201 8 Ma English
201 8 Ma English
201 8 Ma English
principal subject; in fact, because the topic is related to many of her other
concerns, it is difficult to say how many of her poems concentrate on death. But
over half of them, at least partly, and about a third centrally, feature it. Most
of these poems also touch on the subject of religion, although she did write about
religion without mentioning death. Other nineteenth-century poets, Keats and
Whitman are good examples, were also death-haunted, but few as much as Emily
Dickinson. Life in a small New England town in Dickinson's time contained a high
mortality rate for young people; as a result, there were frequent death-scenes in
homes, and this factor contributed to her preoccupation with death, as well as her
withdrawal from the world, her anguish over her lack of romantic love, and her
doubts about fulfillment beyond the grave. Years ago, Emily Dickinson's interest in
death was often criticized as being morbid, but in our time readers tend to be
impressed by her sensitive and imaginative handling of this painful subject.
Her poems centering on death and religion can be divided into four categories:
those focusing on death as possible extinction, those dramatizing the question of
whether the soul survives death, those asserting a firm faith in immortality, and
those directly treating God's concern with people's lives and destinies.
The very popular "I heard a Fly buzz — when I died" (465) is often seen as
representative of Emily Dickinson's style and attitudes. The first line is as
arresting an opening as one could imagine. By describing the moment of her death,
the speaker lets us know that she has already died. In the first stanza, the death-
room's stillness contrasts with a fly's buzz that the dying person hears, and the
tension pervading the scene is likened to the pauses within a storm. The second
stanza focuses on the concerned onlookers, whose strained eyes and gathered breath
emphasize their concentration in the face of a sacred event: the arrival of the
"King," who is death. In the third stanza, attention shifts back to the speaker,
who has been observing her own death with all the strength of her remaining senses.
Her final willing of her keepsakes is a psychological event, not something she
speaks. Already growing detached from her surroundings, she is no longer interested
in material possessions; instead, she leaves behind whatever of herself people can
treasure and remember. She is getting ready to guide herself towards death. But the
buzzing fly intervenes at the last instant; the phrase "and then" indicates that
this is a casual event, as if the ordinary course of life were in no way being
interrupted by her death. The fly's "blue buzz!' is one of the most famous pieces
of synesthesia in Emily Dickinson's poems. This image represents the fusing of
color and sound by the dying person's diminishing senses. The uncertainty of the
fly's darting motions parallels her state of mind. Flying between the light and
her, it seems to both signal the moment of death and represent the world that she
is leaving. The last two lines show the speaker's confusion of her eyes and the
windows of the room — a psychologically acute observation because the windows'
failure is the failure of her own eyes that she does not want to admit. She is both
distancing fear and revealing her detachment from life.