is a noble profession, it follows that every law
enforcer must think, act and speak with decency and appropriately.
7.Conduct towards the Community
8.Conduct in Arresting Law Violator
9.Firmness in Refusing Gifts or Favors Impartial Presentation of Evidence
10.Attitude Towards Police Profession
COPCES (PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Standards)
1.Foster individual efficiency, behavioral discipline and organizational effectiveness, as well as respect
for constitutional and human rights of citizens, democratic principles and ideals and the supremacy of
civilian authority over the military;
2.Set the moral tone and norms of professional conduct in the police service;
3.Provide moral and ethical guidance to all PNP members; and
4.Enlighten members of the police service of what behavior is really acceptable- to define what is
permitted and what is prohibited.
What is Police Corruption?
it is an acts involving the misuse of authority by a police officer in a manner designed to produce
personal gain for himself or others.
Patterns of police corruption:
1.Corruption of Authority - This corruption includes receiving free meals, services, discount, gratuities,
2.Kickbacks - If clients are numerous or composing of a long queue like procuring police clearance, the
man in the last gave money to the police to be given first ahead of the other is an example of this kind of
3.Opportunistic Theft - This is not actually corruption but is taking of advantage of situation, like taking
of properties left in the crime scene and without reporting to the authority.
4.Shakedowns - This is an act of extortion usually committed by policemen who caught in the act
criminals like pusher, drug user, gambling bet collector, etc.
5.Protection of Illegal Activities.
6.Fixes (fixers) - This involves mediating in criminal cases or problems involving traffics.
7.Direct Criminal Activities - This is a worst behavior of a police officer. A policeman is directly involved
in criminal activities like robbery, kidnapping, drug trafficking, etc.
8.Internal Payoffs - This is a pattern of corruption common to policemen. The sell work assignment,
promotion, etc.
Other Forms of Corruption:
-Gambling -Parking and Traffic
-Narcotics -Retrieving seized automobiles
-Construction -Intradepartmental Payments
-Bars -Sale of Information -Prostitution -Gratuities
Causes of Police Corruption
Like criminality and corruption in other branches of the government, corruption in the police
service is caused by multi-factors. Some may claim low salary, political pressures, incompetent recruits
as a result of political patronage, and the old corrupt system so many are resorting to “If you can not
beat them, join them” attitude. Aside from these, there are other factors that contribute to police
corruption such:
1.Branch of the Department to which the officer is assigned.
2.Area to which an officer is assigned 3.Character of the police
4.Rank 5.Police Attitude 6.Police Officer clientele 7.Leadership
1.White Knights – these policemen are straightforward fellow. They are honest to a fault. They often
take an extreme position on ethical issues. They are idealistic and often render strict decision in
accordance with law. A white Knight is considered a loner and deviant to the eyes of the colleagues who
are corrupt. They are disgusted of the corrupt behaviors of fellow policemen but on the other hand,
they are killjoy to the others.
2.Straight Shooters – These are honest policemen who are ready to hide the corrupt practices of their
comrades as part of the camaraderie. They observe the principles of “omerta” or hiding the secret of
fellow policemen. They suffer in silence and most of them seek assignment to a corrupt-free unit or
3.Grass Eaters or Vegetarian Cops – are police officers who engage in relatively minor type of corruption
opportunities as they present themselves.
4.Meat Eaters or Carnivorous Cops - are police officers who actively seek out corruption opportunities
and engaged in both minor and major patterns of corruption.
5.Rogues – are policemen who are considered having all deviant behavior of a corrupt policeman. They
engaged in activities normally defined as dirty money by the police peer group. They are considered bad
to the bone.
1.Brutality – police brutality refers to unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or
abuse in the manner of conducting search and seizure.
2.Sexual misconduct – is a kind of police misconduct which is commonly committed by policeman who
sexually molested female or male clients who have transaction with the police office. It is a sexual
harassment behavior of policemen.
3.Police Lying – police lying and other deceptive practices in fact part of working environment. Lies and
deception vary as to whether or not they will be considered ethical violations or are necessary for the
police to accomplish their tasks. To amplify what are lies, they are categorized as follows:
-Accepted Lying – this is to be considered part of police working environment, like for example in a
discreet operation. Lying as a deceptive ploy is allowed and is advisable.
-Tolerated Lying – are those which are recognized as lies but tolerated as necessary to explain
inadequacy or inefficiency of the police organization. For example, in a certain crime where there was
neither witness nor evidence as it was really made perfect. The police officers may lie to the victim
rather than to reveal that the crime is impossible to solve.
-.Deviant Lying – this involves a lie that violates substantive or procedural laws and police office rules
and regulations.
4.Use of drugs – policemen who are assigned in narcotic command are those who are susceptible to
induced to taste drug for recreational purpose or just to experience using it. Without their knowing,
they are already hooked in it.
*Barangay - the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements the policies of the national and
local governments.
*Community - Refers to the civilian populace in cities, municipalities or Public in general, and shall use
interchangeably with public, citizenry, society, or private sector.
-A body of people organized into political, municipal or social unity or a body of persons living in the
same locality.
-Derived from the Latin word “communis” which means “common” and “tatis” which means
3.Human Relations - Consists of those fundamental precepts, both moral and legal, which govern the
relationships of men in all aspects of life.
4.Mass Media - implies the use of radio, television and emotion pictures in transmitting information to
the public.
5.Police - a group of persons established, maintained and organized for keeping order, safety, protection
of lives and properties and for prevention and detection of crimes.
6.Police Community Relation (PCR) - the sum total of dealings between the police and the people it
serve and whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for the greatest possible efficiency in the service
7.Police Ideal - the expected essence of perfection, sympathetic, courteous intelligent, honest, and in
control of his emotions and temper, at all times. It is also includes courage and highest sense of
dedication to duty.
8 Police Public Relations- The continuing process by which endeavors are made to obtain the goodwill
and cooperation of the public for the effective enforcement of the law and accomplishment of police
9.Propaganda - the planned use of Public or mass communication for public purpose.
10.MEDIA/MASS MEDIA - The channels through which information is disseminated to the public. May
be in form of television, movies, radio or newspaper, and the like.
11.POLICE PUBLIC IMAGE - Refers to how people in the community perceive or regard the police.
“Doing good” means the delivery of the necessary police service to the community and is a joint
responsibility of all directorate of the command.
2.“Telling the people about it” is simply the proper projection of the command before the public and is
basically a PCR responsibility.
1.Community Service -Activities that provide service to the community may be in form of medical-
dental mission, sports clinic, feeding programs, seminars, etc.
2.Community Participation -Involvement of the community in the various social projects, particularly, in
the area of crime prevention. Awareness of the community of their role in crime prevention.
3.Public Relations -Activities directed at creating and maintaining favorable impressions to the public.
Projection of the police public image to the people to gain their support and cooperation.
1.Public support must be maintained. Every policeman shall be worthy of the public’s high trust if he
does his job well and leaves nothing unaccomplished through carelessness. He shall appear able and
willing to serve all.
2.Public resentment must be avoided. The policeman shall always bear in mind the interest of the
public and shall develop friendly relations by his good conduct. He shall avoid any occasion to humiliate,
embarrass, annoy or cause inconvenience to any individual.
3.Public goodwill must be developed. The policeman must be courteous, fair and quick to assist
individuals in the solutions of their problems.
4.The public must be kept informed on regulations and policies. The police must inform the public on
the regulations and policies of the police forces and the reason for their adoption.
PNP PCR Objectives:
1.Improve public perception, opinion and attitude towards the PNP, through publicity of the PNP
organizational and individual accomplishment.
2.Enhance public awareness and support on law enforcement, public safety and internal security.
3.Strengthen linkages with the pillars of CJS, other government agencies and NGO’s.
4.Organize and mobilize sectoral organization in support of police programs.
Additional Objectives of Police Community Relations:
1.To maintain and develop the goodwill and confidence of the community for the police.
2.To obtain cooperation and assistance.
3.To develop public understanding, and support and appreciation for the service of the police.
4.To create broader understanding and sympathy with the problems and needs of the public.
5.To facilitate law enforcement and compliance.
6.To build public opinion in favor of the Police
7.To achieve the Police purpose or preserving the peace, protection of life and property, and the
prevention of crime.

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