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Legal Positivism VS Natural Law

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Icanr 6.

gctlor O0 - lA
0aWra Custice I Ancrl s at {hc ond \rlaqk{esrcs crt UoOof Ulu I Posihvism

\o dabato betWcerr vrafural larr,.r a/d lc I iti',rism bcelt

hilo fsc CS shd Duf 0ndcr6ta/\d; of +tra ,trzr.nd<tions dt larn crnd
u6+i@ . Natucat ta.r.,, -thart {nere gnsts q univerfql o(det discaraato[,
h hurnarr rertgon Uh,ch rr€n ?^e aS {te basie frr alt ht-lmarr larrrg. ln contrasl

i$,viorn ossuls tl^at laur is a cceahon af t"'Drns.r\ aD'lhocitieg oJ\d is va\id It it is

enar.\rA cl^d rced inslih*iorty irt roo of ils fl\.oral con'lant.1his

atms,to critrcal( {ho and ur ol *v-so n{toertHa\

*reoel6 , cxql\\ .lheir coro rwi les a) icaliars and c-cil cisrng

we r\a rns
ht in\o thc,rc res I vo codFibdtronf, *o t v v
ht ar\d

{he{r irnplica,hionD firr cofiP.fiF,orar* lewr,l Su g.kns .

LgcAL PostrlvtsM
Q C.,tor and Ob ecfi ori*ivigrn ide,s a urell-defincd {,^o}r(A,ork {or oodtfishft-

d^ \at), roondod rn icit e+ah)tes o/rd ici"t\ s clarr tiralcs o conss-

*e/* ticahon ol l^o s {."yn onal

on Lard ald $4occr,ti ,1pgfitS cal couidcratioos

{-, \,i diryrinishos .t\g i o{ ir\di\riJural mor.rl lootels.r't '' octcovyps- $n1S

t oaoh MrO cl ur'*ln lhO (lrtsarsus 4 soci q6 a r^Jr'ole ,

@ Preaiotabi :1ho c{aloi a{tocds6 i sm cnlren,t:.s social ordcr a\tour',

idoets to cunHci oofc.owres fuseA on eslrabtislvd loros. this e'tabnti {o!,hrs in{o.rruJ

&risiort- qnd conhribu,tc6 5 q obhcsirro e6[pnnraf .

'tocu6 on Soc.ral tactt I sihr,risrn the af s66ior( aclics ard{lre

crdocat a 4 torrt mah; , This -focrrS lit4tcs{he ks ta rntat

e,ooh,i gocietal norots ead necds.


O ttora,l ttindrrcsa: -thc dolachmenf morat cpnsid,tre*tprv9 oan leq.l s e,hmts to

S laurs .lhqi ara tionable or on .'l\ots ilocol OUMress r t?S c9n.cer obout
Jrt'o i ol l+',o E a,t\d llg dor ustrcr-,.

ai Notnrqtivo rligm docs not idO a morql tor

?ago t'of c
__- __ iudncs and lqdmal.<rs,?ottnliulUtrryqgtti"^i! lho rvc-futvlql appUca,hon of lo^rs.
U \I
lhis ebrtncr, "f in contpla, Cn6C,S
Di{ficul{.cs in Tt^c scq tanrts Oart rotsrms

dhu/t .paa{al volues o.lol(g $Dre, lnan )he 'frarncrlof[<. this r

ncc)d ta u.ora,l slztr\&rck.




ation |^ora\i cnd l^al9i tlatrr",l tarrt 4 I hourlJ be n U/r-

vcrscil ntorcr,l (o iteats o a,rrud .fzrirness.lhis i \dIJE

lt^o,t aft with c.cl s't rndands te @cro'D Sooieltias '

G:lril,an*e {or [qrlrturLe.ro ond rJ i Naturrzl lart oftcrs cr rnoc.el.founda*ian for Jc.i"iarr r/I

gifil#ians al to orflcorvres \4rqY qo rure ,lhis oi hr,l s

l\a^rt VP -Iha tdlcr \oxJ fart eVtonl wss

Rqiftanra {o U t-o^l\s'. Ad,rocstcg crt fla.h.>ral l,arrr aan arM refarm lauts ve)
ndomentcr,\ huuuorr ri ht-c ond il^.fa,l les . trjs ierivid'rcls

s?rl- Shco ond ddvocalro.loc rs(tsrwl3 ia'Irtlp- ero o\

: The, relianre on rc.l ;nttr rn (o^rt varlao si o,tfi

a:\{rxes .,tti {tne t jor uruvqsql t sl.)b .to

diver 0nd pf ,rlt,a,t <orrghh)tes ustice. ond in difFrentscd€+its.

u I tte of+cn v r-atuec. of n"rol j1 no#ural laul resulf jn

oru. Su<h demrcts it"O o^d ( li

.14^at arO esreroLial

rA iottion i I ncrh;ral tarrl tfuct lec into erish {.qraruockt

c."n lpO chalt of+"rt l@d +D crhc tllith as+abtiJ^ed .Ihego con(ti6fu scrrt

irrcon sistuucies in tl,ut- Vcation of dhe tort undervYu^i ltr .s+q,bil; *d re\ie,bi

'\n conc\us"on vism aM r.eaforud lar^l esch and r*ltAtnesses.

itrvism dlos dori ctob',1 a mnfio {o laur rphitc rq.fura,l

taul izr-g r'nor.rl les and . Ultirnatel {he choicr .lhcfuo

|*bozof z
oh {tr6, 5 c conft+t ond {a^c dcrircd i n a

Sornie {t^eoclsk oJooccds a loot1n 1d a ba-

la,t\Eo o* cVs ,al a\ nr.or<rl Carciee( V@A b 4 vnor€,2 ust

art <rt*c-chug \

Fnc *f e

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