Requirements Engineering For Software and Systems

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Engineering for
Software and
Titles in the
Auerbach Series on Applied Software Engineering
Phillip A. Laplante, Pennsylvania State University, Series Editor

Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Phillip A. Laplante

Building Software: A Practioner’s Guide

Nikhilesh Krishnamurthy and Amitabh Saran

Global Software Development Handbook

Raghvinder Sangwan, Matthew Bass, Neel Mullick, Daniel J. Paulish,
and Juergen Kazmeier

Antipatterns: Identification, Refactoring, and Management

Phillip A. Laplante and Colin J. Neill

Software Engineering Quality Practices

Ronald Kirk Kandt
Engineering for
Software and

Phillip A.Laplante

CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Laplante, Phillip A.
Requirements engineering for software and systems / Phillip A. Laplante.
p. cm. -- (Auerbach series on applied software engineering)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4200-6467-4 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Software engineering. 2. System design. 3. Requirements engineering. I.

QA76.758.L326 2009
005.1--dc22 2009002140

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For my mother
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Acknowledgments.......................................................................................... xv
About the Author..........................................................................................xxi
1. Introduction to Requirements Engineering............................................1
What Is Requirements Engineering?.............................................................2
You Probably Don’t Do Enough Requirements Engineering.........................3
What Are Requirements?..............................................................................4
Requirements Versus Goals.................................................................4
Requirements Level Classification.......................................................4
Requirements Specifications Types......................................................6
Functional Requirements...........................................................6
Nonfunctional Requirements.....................................................7
Domain Requirements.............................................................10
Domain Vocabulary Understanding..................................................11
Requirements Engineering Activities..........................................................11
Requirements Elicitation/Discovery..................................................11
Requirements Analysis and Reconciliation........................................12
Requirements Representation and Modeling.....................................12
Requirements Validation...................................................................12
Requirements Management...............................................................13
The Requirements Engineer........................................................................13
Requirements Engineering Paradigms........................................................13
Requirements Engineer as Software Systems Engineer......................14
Requirements Engineer as Subject Matter Expert..............................14
Requirements Engineer as Architect..................................................14
Requirements Engineer as Business Process Expert...........................14
Ignorance as Virtue............................................................................15
Role of the Customer?.................................................................................15

viii  Contents

Problems with Traditional Requirements Engineering................................16

Four Dark Corners (Zave and Jackson).......................................................18
Difficulties in Enveloping System Behavior.................................................19
The Danger of “All” in Specifications................................................21
2. Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders.................................23
Mission Statements.....................................................................................23
Encounter with a Customer?.......................................................................24
Negative Stakeholders........................................................................27
Stakeholder Identification..................................................................27
Stakeholder Questions..............................................................27
Stakeholder/Customer Classes..................................................29
Customer Wants and Needs.......................................................................30
What Do Customers Want?...............................................................30
What Don’t Customers Want?...........................................................33
Why Do Customers Change Their Minds?................................................ 34
Stakeholder Prioritization...........................................................................35
Communicating with Customers and Other Stakeholders..........................36
Managing Expectations.....................................................................37
Stakeholder Negotiations............................................................................38
References.................................................................................................. 40
3. Requirements Elicitation.......................................................................41
Elicitation Techniques Survey.................................................................... 42
Brainstorming................................................................................... 42
Card Sorting..................................................................................... 42
Designer as Apprentice..................................................................... 44
Domain Analysis...............................................................................45
Ethnographic Observation.................................................................45
Goal-Based Approaches.................................................................... 46
Group Work......................................................................................48
Joint Application Design (JAD).........................................................50
Protocol Analysis...............................................................................52
Quality Function Deployment..........................................................54
Contents  ix

Repertory Grids.................................................................................56
Task Analysis.....................................................................................57
User Stories........................................................................................58
Elicitation Summary...................................................................................60
Which Combination of Requirements Elicitation Techniques
Should Be Used?................................................................................60
Prevalence of Requirements Elicitation Techniques...........................63
Elicitation Support Technologies................................................................63
Using Wikis for Requirements Elicitation.........................................63
Mobile Technologies..........................................................................65
Content Analysis...............................................................................65
References.................................................................................................. 66
4. Writing the Requirements Document...................................................69
Requirements Representation Approaches..................................................69
IEEE Standard 830-1998............................................................................71
IEEE Standard 830 Recommendations on Representing
Non-Functional Requirements..........................................................72
IEEE Standard 830 Recommendations on Representing
Functional Requirements...................................................................73
Operating System.....................................................................74
Command Validation...............................................................75
ISO/IEC Standard 25030..................................................................76
Use Cases....................................................................................................78
Behavioral Specifications............................................................................79
The Requirements Document.....................................................................81
Users of a Requirements Document...................................................82
Requirements Document Requirements............................................82
Preferred Writing Style.............................................................83
Text Structure..........................................................................83
Best Practices and Recommendations........................................................ 84
5. Requirements Risk Management..........................................................87
What Is Requirements Risk Management?.................................................87
Requirements Validation and Verification...................................................89
Techniques for Requirements V&V.................................................. 90
Goal-Based Requirements Analysis......................................... 90
Requirements Understanding...................................................91
x  Contents

Validating Requirements Use Cases..........................................92

The Requirements Validation Matrix.................................................92
The Importance of Measurement in Requirements Verification
and Validation...................................................................................93
Goal/Question/Metric Analysis................................................94
Standards for Verification and Validation...................................................95
IEEE Standard 830............................................................................96
NASA Requirements Testing....................................................................101
NASA ARM Tool............................................................................101
Weak Phrases...................................................................................105
Specification Depth................................................................107
Readability Statistics..............................................................108
Summary of NASA Metrics...................................................108
References................................................................................................. 111
6. Formal Methods..................................................................................113
What Are Formal Methods?..................................................................... 114
A Little History............................................................................... 115
Using Formal Methods.................................................................... 116
Formal Methods Types.................................................................... 116
Examples.................................................................................................. 117
Formalization of Train Station in B................................................. 117
Formalization of Space Shuttle Flight Software Using MurΦ...........121
Formalization of an Energy Management System Using
Category Theory..............................................................................122
Example: An Energy Management System.............................124
Requirements Validation.................................................................126
Contents  xi

Theorem Proving.............................................................................128
Program Correctness..............................................................128
Hoare Logic............................................................................129
Model Checking..............................................................................133
Objections, Myths, and Limitations.........................................................134
Objections and Myths.....................................................................134
Limitations of Formal Methods.......................................................135
Final Advice..............................................................................................136
7. Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies........................139
Introduction to Agile Methodologies........................................................139
Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto.............................................140
Extreme Programming (XP).....................................................................142
Requirements Engineering for Agile Methodologies.................................144
General Practices in Agile Methodologies........................................ 145
Agile Requirements Best Practices................................................... 145
Requirements Engineering in XP....................................................147
Requirements Engineering in Scrum...............................................147
Writing User Stories..................................................................................148
Agile Requirements Engineering...............................................................150
Challenges for Requirements Engineering in Agile Methodologies........... 152
Bibliography............................................................................................. 153
8. Tool Support for Requirements Engineering......................................155
Introduction............................................................................................. 155
Traceability Support.................................................................................156
Commercial Requirements Engineering Tools.......................................... 159
Rational RequisitePro......................................................................160
Requirements and Traceability Management...................................160
QFD/Capture.................................................................................. 161
Open Source Requirements Engineering Tools......................................... 161
FreeMind......................................................................................... 161
Open Source Requirements Management Tool (OSRMT).......................163
Requirements Engineering Tool Best Practices.........................................167
9. Requirements Management.................................................................171
Managing Divergent Agendas..........................................................171
xii  Contents

Expectation Revisited: Pascal’s Wager.......................................................173

Global Requirements Management........................................................... 174
Antipatterns in Requirements Management............................................. 176
Environmental Antipatterns............................................................177
Divergent Goals......................................................................177
Process Clash..........................................................................178
Management Antipatterns...............................................................178
Metric Abuse..........................................................................178
Mushroom Management........................................................179
Other Paradigms for Requirements Management.....................................180
Requirements Management and Improvisational Comedy..............180
Requirements Management as Scriptwriting................................... 181
Reference Models for Requirements Management....................................182
ISO 9000-3 (1997)..........................................................................183
Six Sigma.........................................................................................183
Capability Maturity Model (CMMI)..............................................184
IEEE 830.........................................................................................185
IEEE 12207 (2002).........................................................................185
ISO/IEC 25030...............................................................................185
A Case Study: FBI Virtual Case File.........................................................186
10. Value Engineering of Requirements....................................................189
What, Why, When, and How of Value Engineering?...............................189
What Is Value Engineering?.............................................................189
When Does Value Engineering Occur?...........................................190
Estimating Using COCOMO and Its Derivatives....................................190
COCOMO..................................................................................... 191
Estimating Using Function Points............................................................194
Function Point Cost Drivers............................................................194
Feature Points..................................................................................196
Use Case Points...............................................................................196
Requirements Feature Cost Justification...................................................197
Return on Investment......................................................................197
Net Present Value............................................................................198
Internal Rate of Return...................................................................199
Profitability Index........................................................................... 200
Payback Period................................................................................201
Discounted Payback Period.............................................................201
Contents  xiii

Appendix Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home,

Version 2.0, September 20, 2008...........................................203


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Dr. George Hacken of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority con-
tributed many ideas and inspiration used in Chapter 6, on formal methods.
Professor Larry Bernstein of Stevens Institute of Technology reviewed the first
draft of the manuscript and provided many suggestions for improvement.
Dr. Colin Neill and Dr. Raghu Sangwan of Penn State read portions of the text
and provided valuable feedback in many discussions.
Over the years, many students read drafts of portions of the text and provided
ideas, exercises, critical feedback, and examples. The author would like to particu-
larly mention Brad Bonkowski for contributing the prototype software require-
ments specification found in the appendix, and Jim Kelly, George Kniaz, Michelle
Reichart, Ann Richards, Ryan Oboril, Sam Okyne, and Julie Palmer. The author
would also like to thank the staff at Taylor & Francis—in particular John Wyzalek,
Acquisitions Editor, and Amy Rodriguez, Project Editor. The author also wishes to
thank his long-suffering wife, Nancy, and children Chris and Charlotte, for their
patience and support.
Of course, any errors of commission or omission are due to the author alone.

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Solid requirements engineering has increasingly been recognized as the key to

improved on-time and on-budget delivery of software and systems projects.
Nevertheless, few undergraduate engineering programs stress the importance
of this discipline. Recently, however, some software programs are introducing
requirements engineering as mandatory in the curriculum. In addition, new soft-
ware tools are emerging that are empowering practicing engineers to improve
their requirements engineering habits. However, these tools are not usually easy
to use without significant training, and many working engineers are returning
for additional courses that will help them understand the requirements engineer-
ing process.
This book is intended to provide a comprehensive treatment of the theoretical
and practical aspects of discovering, analyzing, modeling, validating, testing, and
writing requirements for systems of all kinds, with an intentional focus on software-
intensive systems. This book brings into play a variety of formal methods, social
models, and modern requirements writing techniques to be useful to the practicing

This book is intended for professional software engineers, systems engineers, and
senior and graduate students of software or systems engineering. Much of the mate-
rial is derived from the graduate level “Requirements Engineering” course taught at
Penn State’s Great Valley School of Graduate and Professional Studies, where the
author works. The typical student in that course has five years of work experience as
a software professional and an undergraduate degree in engineering, science, or busi-
ness. Typical readers of this book will have one of the following or similar job titles:

◾◾ Software engineer
◾◾ Systems engineer
◾◾ Sales engineer

xviii  Introduction

◾◾ Systems analyst
◾◾ [XYZ] engineer (where “XYZ” is an adjective for most engineering disci-
plines, such as “electrical” or “mechanical”)
◾◾ Project manager
◾◾ Business analyst
◾◾ Technical architect
◾◾ Lead architect

Exemplar Systems
Before proceeding, three systems are presented that will be used for running exam-
ples throughout the book. These systems were selected because they involve appli-
cation domains with which most readers are bound to be familiar, and because
they cover a wide range of applications from embedded to organic in both indus-
trial and consumer implementations. Consider a domain, however, with which you
(and this author) are likely unfamiliar, say, mining of anthracite coal. Imagining
the obvious difficulties in trying to communicate about such a system highlights
the importance of domain understanding in requirements engineering. This topic
will be discussed at length in Chapter 1.
The first system to be introduced is an airline baggage handling system, prob-
ably similar to the system found in the bowels of every major airport and known to
“eat” your baggage. Check-in clerks and baggage handlers tag your bags at check-
in with a barcode ID tag. Then the baggage is placed on a conveyor belt where it
moves to a central exchange point, and is redirected to the appropriate auxiliary
conveyor for loading on an airplane-bound cart or a baggage carousel. Along the
way, the system may conduct some kind of image scan and processing to detect the
presence of unauthorized or dangerous contents (such as weapons or explosives). A
baggage handling system is an embedded, real-time system; that is, the software is
closely tied to the hardware, and deadline satisfaction is a key goal of the system.
The Denver International Airport tried to build a very sophisticated version of
such a system several years ago. The system used PCs, thousands of remote-controlled
carts, and a 21-mile-long track. Carts moved along the track, carrying luggage from
check-in counters to sorting areas and then straight to the flights waiting at airport
gates. After spending $230 million over 10 years, the project was cancelled.* Much
of the failure can be attributed to requirements engineering mistakes.
The second exemplar system is a point of sale system for one location of a large
pet store chain. This type of system would provide such capabilities as cashier
functions and inventory tracking, tax reporting, and end-of-year closeout. It
might handle self-checkout, coupon scanning, product returns, and more. This is

* de Neufville, R. (1994) The Baggage System at Denver: Prospects and Lessons, Journal of Air
Transport Management, 1(4) Dec., 229–236.
Introduction  xix

a transaction-oriented business domain application, and although there are many

available off-the-shelf systems, let’s assume there is a need for a custom system. This
type of system is organic; that is, it is not tied to any specialized hardware. PCs or
PC-based cash registers, storage devices, and network support comprise the main
The final system that we will be following is for a “Smart Home,” that is, a
home in which one or more PCs control various aspects of the home’s climate con-
trol, security, ambience, entertainment, and so forth. A Smart Home is a consumer
application and a semi-detached system—it uses some specialized but off-the-shelf
hardware and software. We will imagine that this Smart Home is being built for
someone else (not you) so that you can remain objective about its features.
For the first two systems, we’ll see many more details as we go along. For the
third system, the reader will be referred to the appendix, which includes a complete
(though imperfect, for illustrative purposes) example of a software requirements
specification for the Smart Home. I am grateful to my former student Bradley
Bonkowski for preparing this example.
For the purposes of experimentation and practices, you are encouraged to select
another appropriate system to play with. Some candidate systems are

◾◾ The passenger safety restraint system for an automobile of your choice.

◾◾ A system that is intended as a “personal assistant” to all members of a house-
hold. That is, the system will store such information as phone numbers, music
files, video files, calendar information, maps and directions, and so forth and
will provide various alerting, reporting, “data mining,” and business logic
features to each user.
◾◾ A family tree maker and genealogical database system.
◾◾ A game of your choosing (keep it simple—3-D chess or checkers or popular
board games are best).
◾◾ A simulation of some familiar enterprise (e.g., a traffic intersection, elevator
control, manufacturing environment).
◾◾ Any aspect of your work that seems suitable to automation.

You can use your imagination, consult the many resources that are available on
the Web, and have fun as you learn to “scope out” one or another of these systems.

Notes on Referencing and Errors

The author has tried to uphold the highest standards for giving credit where credit is
due. Each chapter contains a list of related readings, and they should be considered
the primary references for that chapter. Where direct quotes or non-obvious facts are
used, an appropriate note or in-line citation is provided. In particular, it is noted where
the author published portions in preliminary form in other scholarly publications.
xx  Introduction

Despite these best efforts and those of the reviewers and publisher, there are
still likely errors to be found. Therefore, if you believe that you have found an
error—whether it is a referencing issue, factual error, or typographical error, please
contact the author at If your correction is accepted, you will be
acknowledged in future editions of the book.

Great pains have been taken to disguise the identities of any organizations as
well as individuals that are mentioned. In every case, the names and even ele-
ments of the situation have been changed to protect the innocent (and guilty).
Therefore, any similarity between individuals or companies mentioned herein is
purely coincidental.
About the Author

Philip A. Laplante is professor of software engineering and a member of the

graduate faculty at The Pennsylvania State University. His research, teaching,
and consulting focuses on software quality, particularly with respect to require-
ments, testing, and project management. He is also the chief technology officer
of the Eastern Technology Council, a nonprofit business advocacy group serving
the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. As CTO, he created and directs the
CIO Institute, a community of practice of regional CIOs. Before joining Penn
State he was a professor and senior academic administrator at several other col-
leges and universities.
Prior to his academic career, Dr. Laplante spent nearly eight years as a software
engineer and project manager working on avionics (including the Space Shuttle),
CAD, and software test systems. He was also director of business development for
a software consulting firm. He has authored or edited 24 books and more than
150 papers, articles, reviews, and editorials.
Dr. Laplante received his B.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D. in computer science, elec-
trical engineering, and computer science, respectively, from Stevens Institute of
Technology and an MBA from the University of Colorado. He is a fellow of the
IEEE and SPIE and a member of numerous professional societies, program com-
mittees, and boards. He has consulted to Fortune 500 companies, small businesses,
the U.S. DOD, and NASA on technical and management issues. He also serves as
a CIO/CEO coach.

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Chapter 1

Introduction to
Requirements Engineering

Very early in the drive to industrialize software development, Royce (1975) pointed
out the following truths:

There are four kinds of problems that arise when one fails to do ade-
quate requirements analysis: top-down design is impossible; testing
is impossible; the user is frozen out; management is not in control.
Although these problems are lumped under various headings to sim-
plify discussion, they are actually all variations of one theme—poor
management. Good project management of software procurements
is impossible without some form of explicit (validated) and govern-
ing requirements.

These truths still apply today, and a great deal of research has verified that devot-
ing systematic effort to requirements engineering can greatly reduce the amount
of rework needed later in the life of the software product and can improve various
qualities of the software cost effectively.
Too often systems engineers forego sufficient requirements engineering activ-
ity either because they do not understand how to do requirements engineering
properly or because there is a rush to start coding (in the case of a software product).

2  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Clearly, these eventualities are undesirable, and it is a goal of this book to help engi-
neers understand the correct principles and practices of requirements engineering.

What Is Requirements Engineering?

There are many ways to portray the discipline of requirements engineering depend-
ing on the viewpoint of the definer. For example, a bridge is a complex system, but
has a relatively small number of patterns of design that can be used (for example,
suspension, trussed, cable-stayed). Bridges also have specific conventions and appli-
cable regulations in terms of load requirements, materials that are used, and the
construction techniques employed. So when speaking with a customer (for exam-
ple, the state department of transportation) about the requirements for a bridge,
much of its functionality can be captured succinctly:

The bridge shall replace the existing span across the Brandywine River
at Creek Road in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, and shall be a cantilever
bridge of steel construction. It shall support two lanes of traffic in each
direction and handle a minimum capacity of 100 vehicles per hour in
each direction.

Of course there is a lot of information missing from this “specification,” but it

substantially describes what this bridge is to do.
Other kinds of systems, such as biomechanical or nanotechnology systems with
highly specialized domain language, have seemingly exotic requirements and con-
straints. Still other complex systems have so many kinds of behaviors that need to
be embodied (even word processing software can support thousands of functions)
that the specification of said systems becomes very challenging indeed.
Since the author is a software engineer, we reach out to that discipline for a
convenient, more-or-less universal definition for requirements engineering that is
due to Pamela Zave:

Requirements engineering is the branch of software engineering con-

cerned with the real-world goals for, functions of, and constraints on
software systems. It is also concerned with the relationship of these fac-
tors to precise specifications of software behavior, and to their evolution
over time and across software families. (Zave 1997)

But we wish to generalize the notion of requirements engineering to include any

system, whether it be software only, hardware only, or hardware and software (and
many complex systems are a combination of hardware and software), so we rewrite
Zave’s definition as follows:
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 3

Requirements engineering is the branch of engineering concerned

with the real-world goals for, functions of, and constraints on systems.
It is also concerned with the relationship of these factors to precise speci-
fications of system behavior and to their evolution over time and across
families of related systems.

The changes we have made to Zave’s definition are in bold. We refer to this modified
definition when we speak of “requirements engineering” throughout this text. And
we will explore all the ramifications of this definition and the activities involved in
great detail as we move forward.

You Probably Don’t Do Enough

Requirements Engineering
In 2003 the author and a colleague conducted an exploratory, Web-based survey
of nearly 2000 software and systems practitioners from our region (Southeast
Pennsylvania) to determine the pervasiveness of object-oriented and formal method-
ologies, as well as the perceived real value of these approaches. Almost 200 individu-
als responded, which is an unusually high number for an unsolicited survey. Our
survey uncovered some surprising findings, and those related to requirements engi-
neering will be discussed in this text. A detailed description of the survey methodol-
ogy can be found in Neill and Laplante (2003) and Laplante and Neill (2004).
One of the first surprising findings related to the amount of requirements engi-
neering perceived to be done by the survey respondents (Figure 1.1).
When the question was asked “Does your organization do enough requirements
engineering?” 19% of the 157 who responded to this question didn’t know. There
are lots of reasons why the respondents might have such a response, so we can’t
draw too strong a conclusion. But it is probably the case in an organization where
requirements engineering is robust that this fact would be well known throughout
the organization. In any case, it is astounding that 52% of the respondents thought
that their organization did not do enough requirements engineering. It is nice to

Don't know


Figure 1.1 Do you do enough requirements engineering? 157 responses (Neill

and Laplante 2003).
4  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

believe that we can extrapolate the results of the response to this question to include
software engineers and systems engineers beyond the sample region of the survey.

What Are Requirements?

Part of the challenge in requirements engineering has to do with an understanding
of what a “requirement” really is. Requirements can range from high-level, abstract
statements and back-of-the-napkin sketches to formal (mathematically rigorous)
specifications. These varying representation forms occur because stakeholders have
needs at different levels, hence, depend on different abstraction representations.
Stakeholders also have varying abilities to make and read these representations (for
example a business customer versus a design engineer), leading to diverse quality in
the requirements. We will discuss the nature of stakeholders and their needs and
capabilities in the next chapter.

Requirements Versus Goals

A fundamental challenge for the requirements engineer is recognizing that custom-
ers often confuse requirements and goals (and engineers sometimes do too).
Goals are high-level objectives of a business, organization, or system, but a
requirement specifies how a goal should be accomplished by a proposed system. So,
to the state department of transportation, a goal might be “to build the safest bridge
in the world.” What is really intended, however, is to stipulate performance require-
ments on the bridge materials, qualifications of the contractor and engineers, and
building techniques that will lead to a safe bridge.
To treat a goal as a requirement is to invite trouble because achievement of the
goal will be difficult to prove. In addition, goals evolve as stakeholders change their
minds and refine and operationalize goals into behavioral requirements.

Requirements Level Classification

To deal with the diversity in requirements types, Sommerville (2005) suggests
organizing them into three levels of abstraction:

◾◾ User requirements
◾◾ System requirements
◾◾ Software design specifications

User requirements are abstract statements written in natural language with

accompanying informal diagrams. They specify what services (user functionality)
the system is expected to provide and any constraints. In many situations user sto-
ries can play the role of user requirements.
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 5

System requirements are detailed descriptions of the services and constraints.

System requirements are sometimes referred to as functional specification or tech-
nical annex. These requirements are derived from analysis of the user require-
ments. They act as a contract between client and contractor, so they should be
structured and precise. Use cases can play the role of system requirements in
many situations.
Finally, software design specifications emerge from the analysis and design
documentation used as the basis for implementation by developers. The software
specification is essentially derived directly from analysis of the system specification.
The software requirements specification document (SRS) is the “contractual” docu-
ment that we generally refer to when we speak of a “software” or “system” require-
ments specification. In the case of a hybrid hardware/software system, the SRS
would include both detailed design elements for the software as well as hardware
(e.g., schematic diagrams and logic diagrams). In the case of a purely mechanical
system, design drawings take the place of the SRS.
To illustrate the differences in these specification levels, consider the following
from the airline baggage handling system:

A user requirement

◾◾ The system shall be able to process 20 bags per minute.

Some related system requirements

◾◾ Each bag processed shall trigger a baggage event.

◾◾ The system shall be able to handle 20 baggage events per minute.

Finally, the associated system specifications

1.2 The system shall be able to process 20 baggage events per minute in opera-
tional mode.
1.2.1 If more than 20 baggage events occur in a one-minute interval,
then the system shall …
1.2.2 [more exception handling] …

For the pet store POS system, consider the following:

A user requirement

◾◾ The system shall accurately compute sale totals including discounts, taxes,
refunds, and rebates; print an accurate receipt; and update inventory counts
6  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Some related system requirements

◾◾ Each sale shall be assigned a sales ID.

◾◾ Each sale may have one or more sales items.
◾◾ Each sale may have one or more rebates.
◾◾ Each sale may have only one receipt printed.

Finally, the associated software specifications

1.2 The system shall assign a unique sales ID number to each sale
1.2.1 Each sales ID may have zero or more sales items associated with it,
but each sales item must be assigned to exactly one sales ID

The systems specification in the appendix also contains numerous specifications

organized by level for your inspection.

Requirements Specifications Types

Another taxonomy for requirements specifications focuses on the type of require-
ment from the following list of possibilities:

◾◾ Functional requirements
◾◾ Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs)
◾◾ Domain requirements

Let’s look at these more closely.

Functional Requirements
Functional requirements describe the services the system should provide and how
the system will react to its inputs. In addition, the functional requirements need to
explicitly state certain behaviors that the system should not do (more on this later).
Functional requirements can be high level and general (in which case they are user
requirements in the sense that was explained previously) or they can be detailed,
expressing inputs, outputs, exceptions, and so on (in which case they are the system
requirements described before).
There are many forms of representation for functional requirements, from natu-
ral language (in our case, the English language), visual models, and the more rig-
orous formal methods. We will spend much more time discussing requirements
representation in Chapter 4.
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 7

To illustrate some functional requirements, consider the following set for the
baggage handling system.
1.1 The system shall handle up to 20 bags per minute.
1.4 When the system is in idle mode, the conveyor belt shall not move.
1.8 If the main power fails, the system shall shut down in an orderly fashion
within 5 seconds.
1.41 If the conveyor belt motor fails, the system shall shut down the input feed
mechanism within 3 seconds.
For the pet store POS system, the following might be some functional
4.1 When the operator presses the “total” button, the current sale enters the
closed-out state.
4.1.1 When a sale enters the closed-out state, a total for each non-sale
item is computed as number of items times the list price of the
4.1.2 When a sale enters the closed-out state, a total for each sale item is

Nonfunctional Requirements
Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) are imposed by the environment in which the
system is to operate. These kinds of environments include timing constraints, qual-
ity properties, standard adherence, programming languages to be used, and so on.
Sommerville (2005) suggests the nonfunctional types depicted in Figure 1.2,
and we will discuss a few of these.
Many of these NFRs are beyond the control of the requirements engineer
and customer. For example, in the United States, privacy requirements are
typically based on certain legislation (such as the Health Information Patient
Privacy Act or HIPPA), as are safety requirements. Standards requirements are
based on compliance with national or international standards. Interoperability
requirements may be partially under the control of the requirements engineer
and customer if the system in question is to operate in conjunction with other
systems controlled by the customer (if a third party controls the other systems,
then interoperability is an independent variable). Other nonfunctional require-
ments, such as delivery, usability, performance, and organization, are largely
under the control of the customer. Whatever the case, all of the nonfunctional
requirements need to be tracked by the requirements engineer, typically, using
an appropriate software tool.
To illustrate some nonfunctional requirements, consider the baggage handling
system. Some NFRs might include


Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Product Organizational External
requirements requirements requirements

Efficiency Reliability Portability Interoperability Ethical

requirements requirements requirements requirements requirements

Usability Delivery Implementation Standards Legislative

requirements requirements requirements requirements requirements

Performance Space Privacy Safety

requirements requirements requirements requirements

Figure 1.2 Non-functional requirement types (Sommerville 2005).

Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 9

Product requirements
◾◾ Efficiency
−− Performance (e.g., number of bags per minute)
−− Space (e.g., physical size of system, amount of memory, power consumption)
◾◾ Reliability (MTBF,* MTFF†)
◾◾ Portability (e.g., can it be used with other hardware?)
◾◾ Usability (amount of training required)

Organizational requirements
◾◾ Delivery (e.g., date of delivery, date when fully operational, training sessions,
◾◾ Implementation (e.g., full capability in first roll-out or phased capability)
◾◾ Standards (if there are industry standards for baggage handling systems)

External requirements
◾◾ Interoperability (e.g., with other equipment, communications standards)
◾◾ Ethical (e.g., security clearance for REs, professional certification)
◾◾ Legislative
−− Privacy (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA‡)
−− Safety (various OSHA§ regulations)

For the pet store POS system we might have these NFRs:

Product requirements
◾◾ Efficiency
−− Performance (e.g., time to finalize a sale transaction)
−− Space (e.g., physical size of system, amount of memory, power consumption)
◾◾ Reliability (MTBF, MTFF)
◾◾ Portability (e.g., can it be used with other hardware?)
◾◾ Usability (amount of training required)

Organizational requirements
◾◾ Delivery (e.g., date of delivery, fully operational, training sessions, updates)
◾◾ Implementation (e.g., full capability in first roll-out or phased?)
◾◾ Standards (if there are industry standards for POS systems)

* Mean time before failure.

† Mean time before first failure.
‡ Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (US).
§ Occupational Health and Safety Administration (US).
10  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

External requirements

◾◾ Interoperability (e.g., with other equipment, communications standards)

◾◾ Ethical (e.g., professional certification for sales associates)
◾◾ Legislative
−− Privacy (e.g., general laws governing credit card transactions)
−− Safety (various OSHA regulations)

To conclude this discussion, we note that some NFRs are difficult to define precisely,
making them difficult to verify. Moreover, it is easy to confuse goals with NFRs.
Remember a goal is a general intention of a stakeholder, for example:

The system should be easy to use by experienced operators,

whereas a verifiable NFR is a statement using some objective measure:

Experienced operators shall be able to use the following 18 system fea-

tures after two hours of hands-on instructor-led training with an error
rate of no greater than 0.5%.

Here there is specificity as to which features an “experienced” user should mas-

ter (though they are not listed here for brevity), a definition of the kind of training
that is required (instructor led, as opposed to, say, self study), and sufficient leeway
to recognize that no person is perfect.

Domain Requirements
Domain requirements are derived from the application domain. These types of require-
ments may consist of new functional requirements or constraints on existing functional
requirements, or they may specify how particular computations must be performed.
In the baggage handling system, for example, various domain realities create
requirements. There are industry standards (we wouldn’t want the new system to
under-perform versus other airlines’ systems). There are constraints imposed by
existing hardware available (e.g., conveyor systems). And there may be constraints
on performance mandated by collective bargaining agreements with the baggage
handlers union.
For the pet store POS system, domain requirements are imposed by the conven-
tional store practices. For example:

◾◾ Handling of cash, credit cards, and coupons

◾◾ Display interface and receipt format
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 11

◾◾ Conventions in the pet store industry (e.g., frequent-buyer incentives, buy

one get one free)
◾◾ Sale of items by the pound (e.g., horse feed) versus by item count (e.g., dog

The appendix also contains some NFRs for the Smart Home.

Domain Vocabulary Understanding

The requirements engineer must be sure to fully understand the application domain
vocabulary as there can be subtle and profound differences in the use of terms in
different domains. The following true incident illustrates the point. The author
was once asked to provide consulting services to a very large, international pack-
age delivery company. After a few hours of communicating with the engineers
of the package delivery company, it became clear that the author was using the
term “truck” incorrectly. While the author believed that the “truck” referred to
the familiar vehicle that would deliver packages directly to customers, the com-
pany used the term “package car” to refer to those vehicles. The term “truck” was
reserved to mean any long-haul vehicle (usually an 18-wheeled truck) that carried
large amounts of packages from one hub to another. So there was a huge difference
in the volume of packages carried in a “truck” and a “package car.” Imagine, then, if
a requirement was written involving the processing of “packages from 1000 trucks”
(when it was really meant “1000 package cars”). Clearly this difference in domain
terminology understanding would have been significant and potentially costly.

Requirements Engineering Activities

The requirements engineer is responsible for a number of activities. These include

◾◾ requirements elicitation/discovery
◾◾ requirements analysis and reconciliation
◾◾ requirements representation/modeling
◾◾ requirements verification and validation
◾◾ requirements management

We explore each of these activities briefly.

Requirements Elicitation/Discovery
Requirements elicitation/discovery involves uncovering what the customer needs
and wants. But elicitation is not like picking low-hanging fruit from a tree. While
12  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

some requirements will be obvious (e.g., the POS system will have to compute
sales tax), many requirements will need to be discovered/or teased from the cus-
tomer through well-defined approaches. This aspect of requirements engineering
also involves discovering who the stakeholders are; for example, are there any hid-
den stakeholders? Elicitation also involves determining the nonfunctional require-
ments, which are often overlooked.

Requirements Analysis and Reconciliation

Requirements analysis and reconciliation involves techniques to deal with a num-
ber of problems with requirements in their “raw” form, that is, after they have been
collected from the customers. Problems with raw requirements include

◾◾ They don’t always make sense.

◾◾ They often contradict one another (and not always obviously so).
◾◾ They may be inconsistent.
◾◾ They may be incomplete.
◾◾ They may be vague or just wrong.
◾◾ They may interact and are dependent on each other.

Many of the elicitation techniques that we will discuss subsequently are

intended to avoid or alleviate these problems. Formal methods are also useful in
this regard.

Requirements Representation and Modeling

Requirements representation and modeling involves converting the requirements
processed raw requirements into some model (usual natural language, math, and
visualizations). Proper representations facilitate communication of requirements
and conversion into a system architecture and design. Various techniques are
used for requirements representation including informal (e.g., natural language,
sketches, and diagrams), formal (mathematically sound representations), and semi-
formal (convertible to a sound representation or is partially rigorous). Usually some
combination of these is employed in requirements representation, and we will dis-
cuss these further in subsequent chapters.

Requirements Validation
Requirements validation is the process of determining if the specification is a
correct representation of the customers’ needs. Validation answers the question
“Am I building the right product?” Requirements validation involves various
semi-formal and formal methods, text-based tools, visualizations, inspections,
and so on.
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 13

Requirements Management
One of the most overlooked aspects of requirements engineering, requirements
management involves managing the realities of changing requirements over time.
It also involves fostering traceability through appropriate aggregation and subordi-
nation of requirements and communicating changes in requirements to those who
need to know.
Managers also need to learn the skills to intelligently “push back” when scope
creep ensues. Using tools to track changes and maintain traceability can signifi-
cantly ease the burden of requirements management. We will discuss software tools
to aid in requirements engineering in Chapter 8 and requirements management
overall in Chapter 9.

The Requirements Engineer

What skills should a requirements engineer have? Christensen and Chang suggest
that the requirements engineer should be organized, have experience throughout
the (software) engineering lifecycle, have the maturity to know when to be general
and when to be specific, and be able to stand up to the customer when necessary
(Christensen and Chang 1996). Christensen and Chang further suggest that the
requirements engineer should be a good manager (to manage the process), a good lis-
tener, fair, a good negotiator, multidisciplinary (e.g., have a background in traditional
hard sciences and engineering augmented with communications and management
skills). Finally, the requirements engineer should understand the problem domain.
Gorla and Lam (2004) imply that engineers should be “thinking,” “sensing,”
and “judging” in the Myers-Briggs sense. We could interpret this observation to
mean that requirements engineers are structured and logical (thinking), focus
on information gathered and do not try to interpret it (sensing), and seek closure
rather than leaving things open (judging). The author’s own experience confirms
the observations of Christensen, Chang, Gorla, and Lam.

Requirements Engineering Paradigms

Another way to understand the nature of requirements engineering is to look at
various models for the role of the requirements engineer. We have identified the
following role models:

◾◾ requirements engineer as software systems engineer

◾◾ requirements engineer as subject matter expert
◾◾ requirements engineer as architect
14  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ requirements engineer as business process expert

◾◾ the ignorant requirements engineer
There are hybrid roles for the requirements engineer from the above as well.

Requirements Engineer as Software Systems Engineer

It is likely that many requirements engineers are probably former software systems
designers or developers. When this is the case, the requirements engineer can posi-
tively influence downstream development of models (e.g., the software design). The
danger in this case is that the requirements engineer may begin to create a design
when he should be developing requirements specifications.

Requirements Engineer as Subject Matter Expert

In many cases the customer is looking to the requirements engineer to be a subject
matter expert (SME) for expertise either in helping to understand the problem
domain or in understanding the customers’ own wants and desires. Sometimes the
requirements engineer isn’t an SME—they are an expert in requirements engineer-
ing. In those cases where the requirements engineer is not an SME, consider joining
forces with an SME.

Requirements Engineer as Architect

Building construction is often used as a metaphor for software construction. In our
experience architects and landscape architects play similar roles to requirements
engineers (and this similarity is often used as an argument that software engineers
need to be licensed). Daniel Berry has written about this topic extensively (Berry
1999, 2003). Berry noted that the analogous activities reduce scope creep and better
involve customers in the requirements engineering process. In addition, Zachman
(1987) introduced an architectural metaphor for information systems, though his
model is substantially different from the one about to be presented.
The similarities between architecture (in the form of home specification) and soft-
ware/systems specification are summarized in Table 1.1. If you have been through the
process of constructing or renovating a home, you will appreciate the similarities.

Requirements Engineer as Business Process Expert

The activities of requirements engineering comprise a form of problem solving—the
customer has a problem and the system must solve it. Often, solving the problem at
hand involves the requirements engineer advising changes in business processes to
simplify expression of system behavior. While it is not the requirements engineer’s
role to conduct business process improvement, this side benefit is frequently real-
ized in many cases.
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 15

Table 1.1 Architectural Model for Systems Engineering

Home Building Software/System Building

Architect meets with and interviews Requirements engineer meets with

clients. Tours property. Takes notes customers and uses interviews and
and pictures. other elicitation techniques.

Architect makes rough sketches Requirements engineer makes models

(shows to clients, receives of requirements to show to customers
feedback). (for example, prototypes, draft SRS)

Architect makes more sketches (for Architect refines requirements and

example, elevations) and perhaps adds formal and semi-formal elements
more sophisticated models (for (for example, UML). More prototyping
example, cardboard, 3D-virtual is used.
models, fly-through animations).

Architect prepares models with Requirements engineer uses

additional detail (floor plans). information determined above to
develop complete SRS

Future models (for example, Future models (for example, software

construction drawings) are for design documents) are for developers’
contractors’ use. use.

Ignorance as Virtue
Berry (1995) suggested having both novices and experts in the problem domain
involved in the requirements engineering process. His rationale is as follows. The
“ignorant” people ask the “dumb” questions, and the experts answer these ques-
tions. Having the requirements engineer as the most “ignorant” person of the group
is not necessarily a bad thing, then, at least with respect to the problem domain
because it forces him to ask the hard questions and to challenge conventional beliefs.
Of course, the “ignorant” requirements engineer is completely in opposition to the
role of subject matter expert.
Berry also noted that using formal methods in requirements engineering is a
form of ignorance because a mathematician is generally ignorant about an applica-
tion domain before she starts modeling it.

Role of the Customer?

What role should the requirements engineer expect the customer to play? The cus-
tomers’ roles are many and include
16  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ helping the requirements engineer understand what they need and want (elic-
itation and validation)
◾◾ helping the requirements engineer understand what they don’t want (elicita-
tion and validation)
◾◾ providing domain knowledge when necessary and possible
◾◾ alerting the requirements engineer quickly and clearly when they discover
that they or others have made mistakes
◾◾ alerting the requirements engineer quickly when they determine that changes
are necessary (really necessary)
◾◾ controlling their urges to have “aha moments” that cause major scope creep
◾◾ sticking to all agreements

In particular, the customer is responsible for answering the following four ques-
tions, with the requirements engineer’s help, of course:

1. Is the system that I want feasible?

2. If so, how much will it cost?
3. How long will it take to build?
4. What is the plan for building and delivering the system to me?

The requirements engineer must manage customers’ expectations with respect

to these issues. We will explore the nature and role of customers and stakeholders
in the next chapter.

Problems with Traditional Requirements Engineering

Traditional requirements engineering approaches suffer from a number of prob-
lems, many of which we have already discussed (or will discuss) and many of which
are not easily resolved, though we will discuss some of their resolutions later. These
problems include

◾◾ natural language problems (e.g., ambiguity, imprecision)

◾◾ domain understanding
◾◾ dealing with complexity (especially temporal behavior)
◾◾ difficulties in enveloping system behavior
◾◾ incompleteness (missing functionality)
◾◾ over-completeness (gold plating)
◾◾ overextension (dangerous “all”)
◾◾ inconsistency
◾◾ incorrectness
◾◾ and more
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 17

Natural language problems result from the ambiguities and context sensitivity
of natural (human) languages. We know these language problems exist for every-
one, not just requirements engineers, and lawyers and legislators make their living
finding, exploiting, or closing the “loopholes” found in any laws and contracts
written in natural language.
We have already discussed the issue of domain understanding and have observed,
as have others, that the requirements engineer may be an expert in the domain in
which the system to be built will operate. System complexity is a pervasive problem
that faces all systems engineers, and this will be discussed shortly. The problems of
fully specifying system behavior and of missing behavior are also very challenging,
but there are some techniques that can be helpful in missing, at least, the most obvi-
ous functionality in a system.

One of the greatest difficulties in dealing with the requirements engineering activi-
ties, particularly elicitation and representation, for most systems is that they are
“complex.” Without trying to invent a definition for “complexity,” we contend that
the challenges and complexity of capturing non-trivial behavior of any kind illus-
trate the notion of complex. Such difficulties are found in even the simplest of
“repeatable” human endeavors.
Imagine, for example, someone asked you to describe the first five minutes of
your morning from the moment you wake up. Could you do it with precision (try
it)? No, you could not. Why? There are too many possible different paths your
activities can take and too much uncertainty. Even with an atomic clock, you can’t
claim to wake up the same time every day (because even atomic clocks are imper-
fect). But of course, you wake up differently depending on the day of the week,
whether you are on vacation from work, if it is a holiday, and so on. You have to
account for that in your description. But what if you wake up sick? How does that
change the sequence of events? What if you accidentally knock over the glass of
water on your nightstand as you get up? Does that change the specification of the
activity? Or if you trip on your dog as you head to the bathroom? We could go on
with this example and repeat this exercise with other simple tasks such as mowing
the lawn or shopping for food. In fact, until you constrain the problem to the point
of ridiculousness, you will find it challenging or even impossible to precisely cap-
ture any non-trivial human activities.
Now consider a complex information or embedded processing system. Such a
system will likely have to have interactions with humans. Even in those systems
that do not directly depend on human interaction, it is the intricacy of temporal
behavior as well as the problems of unanticipated events that make requirements
elicitation and specification so difficult (and all the other requirements activities
hard too).
18  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Rittel and Webber (1973) defined a class of complex problems that they called
“wicked.” Wicked problems have ten characteristics:

◾◾ There is no definitive formulation of a wicked problem.

◾◾ Wicked problems have no stopping rule.
◾◾ Solutions to wicked problems are not true-or-false but good-or-bad.
◾◾ There is no immediate and no ultimate test of a solution to a wicked problem.
◾◾ Every solution to a wicked problem is a “one-shot operation;” because there is no
opportunity to learn by trial-and-error, every attempt counts significantly.
◾◾ Wicked problems do not have an enumerable (or an exhaustively describ-
able) set of potential solutions, nor is there a well-described set of permissible
operations that may be incorporated into the plan.
◾◾ Every wicked problem is essentially unique.
◾◾ Every wicked problem can be considered a symptom of another problem.
◾◾ The existence of a discrepancy representing a wicked problem can be explained
in numerous ways. The choice of explanation determines the nature of the
problem’s resolution
◾◾ The planner (designer) has no right to be wrong.

Rittel and Webber meant wicked problems to be of an economic, political, and

societal nature (e.g., hunger, drug abuse, conflict in the Middle East); therefore, they
offer no appropriate solution strategy for requirements engineering. Nevertheless,
it is helpful to view requirements engineering as a wicked problem because it helps
explain why the task is so difficult—because in many cases, real systems embody
most if not all of the characteristics of a wicked problem.

Four Dark Corners (Zave and Jackson)

Many of the problems with traditional requirements engineering arise from “four
dark corners” (Zave and Jackson 1997). We repeat the salient points here, verbatim,
with commentary in italics.

1. All the terminology used in requirements engineering should be grounded in

the reality of the environment for which a machine is to be built.
2. It is not necessary or desirable to describe (however abstractly) the machine to
be built.
NN Rather, the environment is described in two ways as it would be without or in
spite of the machine and as we hope it will become because of the machine.
NN Specifications are the what to be achieved by the system, not the how.
3. Assuming that formal descriptions focus on actions, it is essential to identify
which actions are controlled by the environment, which actions are controlled
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 19

by the machine, and which actions of the environment are shared with the
NN All types of actions are relevant to requirements engineering, and they might
need to be described or constrained formally.
NN If formal descriptions focus on states, then the same basic principles apply in
a slightly different form.
NN The method of formal representation should follow the underlying organiza-
tion of the system. For example, a state-based system is best represented by a
state-based formalization.
4. The primary role of domain knowledge in requirements engineering is in sup-
porting refinement of requirements to implementable specifications.
NN Correct specifications, in conjunction with appropriate domain knowledge,
imply the satisfaction of the requirements.
NN Failure to recognize the role of domain knowledge can lead to unfilled require-
ments and forbidden behavior.

Difficulties in Enveloping System Behavior

Imagine the arbitrary system shown in Figure 1.3 with n inputs and m outputs.
The set of inputs, I, derives from human operators, sensors, storage devices, other
systems, and so on. The outputs, O, pertain to display devices, actuators, storage devices,
other systems, and so on. The only constraint we will place on the system is that the
inputs and outputs are digitally represented within the system (if they are from/to ana-
log devices or systems, an appropriate conversion is needed). We define a behavior of the
system as an input/output pair. Since the inputs and outputs are discrete, this system
can be thought of as having an infinite but countable number of behaviors, B ⊆ I × O.
Imagine the behavior space, B, is represented by the Venn diagram of Figure 1.4.
The leftmost circle in the diagram represents the desired behavior set, as it is under-
stood by the customer. The area outside this circle is unwanted behavior and desir-
able behavior that, for whatever reason, the customer has not discovered.

I1 O1

I2 Computer O2

In Om

Figure 1.3 Arbitrary system with n inputs and m outputs.

20  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Desired system behavior


and some

behavior and
Universe of all possible system behaviors desirable
behavior not

Figure 1.4 Universe of all possible behaviors, desired behavior and specified

The requirements engineer goes about his business and produces a specification
that is intended to be representative of the behavior desired by the customer (the
rightmost circle of Figure 1.4). Being imperfect, this specification captures some
(but not all) of the desired behavior, and it also captures some undesirable behavior.
The desired behavior not captured in the specified behavior is the missing function-
ality. The undesirable behavior that is captured is forbidden functionality.
The goal of the requirements engineer, in summary, is to make the left and right
circles overlap as much as possible and to discover those missing desirable behaviors
that are not initially encompassed by the specification (leftmost circle).
Recognizing that there is an infinite number of behaviors that could be excluded
from the desired behaviors of the system, we need to, nevertheless, focus on the very
worst of these. Therefore, some of the requirements that we will be discovering and
communicating will take the form

The “system shall not…”

These kinds of behaviors are sometimes called “hazards” or “forbidden behavior.”

The term hazard usually refers to forbidden behavior that can lead to substantial or
catastrophic failure, whereas “forbidden behavior” has a less ominous connotation.
Known “shall nots” are not a problem, but what about unknown forbidden
behavior? These unknown forbidden behaviors are related to unknown risks or
uncertainties in the same way that the known forbidden behaviors are related to
known risks. The following tragic vignette acts as an illustration of the difference
between these two concepts.
Introduction to Requirements Engineering n 21

On a snowy January 13th in 1982 an Air Florida Boeing 737 jet departed from
Washington DC’s National Airport and crashed into the 14th Street Bridge less
than a mile from the airport. Of the 79 people on board the plane, only five sur-
vived. The plane also struck seven vehicles on the bridge, killing four motorists and
injuring another four.
The unfortunate passengers on the plane should have known that there was a
risk of the plane crashing, no matter how small that risk may have been. In some
cases, the passengers may have even taken out special crash insurance. But what
were the expectations of the motorists in the vehicles on the bridge who were killed
or injured? Surely, the thought of an airplane crashing into the bridge never crossed
their mind. For the motorists, therefore, this crash represented an unknown but
manifested uncertainty.
As an example of a forbidden behavior, consider the following for the baggage
handling system:

When the “conveyor jam” signal is set to the high state, the feed mecha-
nism shall not permit additional items to enter the conveyor system.

Similar forbidden behaviors can be generated for the POS system.

The Danger of “All” in Specifications

Requirement specification sentences usually involve some universal quantification
(e.g., “all users shall be able to access …”). But the use of “all” specifications is
dangerous because they are usually not true (Berry and Kamsties 2000), so require-
ments involving the word “all” should be challenged and relaxed when possible.
Related to “all” specifications are “never,” “always,” “none,” and “each” (because
they can be formally equated to universal quantification), and these should be
avoided as well. Finally, be careful when using the above words or their mathemati-
cal equivalents in specifications.

1.1 What are some of the major objections and deterrents to proper require-
ments engineering activities?
1.2 Is requirements engineering necessary for “small” systems? Why or why
1.3 What are factors that may cause customers to alter requirements?
1.4 What issues may possibly arise when a requirements engineer, who is not
a subject matter expert, enlists a subject matter expert to assist in defining
1.5 List some representative user requirements, system requirements, and
software specifications for the pet store POS system.
1.6 List five typical functional requirements for the baggage handling
22  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

1.7 List five forbidden functional requirements for the pet store POS
1.8 Conduct some Web research to discover if there are any regulations or
standards (NFR) for Smart Home systems.
1.9 For the Smart Home system what are the “hazards?” That is, make a
list of what this system shall not do based on these regulations and any
other information you have.

Berry, D. (1995) The importance of ignorance in requirements engineering, Journal of Systems
and Software, 28:1, 179–184.
Berry, D.M. (1999) Software and house requirements engineering: Lessons learned in com-
bating requirements creep, Requirements Engineering Journal, 3(3&4): 242–244.
Berry, D.M. (2003) More requirements engineering adventures with building contractors,
Requirements Engineering Journal, 8(2):142–146.
Berry, D.M., and E. Kamsties (2000) The Dangerous ‘All’ in Specifications, Proceedings of
the Tenth International Workshop on Software Specification and Design (IWSSD’00),
San Diego, CA, 5–7 November.
Christensen, M., and C. Chang (1996) Blueprint for the ideal requirements engineer,
Software, March, p. 12.
Gorla, N., and Yan Wah Lam (2004) Who should work with whom?: Building effective
software project teams, Communications of the ACM, 47(6): 79–82.
Laplante, P.A., and C. Neill (2004) The demise of the waterfall model is imminent and other
urban myths of software engineering, ACM Queue, 1(10): 10–15.
Neill, C.J., and P.A. Laplante (2003) Requirements engineering: The state of the practice,
Software, 20(6): 40–45.
Rittel, H., and M. Webber (1973) Dilemmas in a general theory of planning, Policy
Sciences, 4:155–169.
Royce, W. (1975) Practical Strategies for Developing Large Software Systems, Boston, MA:
Addison-Wesley, p. 59.
Sommerville, I. (2005) Software Engineering, 7th edn., Boston, MA: Addison-Wesley.
Voas, J. (1999) Software hazard mining, IEEE Symposium on Application-Specific Systems
and Software Engineering and Technology, pp. 180–184.
Zachman, J.A. (1987) A framework for information systems architecture, IBM Systems
Journal, 26(3): 276–292.
Zave, P. (1997) Classification of research efforts in requirements engineering, ACM Computing
Surveys, 29(4): 315–321.
Zave, P., and M. Jackson (1997) Four dark corners of requirements engineering, ACM Trans.
Softw. Eng. Methodology 6(1): 1–30.
Chapter 2

Mission Statement,
Customers, and

Mission Statements
The first thing we need to do when undertaking the development of a new system,
or redesign of an old one, is to prepare a mission statement. The mission statement
acts as a focal point for all involved in the system, and it allows us to weigh the
importance of various features by asking the question “how does that functionality
serve the mission?” In agile methodologies, to be discussed later, we would say that
the mission statement plays the role of “system metaphor.”
Writing mission statements can be contentious business, and many people
resent or fear doing so because there can be a tendency to get bogged down on
minutiae. Sometimes, mission statements tend to get very long and, in fact, evolve
into a “vision” statement. A mission statement should be very short, descriptive,
compelling, and never detailed, whereas a vision statement can be long. The mis-
sion statement is the “how” and the statement is the “what.” A mission statement
is almost a slogan.
One of the most widely cited “good” mission statements is the one associated
with the Starship Enterprise from the original Star Trek series. That mission state-
ment read

To seek out new life, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

24  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

This statement is clear, compelling, and inspiring. And it is “useful”—fans of

this classic series will recall several episodes in which certain actions to be taken by
the starship crew were weighed against the mission statement.
To illustrate further, there is an apocryphal story of a multi-billion dollar-
­company that manufactured cardboard boxes and other packaging. The mission
statement was something like

Our mission is to provide innovative, safe, and reliable packaging to the

world’s manufacturers.

At a corporate retreat the senior executives began to bog down in arguments

over new plants, corporate jets, marketing, and so on. In the back of the room, the
CEO, a direct descendent of one of the company’s founders was silently gesturing
with his hands. Finally the executives noticed the CEO’s actions, silenced, and
asked what he was doing. He said, “I am making the shape of a box—remember
what we do—we make boxes.” This reference to the mission statement brought the
other executives back on track.
So what might a mission statement for the baggage handling system look like?
How about

To automate all aspects of baggage handling from passenger origin

to destination.

For the pet store POS system, consider

To automate all aspects of customer purchase interaction and inven-

tory control.

These are not necessarily clever, or awe inspiring mission statements, but they
do convey the essence of the system. And they might be useful downstream when
we need to calibrate the expectations of those involved in its specification. In glob-
ally distributed development in particular, the need for a system metaphor is of
paramount importance.

Encounter with a Customer?

Suppose your wife (or substitute “husband,” “friend,” “roommate,” or whoever)
asks you to go to the store to pick up the following items because she wants to make
a cake:

◾◾ 5 pounds flour
◾◾ 12 large eggs
◾◾ 5 pounds sugar
◾◾ 1 pound butter
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  25

Off you go to the nearest convenience mart (which is close to your home). At
the store, you realize that you are not sure if she wants white or brown sugar. So you
call her from your cell phone and ask which kind of sugar she wants; you learn she
needs brown sugar. You make your purchases and return home.
But your wife is unhappy with your selections. You bought the wrong kind of
flour; she informs you that she wanted white and you bought wheat. You bought
the wrong kind of butter; she wanted unsalted. You brought the wrong kind of
sugar too, dark brown; she wanted light brown. Now you are in trouble.
So you go back to the mart and return the flour, sugar, and butter. You find the
white flour and brown sugar, but you could only find the unsalted butter in a tub
(not sticks), but you assume a tub is acceptable to her. You make your purchase and
return with the items. But now you discover that you made new mistakes. The light
brown sugar purchase is fine, but the white flour you brought back is bleached; she
wanted unbleached. And the butter in the tub is unacceptable—she points out
that unsalted butter can be found in stick form. She is now very angry with you
for your ignorance.
So, you go back to the store and sheepishly return the items, and pick up their
proper substitutes. To placate your wife’s anger, you decide to also buy some of her
favorite chocolate candy.
You return home and she is still unhappy. While you finally got the butter,
sugar, and flour right, now your wife remembers that she is making omelets for
supper, and that a dozen eggs won’t be enough for the omelets and the cake—she
needs 18 eggs. She is also not pleased with the chocolate—she informs you she is on
a diet and that she doesn’t need the temptation of chocolate lying around.
One more time you visit the mart and return the chocolate and the dozen eggs.
You pick up 18 eggs and return home.
You think you have gotten the shopping right when she queries: “where did you
buy these things?” When you note that you bought the items at the convenience
mart, she is livid—she feels the prices there are too high—you should have gone to
the supermarket a few miles further down the road.
We could go on and on with this example—each time your wife discovering a
new flaw in your purchases, changing her mind about quantity or brand, adding
new items, subtracting others, etcetera.
But what does this situation have to do with requirements engineering and
stakeholders? The situation illustrates many points about requirements engineer-
ing. First, you need to understand the application domain. In this case, having a
knowledge of baking would have informed you ahead of time that there are dif-
ferent kinds of butter, flour, and sugar and you probably would have asked focus-
ing questions before embarking on your shopping trip. Another point from this
scenario—customers don’t always know what they want—your wife didn’t realize
that she needed more eggs until after you made three trips to the store. And there
is yet one more lesson in the story: never make assumptions about what custom-
ers want—you thought that the tub butter was acceptable; it wasn’t. You finally
26  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

learned that even providing customers with more than they ask for (in this case her
favorite chocolate) can sometimes be the wrong thing to do.
But in the larger sense, the most important lesson to be learned from this
encounter with a customer is that they can be trouble. They don’t always know
what they want, and, even when they do, they may communicate their wishes inef-
fectively. Customers can change their mind and they may have high expectations
about what you know and what you will provide.
Because stakeholder interaction is so important, we are going to devote this
chapter to understanding the nature of stakeholders, and more specifically the
stakeholders for whom the system is being built—the customers.

Stakeholders represent a broad class of individuals who have some interest (a stake)
in the success (or failure) of the system in question. For any system, there are many
types of stakeholders, both obvious and sublime. The most obvious stakeholder of
a system is the user.
We define the user as the class (consisting of one or more persons) who will use
the system. The customer is the class (consisting of one or more persons) who is
commissioning the construction of the system. Sometimes the customer is called
the client (usually in the case of software systems) or sponsor (in the case where the
system is being built not for sale, but for internal use). But in many cases the terms
“customer,” “client,” and “sponsor” are used interchangeably depending on the con-
text. Note that the sponsor and customer can be the same person. And often there
is confusion between who the client is and who the sponsor is that can lead to many
In any case, clients, customers, users, sponsors—however you wish to redefine
these terms— are all stakeholders because they have a vested interest in the system.
But there are more stakeholders than these. It is said that “the customer is always
right, but there are more persons/entities with an interest in the system.” In fact,
there are many who have a stake in any new system. For example typical stakehold-
ers for any system might include

◾◾ customers (clients, users)

◾◾ the customers’ customers (in the case of a system that will be used by third
◾◾ sponsors (those who have commissioned and/or will pay for the system)
◾◾ all responsible engineering and technical persons (e.g., systems, development,
test, maintenance)
◾◾ regulators (typically, government agencies at various levels)
◾◾ third parties who have an interest in the system but no direct regulatory
authority (e.g., standards organizations, user groups)
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  27

◾◾ society (is the system safe?)

◾◾ environment (for physical systems)

And of course, this is an incomplete list. For example, we could go on with a

chain of customers’ customers’ customer …, where the delivered system is aug-
mented by a third party, augmented again, delivered to a fourth party, and so on.
In any case, when we use the term “stakeholder,” we need to remember that others,
not just the customer are involved.

Negative Stakeholders
Negative stakeholders are those who will be adversely affected by the system. These
include competitors, investors (potentially), and people whose jobs will be changed,
negatively affected, or displaced by the system. There are also internal negative
stakeholders—other departments who will take on more workload, jealous rivals,
skeptical managers, and more. These internal negative stakeholders can provide
passive-aggressive resistance and create political nightmares for all involved. All neg-
ative stakeholders have to be recognized and accounted for as much as possible.
Finally, there are always individuals who are not directly affected by systems
who are, nonetheless, interested (usually opposed) to those systems, and because
they may wield some power or influence, they must be considered. These interested
parties include environmentalists, animal activists, religious zealots, advocates of
all types, the self-interested, and so on. Some people call these kinds of individuals
“gadflies,” and they shouldn’t be ignored.

Stakeholder Identification
It is very important to accurately and completely identify all possible stakeholders
(positive and negative) for any system. Stakeholder identification is the first step
the requirements engineer must take after the mission statement has been writ-
ten. Why do we start with stakeholder identification? Imagine leaving out a key
stakeholder—and discovering them later? Or worse, they discover that a system
is being built, in which they have an interest, and they have been ignored. These
Johnny-come-lately stakeholders can try to impose all kinds of constraints and
requirements changes to the system that can be very costly.

Stakeholder Questions
One way to help identify stakeholders is by answering the following set of questions:

◾◾ Who is paying for the system?

◾◾ Who is going to use the system?
◾◾ Who is going to judge the fitness of the system for use?
28  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ What agencies (government) and entities (non-government) regulate any

aspect of the system?
◾◾ What laws govern the construction, deployment, and operation of the system?
◾◾ Who is involved in any aspect of the specification, design, construction, test-
ing, maintenance, and retirement of the system?
◾◾ Who will be negatively affected if the system is built?
◾◾ Who else cares if this system exists or doesn’t exist?
◾◾ Who have we left out?

Let’s try this set of questions on the airline baggage handling system. These
answers are not necessarily complete—over time, new stakeholders may be
revealed. But by answering these questions as completely as we can now, we reduce
the chances of overlooking a very important stakeholder late in the process.

◾◾ Who is paying for the system?—Airline, grants, passengers, your tax dollars.
◾◾ Who is going to use the system?—Airline personnel, maintenance personnel,
travelers (at the end).
◾◾ Who is going to judge the fitness of the system for use?—Airline, customers,
unions, FAA, OSHA, the press, independent rating agencies.
◾◾ What agencies (government) and entities (non-government) regulate any
aspect of the system?—FAA, OSHA, union contracts, state and local codes.
◾◾ What laws govern the construction, deployment, and operation of the
system?—Various state and local building codes, federal regulations for bag-
gage handling systems, OSHA laws.
◾◾ Who is involved in any aspect of the specification, design, construction, test-
ing, maintenance, and retirement of the system?—Various engineers, techni-
cians, baggage handlers union, etc.
◾◾ Who will be negatively affected if the system is built?—Passengers, union
◾◾ Who else cares if this system exists or doesn’t exist?—Limousine drivers.
◾◾ Who have we left out?

And let’s try this set of questions on the pet store POS system.

◾◾ Who is paying for the system?—Pet store, consumers.

◾◾ Who is going to use the system?—Cashiers, managers, customers (maybe if
self-service provided). Who else?
◾◾ Who is going to judge the fitness of the system for use?—Company execs,
managers, cashiers, customers. Who else?
◾◾ What agencies (government) and entities (non-government) regulate any
aspect of the system?—Tax authorities, governing business entities, pet store
organizations, better business bureau. What else?
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  29

◾◾ What laws govern the construction, deployment, and operation of the

system?—Tax laws, business, and trade laws? What else?
◾◾ Who is involved in any aspect of the specification, design, construction, test-
ing, maintenance, and retirement of the system?—Various engineers, CFO,
managers, cashiers. We need to know them all.
◾◾ Who will be negatively affected if the system is built?—Manual cash register
makers, inventory clerks. Who else?
◾◾ Who else cares if this system exists or doesn’t exist?—Competitors, vendors
of pet products. Who else?
◾◾ Who have we left out?

Stakeholder/Customer Classes
Assuming that we have answered the stakeholder identification questions as
completely as we can, the next step is to cluster these stakeholders into classes.
Because many of the stakeholders we have identified are likely to be customers,
and because the other stakeholders that we have identified are probably not going
to be directly involved in the requirements elicitation process (we are not going to
interview legislators, for example), we cluster as many stakeholders as possible into
user classes.
The reason that we cluster the classes is that for economy we need to identify
a small number of individuals with whom to have contact in order to represent
the interests and wants of a large swath of customers/stakeholders. So, for each of
the classes that we identify we’ll select an individual or very small representative
group for that class and deal only with those “champions.” As for the other stake-
holders, we will remain wary of their concerns (and legal implications) throughout
the process, but we are not likely to consult with any representatives of those classes
of stakeholder if we can avoid it.
We cluster customers into classes according to interests, scope, authorization,
or other discriminating factors (in effect, these are equivalence classes). Then we
select a champion or representative group for each user class. Then we select the
appropriate technique(s) to solicit initial inputs from each class. This is the elicita-
tion process that will be discussed in the next chapter.
To illustrate the clustering of stakeholders/users into representative classes consider
the baggage handling system. We might select the following representative classes:

◾◾ System maintenance personnel (who will be making upgrades and fixes)

◾◾ Baggage handlers (who interact with the system by turning it on and off,
increasing/decreasing speed, and so on)
◾◾ Airline schedulers/dispatchers (who assign flights to baggage claim areas)
◾◾ Airport personnel (who reassign flights to different baggage claim areas)
◾◾ Airport managers and policy makers
30  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

For the pet store POS system we might have the following classes:

◾◾ Cashiers
◾◾ Managers
◾◾ System maintenance personnel (to make upgrades and fixes)
◾◾ Store customers
◾◾ Inventory/warehouse personnel (to enter inventory data)
◾◾ Accountants (to enter tax information)
◾◾ Sales department (to enter pricing and discounting information)
◾◾ Others?

For each of these classes, we’ll want to select a champion and deal with them
during the elicitation process. More on this aspect in the next chapter.

Customer Wants and Needs

We mentioned that the primary goal of the requirements engineer is to understand
what the customers want. You also might think that you must give the customer
what he needs, but remember the admonition about substituting your own value
system for someone else’s—what you think the customer needs might be something
that they don’t want. That being said, it is always helpful to reveal new functional-
ity to the customers so that they can determine if there are features that they need
but had not considered. This situation is especially relevant when the customer has
less domain knowledge than the requirements engineer. At some point, however,
you will need to reconcile wants and needs—requirements prioritization will be
very useful here.

What Do Customers Want?

So, the objective is to satisfy customer wants. But it is not always easy to know what
their wants are. Why? Because their wants exist on many levels—practical needs
(e.g., minimum functionality of the system), competitive needs (it should be better
than the competitors’ systems), selfish needs (they want to show off and tout the
system’s features), and more. And sometimes the customers want “it all” and they
don’t want to pay a lot for it. Requirements engineers have to help them understand
this reality.
One way to understand the needs levels of customers is to revisit Maslow’s clas-
sic hierarchy of self-actualization (Figure 2.1).
Maslow theorized that human beings will seek to satisfy (actualize) their needs
starting with the most basic (the bottom of the pyramid) and work their way up to
the most elusive, esoteric, and spiritual. But they will never move very far up the pyr-
amid (or stay at a higher level) if lower levels of needs/wants are not satisfied first.
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  31






Figure 2.1 Maslow’s hierarchy.

Basic needs include food, water, and sleep. These take precedence over one’s
physical safety, however—if you were starving, you would risk crossing a very busy
street to get food on the other side. People risk jail time by stealing bread. Higher
up the Maslow’s pyramid is the need to be loved and to belong to some group,
but he presumes that these needs are fundamentally subordinated to the need for
physical safety. You might argue about this one, but the thinking is that some
people will sacrifice the chance for love in order to preserve their physical wellbeing
(would you continue belonging to the Sky Diving Club just because you liked one
of its members?). Next, one’s self-esteem is important, but not as important as the
need to belong and be loved (which is why you will humiliate yourself and dress in
a Roman costume for your crazy sister-in-law’s wedding). Finally, Maslow defined
self-actualization as “man’s desire for fulfillment, namely to the tendency for him to
become actually in what he is potentially: to become everything that one is capable
of becoming ...” (Maslow 1943).
A variation of Maslow’s hierarchy, depicted in Figure 2.2, can help explain the
needs and wants of customers. Here the lowest level is basic functionality. Being a
point of sale system implies certain functions must be present—such as create a sale,
return an item, update inventory, and so on. At the enabling level, the customer
desires features that provide enabling capabilities with respect to other systems
(software, hardware, or process) within the organization. So the POS system ties
into some management software that allows for real-time sales data to be tracked
by managers for forecasting or inventory control purposes. The functionality at the
enabling level may not meet or exceed competitors’ capabilities. Those functional
32  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems





Figure 2.2 Hierarchy of customer’s needs/wants.

needs are met at the competitive advantage level. Here the customer wishes for this
new system to provide capabilities that exceed those of the competition or other­
wise create a business advantage. Finally, ground-breaking desires would imply
development of technology that exceeds current theory or practice and has implica-
tions and applications beyond the system in question. For example, some kind of
new data-mining technology might be desired that exceeds current technologies.
As with the Maslow hierarchy, the idea is that the lower-level functionality must
not be sacrificed to meet the higher levels of functionality.
While this hierarchy implies four levels of importance of need, it is likely that
in any situation there can be more or fewer levels. But the basic idea is to discover
and organize customers’ needs according to some meaningful hierarchy, which
will be most helpful with requirements prioritization later. And this is not the first
time that Maslow’s theory was used to explain the needs of customers or users.
For example, Valacich et al. described a modified four-level Maslow hierarchy to
explain user preferences in Web-based user interfaces (Valacich et al. 2007).
In any case, let’s return to our examples to consider some of the wants for the
baggage handling and pet store POS systems.
For an airline baggage handling system customers probably want

◾◾ safety
◾◾ speed
◾◾ reliability
◾◾ fault-tolerance (no broken luggage!)
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  33

◾◾ maintainability
◾◾ and so on

For the pet store POS system, customers want

◾◾ speed
◾◾ accuracy
◾◾ clarity (in the printed receipt)
◾◾ efficiency
◾◾ ease of use (especially if self-service provided)
◾◾ and more

So we would use our best efforts to attend to these needs. The problem becomes,
however, how do we measure satisfaction of these needs? Because, if these wants
and desires cannot be measured, then we will never achieve them. We will discuss
the issue of requirements satisfaction in Chapter 5.

What Don’t Customers Want?

Sometimes customers are very explicit in what they don’t want the system to do.
These specific undesirable features or “do not wants” are frequently overlooked by
the requirements engineer. Unwanted features can include

◾◾ undesirable performance characteristics

◾◾ esthetic features
◾◾ gold plating (excessive and unnecessary features)
◾◾ safety concerns (“hazards”)

The “shall not” requirements are often the hardest to capture. Sometimes cus-
tomers don’t know what they don’t want until they see it! For example, upon seeing
the delivered system (or a prototype), they exclaim:

“I know I said I wanted it to do that, but I guess I really didn’t mean that.”

For illustrative purposes, here are some examples of unwanted features of the
baggage handling system:

◾◾ The system shall not shut down if main airport power is lost.
◾◾ The system shall not cause a failure in the main airline computer system.
◾◾ The system shall not cause baggage to be destroyed at a rate higher than 1
bag per minute.

You can see how hard it is to describe what the system is not supposed to do.
More on this later.
34  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

And here are some for the pet store POS system:

◾◾ If the register tape runs out, the system shall not crash.
◾◾ If a product code is not found, the system shall not crash.
◾◾ If a problem is found in the inventory reconciliation code, the current trans-
action shall not be aborted.

Many of the elicitation techniques that we will discuss in the next chapter will
tend to uncover unwanted features, but the requirements engineer should always try to
discover what the customer does not want as much as what the customer does want.

Why Do Customers Change Their Minds?

One of the greatest challenges in dealing with customers is that they sometimes
don’t know precisely what they want the system to do. Why is this so? First, no one
is omnipotent. A customer can’t see every possible desideratum, unless they want a
complete replica of another system. Helping the customer find these new features
as early as possible is the job of the requirements engineer.
Another reason why customers change their minds is that, with varying levels
of requirements (e.g., features, constraints, business rules, quality attributes, etc.),
what is important might change as these “non-requirements” (e.g., business rules)
change during the system life cycle.
Sometimes the environment in which the system functions and the custom-
ers operate changes (physical changes, economic changes, competition, regulatory
changes, etc.). For example, while building the pet store POS system, state taxation
rules about pet toys might change (maybe only squeaky toys are taxed), and this
event might require a significant redesign of the taxation portion of the code.
Some requirements are so “obvious” that the customer doesn’t think to stipulate
them. For example, in what order do you print a list of customers in the pet store
POS system? The customer’s “obvious” answer is alphabetically by last name, but
the system designer thought numerically by customer id.
Another reason for changing requirements has to do with the discovery of the
return on investment. In one project, for example, it was discovered that what
the customer deemed the most important requirement (paperwork reduction)
did not add substantial economic value to the business with respect to the cost of
implementing the requirement. It turned out that a secondary requirement—the
paperwork that should be eliminated had to be non-trivial—was the key economic
driver. Prioritization and avoiding late changes is one reason why return on invest-
ment data is particularly useful in driving the requirements set.
Sometimes the customer is simply flighty or fickle. They change their minds
because that is the way they operate. Or they simply don’t know what a requirement
is (you need to educate them). Other customers are simply, well, stupid. As their
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  35

requirements engineer you have to tolerate a certain amount of this changeability

(how much is up to you).
Finally, customers will deliberately withhold information for a variety of rea-
sons (e.g., the information is proprietary, they distrust you, they don’t like you, they
don’t think you will understand). The information withheld can rear its ugly head
later in the project and require costly changes to the system.

Stakeholder Prioritization
Up until now, we have mostly been referring to the customer as the primary stake-
holder, but of course, there are others. Not all stakeholders are of equal impor-
tance. For example, the concerns of the Baggage Handlers Union are important,
but may not be as important as the airport authority (the customer), who is paying
for the baggage handling system. On the other hand, federal regulations trump the
desires of the customer; for example, the system must comply with all applicable
federal standards.
Because we have many stakeholders and some of their needs and desires may
conflict, we rank or prioritize the stakeholder classes to help resolve these situa-
tions. Usually rank denotes the risk of not satisfying the stakeholder (e.g., legal
requirements should be #1 unless you want to go to jail). Ranking the stakeholders
will lead to requirements prioritization, which is the key to reconciliation and risk
mitigation—so get used to it!
Table 2.1 contains a partial list of stakeholders for the baggage handling system
ranked in a simple High, Medium, Low priority scheme. A rationale for the rank
assignment is included.

Table 2.1 Partial Ranking of Stakeholders for the Baggage Handling System
Stakeholder Class Rank Rationale

System maintenance Medium They have moderate interaction

personnel with the system.

Baggage handlers Medium They have regular interaction with

the system but have an agenda that
may run counter to the customer.

Airline schedulers/ Low They have little interaction with the

dispatchers system.

Airport personnel Low Most other airport personnel have

little interaction with the system.

Airport managers and policy High They are paying for the system.
makers (“the customer”)
36  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 2.2 Partial Ranking of Stakeholders for the Pet Store POS System
Stakeholder Class Rank Rationale

Cashiers 2 They have the most interaction with the


Managers 1 They are the primary customer/sponsor.

System maintenance 4 They have to fix things when they break.


Store customers 3 They are the most likely to be adversely


Inventory/warehouse 6 They have the least direct interaction with the

personnel system.

Accountants/sales 5 They read the reports.


Table 2.2 contains a partial list of stakeholders for the pet store POS system ranked
using ratings 1 through 7, where 1 represents highest importance or priority.
You can certainly argue with this ranking and prioritizations; for example, you
may think that the store customer is the most important person in the POS system.
But this disagreement highlights an important point—it is early in the require-
ments engineering process when you want to argue about stakeholder conflicts and
prioritization, not later when design decisions may have already been made that
need to be undone.

Communicating with Customers

and Other Stakeholders
One of the most important activities of the requirements engineer is to commu-
nicate with customers, and at times with other stakeholders. In many cases, aside
from the sales personnel, the requirements engineer is the customer-facing side of
the business. Therefore, it is essential that all communications be conducted clearly,
ethically, consistently, and in a timely fashion.
The question arises, what is the best format for communications with custom-
ers? There are many ways to communicate, and each has specific advantages and
disadvantages. For example, in-person meetings are very effective. Verbal informa-
tion is conveyed via the language used, but also more subtle clues from voice qual-
ity, tone, and inflection and from body language can be conveyed. In fact, agile
software methodologies advocate having a customer representative on site at all
times to facilitate continuous in-person communications. Agile methodologies for
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  37

requirements engineering are discussed in Chapter 7. But in-person meetings are

not economical and they consume a great deal of time. Furthermore, when you have
multiple customers, even geographically distributed customers, how do you meet
with them? Together? Separately? Via teleconference? All of these questions have to
be considered.
Well planned, intensive group meetings can be an effective form of communi-
cation for requirements engineering, and we will be discussing such techniques in
the next chapter. But these meetings are expensive and time consuming and can
disrupt the client’s business.
Providing periodic status reports to customers during the elicitation and beyond
can help to avoid some of these problems. At least from a legal standpoint, the
requirements engineer has been making full disclosure of what he knows and what
he does not.
Should written communications with the customer take the form of legal con-
tracts and memoranda? The advantage here is that this kind of communication
might avoid disputes, or at least provide evidence in the event of a dispute. After
all, any communications with the customer can be relevant in court. But formal
communications are impersonal, can slow the process of requirements engineering
significantly, and can be costly (if a lawyer is involved).
Telephone or teleconference calls can be used to communicate throughout the
requirements engineering process. The informality and speed of this mode is highly
desirable. But even with teleconferencing, some of the nuance of co-located com-
munication is lost, and there are always problems of misunderstanding, dropped
calls, and interruptions. And the informality of the telephone call is also a liabil-
ity—every communication with a customer has potential legal implications and
you do not want to record every call.
Email can be effective as a means of communication, and its advantages and dis-
advantages fall somewhere between written memoranda and telephone calls. Email
is both spontaneous and informal, but it is persistent—you can save every email
transaction. But as with telephone calls, some of the interpersonal nuanced com-
munication is lost, and as a legal document, email trails leave much to be desired.
Finally, Wiki technology can and has been used to communicate requirements
information with customers and other stakeholders. The Wiki can be used as a kind
of whiteboard on which ideas can be shared and refined. Further, with some mas-
saging, the Wiki can be evolved into the final software requirements specification
document. And there are ways to embed executable test cases into the SRS itself
using the FitNesse acceptance testing framework (

Managing Expectations
A big part of communicating with customers is managing expectations. Expectations
really matter—in all endeavors, not just requirements engineering. If you don’t
believe this fact, consider the following situations.
38  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Situation A: Imagine you were contracted to do some work as a consul-

tant and you agreed to a fee of $5,000 for the work. You complete the
work and the customer is satisfied. But your client pays you $8,000—he
has had a successful year and he wants to share the wealth. How do you

Situation B: Now reset the clock—imagine the previous situation didn’t

happen yet. Imagine now that you agree to do the same work as before,
but this time for $10,000. You do exactly the same amount of work as
you did in situation A and the customer is satisfied. But now the cus-
tomer indicates that he had a very bad year and that all he can pay is
$8,000, take it or leave it. How do you feel?

In both situation A and situation B you did exactly the same amount of work
and you were paid exactly the same amount of money. But you would be ecstatic in
situation A, and upset in situation B. Why? What is different?
The difference is in your expectations. In situation A you expected to be paid
$5,000 but the customer surprised you and exceeded your expectations, making
you happy. In situation B your expectations of receiving $10,000 were not met,
making you unhappy.
Some might argue that, in any endeavor, this example illustrates that you should
set customers’ expectations low deliberately and then exceed them, so that you can
make the customer extremely happy. But this will not always work, and certainly
will not work in the long run—people who get a reputation for padding schedules
or otherwise low-balling expectations lose the trust of their customers and clients.*
Also recognize that you exert tremendous conscious and unconscious influence
on stakeholders. When communicating with customers avoid saying such words
as “I would have the system do this…” or “I don’t like the system to do that …”
These phrases may influence the customer to make a decision that will be regretted
later—and blamed on you!
Therefore, our goal as requirements engineers is to carefully manage customers’
expectations. That is understand, adjust, monitor, reset, and then meet customer
expectations at all times.

Stakeholder Negotiations
It is inevitable that along the way the requirements engineer must negotiate with
customers and other stakeholders. Often the negotiations deal with convincing
the customer that some desired functionality is impossible or in dealing with the

* The author often jokes when giving seminars that: “I like to set expectations deliberately low
… and then meet them.”
Mission Statement, Customers, and Stakeholders  39

concerns of other stakeholders. And expectation setting and management through-

out the life cycle of any system project is an exercise in negotiation. While we are
not about to embed a crash course in negotiation theory in this book, we wanted to
mention a few simple principles that should be remembered.
Set the ground rules up front. When a negotiation is imminent, make sure that
the scope and duration of the discussions are agreed. If there are to be third par-
ties present, make sure that this is understood. If certain rules need to be followed,
make both parties aware. Trying to eliminate unwanted surprises for both sides in
the negotiation will lead to success.
Understand people’s expectations. Make sure you realize that what matters to you
might not matter to the other party. Some people care about money; others care
more about their image, reputation, or feelings. When dealing with negotiations
surrounding system functionality, understand what is most important to the cus-
tomer. Ranking requirements will be most helpful in this regard.
Look for early successes. It always helps to build positive momentum if agreement,
even on something small, can be reached. Fighting early about the most conten-
tious issues will amplify any bad feelings and make agreement on those small issues
more difficult later.
Be sure to give a little and push back a little. If you give a little in the negotiation,
it always demonstrates good faith. But the value of pushing back in a negotiation
is somewhat counterintuitive. It turns out that by not pushing back, you leave the
other party feeling cheated and empty.
For example, suppose someone advertises a used car for sale at $10,000. You
visit the seller, look at the car, and offer $8,000. The seller immediately accepts.
How do you feel? You probably feel that the seller accepted too easily, and that
he had something to hide. Or, you feel that the $10,000 asking price was grossly
inflated—why, if you had offered $10,000, the seller would have accepted that—
how greedy of him? You would have actually felt better if the seller refused your
offer of $8,000 but countered with $9,000 instead. So, push back a little.
Conclude negotiating only when all parties are satisfied. Never end a negotiation
with open questions or bad feelings. Everyone needs to feel satisfied and whole at
the end of a negotiation. If you do not ensure mutual satisfaction, you will likely
not do business together again, and your reputation at large may be damaged (cus-
tomers talk to one another).
There are many good texts on effective negotiation (e.g., Cohen 2000), and it is
advisable that all requirements engineers continuously practice and improve their
negotiating skills.

2.1. Why is it important to have a mission statement?
2.2. What is the relationship of a system mission statement to the enterprise’s
mission statement?
2.3. When should a domain vocabulary be established?
40  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

2.4. Under what circumstances might the customer’s needs and desires be
considered secondary?
2.5. Think of a system or product you use often and try to guess what the
mission statement is for that product, or the company that makes it.
2.6. Search the Internet for the actual mission statement and compare it to
your guess. Does such a mission statement exist? If it does exist, how
does the actual mission statement compare to your guess?
2.7. At what stage of the requirements development are additions to the
requirements considered scope creep?

Cohen, H. (2000) You Can Negotiate Anything, Citadel.
Maslow, A. (1943) A theory of human motivation, Psychological Review, 50: 370–396.
Valacich, J.H., D.V. Parboteeah, and J.D. Wells (2007) The Online Consumer’s Hierarchy of
Needs, Communications of the ACM, 50(9): 84–90.
Chapter 3

Requirements Elicitation

In this chapter we explore the many ways that requirements can be elicited—that
is, found, discovered, captured, coerced, whatever the term may be. Remember that
requirements are usually not so easy to come by, at least not all of them. Many of
the more subtle and complex ones have to be teased out through rigorous, if not,
dogged processes.
There are many techniques that you can choose to conduct requirements elicita-
tion, and you will probably need to use more than one, and perhaps different ones
for different classes of users/stakeholders. The techniques that we will discuss are

◾◾ Brainstorming
◾◾ Card Sorting
◾◾ Designer as Apprentice
◾◾ Domain Analysis
◾◾ Ethnographic Observation
◾◾ Goal-Based Approaches
◾◾ Group Work
◾◾ Interviews
◾◾ Introspection
◾◾ Joint Application Development (JAD)
◾◾ Laddering
◾◾ Protocol Analysis
◾◾ Prototyping

42  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ Quality Function Deployment (QFD)

◾◾ Questionnaires
◾◾ Repertory Grids
◾◾ Scenarios
◾◾ Task Analysis
◾◾ User Stories
◾◾ Viewpoints
◾◾ Workshops

This list is based on one offered by Zowghi and Coulin (1998).

Elicitation Techniques Survey

Now it is time to begin examining the elicitation techniques. We offer these tech-
niques in alphabetical order—no preference is implied. At the end of the chapter, we
will discuss the prevalence and suitability of these techniques in different situations.

Brainstorming consists of informal sessions with customers and other stakeholders
to generate overarching goals for the systems. Brainstorming can be formalized to
include a set agenda, minutes taking, and the use of formal structures (e.g., Roberts
Rules of Order). But the formality of a brainstorming meeting is probably inversely
proportional to the creative level exhibited at the meeting. These kinds of meetings
probably should be informal, even spontaneous, with the only structure embodying
some recording of any major discoveries.
During brainstorming sessions, some preliminary requirements may be gener-
ated, but this aspect is secondary to the process. The JAD technique incorporates
brainstorming (and a whole lot more), and it is likely that most other group-
oriented elicitation techniques embody some form of brainstorming implicitly.
Brainstorming is also useful for general objective setting, such as mission or vision
statement generation.

Card Sorting
This technique involves having stakeholders complete a set of cards that includes
key information about functionality for the system/software product. It is also a
good idea for the stakeholders/customers to include ranking and rationale for each
of the functionalities.
The period of time to allow customers and stakeholders to complete the cards is
an important decision. While the exercise of card sorting can be completed in a few
Requirements Elicitation  43

Update inventory
Manage customer
Identify customer Priority – High loyalty feature
Priority – Medium
Priority – High

Apply sales tax to

non-food items
Prepare sales tax Priority – Medium

Priority – High

Figure 3.1 A tiny subset of the unsorted cards generated by customers for the
pet store POS system.

hours, rushing the stakeholders will likely lead to important, missing functionalities.
Giving stakeholders too much time, however, can slow the process unnecessarily.
It is recommended that a minimum of one week (and no more than two weeks) be
allowed for the completion of the cards. Another alternative is to have the custom-
ers complete the cards in a two-hour session, then return one week later for another
session of card completion and review.
In any case, after each session of card generation the requirements engineer
organizes these cards in some manner, generally clustering the functionalities logi-
cally. These clusters form the bases of the requirements set. The sorted cards can
also be used as an input to the process to develop CRC (capability, responsibility,
class) cards to determine program classes in the eventual code. Another technique
to be discussed shortly, QFD, includes a card-sorting activity.
To illustrate the process, Figure 3.1 depicts a tiny subset of cards generated by
the customer for the pet store POS system, lying in an unsorted pile. In this case,
each card contains only a brief description of the functionality and a priority rating
is included (no rationale is shown for brevity).
The requirements engineer analyzes this pile of cards and decides that two of
the cards pertain to “customer management” functions, two cards to “tax func-
tions,” and one card to “inventory features” or functions, and arranges the cards in
appropriate piles as shown in Figure 3.2.
The customer can be shown this sorted list of functionalities for correction or
missing features. Then, a new round of cards can be generated if necessary. The
process continues until the requirements engineer and customer are satisfied that
the system features are substantially captured.
44  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Customer management
Tax functions

Identify customer if returning

Priority – High Prepare sales tax reports
Priority – High

Manage customer loyalty feature Apply sales tax to non-food items

Priority – Medium Priority – Medium

Inventory features

Update inventory records

Priority – High

Figure 3.2 Sorted cards for the pet store POS system.

Designer as Apprentice*
Designer as apprentice is a requirements discovery technique in which the require-
ments engineer “looks over the shoulder” of the customer in order to learn enough
about the customer’s work to understand their needs. The relationship between
customer and designer is like that between a master craftsman and apprentice. That
is, the apprentice learns a skill from the master just as we want the requirements
engineer (the designer) to learn about the customer’s work from the customer.
The apprentice is there to learn whatever the master knows (and therefore must
guide the customer in talking about and demonstrating those parts of the work).
The designer is there to address specific needs.
It might seem that the customer needs to have some kind of teaching ability
for this technique to work, but that is not true. Some customers cannot talk about
their work effectively, but can talk about it as it unfolds. Moreover, customers don’t
have to work out the best way to present it, or the motives; they just explain what
they’re doing.
Seeing the work reveals what matters. For example, people are not aware of
everything they do and sometimes why they do it. Some actions are the result of
years of experience and are too subtle to express. Other actions are just habits with
no valid justification. The presence of an apprentice provides the opportunity for
the master (customer) to think about the activities and how they came about.

* This discussion is adapted from one found in Laplante (2006), with permission.
Requirements Elicitation  45

Seeing the work reveals details since, unless we are performing a task, it is diffi-
cult to be detailed in describing it. Finally, seeing the work reveals structure. Patterns
of working are not always obvious to the worker. An apprentice learns the strategies
and techniques of work by observing multiple instances of a task and forming an
understanding of how to do it themselves, incorporating the variations.
In order for this technique to work, the requirements engineer must understand
the structure and implication of the work, including

◾◾ the strategy to get work done

◾◾ constraints that get in the way
◾◾ the structure of the physical environment as it supports work
◾◾ the way work is divided
◾◾ recurring patterns of activity
◾◾ the implications these have on any potential system

The designer must demonstrate an understanding of the work to the customer so

that any misunderstandings can be corrected.
Finally, using the designer as apprentice approach provides other project ben-
efits beyond requirements discovery. For example, using this technique can help
improve the process that is being modeled.
Both customer and designer learn during this process—the customer learns
what may be possible and the designer expands his understanding of the work. If
the designer has an idea for improving the process, however, this must be fed back
to the customer immediately (at the time).

Domain Analysis
We have already emphasized the importance of having domain knowledge (whether
it is had by the requirements engineer and/or the customer) in requirements engi-
neering. Domain analysis involves any general approach to assessing the “land-
scape” of related and competing applications to the system being designed. Such
an approach can be useful in identifying essential functionality and, later, missing
functionality. Domain analysis can also be used downstream for identifying reus-
able components (such as open source software elements that can be incorporated
into the final design). The QFD elicitation approach explicitly incorporates domain
analysis, and we will discuss this technique shortly.

Ethnographic Observation
Ethnographic observation refers to any technique in which observation of indirect
and direct factors inform the work of the requirements engineer. Ethnographic
observation is a technique borrowed from social science in which observations of
human activity and the environment in which the work occurs are used to inform
46  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

the scientist in the study of some phenomenon. In the strictest sense, ethnographic
observation involves long periods of observation (hence, an objection to its use as a
requirements elicitation technique).
To illustrate ethnographic observation, imagine the societal immersion of an
­anthropologist studying some different culture. The anthropologist lives among the
culture being studied, but in a way in which he is minimally intrusive. While eating,
sleeping, hunting, celebrating, mourning, and so on within the culture, all kinds of
direct and indirect evidence of how that society functions and its belief systems are
In applying ethnographic observation to requirements elicitation, the require-
ments engineer immerses himself in the workplace culture of the customer. Here, in
addition to observing work or activity to be automated, the requirements engineer is
also in a position to collect evidence of customer needs derived from the surround-
ings that may not be communicated directly. Designer as apprentice is one require-
ments elicitation technique that includes the activity of ethnographic observation.
To illustrate this technique in practice, consider this situation in which ethno-
graphic observation occurs:

◾◾ You are gathering requirements for a Smart Home for some customer.
◾◾ You spend long periods of time interviewing the customer about what she wants.
◾◾ You spend time interacting with the customer as she goes about her day and
ask questions (“why are you running the dishwasher at night, why not in
the morning?”).
◾◾ You spend long periods of time passively observing the customer “in action”
in her current home to get nonverbal clues about her wants and desires.
◾◾ You gain other information from the home itself—the books on the book-
shelf, paintings on the wall, furniture styles, evidence of hobbies, signs of
wear and tear on various appliances, etc.

Ethnographic observation can be very time-consuming and requires substantial

training of the observer to be useful. There is another objection, based on the intru-
siveness of the process. There is a well-known principle in physics known as the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which, in layperson’s terms, means that you can’t
precisely measure something without affecting that which you are measuring. So,
for example, when you are observing the work environment for a client, processes
and behaviors change because everyone is out to impress—so an incorrect picture
of the situation is formed, leading to flawed decisions down the line.

Goal-Based Approaches
Goal-based approaches comprise any elicitation techniques in which requirements
are recognized to emanate from the mission statement, through a set of goals that
Requirements Elicitation  47

lead to requirements. That is, looking at the mission statement, a set of goals
that ful­fill that mission is generated. These goals may be subdivided one or more
times to obtain lower-level goals. Then, the lower-level goals are branched out into
specific high-level requirements. Finally, the high-level requirements are used to
generate lower-level ones.
For example, consider the baggage handling system mission statement:

To automate all aspects of baggage handling from passenger origin

to destination.

The following goals might be considered to fulfill this mission:

◾◾ Goal 1: To completely automate the tracking of baggage from check-in

to pick-up.
◾◾ Goal 2: To completely automate the routing of baggage from check-in coun-
ter to plane.
◾◾ Goal 3: To reduce the amount of lost luggage to 1%.

Related to this process of goal decomposition into requirements is a technique

called “Goal-Question-Metric” (GQM). GQM is used in the creation of metrics
that can be used to test requirements satisfaction. This process primarily comprises
three steps: state the goals that the organization is trying to achieve; next, derive
from each goal the questions that must be answered to determine if they are being
met; finally, decide what must be measured in order to be able to answer the ques-
tions (Basili and Weiss 1984).
So, in the case of the baggage handling system, consider goal 3. Here the related
question is “What percentage of luggage is lost for a given [airport/airline/flight/
time period/etc.]?” This question suggests a requirement of the form

The percentage of luggage lost for a given [airport/airline/flight/time

period/etc.] shall be not greater than 1%.

The associated metric for this requirement, then, is simply the percentage of
luggage lost for a particular [airport/airline/flight/time period/etc.]. Of course, we
really need a definition for “lost luggage,” since so-called lost luggage often reap-
pears days or even months after it is declared lost. Also, reasonable assumptions
need to be made in framing this requirement in terms of an airport’s reported lug-
gage losses over some time period, or for a particular airline at some terminal, and
so forth.
In any case, we deliberately picked a simple example here—the appropriate
question for some goal (requirement) is not always so obvious, nor is the associated
metric so easily derived from the question.
48  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Group Work
Group work is a general term for any kind of group meetings that are used during
the requirements discovery, analysis, and follow-up processes. The most celebrated
of group-oriented work for requirements elicitation is Joint Application Design
(JAD), which we will discuss shortly.
Group activities can be very productive in terms of bringing together many
stakeholders, but risk the potential for conflict and divisiveness. The key to success
in any kind of group work is in the planning and execution of the group meetings.
Here are the most important things to remember about group meetings.

◾◾ Do your homework—research all aspects of the organization, problems, poli-

tics, environment, and so on.
◾◾ Publish an agenda (with time allotted for each item) several days before the
meeting occurs.
◾◾ Stay on the agenda throughout the meeting (no meeting scope creep).
◾◾ Have a dedicated note-taker (scribe) on hand.
◾◾ Do not allow personal issues to creep in.
◾◾ Allow all to have their voices heard.
◾◾ Look for consensus at the earliest opportunity.
◾◾ Do not leave until all items on the agenda have received sufficient discussion.
◾◾ Publish the minutes of the meeting within a couple of days of meeting close
and allow attendees to suggest changes.

These principles will come into play for the JAD approach to requirements elicitation.
Group work of any kind has many drawbacks. First, group meetings can be
difficult to organize and get the many stakeholders involved to focus on issues.
Problems of openness and candor can occur as well because people are not always
eager to express their true feelings in a public forum. Because everyone has a differ-
ent personality, certain individuals can dominate the meeting (and these may not
be the most “important” individuals). Allowing a few to own the meeting can lead
to feelings of being “left out” for many of the other attendees.
Running effective meetings, and hence using group work, requires highly devel-
oped leadership, organizational, and interpersonal skills. Therefore, the require-
ments engineer should seek to develop these skills whenever possible.

The “opposite” of group activities is the one-on-one (or small group) interview.
This is an obvious and easy-to-use technique to extract system requirements from
a customer.
There are three kinds of interviews that can be used in elicitation activities:
Requirements Elicitation  49

◾◾ unstructured
◾◾ structured
◾◾ semi-structured

Unstructured interviews, which are probably the most common type, are con-
versational in nature and serve to relax the customer. Like a spontaneous “confes-
sion” these can occur any time and any place whenever the requirements engineer
and customer are together, and the opportunity to capture information this way
should never be lost. But depending on the skill of the interviewer, unstructured
interviews can be hit or miss. Therefore, structured or semi-structured interviews
are preferred.
Structured interviews are much more formal in nature, and they use pre-
defined questions that have been rigorously planned. Templates are very helpful
when employed with interviewing using the structured style. The main drawback
to structured interviews is that some customers may withhold information because
the format is too “stodgy.”
Semi-structured interviews combine the best of structured and unstructured
interviews. That is, the requirements engineer prepares a carefully thought-out list
of questions, but then allows for spontaneous unstructured questions to creep in
during the course of the interview.
While structured interviews are preferred, the choice of which one to use is
very much an opportunistic decision. For example, when the client’s corporate cul-
ture is very informal and relaxed, and trust is high, then unstructured interviews
might be preferred. In a stodgier, process-oriented organization, structured and
semi-­structured interviews are probably more desirable.
Here are some sample interview questions that can be used in any of the three
interview types.

◾◾ Name an essential feature of the system? Why is this feature important?

◾◾ On a scale of one to five, five being most important, how would you rate
this feature?
◾◾ How important is this feature with respect to other features?
◾◾ What other features are dependent on this feature?
◾◾ What other features must be independent of this feature?
◾◾ What other observations can you make about this feature?

Whatever interview technique is used, care must be taken to ensure that all
of the right questions are asked. That is, leave out no important questions, and
include no extraneous, offensive, or redundant questions. When absolutely neces-
sary, interviews can be done via telephone, videoconference, or email, but be aware
that, in these modes of communication, certain important nuanced aspects to the
responses may be lost.
50  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

When a requirements engineer develops requirements based on what he “thinks”
the customer wants, then he is conducting the process of introspection. In essence
the requirements engineer puts himself in the place of the customer and opines “if
I were the customer I would want the system to do this …”
An introspective approach is useful when the requirements engineer’s domain
knowledge far exceeds the customer’s. Occasionally, the customer will ask the engineer
questions similar to the following—“if you were me, what would you want?” While
introspection will inform every aspect of the requirements engineer’s interactions,
remember our admonition about not telling a customer what he ought to want.

Joint Application Design (JAD)*

Joint Application Design (JAD) involves highly structured group meetings or mini-
retreats with system users, system owners, and analysts in a single venue for an
extended period of time. These meetings occur four to eight hours per day and over
a period lasting one day to a couple of weeks.
JAD and JAD-like techniques are becoming increasingly common in systems
planning and systems analysis to obtain group consensus on problems, objectives,
and requirements. Specifically, software engineers can use JAD for

◾◾ eliciting requirements and for the software requirements specification

◾◾ design and software design description
◾◾ code
◾◾ tests and test plans
◾◾ users’ manuals

There can be multiple reviews for each of these artifacts, if necessary. But JAD
reviews are especially important as a requirements elicitation tool.
Planning for a JAD review or audit session involves three steps:

1. selecting participants
2. preparing the agenda
3. selecting a location

Great care must be taken in preparing each of these steps.

Reviews and audits may include some or all of the following participants:

◾◾ sponsors (for example, senior management)

◾◾ a team leader (facilitator, independent)

* Ibid.
Requirements Elicitation  51

◾◾ users and managers who have ownership of requirements and business rules
◾◾ scribes
◾◾ engineering staff

The sponsor, analysts, and managers select a leader. The leader may be in-house
or a consultant. One or more scribes (note takers) are selected, normally from the
software development team. The analyst and managers must select individuals from
the user community. These individuals should be knowledgeable and articulate in
their business area.
Before planning a session, the analyst and sponsor must determine the scope
of the project and set the high-level requirements and expectations of each session.
The session leader must also ensure that the sponsor is willing to commit people,
time, and other resources to the effort. The agenda depends greatly on the type
of review to be conducted and should be constructed to allow for sufficient time.
The agenda, code, and documentation must also be sent to all participants well in
advance of the meeting so that they have sufficient time to review them, make com-
ments, and prepare to ask questions.
The following are some rules for conducting software requirements, design
audits, or code walkthrough. The session leader must make every effort to ensure
these practices are implemented.

◾◾ Stick to agenda.
◾◾ Stay on schedule (agenda topics are allotted specific time).
◾◾ Ensure that the scribe is able to take notes.
◾◾ Avoid technical jargon (if the review involves nontechnical personnel).
◾◾ Resolve conflicts (try not to defer them).
◾◾ Encourage group consensus.
◾◾ Encourage user and management participation without allowing individuals
to dominate the session.
◾◾ Keep the meeting impersonal.
◾◾ Allow the meetings to take as long as necessary.

The end product of any review session is typically a formal written document
providing a summary of the items (specifications, design changes, code changes,
and action items) agreed upon during the session. The content and organization of
the document obviously depend on the nature and objectives of the session. In the
case of requirements elicitation, however, the main artifact could be a first draft of
the SRS.

In laddering, the requirements engineer asks the customer short prompting ques-
tions (“probes”) to elicit requirements. Follow-up questions are then posed to dig
52  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Customer loyalty

Application Customer
processing identification

Swipe card Customer id

processing lookup

Figure 3.3 Laddering diagram for the pet store POS system.

deeper below the surface. The resultant information from the responses is then
organized into a tree-like structure.
To illustrate the technique, consider the following sequence of laddering questions
and responses for the pet store POS system. “RE” refers to the requirements engineer.

RE: Name a key feature of the system?

Customer: Customer identification.
RE: How do you identify a customer?
Customer: They can swipe their loyalty card.
RE: What if a customer forgets their card?
Customer: They can be looked up by phone number.
RE: When do you get the customer’s phone number?
Customer: When customers complete the application for the loyalty card.
RE: How do customers complete the applications? …

And so on. Figure 3.3 shows how the responses to the questions are then organized
in a ladder or hierarchical diagram.
The laddering technique assumes that information can be arranged in a hierar-
chical fashion, or, at least, it causes the information to be arranged hierarchically.

Protocol Analysis
A protocol analysis is a process where customers, together with the requirements
engineers, walk through the procedures that they are going to automate. During
such a walk-through, the customers explicitly state the rationale for each step that
is being taken.
While you will see shortly that this technique is very similar to designer as appren-
tice, there are subtle differences. These differences lie in the role of the requirements
engineer who is more passive in protocol analysis than in designer as apprentice.
Requirements Elicitation  53

Prototyping involves construction of models of the system in order to discover new
features. Prototypes can involve working models and nonworking models. Working
models can include working code in the case of software systems and simulations
or temporary or to-scale prototypes for non-software systems. Nonworking models
can include storyboards and mock-ups of user interfaces. Building architects use
prototypes regularly (e.g., scale drawings, cardboard models, 3-D computer anima-
tions) to help uncover and confirm customer requirements. Systems engineers use
prototypes for the same reasons.
In the case of working code prototypes, the code can be deliberately designed
to be throwaway or it can be deliberately designed to be reused (non-throwaway).
For example, graphical user interface code mock-ups can be useful for requirements
elicitation and the code can be reused. And most agile methodologies incorporate a
process of continuously evolving non-throwaway prototypes.
In unfortunate cases, prototypes that were not intended to be kept, are in fact
kept because of schedule pressures. This situation is rather unfortunate, since the
code was likely not designed using the most rigorous techniques, but is all too com-
monly found in industry.
Prototyping is a particularly important technique for requirements elicitation.
It is used extensively, for example, in the spiral software development model, and
agile methodologies consist essentially of a series of increasingly functional non-
throwaway prototypes.
To see how widely prototyping is used, consider the summary of the responses
to a question concerning the use of prototyping in the 2003 survey previously men-
tioned, which is shown in Figure 3.4 (Neill and Laplante 2003).
Here we see that 60% of respondents said that their organizations used prototyping
for requirements elicitation. It is noteworthy that more than two-thirds of respondents
did do prototyping and that 4% did not know if their organization did prototyping.
Finally, the survey authors sought to determine what kind of prototyping com-
panies were using. There are a number of different ways to use prototyping—for
example, within a fourth-generation environment (that is, a simulator), throw-away
prototyping, evolutionary prototyping (where the prototype evolves into the final

36% No
60% Don’t Know

Figure 3.4 Does your company do prototyping? Neill-Laplante survey of

Southeast PA software professionals, 186 respondents (Neill and Laplante 2003).
54  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

4 GL env. Throw away Evolutionary UI Other Don’t know

Figure 3.5 What type of prototyping was performed? Neill-Laplante survey, 186
responses (Neill and Laplante 2003).

system), or user interface (UI) prototyping—and the survey results show the break-
down of these responses (Figure 3.5).
Here it was surprising that 27% of those who used prototyping did evolution-
ary prototyping. Evolutionary prototyping is considered dangerous because proto­
types are not ordinarily designed for release, yet the code finds its way into the
release. However, as previously noted, agile methodologies embody evolutionary
prototyping, and so some of these respondents may have been referring to the use
of prototypes in that setting.

Quality Function Deployment*

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a technique for discovering customer
requirements and defining major quality assurance points to be used throughout
the production phase. QFD provides a structure for ensuring that customers’ needs
and desires are carefully heard, then directly translated into a company’s internal
technical requirements—from analysis through implementation to deployment.
The basic idea of QFD is to construct relationship matrices between customer
needs, technical requirements, priorities, and (if needed) competitor assessment. In
essence, QFD incorporates card sorting and laddering and domain analysis.
Because these relationship matrices are often represented as the roof, ceil-
ing, and sides of a house, QFD is sometimes referred to as the “house of quality”
(Figure 3.6; Akao 1990).
QFD was introduced by Yoji Akao in 1966 for use in manufacturing, heavy
industry, and systems engineering. It has also been applied to software systems by
IBM, DEC, HP, AT&T, Texas Instruments, and others.

* Ibid.
Requirements Elicitation  55






Target values

Competitive evaluation

Importance weighting

Figure 3.6 QFD’s “house of quality” (Akao 1990).

When we refer to the “voice of the customer” we mean that the requirements
engineer must empathically listen to customers to understand what they need from
the product, as expressed by the customer in their words. The voice of the customer
forms the basis for all analysis, design, and development activities, to ensure that
products are not developed from only “the voice of the engineer.” This approach
embodies the essence of requirements elicitation.
QFD has several advantages. QFD improves the involvement of users and
managers. It shortens the development lifecycle and improves overall project
development. QFD supports team involvement by structuring communication
processes. Finally, it provides a preventive tool that avoids the loss of information.
There are some drawbacks to QFD, however. For example, there may be dif-
ficulties in expressing temporal requirements. And QFD is difficult to use with an
entirely new project type. For example, how do you discover customer requirements
for something that does not exist and how do you build and analyze the competi-
tive products? In these cases the solution is to look at similar or related products,
but still there is apt to be a cognitive gap.
Finally, sometimes it is hard to find measurements for certain functions and to
keep the level of abstraction uniform. And, the less we know the less we document.
Finally, as the feature list grows uncontrollably, the house of quality can become
a “mansion.”

Requirements engineers often use questionnaires and other survey instruments to
reach large groups of stakeholders. Surveys are generally used at early stages of the
elicitation process to quickly define the scope boundaries.
56  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Survey questions of any type can be used. For example, questions can be closed-
(e.g., multiple choice, true-false) or open-ended—involving free-form responses.
Closed questions have the advantage of easier coding for analysis, and they help to
bound the scope of the system. Open questions allow for more freedom and inno-
vation, but can be harder to analyze and can encourage scope creep.
For example, some possible survey questions for the pet store POS system are

◾◾ How many unique products (SKUs) do you carry in your inventory?

a) 0‑1000 b) 1001‑10,000 c) 10,001‑100,000 d) >100,000
◾◾ How many different warehouse sites do you have? ____
◾◾ How many different store locations do you have? ____
◾◾ How many unique customers do you currently have? ____

There is a danger in over-scoping and under-scoping if questions are not ade-

quately framed, even for closed-ended questions. Therefore, survey elicitation
techniques are most useful when the domain is very well understood by both stake-
holders and requirements engineer.
Surveys can be conducted via telephone, email, in person, and using Web-based
technologies. There are a variety of commercial tools and open source solutions that
are available to simplify the process of building surveys and collecting and analyz-
ing results that should be employed.

Repertory Grids
Repertory grids incorporate a structured ranking system for various features of
the different entities in the system and are typically used when the customers are
domain experts. Repertory grids are particularly useful for identification of agree-
ment and disagreement within stakeholder groups.
The grids look like a feature or quality matrix in which rows represent system
entities and desirable qualities and columns represent rankings based on each of
the stakeholders. While the grids can incorporate both qualities and features, it is
usually the case that the grids have all features or all qualities to provide for consis-
tency of analysis and dispute resolution.
To illustrate the technique, Figure 3.7 represents a repertory grid for various
qualities of the baggage handling system. Here we see that for the airport opera-
tions manager, all qualities are essentially of highest importance (safety is rated as
slightly lower, at 4). But for the Airline Worker’s Union representative, safety is the
most important (after all, his union membership has to interact with the system on
a daily basis).
In essence, these ratings reflect the agendas or differing viewpoints of the stake-
holders. Therefore, it is easy to see why the use of repertory grids can be very helpful
in confronting disputes involving stakeholder objectives early. In addition, the grids
Requirements Elicitation  57

Baggage handling speed 1 1 5

Fault-tolerance 4 5 5
Safety 5 4 4
Reliability 3 5 5
Ease of maintenance 3 5 5

Airline worker’s union rep

Maintenance engineer
1=lowest importance Airport operations manager

Figure 3.7 Partial repertory grid for the baggage handling system.

can provide valuable documentation for dealing with disagreements later in the
development of the system because they capture the attitudes of the stakeholders
about qualities and features in a way that is hard to dismiss.

Scenarios are informal descriptions of the system in use that provide a high-level
description of system operation, classes of users, and exceptional situations.
Here is a sample scenario for the pet store POS system.

A customer walks into the pet store and fills his cart with a variety of
items. When he checks out, the cashier asks if the customer has a loy-
alty card. If he does, she swipes the card, authenticating the customer.
If he does not, then she offers to complete one for him on the spot.

After the loyalty card activity, the cashier scans products using a bar
code reader. As each item is scanned, the sale is appropriately totaled
and the inventory is appropriately updated. Upon completion of prod-
uct scanning a subtotal is computed. Then any coupons and discounts
are entered. A new subtotal is computed and applicable taxes are added.
A receipt is printed and the customer pays using cash, credit card, debit
card, or check. All appropriate totals (sales, tax, discounts, rebates, etc.)
are computed and recorded.

Scenarios are quite useful when the domain is novel (consider a scenario for the
Space Station, for example). User stories are, in fact, a form of scenario.

Task Analysis
Like many of the hierarchically oriented techniques that we have studied already,
task analysis involves a functional decomposition of tasks to be performed by the
58  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Pet Store

Inventory Sales Customer

Control Functions Management

Tax Purchase
Functions Transactions

Sales Refunds and

Figure 3.8 Partial task analysis for the pet store POS system.

system. That is, starting at the highest level of abstraction, the designer and custom-
ers elicit further levels of detail. This detailed decomposition continues until the
lowest level of functionality (single task) is achieved.
As an example, consider the partial task analysis for the pet store POS system
shown in Figure 3.8. Here the overarching “pet store POS system” is deemed to
consist of three main tasks: inventory control, sales, and customer management.
Drilling down under the sales functions, we see that these consist of the following
tasks: tax functions and purchase transactions. Next proceeding to the purchase
transaction function, we decompose these tasks into sales, refunds, and discounts
and coupons tasks.
The task analysis and decomposition continues until a sufficient level of granu-
larity is reached (typically, to the level of a method or nondecomposable procedure)
and the diagram is completed.

User Stories*
User stories are short conversational text that are used for initial requirements dis-
covery and project planning. User stories are widely employed in conjunction with
agile methodologies.

* Ibid.
Requirements Elicitation  59

User stories are written by the customers in terms of what the system needs to
do for them and in their own “voice.” User stories usually consist of two to four
sentences written on a three-by-five-inch card. About 80 user stories is said to be
appropriate for one system increment or evolution, but the appropriate number will
vary widely depending on the application size and scope and development method-
ology to be used (e.g., agile versus incremental).
An example of a user story for the pet store POS system is as follows:

Each customer should be able to easily check out at a register.

Self-service shall be supported.
All coupons, discounts, and refunds should be handled this way.

User stories should only provide enough detail to make a reasonably low-
risk estimate of how long the story will take to implement. When the time
comes to implement, the story developers will meet with the customer to flesh
out the details.
User stories also form the basis of acceptance testing. For example, one or more
automated acceptance tests can be created to verify the user story has been cor-
rectly implemented.

Viewpoints are a way to organize information from the (point of view of) different
constituencies. For example, in the baggage handling system, there are differing
perspectives of the system for each of the following stakeholders:

◾◾ baggage handling personnel

◾◾ travelers
◾◾ maintenance engineers
◾◾ airport managers
◾◾ regulatory agencies

By recognizing the needs of each of these stakeholders and the contradictions raised
by these viewpoints, conflicts can be reconciled using various approaches.
The actual viewpoints incorporate a variety of information from the business
domain, process models, functional requirements specs, organizational models, etc.
Sommerville and Sawyer (1997) suggested the following components should be
in each viewpoint:

◾◾ a representation style, which defines the notation used in the specification

◾◾ a domain, which is defined as “the area of concern addressed by the viewpoint”
◾◾ a specification, which is a model of a system expressed in the defined style
60  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ a work plan, with a process model, which defines how to build and check
the specification
◾◾ a work record, which is a trace of the actions taken in building, checking and
modifying the specification

Viewpoint analysis is typically used for prioritization, agreement, and ordering

of requirements.

On a most general level, workshops are any formal or informal gathering of stake-
holders to hammer out requirements issues. We can distinguish workshops as being
of two types, formal and informal.
Formal workshops are well-planned meetings and are often “deliverable” events
that are mandated by contract. For example, DOD MIL STD 2167 incorporated
multiple required and optional workshops (critical reviews). A good example of a
formal workshop style is embodied in JAD.
Informal workshops are usually less boring than highly structured meetings. But
informal meetings tend to be too sloppy and may lead to a sense of false security and
lost information. If some form of workshop is needed it is recommended that a for-
mal one be held using the parameters for successful meetings previously discussed.

Elicitation Summary
This tour has included many elicitation techniques, and each has its advan-
tages and disadvantages, which were discussed along the way. Clearly, some
of these techniques are too general, some too specific, some rely too much on
stakeholder knowledge, some not enough, etc. Therefore, it is clear that some
combination of techniques is needed to successfully address the requirements
elicitation challenge.

Which Combination of Requirements Elicitation

Techniques Should Be Used?
In order to facilitate the discussion about appropriate elicitation techniques, we can
roughly cluster the techniques previously discussed into categories or equivalence
classes (interviews, domain-oriented, group-work, ethnography, prototyping, goals,
scenarios, viewpoints) as shown in Table 3.1.
Now we can summarize how effective various techniques are in dealing with
various aspects of the elicitation process as shown in Table 3.2 (based on work by
Zowghi and Coulin 1998).
Requirements Elicitation  61

Table 3.1 Organizing Various Elicitation

Techniques Roughly by Type
Technique Type Techniques

Domain-oriented Card sorting

Designer as apprentice
Domain analysis
Protocol analysis
Task analysis

Ethnography Ethnographic observation

Goals Goal-based approaches


Group work Brainstorming

Group work

Interviews Interviews

Prototyping Prototyping

Scenarios Scenarios
User stories

Viewpoints Viewpoints
Repertory grids

Source: Zowghi and Coulin (1998).

For example, interview-based techniques are useful for all aspects of require-
ments elicitation (but are very time-consuming). On the other hand, prototyping
techniques are best used to analyze stakeholders and to elicit the requirements.
Ethnographic techniques are good for understanding the problem domain, analyz-
ing stakeholders, and soliciting requirements. And so on.
Finally, there is clearly overlap between these elicitation techniques (clusters) in
that some accomplish the same thing and, hence, are alternatives to each other. In
other cases, these techniques complement one another. In Table 3.3 alternative (A)
and complementary (C) elicitation groupings are shown.
62  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 3.2 Techniques and Approaches for Elicitation Activities





Understanding the domain • • • • • • •

Identifying sources of requirements • • • • • •

Analyzing the stakeholders • • • • • • • •

Selecting techniques and approaches • • •

Eliciting the requirements • • • • • • • •

Source: Zowghi and Coulin (1998).

Table 3.3 Complementary and Alternative Techniques






Interviews C A A A C C C

Domain C C A A A A A

Groupwork A C A C C C C

Ethnography A A A C C A A

Prototyping A A C C C C C

Goals C A C C C C C

Scenarios C A C A C C A

Viewpoints C A C A C C A

Source: Zowghi and Coulin (1998).

Clearly, in selecting a set of techniques to be used, the requirements engineer

would look for a set of complementary techniques. For example, a combination of
viewpoint analysis and some form of prototyping would be desirable. On the other
hand using both viewpoint analysis and scenario generation would probably yield
excessively redundant information.
Requirements Elicitation  63

There is no “silver bullet” combination of elicitation techniques. The right mix

will depend on the application domain, the culture of the customer organization
and that of the requirements engineer, the size of the project, and many other fac-
tors. You can use Tables 3.1 through 3.3 to guide you through selecting an appro-
priate set of elicitation techniques.

Prevalence of Requirements Elicitation Techniques

Before we conclude this discussion, let’s get an idea of how various elicitation tech-
niques are commonly used in industry. To do so, we return to the survey of 2003
(Neill and Laplante). A summary of the answers to the question “which require-
ments elicitation technique(s) do you use?” is shown in Figure 3.9.
The data revealed that over 50% surveyed used scenarios or use cases in the
requirements phase; contrast this with the fact that a subsequent question revealed
that object-orientation, a technique often applied in conjunction with use cases,
was only reported by 30% of the survey population. Other popular approaches to
requirements elicitation reported included group-consensus-type techniques such as
use case diagrams, JAD, interviews, and focus groups (Neill and Laplante 2003).

Elicitation Support Technologies

We close this chapter by remarking on some technologies that can be used to sup-
port various requirements elicitation processes and techniques previously discussed.
These technologies include

◾◾ Wikis
◾◾ Mobile technologies
◾◾ Content analysis

Using Wikis for Requirements Elicitation

Wikis are a collaborative technology in which users can format and post text
and images to a Web site. Access control is achieved through password protection
and semaphore like protection mechanisms (that is, only one user can write to a
particular page of the site at any one time).
Wiki’s can be used for collaboration, e.g., to facilitate group work, card entry
(for card sorting), template completions, surveys, and for organizing the require-
ments document. Moreover, Wiki-based requirements can be exported directly to
publishing tools and validation tools. In addition, Wikis can be used to build inter-
active documents that can help to automate test cases (recall that requirements
specifications should contain acceptance criteria for all requirements). For exam-
ple, FitNesse is a free, Wiki-based software collaboration GUI built on top of Fit
% of Respondents


D ie
aM s
Co g
op Q
er FD
D at
ig eR
ne eq
In ra .
fo s A ..
rm pp
Se al r..
m m .
i-f od
or eli
m ng
Fo al m
rm od
al e..
m .
Sc od
en eli
a ng
Th rios
ro /U
aw se...
technique(s) do you use? (Neill and Laplante 2003).

Fo y p
cu ro
Pr s G ...
ot ro
oc up
ol s
Et S
hn SM
U y
en JAD
Figure 3.9 Summary of answers to the question “Which requirements elicitation

Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems  64

Requirements Elicitation  65

framework. FitNesse provides a framework for building Web-based requirements

documentation with embedded, interactive test cases (FitNesse 2007). FitNesse is
described in further detail in Chapter 8.

Mobile Technologies
Various mobile technologies such as cell phones and personal digital assistants can
be used to capture requirements information in situ. For example, while physicians
are working with patients, they can transmit information about the activities they
are conducting directly to the requirements engineer, without the latter having to
be on site. Using mobile devices is particularly useful because they enable instan-
taneous recording of ideas and discoveries. Such an approach can support brain-
storming, scenario generation, surveys, and many other standard requirements
elicitation techniques even when the customer is not easily accessible (such as in
off-shore software development situations).
A good discussion of the emergence of the use of mobile technologies in require-
ments discovery can be found in Maiden et al. (2007).

Content Analysis
Content analysis is a technique used in the social sciences for structuring and
finding meaning in unstructured information. That is, by analyzing writ-
ing or written artifacts of speech, things of importance to the stakeholder can
be obtained. In analyzing these writings the objective is to identify recurrent
themes. By written artifacts we mean transcripts from group meetings, unstruc-
tured interviews, survey data, or emails (any text or artifact that can be con-
verted to text).
Content analysis can be done manually by tagging (colored highlighters)
identical words and similar phrases that recur in various writings. For example,
Figure 3.10 contains a sample content analysis of some text. The text is an excerpt
from a notebook of a requirements engineer who has interviewed a customer regard-
ing a “Smart Home.”
As we read the text we begin noticing recurring themes, and as we do so, we
highlight them with a different colored marker. For example, the word “I” is men-
tioned repeatedly, and for whatever reason, we decide that this noun hints at an
important theme, and we highlight it in one color. We then notice that “smart
home” or “the home” is mentioned several times—we highlight these with the
different color from the previous theme. The notion of time is also mentioned fre-
quently (“long periods of time, “time,” and “periods of time,”) and so we highlight
these with a consistent color. And so on.
Free and for-fee tools for content analysis exist to automate this process.
66  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

I am gathering requirements for a smart home for a customer

I spend long periods of time interviewing the customer about what she

I spend time interacting with the customer as she goes about her day and
ask questions like (“why are you running the dishwasher at night, why not in
the morning?”)

I spend long periods of time passively observing the customer “in action ” in
their current home to get non–verbal clues about her wants and desires.

I gain other information from the home itself–the books on the book shelf,
paintings on the wall, furniture styles, evidence of hobbies, signs of wear
and tear on various appliances, etc.

Figure 3.10 Sample content analysis of some random text.

3.1. What are some difficulties that may be encountered in attempting to
elicit requirements without face-to-face interaction?
3.2. Does the Heisenberg uncertainty principle apply to techniques other
than ethnographic observation? What are some of the ways to alleviate
the Heisenberg uncertainty principle?
3.3. During ethnographic observation what is the purpose of recording the
time and day of the observation made?
3.4. Should requirements account for future scalability and enhancements?
3.5. Which subset of the techniques described in this chapter would be appro-
priate for a setting where the customers are geographically distributed?
3.6. Investigate the concept of “active listening.” How would this technique
assist in requirements elicitation?
3.7. If you are working on a class project, what selection of the techniques
described in this chapter would you use to elicit system requirements
from your customer(s)?

Akao, Y. (1990) Quality Function Deployment: Integrating Customer Requirements into Product
Design, Cambridge, MA: Productivity Press.
Aurum, A., and C. Wohlin (eds) (2005) Engineering and Managing Software Requirements,
Basili, V.R., and D. Weiss (1984) A methodology for collecting valid software engineering
data, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Nov., pp. 728–738.
The FitNesse project,, last accessed September 15, 2007.
Laplante, P.A. (2006) What Every Engineer Needs to Know About Software Engineering, CRC/
Taylor & Francis.
Requirements Elicitation  67

Maiden, N., O. Omo, N. Seyff, P. Grunbacher, and K. Mitteregger (2007) Determining

stakeholder needs in the workplace: How mobile technologies can help, IEEE Software,
March/April, pp. 46–52.
Neill, C.J., and P.A. Laplante (2003) Requirements engineering: The state of the practice,
Software, 20(6): 40–45.
Sommerville, I., and P. Sawyer (1997) Viewpoints for requirements engineering, Software
Quality Journal, 3: 101–130.
Zowghi, D., and C. Coulin (1998) Requirements elicitation: A survey of techniques,
approaches, and tools, in Aurum, A. and C. Wohlin (eds) (2005) Engineering and
Managing Software Requirements, Springer, pp. 19–46.
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 4

Writing the
Requirements Document

Requirements Representation Approaches

Various types of techniques can be used to describe functionality in any system,
and the 2003 study that has been repeatedly referenced was intended to discover the
prevalence of various specification techniques that were used (Neill and Laplante).
Many of the findings with respect to elicitation techniques have been reported
already but not with respect to representation approaches.
Generally, there are three approaches to requirements representation: formal,
informal, and semi-formal. Requirements specifications can adhere to strictly one
or another of these approaches, but usually, they contain elements of at least two
of these approaches (informal and one other). Formal representations have a rigor-
ous, mathematical basis, and we will explore these further in Chapter 7. But even
formal requirements specifications documents will have elements of informal or
semi-formal specification.
Informal requirements representation techniques cannot be completely translit-
erated into a rigorous mathematical notation. Informal techniques include natural
language (that is, human languages), flowcharts, ad hoc diagrams, and most of the
elements that you may be used to seeing in systems requirements specifications
(SRS). In fact, all SRS documents will have some informal elements. We can state
this fact with confidence because even the most formal requirements specification
documents have to use natural language, even if it is just to introduce a formal

70  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

element. We will therefore spend most of the discussion on requirements represen-

tation using informal techniques.
Finally, semi-formal representation techniques include those that, while appear-
ing informal, have at least a partial formal basis (e.g., many of the diagrams in the
UML family of meta-modeling languages) and those parochial techniques that
somehow defy classification as either formal or informal. UML 2.0 is generally
considered a semi-formal modeling technique; however, it can be made entirely
formal with the addition of appropriate formalisms.
The previously mentioned survey gives some insight into the pervasive-
ness of formal, informal, and semi-formal approaches to requirements model-
ing throughout industry, at least within the region of the survey, as shown in
Figure 4.1.
Here we see that semi-formal methods (likely UML 2.0) dominate the scene.
In the responses to the survey, “other” probably means that the respondent did not
understand the nature of the question (Neill and Laplante 2003).
The survey also shed some light on the size of a typical requirements specifica-
tion, at least in terms of number of requirements in the document (Figure 4.2).
Here it is interesting to see that a relatively large number of requirements specifi-
cations (about 20%) were reported to contain between 76 and 150 individual require-
ments. Only a small number of systems (about 10%) were reported to be “large,”
having greater than 1200 individual requirements (Neill and Laplante 2003).
Finally, in the same survey we are able to get some sense of the size of the
requirements specification document itself (Figure 4.3).
Interestingly we see a relatively high proportion (around 30%) of small (25‑50-
page) SRS documents, likely corresponding to “small” development projects.

Formal Informal Semi–Formal Other

Figure 4.1 Reported requirements notation used (Neill and Laplante 2003).
Writing the Requirements Document  71

<75 76–150 151–300 301–600 601–1200 1200

Figure 4.2 Reported number of requirements specifications (Neill and Laplante










<25 2–50 51–100 101–250 251–500 >500

Figure 4.3 Reported number of pages of requirements specifications (Neill and

Laplante 2003).

IEEE Standard 830-1998

The IEEE Standard 830-1998, Recommended Practice for Software Requirements
Specifications, describes recommended approaches for the specification of software
requirements. The standard is based on a model that produces a document that helps

◾◾ software customers to accurately describe what they wish to obtain

◾◾ software suppliers to understand exactly what the customer wants
72  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions and Acronyms
1.4 References
1.5 Overview
2. Overall description
2.1 Product perspective
2.2 Product functions
2.3 User characteristics
2.4 Constraints
2.5 Assumptions and dependencies
3. Specific Requirements

Figure 4.4 Table of contents for an SRS document as recommended by IEEE

Standard 830.

◾◾ individuals to accomplish the following goals:

−− develop a standard software requirements specification (SRS) outline for
their own organizations
−− develop the format and content of their specific SRS
−− develop additional supporting items such as an SRS quality checklist or
an SRS writer’s handbook [IEEE 830]

There are several benefits to observing its guidelines. First, the guidelines pro-
vide a simple framework for the organization of the document itself. Moreover,
the Standard 830 outline is particularly beneficial to the requirements engineer
because it has been widely deployed across a broad range of application domains
(Figure 4.4). Finally, and perhaps more importantly, Standard 830 provides guid-
ance for organizing the functional and non-functional requirements of the SRS.
The standard also describes ways to represent functional and non-functional
requirements under Section 3, Specific Requirements. These requirements are the
next subject for discussion.

IEEE Standard 830 Recommendations on Representing

Non-Functional Requirements
Standard 830 defines several types of non-functional requirements involving

◾◾ external interfaces
◾◾ performance
Writing the Requirements Document  73

◾◾ logical database considerations

◾◾ design constraints
◾◾ software system attribute requirements

External interface requirements can be organized in a number of ways, including

◾◾ name of item
◾◾ description of purpose
◾◾ source of input or destination of output
◾◾ valid range, accuracy, and/or tolerance
◾◾ units of measure
◾◾ timing
◾◾ relationships to other inputs/outputs
◾◾ screen formats/organization
◾◾ window formats/organization
◾◾ data formats
◾◾ command formats

Performance requirements are static and dynamic requirements placed on the

software or on human interaction with the software as a whole. Typical performance
requirements might include the number of simultaneous users to be supported,
the numbers of transactions and tasks, and the amount of data to be processed
within certain time periods for both normal and peak workload conditions.
Logical database requirements are types of information used by various func-
tions such as

◾◾ frequency of use
◾◾ accessing capabilities
◾◾ data entities and their relationships
◾◾ integrity constraints
◾◾ data retention requirements

Design constraint requirements are related to standards compliance and hard-

ware limitations.
Finally, software system attributes can include reliability, availability, security,
maintainability, portability, and just about any other “ility” you can imagine.

IEEE Standard 830 Recommendations on Representing

Functional Requirements
The functional requirements should capture all system inputs and the exact
sequence of operations and responses (outputs) to normal and abnormal situations
74  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

for every input possibility. Functional requirements may use case-by-case descrip-
tion or other general forms of description (e.g., using universal quantification, use
cases, user stories).
The 830 is not prescriptive in terms of how to organize specific functional
requirements; instead, a menu of organizational options is offered. Specific func-
tional requirements can be organized by

◾◾ functional mode (e.g., “navigation,” “combat,” “diagnostic”)

◾◾ user class (e.g., “user,” “supervisor,” “diagnostic”)
◾◾ object (by defining classes/objects, attributes, functions/methods, and messages)
◾◾ feature (describes what the system provides to the user)
◾◾ stimulus (e.g., sensor 1, sensor 2, actuator 1, …)
◾◾ functional hierarchy (e.g., using structured analysis)

Or a combination of these techniques can be used within one SRS document.

As an example, the Smart Home description given in the appendix is a feature-
driven description of functionality. One clue that it is feature driven is the mantra
“the system shall” for many of the requirements.
Alternatively, consider a system organized by functional mode, the NASA
WIRE (Wide-field Infrared Explorer) System (1996). This system was part of the
“Small Explorer” program. The system describes a submillimeter-wave astronomy
satellite incorporating standardized space-to-ground communications. Information
was to be transmitted to the ground and commands received from the ground,
according to the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) and
Goddard Space Flight Center standards (NASA 1996).
The flight software requirements are organized as follows:

◾◾ system management
◾◾ command management
◾◾ telemetry management
◾◾ payload management
◾◾ health and safety management
◾◾ software management
◾◾ performance requirements

Reviewing the document, under the System Management mode we see the operat-
ing system functionality described as follows:

Operating System
001 The operating system shall provide a common set of mechanisms necessary
to support real-time systems such as multitasking support, CPU scheduling,
basic communication, and memory management.
Writing the Requirements Document  75

001.1 The operating system shall provide multi-tasking capabilities.

001.2 The operating system shall provide event-driven, priority-based
001.2.1 Task execution shall be controlled by a task’s priority and
the availability of resources required for its execution.
001.3 The operating system shall provide support for intertask communica-
tion and synchronization.
001.4 The operating system shall provide real-time clock support.
001.5 The operating system software shall provide task-level context switch-
ing for the 80387 math coprocessor.

Also under system functionality is command validation, defined as follows:

Command Validation
211 The flight software shall perform CCSDS command structure validation.
211.1 The flight software shall implement CCSDS Command Operations
Procedure number 1 (COP-1) to validate that CCSDS transfer frames
were received correctly and in order.
211.2 The flight software shall support a fixed-size frame-acceptance and
reporting mechanism (FARM) sliding window of 127 and a fixed
FARM negative edge of 63.
211.3 The flight software shall telemeter status and discard the real-time
command packet if any of the following errors occur:
• checksum fails validation prior to being issued;
• an invalid length is detected;
• an invalid Application ID is detected.
211.4 The flight software shall generate and maintain a Command Link
Control Word (CLCW). Each time an update is made to the CLCW,
a CLCW packet is formatted and routed for possible downlink
(NASA 1996).

It is also very common in software-based systems to take an object-oriented

approach to describe the system behavior. This is particularly the case when the
software is expected to be built using a pure object-oriented language such as Java.
Object-oriented representations involve highly abstract system components
called objects and their encapsulated attributes and behavior. The differences
between traditional “structured” descriptions of systems and object-oriented
descriptions of systems are summarized in Table 4.1.
When dealing with a system organized in an object-oriented fashion, it is very
typical to use user stories (especially in conjunction with agile software develop-
ment methodologies, which we will discuss in Chapter 6) or use cases and use case
diagrams to describe behavior.
76  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 4.1 Object-Oriented Versus Structured Representation

Structured Object-Oriented

System Functions Objects


Data and control Separated through internal Encapsulated within objects

specification decomposition

Characteristics Hierarchical structure Inheritance

Relationship of objects

Functional description of Behavioral description of

system system

Encapsulation of knowledge Encapsulation of

within functions knowledge within objects

ISO/IEC Standard 25030

The recently published ISO/IEC Standard 25030 is designed to be complimentary
to IEEE Standards 830 and 1223.* ISO 25030 is intended to take a “process view”
rather than a product view, with further emphasis on measurable quality require-
ments. The standard template for 25030, which is similar to that specified by 830,
is shown in Figure 4.5.
In particular, Section 6.3 is intended to provide software quality requirements
based on measurable targets. This practice is in keeping with IEEE 830’s “measur-
able” characteristics of good requirements. Attribute metrics also assist in compar-
ing values or computing relevant statistics that can lead to system improvement
over time (Glinz 2008).
For example, consider a hypothetical requirement 3.4.2 in the baggage han-
dling system:

3.4.2 Each baggage scanner unit shall process, on average, 10 pieces of

luggage per minute.

A suggested format for the measurable targets based on one suggested in Glinz
(2008) is given in Figure 4.6.
Standard 25030 can be used as a template for organizing the SRS document.
Alternatively, if using the IEEE 830 or another standard template, Figure 4.6 can
also be used to structure metrics and acceptance criteria for requirements, whatever
the overall format being used for the SRS.

* IEEE Std Guide for Developing Systems Requirements Specifications, IEEE, 2002. This stan-
dard is a software agnostic or systems-oriented version of standard 830.
Writing the Requirements Document  77

1. Scope
2. Conformance
3. Normative references
4. Terms and definitions
5. Software quality requirements framework
5.1 Purpose
5.2 Software and systems
5.3 Stakeholders and stakeholder requirements
5.4 Stakeholder requirements and system requirements
5.5 Software quality model
5.6 Software properties
5.7 Software quality measurement model
5.8 Software quality requirements
5.9 System requirements categorization
5.10 Quality requirements life cycle model
6. Requirements for quality requirements
6.1 General requirements and assumptions
6.2 Stakeholder requirements
6.3 System boundaries
6.4 Stakeholder quality requirements
6.5 Validation of stakeholder quality requirements
6.6 Software requirements
6.7 Software boundaries
6.8 Software quality requirements
6.9 Verification of software quality requirements
Annex A (Normative). Terms and definitions
Annex B (Informative), Processes from ISO/IEC 15288
Annex C (Informative), Bibliography

Figure 4.5 Table of contents for requirements specification from ISO/IEC


•Attribute: Average time that a scanner unit needs to scan a piece of luggage
•Scale: Seconds (type: ratio scale)
•Procedure: Measure time required to scan a package for forbidden contents, take the average over
1000 pieces of various types.
•Planned value: 50 percent less than reference value
•Lowest acceptable value: 30 percent less than reference value
•Reference value: Average time needed by competing or similar products to scan a piece of luggage

Figure 4.6 Sample requirements attribute metrics for baggage handling system.
78  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Standard 25030 is one of five collections of standards known as the “software

product quality requirements and evaluation series of standards” (with the acronym
“SQUARE”). The other four standards refer to the quality management (ISO/IEC
25000), quality model (ISO/IEC 250100), quality measurement (ISO/IEC 25020),
and quality evaluation (ISO/IEC 25040) (Boegh 2008).

Use Cases*
Use cases are an essential element of many SRS documents and are described graph-
ically using any of several techniques. Use cases depict the interactions between the
system and the environment around the system, in particular, human users and
other systems. One representation for the use case is the use case diagram, which
depicts the interactions of the software system with its external environment.
Use cases describe scenarios of operation of the system from the designer’s (as
opposed to customer’s) perspective. Use cases are typically represented using a use
case diagram, which depicts the interactions of the software system with its exter-
nal environment. In a use case diagram, the box represents the system itself. The
stick figures represent “actors” that designate external entities that interact with
the system. The actors can be humans, other systems, or device inputs. Internal
ellipses represent each activity of use for each of the actors (use cases). The solid
lines associate actors with each use. Figure 4.7 shows a use case diagram for the
baggage inspection system.
Three uses are shown—capturing an image of the baggage (“image baggage”),
the detection of a security threat (in which case the bag is rejected from the conveyor
for off-line processing), and then configuration by the systems engineer. Notice
that the imaging camera, product sensor, and reject mechanism are represented
by a human-like stick figure—this is typical—the stick figure represents a system
“actor” whether human or not.
Each use case is, however, a form of documentation that describes scenarios of
operation of the system under consideration as well as pre- and post-conditions
and exceptions. In an iterative development lifecycle these use cases will become
increasingly refined and detailed as the analysis and design workflows progress.
Interaction diagrams are then created to describe the behaviors defined by each use
case. In the first iteration these diagrams depict the system as a “black box,” but
once domain modeling has been completed the black box is transformed into a col-
laboration of objects as will be seen later.
Finally, remember that the use case diagram (the picture) is not a use case. It is
a visual representation of a use case. To illustrate the difference between a model of

* This discussion is adapted from one found in Laplante (2006), with permission.
Writing the Requirements Document  79

Baggage Handler

Image baggage

Reject Mechanicism

Security Threat


Product Sensor Engineer

Figure 4.7 Use case diagram of baggage inspection system.

something and that thing, the cover of Craig Larman’s book on UML and patterns
famously depicts a simple class diagram model of a sailboat with the caption “this
is not a sailboat” (Larman 2004).

Behavioral Specifications
In some cases the requirements engineer may be asked to reverse engineer require-
ments for an existing system when the requirements do not exist, are incomplete,
are out of date, or are incorrect. It may also be necessary to generate requirements
for open source software (software that is free for use and/or redistribution under
the terms of a license) for the purposes of generating test specifications. In these
cases a form of SRS, the behavioral specification, needs to be generated.
80  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

The behavioral specification is identical in all aspects to the requirements spec-

ification, except that the former represents the engineers’ best understanding of
what the users intended the system to do, while the latter represents the users’ best
understanding of what the system should do. The behavioral specification has an
additional layer of inference and therefore can be expected to be even less complete
than a requirements specification.
Fortunately, there is an approach to generating the behavioral specification.
The technique involves assembling a collection of as many artifacts as possible that
could explain the system’s intent. Then, these artifacts are used to reconstruct the
system’s intended behavior as it is best understood. The forgoing description is
adapted from the original paper by Elcock and Laplante (2006).
Artifacts that may be used to derive a behavioral specification include (but
should not be limited to)

◾◾ any existing requirements specification, even if it is out of date, incomplete,

or known to be incorrect
◾◾ user manuals and help information (available when running the program)
◾◾ release notes
◾◾ bug reports and support requests
◾◾ application forums
◾◾ relevant versions of the software under consideration

Some of these artifacts may have to be scavenged from various sources, such as
customer files, emails, open source community repositories, archives, and so forth.
A brief description of how these artifacts are used in generating the specification is
given below.
Starting with user manuals, statements about the behavior of an application in
response to user input can be directly related to the behavioral specification. User
manuals are particularly well suited for this purpose since describing the response
of software to user stimulus is germane to their existence. Help information, such
as support Web sites and application help menus, are also rich in information that
can either be used directly or abstracted to define behavioral requirements.
Next, release notes can be consulted. Release notes are typically of limited benefit
to the process of developing test cases since they tend to focus on describing which fea-
tures are implemented in a given release. There is usually no description of how those
supported features should function. However, release notes are particularly important
in resolving the conflict that arises when an application does not respond as expected for
features that were partially implemented in or removed from future implementation.
Defect reports can also be a great source for extracting behavioral responses
because they are typically written by users, they identify troublesome areas of the
software, and they often clarify a developer’s intention for the particular behav-
ior. Defect reports, at least for open source systems, are readily found in open
Writing the Requirements Document  81

repositories such as Bugzilla. While it is true that in some cases bug reports contain
too much implementation detail to be useful for extracting behavioral responses,
they can be discarded if behavior cannot be extrapolated from the details.
In many ways, the content of support requests is similar to bug reports in that
they identify unexpected behavior. Unlike bug reports, however, support requests
can sometimes be helpful in identifying features that are not fully implemented
as well as providing information that illuminates the expectations of users. It is
important to investigate both since, in addition to providing the insights men-
tioned, they may also aid in rationalizing unexpected behavior.
For many open source projects, and some closed source projects, there are Web-
based forums associated with the project. Within these forums, various amounts of
behavioral information can be extracted. Ranging from useless to relevant, open-
discussion postings need to be carefully filtered and applied only when other devel-
opment artifacts are lacking. As with other artifacts, these postings can also be used
to clarify behavior.
Finally, in the absence of any other artifacts, the software being tested could
itself be an input to developing structural (glass-box) test cases. Assuming that this
approach is necessary, the reality is that it will really be the tester’s characterization
of correct behavior that will largely prevail in defining the test cases.
Once the discovery process has concluded, the behavioral specification can be
written. The format of the behavioral specification is identical to that for require-
ments specification, and all of the IEEE 830 rules should be applied (Elcock and
Laplante 2006).

The Requirements Document

The system (or software) requirements specification document (SRS) is the official
statement of what is required of the system developers. It is important to remem-
ber that, under those circumstances where there is a customer-vendor relationship
between the sponsor and builders of the system, the SRS is a contract and is there-
fore enforceable under civil contract law (or criminal law if certain types of fraud or
negligence can be demonstrated).
The author is often asked “what is the correct format for an SRS?” In many cases
students want templates, or they are literally interested in the size of type font, mar-
gin dimensions, and so forth. But there are many documentation formats, and none
is better than any other (except, of course, in the case of a hard-to-read, badly orga-
nized, and imprecise document). The “right” format all depends on what the spon-
sor, situation, customer, application domain, your employer, and so forth demand.
Whatever the format, it is important to remember that the SRS is NOT a
design document. As far as possible, it should set forth WHAT the system should
do rather than HOW it should do it.
82  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Users of a Requirements Document

There are several “users” of the requirements document, each with a unique per-
spective, needs, and concerns. Typical users of the document include

◾◾ customers
◾◾ managers
◾◾ developers
◾◾ test engineers
◾◾ maintenance engineers
◾◾ stakeholders

Customers specify the requirements and are supposed to review them

to ensure that they meet their needs. Customers also specify changes to the
requirements. Because customers are involved, and they are likely not engi-
neers, SRS documents should be accessible to the lay person (formal method-
ologies excepted).
Managers at all levels will use the requirements document to plan a bid for the
system and to plan for managing the system development process. Managers, there-
fore, are looking for strong indicators of cost and time-to-complete in the SRS.
And of course, developers use the requirements specification document to
understand what system is to be developed. At the same time, test engineers use the
requirements to develop validation tests for the system. Later, maintenance engi-
neers will use the requirements to help understand the system and the relationship
between its parts so that the system can be upgraded or fixed. Other stakeholders
who will use the SRS include all of the direct and indirect beneficiaries (or adversar-
ies) of the system in question, as well as lawyers, judges, plaintiffs, juries, district
attorneys, arbiters, mediators, etc., who will view the SRS as a legal document in
the event of disputes.

Requirements Document Requirements

That the SRS document should be easy to change is evident for the many reasons
we have discussed so far. Furthermore, since the SRS document serves as a reference
tool for maintenance, it should record forethought about the lifecycle of the system,
that is, to predict changes.
There is no “silver bullet” for a format for the document—each system should
be considered on its own merits. But in terms of general organization, writing
approach, and discourse, best practices include

◾◾ using consistent modeling approaches and techniques throughout the speci­

fication, for example, a top-down decomposition, structured, or object-
­oriented approaches
◾◾ separating operational specification from descriptive behavior
Writing the Requirements Document  83

◾◾ using consistent levels of abstraction within models and conformance between

levels of refinement across models
◾◾ modeling nonfunctional requirements as a part of the specification models—
in particular timing properties
◾◾ omitting hardware and software assignments in the specification (another
aspect of design rather than specification)

Following these rules will always lead to a better SRS document.

Preferred Writing Style

Engineers (of all types) have acquired an unfair reputation for poor communica-
tions skills, particularly writing. In any case, it should be clear now that require-
ments documents should be very well written. It is not appropriate for us to offer
recommendations on writing here. But we urge you to improve your writing
through practice, study (of writing techniques), and through reading—yes, read
“well-written” SRS documents to learn from them. You should also read literature,
poetry, and news, as much can be learned about economy and clarity of presenta-
tion from these writings. Some have even suggested screenwriting as an appropriate
paradigm for writing requirements documents (or for user stories and use cases)
(Norden 2007).
In any case approach the requirements document like any writing—be pre-
pared to write and rewrite, again and again. Have the requirements document
reviewed by several other stakeholders (and possibly a non-stakeholder who writes
well). Metrics can be helpful in policing basic writing features (for example, average
word, sentence, and paragraph length). Most word processing tools calculate these
metrics for you, and certain metrics will be discussed in Chapter 5. But we would
like to discuss structural metrics now.

Text Structure
Numbering structure depth is a metric that counts the numbered statements at
each level of the source document. For example, first-level requirements, numbered
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and so forth, are expected to be very high-level (abstract) require-
ments. Second-level requirements numbered 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, …, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, …, 3.1,
3.2, etc. are subordinate requirements at a lower level of detail. Even more detailed
requirements will be found at the third level, numbered as 1.1.1, 1.1.2, and so on.
A specification can continue to fourth or even fifth-level requirements, but nor-
mally, third or fourth levels of detail should be sufficient. In any case, the counts
of requirements at level 1, 2, 3, and so on provide an indication of the document’s
organization, consistency, and level of detail.
A thoughtful and well-organized SRS document should have a consistent level
of detail, and if you were to list out the requirements at each level, the resultant
84  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 1, 2, 3

1, 2, 3
1.1.1, 2.1.1 1.1, 1. 2, 2.1, 2.2

1.1.1,,1, 1.2.2,2.1.1

1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2,,,,,...

(a) (b)

Figure 4.8 Pyramid, hourglass, and diamond-shaped configurations for require-

ments text structure.

shape should look like a pyramid in that there should be a few numbered state-
ments at level 1 and each lower level should have increasingly more numbered
statements than the level above it (Figure 4.8a).
On the other hand, requirements documents whose requirements counts at
each level resemble an hour-glass shape (Figure 4.8b) are usually those that contain
a large amount of introductory and administrative information. Finally, diamond-
shaped documents, represented by a pyramid followed by decreasing statement
counts at lower levels (Figure 4.8c) indicate an inconsistent level of detail represen-
tation (Rosenberg et al. 2008).
The NASA ARM tool introduced in Chapter 5 computes text structure for a
given SRS document in an appropriate format.

Best Practices and Recommendations

Writing effective requirements specifications can be very difficult even for trivial
systems because of the many challenges that we have noted. Some of the more com-
mon dangers in writing poor SRS documents include

◾◾ mixing of operational and descriptive specifications

◾◾ combining low-level hardware functionality and high-level systems and soft-
ware functionality in the same functional level
◾◾ omission of timing information

Other bad practices arise from failing to use language that can be verified. For
example, consider this set of “requirements”:

◾◾ The system shall be completely reliable.

◾◾ The system shall be modular.
Writing the Requirements Document  85

◾◾ The system will be fast.

◾◾ Errors shall be less than 99%.

What is wrong with these? The problem is they are completely vague and
immeasurable and therefore unachievable. For example, what does “completely
reliable” mean? Any arbitrary person will have a different meaning for reliability
for a given system. Modularity (in software) has a specific meaning, but how is it
measurable? What does “fast” mean? Fast as a train? Faster than a speeding bullet?
This requirement is just so vague. And finally “errors shall be less than 99%” is a
recipe for a lawsuit. 99% of what?, over what period of time?, and so forth.
For the above set of requirements a slightly better version might be

◾◾ Response times for all level one actions will be less than 100 ms.
◾◾ The cyclomatic complexity of each module shall be in the range of 10 to 40.
◾◾ 95% of the transactions shall be processed in less than 1 s.
◾◾ Mean time before first failure shall be 100 hours of continuous operation.

But even this set is imperfect, because there may be some important details
missing—we really can’t know what, if anything, is missing outside the context of
the rest of the SRS document.
Some final recommendations for the writing of specification documents are

◾◾ Invent and use a standard format and use it for all requirements.
◾◾ Use language in a consistent way.
◾◾ Use “shall” for mandatory requirements.
◾◾ Use “should” for desirable requirements.
◾◾ Use text highlighting to identify key parts of the requirement.
◾◾ Avoid the use of technical language unless it is warranted.

But we are not done yet with the writing of requirements specifications. To this
goal, Chapter 5 is devoted to perfecting the writing of specific requirements.

4.1 Under what circumstances is it appropriate to represent an SRS using
informal techniques only?
4.2 What can the behavioral specification provide that a requirements
document cannot?
4.3 If the customer requests that future growth and enhancement ideas be
kept, where can these ideas be placed?
4.4 What are some items to be included under “data retention” in the SRS?
4.5 Here are some more examples of vague and ambiguous requirements
that have actually appeared in real requirements specifications. Discuss
86  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

why they are vague, incomplete, or ambiguous. Provide improved ver-

sions of these requirements (make necessary assumptions).
4.5.1 The tool will allow for expedited data entry of important data
fields needed for subsequent reports.
4.5.2 The system will provide an effective means for identifying and
eliminating undesirable failure modes and/or performance deg-
radation below acceptable limits.
4.5.3 The database creates an automated incident report that immedi-
ately alerts the necessary individuals.
4.5.4 The engineer shall manage the system activity, including the
4.5.5 The report will consist of data, in sufficient quantity and
detail, to meet the requirements.
4.5.6 The data provided will allow for a sound determination of the
events and conditions that precipitated the failure.
4.5.7 The documented analysis report will include, as appropriate,
investigation findings, engineering analysis, and laboratory
4.6 In Section 9.4 of the SRS in the appendix, which requirements are suit-
able for representing using the “measurable targets” in the format shown
in Figure 4.5?
4.7 Many of the requirements in the appendix can be improved in various
ways. Select ten requirements listed and rewrite them in an improved
form. Discuss why your rewritten requirements are superior using the
vocabulary of IEEE 830.

Boegh, J. (2008) A new standard for quality requirements, Computer, 25(2): 57–63.
Elcock, A., and P.A. Laplante (2006) Testing without requirements, Innovations in Systems
and Software Engineering: A NASA Journal, 2: 137–145.
Glinz, M. (2008) A risk-based, value-oriented approach to quality requirements, Computer,
25(2): 34–41.
IEEE Standard 830-1998, Recommend Practice for Software Requirements Specifications, IEEE
Standards Press, Piscataway, NJ, 1998.
Laplante, P.A. (2006) What Every Engineer Needs to Know About Software Engineering, CRC/
Taylor & Francis.
Larman, C. (2004) Applying UML and Patterns, 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall PTR.
NASA WIRE (Wide-Field Infrared Explorer) Software Requirements Specification (1996), last accessed
3 February 2008. Neill, C.J., and P.A. Laplante (2003) Requirements engineering: The
state of the practice, Software, 20(6): 40–45.
Norden, B. (2007) Screenwriting for requirements engineers, Software, 26–27.
Rosenberg, L., T. Hammer, and L. Huffman, Requirements, Testing, & Metrics, NASA
Software Assurance Technology Center Report,, last accessed
2 February 2008.
Chapter 5

Requirements Risk

What Is Requirements Risk Management?

To motivate the notion of requirements risk, here is a vignette.* On a road that the
author travels, he passes a strange street sign that declares “End brake retarder pro-
hibition.” The meaning of this sign is hard to understand, and is blurred by the
curious use of a quadruple negative (each word in the directive has the connotation
of stopping something). As it turns out, this sign is an exquisite example of a “shall
not” requirement as well as illustrating a poor requirements specification, namely,
one that is ambiguous, vague, contradictory, incomplete, or contains a mixed level
of abstraction.
What is a “brake retarder”? Briefly, it is a device used on large trucks to slow the
engine down by allowing air to be exhausted out of the pistons, thus slowing
the vehicle. Brake retarders are very noisy, and, as a result, many municipalities
prohibit their use within city limits. By Pennsylvania law, appropriate signs must
be posted with the instructions “Brake Retarders Prohibited Within Municipal
Limits.” The complementary sign then reads “End Brake Retarder Prohibition.”
The latter phrasing is, apparently, unique to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
(O’Neil 2004). In some states the sign pair reads “No Jake Brakes” and “End

* A variation of this story first appeared in “End Brake Retarder Prohibitions: Defining ‘Shall
Not’ Requirements Effectively,” Computer, 2009, by Jeff Voas and Phil Laplante.

88  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Jake Brake Prohibition,” the term “Jake” being a nick-name of a company that
manufacturers the device, Jacobs Vehicle Systems.
Taking the Pennsylvania form of the sign, if we substitute appropriate synonyms:

end → stop, brake → stop, retarder → stopper, prohibition → stopping

the sign translates to:

“stop stop stopper stopping”

Which is a quadruple negative. In theory, we should be able to replace such a

quadruple negative with a null sign reading:

The original sign has the paradoxical effect, however, of causing a positive action
(that is, to allow the application of brake retarders).
It is clear that the “brake retarder” sign is a poor one—but perhaps not nearly as
poor as the requirements for installing one. Pennsylvania’s requirements on munici-
palities who wish to implement a “no brake retarder” zone are

1. Downhill grade(s) greater than 4%

2. A posted reduced speed limit for trucks due to a hazardous grade
3. Posted reduced gear zone(s)
4. Posted speed limits over 55 miles per hour
5. Highway exit ramps with a posted speed limit over 55 miles per hour

and the crash history for the stretch of road a municipality is seeking to keep brake-
retarder free must not include

1. A history of runaway truck crashes over the past three years

2. A discernible pattern of rear-end crashes over the past three years where the truck
was the striking vehicle (O’Neil 2004)

The italic font was added to the latter section because it highlights the fact that the require-
ments on brake retarder prohibitions contain an embedded shall not requirement.
Given all of this confusion, clearly, a better job in formulating the sign language
is needed, and more work is needed in formulating the requirements for the sign.
Formal methods may have been advisable in this regard. All of these activities fall
under the context of requirements risk management.
Requirements risk management involves the proactive identification, monitor-
ing, and mitigation of any factors that can threaten the integrity of the requirements
Requirements Risk Management  89

engineering process. Requirements risk factors can be divided into two types: tech-
nical and management. Technical risk factors pertaining to the elicitation, agree-
ment, and representation processes have already been discussed in Chapter 3. In
Chapter 6 we discuss the use of formal methods in improving the quality of require-
ments representation through mathematically rigorous approaches. Requirements
management risk factors tend toward issues of expectation management and inter-
personal relationships, and these are discussed in Chapter 9. In this chapter we wish
to focus on the mitigation of requirements risk through the analysis of the require-
ments specification document itself. That is, the validation and verification of the
SRS occur early in order to avoid costly problems further downstream. There are a
variety of complementary and overlapping techniques to check quality attributes of
the SRS, but IEEE Standard 830 contains a set of rules that are extremely helpful
in vetting the technical aspects of the SRS and, in turn, mitigating risk later on.
So in this chapter we will be looking at the nature of SRS verification and valida-
tion, at various qualities of “goodness” for requirements specifications, and finally,
turn to work at NASA that can be very helpful in comprehending these qualities
of goodness.

Requirements Validation and Verification

Requirements validation and verification involves review, analysis, and testing to
ensure that a system complies with its requirements. Compliance pertains to both
functional and nonfunctional requirements. But the foregoing definition does not
readily distinguish between verification and validation and is probably too long
in any case to be inspirational or to serve as a mission statement for the require-
ments engineer. Barry Boehm (1984) suggests the following to make the distinc-
tion between verification and validation:

requirements validation: “am I building the right product?”

requirements verification: “am I building the product right?”

In other words, validation involves fully understanding customer intent and verifi-
cation involves satisfying customer intent.
There are terrific benefits to implementing a requirements verification and vali-
dation program. These include

◾◾ early detection and correction of system anomalies

◾◾ enhanced management insight into process and product risk
◾◾ support for lifecycle processes to ensure conformance to program perfor-
mance and budget
◾◾ early assessment of software and system performance
90  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ ability to obtain objective evidence of software and system conformance to

support process
◾◾ improved system development and maintenance processes
◾◾ improved and integrated systems analysis model (IEEE 1012)

Requirements validation involves checking that the system provides all of the
functions that best support the customer’s needs and that it does not provide the
functions that the customer does not need or want. Additionally, validation should
ensure that there are no requirements conflicts and that satisfaction of the require-
ments can actually be demonstrated. Finally, there is some element of sanity check in
terms of time and budget—a requirement may be able to be literally met, but the cost
and time needed to meet the requirement may be unacceptable or even impossible.
Requirements verification (testing) involves checking satisfaction of a number
of desirable properties of the requirements (e.g., IEEE 830 rules). Usually we do
both validation and verification (V&V) simultaneously, and often the techniques
used for one or the other are the same.

Techniques for Requirements V&V

V&V techniques may include some of the requirements elicitation techniques that
were discussed in Chapter 3. For example, group reviews/inspections, focus groups,
prototyping, viewpoint resolution, or task analysis (through user stories and use
cases) can be used to simplify, combine, or eliminate requirements. In addition,
we can use comparative product evaluations to uncover missing or unreasonable
requirements and task analysis to uncover and simplify requirements. Systematic
manual analysis of the requirements, test-case generation (for testability and com-
pleteness), using an executable model of the system to check requirements, and
automated consistency analysis may also be used. Finally, certain formal methods
such as model checking and consistency analysis can be used for V&V and these
will be discussed in Chapter 6.
In any case we now present some examples of various techniques for require-
ments verification and validation.

Goal-Based Requirements Analysis

Stakeholders tend to express their requirements in terms of operations and actions
rather than goals. A risk is posed when goals evolve as stakeholders change their minds
and refine and operationalize goals into behavioral requirements. To reduce this risk
stakeholder goals need to be evolved until they can be structured as requirements.
Goal evolution is facilitated through goal elaboration and refinement. Useful
techniques for goal elaborating include identifying goal obstacles, analyzing scenar-
ios and constraints, and operationalizing goals. Goal refinement occurs when syn-
onymous goals are reconciled, when goals are merged into a subgoal categorization,
Requirements Risk Management  91

when constraints are identified, and when goals are operationalized (Hetzel 1988).
As to operationalization, we’ll refer to goals-based analysis when discussing metrics

Requirements Understanding
In an early and influential book on software testing, Bill Hetzel proposed several
paradigms for requirements verification and validation. To set the stage for this
V&V, Hetzel addressed the problem of requirements understanding through the
following analogy.
Imagine you are having a conversation with a “customer” in which he says that
he would like for you to develop some kind of health management system, which,
among other things, ensures that patients are eating a “well-balanced meal.” You
readily agree to this requirement. Many weeks later as you begin thinking about a
system design, you reconsider the requirement to provide a “well-balanced meal.”
What does that mean? In one interpretation, it could mean, adding up everything
consumed; were minimum nutritional guidelines in terms of calories, protein, vita-
mins, and so forth met? Another interpretation is that the patient ate exactly three
meals. Yet another interpretation is that the meals were “well balanced” in the sense
that each food item weighed the same amount (Hetzel 1988).
Aside from the more ridiculous interpretations of “well-balanced meal,” the
previous example illustrates a problem. “Well-balanced meal” may have no lan-
guage equivalent in French, Hindi, Mandarin, or any other language. So “well-
balanced meal” would create a problem for any non-native English speaker. What
other colloquialisms do we use in our specifications and then ship out for offshore
development? Clearly, there are various problems that can arise from language and
cultural differences.
One solution to the requirements understanding problem is offered by
Hetzel. He suggests that for correct problem definition it is best to specify
the test for accepting a solution along with the statement of the requirement.
When the statement and test are listed together, most problems associated with
misunderstanding requirements disappear. In particular we want to derive
­requirements-based test situations and use them as a test of requirement under-
standing and validation.
For example, when a requirement is found to be incomplete, we can use the
test case to focus on missing information. That is, design the test case to ask the
question, “What should the system do in this case when this input is not supplied?”
Similarly, when a requirement is found to be fuzzy or imprecise, use a test case to
ask the question, “Is this the result I should have in this situation?” The specific
instance will focus attention on the imprecise answer or result and ensure that it is
examined carefully (Hetzel 1988). Today, Hetzel’s approach is called “test-driven
92  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Validating Requirements Use Cases

When use cases comprise part of the requirements, these can be validated by asking
a simple set of questions:

◾◾ Are there any additional actors that are not represented?

◾◾ Are there any activities that are not represented?
◾◾ Are each actor’s goals being met?
◾◾ Are there events in the use case that do not address these goals?
◾◾ Can the use case be simplified?

Other related questions can and should be readily generated.

Prototypes are useful in V&V when very little is understood about the require-
ments or when it is necessary to gain some experience with the working model in
order to discover requirements. The principle behind using working prototypes is
the recognition that requirements change with experience and prototyping yields
that experience.
There are two kinds of prototypes—throwaway and non-throwaway. Throwaway
prototypes are designed to be quickly built and then discarded. Non-throwaway
prototypes are intended to be used as the basis for the working code. The advantage
of throwaway code is that it can be more quickly built. But non-throwaway code
does not waste effort. Of course, care should be taken to ensure that throwaway
code does not end up being kept because it was likely not built robustly.
Incremental and evolutionary development approaches are essentially based on
a series of non-throwaway prototypes. The difference between the two approaches
is, essentially, that in incremental development the functionality of each release is
planned, whereas in evolutionary development, subsequent releases are not planned
out. In both incremental and evolutionary development, lessons learned from prior
releases inform the functionality of future releases’ incremental and evolutionary
development. In essence, early versions are prototypes used for future requirements

The Requirements Validation Matrix

A requirements validation matrix is an artifact that connects requirements to the
tests associated with that requirement. Such a matrix facilitates review of require-
ments and the tests and provides an easy mechanism to track the status of test case
design and implementation. An excerpt from a requirements validation matrix for
the Smart Home system SRS documents is shown in Table 5.1.
Requirements Risk Management  93

Table 5.1 A Sample Requirements Validation Matrix for the Smart Home
System SRS in the Appendix
Requirement Test Cases Status

9.13.1 System shall provide wireless support for T-1711 Passed

driving any number of wall mounted monitors for T-1712 Passed
picture display.
T-1715 Passed

9.13.2 System shall provide Web-based interface for T-1711 Passed

authenticated users to publish new photos for display T-1715 Failed
on wall monitors.
T-1811 Passed

9.13.3 System shall allow users to configure which T-1712 Passed

pictures get displayed. T-1715 Passed
T-1811 Passed
T-1812 Passed
T-1819 Not run

9.13.4 System shall allow users to configure which T-1712 Passed

remote users can submit pictures to which wall T-1715 Passed
T-1716 Passed
T-1812 Passed

Here the requirements forming the SRS are listed verbatim in the far left col-
umn, the tests that verify those requirements listed in the center column, and
the test case status in the far right column. The status field can contain “passed,”
“failed,” “not run,” “omitted,” or any variation of these keywords. Additional col-
umns can be added to the matrix to indicate when the test was run, who conducted
the test, where the test was run, the status of testing equipment used, and for com-
ments and other relevant information.
The requirements validation matrix is easily made part of the master test plan and
can be updated throughout the project to give a record of all requirements testing.

The Importance of Measurement in Requirements

Verification and Validation
Imagine an argument involving the question of which boxer was better: Muhammad
Ali or Joe Louis? Now, all kinds of elaborate simulation models have been contrived
to settle this argument. You can try to argue superiority based on particular fight-
ing characteristics. Some have modeled these characteristics to create simulated
94  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

fights. Still others have looked at the fighting characteristics and results against
similar opponents. You could even argue about training techniques and the qual-
ity of their managers, trainers, and promoters. But there is no conclusive evidence
that one fighter was better than the other or that they were evenly matched because
there are no direct metrics available to make just a value judgment. Now consider
an argument involving who is the best long jumper of all time. The answer should
be easy—Mike Powell, who holds the record at 29 feet, 4 and 3/8 inches (with no
wind at his back). No one has ever jumped farther, and he broke Bob Beamon’s
record, which stood for 23 years. You can try to argue that Beamon was better in
terms of other characteristics—competitive spirit, tenacity, resiliency, sportsman-
ship, etc., but those are all unmeasurable.
Now imagine an argument with a customer involving whether or not a require-
ment that “the software shall be easy to use” was met or not. You contend that the
requirement was met because “look, the software is easy to use.” The customer
disagrees because she feels that “the software is too hard to use.” But you can’t win
the argument because you have no metrics. It is rather disappointing that as soft-
ware engineers we are often no better off than two boxing pundits arguing from
barstools (Laplante et al. 2007).
So which qualities should you consider and measure? Any collection of quali-
ties is sometimes referred to as “the ilities.” There are many possible qualities that
comprise the “ilities” including:

◾◾ accuracy ◾◾ readability
◾◾ completeness ◾◾ reusability
◾◾ consistency ◾◾ reliability
◾◾ correctness ◾◾ safety
◾◾ efficiency ◾◾ security
◾◾ expandability ◾◾ survivability
◾◾ interoperability ◾◾ testability
◾◾ maintainability ◾◾ understandability
◾◾ manageability ◾◾ usability
◾◾ portability

This is not an exhaustive list. In any case, for each requirement containing one
of the ilities there needs to be an associated metric to determine if the requirement
has been met. Requirements measurement is a concept that we will be revisiting
over and over again.

Goal/Question/Metric Analysis
We previously mentioned the use of goal-based analysis for requirements veri-
fication and validation. But how can we generate the metrics that we need?
Requirements Risk Management  95

The goal/question/metric (GQM) paradigm is an analysis technique that helps

in the selection of an appropriate metric. To use the technique, you follow
three simple rules. First state the goals of the measurement, that is, “what the
organization is trying to achieve?” Next, derive from each goal the questions
that must be answered to determine if the goals are being met. Finally, decide
what must be measured in order to be able to answer the questions (Basili et al.
Here is an example of using GQM to define metrics that are “useful.” Suppose
that the stated goal for the system is “The system shall be easy to use.” Hopefully,
you will agree that “easy to use” is impossible to objectively measure. So how do we
approach its measurement? We do it by creating questions that help describe what
“easy to use” means. For example, one question that fits this description is “How
many expert, intermediate, and novice users use the system?” The rationale for this
question is that an easy-to-use system should be used by everyone. Now we need to
know an appropriate metric to answer this question. Here is one way to obtain that
metric—provide the system in an open lab for a period of time and measure the
number and percentage of each user type who uses the system during that time. If a
disproportionate number of users are expert, for example, then it may be concluded
that the system is not easy to use. If an equal proportion of expert, intermediate,
and novice users use the system, then it might be that the system is “easy to use.”
Consider another question that addresses the goal of “easy to use”: How long
does it take a new user to master features 1 through 25 with only 8 hours of train-
ing? The rationale is that certain minimum features needed to use the system ade-
quately ought not to take too long to train. An associated metric for this question
then is obtained by taking a random sample of novice users, give them the same 8
hours of training, and then testing the students to see if they can use features 1–25
to some minimum standard.
Following such a process to drive questions and associated metrics from goals is
a good path to deriving measureable requirements and at the same time helping to
refine and improve the quality of the requirements themselves.

Standards for Verification and Validation

There are various international standards for the processes and documentation
involved in verification and validation of systems and software. Many of these
have been sponsored or co-sponsored by the Institute for Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE).
Whatever requirements V&V techniques are used, a software requirements V&V
plan should always be written to accompany any major or critical software application.
IEEE Std 1012-2004, IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation,
provides some guidelines to help prepare verification and validation plans. Figure 5.1
shows the recommended V&V plan outline (IEEE 1012).
96  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

1. Purpose
2. Referenced documents
3. Definitions
4. V&V overview
4.1 Organization
4.2 Master schedule
4.3 Software integrity level scheme
4.4 Resources summary
4.5 Responsibilities
4.6 Tools, techniques, and methods
5. V&V processes
5.1 Process: Management
5.1.1 Activity: Management of V&V
5.2 Process: Acquisition
5.2.1 Activity: Acquisition support V&V
5.3 Process: Supply
5.3.1 Activity: Planning V&V
5.4 Process: Development
5.4.1 Activity: Concept V&V
5.4.2 Activity: Requirements V&V
5.4.3 Activity: Design V&V
5.4.4 Activity: Implementation V&V
5.4.5 Activity: Test V&V
5.4.6 Activity: Installation and checkout V&V
5.5 Process: Operation
5.5.1 Activity: Operation V&V
5.6 Process: Maintenance
5.6.1 Activity: Maintenance V&V
6. V&V reporting requirements
6.1 Task reports
6.2 Activity summary reports
6.3 Anomaly reports
6.4 V&V final report
6.5 Special studies reports (optional)
6.6 Other reports (optional)
7. V&V Administrative requirements
7.1 Anomaly resolution and reporting
7.2 Task iteration policy
7.3 Deviation policy
7.4 Control procedures
7.5 Standards, practices, and conventions
8. V&V test documentation requirements

Figure 5.1 Recommended V&V plan table of contents (IEEE 1012).

IEEE Standard 830

IEEE 830 is perhaps the most important of all the standards that relate to require-
ments engineering. IEEE 830 “describes recommended approaches for the specifi-
cation of software requirements.” The standard attempts to help

a) Software customers to accurately describe what they wish to obtain;

b) Software suppliers to understand exactly what the customer wants;
c) Individuals to accomplish the following goals:
Requirements Risk Management  97

1) Develop a standard software requirements specification (SRS) outline for

their own organizations;
2) Define the format and content of their specific software requirements
3) Develop additional local supporting items, such as an SRS quality check-
list or an SRS writer’s handbook.” (IEEE 830)

But from a risk mitigation standpoint, we are most interested in the qualities of
goodness for requirements document that are described. These are

◾◾ correct
◾◾ unambiguous
◾◾ complete
◾◾ consistent
◾◾ ranked for importance and/or stability
◾◾ verifiable
◾◾ modifiable
◾◾ traceable

Let us describe each of these qualities in some detail.

Correctness means that any requirement listed is one that needs to be met (i.e.,
incorrect requirements specifications specify unwanted behavior). Correctness
is an important quality of an SRS document because unwanted behavior is,
well, unwanted.
Sometimes unwanted behavior is not always obvious. Consider the following
requirement for a computer security system.

2.1.1 All passwords and user ids shall be unique.

There is a problem with this requirement, for, if user A tries to set a password
that is already taken by another user, the system has to indicate so. This gives user
A knowledge of the password of another user, which could be used for an attack.
Clearly this is incorrect behavior that we do not want to specify.
Various techniques can be used to study correctness including reviews and
inspections, but none of these is perfect and it is probably the case that more than
one review and/or inspection needs to be employed to ensure correctness.

We define ambiguity by complementation—an SRS document is unambiguous if
each specification element can have only one interpretation.
98  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Here is an example of a specification document in which ambiguous behavior

was described. In a certain automobile (belonging to the author) an indicator light
is displayed (in the shape of an engine) when certain exceptional conditions occur.
These conditions include poor fuel quality, fuel cap not tightened properly, and
other fuel-related faults. According to the user’s manual, if the cause of the problem
is relatively minor, such as the fuel cap not tightened, the system will reset the light

removing the exceptional condition followed by three consecutive error

free cold starts. A cold start is defined as a start up that has not been
preceded by another engine start up in the last eight hours, followed by
several minutes of either highway or city driving.*

Can you see the problem in this functional definition? Aside from its confus-
ing wording, the requirement doesn’t make sense. If you wait eight hours from the
previous start up, then start the engine to drive somewhere, you have to wait at
least eight hours to start up and drive back to your origin. If you have any warm
start before three consecutive cold starts, the sequence has to begin again. Is the
only possible way to satisfy this condition to drive somewhere, wait there for eight
hours and then drive back to the origin (three times in a row)? Or, drive around for
a while, return to the origin, wait eight hours, then do it again (two times more)?
This sequence of events is very hard to follow, and in fact, after one month of try-
ing, the author could not get the light to reset without disconnecting and recon-
necting the battery.
Another reason why ambiguity is so dangerous is that, in an ambiguous require-
ments specification, literal requirements satisfaction may be achieved but not cus-
tomer satisfaction. “I know that is what I said I wanted, but now that I see it in
action, I realized that I really meant something else” is an unfortunate refrain. Or
consider this fictitious quote—“oh, you meant THAT lever; I thought you meant
the other one.” We would never want this scenario to be played out late in the sys-
tem’s life cycle.
Some of the techniques that could be used to resolve ambiguity of SRS documents
include formal reviews, viewpoint resolution, and formal modeling of the specification.

An SRS document is complete if there is no missing functionality, that is, all appro-
priate desirable and undesirable behaviors are specified. Recall from Figure 1.4 that
there is usually a mismatch between desired behaviors and specified behaviors—
there is always some unspecified behavior, as well as undesirable behavior, that finds

* This is not a verbatim quote. It is a representation of the manual’s verbiage to avoid exposing
the identity of the vehicle.
Requirements Risk Management  99

its way into the system that should be explicitly prohibited. Either case can lead to
literal requirements satisfaction but not customer satisfaction.
Completeness is a difficult quality to improve. How do you know when some-
thing is missing? Typical techniques for reducing incompleteness include various
reviews, viewpoint resolution, and the act of test case generation. Test-driven devel-
opment, which will be discussed in Chapter 6, has the effect of asking “what’s
missing from here” and “what can go wrong?” Answering these questions will tend
to lead to systems features being uncovered. QFD is also a powerful technique to
combat incompleteness because of the comparison of the system under consider-
ation with competing systems.

The consistency of the SRS document can take two forms: internal consistency—
i.e., satisfaction of one requirement does not preclude satisfaction of another; and
external consistency—i.e., the SRS is in agreement with all other applicable docu-
ments and standards.
When either internal or external inconsistency is present in the SRS, it can
lead to difficulties in meeting requirements and delays and frustration downstream.
Internal and external consistency can be checked through reviews, viewpoint reso-
lution, various formal methods, and prototyping.

A requirements set is ranked if the items are prioritized for importance and/or sta-
bility. Importance is a relative term, and its meaning needs to be resolved on a case-
by-case basis. Stability means the likelihood that the requirement would change.
For example, a hospital information system will always have doctors, nurses, and
patients (but governing legislation will change). The ranking could use a numerical
scale (positive integers or real numbers), a simple rating system (e.g., Mandatory,
Desirable, Optional), or could be ranked by mission criticality.
For example, NASA uses a four-level ranking system. Level 1 requirements
are mission-level requirements that are very high level and very rarely change.
Level 2 requirements are “high level” with minimal change. Level 3 requirements
are those requirements that can be derived from level 2 requirements. That is, each
level 2 requirement traces to one or more level 3 requirement. Contracts usually
bid at this level of detail. Finally, level 4 are detailed requirements and are typically
used to design and code the system (Rosenberg et al.).
Ranking is an extremely important quality of an SRS document. Suppose
in the course of system design two requirements cannot be met simultaneously.
It becomes easier to decide which requirement to relax based on its ranking. In
addition to being useful for tradeoff engineering, ranking can be used for cost
100  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

estimation and negotiation, and for dispute resolution. Ranking validation is easy
enough through reviews and viewpoint resolution (to agree upon the rankings).

An SRS is verifiable if satisfaction of each requirement can be established using
measurement or some other unambiguous means. This quality is important because
a requirement that cannot be shown to be met has not been met. When require-
ments cannot be measured, they cannot be met and disputes will follow.
Verifiability can be explored through various reviews, through test case design
(design driven development), and through viewpoint resolution.

Modifiability means that the SRS and structure of the document will readily yield
to changes. Usually this means that the document is numbered, stored in a conve-
nient electronic format, and compatible with common document processing and
configuration tools.
It is obvious why modifiability is an important quality of an SRS document—
requirements will change! Ease of modification will also reduce costs, assist in
meeting schedules, and facilitate communications. Reviews and inspections are the
most obvious way to assess a document’s modifiability.

An SRS is traceable if each requirement is clearly identifiable, and all linkages to
other requirements (e.g., dependencies) are clearly marked. Traceability is an essen-
tial quality for effective communications about requirements, to facilitate easy mod-
ification, and even for legal considerations. For example, in the case of a dispute, it is
helpful to show that responsible linking of related requirements was done.
In addition, each requirement should have a link to at least one other require-
ment. Traceability can be measured using network-like analyses. For example, we
could count the efferent (inward) and afferent (outward) coupling as indicated by
the key phrases “uses,” “is referenced by,” “references,” “is used by,” and so on.
Generally, we would like each requirement to be tested by more than one test
case. At the same time, we would like each test case to exercise more than one
requirement. The “test span” metrics are used to characterize the test plan and iden-
tify insufficient or excessive testing:
◾◾ Requirements per test
◾◾ Tests per requirement
Research is still ongoing to determine appropriate statistics for these metrics.
But at the very least, you can use these metrics to look for inconsistencies and
non-uniform test coverage. Of course, there is always a tradeoff between time and
Requirements Risk Management  101

cost of testing versus the comprehensiveness of testing. But testing is not the subject
of this book.
Group reviews and inspections and automated tools can also be used to check
for traceability between requirements to/from tests.

NASA Requirements Testing

One would think that the American space agency NASA is a place where rigor-
ous requirements engineering is conducted. This is a correct assumption. Given
that NASA is engaged in the engineering of very-high-profile, high-cost, and most
importantly, life-critical systems, the techniques used and developed here are state
of the art. Table 5.2 contains an excerpt from NASA Procedural Requirements for
requirements engineering.
NASA is heavily invested in the use of formal methods for requirements verifi-
cation and validation, and a number of techniques and tools for this purpose have
been developed.
Notice that verification matrices are specifically mentioned as helping to accom-
plish the software requirements engineering goals. Requirements management,
which will be discussed in Chapter 9, is specifically mentioned in the directive.


The NASA ARM Tool was developed at NASA’s Software Assurance Technology
Center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. This tool conducts an
analysis of the test of the SRS document and reports certain metrics. The metrics
are divided into two categories: micro- and macro-level metrics. Micro-level indi-
cators count the occurrences of specific keyword types. Macro-level indicators are
coarse-grained metrics of the SRS documentation.
Micro-level indicators include
◾◾ imperatives
◾◾ continuances
◾◾ directives
◾◾ options
◾◾ weak phrases
Macro-level indicators include
◾◾ size of requirements
◾◾ text structure
◾◾ specification depth
◾◾ readability
These micro- and macro-level indicators will be described in some detail.
102  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 5.2 Excerpt from NASA Procedural Requirements for Requirements

Engineering (NASA)
3.1.1 Requirements Development The project shall document the software requirements. [SWE-049]
Note: The requirements for the content of each Software Requirement
Specification and Data Dictionary are defined in Chapter 5. The project shall identify, develop, document, approve, and maintain
software requirements based on analysis of customer and other stakeholder
requirements and the operational concepts. [SWE-050] The project shall perform software requirements analysis based on
flowed-down and derived requirements from the top-level systems
engineering requirements and the hardware specifications and design.
Note: This analysis is for safety criticality, correctness, consistency, clarity,
completeness, traceability, feasibility, verifiability, and maintainability. This
includes the allocation of functional and performance requirements to
functions and subfunctions. The project shall perform, document, and maintain bi- directional
traceability between the software requirement and the higher level
requirement. [SWE-052]
Note: The project should identify any orphaned or widowed requirements (no
parent or no child) associated with reused software.
3.1.2 Requirements Management The project shall collect and manage changes to the software
requirements. [SWE-053]
Note: The project should analyze and document changes to requirements for
cost, technical, and schedule impacts. The project shall identify inconsistencies between requirements,
project plans, and software products and initiate corrective actions. [SWE-054]
Note: A verification matrix supports the accomplishment of this requirement.

In addition, various ratios can be formed using macro- and micro-level indi-
cators. No particular thresholds for the metrics are given (research is still being
conducted in this regard). However, at the end of this section, summary metrics for
56 NASA projects are given for comparison.
A description of the metrics and some excerpts from the ARM report for creat-
ing the Smart Home SRS document found in the appendix. The definitions are
derived from those reported by the tool and described by the authors of the tool in
a related report (Rosenberg et al.).
Requirements Risk Management  103

The first metric, imperatives, is a micro indicator that counts the words and phrases
that command that something must be provided. Imperatives include

◾◾ “shall”—dictates the provision of a functional capability

◾◾ “must” or “must not”—establish performance requirements or constraints
◾◾ “will”—indicates that something will be provided from outside the capabil-
ity being specified. For example, “the building’s electrical system will power the
xyz system.”
◾◾ “is required to”—used in specifications statements written in passive voice
◾◾ “are applicable”—used to include, by reference, standards or other documen-
tation as an addition to the requirements being specified
◾◾ “responsible for”—used as an imperative for systems whose architectures are
already defined. For example, “the xyz function of the abc subsystem is respon-
sible for responding to the pdq inputs.”

A more precise specification will have a Table 5.3 ARM Counts of

high number of “shall” or “must” impera- Imperatives Found in the Smart
tives relative to other imperative types. Note Home SRS Document
that the word “should” is not recommended
Imperatives Occurrences
for use in an SRS. From both a logical and
legal point of view “should” places too much shall 308
discretion in the hands of system designers.
must    0
The counts of imperatives found in the
Smart Home SRS document are shown in is required to    0
Table 5.3. An excerpt of the imperatives
are applicable    0
capture from the ARM output is shown in
Figure 5.2. are to    1

responsible for    0
Continuances will 51
Continuances are phrases that follow an
should    7
imperative and precede the definition of
lower-level requirement specifications. Total 367
Continuances indicate that requirements
have been organized and structured.
Examples of and counts of continuances found in the Smart Home SRS document
are shown in Table 5.4. The symbol “:” is treated as a continuance when it follows
an imperative and precedes a requirement definition.
These characteristics contribute to the ease with which the requirement spec-
ification document can be changed. Too many continuances, however, indicate
104  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

shall # 1: In Line No. 169, ParNo. 3.1.1., @ Depth 3

3.1.1 System SHALL operate on a system capable of multiprocessing.

will # 51: In Line No. 624, ParNo. 9.12.3., @ Depth 3

9.12.3 System SHALL allow users to record greeting message that WILL be played after user defined
number of rings.

should # 7: In Line No. 557, ParNo. 9.8., @ Depth 2

In the future this SHOULD be extended such that any commands can be programmed to control any
device or system interface by the SH.

be able to # 1: In Line No. 324, ParNo. 7.3., @ Depth 2

Occupants and users of the SH’s system should Be ABLE TO monitor the home from anywhere they wish.

normal # 1: In Line No. 490, ParNo. 9.3.14., @ Depth 3

9.3.14 Hot tub cover shall close with button press or if no activity / motion is detected for some time range,
and water displacement levels are NORMAL (no one in the tub).

provide for # 1: In Line No. 104, ParNo. 2., @ Depth 2

The summation and harmonization of all the six categories of the SH will PROVIDE FOR a truly rewarding
living experience for the occupants of the SH.

easy to # 1: In Line No. 193, ParNo. 4.1.2., @ Depth 3

4.1.2 System shall be EASY TO use.

can # 1: In Line No. 124, ParNo. 2., @ Depth 2

Ensuring the existing structure CAN support the improvements

may # 1: In Line No. 180, ParNo. 3.1.9., @ Depth 3

3.1.9 System MAY contain separate SAN device for storage flexibility

Figure 5.2 Excerpt of ARM output for Smart Home requirements specification

Table 5.4 ARM Counts for

Continuances in the Smart
Home SRS Document
Continuance Occurrence

below 0

as follows 0

following 0

listed 0

in particular 0

support 0

and 85

: 2

Total 87
Requirements Risk Management  105

Table 5.5 Directives Found in Table 5.6 Options and Their

the Smart Home SRS Counts Found in the Smart
Home SRS Document
Directive Occurrence
Option Phrases Occurrence
e.g. 0
can 7
i.e. 14
may 23
For example 0
optionally 0
Figure 0
Total 30
Table 0

Note 0

Total 14

multiple, complex requirements that may not be adequately reflected in resource

and schedule estimates.

The micro-indicator “directives” count those words or phrases that indicate that the
document contains examples or other illustrative information. Directives point to
information that makes the specified requirements more understandable. Typical
directives and their counts found in the Smart Home SRS document are shown in
Table 5.5. Generally, the higher the number of total directives, the more precisely
the requirements are defined.

Options are those words that give the developer latitude in satisfying the specifica-
tions. At the same time, options give less control to the customer. Options and their
counts found in the Smart Home SRS document are shown in Table 5.6.

Weak Phrases
Weak phrases are clauses that are subject to multiple interpretations and uncertainty
and therefore can lead to requirements errors. Use of phrases such as “adequate”
and “as appropriate” indicate that what is required is either defined elsewhere or
worse, the requirement is open to subjective interpretation. Phrases such as “but not
limited to” and “as a minimum” provide the basis for expanding requirements that
have been identified or adding future requirements. The counts of weak phrases for
the Smart Home SRS document are shown in Table 5.7.
The total number of weak phrases is an important metric that indicates the
extent to which the specification is ambiguous and incomplete.
106  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 5.7 Weak Phrases for the Table 5.8 Incomplete Words and
Smart Home SRS Document Phrases Found in the Smart Home
SRS Document
Weak Phrase Occurrence
Incomplete Term Occurrence
adequate 0
as appropriate 0
be able to 3
be capable of 0
capability of 0
capability to 0
not defined 0
effective 0
not determined 0
as required 0
but not limited to 0
normal 1
as a minimum 0
provide for 1
Total 0
timely 0

easy to 1

Total 6

The “incomplete” micro-indicator counts words that imply that something is
missing in the document, for whatever reason (for example, future expansion,
undetermined requirements). The most common incomplete notation is “TBD”
for “to be determined.”
Variations of “TBD” include

◾◾ TBD—“to be determined”
◾◾ TBS—“to be scheduled”
◾◾ TBE—“to be established” or “yet to be estimated”
◾◾ TBC—“to be computed”
◾◾ TBR—“to be resolved”
◾◾ “Not defined” and “not determined” explicitly state that a specification state-
ment is incomplete.
◾◾ “But not limited to” and “as a minimum” are phrases that permit modifica-
tions or additions to the specification.

Incomplete words and phrases found in the Smart Home SRS document are shown
in Table 5.8.
Requirements Risk Management  107

Leaving incompleteness in the SRS document is an invitation to disaster later

in the project. While it is likely that there may be a few incomplete terms in a
well-written SRS due to pending requirements, the number of such words should
be kept to an absolute minimum.

Subjects are a count of unique combinations of words immediately preceding
imperatives in the source file. This count is an indication of the scope of subjects
addressed by the specification.
The ARM tool counted a total of 372 subjects in the Smart Home SRS document.

Specification Depth
Specification depth counts the number of imperatives at each level of the docu-
ment and reflects the structure of the requirements. The topological structure of
requirements was discussed in Chapter 4. The numbering and specification struc-
tural counts for the Smart Home SRS document as computed by the NASA ARM
tool are provided in Table 5.9.
These counts indicate that the SRS requirements hierarchy has a “diamond”
shape in the manner of Figure 4.8c.

Table 5.9 Numbering and Specification

Structure Statistics for Smart Home SRS
Document in the Appendix
Numbering Structure Specification Structure

Depth Occurrence Depth Occurrence

1 19 1    0

2 71 2 50

3 265 3 258

4 65 4 64

5    0 5    0

6    0 6    0

7    0 7    0

8    0 8    0

9    0 9    0

Total 420 Total 372

108  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Readability Statistics
In Chapter 4 we discussed the importance of clarity in the SRS document. There
are various ways to evaluate reading levels, but most techniques use some formula-
tion of characters or syllables per words and words per sentence. For example, the
Flesch Reading Ease index is based on the average number of syllables per word
and of words per sentence. Standard writing tends to fall in the 60–70 range but
apparently, a higher score increases readability.
The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level index is supposed to reflect a grade-school
writing level, so a score of 12, means that someone with a 12th grade education
would understand the writing. But standard writing averages 7th to 8th grade, and
a much higher score is not necessarily good—higher level writing would be harder
to understand. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade level indicator is also based on the aver-
age number of syllables per word and on words per sentence. There are other grade
level indicators as well (Wilson et al.).
The NASA ARM tool does not provide the ability to count these metrics, but
most versions of the popular Microsoft Word can provide at least some relevant statis-
tics. For example, the version of Word 2007 used to prepare this manuscript will com-
pute various word, character, paragraph, and sentence counts and averages. It will also
compute the Flesch Reading Ease and Flesch-Kincaid Grade level metrics (consult the
user’s manual or on-line help feature to determine how to compute such metrics for
your word processor, if available). In any case, we used Word to calculate the statistics
for the Smart Home SRS document and obtained the output shown in Figure 5.3.
The SRS document is assessed to be at a 12th grade reading level. The low num-
ber of sentences per paragraph (1.2) is an artifact of the way the tool counted each
numbered requirement as a new paragraph.

Summary of NASA Metrics

To get some sense of proportion and relevance to the ARM indicators, Rosenberg
and colleagues studies 56 NASA software systems ranging in size from 143 to 4772
lines of code (Rosenberg et al.). They used their tool to collect statistics about these
systems, which are summarized in Table 5.10.
From Table 5.10 we notice that one specification was only 143 lines of text
and that the longest was 28,000 lines of text. It is interesting to note from Table 5.10
that even NASA specifications have “TBDs” and often, many options. Validatable
and verifiable are two additional properties in the table (Wilson et al.).
Aside from the obvious interpretations, why are these ARM indicators impor-
tant? Table 5.11 gives us the intriguing answer—because there is a correlation
between these indicators and the IEEE 830 qualities that we have already discussed. A
cross reference of NASA indicators to IEEE 830 qualities is shown in Table 5.11.
Looking at the table it seems that the text structure and depth are indicators of
internal consistency (but not external). The number of directives and weak phrases
are correlated (positively and negatively, respectively) with correctness. All of the
Requirements Risk Management  109

Readability Statistics ? ×
Words 7526
Characters 39189
Paragraphs 496
Sentences 485

Sentences per Paragraph 1.2
Words per Sentence 14.5
Characters per Words 5.0

Passive Sentences 10%
Flesch Reading Ease 32.3
Flesch‒Kincaid Grade Level 12.3


Figure 5.3 Readability statistics for Smart Home SRS document obtained from
Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Table 5.10 Sample Statistics from 56 NASA Requirements Specifications


Weak Phrases
Lines of Text

(can, may…)



Minimum 143    25 15    0    0 0    0

Median 2265 382 183 21 37 7 27

Average 4772 682 423 49 70 25 63

Max 28459 3896 118 224    4 32 130

Std Dev 759 156 99 12 21 20 39

Level 3 Specs 1011 588 577 10 242 1    5

Level 4 Specs 1432 917 289    9 393 2    2

110  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 5.11 Cross Reference of NASA Indicators to IEEE 830 Qualities

Indicators of Quality Attributes

Quality Attributes




Categories of
Quality Indicators

Imperatives       

Continuances         

Directives       

Options     

Weak phrases       

Size      

Text structure       

Specification      

Readability       

micro-indicators are linked to testability (both in a positive and negative correla-

tion—you need “just enough” directives but not too many). Finally, all quality
indicators (except for readability) contribute to completeness.

5.1 What can be some pitfalls to watch out for in ranking requirements?
5.2 Explain how the following can help remove ambiguity from the SRS.
NN formal reviews
NN viewpoint resolution
NN formal modeling
5.3 Which of the IEEE Standard 830 qualities seem most important? Can
you rank these?
5.4 For an available SRS document, conduct an informal assessment of its
IEEE 830 qualities.
5.5 For each Quality Attribute in Table 5.11 discuss its relationship to the
Categories of Quality Indicators.
Requirements Risk Management  111

5.6 Should implementation risk be discussed with customers?

5.7 What are the advantages and risks of having requirements engineering
conducted (or assisted) by an outside firm or consultants?
5.8 Create a traceability matrix for the SRS of appendix.
5.9 Calculate the Requirements per Test and Tests per Requirements met-
rics for the data shown in Table 5.1. Do you see any inconsistencies?
5.10 Consider the requirements in the SRS of the appendix:
a. Which of these could be improved through the use of visual formal-
isms such as various UML diagrams?
b. Select three of these and create the visual formalism.
5.11 Why is the NASA ARM tool useful in addition to objective techniques
of SRS risk mitigation?
5.12 Install and run the NASA ARM tool on any available SRS document.
What can you infer from the results?

Basili, V., G. Caldiera, and H.D. Rombach (1994) Goal question metric approach,
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, pp. 528–532, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Boehm, B.W. (1984) Verifying and validating software requirements and design specifica-
tions, IEEE Software, (1): 75–88.
Hetzel, B. (1988) The Complete Guide to Software Testing, 2nd Edn, QED Information
Sciences, Inc.
IEEE Std 830-1993, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications,
Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 1993.
IEEE Std 1012-2004, IEEE Standard for Software Verification and Validation, Institute for
Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 2004.
IEEE Std 12207.0-1996, IEEE/EIA Standard—Industry Implementation of International
Standard ISO/IEC 12207:1995 (ISO/IEC 12207) Standard for Information Tech­
nology—Software Life Cycle Processes, Institute for Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Piscataway, NJ, 1996.
Laplante, P.A., W.W. Agresti, and G.R. Djavanshir (2007) Guest editor’s introduction, spe-
cial section on IT Quality Enhancement and Process Improvement, IT Professional,
November/December, pp. 10–11.
NASA Procedural Requirements, NASA Software Engineering Requirements, NPR 7150.2,
name=Chapter3, 27 September 2004, last accessed 1 February 2008.
O’Neil, R. (2004) Pennsylvania’s “No Jake Braking” Signs, OLR Research Report #004-R-0515,
July 1, 2004. Found on the Web at
htm, last accessed 20 June 2008.
Rosenberg, L., T. Hammer, and L. Huffman, Requirements, Testing, & Metrics, NASA
Software Assurance Technology Center Report,, last accessed 1 Feb­
ruary 2008.
Voas, J., and P. Laplante End brake retarder prohibitions: Defining “shall not” requirements
effectively, Computer 2009.
Wilson, W.M., L.H. Rosenberg, and L.E. Hyatt, Automated analysis of requirement speci-
fications,, last
accessed 1 February 2008.
This page intentionally left blank
Chapter 6

Formal Methods

Systems have tremendous sensitivity to errors in a requirements specification—even
a misplaced comma can have severe consequences. In code implementation, it is
obvious that misplacing even a single character can make a great deal of difference.
In fact, the accidental substitution of a period for a comma in a single Fortran
statement resulted in the loss of the Mariner 1, the first American probe to Venus
in 1962. But how can such a serious problem exist when misplacing a character in
a requirements specification? Let’s see how that might be so.
The title of Lynne Truss’s 2004 book on punctuation, Eats Shoots and Leaves,*
could refer to either

◾◾ a panda, if the punctuation is as published, or

◾◾ a criminal who refuses to pay his restaurant bill if a comma is added after the
word “eats.”

Clearly the title of the book is not that of a software specification, but we hope
this anecdote illustrates that simple punctuation differences can convey a dramati-
cally different message or intent, especially in a requirements specification.

* Actually, the author heard the joke differently from members of the Royal Australian Air Force
almost 20 years ago. As told, the Panda is an amorous, but lazy creature and is well known
for its ability to scope out a tree occupied by a panda of the opposite sex, where it “eats, roots,
shoots, and leaves.” In a double entendre, the middle portion of the quote refers to the act of

114  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Aside from punctuation, there are a number of problems with conventional soft-
ware specifications built using only natural language and informal diagrams. These
problems include ambiguities, where unclear language or diagrams leave too much
open to interpretation; vagueness, or insufficient detail; contradictions, that is, two
or more requirements that cannot be simultaneously satisfied; incompleteness or any
other kind of missing information; and mixed levels of abstraction where very detailed
design elements appear alongside high-level system requirements. To illustrate, con-
sider the following hypothetical requirement for a missile launching system.

5.1.1 If the LAUNCH-MISSILE signal is set to TRUE and the

ABORT-MISSILE signal is set to TRUE then do not launch the
missile, unless the ABORT-MISSILE signal is set to FALSE and
the ABORT-MISSILE-OVERRIDE is also set to FALSE, in
which case the missile is not to be launched.

Aside from the fact that this requirement is written in a confusing man-
ner, the complexity of the logic makes it difficult to know just exactly what the
user intends. And if user's intent is wrongly depicted in the language of the
requirements, then the wrong system will be built. It is sometimes said “syntax
is destiny.”
It is because we need precision beyond that which can be offered by natural
languages that we frequently need to reach for more powerful tools, which can only
be offered by mathematics.

What Are Formal Methods?

Formal methods involve mathematical techniques. To be precise, we look at three
definitions for “formal methods”:

Definition 1: [Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, 1994]

“A method is formal if it has a sound mathematical basis, typically

given by a formal specification language. This basis provides a means of
precisely defining notions like consistency and completeness, and, more
relevant, specification, implementation, and correctness.”

Definition 2: [IEEE Standard Glossary, 1990]

“1. A specification written and approved in accordance with established

standards; 2. A specification written in a formal notation often for use
in proof of correctness.”
Formal Methods  115

Definition 3: [Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology,


“a software specification and production method based on a precise

mathematical syntax and semantics that comprises:

◾◾ A collection of mathematical notations addressing the specifica-

tion, design, and development phases of software production,
which can serve as a framework or adjunct for human engineer-
ing and design skills and experience
◾◾ A well founded logical inference system in which formal verifica-
tion proofs and proofs of other properties can be formulated
◾◾ A methodological framework within which software may be
developed from the specification in a formally verifiable manner

Formal methods can be operational, denotational, or dual (hybrid).”

It is clear from the three different but similar definitions that formal methods
have a rigorous, mathematical basis.
Formal methods differ from informal techniques, such as natural language, and
informal diagrams like flowcharts. The latter cannot be completely transliterated
into a rigorous mathematical notation. Of course, all software requirements speci-
fications will have informal elements, and there is nothing wrong with this fact.
However, there are apt to be elements of the system specification that will benefit
from formalization.
Techniques that defy classification as either formal or informal because they
have elements of both are considered to be semi-formal. For example, the UML
version 1.0 is considered to be semi-formal because not all of its meta models have
precise mathematical equivalents.
But what advantage is there in applying a layer of potentially complex math-
ematics to the already complicated problem of behavioral description? The answer
is given by Thomas E. Forster, a giant of formal methods: “One of the great insights
of twentieth-century logic was that, in order to understand how formulae can bear
the meanings they bear, we must first strip them of all those meanings so we can
see the symbols as themselves … [T]hen we can ascribe meanings to them in a sys-
tematic way … That makes it possible to prove theorems about what sort of mean-
ings can be borne by languages built out of those symbols.” (Forster 2003).

A Little History
Formal methods have been in use by software engineers for quite some time. The
Backus-Naur (or “Normal”) Form (BNF) is a mathematical specification language
originally used to describe the Algol programming language in 1959. Since then a
number of formal methods have evolved. These include
116  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ The Vienna Development Method (VDM), 1971

◾◾ Communicating Sequential Process (CSP), 1978
◾◾ Z (pronounced “zed”), late 1970s
◾◾ Pi-calculus, early 1990s
◾◾ B, late 1990s
◾◾ and many others

Finite State Machines, Petri Nets, and Statecharts or other techniques regularly
used by systems and software engineers can be used formally. Other formal meth-
ods derive from general mathematical frameworks, such as category theory, and a
number of domain-specific and general languages have been developed over the
years, often with specialized compilers or other toolsets.
Formal methods are used throughout Europe, particularly in the UK, but not
as widely in the United States. However, important adopters of formal methods
include NASA, IBM, Lockheed, HP, and AT&T.

Using Formal Methods

Formal methods are used primarily for systems specification and verification. Users
of UML 2.0 could rightly be said to be employing formal methods, but only in
the specification sense. The languages B, VDM, Z, Larch, CSP, and Statecharts,
and various temporal logics are typically used for systems specification. And while
the clarity and precision of formal systems specification are strong endorsements
for these, it is through verification methods that formal methods really show their
power. Formal methods can be used for two kinds of verification: theorem proving
(for program proving) and model checking (for requirements validation). We will
focus on the former, however.
Formal methods can be used in any setting, but they are generally used for
safety critical systems, for COTS validation/verification (e.g., by contract), for high
financial risk systems (e.g., in banking and securities), and anywhere that high-
quality software systems are needed.
Formal methods activities include writing a specification using a formal nota-
tion, validating the specification, and then inspecting it with domain experts.
Further, one can perform automated analysis using theorem (program) proving or
refine the specification to an implementation that provides semantics-preserving
transformations to code. Finally, you can verify that the implementation matches
the specification (testing).

Formal Methods Types

There are several formal methods types. The first, model-based, provide an explicit
definition of state and operations that transform the state. Typical model-based
formal methods include Z, B, and the Vienna Development Method. The next,
Formal Methods  117

algebraic methods, provide an implicit definition of operations without defining

state. Algebraic methods include Larch, PLUSS, and OBJ. Process algebras provide
explicit models of concurrent processes—representing behavior with constraints
on allowable communication between processes. Among these are CSP and CCS.
Logic-based formal methods use logic to describe properties of systems. Temporal
and interval logics fall into this category. Finally, net-based formal methods offer
implicit concurrent models in terms of data flow through a network, including
conditions under which data can flow from one node to another. Petri-nets are a
widely used net-based formal method.
It should be noted that formal methods are different from mathematically
based specifications. That is, specifications for many types of systems contain some
formality in the mathematical expression of the underlying algorithms. Typical sys-
tems include process control, avionics, medical, and so on. Such use of mathematics
does not constitute use of formal methods, though such situations may lend them-
selves to formal methods.

To illustrate the use of formal methods in requirements engineering, we present a
number of examples using several different techniques. Our purpose is not to pres-
ent any one formal method and expect the reader to master it. Rather, we wish to
show a sampling of how various formal methods can be used to strengthen require-
ments engineering practice.

Formalization of Train Station in B

In their most straightforward use, formal methods can express system intent. In
this use of formal methods, we exploit the conciseness and precision of math-
ematics to avoid the shortcomings of natural languages and informal diagrams.
B is a model-based formal language that is considered an “executable specifica-
tion” (collection of abstract machines) that can be translated to C++ or Ada
source code. In this case, we use the modeling language B to provide a speci-
fication for a train station, similar to Paris’s Line 14 (Meteor) and New York
City’s L Line (Canarsie). The model used is based on an example found in Lano
(1996). Those familiar with Z will see a great deal of similarity in the structure
and notation to B. Thanks to Dr. George Hacken of the New York Metropolitan
Transportation Authority for providing this example, which is derived from a
1999 talk he gave along with Sofia Georgiadis to the New Jersey Section of the
IEEE Computer Society.
The model begins as shown in Figure 6.1. The specification starts with the
name of the machine and any included machines (in this case, TrackSection,
which is not shown here). Then a list of variables is given and a set of program
118  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

INCLUDES TrackSection

platforms, max_trains, trains_in_station

trains_in_station Є N ^
max_trains Є N ^ trains_in_station ≤ max_trains ^
platforms Є seq(sections) ^
size(platforms) = card(ran(platforms)) ^
max_trains ≤ size(platforms)

Figure 6.1 Setup specification for train station.

INVARIANTs—conditions that must hold throughout the execution of the pro-

gram. Here N represents the natural numbers {0,1,2,3, …}. We continue with a
partial description of the behavioral intent of this model.
Notice that the three variables of interest are the platforms, max_trains, and
trains_in_station. The INVARIANT sets constraints on the number of trains in
the station (must be a non-negative number) and the maximum number of trains
in the system (must be a non-negative number and there can be no more than that
number in the station). It continues with platforms as a sequence of train sections,
in the range of the number of sections, which acts as an upper bound on the maxi-
mum number of trains (since only one train can occupy each section of track).
The next part of the B specification is the initialization section (Figure 6.2).
This specification initializes the platform sequence to null and the maximum
number of trains and trains in a station to zero.
Now we introduce a set of operations on the train station dealing with arrivals,
departures, openings and closings, and resetting the maximum number of trains.
For example, the arrival specification is shown in Figure 6.3. A precondition (PRE)
before train ts can arrive is that there is room in the station for the train and that
a platform is available. If so, mark the train as arriving and increment the count of
trains in the station.
The next operation involves train departure (Figure 6.4). The precondition is
that the train is in the range of the sequence of platforms (on a platform) and that
the train is not moving (blocked). If so, then train ts is marked as having departed,
and the number of trains in that station is decreased by one.


platforms, max_trains, trains_in_station := [], 0, 0

Figure 6.2 Initialization specification for train station.

Formal Methods  119

Figure 6.3 Train arrival behavior for station.


PRE ts ran(platforms) ^

tstate(ts) = blocked


departure(ts) | |

trains_in_station := trains_in_station ‒ 1


Figure 6.4 Train departure behavior for station.

The next operation is the opening platform ts (Figure 6.5). The precondition is
that the platform is in the range of the sequence of platforms for that station and that
the current platform is closed. If so, then platform ts is marked as being opened.
The closing of a platform operation is similar (Figure 6.6). The precondition is
that the platform is in the range of the sequence of platforms for that station and
that the current platform is open. If so, then platform ts is marked as being closed.
Finally, an operation is needed to set the maximum number of trains, mt, that
can be at a given station (Figure 6.7). The preconditions are that mt must be a
natural number and cannot exceed the maximum number of platforms and that
the maximum number of trains for a station cannot be less than the number of
trains already there.
The point behind this is that the mathematical specification is far more precise
than the natural language “translation” of it. In addition, the mathematical represen-
tation of the behavior is less verbose than the natural language version. Finally, the
120  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Figure 6.5 Platform opening behavior for station.

Figure 6.6 Platform closing behavior for station.

Figure 6.7 Behavior for setting the maximum number of trains for a train
Formal Methods  121

representation in B enables correctness-proofs, via standard predicate calculus. And

as stated before, the B specification can actually be converted to C++ or Ada code.

Formalization of Space Shuttle Flight Software Using MurΦ

The next example of formalization uses the Prototype Verification System (PVS)
language to model and prove various aspects of the space shuttle flight software
system (Crow and Di Vita 1998). PVS is a state-driven language, meaning it imple-
ments a finite state machine to drive behavior.
A finite state machine model, M, consists of set of allowable states, S, a set of
inputs, I, set of outputs, O, and a state transition function, described by Equation 6.1.

M : I × S → [O × S] (6.1)

The initial and terminal states need to be defined as well.

Part of the implementation code in PVS is shown in Figure 6.8. Without expli-
cating the code, it is interesting to point out its expressiveness in modeling the finite
state machine.
Here the principal_function defines an interface incorporating the inputs (pf_
inputs) and states (pf_state) needed to drive the behavior. The output is an output
expression and the next state in the machine.
The behavior specification continues as an infinite sequence of state transitions
(functional transformations) (Figure 6.9, top part) and as a set of functions associ-
ated with each state—in this case, on the state associated with firing small control
jet rockets (vernier rockets). Even without fully understanding the syntax of PVS,
because it is similar to C, C++, or Java, we hope you can see how this behavior of
the system can be clearly described.
In addition to clarity and economy, another advantage of using PVS
to describe the behavior is that an interactive proof checker and Stanford
University’s MurΦ (pronounced “Murphy”) can be used for theorem proving
(specification verification).
pf_result: TYPE = [# output: pf_outputs, state: pf_state #]

principal_function (pf_inputs, pf_state,

pf_I_loads, pf_K_loads,
pf_constants) : pf_result =

(# output := <output expression>,

state := <next-state expression> #)

Figure 6.8 Initialization code in PVS for space shuttle functionality (Crow and
Di Vita 1998).
122  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

finite_sequences[n: posnat, t: TYPE] : THEORY


finite_seq: TYPE = [below[n] -> t]

END finite_sequences

requirements: THEORY
IMPORTING finite_sequences

jet: TYPE
rot_jet: TYPE FROM jet

jet_bound: posint
jet_count: [rot_jet -> below[jet_bound)]
jet_count_ax: AXIOM injective?(jet_count)

finite_number_of_jets: LEMMA . . .

vernier?: pred[rot_jet]
vernier_jet: TYPE = (vernier?)
there_is_a_vernier: AXIOM (EXISTS j: vernier? (j)

primary_rot? (j): bool = NOT vernier? (j)

primary_rot_jet: TYPE = (primary_rot?)
there_is_a_primary: AXIOM
(EXISTS j: primary_rot? (j))

downfiring?: pred[vernier_jet]

END requirements

Figure 6.9 Behavior of vernier rockets in space shuttle system (Crow and Di Vita

Formalization of an Energy Management System

Using Category Theory*
Category Theory (CT) permits functional notation to be used to model abstract
objects and is therefore useful in formal specification of those objects (Awodey
2005). This formalization facilitates good design and can assist in user interface
design and permits users of the system to build on their domain knowledge as
they learn the constraints that affect design decisions. These design decisions then
become evident as the rules are applied from requirements to design to user interface

* This section is adapted from Formalization of an EMS System Using Category Theory, Master’s
thesis, Ann Richards under the supervision of P. Laplante (Penn State University, 2006).
Formal Methods  123



Figure 6.10 A simple functional relationship.

functionality. Finally, for ease of maintenance and troubleshooting for the design-
ers and programmers, the use of CT can show where an error might be contained,
while allowing for the group of functions to be analyzed and troubleshooting on
an input-by-input basis. The following is a brief introduction to category theory for
software specification.
Suppose we have classes of abstract objects, A, B, and C. Further, suppose there
are functions f and g such that and f : A → B and g : B → C. A category is composed
of the objects of the category and the morphisms of the category. A basic functional
relationship can be seen in Figure 6.10 where f  g is the composition of f and g.
CT is widely used to model structures and their transformations over time (rep-
resented by finite or infinite sequences of functional compositions). For example, in
Figure 6.11, the sequence of composed relationships between f and g would be given
by gf, gfgf, gfgfgfgf, and so on.
These sequences also represent categories. For example, we just saw the space
shuttle behavioral specification represented as an infinite sequence of state transi-
tions using the PVS notation.
The composition of a system is also appropriate to model the modularity of a
larger system and its interconnections. In comparison to a truth table, which is a
great formalizing and testing tool, CT can associate related items and then decom-
pose each into something that can be examined on a lower level. For example, busi-
ness logic can be placed in a category either intuitively or architecturally.


Figure 6.11 An infinite category.

124  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Example: An Energy Management System

The example we describe is a partial formalization of a power company’s energy
management system. Any power generation utility has to deal with a complex, real-
time system involving a high level of automation, fault tolerance, and redundancy.
Security vulnerability is also of great concern, a fact that was recently highlighted—
certain individuals hacked into computer systems of utility companies outside the
US, causing a power outage that affected multiple cities. The attacks were based on
vulnerabilities in SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) systems, on
which many energy management systems run (including the one described here). It
is possible that a thorough analysis of the system using formal methods could have
identified the vulnerabilities.
In an energy management system (EMS) an open access gateway (OAG) serves
as a communication liaison for many communication protocols between computer
systems and remote terminal units (RTU). The OAG is also used to talking to the
plant digital interface (PDI) via intercompany communications protocol (ICCP) and
to other entities such as the interconnection and the TMS as shown in Figure 6.12.
To formalize Figure 6.14 using category theory, we first translate the entities
using shorthand symbols shown in Figure 6.13.
The resultant relabeled system is shown in Figure 6.14. Functional notations
have been added to Figure 6.14, but these would need to be defined further.
We begin with EMS A and EMS B from Figure 6.14. If A1 = EMS A and B1 =
EMS B, then we have f1 : A1 → B1. Next, f1 is defined on all A1 and all the val-
ues of f1 ∈B1. That is, range(f1) ⊆ B1. In other words f1 is a bi-directional map-
ping from EMS A and EMS B and this function clearly describes communications
between CFGCTRL and CFGMONI.
Continuing, there is another function g1 : A1 → D1 and an associated composed
function g1  f1 : A1 → C1 ∩ D1, that is, (g1  f1)(a1) = g1(f1(a1)) and a1 ∈A1. The
composed function is associative, as follows: If there is another function j : C1 → A2
and forming j  g1 and g1  f1 then we can compare j  g1  f1 and j  (g1  f1).
As indicated in Figure 6.14 it becomes apparent that these two functions are always
At this point, it should be noted that the set of all inputs and outputs from A1
∩ B1 ⊂ C1 ∪ D1 where C1 and D1 is CfgMoni on both the EMS A and B serv-
ers. The set of inputs and outputs from C1 ∩ D1 ⊂ A1 ∪ B1 where A1 and B1 is
the CfgCtrl on the EMS A and B servers. CfgCtrl communicates with itself on
both the EMS and OAG servers. The function j(g) : C1 → A2 ∪ B2 shows the
configuration from the EMS CfgMoni to OAG CfgCtrl. OAG also communicates
with CfgCtrl on its home server, that is, there is a function g1(g) : C1 → A1. This
feature is needed because CfgCtrl communicates with each redundant server so
that controls can be issued while CfgMoni sends and receives status to CfgCtrl for
up-to-date status on the server that it is monitoring.

Cfg Ctrl Cfg Ctrl Cfg Moni Cfg Moni

Ems Host Ems Host OAG Host OAG Host

Cfg Moni Cfg Moni Cfg Ctrl Cfg Ctrl

Ems Host A&B Ems Host A&B Ems Host A&B Ems Host A&B

Formal Methods
OAG Host A&B OAG Host A&B OAG Host A&B OAG Host A&B

Figure 6.12 Configuration Monitor (CfgMoni) and Configuration Control (CfgCTRL) EMS
and OAG relationship.

126  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems


j(g)– EMS CFGMONI to h(g)–OAG CFGCTRL to

Figure 6.13 Data dictionary and category reference.

C = CfgCtrl
M = CfgMoni
A1 B1

j(g) j(g)

h(g) h(g )
A2 B2

C2 D2

Figure 6.14 Partial formalization of Figure 6.12 using relabeled components.

To relate this to the EMS and OAG configurations, the set A1 is EMS CfgCtrl A,
the set B1 is EMS CfgCtrl B, and j(g) : (C1 ∪ D1) → (A2 ∪ B2) shows that CfgMoni
from either EMS A or B maps to CfgCtrl on the OAG A or B. And we could con-
tinue with this formalization (only a partial formalization has been presented).

Requirements Validation
We already discussed requirements validation in Chapter 5 using informal tech-
niques, but formal techniques are particularly appropriate for testing the require-
ments to ensure, for example, that the requirements are consistent. By consistent we
mean that the satisfaction of one requirement does not preclude the satisfaction of
any other. One way to formally prove consistency is with a truth table. In this case,
we rewrite each requirement as a Boolean proposition. Then we show that there is
Formal Methods  127

some combination of values for the Boolean variables of this collection of require-
ments for which all propositions (requirements) are true.
To illustrate, consider the following requirements from part of the pet store
POS system:

1.1 If the system software is in debug mode, then the users are not permitted
to access the database.
1.2 If the users have database access, then they can save new records.
1.3 If the users cannot save new records, then the system is not in debug

We convert the requirements into a set of Boolean propositions. Let, p, q, and r

be Boolean variables and let

p: be the statement “the system software is in debug mode”

q: be the statement “the users can access the database”
r: be the statement “the users can save new records”

Clearly, the specifications are equivalent to the following propositions:

1.1 p ⇒ ¬q
1.2 q ⇒ r
1.3 ¬r ⇒ ¬p

Now we construct a truth table (Table 6.1) and determine if any one of these
rows has all “T”s in the columns corresponding to propositions 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3,
meaning each of the requirements is satisfied. If we can find such a row, then the
requirements are consistent.
We see that there are four rows where all three propositions representing the
requirements are true for all combinations of Boolean values. Therefore, this set of
requirements is consistent.
Notice that requirement 1.3 likely does not make logical sense. If the users
cannot save new records then it is likely it was intended to say that the system is in
debug mode (as opposed to not in debug mode). We deliberately left this logically
questionable requirement in place to make a point—this system of requirements
is consistent but not necessarily correct (in terms of what the customer intended).
This consistency checking process will not uncover problems of intent (validity)—
these must be uncovered through other means such as requirements reviews.
Consistency checking using Boolean satisfiability is a powerful tool. However,
although the process can be automated, the problem space grows large very quickly.
For n logical variables in the requirements set, the problem is O(2n). This kind of
problem quickly becomes intractable even for supercomputers—it is a well-known
NP-Complete problem, the Boolean Satisfiability problem. Therefore, we would
128  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 6.1 Truth Table Proof of Consistency

for a Collection of Requirements
p Q r ¬p ¬q ¬r p ⇒¬ q q⇒r ¬r ⇒¬ p









likely use this technique for requirements verification only for highly mission-
­critical situations. For example, the launch/no-launch decision logic for a weapon,
dosage administration logic for some kind of medical equipment, shut-down logic
for a nuclear power plant, and so on.

Theorem Proving
Theorem proving techniques can be used to demonstrate that specifications are cor-
rect. That is, axioms of system behavior can be used to derive a proof that a system
(or program) will behave in a given way. Remember, a specification and program
are both the same thing—a model of execution. Therefore program proving tech-
niques can be used for appropriately formalized specifications. These techniques,
however, require mathematical discipline.

Program Correctness
A system is correct if it produces the correct output for every possible input and if
it terminates. Therefore, system verification consists of two steps:

◾◾ Show that, for every input, the correct output is produced (this is called par-
tial correctness).
◾◾ Show that the system always terminates.

To deal with this we need to define assertions. An assertion is some relation

that is true at that instant in the execution of the program. An assertion preceding
a statement in a program is called a precondition of the statement. An assertion
Formal Methods  129

following a statement is called a postcondition. Certain programming languages,

such as Eiffel and Java, incorporate run-time assertion checking. Assertions are also
used for testing fault-tolerance (through fault-injection).

Hoare Logic
Much of the following follows the presentation found in Gries and Gries (2005).
Suppose we view a requirements specification as a sequence of logical statements
specifying system behavior. In 1969 C.A.R (Tony) Hoare introduced the notation
(called the Hoare Triple):

P {S} Q

where P and Q are assertions (pre- and post-conditions, respectively) and S is a

system behavioral segment. Then, the precondition, statement, postcondition triple
has the following meaning: Execution* of the statement begun with the precondi-
tion true is guaranteed to terminate, and when it terminates, the postcondition will
be true.
The intent is that P is true before the execution of S, then after S executes, Q is
true. Note that Q is false if S does not terminate.
Hoare’s logic system can be used to show that the system segment (specification)
is correct under the given assertions. For example, suppose we have the following:

//{x = 5} an assertion (pre-condition)

z = x + 2;

//{z = 7} an assertion (post-condition)

Proof: Suppose that {x = 5} is true, then z = 5 + 2 = 7 after the system begins execu-
tion. So the system is partially correct. That the system terminates is trivial, as there
are no further statements to be executed. Hence, correctness is proved.
Hoare added an inference rule for two rules in sequence. We write this as:

P {S1} Q
Q {S2} R
P {S1; S2} R

* “Execution” means either program execution or effective change in system behavior in the case
of a non-software behavioral segment.
130  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

This inference rule means that if the postcondition (Q) of the first system seg-
ment (S1) is the antecedent (precondition) of the next segment, then the postcondi-
tion of the latter segment (R) is the consequent of the concatenated segments. The
horizontal line means “therefore” or, literally, “as a result.”
To illustrate, we show that the following specification is correct under the
given assertions:

//{x = 1 ∧ y = 2} an assertion (pre-condition)

x = x + 1;

z = x + y;

//{z = 4} an assertion (post-condition)

Proof: Suppose that {x = 1} is true, then the system executes the first instruction,
x = 2. Next, suppose that {y = 2} is true. Then after the execution of the second
statement z = 2 + 2 = 4. Hence z = 4 after the execution of the last statement and the
final assertion is true, so the system is partially correct. That the system terminates
is trivial, as there are no further statements to be executed.
An inference rule is needed to handle conditionals. This rule shows that

(P ∧ condition){S}Q

(P ∧¬ condition) ⇒ Q


∴ P {if condition then S}Q

To illustrate, we show that the specification segment is correct under the

given assertions:

//{Any} an assertion (pre-condition) that is always true

if x > y then

    y = x;

//{y ≤ x} an assertion (post-condition)

Proof: If, upon entry to the segment, y < x, then the if statement fails and no instruc-
tions are executed and clearly, the final assertion must be true. On the other hand,
if upon entry, y > x, then the statement y = x is executed. Subsequently y = x and the
Formal Methods  131

final assertion y ≤ x must be true. That the system terminates is obvious, as there are
no further statements to be executed.
Another inference rule handles if-then-else situations, that is,

(P ∧ condition){S1}Q

(P ∧¬ condition){S2}Q


∴ P {if condition then S1 else S2}Q

To illustrate, we show that the specification segment is correct under the

given assertions:

//{Any} an assertion (pre-condition) that is always true

if x < 0 then

   abs = –x;


   abs = x;

//{abs = |x|} an assertion (post-condition)

Proof: If x < 0, then abs = –x ⇒ abs is assigned the positive x. If x ≥ 0 then abs is also
assigned the positive value of x. Therefore abs = |x|. That the system terminates is
trivial, as there are no further statements to be executed.
Finally, we need a rule to handle “while” statements:

(P ∧ condition){S}P


∴ (P ∧ while condition){S}(¬condition ∧ P)

We will illustrate this rule through example shortly.

So far the specification snippets (one might say they are really “code’ snippets)
that have been proven represent very simplistic but low-level, detailed behavior
unlikely to be found in a requirements specification. Or is this the case? It is not so
hard to imagine that for critical behavior, it might be necessary to provide speci-
fications at this level of detail. For example, the behavior required for the dosing
132  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

logic for an insulin pump (or machine that delivers controlled radiation therapy)
might require such logic. The decision to launch a missile, control the life sup-
port system in the Space Station, or shut down a nuclear plant might be based on
simple, but critical logic. This logic, incidentally, could have been implemented
entirely in hardware.
Even our running examples might have some critical logic that needs formal
proof. For example, the baggage counting logic for the baggage handling system or
certain inventory control logic might require the following behavior.

//{sum = 0 ∧ count = n ≥ 0}

while count > 0


   sum = sum + count;

   count = count--;


//{sum = n(n + 1)/2}

And so it would be necessary to show that the specification segment is correct

under the given assertions. To prove it, we use induction.

Suppose that sum = 0 and n = 0 as given by the assertion. Now upon testing of the
loop guard, the value is false and the system terminates. At this point the value
of sum is zero, which satisfies the postcondition. That the system terminates was
just shown.

Induction hypothesis:
The program is correct for the value of count = n. That is, it produces a value of
sum = n(n + 1)/2 and the system terminates.

Induction step:
Suppose that the value of sum = 0 and count = n + 1 in the precondition.
Upon entry into the loop, we assign the value of sum = n + 1, and then set
count = n. Now, from the induction hypothesis, we know that for count = n, sum =
Formal Methods  133

n(n + 1)/2. Therefore, upon continued execution of the system, sum will result in
(n + 1) + n(n + 1)/2, which is just (n + 1)(n + 1 + 1)/2 and the system is partially
Since by the induction hypothesis, by the nth iteration of the loop count has
been decremented n times (since the loop exited when count was initialized to n).
In the induction step, count was initialized to n + 1, so by the nth iteration it has a
value or 1. So after the n + 1st iteration it will be decremented to 0, and hence the
system exits from the loop and terminates.
Does this approach really prove correctness? It does, but if you don’t believe
it, try using Hoare logic to prove an incorrect specification segment to be correct,
for example:

//{sum = 0 ∧ count = n ≥ 0}

while count < n


   sum = sum + count;

   count = count++;


//{sum = n(n + 1)/2}

This specification is incorrect because “n” is left out of the sum and it will defy
proof (unless you cheat).
It is easy to show that a for loop uses a similar proof technique to the while
loop. In fact, by Böhm and Jacopini (1966), we know we can construct verification
proofs just from the first two inference rules. For recursive procedures, we use a
similar, inductive, proof technique applying the induction to the n + 1st iteration in
the induction step, and using strong induction if necessary.

Model Checking
Given a formal specification, a model checker can automatically verify that certain
properties are theorems of the specification. Model checking has traditionally been used
in checking hardware designs (e.g., through the use of logic diagrams), but it has also
been used with software. Model checking’s usefulness in checking software specifica-
tions has always been problematic due to the combinatorial state explosion and because
variables can take on non-Boolean values. Nevertheless, Edmund M. Clarke, E. Allen
Emerson, and Joseph Sifakis won the 2007 A. M. Turing Award for their body of work
134  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

making model checking more practical, particularly in the design of chips. A great deal
of interesting and important research continues in model checking.

Objections, Myths, and Limitations

There are a number of “standard” objections to formal methods, for example, that
they are too hard to use or expensive, hard to socialize, or that they require too
much training. The rebuttals to these objections are straightforward, but situa-
tional. For example, how much is too much training? Certain organizations spend
millions of dollars to attain certain capability maturity model (CMM) levels, but
balk at investing significantly less money in training for the use of formal methods.
In any case, be wary of out-of-hand dismissal of formal methods based on naïve
points. Formal methods are not for every situation, but they are certainly not for
“no” situation, and they really ought to be considered in many situations.

Objections and Myths

Some objections to using formal methods include the fact that they can be error
prone (just as mathematical theorem proving or computer programming are) and
that sometimes they are unrealistic for some systems. These objections are valid,
sometimes. But formal methods are not intended to be used in isolation, nor do
they take the place of testing. Formal methods are complementary to other quality
assurance approaches. Some of the other “standard” objections to formal methods
are based on myth. Papers by Hall, and Bowen and Hinchey help capture and rebut
these misconceptions. The first set of myths is as follows (Hall 1990).

1. Myth: Formal methods can guarantee that software is perfect. Truth: Nothing
can guarantee that software will be perfect. Formal methods are one of many
techniques that improve software qualities, particularly reliability.
2. Myth: Formal methods are all about program proving. Truth: We have shown
that formal methods involve more than just program proving and involve
expressing requirements with precision and economy, requirements valida-
tion, and model checking.
3. Myth: Formal methods are only useful for safety-critical systems. Truth: Formal
methods are useful anywhere that high-quality software is desired.
4. Myth: Formal methods require highly trained mathematicians. Truth: While
mathematical training is very helpful in mastering the nuances of expression,
using formal methods is really about learning one or another formal language
and about learning how to use language precisely. Requirements engineering
must be based on the precise use of language, formal or otherwise.
5. Myth: Formal methods increase the cost of development. Truth: While there
are costs associated with implementing a formal methods program, there are
Formal Methods  135

associated benefits. Those benefits include a reduction in necessary rework

downstream in the software lifecycle—at a more expensive stage in the proj-
ect to make corrections.
6. Myth: Formal methods are unacceptable to users. Truth: Users will accept for-
mal methods if they understand the benefits that they impart.
7. Myth: Formal methods are not used on real, large-scale systems. Truth: Formal
methods are used in very large systems, including high-profile projects at

Five years after Hall’s myths, Jon Bowen and Mike Hinchey gave us “Seven
More Myths of Formal Methods” (Bowen and Hinchey 1995):

1. Myth: Formal methods delay the development process. Truth: If properly incor-
porated into the software development lifecycle, the use of formal methods
will not delay, but actually accelerate the development process.
2. Myth: Formal methods lack tools. Truth: We have already seen that there are
a number of tools that support formal methods—editing tools, translation
tools, compilers, model checkers, and so forth. The available tool set depends
on the formal method used.
3. Myth: Formal methods replace traditional engineering design methods. Truth:
Formal methods enhance and enrich traditional design.
4. Myth: Formal methods only apply to software. Truth: Many formal methods were
developed for hardware systems, for example, the use of Petri Nets in digital
5. Myth: Formal methods are unnecessary. Truth: This statement is true only if
high-integrity systems are unnecessary.
6. Myth: Formal methods are not supported. Truth: Many organizations use,
evolve, and promote formal methods. Furthermore, see Myth 2.
7. Myth: Formal methods people always use formal methods. Truth: “Formal meth-
ods people” use whatever tools are needed. Often that means using formal
methods, but it also means using informal and “traditional” techniques too.

Limitations of Formal Methods

As has been mentioned, no method can guarantee absolute correctness, safety, and
so on, and formal methods have some limitations. For example, they do not yet offer
good ways to reason about alternative designs or architectures. Formal specifica-
tions must be converted to a design, then a conventional implementation language.
This translation process is subject to all the potential pitfalls of any programming
effort. And notation evolution is a slow, but ongoing process in the formal methods
community. Finally, as new and more powerful notations are developed, it can take
many years from when a notation is created until it is adopted in industry.
136  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Every technique has its shortcomings. These limitations, however, should not be
a deterrent to using formal methods.

Final Advice
Our final advice on the use of formal methods comes from a well-known paper,
“Ten Commandments of Formal Methods” (Bowen and Hinchey 1995).

1. Thou shalt choose the appropriate notation.

Comment: Whether you use B, Z, VDM, PVS, or whatever, pick the formal
notation that is most appropriate for the situation. We do not advocate one
formal language or another. What is appropriate for a situation will depend
largely on what the organization is most comfortable using and the supporting
tools available. An organization is not typically fluent in multiple formal lan-
guages, however, and it is not recommended that a company changes nota-
tion from one situation to the next. Training in the use of a formal language
has to be considered if there are not enough engineers capable of using the
tool of choice.

2. Thou shalt formalize, but not overformalize.

Comment: Everything in moderation (including moderation).

3. Thou shalt estimate costs.

Comment: Modern project management practice requires cost estimation at
every step of the way.

4. Thou shalt have a formal method guru on call.

Comment: It is always recommended to have access to an “expert” in formal
methods. That expert may be an in-house specialist or a consultant.

5. Thou shalt not abandon thy traditional development methods.

Comment: It has been continuously noted that formal methods are augmenta-
tive in nature.

6. Thou shalt document sufficiently.

Comment: Documentation is critical in all systems engineering activities.

7. Thou shalt not compromise thy quality standards.

Comment: Any objection here?
Formal Methods  137

8. Thou shalt not be dogmatic.

Comment: Dogmatism is not the way to promote the benefits of formal meth-
ods. We have tried to be balanced in our approach to formal methods usage.

9. Thou shalt test, test, and test again.

Comment: Formal methods do not replace testing, they are supplemental to
testing. An appropriate, lifecycle testing program is essential to modern sys-
tems engineering.

10. Thou shalt reuse.

Comment: Take advantage of the power of formal methods, and one of the
greatest of these is confidence in reuse. A software module that has been
formally validated (as well as tested in the traditional sense) will be a good
candidate for reuse because it is trusted.

6.1 Are customers more likely to feel confident if formal methods are
explained to them and then used?
6.2 Where in the software development process lifecycle do formal methods
provide the most benefit?
6.3 Rewrite the train station specification in another formal language,
such as Z or VDM.
6.4 Conduct a consistency check for the requirements found in Section 8.2
of the Smart Home SRS (video entry).
6.5 Conduct a consistency check for the requirements found in Section 8.3
of the Smart Home SRS (video playback).

Awodey, S. (2005) Category Theory, Pittsburg: Carnegie Mellon University.
Böhm, C., and G. Jacopini (1966) Flow diagrams, turing machines, and languages with only
two formation rules, Communications of the ACM 9(5): 366–371.
Bowen, J.P., and M.G. Hinchey (1995) Seven more myths of formal methods, Software,
12(4): 34–41.
Bowen, J.P., and M.G. Hinchey (1995) Ten commandments of formal methods, Computer,
28(4): 56–63.
Clarke, E.M., and J.M. Wing (1996) Formal methods: state of the art and future directions,
ACM Computing Surveys, 28(4): 626–643.
Crow, J., and B. Di Vita (1998) Formalizing Space Shuttle software requirements: four case
studies, ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 7(3).
Forster, T.E. (2003) Logic, Induction and Sets, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gries, D., and P. Gries (2005) Multimedia Introduction to Programming Using Java, Springer.
138  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Hall, A. (1990) Seven myths of formal methods, Software, 7(5): 11–19.

Hinchey, M.G. (1993) Formal methods for system specification, Potentials, 12(3): 50–52.
Hoare, C.A.R. (1969) An axiomatic basis for computer programming, Communications of
the ACM, 12(10): 576–583.
IEEE Std 610.12-1990 IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology, IEEE
Standards, Piscataway, NJ.
Lano, K. (1996) The B Language and Method, Springer-Verlag, pp. 94–98.
Truss, L. (2004) Eats Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, Profile
Chapter 7

Specification and
Agile Methodologies

Introduction to Agile Methodologies*

Agile methodologies are a family of nontraditional software development strat-
egies that have captured the imagination of many who are leery of traditional,
process-laden approaches. Agile methodologies are characterized by their lack of
rigid process, though this fact does not mean that agile methodologies, when cor-
rectly employed, are not rigorous nor suitable for industrial applications—they are.
What is characteristically missing from agile approaches, however, are “cookbook”
approaches (for example, those prescribed in the Project Management Body of
Knowledge) and are therefore sometimes called “lightweight” approaches.
Agile methodologies are traditionally applied to software engineering, and while
there are elements that can be applied to the engineering of systems that are not pure
software (in particular, the human considerations), they are not typically applied to
pure hardware systems. This is so because agile methodologies depend on a series of
rapid, non-throwaway prototypes, an approach that is not often practical in hard-
ware-based systems. In any case, the non-software engineer can still benefit from this

* Some of this section has been excerpted from Phillip A. Laplante, What Every Engineer Needs
to Know About Software Engineering, CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006, with permission.

140  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

We are uncovering better ways of developing

software by doing it and helping others do it.
Through this work we have come to value:

Individuals and interactions over processes and

Working software over comprehensive
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on
the right, we value the items on the left more.

Figure 7.1 Manifesto for agile software development (Beck 2000).

chapter because agile methodologies are increasingly being employed, and because
the mindset of the agile software engineer includes some healthy perspectives.
In order to fully understand the nature of agile methodologies, we need to
examine a document called the Agile Manifesto and the principles behind it. The
Agile Manifesto was introduced by a number of leading proponents of agile meth-
odologies in order to explain their philosophy (see Figure 7.1).
Signatories to the Agile Manifesto include many luminaries of modern software
engineering practice such as Kent Beck, Mike Beedle, Alistair Cockburn, Ward
Cunningham, Martin Fowler, Jim Highsmith, Ron Jeffries, Brian Marick, Robert
Martin, Steve Mellor, and Ken Schwaber. Underlying the Agile Manifesto is a set of
principles. Look at the principles below, noting the emphasis on those aspects that
focus on requirements engineering, which we set in bold.

Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto

◾◾ At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
◾◾ Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous
delivery of valuable software.
◾◾ Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes har-
ness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.
◾◾ Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of
months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
◾◾ Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  141

◾◾ Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and
support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
◾◾ The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
◾◾ Working software is the primary measure of progress.
◾◾ Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers,
and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
◾◾ Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
◾◾ Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essen-
tial. “Do the simplest thing that could possibly work.”
◾◾ The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing
teams. (Beck 2000)

Notice how the principles acknowledge and embrace the notion that require-
ments change throughout the process. Also, the agile principles emphasize fre-
quent, personal communication (this feature is beneficial in the engineering of
non-software systems too). The highlighted features of requirements engineering
in agile process models differ from the “traditional” waterfall and more modern
models such as Iterative, Evolutionary, or Spiral development. These other models
favor a great deal of up-front work on the requirements engineering process and the
production of, often, voluminous requirements specifications documents.
Agile software development methods are a subset of iterative methods* that
focus on embracing change and stress collaboration and early product delivery,
while maintaining quality. Working code is considered the true artifact of the devel-
opment process. Models, plans, and documentation are important and have their
value, but exist only to support the development of working software, in ­contrast
with the other approaches already discussed. However, this does not mean that an
agile development approach is a free-for-all. There are very clear practices and prin-
ciples that agile methodologists must embrace.
Agile methods are adaptive rather than predictive. This approach differs signifi-
cantly from those models previously discussed, models that emphasize planning
the software in great detail over a long period of time and for which significant
changes in the software requirements specification can be problematic. Agile meth-
ods are a response to the common problem of constantly changing requirements
that can bog down the more “ceremonial” up-front design approaches, which focus
heavily on documentation at the start.
Agile methods are also “people-oriented” rather than process-oriented. This
means they explicitly make a point of trying to make development “fun.” Presumably,

* Most people define agile methodologies as being incremental. But incremental development
implies that the features and schedule of each delivered version are planned. In some cases, agile
methodologies tend to lead to versions with feature sets and delivery dates that are almost always
not as planned.
142  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

this is because writing software requirements specifications and software design

descriptions is onerous and hence, to be minimized.
Agile methodologies sometimes go by funny names like Crystal, Extreme
Programming, and Scrum. Other agile methods include Dynamic Systems
Development Method (DSDM), Feature-Driven Development, and adaptive pro-
gramming, and there are many more. We will look more closely at two of these,
XP and Scrum.

Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme Programming (XP)* is one of the most widely used agile methodologies.
XP is traditionally targeted towards smaller development teams and requires rel-
atively few detailed artifacts. XP takes an iterative approach to its development
cycles. We can visualize the difference in process between a traditional waterfall
model, iterative models, and XP (Figure 7.2). Whereas an evolutionary or iterative
method may still have distinct requirements analysis, design, implementation, and
testing phases similar to the waterfall method, XP treats these activities as being
interrelated and more-or-less-continuous.
XP promotes a set of twelve core practices that help developers to respond to
and embrace inevitable change. The practices can be grouped according to four
practice areas:

◾◾ planning
◾◾ coding
◾◾ designing
◾◾ testing

Some of the distinctive planning features of XP include holding daily stand-up

meetings,† making frequent small releases, and moving people around. Coding
practices include having the customer constantly available, coding the unit test
cases first, and employing pair-programming (a unique coding strategy where two
developers work on the same code together). Removal of the territorial ownership
of any code unit is another feature of XP.
Design practices include looking for the simplest solutions first, avoiding too
much planning for future growth (speculative generality), and refactoring the code
(improving its structure) continuously.

* Extreme programming is sometimes also written “eXtreme Programming” to highlight the

† Stand up meetings are ten minute or less long where participants literally stand up and give an

oral report of the previous day’s activities and plans for that day.
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  143

Waterfall Iterative XP






Figure 7.2 Comparison of waterfall, iterative, and XP development cycles (Beck


Testing practices include creating new test cases whenever a bug is found and
having unit tests for all code, possibly using such frameworks as XUnit.

Scrum, which is named after a particularly contentious point in a rugby match,
enables self-organizing teams by encouraging verbal communication across all team
members and across all stakeholders. The fundamental principle of Scrum is “empir-
ical challenges cannot be addressed successfully in a traditional ‘process control’
manner,” meaning that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined. Scrum
encourages self-organization by fostering high-quality communication between all
stakeholders. In this case it is implicit that the problem cannot be fully understood
or defined (it may be a wicked problem). And the focus in Scrum is on maximizing
the team’s ability to respond in an agile manner to emerging challenges.
Scrum features a living backlog of prioritized work to be done. Completion of a
largely fixed set of backlog items occurs in a series of short (approximately 30 days)
iterations or sprints. Each day, a brief (e.g., 15-minute) meeting or Scrum is held
in which progress is explained, upcoming work is described, and impediments are
raised. A brief planning session occurs at the start of each sprint to define the back-
log items to be completed. A brief post-mortem or heartbeat retrospective occurs at
the end of the sprint (Figure 7.3).
A “ScrumMaster” removes obstacles or impediments to each sprint. The
ScrumMaster is not the leader of the team (as they are self-organizing) but acts as
a productivity buffer between the team and any destabilizing influences. In some
organizations the role of the ScrumMaster can cause confusion. For example, if two
members of a Scrum team are not working well together, it might be expected by a
senior manager that the ScrumMaster “fix” the problem. Fixing team dysfunction
144  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems


Scrum : 10‒
15 minute
30 meeting
Sprint days

Backlog items New

expanded by functionality
team is
Product at end of
backlog sprint.

Figure 7.3 The Scrum development process from Boehm and Turner (2003),
which itself was adapted from Schwaber and Beedle (2001).

is not the role of the ScrumMaster. Personnel problems need to be resolved by the
line managers to which the involved parties report. This scenario illustrates the need
for institution-wide education about agile methodologies when such approaches are
going to be employed.

Requirements Engineering for Agile Methodologies

A major difference between traditional (here we mean, waterfall, evolutionary, iter-
ative, spiral, etc.) and agile methodologies is in the gathering of requirements. In
fact, some proponents of agile methodologies use the supposed advantages of agile
requirements engineering practices as a selling point for agile methods. Require­
ments engineering approaches for agile methodologies tend to be much more
Another difference is in the timing of the requirements engineering activities.
In traditional systems and software engineering, requirements are gathered, ana-
lyzed, refined, etc. at the front end of the process. In agile methods, requirements
engineering is an ongoing activity; that is, requirements are refined and discovered
with each system build. Even in spiral methodologies, where prototyping is used
for requirements refinement, requirements engineering occurs much less so down-
stream in the development process.
Customers are constantly involved in requirements discovery and refinement in
agile methods. All systems developers are involved in the requirements engineer-
ing activity and each can and should have regular interaction with customers. In
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  145

traditional approaches, the customer has less involvement once the requirements
specification has been written and approved, and typically, the involvement is often
not with the systems developers.
Presumably, the agile approach to requirements engineering is much more
invulnerable to changes throughout the process (remember, “embrace change”)
than in traditional software engineering.

General Practices in Agile Methodologies

Cao and Ramesh (2008) studied 16 software development organizations that were
using either XP or Scrum (or both) and uncovered seven requirements engineering
practices that were “agile” in nature.

1. Face-to-face communications (over written specifications)

2. Iterative requirements engineering
3. Extreme prioritization (ongoing prioritization rather than once at the start,
and prioritization is based primarily on business value)
4. Constant planning
5. Prototyping
6. Test-driven development
7. Reviews and tests

Some of these practices can be found in non-agile development (for example, test-
driven development and prototyping), but these seven practices were consistent
across all of the organizations studied.
As opposed to the fundamental software requirements specification, the fun-
damental artifact in agile methods is a stack of constantly evolving and refining
requirements. These requirements are generally in the form of user stories. In any
case, these requirements are generated by the customer and prioritized—the higher
the level of detail in the requirement, the higher the priority. As new requirements
are discovered, they are added to the stack and the stack is reshuffled in order to
preserve prioritization (Figure 7.4).
There are no proscriptions on adding, changing, or removing requirements from
the list at any time (which gives the customer tremendous freedom). Of course,
once the system is built, or likely while is it is being built, the stack of user stories
can be converted to a conventional software requirements specification for system
maintenance and other conventional purposes.

Agile Requirements Best Practices

Scott Ambler (2007) suggests the following best practices for requirements engi-
neering using agile methods. Many of the practices follow directly from the prin-
ciples behind the Agile Manifesto.
146  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

More High stories
Start implementing
requirements from

Direction of implementation

Requirements may be

added, removed, and

reshuffled at any time

Less Low

Figure 7.4 Agile requirements change management process adapted from http:// (Ambler 2007).

◾◾ Have active stakeholder participation.

◾◾ Use inclusive (stakeholder) models.
◾◾ Take a breadth-first approach.
◾◾ Model “storm” details (highly volatile requirements) just in time.
◾◾ Implement requirements, do not document them.
◾◾ Create platform-independent requirements to a point.
◾◾ Remember that “smaller is better.”
◾◾ Question traceability.
◾◾ Explain the techniques.
◾◾ Adopt stakeholder terminology.
◾◾ Keep it fun.
◾◾ Obtain management support.
◾◾ Turn stakeholders into developers.
◾◾ Treat requirements like a prioritized stack.
◾◾ Have frequent, personal interaction.
◾◾ Make frequent delivery of software.
◾◾ Express requirements as features.

Ambler also suggests using such artifacts as CRCs, acceptance tests, business
rule definitions, change cases, data flow diagrams, user interfaces, use cases, proto-
types, features and scenarios, use cases diagrams, and user stories to model require-
ments (Ambler 2007). These elements can be added to the software requirements
specification document along with the user stories.
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  147

For requirements elicitation he suggests using interviews (both in-person and elec-
tronic), focus groups, JAD, legacy code analysis, ethnographic observation, domain
analysis, and having the customer on site at all times (Ambler 2007). For the remainder
of this chapter our discussion focuses on the use of user stories to model requirements.

Requirements Engineering in XP
Requirements engineering in XP follows the model shown in Figure 7.4 where the
stack of requirements in Ambler’s model refers to user stories. And in XP, user sto-
ries are managed and implemented as code via the “planning” game.
The planning game in XP takes two forms: release and iteration planning.
Release planning takes place after an initial set of user stories has been written.
This set of stories is used to develop the overall project plan and plan for iterations.
The set is also used to decide the approximate schedule for each user story and
overall project.
Iteration planning is a period of time in which a set of user stories and fixes to
failed tests from previous iterations are implemented. Each iteration is 1‑3 weeks in
duration. Tracking the rate of implementation of user stories from previous itera-
tions (which is called “project velocity”) helps to refine the development schedule.
Because requirements are constantly evolving during these processes, XP cre-
ator Kent Beck says that “in XP, requirements are a dialog, not a document” (Beck
et al. 2001) although it is typical to convert the stack of user stories into a software
requirements specification.

Requirements Engineering in Scrum

In Scrum, the requirements stack shown in the model of Figure 7.4 is, as in XP, the
evolving backlog of user stories. And as in XP, these requirements are frozen at each
iteration for development stability. In Scrum, each iteration takes about a month.
To manage the changes in the stack, one person is given final authority for require-
ment prioritization (usually the product sponsor).
In Scrum the requirements backlog is organized into three types: prod-
uct, release, and sprint. The product backlog contains the release backlogs, and
each release contain sprint backlog. Figure 7.5 is a Venn diagram showing the con-
tainment relationship of the backlog items.
The product backlog acts as a repository for requirements targeted for release at
some point. The requirements in the product backlog include low-, medium-, and
high-level requirements.
The release backlog is a prioritized set of items drawn from the product back-
log. The requirements in the release backlog may evolve so that they contain more
details and low-level estimates.
Finally, the sprint backlog list is a set of release requirements that the team will
complete (fully coded, tested, and documented) at the end of the sprint. These
148  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems


Release sprint

Release sprint


Figure 7.5 Backlog relationship between product, releases, and sprints.

requirements have evolved to a very high level of detail, and hence, their priority
is high.
Scrum has been adopted in several major corporations, with notable success.
Some of the author’s students also use Scrum in courses. In these cases it proves
highly effective when there is little time for long requirements discovery processes.

Writing User Stories

User stories are the most basic unit of requirements in most agile methodologies. Each
user story represents a feature desired by the customer. User stories (a term coined by
Kent Beck) are written by the customer on index cards, though the process can be
automated via wikis or other tools. Formal requirements, use cases, and other arti-
facts are derived from the user stories by the software engineering team as needed.
A user story consists of the following components:

◾◾ Title—this is a short handle for the story. A present tense verb in active voice
is desirable in the title.
◾◾ Acceptance test—this is a unique identifier that will be the name of a method
to test the story.
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  149

◾◾ Priority—this is based on the prioritization scheme adopted. Priority can be

assigned based on “traditional” prioritization of importance or on level of
detail (higher priority is assigned to higher detail).
◾◾ Story points—this is the estimated time to implement the user story. This
aspect makes user stories helpful for effort and cost estimation.
◾◾ Description—this is one to three sentences describing the story.

A sample layout for these elements on an index card is shown in Table 7.1.
Initial user stories are usually gathered in small offsite meetings. Stories can be
generated either through goal-oriented (e.g., “let’s discuss how a customer makes a
purchase”) approaches or through interactive (stream-of-consciousness) approaches.
Developing user stories is an “iterative and interactive” process. The development
team also manages the size of stories for uniformity (e.g., too large—split, too
An example user story for a customer returning items in the pet store POS sys-
tem is shown in Table 7.2.
User stories should be understandable to the customers and each story should
add value.
Developers do not write user stories, users do. But stories need to be small
enough that several can be completed per iteration. Stories should be independent
(as much as possible); that is, a story should not refer back and forth to other stories.
Finally, stories must be testable—like any requirement, if it cannot be tested, it’s not
a requirement! Testability of each story is considered by the development team.

Table 7.1 User Story Layout


Acceptance Test Priority Story Points


Table 7.2 User Story: Pet Store POS System

Title: Customer returns items

Acceptance Test: custRetItem Priority: 1 Story Points: 2

When a customer returns an item, its purchase should be authenticated. If the

purchase was authentic then the customer’s account should be credited or
the purchase amount returned. The inventory should be updated accordingly.
150  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 7.3 User Story: Baggage Handling

Title: Detect Security Threat

Acceptance Test: detSecThrt Priority: 1 Story Points: 3

When a scanned bag has been determined to contain an instance of a banned

item, the bag shall be diverted to the security checkpoint conveyor. The
security manager shall be sent an email stating that a potential threat has been

Table 7.3 depicts another example user story describing a security threat detec-
tion in the airport baggage handling system.
Finally, it is worth noting that there is a significant difference between use
cases and user stories. User stories come from the customer perspective and are
simple and avoid implementation details. Use cases are more complex, and may
include implementation details (e.g., fabricated objects). Customers don’t usually
write use cases (and if they do, beware, because now the customer is engaging in
“software engineering”). Finally, it’s hard to say what the equivalence is for the
number of use cases per user story. One user story could equal one or more than
20 use cases. For example, for the customer return user story in Table 7.2, you can
imagine that it will take many more use cases to deal with the various situations
that can arise in a customer return. In agile methodologies user stories are much
preferred to use cases.

Agile Requirements Engineering

We need to make a distinction between requirements engineering for agile meth-
odologies and “agile requirements engineering.” Agile requirements engineering
means, generally, any ad hoc requirements engineering approach purported to be
more flexible than “traditional” requirements engineering. This definition is not to
be confused with specific practices for requirements engineering in agile method-
ologies as we just discussed (Sillitti, 2006).
A number of agile requirements engineering approaches have been introduced
in the past few years, many of them not much more than sloppy requirements
engineering. But some of the recent work in this area has been good too. However,
for any “legitimate” agile requirements engineering methodologies that you may
encounter, most of the practices can be traced to the Agile Manifesto.
To illustrate an “agile methodology,” we describe one notable example. In this
methodology called “Storytest-driven development” (SDD), many of the usual
customer-facing features of agile methodologies are incorporated along with short
bursts of iterative development à la XP or Scrum. One difference in SDD, however,
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  151



hours max ordinary ordinary overtime

9 9 45 0
9,7 9 16 0
9,0 9 9 0
0 9 0 0
11,7 9 16 2
9,9,9,9 8 40 5
10,11,12,13,14 9 45 15

Figure 7.6 Using storytest to show how a company calculates pay for ordinary
and overtime hours (Mugridge 2008).

is that instead of the conventional user stories, customers write or review “story­
tests.” Storytests are nontechnical descriptions of behavior along with tests that
verify that the behavior is correct. The storytests help “discover a lot of missing
pieces or inconsistencies in a story” (Mugridge 2008).
A nice feature of the storytest is that it uses the Fit framework to allow users to
build test cases into the stories in a tabular fashion (see Chapter 8). Hence, the users
intuitively specify behavior and the tests for that behavior in the requirements.
For example, for a typical payroll system for a business (such as the pet store),
a storytest describing how to calculate ordinary and overtime pay for an employee
based on various clocked hours is given in Figure 7.6.
The table in Figure 7.6 shows, for instance, that if an employee works five con-
secutive nine-hour workdays, then they are considered to have 45 hours in ordinary
and zero hours in overtime pay due. If a worker clocks 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 hour
days in a week, then they are entitled to 45 hours of regular and 15 hours of over-
time pay. But the Fit framework is an interactive specification—plugging in differ-
ent values into the table that are incorrect will show up as invalid (see Chapter 8).
Storytest-driven development is considered to be complementary to test-driven
development (TDD) in that the former is applied to overall system development
(Mugridge 2008).
152  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Challenges for Requirements Engineering

in Agile Methodologies
Of course, there are challenges in any new technology, and there are some in using
agile methodologies, particularly with respect to requirements engineering. Laurie
Williams (2004) discusses some of these shortcomings.
For example, agile methodologies do not always deal well with nonfunctional
requirements. Why should this be so? One reason is that they are not always appar-
ent when dealing with requirements functionality only (through user stories).
Williams suggests dealing with this challenge by augmenting the user stories with
appropriate nonfunctional requirements.
Another shortcoming is that with agile methodologies customer interaction is
strong—but mostly through prototyping. As we have seen there are other ways
to elicit nuanced requirements and understanding stakeholder needs, for example,
using various interviewing techniques would be desirable.
Furthermore, with agile methodologies, validation (“is the system the right one?”)
is strong through testing and prototyping, but verification (“is the system correct?”) is
not so strong. She suggests that using formal methods could strengthen agile require-
ments engineering.
Finally, requirements management is built into the process (e.g., XP and Scrum),
but it is mostly focused on the code level. Williams suggests that requirements
management could be strengthened by adding more “standard” configuration
management practices.

7.1 How do you fit SRS documentation into an agile framework?
7.2 Is it possible to use agile methodologies when the customer is not on
site. If so, how?
7.3 Why are agile methodologies generally not suitable for hardware-based
projects as opposed to software projects?
7.4 Why can it be difficult for agile methodologies to cover nonfunctional
7.5 Are there any problems in encapsulating requirements into user stories?
7.6 For the pet store POS system generate a user story for customer
7.7 For the pet store POS system generate use cases for various customer
7.8 For the airport baggage handling system generate a user story for deal-
ing with baggage that is to be diverted to another flight.
7.9 For the airport baggage handling system generate use cases for dealing
with baggage that is to be diverted to another flight.
Requirements Specification and Agile Methodologies  153

Ambler, S., last accessed 2007.
Beck, K. (2000) Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Longman Higher
Beck, K., M. Beedle, A. van Bennekum, A. Cockburn, W. Cunningham, M. Fowler,
J. Grenning, J. Highsmith, A. Hunt, R. Jeffries, J. Kern, B. Marick, R.C. Martin,
S. Mellor, K. Schwaber, J. Sutherland, D. Thomas (2001) “Agile Manifesto” and
“Principles Behind the Agile Manifesto.” Online at, last
accessed 12 January 2008.
Boehm, B., and R. Turner (2003) Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide to the Perplexed,
Cao, L., and B. Ramesh (2008) Agile requirements engineering practices: An empirical study,
Software, 25(1): 60–67.
Eberlein, A., and J.C. Sampaio do Prado Leite (2002) Agile Requirements International
Workshop on Time-Constrained Requirements Engineering (TCRE’02), Essen,
Germany, September 2002.
Laplante, P.A. (2006) What Every Engineer Needs to Know About Software Engineering, Boca
Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor & Francis.
Mugridge, R. (2008) Managing agile project requirements with storytest-driven develop-
ment, Software, 25(1): 68–75.
Schwaber, K., and M. Beedle (2001) Agile Software Development with SCRUM, Prentice
Sillitti, A., and G. Succi (2006) Requirements engineering for agile methods, in A. Aurum
and C. Wohlin (Editors), Engineering and Managing Software Requirements, Springer,
pp. 309–326.
Williams, L. (2004) Agile Requirements Elicitation. Online at
studio/materials/AgileRE.pdf, last accessed 1 July, 2007.
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Chapter 8

Tool Support for

Requirements Engineering

It has been estimated that by 2009 automated approaches to requirements engi-
neering will reduce development costs by 30%. In addition, because of the use
of these tools, user satisfaction with medium to large systems will improve from
“fair” to “good” in that timeframe. Finally, by 2009, maintenance and enhance-
ment costs for medium to large systems developed using such tools will decline by
10% (Light 2005).
Word processors, databases, spreadsheets, content analyzers, concept mapping
programs, automated requirements checkers, and so on are all tools of interest to
the requirements engineer. But the most celebrated requirements tools are large
commercial packages that provide a high level of integrated functionality. The
chief feature of these programs is the ability to represent and organize all “typi-
cal” requirements engineering objects such as use cases, scenarios, and user stories.
Support for user-defined entities is also usually provided. Other typical functional-
ities for these large, commercial requirements engineering tools include

◾◾ multi-user support and version control

◾◾ online collaboration support
◾◾ customizable user interfaces
◾◾ built-in support for standards templates (such as IEEE 12207 and IEEE 830)

156  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 8.1 Automated Requirements Engineering Tool Features

(Heindl 2006)
Tool Feature Description

Definition of workflow A workflow (states, roles, state transitions) is

for requirements configurable for requirements.

Automated generation When the user creates a trace between artifact A

of bi-directionality of and artifact B it automatically establishes a
traces backward trace from B to A.

Definition of user- An authorized user can define trace types and

specific trace types assign names.

Suspect traces When a requirement changes the tool automatically

highlights all traces related to this requirement for
checking and updating traces.

Long-term archiving All data in the tool can be archived in a format

functionality accessible without the tool if necessary.

◾◾ verification and validation tools

◾◾ customizable functionality through a programmable interface
◾◾ support for traceability
◾◾ user-defined glossary support (Heindl 2006)

We have already discussed automated requirements analysis via the NASA

ARM tool in Chapter 5. And verification and validation features are an impor-
tant component of any automated requirements engineering tool. Indeed, the
more sophisticated commercial requirements engineering tools provide other
requirements checking, tracing, and archiving features. These are shown in
Table 8.1.
These features are particularly important because they provide for accurate trac-
ing of artifacts over time. Traceability is an important characteristic of the SRS
document and bears further discussion.

Traceability Support
Across the software lifecycle, traceability defines the relationships between require-
ments and their sources, design decisions, source code, and associated test cases.
Within the SRS document, traceability focuses on the interrelationship between
requirements and their sources, stakeholders, standards, regulations, and so on.
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering  157

It is not unusual for one requirement to have an explicit reference to another require-
ment either as a “uses” or “refers to” relationship. Consider the following requirement:

2.1.1 The system shall provide for control of the heating system and
be schedulable according to the time scheduling function (ref.
requirement 3.2.2).

which depicts a “refers to” relationship. The “uses” relationship is illustrated in the
following requirement:

2.1.1 The system shall provide for control of the heating system in
accordance with the timetable shown in requirement 3.2.2 and
the safety features described in requirement 4.1.

The main distinction between “uses” and “refers” to is that the “uses” represents a
stronger, direct link.
The primary artifact of traceability is the requirements traceability matrix. The
requirements traceability matrix can appear in tabular form in the SRS document,
in a stand-alone traceability document, or internally represented within a tool for
modification, display, and printout.
The entries in the requirements traceability matrix are defined as follows:

Rij = R if requirement i references requirement j (meaning “refers to” for

informational purposes).

Rij = U if requirement i uses requirement j (meaning “depends on” directly).

Rij= blank otherwise.

When a requirement both uses and references another requirement, the entry
“U” supersedes that of “R.” Since self-references are not included, the diagonal of
the matrix always contains blank entries. We would also not expect circular refer-
encing in the requirements so that if Rij = U or Rij = R we would expect Rji to be
blank. In fact, an automated verification feature in a requirements engineering tool
should flag such circular references.
The format of a typical requirements traceability matrix is shown in Table 8.2.
A partial traceability matrix for a hypothetical system with sample entries is
shown in Table 8.3.
Since R is usually sparse, it is convenient to list only those rows and columns
that are non-blank. For example, for the SRS document for the Smart Home found
in the appendix, the traceability matrix explicitly derived from the requirements is
shown in Table 8.4.
158  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Table 8.2 Format of Traceability Matrix (R) for Requirements Specification

Requirement 1 1.1 1.1.1 … 1.2 1.2.1 … 2 2.1 2.1.1 …








Table 8.3 Partial Traceability Matrix for a Fictitious System Specification

ID 1 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.2 2 2.1 2.1.1 3

1 R R

1.1 U

1.1.1 R R

1.1.2 R

1.2 U

1.2.1 R

1.2.2 R

2 U R

2.1 U

2.1.1 R

3 R
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering  159

Table 8.4 Traceability Matrix for

Smart Home Requirements
Specification Shown in the Appendix
Requirement ID 5.11 9.11

9.1.1 R

9.10.7 R

A sparse traceability matrix indicates a low level of explicit coupling between

requirements. A low level of coupling within the requirements document is desir-
able—the more linked requirements the more changes to one requirement propa-
gate to others. In fact, explicit requirements linkages are a violation of the principle
of separation of concerns, a fundamental tenet of software engineering. Therefore,
link requirements only when absolutely necessary.
Other kinds of linkages are desirable, however. For example, it is expected that
each requirement will be linked to multiple tests. Test span metrics are used to
characterize the linkages between the SRS document and the test plan in order
to identify insufficient or excessive testing. The typical test span metrics are

◾◾ requirements per test

◾◾ tests per requirement

Research is still ongoing to determine appropriate ranges for these statistics. In

any case, there is a tradeoff between time and cost of testing versus the compre-
hensiveness of testing. Planning for testing is part of the requirements engineering
effort, as we have discussed exhaustively, and these linkages need to be anticipated
in the SRS document.

Commercial Requirements Engineering Tools

While it is not our place to promote any particular commercial requirements engi-
neering tools, it is appropriate to briefly survey the features of a few of the more
commonly adopted ones. Major commercial requirements engineering tools that
we will discuss include

◾◾ Rational RequisitePro
◾◾ Requirements and Traceability Management
◾◾ CaliberRM
◾◾ QFD/Capture

We will provide a very brief summary of their features.

160  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Telelogic’s DOORS (Dynamic Object Oriented Requirements System) is essentially
an object database for requirements management. That is, each feature is repre-
sented as an object containing a feature description, feature graph, and use case dia-
gram. Feature attributes include mandatory, optional, single adaptor, and multiple
adaptor, and the user can specify whether an attribute is required or excluded, which
embodies the complementary and supporting nature of requirements. Other attri-
butes are based on use case packages and product instances (Eriksson et al. 2005).
DOORS offers linking between all objects in a project for full traceability and
missing link analysis. The tool can be customized via a C-like programming lan-
guage. Standard templates are available to structure requirements in compliance
with the ISO 12207, ISO 6592, and IEEE 830 software standards (Volere).

Rational RequisitePro
IBM’s Rational RequisitePro is one of the most popular requirements and use case
management tools. The tool integrates with Microsoft Word for easy requirements
organization, integration, and analysis. There is also detailed attribute customiza-
tion and filtering and a variety of traceability views that display parent/child rela-
tionships and highlight requirements that may be affected by later change.
The tool is capable of performing project-to-project comparisons using export-
able XML-based files. Perhaps most importantly, the tool integrates with multiple
tools in the IBM Software Development Platform (Volere).

Requirements and Traceability Management

Requirements and Traceability Management by Serena Software is an Oracle-
based tool for management and traceability of requirements, designs, tests, project
tasks, and other development information. The software provides a class definition
tool used to model any type of hierarchical project data such as the SRS docu-
ment, requirements hierarchies, system elements, and work breakdown structures.
Generic relationships within the hierarchies can be established to cross-reference
link information. The tool also provides an online collaboration feature (Volere).

Borland’s CaliberRM is another widely used requirements management tool.
Features include a centralized repository for requirements artifacts, a customizable
graphical user interface, full traceability across the lifecycle, and support for online
glossaries (Volere).
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering  161

QFD/Capture by International TechneGroup, Inc. provides basic support for
the Quality Function Deployment approach. The tool provides predefined proj-
ect templates, calculations and linkages between views of the “house of qual-
ity.” In the tool, relationships can be defined in several ways, using direct input
into a spreadsheet or through tree diagrams. Metrics for each requirement in a
graphical tree and branch format are also supported. Requirements are linked
so that as the project evolves changes in one area are reflected throughout the
project (Volere).

Open Source Requirements Engineering Tools

As of this writing, there are more than 200,000 open source projects including all
kinds of tools, utilities, libraries, and games. Not surprisingly, then, there are many
open source solutions for requirements engineering, some as good as or almost as
good as their commercial equivalents. We would like to take a look at three open
source utilities that can be of use to the requirements engineer. This selection is a
sampling only, and we urge you to turn first to open source repositories to look for
tools before purchasing or trying to develop them from scratch.

FreeMind is an open source mind mapping software tool written in Java. FreeMind
allows a user, stakeholder, or requirements engineer to organize ideas in a conve-
nient, hierarchical diagram. The tool is quite useful for brainstorming, task analysis,
laddering, traceability, JAD, focus groups, and many other requirements engineer-
ing activities (FreeMind).
The tool has an easy-to-use graphical user interface. Concepts are mapped in a
hierarchical structure based on a primary concept and subordinate ideas to that con-
cept. Handy icons can be used to mark priorities, important criteria, or hazards for
each idea. Many other icons are available to enrich the content of the mind map.
To illustrate the use of the tool, let’s look at Phil’s concept of the Smart Home
control system. Starting off with the basic concept of a “Smart Home” Phil creates
a parent node (represented by a bubble) as shown in Figure 8.1.
Next, Phil uses the tool to attach
a feature to the system (security) and
assign a priority to that feature. Although Phil’s Smart Home
there are up to seven levels of rankings
available, Phil chose a simple three-level
system. Figure 8.1 Phil’s Smart Home system.
162  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Security system 1

Phil’s Smart Home

Figure 8.2 Adding the first feature to Phil’s Smart Home system.

1. Mandatory
2. Optional
3. Nice to have

The resultant ranked feature and updated mind map is shown in Figure 8.2.
Phil then adds details to the feature. For example, he wants the security sys-
tem of the Smart Home to use and work with the existing security system in
the home. Another feature he desires is for the HVAC (heating ventilation and
air-­conditioning) system to integrate with the Smart Home system. In addition,
because Phil has delicate plants, pets, and collectibles in the house, it is important
that the temperature never exceed 100° Fahrenheit, so this hazard is marked with a
bomb icon. The revised mind map is shown in Figure 8.3.
Phil continues with his brainstorming of features, adding music management,
lawn care, and a telephone answering system. Some of the features include impor-
tant details that are marked with the appropriate symbol (Figure 8.4).
As he sees the system materialize in a visual sense, Phil thinks of more features
and is able to make the appropriate prioritization decisions. Phil adds to his mind
map accordingly, as seen in Figure 8.5.
The mind map shown in Figure 8.5 is not complete. But this mind map can be
used during elicitation discussions with requirements engineers and can be easily
evolved over time.
Of course, there are other open source and commercial “mind mapping” tools
that have similar functionality to FreeMind. We are simply suggesting that such a
tool can be very valuable for many requirements elicitation activities.
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering  163

Security system 1

Must integrate with existing home security system

Phil’s Smart Home

Control HVAC system 1

Must not exceed 100 degrees

Figure 8.3 Adding a detail to the first feature to Phil’s Smart Home system and
adding a hazard.

Open Source Requirements Management

Tool (OSRMT)
The Open Source Requirements Management Tool (OSRMT) is a platform-
­independent program written in Java and uses Swing and JBoss to provide full
lifecycle support for requirements development and traceability. In OSRMT, fea-
tures, requirements, design items, source code, and test cases are all input through a
form-based GUI. Artifact details such as data dictionary elements, use case actions,
test case steps, and so on are included in the forms. Each group of artifacts can
be organized, sorted, searched, and filtered. User-defined artifacts and customized
forms can also be specified.
The reporting feature allows for customizable reports based on the open source
report writer Jasper. Plug-ins can be added for various supported databases such as
Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and MS Access. Elements for reports can be exported
to XML.
OSMRT is really a full-featured requirements engineering tool, and there is
extensive online documentation for it. Therefore, it is beyond the scope to discuss
installation and use of this open source tool. But the continued emergence of such
free-for-use solutions may challenge commercial for-fee solutions and therefore can-
not be ignored (OSRMT).

Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems
Security system 1
2 Music management
Must integrate with existing home security system
store all CDs, tapes, vinyl in digital form

Phil’s Smart Home

2 Lawn care
! Integrate with existing automatic sprinkler system

Control HVAC system 1

Must not exceed 100 degrees 2 Telephone answering system

! Must integrate with existing system

Figure 8.4 Adding more features to Phil’s Smart Home system.

Security system 1 2 Music management

store all CDs, tapes, vinyl in digital form

Must integrate with existing home security system

store all DVDs, blueray, VHS in digital form

Tool Support for Requirements Engineering

2 Movie management
Store all recipes from various sources for search and retrieval

Phil’s Smart Home

Culinary system 2 2 Lawn care

! Integrate with existing automatic sprinkler system

Control HVAC system 1 3 Robot vacuum

Must not exceed 100 degrees

Electronic art system 3 2 Telephone answering system

Display pictures on LCD panel frames ! Must integrate with existing system

Figure 8.5 Phil’s partial mind map of a Smart Home system.

166  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

FitNesse is an open source, Wiki-based software collaboration tool that provides a
framework for building interactive test cases. While FitNesse was originally devel-
oped as a testing tool, our interest is in using it for integrated requirements/test
specifications, for example, in an agile environment.
Before briefly describing how FitNesse works, it is appropriate to take a look at
what a FitNesse test case looks like. The test case is, essentially, a table consisting
of the name of the function (or method) to be tested, the set of input parameters
and corresponding expected results parameters, and then a set of typical test cases
across the rows of the table (see Table 8.5).
The FitNesse table is executable; when the actual code is developed, upon click-
ing a button, the results of the corresponding function will be calculated.
Let us illustrate the situation using the SRS for the Smart Home system in the
appendix. In that SRS, Section 9.2.2 specifies that

9.2.2 System shall start coffee maker at any user defined time as long
as water is present, coffee bean levels are sufficient and unit is

Assuming that the preconditions are satisfied (coffee beans and water are available),
a plausible schedule for making coffee might be as given in Table 8.6.
The schedule shown in Table 8.6 recognizes that the homeowner likes to sleep late
on weekends. We could populate this table all different kinds of ways. Now it is true
that the functionality desired is for dynamic scheduling so that, for example, during a
holiday week, the home owner can sleep late every day. But the table here is used to indi-
cate one scenario of appliance scheduling. In fact, if properly configured via the FitNesse
framework, Table 8.6 constitutes an executable test case for the finished system.
Without going into too much detail, here is roughly how FitNesse works.
FitNesse is a Wiki GUI built on top of the Fit framework. Fit runs the fixture code
(a Java or C# class) corresponding to the test table. For example, in the top row of
Table 8.5 “Activate_Coffee_Pot” specifies the actual class to be called. FitNesse
colors the expected results cells red, green, or yellow, if the test failed, passed, or an
exception was thrown, respectively (Gandhi 2005).

Table 8.5 Typical FitNesse Requirement/Test Case Format

Name of

Expected Expected Expected

Input 1 Input 2 … Input n Result 1 Result 2 … Result m
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering  167

Table 8.6 FitNesse Requirements Specification/Test Case

for Activate Coffee Pot Function in Smart Home System

Day Time Output

Monday 7:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Monday 8:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Tuesday 7:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Tuesday 8:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Wednesday 7:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Wednesday 8:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Thursday 7:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Thursday 8:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Friday 7:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Friday 8:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Saturday 9:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Saturday 9:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Sunday 10:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=high

Sunday 11:00 coffee_pot_on_signal=low

Requirements Engineering Tool Best Practices

Whatever requirements engineering tool(s) you use, it is appropriate to use the tool
judiciously and follow certain best practices. One set of such best practices is offered
by Cleland-Huang et al. (2007):

Trace for a purpose. That is, determine which linkages are truly important;
other­wise, a large number of extraneous links will be generated.
Define a suitable trace granularity. For example, linkages should be placed at the
appropriate package, class, or method level.
Support in-place traceability. Provide traceability between elements as they
reside in their native environments.
Use a well-defined project glossary. Create the glossary during initial discovery
meetings with stakeholders and use consistently throughout the requirements
engineering process.
168  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Write quality requirements. Make sure to follow generally accepted best prac-
tices such as IEEE 830, which are particularly important for traceability.
Construct a meaningful hierarchy. Experimental results show that hierarchically
organized requirements are more susceptible to intelligent linking software.
Bridge the intra-domain semantic gap. For example, avoid overloaded terminology,
that is, words that mean completely different things in two different contexts.
Create rich content. Incorporate rationales and domain knowledge in each
Finally, be sure to use a process improvement plan for improving the require-
ments engineering process.

8.1 What criteria should be used in choosing an appropriate requirements
engineering tool?
8.2 Are there any drawbacks to using certain tools in requirements engi-
neering activities?
8.3 When selecting an open source tool, what characteristics should you
look for?
8.4 How can tools enable distributed, global requirements engineering
activities? What are the drawbacks in this regard?
8.5 If an environment does not currently engage in solid requirements engi-
neering practices, should tools be introduced?
8.6 What sort of problems might you find through a traceability matrix that
you might not see without one?
8.7 Download FreeMind and use it to brainstorm a mind map for your
Smart Home system.
8.8 Construct a FitNesse test table for the requirement described in Section
7.2 of the appendix.

Cleland-Huang, J., R. Settimi, E. Romanova, B. Berenbach, and S. Clark (2007) Best prac-
tices for automated traceability, IEEE Computer, June, pp. 27–35.
Eriksson, M., H. Morasi, J. Borstler, and K. Borg (2005) The PLUSS toolkit—Extending
telelogic DOORS and IBM-Rational Rose to support product line in use case model-
ing, Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM international Conference on Automated software
engineering Long Beach, CA, USA, pp. 300–304.
FitNesse project website,, last accessed 13 February 2008.
FreeMind project website, last
accessed 13 February 2008.
Gandhi, P. et al. (2005) Creating a living specification using Fit documents, Agile 2005 Conf.
(Agile 05), IEEE CS Press, pp. 253−258.
Heindl, M., F. Reinish, S. Biffl, and A. Egyed (2006) Value-based selection of requirements
engineering tool support, 32nd EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering
and Advanced Applications. SEAA ’06. Aug. 2006, pp. 266–273.
Tool Support for Requirements Engineering  169

Light, M. (2005) Agile requirements definition and management will benefit application devel-
opment. Online at
PDF, last accessed 1 July 2007.
Open Source Requirements Management Tool open source community, http://www.osrmt.
com, last accessed 14 February 2008.
Volere requirements resources. Online at, last accessed
14 February 2008.
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Chapter 9


Requirements management involves identifying, documenting, and tracking sys-
tem requirements from inception through delivery. Inherent in this definition is
understanding of the true meaning of the requirements and the management of
customer (and stakeholder) expectations throughout the system’s lifecycle. A solid
requirements management process is the key to a successful project.
Most organizations do not have an explicit requirements management process
in place, but this does not mean that requirements management does not occur
within the organization. The requirements practices probably exist implicitly in the
organization, but these practices are not usually documented. One of our recom-
mendations, obviously, is to document the requirements management practices in
your organization.

Managing Divergent Agendas

Each stakeholder has a different requirements “agenda.” For example, business
owners seek ways to get their money’s worth from projects. Business partners want
explicit requirements because they are like a “contract.” Senior management expects
more financial gain from projects than can be realized. And systems and software
developers like uncertainty because it gives them freedom to innovate solutions.

172  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Project managers may use the requirements to protect them from false accusations
of underperformance in the delivered product.
One way to understand why the existence of different agendas—even among
persons within the same stakeholder group—is the “Rashomon Effect.” Rashomon
is a highly revered 1950 Japanese film directed by Akira Kurosawa. The main
plot involves the recounting of the murder of a samurai from the perspective of
four witnesses to that event—the samurai, his wife, a bandit, and a wood cutter,
each of whom has a hidden agenda, and tells a contradicting accounting of the
event. Stated succinctly “your understanding of an event is influenced by many
factors, such as your point of view and your interests in the outcome of the event”
(Lawrence 1996).
The smart requirements manager seeks to manage these agendas by asking the right
questions up front. Andriole (1998) suggests the following questions are appropriate:

1. What is the project request?

NN Who wants it?
NN Is it “discretionary” or “nondiscretionary?”
2. What is the project’s purpose?
NN If completed, what impact will the new or enhanced system have on orga-
nizational performance?
NN On profitability?
NN On product development?
NN On customer retention and customer service?
3. What are the functional requirements?
NN What are the specific things the system should do to satisfy the purpose-
ful requirements?
NN How should they be ranked?
NN What are the implementation risks?
4. What are the nonfunctional requirements, like security, usability, and
NN How should they be ranked?
NN What are the implementation risks?
NN How do you trade off functional and nonfunctional requirements?
5. Do we understand the project well enough to prototype its functionality?
6. If the prototype is acceptable, will everyone sign off on the prioritized func-
tionality and nonfunctionality to be delivered, on the initial cost and schedule
estimates, on the estimates’ inherent uncertainty, on the project’s scope, and
on the management of additional requirements?

Andriole asserts that by asking these questions up front, hidden agendas can be
uncovered and differences resolved. At the very least, important issues will be raised
up front and not much later in the process.
Requirements Management  173

Expectation Revisited: Pascal’s Wager

Mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623‑1662) is well known for various achievements
including Pascal’s Triangle (a convenient way to find binomial coefficients) and
work in probability. It was his work in probability theory that led to the notion of
expected value, and he used such an approach later in life when he became more
interested in religion than mathematics. It was during his monastic living that
he developed a theory that suggested that it was advisable to live a virtuous life,
whether or not one believed in a supreme being. His approach, using expected value
theory, is now called Pascal’s wager, and it goes like this.
Imagine an individual is having a trial of faith and is unsure if they believe in
this supreme being (let’s call him “God” for argument’s sake) or not. Pascal suggests
that it is valuable to consider the consequences of living virtuously, in the face of the
eventual realization that such a God exists (or not). To see this, consider Table 9.1.
Assuming that it is equally probable that God exists or not (this is a big assump-
tion), we see that the expected outcome (consequence) of living virtuously is half of
Paradise while the expected outcome of living without virtue is half of Damnation.
Therefore, it is in a person’s best interests to live virtuously.
What does Pascal’s wager have to do with expectation setting? Stakeholders
will hedge their bets—sometimes withholding information or offering up inferior
information because they are playing the odds involving various organizational
issues. For example, does a stakeholder wish to request a feature that she believes
no one else wants and for which she might be ridiculed? From a game theory stand-
point it is safer for her to withhold her opinion. To see this, consider the modified
Pascal’s wager outcome matrix in Table 9.2.
If the stakeholder decides to speak out about a particular feature (or in opposi-
tion to a particular feature), assuming equi-likely probability that the group will

Table 9.1 Pascal’s Wager Consequence Matrix

God Exists God Does Not Exist

Live virtuously Achieve paradise Null

Do not live virtuously Achieve damnation Null

Table 9.2 Modified Pascal’s Wager Consequence Matrix

Group Agrees Group Disagrees

Speak out Get praise Get ridiculed

Remain silent Nothing happens Nothing happens

174  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

agree or disagree, the consequence matrix shows that she can expect to get some
praise if the group agrees or some ridicule if the group disagrees. It is also well
known that, in decision making, individuals will tend to make decisions that avoid
loss over those that have the potential for gain—most individuals are risk averse.
The foregoing analysis assumes that the probabilities of agreement and disagree-
ment are the same—the expected consequences are much worse if the stakeholder
believes there is a strong chance that her colleagues will disagree. Of course, later
in the process the feature might suddenly be discovered by others to be important.
Now it is very late in the game, however, and adding this feature is costly. Had the
stakeholder only spoken up in the beginning, in a safe environment for discussion,
a great deal of cost and trouble could have been avoided.
One last comment on Pascal’s wager, expectation, and risk. The author once
worked for a boss—we’ll call him “Bob”—who greeted all new employees with a
welcome lunch. At that lunch he would declare “I am a ‘no surprises’ kind of guy.
You don’t surprise me, and I won’t surprise you. So, if there is ever anything on
your mind, or any problem brewing, I want you to bring that to my attention right
away.” This sentiment sounded great. However, each time the author or anyone
else would bring bad news to Bob, whether the messenger was responsible for the
situation or not, Bob would blow his stack and berate the hapless do-gooder. After
a while, potential messengers would forego bringing information to Bob. The deci-
sion was purely game theoretic—if you had bad news and you brought it to Bob, he
would yell at you. If he didn’t find out about it (as often happened because no one
else would tell him, either), then you escaped his rampage. If he somehow found
out about the bad news, you might get yelled at—but he might yell at the first per-
son in his sight, not you, even if you were the party responsible for the problem. So,
it made sense (and it was rigorously sound via game theory) to shut up.
It was rather ironic that “no surprise Bob” was always surprised because every-
one was afraid to tell him anything. The lesson here is that, if you “shoot the
­messenger,” people will begin to realize the consequences of bringing you informa-
tion, and you will soon be deprived of that information. Actively seeking and invit-
ing requirements information throughout the project lifecycle is an essential aspect
of requirements management.

Global Requirements Management

Requirements engineering is one of the most collaboration-intensive activities in
software development. Because of inadequate social contact, geographically distrib-
uted stakeholders and REs have trouble understanding requirements issues without
the appropriate tools. Agile development seeks to solve this problem through always
onsite customers (Sinha and Sengupta 2006).
Global and even onshore outsourcing presents all kinds of challenges to the
requirements engineering endeavor. These include time delays and time zone issues,
Requirements Management  175

the costs and stresses of physical travel to client and vendor sites when needed,
and the disadvantages of virtual conferencing and telephone. Even simple email
communications cannot be relied upon entirely, even though for many globally
distributed projects informal emails and email distributed documents are the main
form of collaboration. But email use leads to frequent context switching, informa-
tion fragmentation, and the loss of intuition communicated through nonverbal (or
written) means.
When the offshoring takes place in a country with a different native language
and substantially different culture, new problems may arise in terms of work sched-
ules, work attitudes, communication barriers, and customer–vendor expectations
of how to conduct business. Moreover, offshoring introduces a new risk factor:
geopolitical risk—and this risk must be understood, quantified, and somehow fac-
tored into the requirements engineering process and schedule. Finally, there are vast
differences in laws, legal process, and even the expectations of honesty in business
transactions around the world. These issues are particularly relevant during the
requirements elicitation phase.
Bhat et al. (2006) highlighted nine specific problems they observed or experi-
enced. These included

◾◾ Conflicting client–vendor goals

◾◾ Low client involvement
◾◾ Conflicting requirements engineering approaches (between client and vendor)
◾◾ Misalignment of client commitment with project goals
◾◾ Disagreements in tool selection
◾◾ Communication issues
◾◾ Disowning responsibility
◾◾ Sign-off issues
◾◾ Tools misaligned with expectation

Bhat et al. suggest that the following success factors were missing in these cases,
based on an analysis of their project experiences:

◾◾ Shared goal—that is, a project “metaphor”

◾◾ Shared culture—in the project sense, not in the sociological sense
◾◾ Shared process
◾◾ Shared responsibility
◾◾ Trust

These suggestions are largely consistent with agile methodologies, though we

have already discussed the challenges and advantages of using agile approaches to
requirements engineering.
Finally, what role can tools play in the globally distributed requirements engi-
neering process? Sinha and Sengupta (2006) suggest that software tools can play
176  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

an important role, though there are not many appropriate tools for this purpose.
Appropriate software tools must support

◾◾ Informal collaboration
◾◾ Change management
◾◾ Promote awareness (e.g., auto-email stakeholders when triggers occur)
◾◾ Manage knowledge—provide a framework for saving and associating unstruc-
tured project information

There are several commercial and even open source solutions that claim to pro-
vide these features, but we leave the product research of these to the reader.

Antipatterns in Requirements Management*

In troubled organizations the main obstacle to success is frequently accurate
problem identification. Diagnosing organizational dysfunction is quite impor-
tant in dealing with the underlying problems that will lead to requirements engi-
neering problems.
Conversely, when problems are correctly identified, they can almost always be
dealt with appropriately. But organizational inertia frequently clouds the situation
or makes it easier to do the wrong thing rather than the right thing. So how can you
know what the right thing is if you’ve got the problem wrong?
In their groundbreaking book, Brown et al. (1998) described a taxonomy of
problems or antipatterns that can occur in software architecture and design and in
the management of software projects. They also described solutions or refactorings
for these situations. The benefit of providing such a taxonomy is that it assists in
the rapid and correct identification of problem situations, provides a playbook for
addressing the problems, and provides some relief to the beleaguered employees in
these situations in that they can take consolation in the fact that they are not alone.
These antipatterns bubble up from the individual manager through organi-
zational dysfunction and can manifest in badly stated, incomplete, incorrect, or
intentionally disruptive requirements.
Our antipattern set consists of an almost even split of 28 environmental (orga-
nizational) and 21 management antipatterns. Management antipatterns are caused
by an individual manager or management team (“the management”). These anti-
patterns address issues in supervisors that lack the talent or temperament to lead
a group, department, or organization. Environmental antipatterns are caused by a
prevailing culture or social model. These antipatterns are the result of misguided
corporate strategy or uncontrolled socio-political forces. But we choose to describe
only a small subset of the antipatterns set that is particularly applicable in require-
ments engineering.

* Some of this discussion is excerpted from Laplante and Neill (2006) with permission.
Requirements Management  177

Environmental Antipatterns
Divergent Goals
Everyone must pull in the same direction. There is no room for individual or hid-
den agendas that don’t align with those of the business. The divergent goals antipat-
tern exists when there are those who pull in different directions.
There are several direct and indirect problems with divergent goals.

◾◾ Hidden and personal agendas divergent to the mission of an organization

starve resources from strategically important tasks.
◾◾ Organizations become fractured as cliques form to promote their own
◾◾ Decisions are second-guessed and subject to “review by the replay official” as
staff try to decipher genuine motives for edicts and changes.
◾◾ Strategic goals are hard enough to attain when everyone is working towards
them, without complete support they become impossible and put risk to
the organization.

There is a strong correspondence between stakeholder dissonance and divergent

goals, so be very aware of the existence of both.
Since divergent goals can arise accidentally and intentionally there are two sets
of solutions or refactorings.
Dealing with the first problem of comprehension and communication involves
explaining the impact of day-to-day decisions on larger objectives. This was the
case with the corporate executives of the box company described in Chapter 2. The
executives forgot the bigger picture. There is more than providing a coffee mug
with the mission statement, however. Remember that the misunderstanding is not
because the staff are not aware of the mission or goals; organizations are generally
very good at disseminating them. It is that they don’t understand that their deci-
sions have any impact on those goals. They have a very narrow perspective on the
organization and that must be broadened.
The second problem of intentionally charting an opposing course is far more
insidious, however, and requires considerable intervention and oversight. The
starting point is to recognize the disconnect between their personal goals and
those of the organization. Why do they feel that the stated goals are incorrect?
If the motives really are personal, that they feel their personal success cannot
come with success of the organization, radical changes are needed. Otherwise
the best recourse is to get them to buy into the organizational goals. This is
most easily achieved if every stakeholder is represented in the definition and
dissemination of the core mission and goals, and subsequently kept informed,
updated, and represented.
178  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Process Clash
A process clash is the friction that can arise when advocates of different processes
must work together without a proven hybrid process being defined. The dysfunc-
tion appears when organizations have two or more well-intended but non-comple-
mentary processes; a great deal of discomfort can be created for those involved.
Symptoms of this antipattern include poor communications—even hostility—
high turnover, and low productivity.
The solution to a process clash is as follows: develop a hybridized approach—
one that resolves the differences at the processes’ interfaces. Retraining and cross-
training could also be used. For example, by training the analysis group in XP and
the development group in RUP, better understanding can be achieved.
Another solution is to change to a third process that resolves the conflict.
For example, domain driven modeling might have been used instead of RUP.
Domain driven modeling can be used in conjunction with agile methodologies
with no conflicts.
There is a strong correlation between the aforementioned two antipatterns, and
certain capability maturity models, like the CMMI, can be used to help identify
and reconcile process clashes that lead to divergent goals.

Management Antipatterns
Metric Abuse
The first management antipattern that might arise in requirements engineering is
metric abuse, that is, the misuse of metrics either through incompetence or with
deliberate malice (Dekkers and McQuaid 2002).
At the core of many process improvement efforts is the introduction of a mea-
surement program. In fact sometimes the measurement program is the process
improvement. That is to say, some people misunderstand the role measurement
plays in management and misconstrue its mere presence as an improvement. This
is not a correct assumption. When the data used in the metric are incorrect or the
metric is measuring the wrong thing, the decisions made based upon them are
likely the wrong ones and will do more harm than good.
Of course, the significant problems that can arise from metric abuse depend on
the root of the problem: incompetence or malice.

◾◾ Incompetence: failure to understand the difference between causality and

correlation; misinterpreting indirect measures; underestimating the effect of
a measurement program.
◾◾ Malice: selecting metrics that support or decry a particular position based
upon a personal agenda.
Requirements Management  179

The solution or refactoring to the problem is as follows: The first thing to do is stop!
Measuring nothing is better than measuring the wrong thing in many cases. When
data are available, people use them in decision making, regardless of their accuracy.
Once the decks have been cleared Dekkers and McQuaid suggest a number
of steps necessary for the introduction of a meaningful measurement program
(Dekkers and McQuaid 2002):
1. Define measurement objectives and plans—perhaps by applying the goal-
­question-metric (GQM) paradigm.
2. Make measurement part of the process—don’t treat it like another project that
might get its budget cut or that one day you hope to complete.
3. Gain a thorough understanding of measurement—be sure you understand
direct and indirect metrics; causality versus correlation; and, most impor-
tantly, that metrics must be interpreted and acted upon.
4. Focus on cultural issues—a measurement program will affect the organiza-
tion’s culture; expect it and plan for it.
5. Create a safe environment to collect and report true data—remember that with-
out a good rationale people will be suspicious of new metrics, fearful of a
time-and-motion study in sheep’s clothing.
6. Cultivate a predisposition to change—the metrics will reveal deficiencies and
inefficiencies so be ready to make improvements.
7. Develop a complementary suite of measures—responding to an individual met-
ric in isolation can have negative side-effects. A suite of metrics lowers this
If you believe that you are being metric mismanaged, then you can try to instigate
the above process by questioning management about why the metrics are being col-
lected, how they are being used, and whether there is any justification for such use. You
can also offer to provide corrective understanding of the metrics with opportunities of
alternate metrics and appropriate use or more appropriate uses of the existing metrics.

Mushroom Management
Mushroom management is a situation in which management fails to communicate
effectively with staff. Essentially, information is deliberately withheld in order to
keep everyone “fat, dumb, and happy.” The name is derived from the fact that
mushrooms thrive in darkness and dim light but will die in the sunshine. As the
old saying goes “keep them in the dark, feed them dung, watch them grow … and
then cut off their heads when you are done with them.”
The dysfunction occurs when members of the team don’t really understand the
big picture; the effects can be significant, particularly with respect to requirements
engineering when stakeholders get left out. It is somewhat insulting to assume that
someone working on the front lines doesn’t have a need to understand the bigger
180  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

picture. Moreover, those who are working directly with customers, for example,
might have excellent ideas that may have sweeping impact on the company. So,
mushroom management can lead to low employee morale, turnover, missed oppor-
tunities, and general failure.
Those eager to perpetuate mushroom management will find excuses for not
revealing information, strategy, and data. To refactor this situation some simple
strategies to employ include

◾◾ Take ownership of problems that allow you to demand more transparency.

◾◾ Seek out information on your own. It’s out there. You just have to work harder
to find it and you may have to put together the pieces. Between you and the
other mushrooms, you might be able to see most of the larger picture.
◾◾ Advocate for conversion to a culture of open-book management.

With all refactoring, courage and patience are needed to affect change.

Other Paradigms for Requirements Management

Requirements Management and Improvisational Comedy
Improvisational comedy can provide some techniques for collaboration (and
after all requirements engineering is the ultimate in collaboration) and for deal-
ing with adversity in requirements management. Anyone who has ever enjoyed
improvisational comedy (for example, the television show Whose Line Is It
Anyway?) has seen the exquisite interplay of persons with very different points
of view and the resolution of those differences. The author has studied improvi-
sational comedy and has observed a number of lessons that can be taken away
from that art.

◾◾ Listening skills are really important—both to hear what customers and other
stakeholders are saying and to play off your partner(s) in the requirements
engineering effort.
◾◾ When there is disagreement or partial agreement the best response is “yes, and
…” rather than “yes, but …” That is, build on, rather than tear down ideas.
◾◾ Things will go wrong—both improvisational comedy and requirements engi-
neering are about adapting.
◾◾ You should have fun in the face of adversity.
◾◾ Finally, you should learn to react by controlling only that which is controllable (usu-
ally, it is only your own reaction to certain events, not the events themselves).

You can actually practice some techniques from improvisational comedy to help
you develop your listening skills, emotional intelligence, and ability to think on
your feet, which in turn, will improve your practice as a requirements engineer and
as a team-player.
Requirements Management  181

For example, consider one improvisational skill-building game called “Zip,

Zap, Zup (or Zot).”* Here is how it works. Organize four or more people (the more,
the better) to stand in a circle facing inside. One person starts off by saying either
zip, zap, or zup. If that person looks at you, you look at someone else in the circle
and reply in turn—zip, zap, or zup. Participants are allowed no other verbal com-
munication than the three words. The “game” continues until all participants begin
to anticipate which of the three responses is going to be given. The game is a lot
harder to play than it seems, and the ability to anticipate responses can take several
minutes (if it is attained at all). The point of this game/exercise is that it forces par-
ticipants to “hear” emotions and pick up on other nonverbal cues.
In another game, “Dr. Know-it-all,” a group of three or more participants
answers questions together, with each participant providing just one word of the
answer at a time. So, in a requirements engineering exercise, we would gather a
collection of participants from stakeholder group A and ask them the following
question. “Please complete the following sentence: the system should provide the
following …” then participants provide the answer one word each, in turn. This
is a very difficult experience, and it is not intended as a requirements elicitation
technique—it is a thought building and team building exercise and it can help to
inform the requirements engineer and the participants about the challenges ahead.
One final exercise involves the requirements engineer answering questions from
two other people at the same time. This experience helps the requirements engineer
to think on their feet and also simulates what they will often experience when inter-
acting with customers where they may need to respond simultaneously to questions
from two different stakeholders/customers.
While this author prefers comedy as the appropriate genre for requirements
elicitation, others (for example, Mayhaux and Maiden 2008) have studied impro-
visational theater as a paradigm for requirements discovery. In any case, it seems
clear that our brains tend to suppress our best ideas and improvisation helps you to
think spontaneously and generously. So, try these exercises for fun and to develop
these important skills.

Requirements Management as Scriptwriting

In many ways the writing of screenplays for movies (scripts) has some similarities
to requirements engineering. For example, Norden (2007) describes how require-
ments engineers can learn how to resolve different viewpoints by observing the
screenwriting process. There are other similarities between the making of movies
and software. These include

◾◾ Movies are announced well in advance while building certain expectations,

which may not be delivered upon as the movie evolves (e.g., changes in actors,

* The author admits that this is also a traditional “drinking” game.

182  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

screenwriters, directors, plots, and release date). Software and systems are
often announced in advance of its actual release and with subsequent changes
in announced functionality and release date.
◾◾ Egos are often a significant factor in movies and software and systems.
◾◾ There are often too many hands involved in making movies and software
◾◾ Sometimes the needs of movies exceed the technology (and new technology
has to be developed as a result). The same is true for software systems.
◾◾ Movies often exceed budget and delivery expectations. Need we say more
about software?
◾◾ Movies are filmed out of order, requirements are given, and software and
some systems may be built this way, too.
◾◾ Movies are shot out of sequence and then assembled to make sense later.
Software is almost always developed this way, too. Some systems are, too.
◾◾ A great deal of work ends up getting thrown away—in movies it ends up as
film left on the cutting room floor, in software, as throwaway prototypes and
one-time-use tools. While systems components are not usually built to be
thrown away, many text fixtures are.

What can we learn from big picture production? In a short vignette within
Norden’s article, Sara Jones provides the following tips for requirements engineers
from screenwriting:

◾◾ Preparation is everything. Don’t leap straight into the detail, but do your
homework first!
◾◾ Expect to work through many drafts. Remember that different versions might
each need to support planning and enable collaboration between stakeholders.
◾◾ Think in detail about the future system users—their backgrounds, attitudes,
habits, likes, and dislikes.
◾◾ Don’t just think about the users’ physical actions. Remember what they might
think (their cognitive actions) and feel.
◾◾ Remember your requirements story’s arc. Requirements should tell the com-
plete story of achieving user goals.
◾◾ Hold your audience—remember that someone must read your requirements doc-
ument. Perhaps there is a place for tension and dramatic irony. (Norden, 2007)

Reference Models for Requirements Management*

There are several different international standards that provide either reference
process models, management philosophies, or quality standards that can be used

* Some of this section is excerpted from Phillip A. Laplante, What Every Engineer Needs to Know
About Software Engineering, CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006, with permission.
Requirements Management  183

to inform the requirements engineering effort. These standards are not mutually
exclusive in that they may be used in a complementary manner.

ISO 9000-3 (1997)

ISO Standard 9000 (International Standards Organization) is a generic, worldwide
standard for quality improvement. The standard, which collectively is described
in five standards, ISO 9000 through ISO 9004, was designed to be applied in a
wide variety of manufacturing environments. ISO 9001 through ISO 9004 apply
to enterprises according to the scope of their activities. ISO 9004 and ISO 9000-X
family are documents that provide guidelines for specific applications domains.
These ISO standards are process-oriented, “common-sense” practices that help
companies create a quality environment.
While ISO 9000 is widely adopted in Europe an increasing number of U.S. and
Asian companies have also adopted it.
Unfortunately these standards are very general and provide little specific pro-
cess guidance. While certain recommendations are helpful as a “checklist,” they
provide very little in terms of a process that can be used. And even though a num-
ber of metrics have been made available to add some rigor to this somewhat generic
standard, in order to achieve certification under the ISO standard, significant paper
trails and overhead are required.

Six Sigma
Developed by Motorola, Six Sigma is a management philosophy based on remov-
ing process variation. Six Sigma focuses on the control of a process to ensure that
outputs are within six standard deviations (six sigma) from the mean of the speci-
fied goals. Six Sigma is implemented using define, measure, analyze, improve, and
control (DMAIC).
Define means to describe the process to be improved, usually through using
some sort of business process model. Measure means to identify and capture rel-
evant metrics for each aspect of the process model. The goal-question-metric para-
digm is helpful in this regard.
Improve, obviously means to change some aspect of the process so that benefi-
cial changes are seen in the associated metrics, usually by attacking the aspect that
will have the highest payback.
Finally, analyze and control means to use ongoing monitoring of the metrics to
continuously revisit the model, observe the metrics, and refine the process as needed.
Six Sigma is more process yield-based than CMMI so CMMI process areas can be
used to support DMIAC (e.g., by encouraging measurement). And, while CMMI iden-
tifies activities, Six Sigma helps optimize those activities. Six Sigma can also provide spe-
cific tools for implementing CMMI practices (e.g., estimation and risk management).
184  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Some organizations use Six Sigma as part of their software quality practice.
The issue here, however, is in finding an appropriate business process model for the
software production process that does not devolve into a simple, and highly artifi-
cial, waterfall process. If appropriate metrics for requirements can be determined
(e.g., 830) then Six Sigma can be used to improve the RE process.

Capability Maturity Model (CMMI)

The Capability Maturity Model Integrative (CMMI) is a systems and software
quality model consisting of five levels. The CMMI is not a lifecycle model, but
rather a system for describing the principles and practices underlying process matu-
rity. CMMI is intended to help software organizations improve the maturity of
their processes in terms of an evolutionary path from ad hoc, chaotic processes to
mature, disciplined processes.
Developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University,
the CMMI is organized into five maturity levels. Predictability, effectiveness, and
control of an organization’s software processes are believed to improve as the orga-
nization moves up these five levels. While not truly rigorous, there is some empiri-
cal evidence that supports this position.
The Capability Maturity Model describes both high-level and low-level requirements
management processes. The high-level processes apply to managers and team leaders,
while the low-level processes pertain to analysts, designers, developers, and testers.
Typical high-level requirements practices/processes include

◾◾ adhere to organizational policies

◾◾ track documented project plans
◾◾ allocate adequate resources
◾◾ assign responsibility and authority
◾◾ train appropriate personnel
◾◾ place all items under version or configuration control and have them reviewed
by all (available) stakeholders
◾◾ comply with relevant standards
◾◾ review status with higher management

And low-level best practices/processes include

◾◾ understand requirements
◾◾ get all participants to commit to requirements
◾◾ manage requirements changes throughout the lifecycle
◾◾ manage requirements traceability (forwards and backwards)
◾◾ identify and correct inconsistencies between project plans and requirements
Requirements Management  185

Achieving level 3 and higher for the CMM requires that these best practices be
documented and followed within an organization.

IEEE 830
We have already discussed IEEE standard 830 in the context of risk mitigation. In
terms of managing the requirements engineering activities, standard 830 provides
two major things. First, the standard describes the qualities that govern good software
requirements specifications. In addition, 830 provides a framework for approaching
the organization of requirements (e.g., object-oriented, hierarchical, etc.).
From requirements management perspective, the “sample table of contents” is
the least important offering of 830.

IEEE 12207 (2002)

ISO 12207: Standard for Information Technology—Software Life Cycle Processes,
describes five “primary processes”—acquisition, supply, development, maintenance,
and operation. ISO 12207 divides the five processes into “activities,” and the
activities into “tasks,” while placing requirements upon their execution. It also
specifies eight “supporting processes”—documentation, configuration manage-
ment, quality assurance, verification, validation, joint review, audit, and problem
resolution—as well as four “organizational processes”—management, infrastruc-
ture, improvement, and training.
The ISO standard intends for organizations to tailor these processes to fit the
scope of their particular projects by deleting all inapplicable activities, and it defines
12207 compliance as being in terms of tailored performance of those processes,
activities, and tasks.
12207 provides a structure of processes using mutually accepted terminology,
rather than dictating a particular lifecycle model or software development method.
Since it is a relatively high-level document, 12207 does not specify the details of
how to perform the activities and tasks comprising the processes. Nor does it pre-
scribe the name, format, or content of documentation. Therefore, organizations
seeking to apply “12207” need to use additional standards or procedures that spec-
ify those details.
The IEEE recognizes this standard with the equivalent numbering: “IEEE/
EIA 12207.0-1996, IEEE/EIA Standard Industry Implementation of International
Standard ISO/IEC12207:1995, and (ISO/IEC 12207) Standard for Information
Technology—Software Life Cycle Processes.”

ISO/IEC 25030
We have already discussed this standard, which is complementary to IEEE 830, in
Chapter 4.
186  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

A Case Study: FBI Virtual Case File

We close this chapter with a brief case study involving the U.S. Federal Bureau
of Investigations disastrous Virtual Case File system, which was a failure of
requirements management, among other things. This discussion is largely based
on Goldstein’s report of the project (2005). Begun in 2000, the Virtual Case File
(VCF) was supposed to automate the FBI’s paper-based work environment and
allow agents and intelligence analysts to share investigative information. The sys-
tem would also replace the obsolete Automated Case Support (ACS), which was
based on 1970s software technology. But the five years and $170 million the project
spent yielded only 700,000 lines of “bug-ridden” and dysfunctional code ($105 mil-
lion worth unusable). Today the Virtual Case Project stands in a state of “limbo”
(Alfonsi 2005).
What went wrong with VCF? Quite a bit went wrong, some of it political,
some of it due to the complexities of a mammoth bureaucracy, but some of the
failures can be attributed to bad requirements engineering. Goldstein notes that
the project was poorly defined and that it suffered from slowly evolving require-
ments (800-page document to start). And even though JAD sessions were used
for requirements discovery (several two-week sessions over six months), these were
used late in the project and only after a change of vendors. Apparently, there was
no discipline to stop requirements from snowballing. And an ever-changing set of
sponsors (changes in leadership at the FBI as well as turnover in key congressional
supporters) caused requirements drift.
Moreover, apparently, there was too much design detail in SRS, literally describ-
ing the color and position of buttons and text. And many requirements failed the
simple 830 rules—often they were not “clear, precise, and complete.”
Finally, there were also cultural issues at the FBI—sharing ideas and challeng-
ing decisions are not the norm. All of these factors, in any environment, would
jeopardize the effectiveness of any requirements engineering effort.
A subsequent review of the project noted that there was no single person or
group to blame—this was a failure on every level. But an independent fact-finding
committee singled out FBI leadership and the prime contractor as being at fault for
the reasons previously mentioned (Goldstein 2005).
Aside from the political ramifications, and the usual problems when design-
ing large complex systems, what can be learned from the failure of VCF? From
a requirements engineering standpoint, there are three very specific lessons.
First, don’t rush to get a system out before elicitation is completed. Obviously,
there are pressures to deliver, particularly for such an expensive and high-profile
system, but these pressures need to be resisted by strong leadership. Second,
the system needs to be defined “completely and correctly” from the beginning.
While this was highly problematic for the VCF due to the various changes
in FBI leadership during the course of its evolution, a well-disciplined pro-
cess could have helped to provide pushback against late requirements changes.
Requirements Management  187

Finally, for very large systems it is helpful to have an architecture in mind. We

realize that it has been said that the architecture should not be explicitly incor-
porated in the requirements specification, but having an architectural target
can help inform the elicitation process, even if the imagined architecture is not
the final one.

9.1 Should a request to add or change features be anonymous?
9.2 How could metrics abuse begin to develop in an organization?
9.3 Give an example of process clash, from your own experience, if possible.
9.4 Give an example of metrics abuse, from your own experience, if possible.
9.5 Give an example of divergent goals, from your own experience, if possible.
9.6 How can CMMI be used to identify and reconcile process clash?

Alfonsi, B. (2005) FBI’s virtual case file living in limbo, Security & Privacy, 3(2): 26–31.
Andriole, S. (1998) The politics of requirements management, IEEE Software, November/
December, pp. 82–84.
Bhat, J.M., M. Gupta, and S.N. Murthy (2006) Overcoming requirements engineering chal-
lenges: Lessons from offshore outsourcing, IEEE Software, September/October, pp.
Brown, W.J., R.C. Malveau, H.W. McCormick, and T.J. Mowbray (1998) AntiPatterns:
Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis, John Wiley and Sons.
Dekkers, C.A., and P.A. McQuaid (2002) The dangers of using software metrics to (mis)
manage, IT Professional, 4(2): 24–30.
Goldstein, H. (2005) Who killed the virtual case file? Spectrum, 42(9): 24–35.
Laplante, P.A., and C.J. Neill (2006) Antipatterns: Identification, Refactoring, and Management,
Auerbach Press.
Lawrence, B. (1996) Unresolved ambiguity, American Programmer, 9(5): 17–22.
Mayhaux, M., and N. Maiden (2008) Theater improvisers know the requirements game,
Software, September/October, pp. 68–69.
Norden, B. (2007) Screenwriting for requirements engineers, Software, July, pp. 26–27.
Sinha, V., and B. Sengupta (2006) Enabling collaboration in distributed requirements man-
agement, Software, September/October, pp. 52–61.
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Chapter 10

Value Engineering
of Requirements

What, Why, When, and How of Value Engineering?

What Is Value Engineering?
Up until this point we have had very little discussion of the costs of certain fea-
tures that customers may wish to include in the system requirements. Part of the
reason is that it made sense to separate that very complex issue from all of the other
problems surrounding requirements elicitation, analysis, representation, validation,
verification, and so on. Another reason for avoiding the issue is that it is a tricky
There is a fundamental relationship between time, cost, and functionality.
Project managers sometimes refer to this triad as the three legs of the project man-
agement stool. That is, you can’t tip one without affecting the others. For example,
you have already finished writing and agreeing the specification and have provided
an estimated cost to complete in response to some RFP (request for proposal). If
the customer asks you to incorporate more features into the system, shouldn’t the
price and estimated time to complete increase? If not, then you were likely padding
the original proposal, and the customer will not like that. Conversely, if you pro-
pose to build an agreed-upon system for a price, say $1 million, and the customer
balks, should you then respond by giving her a lower price, say $800,000? Of course
not, because if you lower the price without reducing the feature set or increasing

190  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

the time to complete, the customer will think that you gave her an inflated price
originally. The correct response, in this case, would be to agree to build the system
for $800,000, but with fewer features (or taking much longer time).
To properly manage customer expectations, deal with tradeoffs between func-
tionality, time, and cost, it is therefore necessary to have some way of estimating
costs for system features. Making such estimations is not easy to do accurately at
the early stages of a project, such as during the requirements engineering activities.
However, it is necessary to make such cost effort and estimations. The activities
related to managing expectations and estimating and managing costs are called
value engineering.

When Does Value Engineering Occur?

Value engineering occurs throughout the system lifecycle and is typically consid-
ered a project management activity. But for the requirements engineer value engi-
neering has to take place to help manage customer expectations concerning the
final costs of the delivered system and the feasibility or infeasibility of delivering
certain features.
During the early stages of elicitation, it is probably worthwhile to entertain
some value engineering activities—but not too much. For example, you may wish
to temper a customer’s expectations about the possibility of delivering an elaborate
feature if it will break the budget. On the other hand, if you are too harsh in pro-
viding cost assessments early, you can curtail the customer’s creativity and frustrate
them. Therefore, be cautious when conducting value engineering when working
with user-level requirements.
The best time to conduct the cost analysis is at the time when the systems-level
requirements are being put together. It is at this time that better cost estimates are avail-
able, and this is a time at which tradeoff decisions can be discussed more successfully
with the customer, using some of the negotiating principles previously mentioned.
In the following sections, we’ll look at some simple approaches to assist in the
value engineering activity for requirements engineers. These sections provide only
an introduction to these very complex activities that marry project management,
cost accounting, and system engineering. Really, a set of experts with these skills is
needed to provide the most accurate information for decision making.

Estimating Using COCOMO and Its Derivatives*

One of the most widely used software cost and effort estimation tools is Boehm’s
COCOMO model, first introduced in 1981. COCOMO is an acronym for con-

* This section is adapted from Phillip A. Laplante, Software Engineering for Image Processing
Systems, CRC Press, September 2003, with permission.
Value Engineering of Requirements  191

structive cost model, which means that estimates are determined from a set of
parameters that characterize the project. There are several versions of COCOMO
including the original (basic), intermediate, and advanced models, each with increas-
ing numbers of variables for tuning the estimates. The latest COCOMO models
better accommodate more expressive modern languages as well as software genera-
tion tools that tend to produce more code with essentially the same effort. There
are also COCOMO derivatives that are applicable for Web-based applications and
software-intensive (but not pure software) systems.

COCOMO models are based on an estimate of lines of code, modified by a num-
ber of factors. The equations for project effort and duration are

Effort = A ∏ cd i ( size )P1 (10.1)
i =1

Duration = B ( Effort )P2 (10.2)

where A and B are a function of the type of software system to be constructed. For
example, if the system is organic—that is, one that is not heavily embedded in the
hardware—then the following parameters are used: A = 3.2, B = 1.05. If the system is
semi-detached, that is, partially embedded, then these parameters are used: A = 3.0,
B = 1.12. Finally, if the system is embedded, that is, closely tied to the underlying hard-
ware like the visual inspection system, then the following parameters are used: A = 2.8,
B = 1.20. Note that the exponent for the embedded system is the highest, leading to the
longest time to complete for an equivalent number of delivered source instructions.
P1 and P2 are dependent on characteristics of the application domain and the cdi
are cost drivers based on a number of factors including

◾◾ product reliability and complexity

◾◾ platform difficulty
◾◾ personnel capabilities
◾◾ personnel experience
◾◾ facilities
◾◾ schedule constraints
◾◾ degree of planned reuse
◾◾ process efficiency and maturity
◾◾ precedentedness (that is, novelty of the project)
◾◾ development flexibility
192  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

◾◾ architectural cohesion
◾◾ team cohesion

with qualitative ratings on a Likert scale ranging from very low to very high, that
is, numerical values are assigned to each of the responses.
Incidentally, effort represents the total project effort in person-months, and
duration represents calendar months. These figures are necessary to convert the
COCOMO estimate to an actual cost for the project.
In the advanced COCOMO models, a further adaptation adjustment factor is
made for the proportion of code that is to be used in the system, namely, design
modified, code modified, and integration modified. The adaptation factor, A, is
given by Equation 10.3.

A = 0.4 (% design modified) + .03 (% code modifiied)

+ 0.3 (% integration modified)

COCOMO is widely recognized and respected as a software project man-

agement tool. It is useful even if the underlying model is not really understood.
COCOMO software is commercially available and can even be found on the Web
for free use.
An important consideration for the requirements engineer, however, is that
COCOMO bases its estimation on lines of code, which are not easily esti-
mated at the time of requirements engineering. Other techniques, such as func-
tion points, are needed to provide line of code estimates based on feature sets
that are available when developing the requirements. We shall look at function
points shortly.

WEBMO is a derivative of COCOMO II that is intended specifically for proj-
ect estimation of Web-based projects, where COCOMO is not always as good.
WEBMO uses the same effort and duration equations as COCOMO, but is based
on a different set of predictors, namely

◾◾ number of function points

◾◾ number of xml, html, and query language links
◾◾ number of multimedia files
◾◾ number of scripts
◾◾ number of Web building blocks

with qualitative ratings on a Likert scale ranging from very low to very high and
numerical equivalents shown in Table 10.1 (Reifer 2002).
Value Engineering of Requirements  193

Table 10.1 WEBMO Cost Drivers and Their Values (Reifer 2002)

Very Low Low Nominal High Very High

Cost Driver

Product reliability 0.63 0 .85 1.0 1.30 1.67

Platform difficulty 0.75 0.87 1.00 1.21 1.41

Personnel capabilities 1.55 1.35 1.00 0.75 0.58

Personnel experience 1.35 1.19 1.00 0.87 0.71

Facilities 1.35 1.13 1.00 0.85 0.68

Schedule constraints 1.35 1.15 1.00 1.05 1.10

Degree of Planned

Reuse — — 1.00 1.25 1.48

Teamwork 1.45 1.31 1.00 0.75 0.62

Process efficiency 1.35 1.20 1.00 0.85 0.65

Similar tables are available for the cost drivers in the COCOMO model but are
embedded in the simulation tools, so the requirements engineer only has to select
the ratings from the Likert scale.
In any case, the net result of a WEBMO calculation is a statement of effort and dura-
tion to complete the project in person-months and calendar months, respectively.

COSYSMO (COnstructive SYstem engineering MOdel) is a new systems construc-
tive cost model developed by Barry Boehm (inventor of COCOMO) and one of
his students. COSYSMO is intended to be used for cost and effort estimation of
software-intensive systems based on a set of size drivers, cost drivers, and team
characteristics. The formulation of the COSYSMO metrics is similar to that for
COCOMO, using Equations 10.1 and 10.2.
In COSYSMO, the size drivers include the counts of the following items as
taken right from the SRS document:

◾◾ total system requirements

◾◾ interfaces
◾◾ operational scenarios
◾◾ the unique algorithms that are defined
194  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Other drivers include

◾◾ requirements understanding
◾◾ architecture complexity
◾◾ level of service requirements
◾◾ migration complexity
◾◾ technology maturity

which are ranked using a Likert scale.

Finally, cost drivers based on team characteristics include

◾◾ stakeholder team cohesion

◾◾ personnel capability
◾◾ personnel experience/continuity
◾◾ process maturity
◾◾ multisite coordination
◾◾ formality of deliverables
◾◾ tool support

which are also rated on a likert scale.

COSYSMO is quite new, but it is already being used in a number of major
corporations (Boehm et al. 2003).

Estimating Using Function Points

Function points were introduced in the late 1970s as an alternative to metrics based
on source line count. This aspect makes function points especially useful to the
requirements engineer. The basis of function points is that as more powerful pro-
gramming languages were developed, the number of source lines necessary to per-
form a given function decreased. Paradoxically, however, the cost/LOC measure
indicated a reduction in productivity, as the fixed costs of software production were
largely unchanged (Albrecht 1979).
The solution to this effort estimation paradox is to measure the functionality of
software via the projected number of interfaces between modules and subsystems
in programs or systems. A big advantage of the function point metric is that it can
be calculated during the requirements engineering activities.

Function Point Cost Drivers

The following five software characteristics for each module, subsystem, or system
represent the function points or cost drivers:
Value Engineering of Requirements  195

◾◾ Number of inputs to the application (I)

◾◾ Number of outputs (O)
◾◾ Number of user inquiries (Q)
◾◾ Number of files used (F)
◾◾ Number of external interfaces (X)

In addition, the FP calculation takes into account weighting factors for each
aspect that reflect their relative difficulty in implementation, and the function
point metric consists of a linear combination of these factors, as shown in Equa­
­tion 10.3.

FP = w1I + w2O + w3Q + w4 F + w5 X (10.3)

where the wi coefficients vary depending on the type of application system. Then
complexity factor adjustments are applied for different types of application domains.
The full set of coefficients and corresponding questions can be found by consulting
an appropriate text on software metrics. The International Function Point Users
Group maintains a Web database of weighting factors and function point values for
a variety of application domains.
For the purposes of cost and schedule estimation and project management,
function points can be mapped to the relative lines of source code in particular
programming languages. A few examples are given in Table 10.2.
Now, these lines of code counts can be plugged into the COCOMO estimation
equations to obtain appropriate estimates of effort for various features.
Here is an example of how this might work. A customer asks for a cost estimate
for a desired feature. Based on the details of that feature, and the various weight-
ing factors needed to calculate FP, the FP metric is computed. That number is
converted to a lines of code count using the conversion shown in Table 10.2 (or
another, appropriate conversion). These lines of code count number, along with the

Table 10.2 Programming Language and Lines

of Code per Function Point
Language Lines of Code per Function Point

C 128

C++ 64

Java 64

SQL 12

Visual Basic 32

Adapted from Jones 1996.

196  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

various other aspects of the project, are plugged into a COCOMO estimator—
which yields an estimate of time and effort (meaning person-hours) to complete
the project. Of course, you wouldn’t take this estimate for granted. It would be
appropriate to check the estimate using other techniques that are complementary
to the FP/COCOMO estimation approach (but this subject is out of scope). In
any case, let’s assume that you believe the estimate that COCOMO gives you.
This estimate of number of person-months can be converted into an appropriate
cost estimate for the customer, a task that would probably be done through the
sales department.

Feature Points
Feature points are an extension of function points developed by Software Productivity
Research, Inc. in 1986. Feature points address the fact that the classical function
point metric was developed for management information systems and therefore are
not particularly applicable to many other systems, such as real-time, embedded,
communications, and process control software. The motivation is that these systems
exhibit high levels of algorithmic complexity, but sparse inputs and outputs.
The feature point metric is computed in a similar manner to the function point
except that a new factor for the number of algorithms, A, is added, yielding Equa­
tion 10.4.

FP′ = w1I + w2O + w3Q + w4F + w5 X+ w6 A (10.4)

Use Case Points

Use case points (UCP) allow the estimation of an application’s size and effort from its
use cases. This is a particularly useful estimation technique during the requirements
engineering activity when use cases are the basis for requirements elicitation.
The use case point equation is based on the product of four variables that are
derived from the number of actors and scenarios in the use cases and various tech-
nical and environmental factors. The four variables are

1. Technical Complexity Factor (TCF)

2. Environment Complexity Factor (ECF)
3. Unadjusted Use Case Points (UUCP)
4. Productivity Factor (PF)

Leading to the use case point equation:

UCP = TCF · ECF · UUCP · PF (10.5)

Value Engineering of Requirements  197

This metric is then used to provide estimates of project duration and staffing
from data collected from other projects. Use case points are a relatively new esti-
mation technique and at this time, most information about this technique and a
variety of free tools can be found on the Web.

Requirements Feature Cost Justification

Consider the following situation. A customer has the option of incorporating fea-
ture A into the system for $250,000 or forgoing the feature altogether. Currently
$1,000,000 is budgeted for activity associated with feature A. It has been projected
that incorporating the feature into the software would provide $500,000 in imme-
diate cost savings by automating several aspects of the activity.
Should the manager decide to forego including feature A into the system, new
workers would need to be hired and trained before they can take up the activi-
ties associated with feature A.* At the end of two years, it is expected that the
new workers will be responsible for $750,000 cost savings. The value justification
question is “should the new feature be included in the system or not?” We can
answer this question after first discussing several mechanisms for calculating the
value of certain types of activities, including the realization of desired features in
the system.

Return on Investment
Return on investment (ROI) is a rather overloaded term that means different things
to different people. In some cases it means the value of the activity at the time it is
undertaken. To others it is the value of the activity at a later date. In other cases it
is just a catchword for the difference between the cost of the system and the savings
anticipated from the utility of that system. To still others there is a more complex
One traditional measure of ROI for any activity or system is given as

ROI = Average Net Benefits/Initial Costs (10.6)

The challenge with this model for ROI is the accurate representation of average
net benefit and initial costs. But this is an issue of cost accounting that presents
itself in all calculations of costs versus benefits.

* Such a cost is called a “sunken cost” because the money is gone whether one decides to proceed
with the activity or not.
198  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Other commonly used models for valuation of some activity or investment

include net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index
(PI), and payback. We’ll look at each of these shortly.
Other methods include Six Sigma and proprietary Balanced Scorecard models.
These kinds of approaches seek to recognize that financial measures are not neces-
sarily the most important component of performance. Further considerations for
valuing software solutions might include customer satisfaction, employee satisfac-
tion, and so on, which are not usually modeled with traditional financial valua-
tion instruments.
There are other, more complex accounting oriented methods for valuing soft-
ware. Discussion of these techniques is beyond the scope of the text. The references
at the end of the chapter can be consulted for additional information (for example,
Raffo et al. 1999; Morgan 2005).

Net Present Value

Net Present Value (NPV) is a commonly used approach to determine the cost of
software projects or activities. The NPV of any activity or thing is based on the
notion that a dollar today is worth more than that same dollar tomorrow. You can
see the effect as you look farther into the future, or back to the past (some of you
may remember when gasoline was less than $1 per gallon). The effect is due to the
fact that, except in extraordinary circumstances, the cost of things always escalates
over time.
Here is how to compute NPV. Suppose that FV is some future anticipated pay-
off either in cash or in anticipated savings. Suppose r is the discount rate* and Y is
the number of years that the cash or savings is expected to be realized. Then the net
present value of that payoff is

NPV = FV/(1 + r)Y (10.7)

NPV is an indirect measure because you are required to specify the market
opportunity cost (discount rate) of the capital involved.
To see how you can use this notion in value engineering of requirements, sup-
pose that you expect a certain feature, B, to be included in the system at a cost of
$60,000. You believe that benefits of this feature are expected to yield $100,000
two years in the future. If the discount rate is 3%, should the feature be included
in the new system?
To answer this question, we calculate the NPV of the feature using Equation
10.7, taking into account the cost of the feature

* The interest rate charged by the U.S. Federal Reserve. The cost of borrowing any capital will
be higher than this base rate.
Value Engineering of Requirements  199

NPV = 100,000/1.032 – 60,000 = 34,259

Since NPV is positive, yes, the feature should be included in the requirements.
Equation 10.7 is useful when the benefit of the feature is realizable after some
discrete period of time. But what happens if there is some incremental benefit of
adding a feature; for example, after the first year, the benefit of the feature doubles
(in future dollars). In this case we need to use a variation of Equation 10.7 that
incorporates the notion of continuing cash flows.
For a sequence of cash flows, CFn, where n = 0,…,k represents the number of
years from initial investment, the net present value of that sequence is

NPV = ∑ (1CF+ r )

The CFn could represent, for example, a sequence of related expenditures over
a period of time, such as features that are added incrementally to the system or
evolutionary versions of a system.

Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return (IRR) is defined as the discount rate in the NPV equa-
tion that causes the calculated NPV, minus its cost, to be zero. This can be done by
taking Equation 10.7 and rearranging to obtain

0 = FV/(1 + r)Y – c

where c is the cost of the feature and FV its future value. Solving for r yields

r = [FV/c]1/Y – 1 (10.9)

For example, to decide if we should incorporate a feature or not, we compare

the computed IRR of including the feature with the financial return of some alter-
native, for example, to undertake a different corporate initiative or add a different
feature. If the IRR is very low for adding the new feature, then we might simply
want to take this money and find an equivalent investment with lower risk. But if
the IRR is sufficiently high for the new feature, then the decision might be worth
whatever risk is involved in its implementation.
To illustrate, suppose that a certain feature is expected to cost $50,000. The
returns of this feature are expected to be $100,000 of increased output two years in
the future. We would like to know the IRR on adding this feature.
200  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

Here, NPV = 100,000/(1 + r)2 – 50,000. We now wish to find the r that makes
the NPV = 0, that is, the “break even” value. Using Equation 10.9 yields

r = [100,000/50,000)]1/2 – 1

This means r = 0.414 = 41.4%. This rate of return is very high for this feature,
and we would likely choose to incorporate it into the system.

Profitability Index
The profitability index (PI) is the NPV divided by the cost of the investment, I:

PI = NPV/I (10.10)

PI is a “bang-for-the-buck” measure, and it is appealing to managers who must

decide between many competing investments with positive NPV financial con-
straints. The idea is to take the investment options with the highest PI first until
the investment budget runs out. This approach is not bad but can sub-optimize the
investment portfolio.
One of the drawbacks of the profitability index as a metric for making resource
allocation decisions is that it can lead to a sub-optimization of the result. To see
this effect, consider the following situation. A customer is faced with some hard
budget-cutting decisions, and she needs to remove some features from the proposed
system. To reach this decision she prepares the analysis based on the profitability
index shown in Table 10.3.
Suppose the capital budget is $500K. The PI ranking technique would cause
the customer to pick A and B first, leaving inadequate resources for C. Therefore,
D will be chosen, leaving the overall NPV at $610K. However, using an integer
programming approach will lead to a better decision (based on maximum NPV) in
that features A and C would be selected, yielding an expected NPV of $620K.
Table 10.3 A Collection of Prospective Software Features,
Their Project Cost, NPV, and Profitability Index
Projected Cost NPV
Feature (in $10s of thousands) (in $10s of thousands) PI

A 200 260 1.3

B 100 130 1.3

C 300 360 1.20

D 200 220 1.1

Value Engineering of Requirements  201

The profitability index method is helpful in conjunction with NPV to help opti-
mize the allocation of investment dollars across a series of feature options.

Payback Period
To the project manager, the payback period is the time it takes to get the ini-
tial investment back out of the project. Projects with short paybacks are preferred,
although the term “short” is completely arbitrary. The intuitive appeal is reasonably
clear: the payback period is easy to calculate, communicate, and understand.
Payback can be used as a metric to decide whether to incorporate a requirement
in the system or not. For example, suppose implementing feature D is expected to
cost $100,000 and result in a cost savings of $50,000 per year. Then the payback
period for the feature would be two years.
Because of its simplicity, payback is the least likely ROI calculation to con-
fuse managers. However, if payback period is the only criterion used, then there is
no recognition of any cash flows, small or large, to arrive after the cutoff period.
Furthermore, there is no recognition of the opportunity cost of tying up funds. Since
discussions of payback tend to coincide with discussions of risk, a short payback
period usually means a lower risk. However, all criteria used in the determination
of payback are arbitrary. And from an accounting and practical standpoint, the
discounted payback is the metric that is preferred.

Discounted Payback Period

The discounted payback period is the payback period determined on discounted
cash flows rather than undiscounted cash flows. This method takes into account
the time (and risk) value of the sunken cost. Effectively, it answers the questions,
“how long does it take to recover the investment?” and “what is the minimum
required return?”
If the discounted payback period is finite in length, it means that the invest-
ment plus its capital costs are recovered eventually, which means that the NPV
is at least as great as zero. Consequently, a criterion that says to go ahead with
the project if it has any finite discounted payback period is consistent with the
NPV rule.
To illustrate, in the payback example just given, there is a cost of $100,000 and
an annual maintenance savings of $50,000. Assuming a discount rate of 3 percent,
the discounted payback period would be longer than two years because the sav-
ings in year two would have an NPV of less than $50,000 (figure out the exact
payback period for fun). But because we know that there is a finite discounted
payback period, we know that we should go ahead and include feature D.
202  Requirements Engineering for Software and Systems

9.1 Why is it so important to determine the cost of features early, but not
too early in the requirements engineering process?
9.2 What factors determine which metric or metrics a customer can use to
help make meaningful cost–benefit decisions of proposed features for a
system to be built?
9.3 How does the role of ranking requirements help in feature selection
cost–benefit decision making?
9.4 What changes (if any) would you need to make to the COCOMO
or feature point equation calculations to incorporate ranking of
9.5 Investigate the use of other decision-making techniques, such as integer
programming, in helping to decide on the appropriate feature set for a
proposed system.
9.6 Complete the derivation of Equation 10.8 from Equation 10.6 by set-
ting the NPV equation (less the cost of the investment) to zero and
solving for r.

Albrecht, J. (1979) Measuring application development productivity, in Proc. IBM Applications
Develop. Symp., Monterey, CA, Oct. pp. 14–17.
Boehm, B.W., D.J. Reifer, and R. Valerdi (2003) COSYSMO: A Systems Engineering Cost
Model, Proceedings of the First Conference on Systems Integration. On line at http://, last accessed 1 September 2008.
Jones, C. (1996) Activity-based software costing. IEEE Computer, May, pp. 103–104.
Laplante, P.A. (2006) What Every Engineer Needs to Know About Software Engineering, CRC/
Taylor & Francis.
Laplante, P.A. (2003) Software Engineering for Image Processing Systems, CRC Press.
Morgan, J.N. (2005) A roadmap of financial measures for IT project ROI. IT Professional,
Jan./Feb., pp. 52–57.
Raffo, D., J. Settle, and W. Harrison (1999) Investigating Financial Measures for Planning of
Software IV&V, Portland State University Research Report #TR-99-05.
Reifer, D.J. (2002) Estimating web development costs: There are differences. On line at

Software Requirements
Specification for
a Smart Home
Version 2.0
September 20, 2008

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose: Mission Statement
Making residential enhancements that will pave the way for an easy and relaxed
transition into retired life.
Document prepared for the Smith family home, a pre-existing building.

1.2 Scope
The “Smart Home” system, herein referred to as “The System,” will be a combina-
tion of hardware and software that will provide an escape from daily routines and
mundane tasks. This product seeks out the items that consume the most time but
do not need to. The goal is to automate that which does not really need human
interaction, to free the occupants to enjoy themselves in their retirement. The sys-
tem will not free the mundane household chores from any human interaction, but
it will require only as little as needed.

204  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

RFID—Radio Frequency Identification
SH—Smart Home
SAN—Storage Area Network
SRS—System Requirements Specification
WPA—Wi-Fi Protected Access
WEP—Wired Equivalent Privacy
USB—Universal Serial Bus

1.4 References
802.11 IEEE Specification

1.5 Overview
Requirements have been divided into key functional areas, which are decom-
posed into features within those functional areas. Functional and nonfunc-
tional requirements exist within the laid-out document format. The order of
the leading sections and the corresponding requirements should be interpreted
as priority.

2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
This system consists of many standalone devices. At this time it is not known if
these devices exist in the commercial market or not. The document has a holistic
approach, intermingling the demand for devices with the functions of the system.
The first step in continuing with this project would be to decide on feasibility and
do some cost analysis for some of the requirements contained herein.
This document seeks to lay out areas where all interfaces are abstracted. There
are areas where there would clearly need to be communication between the vari-
ous interfaces, but since there is no targeted device, there is no known protocol for
speaking with that device.

2.2 Product Functions
The functions of this product will be divided into six categories. Accessibility is
the first and most highly desired by the customer. This functional category seeks
to improve the user experience of the system by providing various benchmarks for
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  205

deciding on usability. The second major functional area is environmental consid-

erations. The aim for this area is to ensure the inhabitants have a safe environment
in which to live, and the SH system enhances this environment instead of adding
risks or hazards to the environment. The most important aspects for this category
within this document will be monitoring and helping quality of air and water.
The third category is energy efficiency. It is desired by the system and the custom-
ers to not only enhance their lives while living in this SH, but also to live in an
efficient way. This system will not only monitor the occupants’ energy usage, but
it will also seek to improve the occupants’ abilities to save on energy costs. Fourth
we have security. Security is important to the customers as they want their home
to be safe. The security system in the SH will provide added layers of protection
from various crimes as they are happening, but also add layers to help prevent
crimes from happening in the first place. The security will also give the occupants
more peace of mind as they will have far greater control and oversight should
they ever need to go for some extended trip away from their SH. The fifth section
deals with media and entertainment. The goal for this section of the system is to
decentralize home entertainment and make it available to the occupants wherever
they desire. Finally, there will be automation. This is the section that will get into
the guts of what is meant by taking as much of the human element out of routine
tasks as possible. The summation and harmonization of all the six categories of
the SH will provide for a truly rewarding living experience for the occupants of
the SH.

2.3 User Characteristics
The primary users of this system will be two older adults entering retirement. One of
the adults spent his work life doing IT support and has a mild degree of electronic and
computer expertise. The other was a school teacher and is not very familiar or com-
fortable with electronic and computing devices. These individuals are both of sound
physical abilities, although one is a little shorter and suffers from sporadic hip pains.

2.3.1 User/Stakeholder Profiles

Stakeholder Interests Constraints

Local building Ensuring the safety for the Multiple business codes,
codes building for the inhabitants. especially around
electrical interfaces.

Robert and Inhabitants interested in None.

Elizabeth Smith easing their lives.

(continued on next page)

206  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

Stakeholder Interests Constraints

Interior designer Ensuring the functionality of None.

the system does not deter
from the esthetic.

Building architect Ensuring the existing None.

structure can support the

Construction Making sure the None

workers construction details are
clearly identified.

Developers Making sure interfaces are None.


Tim Smith [son] Ease of use for occasional None.


Cats Safety. None.

Relatives Ease of use and comfort. One relative in wheel


House sitters Easily understanding limited None.

sets of functionality.

Guests Ease of use and comfort. None.

Maid service Minimal functional None.


Utility company Negative for alternative None.

energy, sharing alternate
use policies.

Internet services Making sure bandwidth and None.

provider services are available.

Tivo Negative, will lose business. None.

2.4 Constraints
IEC 61508—Providing for functional safety.
None others at this time, as feasibility and cost estimation activities are out of
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  207

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

All hardware is available.
All devices will present the data listed below.
Occupants will provide feed elements for the devices that require them.

3 Core System requirements

This section will list all of the core functional requirements for the SH system.

3.1 Central Processing Requirements

3.1.1 System shall operate on a system capable of multi-processing.
3.1.2 System shall operate on a system capable of near real time execution of
instructions. System shall service triggers or stimuli in no more than 500
3.1.3 System shall operate in a highly available and fault tolerant manner. System shall have a reported uptime of 99.9% (4 NINES). System shall recover from locked state in less than one (1)
3.1.4 System shall have a database associated with it that can handle transac-
tion processing at a rate of one thousand transactions per minute.
3.1.5 System shall have redundant databases for fail over purposes.
3.1.6 System shall perform periodical offsite and onsite backups of all con-
figuration and reporting data.
3.1.7 System shall support wireless encryption protocols WPA [1-2] and
3.1.8 System shall support wired Ethernet for 1 gigabit per second, and con-
tain cat 6e cabling.
3.1.9 System may contain separate SAN device for storage flexibility.
3.1.10 System may contain separate video recorder/processor for process
3.1.11 If system supports recording more than three (3) television shows simul-
taneously, then system shall have separate video recorder.

4 Accessibility
Accessibility is defined as the need of the SH system to be usable by all persons,
including those with any physical impairments or those with difficulty operating
and/or understanding complex electronic systems. Priority = High.
208  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

4.1 Use of SH Features

4.1.1 SH System shall be usable by those with slight eye loss. System shall not have any buttons smaller than one (1) inch
square. System shall have all consoles and controlling devices
between four (4) and five (5) feet from ground level. System shall have backlighting on all buttons for nighttime
ease of use. System shall have options to increase and decrease font sizes
on Web interfaces and all console and controlling devices. System shall have liquid layouts for all graphical interfaces
for display on many different types of display devices.
4.1.2 System shall be easy to use. System shall be understood by users of all levels of under-
standing with no more than four (4) hours of training. System shall have a help function associated with all user
entry possibilities. System shall have text to speech capabilities to allow the
user to receive vocal instructions for help and how to menu

5 Environment
Environment encompasses air quality controls, but also includes other environ-
mental elements such as lighting levels, water purification, etc. Priority = High.

5.1 Water, Air Purification

Water purification and air quality are key factors to a good environment within
the SH. This system seeks to improve by monitoring both air quality and water
purification. Priority = High.

5.1.1 SH shall have a reverse osmosis water purification system.

5.1.2 SH shall have a nonfiltered water system.
5.1.3 System shall store how much water passes through the filtration unit
each day.
5.1.4 System may send notifications to users about how much water passes
through the filtration system.
5.1.5 System shall have the option to send notifications to users when water
filtration unit needs cleaning.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  209

5.1.6 System shall incorporate water softener system into water system.
5.1.7 System shall monitor the salt in the water softener.
5.1.8 System shall accept user input for desirable levels of salt in the water
softener device.
5.1.9 System shall send notifications to users when salt in softener gets below
user defined levels.
5.1.10 System shall monitor air filter.
5.1.11 System shall send notification to users when air filter needs to be cleaned
and/or changed.
5.1.12 System shall provide monitors for measuring air quality.
5.1.13 System shall accept user input for air quality thresholds.
5.1.14 System shall notify users when air quality reaches levels outside the user
defined thresholds.

5.2 Health and Safety Detectors

This section describes the role and interfaces for various common household detec-
tors. The detectors carry out their common functionality, but reactions are auto-
mated, and historical data are logged. Priority = High.

5.2.1 SH shall have at least one (1) multi purpose detector for detecting
smoke and carbon monoxide on each floor.
5.2.2 System shall not interfere in any way with detector’s manufacturer’s
operating procedures.
5.2.3 System shall accept user input for dangerous levels of smoke and carbon
5.2.4 System shall trigger warning and require additional confirmation when
users select levels outside of the manufacturer’s settings for dangerous
levels of smoke and carbon dioxide.
5.2.5 System shall notify proper authorities when levels above user defined
thresholds of smoke or carbon monoxide are detected.
5.2.6 System shall tie into detectors to send remote alert messages to users
when elevated levels of smoke or carbon monoxide are detected.
5.2.7 System shall utilize radon detector in the basement.
5.2.8 System shall allow users to set defined ceiling for radon levels.
5.2.9 System shall accept input from users for notification events for radon
level detections.
5.2.10 System shall send notifications based on user defined notification events
to interested parties when radon levels are more than the user defined
5.2.11 System shall activate basement fan system when radon levels report
above defined ceiling.
5.2.12 System shall record radon levels routinely.
210  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

5.2.13 System shall allow users to view reports on radon levels.

5.2.14 System shall persist radon level data for no less than ninety (90) days.

6 Energy Efficiency
Energy efficiency covers the extent to which the SH system enables the users to
monitor and enhance energy efficiency of the house through “smart” and adaptive
controls and interfaces. Priority = High.

6.1 Air Conditioner/Heating
Controlling and adapting the air conditioning and heating are important aspects
of using energy efficiently. Not only does the SH seek to improve the ease of use of
traditional thermostats, but also to provide intelligence in order to optimize the use
of the system. Priority = High.

6.1.1 SH shall be divided up into zones for heating and cooling.
6.1.2 System shall accept desired temperature settings for each zone, for no
less than four (4) periods in the day.
6.1.3 System shall accept input for desired room temperature when room is
6.1.4 System shall detect motion to determine if a room is occupied, and
make proper adjustments to the temperature.
6.1.5 System shall differentiate between pets and occupants for motion detec-
tion and temperature adjustment.
6.1.6 System shall monitor outdoor temperature and humidity.
6.1.7 System shall shut down air conditioning and open windows if tempera-
ture outside is cooler than the inside temperature.
6.1.8 System shall not open or close any windows if there is something in the
desired path of the window.
6.1.9 System shall reverse directions of windows if they encounter any
6.1.10 System shall send notifications to users if windows need to reverse path
or windows cannot complete desired action (open or close).

6.2 Time-of-Day Usage
Time-of-day usage refers to common utility programs that provide reduced rates
for utilities used during off-peak time periods.

6.2.1 Appliances shall be configured if they need to be used as time of day

6.2.2 System shall accept definitions for the range for time of day savings.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  211

Start Opening/
Closing Window

Reverse Window

Path Blocked? Yes Stop Window


Start Opening/ Send User

Closing Window Notification


Figure A.1 Window movement flow chart.

6.2.3 System shall queue up appliance(s) to run when time of day period
starts if it is a time of day device.
6.2.4 System shall allow user to override the time of day setting to run the
device/appliance immediately.
6.2.5 System may send notification when device has completed its work.

6.3 Water Recovery
Promote reusable resources by capturing rain water to use for irrigation. Priority =

6.3.1 System shall have water recovery system for rain water.
6.3.2 System shall use water recovered from rain for lawn irrigation.
212  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

6.3.3 System shall record amounts of rain water recovered on a monthly

6.3.4 System shall allow user to view reports for rain water recovery.
6.3.5 System shall persist rain water recovery data for no less than twenty-
four (24) months.

6.4 Alternative Energy
Interface to allow for future expansion and addition of alternative energy sources.
Priority = Low.

6.4.1 System shall provide interface into central electrical supply for alterna-
tive energy to supply power to the house (i.e., solar or wind).
6.4.2 System shall monitor the generation of alternative energy.
6.4.3 System shall present reports to users of the amounts of alternative
energy generated during some user-defined time period.
6.4.4 System shall maintain alternative energy generation data for no less
than two (2) years.

6.5 Air Flow Monitoring

The air flow monitoring system serves as a detection agent for wasted energy. The
monitoring of air flow, especially in conjunction with running central air condi-
tioning or heating, will lead to discovery of drafts and leaks. Priority = Medium.

6.5.1 System shall monitor air flow in various rooms within the SH.
6.5.2 System shall present reports for air flow to users.
6.5.3 System shall persist air flow data for no less than three (3) years.
6.5.4 System shall accept input for thresholds for detecting drafts or leaks of
air within the house.
6.5.5 Assuming the house is running centralized air or heat, system shall
send notifications if drafts are detected that exceed the user-defined

7 Security
Security includes aspects of home security like alerts in the event of a break-in,
video monitoring of premises or areas of interest, as well as unattended monitoring
while the occupant(s) is away. Priority = High.

7.1 Home Security
Home security centers around controlling the access points to the SH as well
as providing many cameras to provide views into areas of the SH. The SH will
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  213

provide automated and human commanded responses to various security situa-

tions. Priority = High.

7.1.1 System shall have biometric and keypad door locks for all points of
entry into the house.
7.1.2 System shall allow users to encode a one time use door code for expected
visitors. System shall allow users to remotely code a one time use
code for visitors (i.e., over the phone, Internet, or some other
mobile device).
7.1.3 System shall record all entries based on code entered or biometrics
7.1.4 System shall present report to users for all entries.
7.1.5 System shall persist home entry data for no less than ten (10) years.
7.1.6 System shall allow for RFID tags to open garage doors.
7.1.7 System shall allow for biometric and key pad entry to open garage
7.1.8 System shall allow user to configure maximum duration for garage
door to remain open.
7.1.9 System shall shut open garage door if it is open past the user-defined
7.1.10 System shall allow user to override automatically shutting the garage
door, i.e., “Hold Open option”.
7.1.11 Garage door shall reverse course if something is blocking its path.
7.1.12 System shall notify user if the garage door is unable to safely close.
7.1.13 System shall allow users to configure entry routine for all RFID, bio-
metric, and key codes, i.e., upon entry for user X through the garage
door, turn on garage light, hall light, and kitchen light.

7.2 Unattended Home
Unattended Home is a set of responses to various triggers throughout the home
and immediate responses to those triggers. This will aid in security of the home.
Priority = High.

7.2.1 System shall allow users to set an away mode.

7.2.2 System shall define away mode as time and date range when users will
be away from their house.
7.2.3 System shall allow users to configure lights in any room to go on for
some defined duration while they are away.
7.2.4 System shall deploy motion detectors to always be on for the duration
while the user is away.
7.2.5 System shall differentiate between motion detected for pets and humans.
214  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

7.2.6 System shall send notification to users if any motion detectors are trig-
gered while the user is away.
7.2.7 User shall be presented options to view various cameras via the Web or
some other mobile device when motion detectors are triggered.
7.2.8 User shall be given the option to alert the authorities when motion
detectors are triggered.
7.2.9 System shall turn on user-defined lights in and outside the house when
motion detectors are triggered.

7.3 Monitoring Anywhere
Occupants and users of the SH’s system should be able to monitor the home from
anywhere they wish. This includes many different cameras within the SH as well
as various points of entry and other triggers placed throughout the home. This will
give the occupants more freedom to travel while feeling their home is secured and
well cared for. Priority = Medium.

7.3.1 System shall show camera data streams to any television in the house.
7.3.2 System shall incorporate cameras at points of entry with doorbells to
allow users to view visitor.
7.3.3 System shall allow user to remotely unlock the door to permit entry to
the visitors.
7.3.4 System shall allow users to notify emergency personnel of possible
7.3.5 System shall permit users to view security cameras from a secure Web
site or mobile device for remote viewing of property.

8 Media/Entertainment
Media and entertainment include the ability to create, store, and access multiple
forms of media and entertainment such as audio, video, etc. anywhere in the house.
Priority = Medium.

8.1 Recording Television Shows

Recording television shows allows the users to throw out the VCR and gives them
a more automated and intelligent solution for recording all their favorite shows or
movies that play through the television. Priority = Medium.

8.1.1 System shall allow user to record any show on television.

8.1.2 System shall present a Web interface with a grid listing similar to the
TV Guide book for users to select shows to records.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  215

8.1.3 System shall allow user to record a minimum of two (2) television shows
8.1.4 System shall make storage for recorded shows expandable.
8.1.5 System shall free storage space as needed by first-in first-out (FIFO) or
some other defined priority schedule.
8.1.6 System shall provide search feature to search through television shows
to select which one to record.
8.1.7 System shall provide user the ability to record all occurrences of a speci-
fied show.
8.1.8 System shall provide user the ability to record only new instances of a
specified show.
8.1.9 System shall provide telephone menu options for customer to dial in
and select channel, time, and duration to record.
8.1.10 System shall present users option to select quality for recording.
8.1.11 System shall present user option to not automatically overwrite the tele-
vision recording.
8.1.12 System shall give user the option to only store X number of episodes
from a certain series at a time.
8.1.13 System may skip commercials when system is able to detect the
8.1.14 System shall monitor storage space for future recordings.
8.1.15 System shall send notification when resources get low enough where
recordings will be overwritten.
8.1.16 System shall permit users to not automatically delete a show or a series.
8.1.17 System shall not record any new shows if there is space available for
8.1.18 System shall send notifications to users if there is no longer space avail-
able to record new shows.

8.2 Video Entry
Video Entry is the mechanism by which various formats of video data are able to be
loaded into the repository for video playback. Priority = Medium.

8.2.1 System shall allow for video input into digital library.
8.2.2 System shall allow for storage of video meta data such as category,
genre, title, rating, etc.
8.2.3 System shall provide interface to users to edit and update video meta
8.2.4 System shall accept one-button touch support for incorporating VHS
tape into digital library.
8.2.5 System shall accept one-button touch support for incorporating DVD
videos into digital library, where law and technology provide.
216  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

8.3 Video Playback
Video playback allows the users of the SH to be able to enjoy video, both recorded
and preloaded content from anywhere within the house. Priority = Medium.

8.3.1 System shall allow for recorded video playback at any television in the
8.3.2 System shall allow for other video media to be available for playback in
any room with a television.
8.3.3 System shall allow of all common features of a VCR player or DVD
player, such as fast forward, rewind, chapter skip, etc.
8.3.4 System shall allow user to skip commercials where commercials are
8.3.5 System shall prevent user from playing back identical media on mul-
tiple televisions at the same time.
8.3.6 System shall allow user to remove the recording from storage when they
are done watching.
8.3.7 System shall allow user to remove other video media from the storage.

8.4 Audio Storage and Playback

The audio storage and playback are important features of the smart home. This sec-
tion will describe how the audio is imported into the digital library as well as what
capabilities there are for distributing or sharing the audio either to various rooms in
the SH or to external media. Priority = Medium.

8.4.1 System shall accept input into digital audio library from CD. System shall allow user to enter a CD into a tray and imme-
diately rip the CD. System shall collect all available meta data from the CD
from the Internet for categorization. System shall store audio binary in a lossless format.
8.4.2 System shall accept input into the digital audio library from a USB
8.4.3 System shall provide interface for users to manually place audio file into
digital audio library.
8.4.4 System shall automatically normalize volume of all audio files loaded
into the digital audio library.
8.4.5 System shall store information about audio files in some searchable
8.4.6 System shall provide users the ability to alter meta data for any file in
the collection.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  217

8.4.7 System shall allow users to remove audio files from the digital audio
8.4.8 System shall allow for categorization of audio files by important fields
such as genre, artist, album, etc.
8.4.9 System shall allow audio playback. System shall allow for wired or wireless connection to any
device capable of audio playback. System shall allow centralized panel to play back various
audio files in different rooms of the house. System shall provide access point in garage so digital audio
can be downloaded to an automobile audio system.
8.4.10 System shall allow users to author new CDs. System shall allow users to select tracks for newly authored
CD from a playlist or from the complete library. System shall allow user to select which format to use. System shall allow user to select a CD burning drive. System shall provide guidance to users for available space
depending on the drive and media selected as well as the
format chosen. System shall verify proper media is in the selected drive. System shall allow user to select order for the tracks. System shall allow user to confirm track information to start
authoring the CD. System shall perform necessary audio conversion and burn
the CD based on the user’s authoring details. System may notify user when the authoring process is
8.4.11 System shall allow users to create, edit, and delete playlists. Playlist shall consist of one to “N” number of tracks selected
from the digital library. A single track may reside in any number of playlists. A single track may not reside in an individual playlist more
than once. System shall allow users to set a name and description for all
playlists created.
8.4.12 System shall allow users to transfer music from the digital library to
portable music players. System shall allow track transfer according to both complete
playlists as well as individual tracks. System shall allow users to format or delete the current selec-
tion of tracks on the portable device before transferring.
218  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home System shall allow users to append additional tracks or play-

lists to the portable device as space permits. System shall add tracks to the device in the order they were
selected by the user until all tracks are transferred or the
device is full.

9 Automation
Automation is the processes of making something routine happen automatically,
on some set schedule or by some defined trigger such that little or no human inter-
vention is needed. Priority = Medium.

9.1 Pet Care
The pet care system will be added to ensure that proper unattended care of the pets
in the household takes place. In this instance cats are the pets within the house-
hold, but the system should extend to other future pets as well. The goal is to have
a mostly automated system to take care of the pets’ primary needs such as food,
water, and waste disposal, but the system can also track health care needs such as
appointments and vaccinations. Priority = High.

9.1.1 System shall handle providing water for the pets. Pet watering bowls shall be tied into the water filtration sys-
tem [ref. requirement 5.1.1]. System shall monitor consumption of water on a daily basis
for pet bowls. System may send time-defined notifications to users detail-
ing the water consumption by pets. System shall present a report for water consumption by pets. Pet water consumption data shall persist for no less than
thirty (30) days.
9.1.2 System shall provide food for pets. System shall accept user input for intervals to deliver food. System shall notify users when food in storage reaches low
levels, as users will be required to fill the storage depot. Pet’s food shall be delivered to their bowls every user-defined
interval. System shall allow user to set portion weight for every bowl
for the system. Pet food delivery shall be portioned to user-defined weight.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  219 Pet food delivery shall not exceed the amount of the portion
weight; weight includes food already in bowl. Food consumption shall be recorded per pet every feeding
cycle. Alert messages shall be sent if food delivery system dispenses
no food for three (3) consecutive cycles. System shall present a report for food consumption per pet.

UI for intervals of
food and amount Food Delivery
of food


Is it time?
Interval or Food Delivery
Amount DB

Get Portion size

Get Interval Get Amount minus current

Record Delivery Yes No

More than 3

Food Delivery Yes

Notify Users

Figure A.2 Pet feeding flow diagram.

220  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home Pet food consumption data shall persist no less than thirty
(30) days. Pets shall wear RFID tags on their collars. Pet food bowls shall open only when proper RFID tag is
9.1.3 System shall monitor and maintain pet litter box(es). Pet litter box shall be cleaned when odor levels reach a user-
defined mark, and litter disposal unit is not full. System shall notify users if odor levels are above defined ceil-
ing for more than eight (8) hours. System shall notify users every two (2) hours when litter lev-
els are low and continue to send alerts until the litter levels
are within configurable ranges. System shall notify users every four (4) hours when litter dis-
posal container (where dirty litter is stored) is full, and con-
tinue to send alerts until the litter disposal unit is not full.
9.1.4 System shall monitor pet’s health. System may incorporate weight pad to measure weight while
pet is feeding (pet based on RFID). System may send user-defined notifications of weight
change. System may maintain weight data for no less than thirty
(30) days. System shall accept user input for types and intervals for
vaccinations. System shall accept input for when vaccinations have been
administered. System shall send notifications when vaccinations are more
than one (1) week overdue. System shall maintain vaccination records for no less than
five (5) years.

9.2 Making Coffee
The coffee-making system will provide an automated process to make coffee for
users. The system will not be completely autonomous as it does have external depen-
dencies such as power, water supplies, and the users maintaining proper levels of
coffee beans in the repository. The system will, however, expose many configura-
tion options to begin the process as part of a timed sequence or through some other
stimulus. Priority = Medium.
9.2.1 Coffee maker shall be tied into the water purification system.
9.2.2 System shall start coffee maker at any user-defined time as long as water
is present, coffee bean levels are sufficient, and unit is powered.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  221

9.2.3 System shall send a notification when bean levels are low.
9.2.4 When bean levels are too low to make coffee, system shall send an alert
and coffee maker shall blink a warning indicator.
9.2.5 Coffee maker shall use a reusable filter.
9.2.6 System shall send notification when filter should be cleaned or changed.
9.2.7 Coffee maker shall shut off if weight measured by burner plate is less
than the weight of the carafe or more than the weight of a full carafe.
9.2.8 Coffee maker shall have an emergency stop button clearly visible and
9.2.9 Coffee maker shall stop within one (1) microsecond when button is
9.2.10 Coffee maker shall turn off if carafe is not removed from burner plate
for thirty (30) consecutive minutes.

Start Coffee


Beans? Power? Water?

Yes Yes
Yes Emergency Stop
Button Check

Get weight on
burner plate


Weight in


Notify User
Coffee Done

Figure A.3 Making coffee flow.

222  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

9.3 Hot Tub Maintenance

Hot tub maintenance is important to the users as this process will enable them to
have little interaction in the daily needs of maintaining the hot tub. The process
once again is not completely autonomous as it has external dependencies such as
available water, power, and the users maintaining proper levels of chemicals needed
for maintaining the hot tub. Priority = Medium.

9.3.1 System shall monitor temperature of hot tub water at all times.
9.3.2 Hot tub cover shall open with proper biometric credentials or proper
entry of code on numeric key pad.
9.3.3 Hot tub cover shall not open if water temperature is not within a user-
defined safe range.
9.3.4 System shall monitor pH and bacterial levels of hot tub water.
9.3.5 Hot tub cover shall not open if pH and bacterial levels are outside user-
defined norms.
9.3.6 System shall administer chemicals to the hot tub water to maintain
proper pH and bacterial levels.
9.3.7 System shall notify users when chemical levels are low.
9.3.8 System may send notifications of chemical administration information.
9.3.9 Hot tub shall be tied into central water system.
9.3.10 System shall monitor water levels of hot tub.
9.3.11 System shall replenish water to maintain proper water level.
9.3.12 System may send notifications of water level replenishment.
9.3.13 Hot tub cover shall not open if water level is outside user-defined
9.3.14 Hot tub cover shall close with button press or if no activity/motion is
detected for some time range, and water displacement levels are normal
(no one in the tub).
9.3.15 Hot tub shall sound alarm if no activity or motion is detected for some
defined time range and water displacement indicates there is someone
in the tub.

9.4 Home Indoor Irrigation

The home irrigation system aims to provide care for household plants in an unat-
tended fashion. A source of water will be an external dependency for this system.
Priority = Low.

9.4.1 System shall control any number of indoor irrigation access points.
9.4.2 All access points shall be accompanied with soil moisture detector.
9.4.3 System shall allow user to define desired moisture level and watering
intervals for each watering access point in the house.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  223

9.4.4 System shall control watering units at each access point to keep soil at a
steady moisture level.
9.4.5 If plants are on an interval, system shall bring the moisture level up to
defined range during each watering interval.
9.4.6 System shall record water used and average soil moisture levels per
access point.
9.4.7 System shall maintain indoor watering information for no less than
forty-five (45) days.
9.4.8 System may accept input for soil moisture warning levels.
9.4.9 System shall send notifications if moisture levels drop below user-
defined floors for more than four (4) hours.

9.5 Outdoor Irrigation
The outdoor irrigation system will promote a healthy lawn as well as landscaping.
The system will depend on water supplies, but will be able to automate the lawn
watering process. Priority = Low.

9.5.1 Irrigation system shall be plugged into the water system.

9.5.2 System shall control any number of yard irrigation devices.
9.5.3 System shall allow user to configure any irrigation device.
9.5.4 Irrigation devices shall be configurable for type of stream, amounts of
water, and turn rotation during cycle.
9.5.5 System shall test irrigation devices independently for setting
9.5.6 System shall run a test cycle of all irrigation devices simultaneously to
test configuration and coverage.
9.5.7 System shall have access to any number of devices reporting soil
9.5.8 System may base water cycles on soil moisture or by a set schedule.
9.5.9 System shall allow user to set groups of irrigation devices or individual
irrigation devices.
9.5.10 System shall not run irrigation devices if rain is detected.
9.5.11 System shall be able to retrieve weather forecast from the Internet.
9.5.12 System may be configured to skip a user-defined number of watering
cycles if rain is in the immediate forecast (i.e., rain is 60% likely over
the next 2 days).
9.5.13 System shall record the amount of water deployed through each indi-
vidual irrigation device.
9.5.14 System shall present users with reports for water deployment through
the lawn irrigation system.
9.5.15 System shall maintain data for lawn irrigation for no less than thirty
(30) days.
224  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

9.5.16 System shall allow for motion detectors to be present in specified areas
in lawn (i.e., flowerbeds or flower pots).
9.5.17 System shall allow for users to configure settings for when to activate
lawn motion detectors.
9.5.18 System shall deploy counter measures (i.e., loud sound, scent repellent)
when motion detectors are tripped during user-defined time periods
(for scaring off animals trying to eat plants).

9.6 Outside Building Cleaning

The outdoor building cleaning system will allow automatic, periodic cleanings of
all exterior surfaces of the building to promote better curb appeal. This system will
depend on ready water supplies and users maintaining proper levels of chemical or
cleaning agents used by the system. The system is made to be abstract enough to
enable users to clean virtually any exterior surface. Priority = Medium.

9.6.1 SH shall have reservoirs for cleaning different surfaces outside the home
(i.e., windows and siding).
9.6.2 System shall monitor levels of all materials needed to clean exterior
9.6.3 System shall send notifications when materials are low.
9.6.4 System shall accept any number of cleaning devices to control.
9.6.5 System shall allow users to assign category to the type of device under
the system’s control.
9.6.6 System shall accept input on what type of schedule should be used to
deploy devices for cleaning various exterior surfaces.
9.6.7 System shall deploy cleaning devices according to the user inputted
9.6.8 System shall store and report information about cleaning material
usages on a daily basis.
9.6.9 System shall maintain cleaning material usage data for no less than
thirty (30) days.

9.7 Ability to Configure Routines

The ability to configure routines will enhance the lives of the occupants, especially
those portions of their lives which are routine. While life is mostly variable, there
are some situations where routines are the mode of operation. All systems able to be
controlled by the SH shall be presented as options to configure and set new routines
within this system. It is adaptable and changeable as the lives and routines of the
occupants change over time. Priority = Medium.
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  225

9.7.1 System shall allow users to configure routines.

9.7.2 System shall allow users to set alarm or wake up calls for various occu-
pants within the house, including visitors.
9.7.3 System shall allow users to control certain activities as a result of a
trigger. Example trigger-based routines would be alarm at some time,
5 minutes afterward turn on bedroom TV, 10 minutes after the alarm,
turn on the shower, 15 minutes after the alarm ensure coffee maker is
operational or coffee is warm.

9.8 Voice Activation
The voice activation system currently will consist of a finite set of commands to
which the SH will programmatically respond. In the future this should be extended
such that any commands can be programmed to control any device or system inter-
faced by the SH. Priority = High.

9.8.1 System shall support voice activation in major living areas (i.e., living
room, kitchen, etc.).
9.8.2 System shall support commands to raise the current target temperature
of the thermostat.
9.8.3 System shall support commands to lower the current target tempera-
ture of the thermostat.
9.8.4 System shall support command to draw a bath in the master bathroom
9.8.5 Master bed shall have heating element capable of warming the bed.
9.8.6 System shall support command to begin prewarming the bed in the
master bedroom.
9.8.7 System shall support command to prepare the hot tub for use.
9.8.8 System shall support commands to dim or switch off lights in any room
in the house.
9.8.9 System shall support commands to turn air conditioning or heating on
and off.
9.8.10 System shall support commands to open windows and/or blinds on
various levels of the house.
9.8.11 System shall support command to lock all points of entry.
9.8.12 System shall support command to secure the house, which would lock
all points of entry and close all windows and blinds.

9.9 Driveway
The system is geared to provide ease and safety in the winter months to attempt
to prevent snow accumulation on the driveway surface, and more importantly the
formation of ice. Priority = Low.
226  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

9.8.1 Driveway shall have heating element installed underneath it.

9.8.2 System shall constantly monitor driveway surface temperature.
9.8.3 System will turn on driveway heating if the surface temperature of the
driveway is conducive to freezing water.
9.8.4 Driveway heating element will shut off or not run if the driveway is
above forty (40) degrees Fahrenheit.
9.8.5 System will monitor and record when driveway heating element is in use.
9.8.6 System may be set to only run heating surface at night, or based on
time-of-day settings.

9.10 Kitchen Food Stocking

The kitchen food stocking program will provide a way for the occupants to control
and view inventory from anywhere in the world. This will be helpful when shop-
ping for groceries as well as when deciding what options may be available for din-
ner. Priority = Low.

9.10.1 System shall allow users to enter food associated with RFID tag into
the kitchen inventory system.
9.10.2 System shall present reports to users of food inventory.
9.10.3 System shall allow users to call in (i.e., from grocery store) to check on
stock of certain items in the kitchen’s inventory.
9.10.4 System shall monitor and track the usage of certain items.
9.10.5 System shall present users with reports on item usage (i.e., for diets, and
food spending forecasting).
9.10.6 System shall maintain item inventory and usage for no less than eigh-
teen (18) months.
9.10.7 System shall provide interface for recipe center [ref. 9.11] to provide
feedback on stock of items needed for recipe.
9.10.8 System may provide intelligent interface to create shopping list tem-
plates based on average food usage.

9.11 Kitchen Recipe Center

The kitchen recipe center will provide users with an easy way to recall and cook
­recipes while operating in the kitchen. The system will provide easy access to reci-
pes and provide voice-automated help and limited automation for backing func-
tions. The recipe center also provides some publishing mechanisms to share recipes
with family and friends. Priority = Medium.

9.11.1 System shall allow users to enter recipes.

9.11.2 System shall allow users to define categories for recipes stored within
the recipe center (i.e., appetizer, beef main course, dessert, etc.).
Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home  227

9.11.3 System shall provide touch pad interface in the kitchen for users to
search, recall, and view recipes.
9.11.4 System shall provide interface for users to add, modify, and delete reci-
pes from the repository.
9.11.5 System shall provide interface to the food stock to create grocery lists of
what items may be needed for some arbitrary number of recipes.
9.11.6 System shall provide users with recipes in a specified category where all
items are currently in stock. (i.e., “What can I make tonight?”).
9.11.7 System shall provide users the ability to send recipes to friends elec-
tronically (i.e., email, micro Web pages, etc.).
9.11.8 System shall provide users the ability to create/print a categorized cook-
book of all recipes currently within the system.
9.11.9 System shall allow users to store image file linked to any recipe within
the system.
9.11.10 System shall allow user to enter assisted baking mode. System shall automatically preheat the oven. System shall verbalize order of ingredients to add. System shall accept verbal confirmation once item is added
before instructing to add the next item.

9.12 Phone System
The phone system will be a unified approach to handling voice mail for the
occupants of the house. The key functions are allowing for easier retrieval from
anywhere as well as extending the system via multiple virtual inboxes. Priority =

9.12.1 System shall serve as answering machine for household.

9.12.2 System shall allow users to configure number of rings before answering.
9.12.3 System shall allow users to configure any number of phone mail boxes
for recipients.
9.12.3 System shall allow users to record greeting message that will be played
after user-defined number of rings.
9.12.4 System shall allow users to configure greeting message to be played for
individual mail boxes.
9.12.5 System shall record messages for recipients along with date, time stamp,
and incoming phone number to non-volatile memory.
9.12.6 System shall send out notification to users when they have a new mes-
sage in their mailbox (i.e., email, text message, pages, etc.).
9.12.7 System shall make messages available via authenticated Web interface
for user retrieval.
9.12.8 System may use voice-to-text engine to send the text representation of
the message to user’s email account.
228  Software Requirements Specification for a Smart Home

9.13 Wall Pictures
The wall pictures allow for occupants of the home to allow for friends and family
members to share pictures with them and have those pictures displayed on select
wall monitors throughout the house. Priority = Low.

9.13.1 System shall provide wireless support for driving any number of wall-
mounted monitors for picture display.
9.13.2 System shall provide Web-based interface for authenticated users to
publish new photos for display on wall monitors.
9.13.3 System shall allow users to configure which pictures get displayed.
9.13.4 System shall allow users to configure which remote users can submit
pictures to which wall monitor.
9.13.5 System shall support the following playback modes:
Random—display random photos.
Slideshow—display photos in order for some user-defined time.
Single—display only selected or most recently submitted photo.
9.13.6 System shall provide remote users with storage for up to 20 pictures in
their repository or 100MB, whichever is greater.

9.14 Mail and Paper Notification

System to notify occupants of status and delivery events for both mail and news­
paper boxes. Priority = Low.

9.14.1 System shall monitor any number of mail and newspaper boxes for
motion and weight.
9.14.2 System shall allow users to set notification events for those boxes.
9.14.3 System shall send notifications when motion is detected coupled with a
change in static weight of the box.
9.14.4 System shall allow user to turn off any notification events for a set
period (i.e., when snow or something else may trigger the motion and
weight sensors).
9.14.5 System shall permit user to query the status of any of the boxes. The
status would be empty or occupied.

agile development: class of “lightweight” software development methodologies that

emphasize people over processes and feature a series of short development
antipattern: a situation involving an identifiable and non-unique pattern of nega-
tive behavior. The solution to an antipattern is called a refactoring.
assertion: a relation that is true at that instant in the execution of the program.
brainstorming: requirements elicitation technique that uses informal sessions with
customers and other stakeholders to generate overarching goals for the
card sorting: requirements elicitation technique that has stakeholders complete a
set of cards that include key information about functionality. The require-
ments engineer then groups the information logically or functionally.
client: see customer.
COCOMO: a tool that estimates software project effort and duration based on a
set of parameters that characterize the project. COCOMO is an acronym
for COnstructive COst MOdel.
customer: the class (consisting of one or more persons) who is commissioning the
construction of the system. Also called client or sponsor.
design constraint requirement: a requirement related to standards compliance
and hardware limitations.
designer as apprentice: a requirements discovery technique in which the require-
ments engineer “looks over the shoulder” of the customers to enable him
to learn enough about the customer’s work to understand their needs.
discounted payback period: the payback period determined on discounted cash
flows rather than undiscounted cash flows.
divergent goals: an antipattern in which two or more major players in a situation
are working against each other.
domain analysis: any general approach to assessing the “landscape” of related and
competing applications to the system being designed.
domain requirements: requirements that are derived from the application domain.
Extreme Programming (XP): an agile software development methodology.

230  Glossary

ethnographic observation: any technique in which observation of indirect and

direct factors inform the work of the requirements engineer.
feature points: an extension of function points that is more suitable for embedded
and real-time systems.
formal method: any technique that has a rigorous, mathematical basis.
function points: a duration and effort estimation technique based on a set of proj-
ect parameters that can be obtained from the requirements specification.
goal-based approaches: any elicitation techniques in which requirements are rec-
ognized to emanate from the mission statement, through a set of goals that
lead to requirements.
goal-question-metric (GQM): a technique used in the creation of metrics that can
be used to test requirements satisfaction.
group work: a general term for any kind of group meetings that are used during
the requirements discovery, analysis, and follow-up processes. JAD is a
form of group work.
GQM: see goal-question-metric.
informal method: any technique that cannot be completely transliterated into a
rigorous mathematical notation.
internal rate of return (IRR): a way to calculate an artificial “interest rate” for
some investment for the purposes of comparing the investment with
introspection: developing requirements based on what the requirements engineer
“thinks” the customer wants.
IRR: see internal rate of return.
JAD: see Joint Application Design.
Joint Application Design (JAD): elicitation technique that involves highly struc-
tured group meetings or mini-retreats with system users, system owners,
and analysts in a single venue for an extended period of time.
laddering: a technique where a requirements engineer asks the customer short
prompting questions (“probes”) to elicit requirements.
metrics abuse: an antipattern in which metrics are misused either through mis­
understanding, incompetence, or malicious intent.
model checker: a software tool that can automatically verify that certain properties
are theorems of the system specification.
negative stakeholders: stakeholders who will be adversely affected by the system.
net present value (NPV): a calculation to determine the value, in today’s dollars,
of some asset obtained in the future.
NFR: see non-functional requirement.
non-functional requirement (NFR): requirements that are imposed by the envi-
ronment in which the system is to operate.
NPV: see net present value.
performance requirement: a static or dynamic requirement placed on the soft-
ware or on human interaction with the software as a whole.
Glossary  231

payback period: the time it takes to get the initial investment back out of the
PI: see profitability index.
protocol analysis: a process where customers and requirements engineers walk
through the procedures that they are going to automate.
process clash: an antipattern in which established processes are incompatible with
the goals of an enterprise.
profitability index (PI): the net present value of an investment divided by the
amount invested. Used for decision making among alternative invest-
ments and activities.
prototyping: involves construction of models of the system in order to discover new
QFD: see Quality Function Deployment.
Quality Function Deployment (QFD): a technique for discovering customer
requirements and defining major quality assurance points to be used
throughout the production phase.
refactoring: a solution strategy to an antipattern.
repertory grids: elicitation technique that incorporates a structured ranking sys-
tem for various features of the different entities in the system.
requirements engineering: the branch of engineering concerned with the real-
world goals for, functions of, and constraints on systems.
return on investment (ROI): the value of an activity after all benefits have been
ROI: see return on investment.
Scrum: an agile software methodology involving short development increments
called sprints and a living backlog of requirements.
semi-formal technique: one that while appearing informal, has at least a partial
formal basis.
scenarios: informal descriptions of the system in use that provide a high-level descrip-
tion of system operation, classes of users, and exceptional situations.
sponsor: see customer.
stakeholder: a broad class of individuals who have some interest (a stake) in the
success (or failure) of the system in question.
task analysis: a functional decomposition of tasks to be performed by the system.
traceability: a property of a systems requirements document pertaining to the vis-
ible or traceable linkages between related elements.
UML: see Unified Modeling Language.
Unified Modeling Language (UML): a collection of modeling tools for object-
oriented representation of software and other enterprises.
use case: a depiction of the interactions between the system and the environment
around the system, in particular, human users and other systems.
use case diagram: a graphical depiction of a use case.
232  Glossary

use case points: an effort estimation technique based on characteristics of the proj-
ect’s use cases.
user: a class (consisting of one or more persons) who will use the system.
user stories: short conversational text that are used for initial requirements discov-
ery and project planning.
value engineering: the activities related to managing expectations and estimating
and managing costs during all aspects of systems engineering, including
requirements engineering.
viewpoints: a way to organize information from the (point of view) of different
Wiki: a collaborative technology in which users can format and post text and
images to a Web site.
workshop: a formal or informal gathering of stakeholders to determine requirements
XP: shorthand notation for Extreme Programming.

a management, 178–180
metric abuse, 178–179
ACS, see Automated Case Support mushroom management, 179–180
Agile Manifesto Application domain, mission statement and,
principles behind, 140–142 25
signatories, 140 Automated Case Support (ACS), 186
Agile methodologies, requirements
specification and, 139–153
agile requirements change management
process, 146 Backus-Naur Form (BNF), 115
agile requirements engineering, 150–151 BNF, see Backus-Naur Form
challenges, 152 Boolean satisfiability, consistency checking
change management process, 146 using, 127
cookbook approaches, 139 Brainstorming, 61
exercises, 152 formalized, 42
extreme programming, 142–143 mobile technologies, 65
lightweight approaches, 139 preliminary requirements generated
principles behind Agile Manifesto, during, 42
140–142 Smart Home system, 162
project velocity, 147
requirements engineering for agile c
methodologies, 144–148
best practices, 145–147 CaliberRM, 160
general practices, 145 Capability Maturity Model (CMM), 134,
requirements engineering in XP, 147 184–185
requirements engineering in Scrum, Capability Maturity Model Integrative
147–148 (CMMI), 184–185
Scrum, 143–144 Card sorting, 42–43, 61
software development methods, 141 Category Theory (CT), 122
storytest-driven development, 150 CCSDS, see Consultative Committee for
test-driven development, 151 Space Data Systems
working code, 141 CMM, see Capability Maturity Mmodel
writing user stories, 148–150 CMMI, see Capability Maturity Model
Antipatterns, 176–180 Integrative
environmental, 177–178 COCOMO model, 190–192
divergent goals, 177 Consultative Committee for Space Data
process clash, 178 Systems (CCSDS), 74, 75

234  Index

Content analysis, 65–66 UML languages, 70

COSYSMO, 193–194 use cases, 78–79
COTS validation/verification, 116 Domain
CT, see Category Theory analysis, 45
Customer(s), see also Mission statement, requirements, 10–11
customers, and stakeholders DOORS, 160
classes, 29 “Dr. Know-it-all,” 181
communicating with, 36 DSDM, see Dynamic Systems Development
needs, hierarchy of, 32 Method
“non-requirements,” 34 Dynamic Systems Development Method
requirements understanding, 91 (DSDM), 142
role of, requirements engineering and,
15–16 e
EMS, see Energy management system
d Energy management system (EMS), 124
Database plug-ins, 163 Environmental antipatterns, 177–178
Designer as apprentice, 44–45 divergent goals, 177
Document (requirements), writing of, 69–86 process clash, 178
behavioral specifications, 79–81 Ethnographic observation, 45–46
best practices and recommendations, Exercises
84–86 agile methodologies, requirements
specification and, 152
Consultative Committee for Space Data
document (requirements), writing of,
Systems, 74, 75
exercises, 85–86
formal methods, 137
Goddard Space Flight Center standards, 74
mission statement, customers, and
IEEE standard 830-1998, 71–78
stakeholders, 39–40
command validation, 75
requirements elicitation, 66
functional requirements, 73–74
requirements engineering, 21–22
ISO/IEC standard 25030, 76–78
requirements management, 187
non-functional requirements, 72–73
requirements risk management, 110–111
operating system, 74–75 tool support for requirements engineering,
“image baggage,” 78 168
Java, 75 value engineering of requirements, 202
NASA WIRE system, 74 External requirements, 9, 10
object-oriented language, 75 Extreme Programming (XP), 142–143
object-oriented representations, 75, 76 core practices, 142
reported number of pages of requirements requirements engineering in, 147
specifications, 71
reported number of requirements
specifications, 71
reported requirements notation, 70 FBI Virtual Case File, 186
requirements document, 81–84 Finite State Machines, 116
preferred writing style, 83 FitNesse, 37, 166
requirements, 82–84 Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level index, 108
text structure, 83–84 Forbidden behaviors, 20
users, 82 Formal methods, 113–138
requirements representation approaches, Backus-Naur Form, 115
69–70 Boolean satisfiability, consistency
SQUARE standards, 78 checking using, 127
systems requirements specifications, 69 category reference, 126
Index  235

Category Theory, 122 Glossary, 229–232

COTS validation/verification, 116 Goal(s)
data dictionary, 126 definition of, 4
definition, 114–117 divergent, 177
formal methods types, 116–117 evolution, 90
history, 115–116 real-world, 2, 3
using formal methods, 116 requirements versus, 4
examples, 117–134 Goal-question-metric (GQM), 47
energy management system, 124–126 management antipatterns, 179
formalization of energy management rules, 95
system using Category Theory, Goddard Space Flight Center standards, 74
122–126 GQM, see Goal-question-metric
formalization of space shuttle flight
software using MurΦ, 121
formalization of train station in B, h
117–121 Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 46
Hoare logic, 129–133 Hoare logic, 129–133
model checking, 133–134 House of quality, QFD, 54, 55, 161
program correctness, 128–129
requirements validation, 126–128
theorem proving, 128–133 i
exercises, 137 IBM Software Development Platform, 160
final advice, 136–137 ICCP, see Intercompany communications
infinite category, 123 protocol
initialization specification, 118
IEEE, see Institute for Electrical and
motivation, 113–114
Electronics Engineers
natural language, 114, 115
IEEE 12207 (2002), 185
objections, myths, and limitations,
IEEE standard 830, 96–101, 185
ambiguity, 97–98
limitations, 135–136
completeness, 98–99
objections and myths, 134–135
consistency, 99
partial correctness, 128
correctness, 97
Prototype Verification System language,
121 modifiability, 100
simple functional relationship, 123 ranking, 99–100
software specifications built using only requirements risk management and, 89
natural language, 114 traceability, 100–101
syntax, 114 verifiability, 100
Vienna Development Method, 116 IEEE standard 830-1998, 71–78
FreeMind, 161 command validation, 75
Functional requirements, 6–7 functional requirements, 73–74
Functional specification, system requirements ISO/IEC standard 25030, 76–78
as, 5 non-functional requirements, 72–73
operating system, 74–75
“Ilities,” 94
Institute for Electrical and Electronics
Global requirements management, 174–176 Engineers (IEEE), 95
challenges, 174–175 Intercompany communications protocol
offshoring, risk factor of, 175 (ICCP), 124
software tools, 176 Internal rate of return (IRR), 198, 199–200
specific problems, 175 International Function Point Users Group, 195
success factors, 175 IRR, see Internal rate of return
236  Index

ISO 9000-3 (1997), 183 why customers change their minds, 34–35
ISO/IEC 25030, 185 Wiki technology, 37
Mobile technologies, 65
j Model checking, uses, 133
MS Access, 163
JAD, see Joint Application Development Mushroom management, 179
Java, 75 Myers-Briggs thinking, 13
Joint Application Development (JAD), 41, 48, MySQL, 163
50–51, 61
audit session, 50 n
uses, 50
Procedural Requirements for requirements
engineering, 101, 102
Laddering, 51–52, 61 ranking system, 99
requirements testing, 101–111
continuances, 103–105
m directives, 105
Management antipatterns, 178–180 imperatives, 103
metric abuse, 178–179 incomplete, 106–107
mushroom management, 179–180 NASA ARM tool, 101–102, 107
Maslow’s classic hierarchy of self- options, 105
actualization, 30, 31 readability statistics, 108
Meta-modeling languages, 70 specification depth, 107
Mission statement, customers, and subjects, 107
summary of NASA metrics, 108–111
stakeholders, 23–40
weak phrases, 105–111
application domain, 25
WIRE system, 74
communicating with customers and other
Natural language, 114, 115, 119
stakeholders, 36–38
Net present value (NPV), 198–199
customer, encounter with, 24–26
NFRs, see Nonfunctional requirements
customer needs, hierarchy of, 32
Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs), 6, 7–10
customer wants and needs, 30–34
NPV, see Net present value
what customers don’t want, 33–34
what customers want, 30–33
exercises, 39–40 o
FitNesse, 37 OAG, see Open access gateway
managing expectations, 37–38 Object-oriented language, 75
Maslow’s classic hierarchy of self- Offshoring, risk factor of, 175
actualization, 30, 31 Open access gateway (OAG), 124
mission statements, 23–24 Open Source Requirements Management Tool
stakeholders, 26–30 (OSRMT), 163–166
negative stakeholders, 27 Oracle, 163
negotiations, 38–40 Organizational requirements, 9
obvious, 26 OSRMT, see Open Source Requirements
prioritization, 35–36 Management Tool
stakeholder/customer classes, 29–30
stakeholder identification, 27–30
stakeholder questions, 27–29
system metaphor, 23 Pascal’s Triangle, 173
telephone calls, 37 Pascal’s wager, 173–174
vision statement, 23 PDI, see Plant digital interface
Index  237

Petri Nets, 116 domain analysis, 45

PI, see Profitability index ethnographic observation, 45–46
Plant digital interface (PDI), 124 goal-based approaches, 46–47
Product requirements, 9 group work, 48
Profitability index (PI), 198, 200–201 interviews, 48–49
Project velocity, 147 introspection, 50
Protocol analysis, 52 Joint Application Design, 50–51
Prototype Verification System (PVS) laddering, 51–52
language, 121 protocol analysis, 52
Prototyping, 53–54, 92 prototyping, 53–54
PVS language, see Prototype Verification quality function deployment, 54–55
System language questionnaires, 55–56
repertory grids, 56–57
q scenarios, 57
task analysis, 57–58
QFD, see Quality function deployment user stories, 58–59
QFD/Capture, 161 viewpoints, 59–60
Quality function deployment (QFD), 42, workshops, 60
54–55 exercises, 66
advantages of, 55 Goal-Question-Metric, 47
elicitation approach, 45 Heisenberg uncertainty principle, 46
house of quality, 54, 55, 161 house of quality, 54
incompleteness and, 99 organizing various elicitation techniques
Questionnaires, 55–56 by type, 61
QFD elicitation approach, 45
r Roberts Rules of Order, 42
spiral software development model, 53
Rational RequisitePro, 160 techniques and approaches for elicitation
Remote terminal units (RTU), 124 activities, 62
Request for proposal (RFP), 189 Requirements engineering, 1–22
Requirement(s) activities, 11–13
definition of, 4 requirements analysis and
document, see Document (requirements), reconciliation, 12
writing of requirements elicitation/discovery,
incomplete, 91 11–12
validation matrix, 92–93 requirements management, 13
Requirements elicitation, 41–67 requirements representation and
complementary and alternative techniques, modeling, 12
62 requirements validation, 12
elicitation summary, 60–63 amount, 3–4
prevalence of requirements elicitation arbitrary system, 19
techniques, 63 architectural model for systems
which combination of techniques engineering, 15
should be used, 60–63 complexity, 17
elicitation support technologies, 63–66 danger of “all” in specifications, 21–22
content analysis, 65–66 definition, 2–3
mobile technologies, 65 difficulties in enveloping system behavior,
Wikis, 63–65 19–22
elicitation techniques survey, 42–60 exercises, 21–22
brainstorming, 42 external requirements, 9, 10
card sorting, 42–43 forbidden behaviors, 20
designer as apprentice, 44–45 four dark corners, 18–19
238  Index

functional specification, 5 exercises, 187

goals, definition of, 4 FBI Virtual Case File, 186
motivation, 1–2 global requirements management, 174–176
Myers-Briggs thinking, 13 hidden agenda, 172
organizational requirements, 9 improvisational comedy, 180–181
paradigms, 13–15 improvisational skill-building game, 181
architect, 14 managing divergent agendas, 171–172
business process expert, 14 Pascal’s wager, 173–174
ignorance as virtue, 15 project lifecycle, inviting requirements
software systems engineer, 14 information throughout, 174
subject matter expert, 14 reference models, 182–186
problems, 16–18 Capability Maturity Model, 184–185
product requirements, 9 IEEE 830, 185
real-world goals, 2, 3 IEEE 12207 (2002), 185
requirement, definition of, 4 ISO 9000-3 (1997), 183
requirements, 4–11 ISO/IEC 25030, 185
domain requirements, 10–11 Six Sigma, 183–184
domain vocabulary understanding, 11 scriptwriting, 181–182
engineer, 13 stakeholder requirements agenda, 171
functional requirements, 6–7 “Zip, Zap, Zup (or Zot),” 181
nonfunctional requirements, 7–10 Requirements risk management, 87–111
requirements level classification, 4–6 brake retarder, 87
requirements specifications types, 6–11 compliance, 89
requirements versus goals, 4 definition, 87–89
role of customer, 15–16 exercises, 110–111
software behavior, precise specifications Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level index, 108
of, 2 goal evolution, 90
subject matter expert, 14 “the ilities,” 94
survey, 3 incomplete micro-indicator, 106
technical annex, 5 incomplete requirement, 91
universe of possible behaviors, 20 micro-indicator “directives,” 105
user requirement, 5 NASA requirements testing, 101–111
wicked problems, 18 continuances, 103–105
Requirements engineering tools directives, 105
best practices, 167–168 imperatives, 103
commercial, 159–161, see also Tool incomplete, 106–107
support for requirements NASA ARM tool, 101–102
engineering NASA requirements testing,
CaliberRM, 160 specification depth, 107
DOORS, 160 options, 105
QFD/Capture, 161 readability statistics, 108
Rational RequisitePro, 160 subjects, 107
Requirements and Traceability summary of NASA metrics, 108–111
Management, 160 weak phrases, 105–111
FreeMind, 161 paradoxical effect of sign, 88
open source, 161–162 requirements validation and verification,
Requirements management, 171–187 89–95
antipatterns, 176–180 goal-based requirements analysis,
environmental, 177–178 90–91
management, 178–180 goal/question/metric analysis, 94–95
case study, 186–187 importance of measurement, 93–95
“Dr. Know-it-all,” 181 prototyping, 92
Index  239

requirements understanding, 91 central processing requirements, 207

requirements validation matrix, 92–93 content analysis, 65
techniques, 90–92 core system requirements, 207
validating requirements use cases, 92 definitions, 204
sign language formulation, 88 description, 204–207
standards for verification and validation, assumptions and dependencies, 207
95–101 constraints, 206
ambiguity, 97–98 product functions, 204–205
completeness, 98–99 product perspective, 204
consistency, 99 user characteristics, 205–206
correctness, 97 energy efficiency, 210–212
IEEE standard 830, 96–101 air conditioning/heating, 210
modifiability, 100 air flow monitoring, 212
ranking, 99–100 alternative energy, 212
traceability, 100–101 time-of-day usage, 210–211
verifiability, 100 water recovery, 211–212
test-driven development, 91 environment, 208–210
V&V plan table of contents, 96 air quality, 208–209
Return on investment (ROI), 197–198 health and safety detectors, 209–210
RFP, see Request for proposal water purification, 208–209
Risk management, see Requirements risk FreeMind, 161, 162
media/entertainment, 214–218
Roberts Rules of Order, 42
audio storage and playback,
ROI, see Return on investment
RTU, see Remote terminal units
recording television shows, 214–215
video entry, 215
s video playback, 216
mission statement, 203
ScrumMaster, 143
overview, 204
SDD, see Storytest-driven development
purpose, 203
Six Sigma, 183–184
Smart Home system, 203–228 references, 204
abbreviations, 204 scope, 203
accessibility, 207–208 security, 212–214
acronyms, 204 home security, 212–213
ARM output, 104 monitoring anywhere, 214
automation, 218–228 unattended home, 213–214
ability to configure routines, 224–225 SRS, 105, 109, 166
driveway, 225–226 use of features, 208
home indoor irrigation, 222–223 SME, see Subject matter expert
hot tub maintenance, 222 Software
kitchen food stocking, 226 behavior, precise specifications of, 2
kitchen recipe center, 226–227 myths, 134, 135
mail and paper notification, 228 requirements specification (SRS), 5
making coffee, 220–221 ambiguity, 98
outdoor irrigation, 223–224 civil contract law and, 81
outside building cleaning, 224 completeness, 99
pet care, 218–220 dangers in poor documentation, 84
phone system, 227 IEEE 830, 97
voice activation, 225 modifiability, 100
wall pictures, 228 Smart Home, 105, 109, 166
brainstorming, 162 stakeholders using, 82
240  Index

traceability, 100 database plug-ins, 163

verifiability, 100 exercises, 168
specifications, natural language, 114 FitNesse, 166
SQL Server, 163 FreeMind, 161–162
SQUARE standards, 78 open source requirements engineering
SRS, see Software requirements specification tools, 161–162
Stakeholder(s), 26–30, see also Mission Open Source Requirements Management
statement, customers, and Tool, 163–166
stakeholders requirements engineering tool best
negative stakeholders, 27 practices, 167–168
negotiations, 38–40 traceability matrix, 158, 159
obvious, 26 traceability support, 156–159
Pascal’s wager, 173 Traceability matrix, 158, 159
prioritization, 35–36
ranking of, 35, 36 u
requirements agenda, 171
SRS use, 82 UCP, see Use case points
stakeholder/customer classes, 29–30 UI prototyping, see User interface prototyping
stakeholder identification, 27–30 UML languages, 70
stakeholder questions, 27–29 Use case points (UCP), 196–197
typical, 26 User
Statecharts, 116 definition of, 26
Storytest-driven development (SDD), 150 interface (UI) prototyping, 54
Subject matter expert (SME), 14 requirement, 5
Sunken cost, 197 stories, 58–59, 148, 149
System metaphor, 23
Systems requirements specifications, see v
Software requirements specification
Validation and verification (V&V), 90
t goal-based requirements analysis, 90–91
goal/question/metric analysis, 94–95
Task analysis, 57–58 importance of measurement, 93–95
TDD, see Test-driven development plan table of contents, 96
Technical annex, system requirements as, 5 prototyping, 92
Test-driven development (TDD), 91, 151 requirements understanding, 91
Theorem proving, 128–133 requirements validation matrix, 92–93
Hoare logic, 129–133 standards, 95–101
program correctness, 128–129 ambiguity, 97–98
Tool support for requirements engineering, completeness, 98–99
155–169 consistency, 99
automated requirements engineering tool correctness, 97
features, 156 IEEE standard 830, 96–101
chief feature of commercial packages, 155 modifiability, 100
commercial requirements engineering ranking, 99–100
tools, 159–161 traceability, 100–101
CaliberRM, 160 verifiability, 100
DOORS, 160 techniques, 90–92
QFD/Capture, 161 validating requirements use cases, 92
Rational RequisitePro, 160 Value engineering of requirements, 189–202
Requirements and Traceability definition, 189–190
Management, 160 estimating using COCOMO and its
derivatives, 190–194
Index  241

COCOMO, 191–192 Virtual Case File (VCF), 186

COSYSMO, 193–194 Virtual conferencing, 175
WEBMO, 192–193 Vision statement, 23
estimating using function points, 194–197 V&V, see Validation and verification
feature points, 196
function point cost drivers, 194–196
use case points, 196–197 w
exercises, 202 WEBMO, 192–193
programming languages, 195 Wicked problems, characteristics of, 18
requirements feature cost justification, Wikis, 63–65
197–201 Wiki technology, communication with
discounted payback period, 201 customers via, 37
internal rate of return, 199–200
net present value, 198–199
payback period, 201 x
profitability index, 200–201
return on investment, 197–198 XP, see Extreme Programming
sunken cost, 197
when value engineering occurs, 190 z
VCF, see Virtual Case File
Vienna Development Method, 116 “Zip, Zap, Zup (or Zot),” 181

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