Legal Positivism VS Natural Law
Legal Positivism VS Natural Law
Legal Positivism VS Natural Law
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0aWra Custice I Ancrl s at {hc ond \rlaqk{esrcs crt UoOof Ulu I Posihvism
*reoel6 , cxql\\ .lheir coro rwi les a) icaliars and c-cil cisrng
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LgcAL PostrlvtsM
Q C.,tor and Ob ecfi ori*ivigrn ide,s a urell-defincd {,^o}r(A,ork {or oodtfishft-
{-, \,i diryrinishos .t\g i o{ ir\di\riJural mor.rl lootels.r't '' octcovyps- $n1S
idoets to cunHci oofc.owres fuseA on eslrabtislvd loros. this e'tabnti {o!,hrs in{o.rruJ
G:lril,an*e {or [ ond rJ i Naturrzl lart oftcrs cr rnoc.el.founda*ian for Jc.i"iarr r/I
Rqiftanra {o U t-o^l\s'. Ad,rocstcg crt fla.h.>ral l,arrr aan arM refarm lauts ve)
ndomentcr,\ huuuorr ri ht-c ond il^.fa,l les . trjs ierivid'rcls
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c."n lpO chalt of+"rt l@d +D crhc tllith as+abtiJ^ed .Ihego con(ti6fu scrrt
irrcon sistuucies in tl,ut- Vcation of dhe tort undervYu^i ltr .s+q,bil; *d re\ie,bi
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