Fascicule Thà Me Grammatical L1 S2 - 2020-2021 2

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Thème Grammatical

LLCER Anglais S2
Université Grenoble Alpes

E. Chabert - C. Demariaux - L. Durroux - V. Todeschini

Université Grenoble Alpes


Thème grammatical anglais, Marie DAMONT (Ellipses 2015)
Exercices de thème grammatical anglais, W. ROTGE, M. MALAVIEILLE, G. MUTCH (PUF 2013)

grammar with exercises and translations

English Grammar in Use (several levels of difficulty), R. MURPHY (Cambridge University Press
Grammaire anglaise de l’étudiant, S. BERLAND-DELEPINE (Ophrys 2014)

Robert & Collins Dictionary
Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
Le Petit Robert de la langue française (noms communs)

Le Mot et l’idée 2, J. REY, C. BOUSCAREN, A. MOUNOLOU (Ophrys 2012)


TD1: Present TD7: Countable and Uncountable Nouns

TD2: Past TD8: Determiners / Quantifiers
TD3: Modality TD9: Adjectives
TD4: The passive voice / “on” TD10: The Genitive
TD5: Subjunctive & Imperative TD11: Pronouns
TD 6: CC1 (exercise + sentence translation) TD 12: CC2 (exercise + sentence translation)


 Lesson (10 minutes)

 Exercises (15 minutes)
 Translation (30 minutes)

Université Grenoble Alpes

TD 1 - Present
Le présent permet de rendre « présent » un événement au moment où on en parle. Il peut être
combiné avec des indications sur la manière dont le locuteur se représente l’événement.

Le présent simple (present simple) permet de livrer des informations de manière objective, neutre.
Les événements sont considérés en bloc, dans la totalité de leur durée.
- Vérités générales. -> Plants give us oxygen.
- Caractéristiques fixes, propriétés permanentes. -> She speaks very good English.
- Habitudes. -> We watch television together every Friday night.
- Horaires (cadre fixe, programme, hors de toute intention). -> The film starts at 9 p.m.
- Démonstrations en direct (reportages en temps réel). -> He kicks the ball.
- Emploi performatif (on accomplit un acte par ce qu’on dit). -> I declare the book fair open.

Le présent en BE + -ING (ou present continuous) offre un certain point de vue sur l’action. Les
informations ne sont plus neutres, le locuteur choisit de les présenter de manière subjective, avec
différents effets de sens possibles.
- Action inachevée, en cours. -> Listen, they are playing the piano.
- Commentaire irrité du locuteur. -> He is constantly making fun of me. / I’m not going!
- Programme personnel attribué au sujet grammatical. -> Tonight, they’re going to the cinema.

Le present perfect est usité lorsque le locuteur adopte un point de vue présent (HAVE au présent)
sur un événement antérieur (V-EN, participe passé). Un lien est établi entre le présent et le passé.
L’événement est présenté dans la totalité de sa durée, ce qui permet d’en dresser un bilan.
Il y a une notion d’expérience présente ou de bilan au présent grâce à des événements passés.
-> He has worked as a fireman (he knows how to handle a fire)
-> She has just arrived (she is here) : dans ce dernier cas, on parle parfois de passé proche (proximité
entre le moment de la parole et l’événement).

A. Conjugate the verbs in brackets, using either the present simple or the present continuous:
1. “What you (DO) for a living?” / “I (PAINT) portraits.”
2. Where you (GO)? Wait for me!
3. What kind of animal is that? Do you think it (FLY)?
4. Truck drivers never (DRINK) before driving.
5. Ice (MELT) in the sun.
6. Every night my grandfather (GO) out and (HAVE) a drink at the pub.
7. I (DOUBT) that this film will be a success.
8. “Oh, you (LEAVE) already?” / “Sorry, but I really (HAVE) to go.”
9. I (APOLOGIZE) for the noise last night, we had a little party.

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B. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
Use contractions where possible.
1. She _______________ (run) because she's late for her lesson.
2. Our teacher always _______________ (give) us lots of homework.
3. We _______________ (not want) to go to the concert.
4. What time __________________ (you / meet) Pete tomorrow?
5. I ___________________ (not work) today. I'm on holiday.
6. People _______________ (speak) English in Jamaica.
7. Archie __________________ (not use) his computer at the moment.
8. _____________________ (Tony / live) near the park?

C. This text contains several errors in the use of the simple form vs. continuous form. Correct them:
The Voice in the Cupboard
– Come out, Larry, I am knowing you're hiding in the cupboard. You try to scare me but it doesn't work. I
heard you when I came in. Come on, answer. Now, I am ordering you to come out. I'm getting scared.
– Liza, are you hearing me? I don't hide in the cupboard. I am shut in. When I tried to come out, the door
got stuck. The smell of mothballs is disgusting.
– Larry, I'm not sure I am recognizing your voice.
– I swear it's me, Liza. Let me out.
– Oh, Larry, poor dear, you must be choking. Just a second, I pull the door. Here we are.

D. Complete the following text by conjugating the verbs in brackets into either the simple present or
present continuous:

Julie ___________________(be) my cousin. She ___________________ (live) in Los Angeles and

___________________ (want) to become a movie star. At the moment she ___________________ (not
have) much luck with it. Whenever she ___________________ (go) to the casting office, there
___________________ (be) always a long line of people waiting. Every Monday she
___________________ (submit) her resume and a headshot, then she ___________________ (take) the
bus to her job at the restaurant, where she ___________________ (wash) dishes. She
___________________ (get) tired of waiting to become famous. I just talked with her on the phone, and
she told me that tonight at 7 o’clock she ___________________ (have) lunch with a fairly well-known
producer, so her luck might ___________________ (change)!

E. Fill in the blanks with the simple present or the present continuous:
1. Eric is a great footballer. He is at a rock concert. He __________ (play) football but he __________
(listen) to music tonight.
2. I love whisky but I have a bottle of Coca Cola in my hand. I __________ (drink) a lot of whisky but right
now I __________ (drink) a Coke.
3. I _______________ (not work) in my office at the moment, I __________ (sit) in a bar!
4. I'm in the bank. I __________ (not work) in the bank, I __________ (take out) some money.

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5. That man has got a copy of the Times in his coat pocket. He obviously __________ (read) the Times,
not the Sun.
6. “What newspaper ________________ (you / read)?” / “I never __________ (buy) a paper.”
7. How __________ (go) to work? I usually __________ (take) the bus.
8. Fred is in the theatre. The actors are on the stage. He __________ (watch) the play. He __________
(like) it very much.
9. The opera singer is on the stage at the London Opera. The audience is not happy. He __________
(sing) badly. They __________ (shout) abuse at him.
10. Golf is my favorite sport. I __________ (play) it at my local golf club but today I can't because I
__________ (work).
11. Harry __________ (work) in a factory but this afternoon he __________ (play) football.
12. Simon __________ (play) golf really well today but he usually __________ (play) badly.
13. Look at Elizabeth. She __________ (stand) in the corner, __________ (talk) to herself. I wonder what
is wrong.
14. Could you phone me back later? I __________ (watch) an interesting program on television and I
__________ (want) to see the rest of it.
15. John will be here soon. He _________(have) his lunch. He always _________ (take) a long time to eat
his lunch!
16. Look at how fast John __________ (drive) . I never __________ (drive) as fast as that, it's dangerous.
17. “What __________ (you / do)?” / “I __________ (do) my homework.”
18. I often __________ (go) to bed late but I never __________ (get up) before 8.00!
19. What's your job? I __________ (work) in a car factory. What __________ (you /do)?
20. I __________ (want) to watch the basketball on television. I __________ (love) basketball.

1. Qu’est-ce qui te fait sourire ?
2. A chaque fois que je vais à Londres, il pleut !
3. Radcliffe passe la balle à Fernandez... Fernandez tire et marque !
4. J’ai rendez-vous avec John ce soir.
5. Ce café a un goût amer.
6. Il est new-yorkais, mais en ce moment il vit chez des amis à Philadelphie.
7. C’en est assez, je démissionne !
8. Je déclare la séance ouverte.
9. Qu’as-tu prévu de faire ce soir ?
10. C’est l’histoire d’un homme qui entre dans un pub et qui commande un verre d’eau.
11. Tu fais toujours la même erreur !!
12. OK, maintenant je comprends.
13. Le film dure 90 minutes.
14. [Une de journal] Le Premier ministre quitte l’hôpital.
15. – Où est-elle ? – Elle est assise au coin du feu.

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TD 2 - Past
Le passé ou past permet de situer un événement en décalage par rapport au moment où on en
parle. Il peut être combiné avec des indications sur la manière dont le locuteur se représente

Le prétérit simple (preterit ou simple past) sera employé pour exprimer une rupture entre le
moment passé et le présent. Un marqueur de temps viendra généralement exprimer cette rupture.
Used to viendra renforcer cette différence entre avant et maintenant. -> When she saw me, she
turned back.

Le plu perfect (ou past perfect) permet d’avoir un point de vue passé (HAVE au prétérit).
- Notion de passé antérieur à un autre passé. -> She had fallen asleep when you came in.
- Conséquence d’une action passée sur un autre moment du passé. -> She was promoted
because she had worked a lot.

Le prétérit en BE +-ING (ou past continuous) offre un point de vue sur l’événement. Par exemple un
commentaire sur une action ou sur une caractéristique du sujet :
- l’action sert de cadre à une autre -> He was playing the piano when his phone rang.
- le sujet grammatical a un défaut agaçant -> She was always losing her keys.

A. In the following paragraph, underline and identify all the uses of the preterit, the present perfect,
and the plu perfect:

My sister has taught for two years at a high school in Alaska. She had applied for a teaching job, and they gave
it to her because she had already taught biology in California. She wasn’t prepared for the Alaskan weather,
since she had never lived north of Los Angeles. But she’s grown accustomed to the cold and has recently
begun snowshoeing. Last week she went ice fishing, or at least that’s what she told me. She hadn’t expected to
enjoy that kind of activity, but now, she says, she has become a real winter sports fan.

B. Conjugate the verbs in brackets, using either the preterit or the present perfect:

Since I (BECOME) an active member of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, I (HAVE) quite a
lot of mail from all over the country. I am an authority on ill-treated dogs. I now (PUBLISH) several papers on
the subject and for several months last year I (GIVE) lectures at the university on the influence of drinking on
dogs. Yet, yesterday morning, when the package (ARRIVE) I (BE) a bit surprised. I (OPEN) it at once and what
do you think I (FIND) in it? A very pretty baby alligator, from some admirers in Louisiana. Since yesterday I
(SPEND) a lot of time trying to find out what it would like to eat, because, you see, it is such a cute little thing
that, after some hesitation, I finally (DECIDE) to keep it.
C. Conjugate the verbs in brackets into either the preterit or the plu perfect:
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1. After everyone _________________ (be) seated, the lights __________________ (be) dimmed.
2. He _______________ (look) at me as though I _______________ (insult) him.
3. She _______________ (see) the movie already, so she _______________ (read) a book instead.
4. By the time I _______________ (get) to their house, Jen _______________ (go) to bed.
5. They _______________ (do) very well so far.
6. 10 years ago, we _______________ (decide) to start our own business.
7. _______________ (you/work) in the garden yesterday?
8. I _______________ (be) with her for her birthday.
9. I _______________ (be) hoping for something better, so I was rather disappointed.

D. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.
1. My brother ___________ (get) married last year.
2. We ___________ (have) dinner when Sally called.
3. John got to the cinema late and the film ___________ (start) when he arrived.
4. I was driving home when the accident ___________ (happen).
5. ___________ (you / watch) TV when I phoned?
6. I'd studied really hard but I ___________ (not pass) the exam.
7. While I ___________ (drive), I ___________ (have) an accident.
8. Kate ___________ (have) dinner and then she ___________ (do) her homework.
9. The thieves ___________ (hide) in the kitchen when the police ___________ (come) in.
10. Sam ___________ (plan) a party and then he ___________ (phone) his friends.
11. While we ___________ (clean) the house, we ___________ (break) some glasses.
12. Alan ___________ (look) out of the window when he ___________ (see) a UFO.

1. Je t'ai apporté quelques fleurs.
2. Tu as déjà bu de la tequila ?
3. La semaine dernière, nous avons eu beaucoup de pluie.
4. Shakespeare a écrit trente-sept pièces.
5. J'ai toujours aimé la campagne.
6. Mon frère vit à Mexico depuis cinq ans.
7. Le duc de Marlborough a battu les armées de Louis XIV plusieurs fois.
8. Le peintre Dan Gorr n'a peint que des tournesols pendant vingt ans.
9. C’était trop tard : ils étaient déjà partis.
10. J'ai entendu des coups de feu et j'ai vu les gangsters sortir en courant. Et puis ils sont montés dans
une voiture qui les attendait.
11. J'ai rencontré votre fils aîné plusieurs fois ; il est très sympathique.
12. J’avais déjà payé le tableau quand je me suis aperçu qu’il était abîmé.
13. Il était entré la veille à l’hôpital bien que les médecins aient considéré que sa maladie était guérie.
14. Cela faisait bien longtemps que je n’avais pas visité le sud de l’Italie.
15. Je suis reçu ! Tu vois, qu’est-ce que je t’avais dit ?

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TD 3 - Modality

MODAL (obligation, capacité, MODAL
(degré de probabilité)
Forte obligation morale ou
institutionnelle imposée
par le locuteur ou une Quasi-certitude (présent, passé, inachevé).
must autorité qu’il reprend à son must -> He must be home at this time of day.
compte. -> He must be watching TV now.
-> You must respect your
Capacité physique ou
-> Thanks to those
subsidies, they can do
fundamental research.
Probabilité très modérée (présent, passé).
can Permission, interdiction.
could -> They could agree with you.
could -> You can go out if you
-> They couldn’t have forgotten it.
-> It can be very hot in this
Probabilité modérée (présent, passé,
-> He may be playing tennis at the moment.
Permission ou absence de -> He may have resigned, he wasn’t in today.
permission. Probabilité très faible (présent, passé,
-> You may not smoke. inachevé).
might -> She might go to the cinema tonight.
-> In May, Kate might have been working on
her new play.
Conseils amicaux ou
-> You should stop smoking.
/ You ought to have called Assez forte probabilité (présent, passé).
her. should -> They should be back by now.
Dans les subordonnées de -> She should have been back hours ago.
-> They told me so that I
should know.
will Souhait ou refus. will Prédiction quasi-certaine (sens de futur)
would -> Will you marry me? / The

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car wouldn’t start so we

took the bus.


A. Identify whether each sentence features radical or epistemic modals:

1. There must be some other way.

2. He must go back and ask for another form.
3. He can get really crazy when he watches baseball.
4. She could be in the other room listening now.
5. She could go upstairs and see the dollhouse.
6. You may not use that tone of voice in my office.
7. You may want to reconsider your tone of voice.
8. I might have made a mistake.
9. You should get there ahead of time.
10. You should be there soon if you drive quickly.

B. Complete each sentence with a modal (negative or positive) that fits:

1. They ___________ be on holiday, but I'm not sure.

2. You ___________ be right, but I'd still like to check.
3. ___________ you turn it down a bit please?
4. You ___________ want to leave yet. She might sing an encore.
5. Ask any questions you have now, since you ___________ talk during the test.
6. You ___________ smoke if you want to be a long-distance runner.
7. From the way he speaks, he ___________ be from London.
8. It's impossible they ___________ have finished it already!
9. The weather ___________ be better tomorrow, but we’ll have to wait and see.
10. ___________ you speak Japanese?

C. Deduction: complete the sentences with the correct modal (must, can’t, or might):

1. She isn't answering the phone. She _____________ be out.

2. They _____________ be Spanish, they're speaking Portuguese.
3. He _____________ have a job interview today. He's waiting to hear from the company.
4. He drives an expensive car. He _____________ have a good job.
5. It's too early to have finished the exam. He _____________ have finished.
6. Sara's very busy. She _____________ not be able to come tonight.
7. They both look pretty angry. Do you think they _____________ have had a fight?
8. That ______________ be my mother phoning now. She never calls this late.

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D. Match the correct modal verb with each blank space:
can / couldn't / have to / might / must / ought to / shouldn't / was able
1. It's very cold today. Do you think it ______________ snow later?
2. You ______________ leave your door unlocked when you go out.
3. They ______________ have filled the car with gas before they set off.
4. My motorbike broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily I ______________ to fix it.
5. Mum says we ______________ watch TV after we've finished our homework.
6. You don't ______________ pick me up at the station. I can get a taxi.
7. This is impossible, it ______________ be a mistake!
8. Jim ______________ have seen me because he walked past without saying 'Hello'.

E. Complete the following proverbs using modals:

1. When the cat is away, the mice play.

2. You lead a horse to water, but you make him drink.
3. As you make your bed, so you lie in it.
4. Take care of the pennies; the pounds take care of themselves.
5. People who live in glass houses not throw stones.
6. As you sow, so you reap.
7. Do your duty, come what .
8. Boys be boys.
9. Beggars be choosers.
10. Do to others as you be done by.
11. One have more than one string to one’s bow.
12. Seek and you find.

1. Je ne peux pas courir vite.
2. Il se peut que vous ayez froid en Écosse.
3. Les enfants doivent se lever tôt en semaine.
4. Kenneth sait parler allemand.
5. Vous ne devez pas jouer au football quand vous avez un rhume.
6. Il se peut que nous soyons en retard.
7. Il vous faut prendre l'avion si vous voulez aller à Londres et être de retour le soir.
8. Les étudiants ne sont pas autorisés à fumer pendant la conférence.
9. Il se peut que je fasse une faute.
10. Nous irons peut-être à la mer cet été.
11. Vous auriez dû moderniser vos installations.
12. Le pouvoir a dû accepter que le vote se déroule à la proportionnelle.
13. Il faudra bientôt seulement trois heures pour relier les deux villes.
14. Si vous me l’aviez dit avant, j’aurais pu faire quelque chose.
15. Je préférerais que tu arrives plus tôt tous les jours.

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TD 4 – The passive voice

Les énoncés au passif permettent de mettre en avant un élément particulier de la phrase.
Ex. : John was given a watch. / A watch was given to Tom.
Qui dit passif dit forcément présence de l’auxiliaire BE et de la forme –EN sur le verbe.
On aura souvent recours à lui pour traduire le « on » indéfini français. A la place du sujet « on »
français, on retrouvera la personne dont on parle.
-> On lui a dit de postuler le mois prochain. -> On dit qu’elle a révélé des informations secrètes.
-> He was told to apply next month. -> She is said to have disclosed secret information.
-> On pense que c’est lui le voleur. -> On m’a entendu dire que le film n’était pas
-> He is thought to be the thief. -> I was heard to say that the film wasn’t interesting.

Attention tout de même à quelques restrictions et incompatibilités :

- certains énoncés actifs ne sont pas équivalents à leur pendant passif. -> Alcohol abuse causes
liver cancer. ≠ Liver cancer is caused by alcohol abuse.
- la voix passive n’est pas possible avec les verbes suivis d’une préposition de lieu (sauf si le lieu
en question est plutôt vu comme un objet). -> This village is lived in by three hundred
people. / This flat has never been lived in.
- Passivation des verbes à double complément (cf. Larreya & Rivière, Grammaire explicative de
l’anglais, chapitre 24 : Le passif).
o Type « Give » : He gave the dog a bone  The dog was given a bone / A bone was
given to the dog
o Type « Order » : Sue ordered Ted a sandwich / Sue ordered a sandwich for Ted  A
sandwich was ordered for Ted / Ted was ordered a sandwich
o Type « Explain » : They explained the situation to me  The situation was explained
to me / I was explained the situation
o Type « Refuse » : They refused him a visa  He was refused a visa / A visa was
refused …


A. Complete the sentences with the passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where
1. English ___________________ (speak) all over the world.
2. I can't use my computer at the moment. It ___________________ (repair).
3. This book looks old. When ___________________ (it / write)?
4. We put our house up for sale last month, but it ___________________ (not sell) yet.
5. Their car wasn't in the car park. It ___________________ (steal).

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6. The 2012 Olympic Games ___________________ (hold) in London.
7. Italian ___________________ (not teach) at the school I go to.
8. Next week the sports centre ___________________ (close) for three days.

B. Complete the dialogues with the passive form of the verb in brackets:

1. A: Has anyone repaired the dishwasher?

B: No, it _______________________ (not yet / repair).
2. A: Have you thrown those old love letters away?
B: I don’t remember but they ___________________ (should / not / throw away) in my opinion.
3. A: Your cat doesn’t look well.
B: You’re right. It doesn’t. It ____________________ (should take) to the vet.
4. A. Have they sold their old car?
B: No, but I think it ____________ (could / sell) if they lowered the price.
5. A. Why didn’t she come to your party?
B. Because she ___________________ (not / invite).
6. A: Do they include service in the bill here?
B: Yes, service _______________ (include).
7. A: Will they postpone the meeting?
B. I’m sure the meeting ________________ (postpone).
8. A: May we leave our bicycles in the driveway?
B: No. Bicycles ______________________ (should / leave) in the backyard.
9. A: Are they paving the street?
B: Yes, the street _______________________(pave).
10. A: Were they serving dinner when you arrived?
B: Yes, dinner _______________________ (serve) when I arrived.
11. A: You must have been late. Had they already served dinner when you arrived?
B: No, it was fine. Dinner _________________ (not / serve) when I got there.
12. A: Did they have to postpone the meeting?
B: Yes, the meeting ___________________ (postpone).

C. Passivize the following sentences whenever possible:

1. Everybody strongly objected to the decision.

2. The jury awarded Priscilla the first prize.
3. Certainly, the technicians didn't expect the rocket to blow up.
4. The officers explained to the soldiers that the situation was hopeless.
5. People have told me that this is the best car on the market.
6. The headmaster wants the pupils to work much harder than last year.
7. We'll have to look into the disappearance of those cheques.
8. Somebody must have taught her mathematics at an early age.
9. His friends would like him to stand for Parliament.

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10. His wife Amanda and three children survive our deceased friend.
11. His friends made him give up the idea of standing for Parliament.
12. People have frequently complained about the lack of sporting facilities.
13. People remember Sammy as the best billiard player in town.
14. The authorities dealt with the problem of excess production by destroying the products.
15. Someone heard him come home a little after midnight.
16. The boss promised Henry a substantial rise if he put the deal through.
17. Some people mentioned to the mayor that his policy didn't meet with universal approval.
18. People simply couldn't put up with his tyrannical attitudes any longer.
19. The County council has granted the right to operate the school buses to a small but enterprising
20. Everybody expects the contractors to finish the decoration of the concert hall by the end of next month.
21. After World War 1, men could no longer deny women the right to vote.

1. On s’attend à ce que le gouvernement perde les prochaines élections.
2. Excusez le désordre, on est en train de refaire la chambre.
3. Cette toile a été peinte au couteau.
4. Monsieur, on vous demande au téléphone.
5. On lui a conseillé de démissionner.
6. Un détenu se serait évadé.
7. On pense qu’il vit à l’étranger.
8. Quelqu’un a dormi dans ce lit.
9. On a cambriolé cette maison.
10. Il n’aime pas qu’on se moque de lui.
11. Lindsay s’est vu offrir un emploi de manager.
12. On prépara un bon repas au vainqueur.
13. Il faut envoyer chercher un médecin.
14. Cela ne se fait pas.
15. Vous a-t-on montré la nouvelle machine ?

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TD 5 – Subjunctive & Imperative

L’emploi du subjonctif peut paraître un peu affecté (en langue familière on préférera une autre
construction) mais il n’est pas rare pour autant. Du point de vue du sens, il est utilisé pour un
événement qui est vu comme virtuel mais envisagé comme réalisable :
- dans les contextes directifs -> He ordered that the prisoner be set free. / It’s important that
the letter arrive in time.
- dans l’expression d’un souhait -> God save the King. / Long live our sovereign! / Heaven
forbid that I should say such a thing! / So be it! / Suffice it to say that… / Damn the bloody
- dans l’expression d’une hypothèse ou une concession -> If it be true that… / Be that as it may
/ whether it be true or not / come what may / rain or shine / whether you like it or not / if
need be...

Pour l’ensemble du système verbal anglais, il n’existe qu’une forme de subjonctif, le subjonctif
présent. Tous les verbes, BE et HAVE compris, possèdent un subjonctif présent, sa forme est la
même pour toutes les personnes, il s’agit de la base verbale. Ainsi, le subjonctif ne se différencie de
l’indicatif présent que par l’absence de -s à la 3ème personne du singulier.
-> She suggests that he abandon the project. / I do not intend that this book be a tract.
-> If you’d rather I not stay, I can leave.

Une autre façon d’envisager un événement de façon virtuelle (irréel, doute) s’exprime par l’emploi
de were à toutes les personnes (ancient subjonctif passé de BE) :
-> If I were you, I wouldn’t tell them.
-> He always treats her as if she were a child.
-> If he were to fail, it would be a great misfortune.

L’impératif n’existe en anglais qu’à la deuxième personne -> Go out!

L’impératif peut se retrouver sous plusieurs formes :

- la forme affirmative qui est constituée simplement de la base verbale -> Wait until I tell you
to begin ; Be sensible! Les verbes prépositionnels ne gardent leur préposition que si cette
préposition introduit un complément -> Look! v. Look at you!
- la forme négative utilise do not (même BE) -> Don’t worry; don’t be silly; don’t ever ask me
that again.
- la forme emphatique utilise do -> Do come in!; Do be quiet!
- les réponses abrégées -> Can I borrow your pen? / Please do!

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A la première et la troisième personnes, il existe une construction de sens impératif, qui est formée
avec le mot LET -> Let’s go out!

- la forme affirmative qui se forme LET + GN + base verbale -> Let me think.; Let us be careful.;
Let there be no misunderstanding.; Let those with a train to catch leave first.;
- la forme négative utilise let’s not -> Let’s not forget Tony’s birthday. (Don’t let’s forget existe
aussi mais moins utilisé).
- la forme emphatique qui utilise do -> Do let’s go now!

A. Change each request to the subjunctive mood. Use the word "that" to begin a clause after the verb.
Example: I asked them to be quiet. -> I asked that they be quiet.

1. She asks him to fix the computer.

She requests _______________________________________________.
2. Sandra wants the post office to hold onto her mail.
Sandra asks _______________________________________________.
3. The judge tells the lawyer to be quiet.
The judge insists ___________________________________________.
4. My supervisor says it would be a good idea for me to accept this new position.
My supervisor suggests ______________________________________.
5. “He should fix it himself,” I said.
I suggested _________________________________________________.
6. He made a formal request to have the prisoner released.
He asked _________________________________________________.
7. He made a request to adjourn the meeting.
He requested _________________________________________________.
8. "Stop drinking so much!" Bill's brother told him.
Bill's brother demanded ____________________________________________.
9. "Take a vacation," our boss told us.
Our boss insisted _________________________________________________.

B. Fill in the blanks to complete these subjunctive sentences:

1. If only he _________ more skillful, he would make a good football player.

2. I wish it _________ warmer.
3. The emperor demanded that the thief _________ brought before him.
4. If the new striker _________ a better goal-scorer, we might win more matches.
5. You treat him as though he _________ a total beginner.
6. It is essential that you _________ at the meeting tomorrow.
7. It is vital that he _________ his pills every day.
8. If Peter _________ better behaved, he would not be in so much trouble at school.
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C. Put the verbs of the following sentences into the imperative form:
1. A dentist is giving some advice to his patient:
(you/ to brush) ___________________________ your teeth with regular toothpaste.
2. A teacher is warning one of his pupils:
(you/to stop) ___________________________ talking, otherwise I will punish you.
3. A mother is blaming her daughter:
(you/ not to be) ___________________________ late for school again.
4. A boy is talking to his girlfriend:
(we/ not to complicate) ___________________________ things further.
5. A mother is giving her son a piece of cake:
(you/to take) ___________________________ a piece of this cake. It's very delicious.
6. Public notice:
Please (you/ not to pollute) ___________________________ the water.
7. A seller is explaining how to deal with the new product:
Please (you/to read) __________________________ the instructions before you turn on the machine.
8. An angry father is warning his son:
(you/to turn off) ___________________________ the computer and revise your lessons.
9. A chemist is giving some advice to parents:
(you/ to keep) ___________________________ all medicines out of reach of children.
10. A football team are talking all together:
(we/to go) ___________________________ and celebrate our victory.

 Translation
1. Donne-moi un coup de main ici, je n’y arrive pas !
2. Soyons réalistes, nous ne finirons jamais à l’heure !
3. Laissez votre voiture à la maison. Prenons le bus aujourd’hui.
4. Faites vos bagages et montez dans le bus.
5. Regarde-moi quand je te parle.
6. M’en parle pas !
7. Ne parlez plus jamais de ça.
8. Si j'étais vous, je serais effrayé.
9. Il a demandé que nous ne révélions pas son nom.
10. L'avocat a insisté pour qu'il soit donné plus de temps pour parler.
11. Il lui suggéra de réfléchir avant d'agir précipitamment.
12. Elle a exigé qu'il s'excuse devant toute la classe
13. Si elle était ici maintenant, je ne pense pas que vous diriez de telles choses.
14. Si j'étais riche, j'achèterais une maison à la campagne et je ne travaillerais plus jamais.
15. Si j'étais charpentier et tu étais une dame, m'épouserais-tu quand même ?

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TD 7 - (Un)Countable nouns
Les noms indénombrables sont toujours au singulier (même si le mot se termine par un -s). Ces
noms ne possèdent pas d’alternance singulier-pluriel, ils ne peuvent s’utiliser avec l’article A/AN.
Lorsqu’ils sont sujets, le verbe s’accorde au singulier. Ils sont repris par des pronoms singuliers.
-> The information she gave you was false, wasn’t it?
Les principales catégories d’indénombrables sont les :
- Substances, matières -> butter, milk, mud…
- Abstractions -> advice, information, progress, news, anger, stupidity…
- Activités humaines (noms dérivés de verbes) -> hunting, cooking, traveling…
- Noms de jeux -> billiards, darts…
- Noms de maladie -> cancer, measles, mumps…
- Noms en -ics généralement -> physics, economics, linguistics…
Certains noms peuvent avoir un emploi dénombrable ET un emploi indénombrable. Par exemple,
work est indénombrable mais works of art (= les œuvres d’art) est dénombrable ; business est
indénombrable mais a business (une entreprise) est dénombrable.
Lorsque le passage par le dénombrement est inévitable, il est possible d’utiliser des dénombreurs.
-> the two pieces of advice / three pairs of trousers / a glass of water / a bottle of milk…
Les objets doubles sont des indénombrables particuliers car leur verbe se conjugue au pluriel et ils
sont repris par des pronoms au pluriel. Souvent, il s’agit des vêtements qui couvrent tout ou partie
des jambes -> pants, trousers, shorts, tights, jeans… mais aussi glasses, binoculars…
-> The shorts you have bought are too tight, aren’t they?
Les noms collectifs sont des noms qui peuvent être considérés comme un ensemble pluriel ou
comme une entité unique et donc au singulier -> government, crowd, family, press. Six noms
collectifs sont quasiment toujours suivis d’un pluriel -> people, police, cattle, clergy, gentry, vermin.

A. Put the words in brackets into the plural:

1. Several (church) have been destroyed in the past few weeks.

2. Three (passer-by) saw the accident when it happened.
3. We are organizing a party next week, at which we expect (Evans) and (Williams).
4. The men you are seeing are (hero) of the Bosnian war.
5. Do you have (the key) to the lobby please?
6. These men could be described as (gentleman-farmer).
7. Do we have (handkerchief) darling?
8. Could you bring me these (box)?

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9. (Woman driver) are the worst!
10. Da Vinci’s paintings are true (work of art).
11. The police have arrested several of (the thief) so far.
12. We knew about the (has-been), what about the (might-have-been)?
13. There already have been several political (crisis) in the country this year.
14. Gosh! There are (mouse in the house)!
15. And suddenly there were (cry) in the night.
16. Our child particularly enjoys (toy story).
17. (His wife) are doctors.
18. (Mosquito) are the worst nuisance when you go to Africa.
19. I need (boot for my foot), do you know where I can get (it)?
20. Geez, I love (apple tart)!
21. I’m sorry but you’ll have to clean up (the dish) I’m afraid.
22. (Wolf) have been sighted in the neighbourhood, so be careful.
23. They don’t allow (knife) aboard airplanes.
24. Would you like to take any more (photo)?
25. Did you all remember to take your (toothbrush) with you?
26. (My mother-in-law) are wonderful.

B. Choose the right answer:

1. The government reviewing unemployment policy.

a). are / their b). is / their c). is / his d). are / its

2. Five hundred euros given to the winner.

a). be b). were c). was d). are

3. Nobody that, ?
a). knows / does it b). knows / do they c). know / do they d). know / does it

4. The police received new cars, _?

a). have / haven’t they b). has / haven’t they c). has / hasn’t it d). have / hasn’t it

5. The news at 8 pm.

a). is b). are c). be d). were

6. Mathematics his main subject at university.

a). are b). is c). be d). were

7. They spent two weeks together.

a). other b). another c). others d). other’s

8. The United States a great power.

a). are b). is c). be d). were

9. Her luggage at least three hundred kilos. I can’t lift _.

a).weigh / it b). weigh / them c). weighs / it d). weighs / them
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C. Cross out the wrong form:

1. You ought to see him. He’ll give you sound 9. What is / are his politics?
advice / advices. 10. Such wisdom / a wisdom is rare.
2. At last he has found a job / a work. 11. How much are this pair of trousers / these
3. She has made very fast progress / progresses. trousers?
4. There is / There are people waiting for you. 12. He died from a cancer / cancer.
5. They speak a very beautiful French / very 13. Your hair is / your hairs are too long. You
beautiful French. should have it / them cut.
6. He collected 18th century furniture / furnitures. 14. Businesses are / Business is deeply affected
7. Some animals like fruits / fruit. by the economic crisis, and they have been /
8. He never eats vegetable / vegetables. it has been laying off thousands of people.

D. Insert the words in brackets into the sentence:

1. Don’t forget to pick up a (bread) on your way home.

2. The most recent (information) we have is over a week old.
3. I am only taking along two (trousers). That should be enough for one week.
4. This (news) is the best I have heard in ages!
5. Is there any (evidence) to suggest he committed both crimes?
6. That (furniture) is one of my favorites; I would hate to part with it.
7. How long after the last (lightning) did you hear the (thunder)?
8. She does not buy many (clothes), but those she buys are the height of fashion.
9. A loud (laughter) could be heard coming from the other room.
10. You have been most helpful. May I trouble you for just one more (information)?

1. Pourquoi emportes-tu tant de bagages ? Qui va les porter ?
2. Permettez-moi de vous donner deux conseils.
3. La direction vient de nous envoyer un rapport de 10 pages.
4. La police n’a pas encore arrêté le meurtrier.
5. Les nouvelles sont-elles bonnes ? Voici une nouvelle qui vous surprendra.
6. Quel temps magnifique !
7. Nous vendons uniquement des meubles de bureau.
8. Pour de plus amples informations, contactez-nous.
9. Il va falloir que nous trouvions un nouveau moyen de transport.
10. Les Martin vont nous rendre une petite visite demain soir, en revanche les Jones ne pourront pas
venir, quant aux Murphy je ne sais toujours pas.
11. Pour certains, la politique est un jeu.
12. Mets un jean propre, au moins, avant de sortir.
13. Le dodo est une espèce qui aujourd’hui a disparu.
14. Le carrefour était complètement embouteillé.
15. J’adore The Wire, c’est une excellente série télévisée.

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TD 8 - Determiners & Quantifiers

On utilise l’article Ø quand on se trouve au niveau de la notion brute (I love Ø disco music.), du
concept (Ø Happiness is a great feeling.) ou quand on exprime une généralité (Ø Buses are red in
- Ø + nom dénombrable singulier (lieux, repas, transports, nom propre) -> She goes to Ø school
in Ø London. / We often have Ø lunch at 1. / She came by Ø train. / Ø Poor Kate was so bored.
- Ø + nom de pays -> Ø France and Ø Germany have not always been close allies.
- Ø + nom indénombrable -> Would you like Ø tea or Ø coffee?
- Ø + nom dénombrable pluriel -> I say Ø desktop computers are more reliable than Ø laptops.
Avec l’article A(N), on parle d’extraction d’un objet, un individu.
- dans une situation spécifique pour isoler un élément -> There was a black bird on the roof.
- devant les noms de métiers -> He is a policeman.
- emploi dit distributif -> You should eat five fruit and vegetables a day.
- préposition + A(N) -> You can’t go through customs without a passport.
- en apposition ou après AS -> A skilled journalist, he was also an outstanding novelist.
On parle souvent de reprise pour l’article THE : le référent est déjà connu.
- reprise d’un nom déjà mentionné en discours -> She was wearing a hat. The hat was blue.
- le nom est précisément déterminé -> The man I met is nice. / I like the colour of this wood.
- le nom est repéré dans la situation -> Pass me the salt.
- THE + adjectifs substantivés (noms à sens collectif) -> They don’t do much for the disabled.
- THE + les noms propres comportant un nom commun (sous-entendu ou non) -> the Thames,
the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, the Philippines…
Pour plus de précision et se référer à des quantités, on a recours à des quantifieurs.
- pour une grande quantité : much avec les indénombrables et many avec les dénombrables,
surtout en contextes négatif et interrogatif ; a lot of/lots of/plenty of surtout en contexte
affirmatif -> I didn’t use much milk. / Have you seen many of your friends? / They have lots of
- pour une majorité d’éléments : most ou most + of + déterminant -> Most French people
watch television every day. / Most of the people I know watch television every day.
- pour une petite quantité : little (peu) et a little (un peu) avec les indénombrables et few (peu)
et a few (un peu) avec les dénombrables -> There is little time left. / Have a few biscuits!
- pour une quantité totale : all + pluriel et the whole + singulier -> All my friends came to the
party. / The whole class was present.
- pour une quantité duelle : both/(n)either -> Both my parents like English literature, but
neither (of them) has read Jane Eyre.
- pour chacun des éléments : every/each -> Every/Each morning I get up at 7.30.
- pour une quantité nulle : none -> None (of them) was able to recognize my sister.

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A. Complete the sentences using little, a little, few or a few:

1. I’m very busy at the moment, I have time to read.

2. He speaks English remarkably well, he makes mistakes.
3. He speaks English well, though he makes mistakes occasionally.
4. You ought to eat fruit every day.
5. She invited friends on her birthday.
6. people can read Latin nowadays.
7. I’m afraid he is making progress.
8. I’d like to know more about your plans.
9. He is not quite bald yet, but he has hair left.
10. You can see the play if you like, there are still seats left.
11. There is chance of ever finding the climbers who got lost in the storm.
12. There are still American prisoners left in Vietnam.
13. Astronomy is such a difficult subject that people study it.
14. There is enough room in the back for luggage.
15. Give him time and he’ll find the answer.

B. Complete with much or many:

1. How times have you been to the USA?

2. How luggage have you got?
3. How cases have you got?
4. He didn’t give us useful advice.
5. We don’t receive news from him.
6. He does not seem to be making progress.
7. How sugar do you want? How lumps?
8. I’m not hungry any more, I’ve had too toast.
9. There’s too furniture in this room.
10. How fish did you catch?
11. antique furniture is being shipped to Japan these days.
12. I’ve heard brilliant speeches in my times but yours was the best yet.
13. “ Is there rivalry in your department?” “No, not too ‟.
14. We were looking for a flat but of those we viewed were in fact condo units.
15. How schools in your area provide for children with special needs?
16. How federal aid actually goes to privately-owned firms?

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C. Put in some or any:

1. We didn’t buy flowers.

2. This evening I’m going out with friends of mine.
3. Have you seen good films recently?
4. I didn’t have money, so I had to borrow .
5. Can I have milk in my coffee please?
6. I was too tired to do work.
7. You can cash these traveller’s cheques at bank.
8. Can you give me information about places of interest in the town?
9. With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on train you like.
10. If there are words you don’t understand, use a dictionary.

D. Complete with much, many, few, a few, little or a little:

1. The bank refused to give him a credit card because he didn’t have money on his bank
2. This company is very famous and it has even got branches abroad.
3. Very secretaries use typewriters nowadays.
4. competence in one field is better than nothing.
5. You must keep this invention secret. people are in the know.
6. Thanks to our system of bonuses, we have absenteeism.
7. As he worked there only for one year, he got very redundancy money.
8. people are now connected to the Internet.
9. Could you lend me euros to buy a sandwich and a drink?

E. Complete with any, no, none, either or neither:

1. She has two brothers, but I don't know of them.

2. You can park your car on side of the road.
3. They are all very clever, but of them is clever enough to find the solution.
4. I am afraid that doctor can save him now.
5. of his friends was able to help him.
6. of his two brothers could help him.
7. Cameron had three uncles, but I never met of them.
8. They are both very good, so of them can win the tournament.
9. “Choose between the red one, the blue one and the purple one.” / “I don’t mind, will do.”

F. Read the following numbers aloud:

37 1980 3rd
289 1,248 1/5
4,564,869 299,897 134th
1,789,345,792 45,321 1.208
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1. Elle a les yeux bleus et les cheveux noirs et elle adore jouer de la guitare.
2. D’après le cliché en vigueur, les Hollandais adorent le fromage.
3. Des centaines de maisons ont été endommagées par la tempête.
4. Vos invités arrivent dimanche non ?
5. Le docteur Bright nous a fait visiter l’hôpital.
6. La police n’a pas encore retrouvé les bagages qui ont disparu hier à la gare Victoria.
7. L’homme préhistorique ne connaissait peut-être pas l’écriture, mais il parlait.
8. L’année suivante, ils ont escaladé le mont Fuji-Yama.
9. L’été les enfants portent seulement un short et un T-shirt.
10. Aucun de ses amis ne l’a vraiment aidé. Pourtant il a trois cents amis / des centaines d’amis.
11. Nous avons tant de livres que nous ne savons pas où les ranger.
12. Il y a peu d’exceptions. Il n’y a presque pas d’exceptions.
13. Des milliers d’années. Plusieurs milliers d’années.
14. Quatre million d’années-lumière. Des millions d’années-lumière.
15. Près d’un demi-million d’habitants ont tant de choses à faire, et si peu de temps.

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TD 9 - Adjectives
En anglais, les adjectifs sont invariables, ils ne prennent donc pas la marque du pluriel. La plupart
sont antéposés (placés avant le nom). Ils s’enchaînent selon le schéma syntaxique suivant :
Jugement Taille Age X Couleur Origine Matériau
On parle du schéma TAXCOM. Pour traduire un GN du type De jolies lunettes de vue à monture
ronde et blanche, nous aurons donc -> beautiful round white-framed corrective glasses.
Lorsque l’adjectif épithète est accompagné d’un complément, on le place après le nom.
Elle me donna un verre plein d’eau. -> She gave me a glass full of water.
Attention, lorsque les adjectifs last, first, next et other sont utilisés avec un nombre : l’ordre est
inversé par rapport au français.
les 3 derniers exercices -> the last three exercises
les 2 autres candidats -> the other two candidates.
Les adjectifs substantivés désignent un collectif, un groupe dans son ensemble. La plupart
d’entre eux ne prennent pas la marque du pluriel et sont précédés de l’article THE ; s’ils sont
sujet, le verbe s’accorde au pluriel. -> The young and the elderly don’t always get on. Si l’on ne
fait pas référence à l’ensemble, alors il faut repasser par un GN (These two young people).
Tableau récapitulatif sur le comparatif et le superlatif
Supériorité MORE + adjectif long + THAN My car is more expensive than hers.
adjectif court-ER + THAN She is happier than I am.
Infériorité LESS + adjectif + THAN I was less surprised than Mary.
Egalité AS + adjectif + AS It is as dirty as I expected.
Supériorité THE MOST + adjectif long He is the most popular boy in the class.
THE + adjectif court-EST She is the tallest girl in her family.
Infériorité THE LEAST + adjectif It is the least important problem.

-> Sont considérés comme adjectifs courts tous les adjectifs d’une syllabe (sauf dead, wrong, real, glad, cross,
right et les participes passés drunk, burnt…) et ceux de deux syllabes se terminant par -y, -ow et -le.

-> Quand le superlatif s’applique à une paire, on emploie THE -ER : his younger son implique qu’il a deux fils.

L'adjectif qualificatif peut avoir trois fonctions :

- On parle d'épithète lorsque l'adjectif qualifie un nom ou un pronom, sans préposition et sans
verbe. -> The generator is used to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.
- On parle d'attribut du sujet lorsque l'adjectif est employé après un verbe d'état. -> I looked
good yesterday. (Existent aussi les attributs du COD -> I found him silly.)
- On parle d'apposition lorsque l'adjectif est séparé du nom qu'il qualifie par une virgule. ->
Arthur was a big boy, tall, strong, and broad-shouldered. (Janet B. Pascal). Emploi rare en anglais.

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A. Place the adjectives given in brackets within the sentence:
1. My sister is a young woman. (intrepid) 7. Have you heard this story? (absolutely
2. Do you know this prizewinning writer? (French) incredible)
3. She has lovely black hair. (thick) 8. She kept her jewellery in a black box (small /
4. The Spencers have a social life. (increasingly wooden)
active) 9. Do you have anything to mention? (special)
5. They’ve bought a new car. (beautiful / German) 10. I’m trying to find the person. (responsible for the
6. This was a remark. (most interesting) delay)

B. Place the adjectives in the right order into the noun phrase:

1. those bottles (plastic, green, empty)

2. paths (narrow, unfamiliar, winding)
3. a court (paved, outdoor, spacious)
4. his figure (slim, boyish, handsome)
5. her bags (shopping, filled-to-the-brim, paper, brown)
6. a cat (little, craving, pathetic, skinny)
7. that student (young, medical, eager, Norwegian)
8. your novels (three, historical, thoroughly documented, last)
9. luck (sheer, once-in-a-lifetime, unmitigated)
10. each rose (bright, fragrant, red, silky)

C. Replace the underlined phrases with a compound adjective:

Ex.: The baby has blue eyes -> He is a blue-eyed baby.
1. Their house has three storeys. 3. The king ruled with a heavy hand.
2. The fish he brought home weighed four 4. That view takes one’s breath away.
pounds. 5. The stone wall was covered with moss.

D. Complete the sentences with as or than:

1. I ran as fast I could.

2. It’s far easier I thought it would be.
3. Don’t ask for more I can give.
4. It’s not as cheery it sounds.
5. Canada is 18 times as big France.
6. I’ve bought exactly the same shoes you.
7. She went away as quick one can say „Jack Robinson‟.
8. This is as likely a snowstorm in Karachi.
9. She went as red a beetroot when she was asked to answer.
10. He was born on the same day _ my son.

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E. Put the adjectives in brackets into the superlative:

1. The (famous) playhouse in the world was Shakespeare’s Globe. Built on Bankside in London in
1599 it was the theatre for which he wrote his (great) plays.
2. The (good) things in life are free.
3. He boasted about being the (clever) person in the class.
4. The (early) mechanically-propelled passenger vehicle was completed in Paris in 1769 by N.J.
5. One of the (bad) oil spills in history was that of the Exxon Valdez.
6. One of the (comprehensive) present-day encyclopaedias is the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
7. The (short) place name in the world is the French village of Y.
8. William Thomson was the (young) undergraduate ever: he was ten when he entered Glasgow
University in 1834.
9. The world’s (wealthy) woman was probably Princess Wilhemina, with a fortune of over
10. Harrods is one of the (well-known) department stores in the world.

F. Use the adjectives in brackets either in the comparative or in the superlative:

1. It’s (good) whiskey I’ve ever tasted.

2. As he grew (old) _, he became (cautious) _.
3. At (senior) level, civil servants advise ministers.
4. What’s (long) _ river in Europe?
5. Flying is (pleasant) means of travelling than travelling by train.
6. Teaching should be one of (gratifying) jobs.
7. English is (widely spread and written) than any other language.
8. How slow you are! Try to be a little (quick) .

G. Express the relation between the two phrases with a comparative of superiority, inferiority, and
Ex.: Bob is five feet two inches tall; Claudia is six feet tall.
 Superiority: Claudia is taller than Bob.
 Inferiority: Bob is less tall than Claudia.
 Equality: Bob is not as tall as Claudia.

1. The table is six feet long; the carpet is six feet long, too.
2. There are eight chairs in the dining room; there are four chairs in the sitting-room.
3. My radio cost £80; my brother’s cost half that price.
4. The concert lasted three hours, the recital lasted one hour.
5. I meet a lot of people in my present job; I didn’t meet many people in my previous job.

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H. Give the function of the adjectives found in each sentence:

1. He understood she was very smart the day they met.

2. The Kanes live in a large country house near San Francisco.
3. Much of the greatest poetry, ancient and modern, has been occupied with a similar image: the figure
of the abandoned woman.
4. The meeting kept them busy for a long time.

1. David a le même âge que James.
2. Ceux qui sont sous-payés sont moins motivés.
3. Tu as moins de travail que moi en ce moment.
4. Ce que j’aime le mieux dans ce film, c’est la fin.
5. Le pire est que beaucoup d’entreprises ferment actuellement.
6. A ton avis, quelle serait la meilleure solution ?
7. Le chômage est deux fois plus élevé aujourd’hui aux Etats-Unis qu’il ne l’était en moyenne autrefois.
8. Beaucoup d’Irlandais ont émigré aux Etats-Unis au début du siècle.
9. Certains Vietnamiens parlent français.
10. C’est un Gallois typique.
11. Je ne pense pas que les riches et les pauvres puissent jamais vivre en harmonie.
12. Peu d’Anglais se sentent européens.
13. Les Japonais conduisent à gauche, comme les Anglais.
14. Christophe Colomb est un célèbre Portugais… à moins qu’il soit italien… ou espagnol.
15. Ce jeune a perdu son passeport.

More practice:

1. Les Anglais et les Ecossais aiment le rugby

2. Les Américains aiment le basket.
3. Quelques chômeurs se sont réunis et ont créé une association.
4. Je connais plusieurs Anglais qui n’aiment pas le thé.
5. Les blessés ont été transportés à l’hôpital très rapidement, et la plupart d’entre eux ont pu être sauvés.
6. J’ai rencontré un Français qui veut émigrer en Australie, mais il ne parle pas anglais.
7. Nos pris sont les plus bas de France !
8. Les intérimaires occupent souvent les emplois les moins sûrs.
9. Nous utilisons les produits les moins polluants.
10. Cet ordinateur est le plus convivial que je connaisse.

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TD 10 – The Genitive
L’expression de la possession est régulièrement rendue en reliant deux noms par le génitif. Celui-ci
est exprimé par la structure GN2’s GN1. On dit que le deuxième GN est GN1 car c’est lui l’élément
central du génitif. Ex. : Les jouets de mon fils = my son’s Ø toys. Le nom principal est toys car je parle
surtout de ‘jouets’ et j’indique simplement (comme une information supplémentaire) qu’ils sont à
‘mon fils’. On notera l’absence de déterminant devant toys alors que nous avons ‘les’ en français.
La mise en relation par un génitif n’exprime pas seulement la possession, notamment lorsque GN1
renvoie à un inanimé comme :
- les noms neutres personnifiés (villes, pays, institutions…) -> England’s history; the Church’s
future; the company’s policy.
- les expressions de la temporalité (repère de temps par rapport au locuteur et durée) et les
expressions de distance -> today’s newspaper;  three months’ travel;  five miles’ walk.

Si GN2 se termine par un –S, alors il y a deux cas de figure :

- le -S est une marque de pluriel, on contracte les marqueurs -> la maison de nos voisins = our
neighbours’ house ; la maison des Kelly -> the Kellys’ house.
- le -S est une simple marque orthographique, on ne contracte pas -> le nouvel époux de
l’actrice = the actress’s new husband ; la voiture de Chris -> Chris’s car.
Le génitif elliptique s’utilise dans deux contextes :
- le nom a déjà été exprimé (This car is John’s), ou va l’être (John’s  is a very fast car). Cela
évite donc une répétition. Noter également la différence entre John’s and Bob’s cars (deux
voitures) et John and Bob’s car (une seule voiture).
- on sous-entend certains mots dans des contextes clairs (shop, store, house, place, practice,
surgery, office, church, cathedral, hospital, college) -> She went to the dentist’s; I forgot my
keys at Sam’s; I’m looking for Saint Paul’s.


A. Complete the following sentences, using the elements given in brackets. You will sometimes
have to slightly modify the words given:

1. This article is adapted from (Anthony Holden – the newly published book).
2. Tackling crime is (business – everybody).
3. (the architect who built those churches – reputation) spread throughout
4. Many of (family, friends and counsellors – the Princess) refused to
talk to the press.
5. Celebrities try to preserve (they – private lives).

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6. (The famous Golden Gate Bridge – San Francisco) is no longer
the longest suspension bridge in the world.
7. (car – my parents) is out of order, I’m taking (car – you).
8. ( a tendency to grow warmer – the earth) worries scientists.
9. (butler – Diana – remarks) are not in the best of tastes.
10. (the three daughters – old Colonel Shenstone) are getting married next week.
11. (She – the two sons) have both become doctors.
12. (that talented young writer – the two recent books) deeply impressed the most severe critics.
13. (an old lady who was holding an umbrella – strong determination) made the
policeman more polite.
14. (all the novels – your brother) have been a failure.
15. (The three thousand bus drivers – London) have all gone on
16. (All the dresses – Priscilla) were bought in Paris last Spring.

B. Join the group of words with either a genitive or an “of-phrase”:

1. The birthday / my husband 11. A glass / milk

2. The children / my sister 12. The price / butter
3. The largest city / Britain 13. The tail / the cat
4. The novel / the beginning 14. The children / Adam and Eve
5. The new house / the Kanes 15. The film / the end
6. The lid / the box 16. The keys / anybody
7. The ladder / success 17. His friends / James
8. A school / girls 18. The adventures / the Simpsons
9. The world / tomorrow 19. A paper / yesterday
10. The favorite pastime / my parents 20. Hats / women

C. Translate:
1. John and Mary’s children
2. John’s and Mary’s children
3. The former President’s secretary
4. My sisters’ room
5. The old woman’s house
6. All she possessed was an old lady’s bicycle.

D. Transform the following sentences in order to have a possessive

pronoun: Ex.: This book does not belong to me -> This book is not mine.

1. Is he one of your friends?

2. It’s not his fault (It’s no…)
3. This house became her house in 1999.

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4. I’d love to change the wallpaper but the place doesn’t belong to us.
5. What belongs to me belongs to you.
6. This laptop might belong to them.
E. Say what is the word which has been cut from the following sentences.
Which sentences contain genitive phrases that express a date or duration?

1. Many small firms like Mr. Jouve’s have two advantages.

2. “I had too much at the wedding”. “Whose wedding?” “My cousin Delia’s”.
3. Japan’s labor costs are now equal to Detroit’s.
4. She begins the day’s work with their exercise.
5. Days we weren’t working I stayed by preference at the Kleins’.
6. I will not throw away two years’ hard work.
7. She kept reminding herself to go to the chemist’s and get vitamin pills.

F. Translate into English:

1. L’hôpital Saint-Thomas 6. Feu le mari de Mme Smith

2. Les patients du Dr Armstrong 7. Un séjour de deux semaines
3. Les vêtements de l’enfant 8. Une traversée de trois heures
4. Des vêtements d’enfant 9. Une montre de femme
5. Un silence de quelques minutes 10. L’annuaire des antiquaires


1. Vous avez le courriel de ce candidat, non ?

2. Cela fait des années que le salaire de ces employés n’a pas été augmenté.
3. Elle composait le numéro de Chris quand son portable est tombé en panne.
4. L’entretien d’embauche d’hier a été un succès.
5. J’ai dû lui laisser cinq messages de trois minutes sur sa boîte vocale.
6. Après trois semaines de formation professionnelle, il se peut que j’obtienne un poste.
7. Il y a deux jours, elle est allée chez le médecin qui lui a donné deux semaines de congé maladie.
8. C’est le fils des Jones qui a répondu au téléphone.
9. Les enfants de Kelly et ceux de John ont été embauchés comme saisonniers.
10. Ce que je sais, c’est que les deux fils de Peter et Mary ont été licenciés le mois dernier.
11. Quel est leur numéro ? Vous avez l’annuaire de l’année dernière ?
12. C’est le joyau de la couronne.

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13. Le chef du parti conservateur doit rencontrer le Premier ministre après la conférence de presse de
14. La jalousie a été le mobile du meurtre.
15. Il a dormi chez Nick.

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TD 11 - Pronouns
Pour choisir un pronom relatif, il faut se demander si l’antécédent du pronom est animé ou inanimé
et quelle est la fonction du pronom (sujet, complément ou s’il exprime un lien de possession,

Sujet Complément Possession/Parenté Exemples

Animé WHO WHO(M) WHOSE the man who owns this car…
(parfois (parfois THAT the man whom I talked to…
THAT) ou Ø) the man whose car is red…
Inanim WHICH WHICH OF WHICH the tree which is behind the house…
é (parfois (parfois THAT (parfois WHOSE) the tree which my father planted…
THAT) ou Ø) the tree, the branches of which were bare,…

Lorsque l’antécédent inanimé et la relative sont séparés par une virgule (subordonnée relative non-
restrictive), THAT est agrammatical (His new car, which is a Jaguar, cost him a fortune).
Traduction de dont :
- Si dont est complément d’un adjectif -> Son fils, dont il est si fier, est ingénieur = His son, of
whom he is so proud, is an engineer. OU ,whom he is so proud of.
- Si dont est complément d’un nom avec un antécédent animé -> L’homme dont le chien aboie
est mon voisin = the man whose dog is barking is my neighbour
avec un antécédent inanimé -> La voiture dont les pneus
sont crevés appartient à ma femme = the car, the tyres of which are flat, belongs to my wife.
- Dans les subordonnées partitives (dont deux, dont aucun, dont le plus jeune…) :
avec un antécédent animé -> He had five children, the youngest of whom is fifteen
years old.
avec un antécédent animé et une idée de possession -> Andrew, most of whose
friends have left, feels very lonely.
avec un antécédent inanimé -> He has two cars, neither of which is red; There are
three chairs, the smallest of which is not comfortable; He has five pens, only one of which

A. Complete with the appropriate possessive pronoun or possessive determiner:

1. When they give parties, these companies usually invite best customers.
2. The computer was out of order because hard disk has been destroyed by a virus.
3. The waiter put the glasses on tray.
4. If supplier accepts these terms, you must make him sign a contract.

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5. An actress is always protected by bodyguards.
6. We would be pleased if you accepted to test product.
7. It would be better if everyone minded own business.
8. One mustn’t risk life for peanuts.
9. My father was very proud of promotion.
10. In our society, everybody tries to defend interests.
11. Mr Smith, your profits are not as high as because we are more competitive than you.
12. They had to hire a new accountant because had just retired.

B. Complete with the appropriate relative (who, whom, which, whose, that or ø):

1. The only advice I can give you is to give up the attempt.

2. The first piece on the programme, I liked very much, was an overture by Rossini.
3. The first piece on the programme I liked was the concerto they played after the
4. The film, I had seen before, is about a man is hunted down by the police in
5. The film we saw last night was very good.
6. Will the person car is parked in front of our garage be so kind as to move it?
7. The story he told us was very funny.
8. He told us a long story about his dogs, was very funny.
9. Her brother is the boy you met at the club.
10. She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen.
11. Her brother is the boy plays the oboe in the orchestra.
12. The man in car I came drove very carefully.
13. The man gave me a lift drove very carefully.
14. This is the worst winter we have had for ten years.

C. Choose the appropriate answer:

1. His wife, lives in Dallas, is an aerobics teacher.
a). which b). who c). whom d). whose
2. Mr Brown, I was talking to, is a chemist.
a). whose b). whom c). which d). that
3. Mrs Jones, good sense I rely on, said the contrary.
a). whom b). which c). what d). whose
4. He never listens to I say, worries me.
a). what / what b). what / which c). which / which d). which / what
5. He’s got a lot of books, are very interesting.
a). whose some b). whose some of them c). some of which d). which some
6. Our school has enrolled 150 students, are foreigners.
a). whose 20 b). 20 of whose c). which 20 of them d). 20 of whom
7. The film, I had never seen before, is about a man is hunted by US marshals.

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a). that / whom b). Ø / who c). which / who d). that / Ø
8. The Smiths with with children I spent a holiday, are my next-door neighbors.
a). which b). whom c). what d). whose
D. Complete with which, what, who, whom or that:
1. My boss can’t drive, is unbelievable.
2. I don’t understand is why these two firms don’t merge.
3. A holiday in Florida! That’s I need.
4. They employ young children, is quite revolting.
5. The Minister to I sent the letter, replied a few days ago.
6. Money is the only thing motivates them.
7. It was impossible for them to find a guide spoke English.

E. Ask the questions relative to the underlined segments:

Ex.: I’m going to play with John -> Who are you going to play with?
1. I’m writing to the Webbs. 4. These gloves are mine.
2. I paid 10£ for this record. 5. The look on his face made me laugh.
3. He is waiting for his girlfriend.

F. Complete with the appropriate relative pronoun:

1. The town, the name I have forgotten, is near the border.

2. He loved his wife, photo he always had with him.
3. Do you like the clothes he wears?
4. Mr Smith, of you have heard, is a poet.
5. The boy I saw yesterday was a tennis champion.
6. Is that the one sells flowers?
7. Children behavior is bad should be punished.
8. The man I phoned was in London.
9. He gives all the money he receives to his wife.
10. He met an old friend he hadn’t seen for years.
11. Paul’s brother, of we are very fond, plays the piano very well.
12. My brother, you met yesterday, lived in London last year.
13. A man, I had never met before, spoke to me last night.
14. Mr Smith, ideas I value, explained to me what he meant.
15. Mr Brown, in office there are four computers, refuses to have one at home.
16. This is the one I wanted.
17. Paul says that the new play, of I forget the author’s name, is very interesting.
18. Can you tell me something about this man for I shall work?
19. The school to they went stood near the sea.
20. The writers from novels he quotes are well-known.

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 Translation

1. Parfois, on garde des choses dont l’utilité est douteuse.

2. Marcia est une personne dont j’envie beaucoup l’appartement.
3. Cet appartement, dont la salle de séjour est peinte en noir, est au dix-huitième étage.
4. Elle a plusieurs frères, dont un est très célèbre.
5. John, dont j’admire tant le goût…
6. Les choses dont j’ai le plus envie sont trop chères pour moi.
7. Les amis que nous attendons sont toujours en retard.
8. C’est un ami sur qui vous pouvez toujours compter.
9. La maladie dont il est mort était le sida.
10. A qui parlais-tu ?
11. Le projet sur lequel elle travaille en ce moment est top-secret.
12. La dame avec qui nous avons pris le thé est une très bonne pianiste.
13. Ils emportèrent de nombreux bijoux, dont la plupart valaient plusieurs centaines de milliers de livres.
14. J’emprunte à la bibliothèque municipale les livres dont j’ai besoin.
15. Ce n’est pas le genre de nourriture à laquelle je suis habitué.

More practice:
16. Voici la personne dont la voiture a été volée hier soir.
17. On joue à l’Old Vic la pièce dont je vous ai parlé.
18. John Morgan, dont je suis le cousin germain, vient nous voir la semaine prochaine.
19. Ils ont trois voitures, dont deux sont des Porsche.
20. Ils ont trois enfants, dont deux vont à l’université.


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