Care Plan 2
Care Plan 2
Care Plan 2
- Before pregnancy, Pushpaben is having 28 days of menstrual
cycle which is regular and it comes for 3-4 days. And the
quantity is also moderate.
- Pushpaben got married at her age of 16 years. So she has
history of 9 years of active marriage life.
- Pushpaben is G2P0A1L0. ..
- She has taken 2 doses of tetanus injection.
- She has 5 months (34 weeks) of pregnancy
- Fundal height – 34 cm
- External ballottement can be done and the uterus is relaxed.
o In her family, there are total 4 members, her father and mother in
law, she and her husband. Only her husband is one earning person
in her family so there is economical burden on them.
o In her family, there is no other medical or surgical history.
a) Diet – Vegetarian
b) Hobbies & Habits – Pushpaben likes cooking, decorating and house
hold work. She has no any bad habits.
c) Nutritional History – Her nutritional status is average. She is average
d) Bladder Bowel Habit – Before pregnancy, bladder and bowel pattern
is normal but during pregnancy, she has complained of polyuria and
constipation sometimes.
e) Social Economical History – Her social relation with her family
members, relatives and neighboures are good. Their economical
condition is not that much good because her husband is only one
earning person in their family.
f) Personal Hygiene - Her personal hygiene is well maintained. She is
in clean clothes, and her hair is nicely combed.
General Appearance:-
Nourishment – Average nourished
Body built- Thin
Health- Unhealthy
Activity – Tired
Mental Status:-
Consciousness – Conscious
Look – Anxious, worried and depressed
Posture –
Body curves – Normal
Movements – Present
Height and weight – Height- 154 cm Weight – 55 kg
Skin Condition:-
Colour - Pallor
Texture - Normal
Temperature - Warm
Lesion – Normal
Head and Face:-
Shape – Normal
Scalp – Clean, absence of pediculi and dandruff
Face – Pale, Pain, fear and anxiety, fatigue
Eyes –
Normal eye brows, eye lashes, eye balls, eye lids.
White sclera
Mild paleness in lower conjunctiva.
No any irregularities and abrasions found in cornea and iris.
Reaction to light present
Vision is normal
No any discharge or cerumen obstructing the ear passage or in external
No any perforations, lesions, and buldging in tympanic membrane.
Hearing acuity is normal.
Nose –
Absence of crusts or discharges in external nares.
Absence of inflammation of the mucus membrane in nostrils.
No septal deviations.
Mouth and Pharynx;-
Absence of redness, swelling, and cyanosis, angular stomatitis on lips.
Absence of foul smelling
No teeth discoloration and dental carries.
Absence of ulceration and bleeding, swelling, pus formation in mucus
membrane and gums.
Pale and dry tongue.
No enlargement of tonsils.
No enlarged or palpable lymph nodes.
No enlargement of thyroid gland.
Normal range of motion like flexion, extension and rotation.
Normal shape, symmetry of expansion, posture of thorax.
Absence of wheezing, rales, crepitations and sigh in breath sounds.
Normal size and location of heart.
Absence of cardiac murmurs.
Presence of enlargement of breasts.
Presence of Montgomery’s tubercles and secondary areola.
No cracked or flat nipples.
No enlargement of lymph nodes.
Abdomen: -
1. Observation :-
Absence of hernia, ascites, distension.
Absence of any previous scar and skin rashes.
2. Auscultation :-
Presence of bowel sounds and fetal heart sound.
3. Palpation :-
No palpable liver margin, spleen.
No tenderness at the area of appendix, and inguinal hernias.
4. Percussion :-
Absence of gas, fluid or masses.
Absence of tremors, clumbing of fingers, ankle edema, varicose
veins, etc.
Normal movements of joints.
All reflexes are present.
Normal back curves
Genitals and Rectum:-
No enlarged or palpable inguinal lymph nodes.
Absence of bleeding or discharge per vagina.
In per vaginal examination, Os is closed.
1. Observation :-
Presence of linea nigra and striae gravidarum.
Uterine ovoid is spherical.
2. Palpation :-
Fundal height – 34 cm
On palpation, multiple fetal parts felt.
External ballottement is present.
Uterus is relaxed.
3. Auscultation :-
FHS of fetus A – 140 beats/min
FHS of fetus B – 130 beats/min
Location of FHS is not fixed because of variable presentation.
Pus – Nil
RBC – Nil
Cast – Nil
Crystals – Nil
- Two live intra uterine fetuses with variable presentation with
following parameters noted.
Fetus A Fetus B
BPD 43 mm 19 weeks 1 day 48 mm 20 weeks 6 days
AC 164 mm 21 weeks 4 days 152 mm 20 weeks 4 days
FL 33 mm 20 weeks 3 days 32 mm 20 weeks 1 day
Placenta Anterior Anterior
Presentation Variable Variable
Liquor Adequate Adequate
Fetal cardiac Present Present
Assess – fatigue, Hb
Side effects: %, reticulocyte
2. anaemia flushing, count and
Tab. Action :
Dosage needed bronchospas nutritional status
: for m,
acid Teach family and
200mg erythropo hypersensitiv
it patient – to take
Frequency: drug as prescribed
RBC, - To alter nutrition
WBC, to include high folic
Route : oral platelet acid food
Identification phase
Selection of appropriate professional assistance
Patient begins to have a feeling of belonging and a capability of dealing with the problem
which decreases the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness
Exploitation phase
Use of professional assistance for problem solving alternatives
Advantages of services are used is based on the needs and interests of the patients
Individual feels as an integral part of the helping environment
They may make minor requests or attention getting techniques
Patient may fluctuates on independence
Nurse must be aware about the various phases of communication
Nurse aids the patient in exploiting all avenues of help and progress is made towards the
final step
Resolution phase
Termination of professional relationship
The patients needs have already been met by the collaborative effect of patient and nurse
Now they need to terminate their therapeutic relationship and dissolve the links
between them.
Sometimes may be difficult for both as psychological dependence persists
Risk factors: Risk for The patient • To assess the patient for the • The patient is assessed for the Now there is
infection will remain presence of signs of infection. signs like chills, fever, increased reducer risk
free from WBCs etc. for infection
infection and and till now
Inadequate secondary
will show no • To maintain the sterile • The sterile technique is there are no
signs of technique in every procedure maintained in the procedures any signs of
presence of done on the patient. done on the patient like surgical infection seen
any infection. To use the sterile material for the wound dressing, IV cannulation, in the
Invasive procedures procedures done on the patient. Injections etc. patients.
To provide the nutritious diet to
the patient. • Sterile material and equipments
are used in the procedures done
on the patient.
• Proper nutritious diet is
Insufficient knowledge provided to the patient so
that it can protect the patient
against infectious
Surgical incision organisms.
• The prophylactic anti-biotic
drugs are provided to the
patient according to the
doctor’s order.
Subjective data: Activity To make • To assess the activity level of The activity level of the patient is The patient
intolerance patient to do patient. assessed, her activity level is has improved
related to the activities of • To provide assistance in doing reduced.. The patient is provided the activity
lethargy, as daily living activity to patient. assistance with the activities of daily level to some
Report of fatigue and
evidenced by and improve • To provide active and passive living. extent and
fatigue and the activity exercises to the patient. she is able to
disability to do tolerance. • To provide rest between the The patient is encouraged to do the do activity of
Objective data:
ADL. activities. active and passive exercises as per daily living
Abnormal heart rate To monitor vital signs during the tolerance. to some
and after activity. level.
Paleness The rest is provided between the
activities and the balance is
Low blood pressure maintained between the activities and
The vital signs are monitored of the
patient, they are within normal
limits.The healthy and balanced
nutritious diet is provided to the
I have advised her to take complete bed rest and adequate sleep during this period and at home, to keep enough
rest time in between two activities.
I have given her health education about maintenance of her personal hygiene and keep her private area also clean
and dry.
I have advised her to think good and not to take anxiety and tension because it is harmful for her and for her baby
I have also given her health education on dietary management like including green leafy vegetables and fruits,
iron-rich diet in her daily routine for the prevention of severe anaemia because her Hb level is 8.4 gm/dl so there is
risk for post-partum haemorrhage.
I have advised her to drink more fluids and water and also to take more roughage diet to prevent more
I have given her psychological and spiritual support and advised her for religious activities.
I have advised her family members and relatives to see her during visiting hours and also to participate in
providing care to Pushpaben.
I have also given health education to her about family planning methods including various methods and its
advantages and disadvantages of those methods.