Muscular Stength Program

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Muscular Strength/Endurance Program

Warm-Up (5 Minutes)

1. Arm Circles (1 minute)

2. Leg Swings (1 minute)
3. Bodyweight Squats (1 minute)
4. Jump Rope (1 minute)
5. Dynamic Stretching (1 minute)
○ Do a combination of lunges with a twist and arm swings.
○ Lunge forward with one leg, twist your torso towards the front leg, then switch
sides. Do this for 1 minute.

Circuit 1 (9 minutes)

4 stations, 3 rounds, 30 seconds per station, 15 seconds rest between stations.

1. Alternating Bicep Curls (30 seconds, don't forget to alternate)

Rest: 15 seconds

2. Weighted Squats (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds

3. Bent over Barbell Rows (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds

4. Kettle Bell Swings (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds
Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds.

Water break for 1 minute before next circuit

Circuit 2 (9 minutes)

4 stations, 3 rounds, 30 seconds per station, 15 seconds rest between stations.

5. Skull Crushers (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds

6. Weighted Sumo Squats (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds

7. Lateral Arm raises (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds

8. Elevated heel Goblet Squats (30 seconds)

Rest: 15 seconds

Repeat the circuit for a total of 3 rounds.

1 minute water break before cool down

Cool-Down (5 Minutes)

1. Standing Forward Bend (1 minute)

2. Cat-Cow Stretch (1 minute)
3. Tricep Stretch (1 minute alternate side after 30 seconds)
4. Child's Pose (1 minute)
5. Shoulder Stretch (1 minute alternate side after 30 seconds)


★ Do you feel like the activities were appropriate for the development of
muscular endurance? Why or why not?
Yes, I feel like the activities were good for developing muscular strength
endurance. They worked multiple muscle groups and were with weights. The
repetition is good for building muscular endurance
★ After completing the activity, what changes or adjustments would you
make the next time you participate in the activity (e.g. time, intensity or
difficulty of the activities)? Why would you make this adjustment?
After completing this circuit I would make it harder by adjusting the length. It
wasn’t that hard for me and I feel like if the circuit was longer it would be more
effective for me.
★ If you worked in a group, how well did your group work together?
Describe in detail.
I did not work in a group, I did make my mom do it with me though lol
★ If you did not work in a group answer the following questions. On a
scale of 1-10, how would you rate your muscular endurance? Explain
the reasoning for this rating. List one goal for either maintaining or
improving your muscular endurance moving forward. What do you
need to achieve this goal?
I would rate my muscular endurance a 8/10. This workout wasn’t extremely
difficult and I train weights often. One goal I have for improving muscular
endurance would be to do more body weight exercises like push up. I tend to
avoid push ups so I need to work on them. To achieve this goal I will incorporate
a body weight circuit day into my weekly plan.

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