Homework 2 - v1
Homework 2 - v1
Homework 2 - v1
Note: You are not allowed to use internet for this homework, other than referring to
datasheets of components specified in Q2. Plagiarism will be dealt with very strictly.
Q1. Read the attached excerpt from an old issue of Analog Dialogue, that deals with an important
practical complaint while using in-amps. Electromagnetic interference (EMI) gets converted to
amplifier offset because in-amps typically have poor CMRR above 20kHz frequency. The most
common op amp response to EMI is a shift in the DC offset voltage that appears at the op-amp
output. Conversion of a high-frequency EMI signal to DC is the result of the nonlinear behavior
of the internal diodes formed by silicon p-n junctions inside the device. (see image below, Texas
Instruments application report SBOA128A)
In homework 1, you saw how high frequency vibration can get converted to DC offset in an
accelerometer. In an accelerometer, there is unfortunately no good way to avoid this effect using
filters (other than improving vibration isolation at frequencies above bandwidth of interest). In
an in-amp however, one can add filter corners at appropriate frequencies as desired. In this
homework, we will analyze how this is done. Consider the following RC circuit added at the input
of a regular 3-opamp in-amp circuit.
a) Draw the equivalent circuit at the input of the in-amp for differential signal applied across
+IN and –IN. What is the filter corner for the differential signal? (2 marks)
b) Assume Rx = Ry = R, and Cx = Cy = C. Draw the equivalent circuit at the input of the in-
amp for common mode signal applied across +IN and –IN. What is the filter corner for the
common mode signal? (2 marks)
c) What are the DC input impedances at +IN and –IN terminals? (1 mark)
e) Based on answers calculated in a and b, how does this filter help in reducing EMI
conversion to DC offset? (1 mark)
f) What is the total voltage noise contribution from the resistors at the input of the in-amp?
Ignore common mode contribution. (1 mark)
g) If capacitor Cz were not connected, would the circuit be as effective in reducing EMI
conversion to DC offset? Explain your answer. (1 mark)
h) Common mode input signals are typically rejected at the output, due to large CMRR of
the in-amp. However, when we worry about measuring noise referred to input, the
common mode noise can cause error in this measurement if matching of both inputs is
not performed correctly while measuring. What is the equivalent noise bandwidth for the
common mode signal? (1 mark)
Q2. “Make vs buy”: In Lab 4, you will get hands-on experience of making a choice between
designing your own instrumentation amplifier vs buying an off-the-shelf instrumentation
amplifier IC. Let us compare the following two circuits. Both circuits are designed for gain
of 89.5. Refer to datasheets of AD623A and OP296g to answer following questions. Use
max specs in your calculations.
c) You will notice that the datasheets spec both the input bias current and input offset
current for the amplifiers. What is the difference between these two parameters? (2
d) Due to input bias current in the amplifiers, what is the total input referred offset
voltage contribution from connecting this sensor? Will you use input bias current
and/or input offset current for your calculation? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
e) Calculate the total peak-to-peak input referred voltage noise in both amplifier circuits.
Use noise spec for large gain if you are unsure about noise spec for gain of 89.5. (2