Sustainability 15 02342 With Cover
Sustainability 15 02342 With Cover
Sustainability 15 02342 With Cover
Nugroho Agung Pambudi, Ridho Alfan Firdaus, Reza Rizkiana, Desita Kamila Ulfa,
Muntasy Syahrul Salsabila, Suharno and Sukatiman
Renewable Energy in Indonesia: Current Status, Potential, and
Future Development
Nugroho Agung Pambudi 1,2, *, Ridho Alfan Firdaus 1 , Reza Rizkiana 1 , Desita Kamila Ulfa 1 ,
Muntasy Syahrul Salsabila 1 , Suharno 2 and Sukatiman 3
1 Energy and Society Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
2 Mechanical Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
3 Civil Engineering Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The current use of fossil fuels has a significant impact on increasing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions. Subsequently, renewable energy is significantly needed to reduce GHG, thereby
limiting the impact of extreme weather and climate while ensuring reliable, timely, and cost-effective
supply. As a big country with a huge amount natural resource, the demand for renewable energy in
Indonesia has increased along with the rise in consumption. Following this, energy consumption
increased by 0.99%, which was approximately 939.100 million BOE in 2021 for biogas, oil, electricity,
natural gas, coal, LPG, biodiesel, and biomass. Energy consumption in several sectors including
transportation has the largest energy consumption with approximately 45.76% of oil. In industries
and households sector, the consumption rates are 31.11% for boiler steam generation purposes and
16.89% for electricity as well as LPG. Furthermore, the commercial sector consumes 4.97% of energy
for lighting and air conditioning, while the remaining 1.27% is used for other sectors. Meanwhile,
Indonesia has high potential for renewable energy at 419 GW including 75 GW of hydro energy,
23.7 GW of geothermal, 32.6 GW of bioenergy, 207.8 GW of solar, 60.6 GW of wind, and 19.3 GW
of micro-hydro. Therefore, the main focus of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of the
current status, prospects, and information on Indonesia’s renewable and sustainable energy sources.
Citation: Pambudi, N.A.; Firdaus, Furthermore, the novelty of this research entails updating the latest data related to renewable energy
R.A.; Rizkiana, R.; Ulfa, D.K.; and its availability in Indonesia. The essence is to portray a picture of its potential development in
Salsabila, M.S.; Suharno; Sukatiman the future.
Renewable Energy in Indonesia:
Current Status, Potential, and Future Keywords: carbon emission; energy consumption; potential energy; renewable energy
Development. Sustainability 2023, 15,
efficiency. The entire import and export activities tend to have a significant negative impact.
The results obtained are extremely important for improving financial investment efficiency,
forest quality, and carbon sinks [10].
Efforts to reduce CO2 emissions can be realized through poverty alleviation initiatives,
which is highly prioritized in developing countries. This is also in a bid to achieve Sustain-
able Development Goal 7 (SDG7), namely affordable and clean energy, as well as reduced
CO2 emissions. In addition, these efforts also has an impact on state policies in terms of
realizing a sustainable environment through renewable energy, economic activities, and
trade freedom [11].
In 2020, Indonesia succeeded in reducing its GHG by 25.93%, but in 2021, it weakened
to 23.55% [12]. Therefore, low-carbon development actions should be carried out optimally
for 2022 and subsequent years by increasing government programs and budgets [13]. The
actions can be reforestation, prevention of deforestation, increasing renewable energy ca-
pacity, and energy efficiency. Therefore, restoring economic and social activities particularly
after the COVID-19 pandemic needs to be in line with efforts to reduce GHG emissions [14].
The vision of switching energy sources from fossil to renewable can be called transition [15].
Several countries have strengthened international cooperation to facilitate access to clean,
renewable and efficient energy technologies, including Indonesia [16,17].
According to data from the government [18], the country total primary energy supply
without biomass in 2020 was 201.6 million TOE, as shown in Table 1. Figure 1 indicates that
Indonesia is still dependent on fossil, despite its transition to the use of renewable energy.
This transition is realized by increasing the percentage of the renewable energy mix from
11% in 2021 to 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050 [19–21]. The percentage of the fossil energy
mix is projected to decrease despite the increase in the demand for primary fossil energy
supply [22].
The demand and potential for renewable energy are increasing largely due to the
significant growth in energy consumption globally. However, Indonesia is a country
that has a large enough potential for renewable energy, hence it should be optimized
in future [23,24]. The novelty of this research entails updating the latest data related to
renewable energy and its availability in Indonesia. The essence is to portray a picture of its
potential development in the future.
ture studies and boost one’s knowledge about the potentials of renewable energy. It can
This research is mainly focused on providing a detailed analysis of the current sta-
tus, prospects, and information on Indonesia’s renewable and sustainable energy sources.
Based on these objectives, the results obtained are expected to serve as a reference in future
ture studies
studies andand boost
boost one’s
one’s knowledge
knowledge about
about the potentials
the potentials of renewable
of renewable energy.
energy. It canItalso
used to enact energy-related policies, especially the renewable type, intended for future
purposes. Figure 2 shows a layout of the content including methods (Section 2), energy pol-
icy in Indonesia (Section 3), energy consumption in Indonesia (Section 4), available energy
sources (Section 5), current energy situation (Section 6), potential and future development
(Section 7), and conclusion (Section 8).
2. Methods
As shown in Figure 3, this systematic review is carried out based on the following steps.
(1) Identification of the topic;
(2) Literature study;
(3) Screening;
(4) Analysis and synthesis;
(5) Compilation of article review.
Referring to the research carried out by Ramdhani, et al. (2014), the following steps
were employed in conducting an article review (1) selecting the topic to be reviewed,
(2) tracking the appropriate or relevant articles, (3) analyzing and synthesizing diverse
literatures, as well as (4) compiling writings for article review [25]. Furthermore, the
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 4 of 29
synthesis step is the most relevant one. This is performed by collecting various related
articles and then compiling them into a conceptual or empirical analyses relevant to the
research conducted.
In 2021, coal also was still the largest contributor to electricity generation, with a
total of 470.962 million BOE. The energy used in electricity is only 114.762 million BOE for
renewable energy, which is smaller to fossil. The largest renewable energy supplier is hydro
with a total of 45.948 million BOE, while solar is the lowest with a total of 0.789 million BOE.
Energy is the most important part of survival in this world. Humans’ dependence
on fossil continuously impacts the occurrence of a crisis [32], as marked by the continued
decline in oil and natural gas reserves yearly [18].
The data in Figure 4a shows a decrease in oil reserves by 6% and 8% in 2019 and 2020
from 2018. In Figure 4b, natural gas reserves also decreased by 0.53% and 5% in both years.
In contrast, renewable energy production increased compared to the previous year, mainly
due to the rise in the production of hydro, geothermal, and solar power plants [18].
32% 35 %
(a) (b)
The production of solar power plants (Figure 5a) increased from 4.56 GWh in 2018 to
5.66 GWh in 2021. Meanwhile, utilization of hydropower also increased from 10,729 GWh
in 2018 to 11,869 GWh in 2021. Similarly, geothermal increased from 4013 GWh in 2018
to 4217 in 2021 (Figure 5b). This means that renewable energy is starting to increase and
reduce the use of fossil sources [31].
Electrical Energy (GWh)
5 5.65 5.66
4 5.00
2 Solar Energy
2018 2019 2020 2021
(b) 14000
Electrical Energy (GWh)
10000 11,949 11,869
8000 9877
6000 Water Energy
4000 Geothermal
2000 4013 4110 4186 4217
2018 2019 2020 2021
Figure 5. (a) Solar energy production; (b) production of hydro and geothermal power plant [31].
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 6 of 29
Figure 6. Oil and gas production 2018–2021 [50].
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 7 of 29
The increasing demand for oil and gas energy is indicated by a rise in fuel oil pro-
duction and imports in 2021 compared to 2020 (Figure 8). Its use is considered more
economically profitable than other conventional energy, especially in the transportation
sector as the largest energy user. Most of the transportation sector uses fuel oil because
using renewable energy is considered not economical; hence, oil is still the best option.
Figure 8. Annual domestic fuel production and fuel imports from 2018 to 2021 [50].
In addition to oil and gas, coal is a non-renewable natural resource with strategic value
regionally and nationally. This natural resource is the mainstay of the Asia Pacific region in
providing affordable and cheap sources, especially in the current situation of pandemic and
the Russian–Ukrainian War. – Coal reserves in Indonesia are spread across 21 provinces with
38.84 billion tons at an average production of 606.22 million tons produced per year. This is
a 7.2% increment compared to 2020, which was 566 million tons, as shown in Figure 9. The
coal reserves are estimated to be available for the next 65 years, assuming no new reserves
are found. Furthermore, there are also coal resources of 143.7 billion tons, with the largest
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 8 of 29
located in Kalimantan with 62.1% or 88.31 billion tons of resources and 25.84 billion tons of
reserves. Coal is also found in Sumatra, with a total of 55.08 billion tons of resources and
12.96 billion tons of reserves [50].
Figure 9. Annual coal production 2018–2022 [50].
The use of coal is divided into two, namely as raw material and fuel. Its use as raw
material includes the manufacture of coal briquettes, metal processing, coal liquefaction,
gasification, and upgrading. Meanwhile, it is used in the power generation sector, industry,
small businesses, and households as fuel [50,51]. Coal is an essential resource of state rev-
enue, which is economically very important. Therefore, its management needs to be carried
out in an optimal, transparent, accountable, and fair manner to provide great benefits to
the community [52–54]. Government policies in terms of supporting the development
of coal mining should also pay attention to environmental changes, both nationally and
internationally [55–57].
There is a need for renewable energy sources in Indonesia due to the high probability
of a decrease in the availability of non-renewable energy sources. The enormous potential
and use of renewable energy increased from 4.9% in 2015 to 11.3% in 2020 due to the rise in
the share of biofuels and its use in the construction of off-grid power plants such as hydro,
geothermal, solar power plants, etc. Presently, renewable energy supply in Indonesia is
22.7 million TOE or 11.3% consisting of hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, biofuel, and biogas.
Meanwhile, the production is only about 5.1% of the national energy production [50].
consumption includes oil, electricity, natural gas, coal, LPG, biodiesel, biogas, and biomass.
The amount of energy per type is presented in detail in Table 3.
Fossil energy is used as a temporary energy sources in the country, especially during
the transition period before it is converted to 100% renewable energy in power plants.
Natural gas was used as some form of fuel support for intermittent renewable energy plants,
while minerals were mainly utilized for downstream processes. However, the government
has started reducing the use of coal as an energy resource by adopting CCS/CCUS (carbon
capture, utilization, and storage) technology, using dimethyl ether (DME) to replace LPG
and increasing the added value of minerals through domestic downstream. In Indonesia,
the energy sector emissions in 2021 amounted to 530 million tons of CO2 e. It was predicted
that increased peak emissions to 706 million tons of CO2 e are bound to occur around 2039.
However, they will be significantly reduced after 2040, following the completion of fossil
plant contracts [60].
To support a zero-emission scenario, at
scenario, least
least 47%
least 47% aofgeneration’s
of of
47% aa generation’s
generation’s shares
shares need
shares need to
to to
come from renewable energy by 2030. In the next 10 years, solar PV capacity is anticipated
to multiply a hundredfold to 108 GW. This is intended to usefully support increased
electrification in the industrial and transportation sectors. The government has undertaken
budget tagging to mark the utilization of public finance for climate change mitigation and
adaptation, including energy and transportation activities. However, it had not been able to
reduce emission and this in turn has an impact on budget allocations. In the past five years,
the state budget has been used to fund the energy and transportation sectors, amounting to
IDR 221.6 trillion (81.73%). The current budget allocations and expenditures still fall short
of that needed to achieve the nationally determined contribution (NDC) targeted at IDR
318.18 trillion per year from 2020 to 2030 [63].
The program initiated by the government concerning the gas network construction for
households was predicted to reach 4.7 million SR. Meanwhile, it is intended to be used as
a reference in the projection of natural gas demand. In order to achieve the gas network
development targeted for 2025, there is need to build approximately one million SR per
year. In the BaU scenario, it is assumed to align with the country energy plan, while in
the PB and RK, the growth is one million SR/year, and greater than one million/year,
respectively. Based on the projection results, by 2050, natural gas demand in the BaU, PB,
and RK scenarios is bound to reach 2.2 MTOE, 3.4 MTOE, and 4.5 MTOE, respectively [64].
The large use of electricity is anticipated to affect the growth of electric vehicles by
2035, and this tends to follow a yearly trend. The government supports the application
of induction cookers and the gas network development that encompasses the energy
transition roadmap and neutral carbon by 2022. Furthermore, improving energy efficiency
in commercial buildings should also consider its conservation from the design stage to
building operations through the use of efficient equipment and systems [65].
The projected energy demand of other sectors, including the industrial field, is cal-
culated based on the development of its GDP and their usage intensity. Data from the
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Statistics Central Bureau are used to discern
the intensity of other sectors. Meanwhile, the projected GDP growth of other sectors is
assumed to be comparable to the industrial field [65].
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 14 of 29
The lack of renewable energy utilization for electricity is due to the relatively high pro-
duction price of the plants. This makes it difficult to compete with fossil plants, especially
coal. Moreover, lack of domestic industrial support and difficulty in obtaining low-interest
funding are also some causes that tend to obstruct renewable energy development.
Figure 17. Installed capacity of hydro power plant up to the fourth quarter 2021 [50].
The target for constructing a hydro power plant will be 21.9 GW in 2030 [66]. Mean-
while, the national energy strategy contains a roadmap for renewable energy plants, which
targets at building a 7.7 GW by 2030. In Indonesia, almost all provinces have hydro energy
potential, with the distribution shown in Table 6.
The utilization of hydro potential into electricity based on its scale is grouped in three,
namely hydro, micro-hydro and mini-hydro power plants. The target for an additional
installed capacity of micro-hydro in 2021 was 557.9 MW, and the realization of installed
capacity by the fourth quarter was 461.19 MW with details of 350 MW hydropower and
111.19 MW mini-hydro.
In 2022, a hydro power plant with a capacity of 515 MW in Poso, Central Sulawesi,
was started. In the same year, the Jatigede Plant, which was supposed to operate in 2021,
but due to geological constraints, started operation. The plant of Peusangan 1 is targeted to
operate in July 2023, and then in 2024, the Asahan 3 will also be able to operate.
82 m, the capacity of 15.5 million m3 and a water supply of 0.3 m3 has the potential power
of 0.52 MW.
The Tugu dam, located in Nglinggis Village, Tugu sub-district, Trenggalek, with an
area of 104 ha, depth of 27.85 m, and height of 81 m, has a power of 0.4 MW. Hence, on
average, the two dams can produce electrical power of 0.92 MW, which is 22.08 MWh per
day [73]. Furthermore, the Merangin dam has been through a simulation of the operation
pattern of the hydro power plant for 19 years. Hydrological, HEC-HMS model generation
and technical data on dam planning had average power gain, Pb, and total energy of
103.8 MW, 98.53 MW, and 636.66 GWh/year [74].
7.2. Geothermal
Geothermal energy started developing 100 years ago with the first geothermal well
drilled in Kamojang by the Dutch in 1926 and has been operational since 1983 [75,76]. It
has a geothermal potential of 23,766 MW, with the distribution as shown in Table 7.
As shown in Figure 18, the installed capacity based on updated data in the fourth
quarter of 2021 was 2185.7 MW, which means a lot of geothermal energy has not been uti-
lized. Therefore, the government targets an increase in geothermal utilization to 7241.5 MW
or 16.8% in 2025 [66]. The installed capacity of geothermal power plant was 2185.7 MW
until the fourth quarter of 2021, when an additional 155.35 MW, comprising 56.95 MW and
98.4 MW in Sorik Merapi Unit 2 and Rantau Dedap Unit 1, were added.
Figure 18. Installed capacity of geothermal power plant up to the fourth quarter of 2021 [50].
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 17 of 29
7.3. Bioenergy
In addition to the electricity sector, bioenergy as a renewable energy source can also be
used to meet energy needs in the transportation, industry, and household sectors [77]. The
diversity of raw materials such as livestock manure, agricultural, plantation, and urban
waste is easy to discover. This energy can be used as a power plant for biomass, biogas,
municipal waste, household biogas, bioenergy furnaces, etc.
Table 8 shows the distribution of bioenergy potentials in 34 provinces, and in addition
to its amount is also affected by the diverse regions.
Technical Technical
No. Province Area (km2 ) No. Province Area (km2 )
Potential (MW) Potential (MW)
West Nusa
1. Riau 87,023.66 4195.1 18. 18,572.32 394.1
2. East Java 47,803.49 3420.9 19. Lampung 34,623.80 7763
North Central
3. 72,981.23 2911.6 20. 61,841.29 326.9
Sumatra Sulawesi
East Nusa
4. West Java 35,377.76 2554,1 21. 48,718.10 240.5
5. Central Java 32,800.76 2232.5 22. 3133.15 224.2
South Bangka
6. 91,592.43 2132.6 23. 16,424.06 223.1
Sumatra Belitung
7. Jambi 50,058.16 1839.9 24. 16,787.18 205.9
8. 153,564.50 1498.9 25. Bali 5780.06 191.6
9. Lampung 34,623.80 1492.1 26. 13,892.47 164.0
West Southeast
10. 147,307.00 1308.2 27. 38,067.70 1677
Kalimantan Sulawesi
11. 38,744.23 1289.9 28. Gorontalo 11,257.07 130.6
12. Aceh 57,956.00 1174.3 29. Jakarta 664.01 126.6
13. 129,066.64 964.3 30. Papua 319,036.05 96.5
14. 46,717.48 959.4 31. West Papua 102,955.15 54.9
West North
15. 42,012.89 957.8 32. 31,982.50 34.5
Sumatra Maluku
16. Bengkulu 19,919.33 644.8 33. Maluku 46,914.03 32.6
17. Banten 9662.92 465.1 34. Riau Islands 8201.72 15.9
Total 32,653.8 MW
Until the fourth quarter of 2021 as shown in Figure 19, bioenergy power plants installed
capacity was 2284 MW [50]. This was in addition to 19.5 MW consisting of 8.5 MW, 2 MW
and 9 MW biomass, biogas, and waste power plants. The national energy plan is targeted
to reach 9.6 GW from bioenergy power plants and 1.09 GW from biomass, biogas, and
waste bioenergy.
The abundant potential of bioenergy opens wider opportunities for the younger gen-
eration to contribute directly to efforts for the development of bioenergy and clean energy
through various lines [78]. In the academic sector, research and innovation development
opportunities must be explored more deeply to maximize the domestic bioenergy potential.
Community service programs organized by universities can also contribute to innovations
in the daily use of bioenergy at the community level.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 18 of 29
Figure 19. Installed bioenergy power plant until the fourth quarter of 2021 [50].
7.3.1. Biomass
Biomass is material from living organisms, including plants, animals, and their by-
products [30]. In Indonesia, it can be extracted from industrial waste such as palm oil,
tapioca, pulp and paper, sugar cane, rice, and wood. The biomass potential for electricity
is 32,654 MW with an installed capacity of 151.52 MW on-grid and 1969.64 MW off-grid
in 2021 [79]. The prospect of biomass energy in the future is that it can be utilized by the
co-firing method by mixing with coal in a steam power plant. In this co-firing, the raw
materials are waste and wood.
7.3.2. Biogas
The potential for biogas in the country is 2602.6 MW. The capacity of on-grid and
off-grid biogas power plants in 2021 was 22.10 MW and 112.69 MW [79]. In addition to
being able to be used as a power plant, biogas can also be used for households by utilizing
cow dung and household waste, known as communal biogas development [80]. Based on
data on the implementation of biogas development, the realization of biogas performance
achievements until the fourth quarter of 2021 was 28,392 thousand m3 , which is 101.90% of
the target.
7.3.3. Biofuel
Generally, biofuels contain energy and components obtained from plants and biomass.
Research on biofuels produced from biomass resources by environmentally friendly meth-
ods keeps increasing [81]. Various liquid and gaseous biofuels can be produced from
biomass, such as ethanol, biodiesel, methane, methanol, and bio-oil [82]. To increase the
use of renewable energy, efforts have been made to mix palm oil with diesel oil to pro-
duce biodiesel. Furthermore, efforts have also been made to mix ethanol from sugarcane
processing with gasoline to produce bioethanol.
The realization of biofuel utilization until the fourth quarter of 2021 has reached
6.66 million kL of the initial target of 10.2 million kL for domestic usage. However, there is
an adjustment to the 2021 target to 9.2 million kL. The prospect of biofuel in the future is
that it can be a substitute for petroleum; hence, those derived from land or marine plants,
such as microalgae, have started to be pursued as a source of alternative energy.
7.3.4. Waste
The waste produced by the community can be one of the energy sources that can
produce approximately 2000 MW [83]. Currently, the operational waste power plant located
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 19 of 29
in Benowo, Surabaya has a capacity of 12 MW, which was started on 6 May 2021. The
prospect is quite good, with several locations including Surabaya, Jakarta, Tangerang,
Bandung, Semarang, Surakarta, Makassar, Denpasar, Manado, Palembang, Bekasi, and
South Tangerang City. The development plan is 9 MW, 10 MW, 20 MW, 20 MW, 38 MW,
and 29 MW in Bekasi City, Surakarta, Palembang, Denpasar, Jakarta, and Bandung. The
three remaining cities, including Makassar, Manado, and South Tangerang have the same
capacity of 20 MW each [18].
Technical Technical
No. Province Area (km2 ) No. Province Area (km2 )
Potential (MW) Potential (MW)
1. Aceh 57,956.00 7881 18. Riau Islands 8201.72 753
2. Bali 5780.06 1254 19. Lampung 34,623.80 7763
3. 16,424.06 2810 20. Maluku 46,914.03 2238
4. Banten 9662.92 2461 21. 31,982.50 2020
West Nusa
5. Bengkulu 19,919.33 3475 22. 18,572.32 3036
East Nusa
6. D.I. Yogyakarta 3133.15 996 23. 48,718.10 9931
7. DKI Jakarta 664.01 225 24. Papua 319,036.05 7272
8. Gorontalo 11,257.07 1218 25. West Papua 102,955.15 2035
9. Jambi 50,058.16 8847 26. Riau 87,023.66 6307
10. West Java 35,377.76 9099 27. 16,787.18 1677
11. Central Java 32,800.76 8753 28. 46,717.48 7588
12. East Java 47,803.49 10,335 29. 61,841.29 6186
West Southeast
13. 147,307.00 20,113 30. 38,067.70 3917
Kalimantan Sulawesi
South North
14. 38,744.23 6031 31. 13,892.47 2113
Kalimantan Sulawesi
Central West
15. 153,564.50 8459 32. 42,012.89 5898
Kalimantan Sumatera
East South
16. 129,066.64 13,479 33. 91,592.43 17,233
Kalimantan Sumatera
North North
17. 75,467.70 4643 34. 72,981.23 11,851
Kalimantan Sumatera
Total 207,898 MW
The utilization of solar energy is accomplished by the production of on-grid and off-
grid energy with a total installed capacity of 190.15 MW in 2021 (Figure 20). The data was
updated in the fourth quarter of 2021 with the addition of 31.45 MWp capacity, consisting
of solar power for customers’ roofs of 27.4 MWp and ground mounted solar power plants
of 4.05 MWp [50]. Until the fourth quarter of 2021, solar ground mounted with commercial
operation date (COD) was on off-grid Papagarang and Sei Make.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 20 of 29
Figure 20. Solar power plant installed capacity until the fourth quarter of 2021 [50].
The solar power plant is targeted to reach 6.5 GW in 2025 and 14.2 GW by 2030. Mean-
while, the installed capacity is expected to reach 11.2 GW in 2030. The solar power plant
is intermittent, meaning the energy is unstable, with the output dependent on seasonal
conditions, humidity, temperature, cloud movement, and other weather conditions. This
makes the generator to be unable to operate continuously at its installed capacity. Further-
more, the construction is also related to the high investment costs, hence the selling price of
electricity is not economical.
In 2019, the government issued the regulation concerning the use of rooftop solar
plant by consumers. This regulation was intended to open up opportunities for all con-
sumers from the household sector, business, social government, and industry to partici-
pate in the utilization and management of renewable energy to achieve energy security
and independence.
In addition to the rooftop solar power plant, solar energy in the future can be used
as energy saving solar lamps. Furthermore, the government has accelerated the imple-
mentation of providing energy-efficient solar lights for people who do not have access
to electricity. This policy is related to the distribution of energy saving solar lights in the
border, underdeveloped, and isolated areas far from the electricity network.
The next prospect is the construction of a solar streetlight, a light that uses sunlight as a
source of electrical energy. From 2016 to 2020, 65,501 solar street light units were built, with
18,888 units installed [18]. Meanwhile, in 2021, 4829 units of quarter four were installed
with a focus on road locations without access to the electricity network. In 2020, the solar
plant installation work was divided into two, namely the installation on rooftops and in
cold storage facilities. It can also be applied in buildings, both as the main source and as a
backup from existing power sources. One of the uses of electricity from solar plant is cold
storage, and in 2021, 100 units comprising 88 units of rooftop and 12 units were found in
cold storage public facilities.
It has more challenges than a common solar power plant on land due to the lack of track
record, the uncertainty of costs, and its impact on the environment. This model is also
relatively complicated in designing, building, and operating because it is related to electrical,
anchoring, and mooring systems [90].
Figure 21. Example of a floating solar plant layout and its constituent components [90].
A floating solar plant has many advantages, such as not requiring land, which is
generally valuable, reducing the occurrence of water evaporation, and inhibiting the growth
of other weeds such as water hyacinth and evaporation. Furthermore, it is held back by the
PV module creating a cooling system, which increases the efficiency of electricity generated.
Information on the location, potential lakes, and areas (ha) spread across Indonesia is
presented in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources One Map [71]. Currently, the
Citara floating plant is estimated to be completed in 2022, with another built in the Sutami
Reservoir, Malang, in 2023.
In Central Java province, the increase in renewable energy mix was predicted to
reach 21.82% by 2025, especially in solar and geothermal potentials. This province has an
average solar potential of 4.05 kWh/kWp per day (greater than the national average of
3.75 kWh/kWp per day). Based on the national data sources obtained (Pusdataru Central
Java and WRDC), there are 43 reservoirs located in Central Java except for the Kedunguling,
which was excluded because it was experiencing drought. Incidentally, of the 42 artificial
reservoirs, the potential for floating solar power plants is 727.25 MWp. A total of 92.3% (or
671.85 MWp) was contributed by the technicality of large reservoirs (11 reservoirs), 7.36%
(53.25 MWp) from medium types (24 reservoirs), and the rest (2.14 MWp) was realized by
the small ones (7 reservoirs) [91]. The potentials of the floating solar power plant in Central
Java are shown in Tables 10–12.
Table 10. Technical potential of floating solar power plant in large reservoirs (>100 ha) [91].
Table 11. Technical potential of floating solar power plant in medium reservoirs (10–100 ha) [91].
Table 12. Technical potential of floating solar power plant in small reservoirs (<10 ha) [91].
In the large reservoir category, Kedung Ombo, Gajah Mungkur, Wadaslintang, and
Mrica have the greatest potentials, of 267.95, 147.88, 76.89, and 72.80 MWp, respectively.
Meanwhile, in the medium reservoir category, Jatibarang, Logung, and Malahayu have
the third largest potentials, with a capacity of approximately 5 MWp each. For the small
reservoir category, the seven of them have a capacity of less than 0.5 MWp. Supposing all
these reservoirs are fitted with floating solar power plants with these potential capacities,
the resulting electricity generation was predicted to reach 974.66 GWh per year or relatively
3.47% of the net electricity production in Central Java and Yogyakarta by 2018 [91].
Technical Technical
No. Province Area (km2 ) No. Province Area (km2 )
Potential (MW) Potential (MW)
East Nusa
1. 48,718.10 10,188 18. Riau Islands 8201.72 922
2. East Java 47,803.49 7907 19. 61,841.29 908
3. West Java 35,377.76 7036 20. Aceh 57,956.00 894
4. Central Java 32,800.76 5213 21. 153,564.50 681
South West
5. 46,717.48 4193 22. 147,307.00 554
Sulawesi Kalimantan
6. Maluku 46,914.03 3188 23. 16,787.18 514
West Nusa North
7. 18,572.32 2605 24. 31,982.50 504
Tenggara Maluku
8. 16,424.06 1787 25. West Papua 102,955.15 437
9. Banten 9662.92 1753 26. 42,012.89 428
10. Bengkulu 19,919.33 1513 27. 72,981.23 356
Southeast South
11. 38,067.70 1414 28. 91,592.43 301
Sulawesi Sumatra
12. Papua 319,036.05 1411 29. 129,066.64 212
13. 13,892.47 1214 30. Gorontalo 11,257.07 137
14. Lampung 34,623.80 1137 31. 75,467.70 73
15. 3133.15 1079 32. Jambi 50,058.16 37
16. Bali 5780.06 1019 33. Riau 87,023.66 22
17. 38,744.23 1006 34. DKI Jakarta 664.01 4
Total 60,647 MW
According to updated data in the fourth quarter of 2021, Indonesia has an installed
wind plant of 154.3 MW, while the target capacity in 2025 is 255 MW. Therefore, the country
contains two large plants, namely Sidrap and Tolo. Sidrap is located in Sidenreng Rappang
with 30 windmills at a capacity of 75 MW. Tolo is located in Turatea, in South Sulawesi, and
has a capacity of 72 MW with 20 wind turbines comprising 3.6 MW each.
The prospect of wind energy is also fairly good, with the future possibility of building
plant in South Garut in three sub-districts, namely Pameungpeuk, Cibolang, and Cisompet.
Several plants will also be built in 2023, such as the Sukabumi Project and the Tolo II
in Jeneponto.
Table 14. The potential for uranium and thorium in Indonesia [18].
According to 2015 data, the country’s thorium and uranium reserves are 130,974 tons
and 74,397 tons. In addition to the Babylon Islands, thorium potential is also found on
Singkep Island, West Kalimantan, and Mamuju.
Indonesia has the potential to build nuclear power plants to fulfil domestic needs with
the help of the economic and industrial sectors. It can be the first country in Southeast
Asia to have a nuclear power plant due to the availability of uranium, which has the
potential to become a major export source. In terms of impact, this energy can overcome
the waste produced without affecting electricity costs. The outcome, which cannot pollute
the environment, is deposited into the ground because it will not negatively affect the
surrounding community [92].
8. Conclusions
In conclusion, renewable energy is sustainable, affordable, reliable, and a safer means
of supplying electricity for social and economic infrastructure development. The Indone-
sian government has developed project on the use of renewable and sustainable energy.
Therefore, this paper recommends the extraction of large-scale energy by properly utilizing
hydro, geothermal, solar, bioenergy, and wind energy sources. The project is supported
through reforestation, prevention of deforestation, increasing renewable energy capacity,
and energy efficiency; hence, the process of restoring economic and social activities after
the COVID-19 pandemic is in line with efforts to reduce GHG emissions.
Furthermore, Indonesia has also transitioned to renewable energy through the real-
ization of energy policy and energy plan, as well as by increasing the percentage of the
renewable energy mix from 11% in 2021 to 23% in 2025 and 31% in 2050. This paper also
provides some information about the current energy situation. For instance, in 2021, coal en-
ergy was the largest supplier with a total energy of 558.782 million BOE and 180.509 million
BOE for renewable energy. The equilibrium between energy availability, production, and
consumption is interrelated. Its current conditions can be used to determine the next steps
in the utilization of renewable energy. The sources available under conditions of energy
balance in Indonesia from primary energy without biomass show the average growth by
3.5% yearly from 2015 to 2020. Meanwhile, energy production in 2020 shows a total of
443.1 million TOE, with 94.9% from fossil energy comprising oil, gas, and coal. Energy
consumption per type in 2021 is currently experiencing an increase of 0.99%, which is
939.100 million BOE. Transportation is the sector with the largest energy consumption rate
at 45.76%. This sector almost entirely uses gasoline as a fuel source. In accordance with the
current energy consumption data, the use of fossil energy is still dominant and continues
to increase. Therefore, with Indonesia’s abundant renewable energy potentials, it needs to
be utilized appropriately and maximally.
Optimizing renewable energy sources for power generation is part of the strategic
plan to develop NZE power plants. Some of the performance targets for the renewable
energy and energy conversion sub-sector in 2022 are the primary energy mix of 15.7%, with
366.4 MBOE produced. Several renewable power plants also support the government in
reducing fossil fuels such as coal in steam power plants and these include:
a. Hydro energy sources have a potential of 95 GW, consisting of 75,000 MW and
19,370 MW of hydro and micro-hydro potential.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 2342 25 of 29
b. Geothermal energy sources are used in geothermal power plants with a potential of
23,965 GW. They are distributed on the islands of Sumatra, Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku, and Papua.
c. Bioenergy is used for several plants such as biomass, biogas, municipal waste, house-
hold, and power plants, etc. The total potential of bioenergy is 32,653.8 MW.
d. Solar energy has a potential of 207,898 MW at an average intensity of 4.80 kWh/m2 /day.
e. Wind energy, from the latest data in the third quarter of 2021; Indonesia has an
installed capacity of 154.3 MW, while the target in 2025 is 255 MW.
Based on these conclusions, the present paper is expected to play a role in planning
and implementing policies regulating the utilization of renewable energy. The electricity
supply from fossil fuels will likely be used in the next few generations as a renewable
energy reserve. The shift from fossil to renewable energy sources can contribute to the
country’s economy. The cost of this shifting needs to be also lowered by incorporating
private sector investment in renewable energy projects.
Author Contributions: The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study conception
and design: N.A.P.; data collection: R.A.F., R.R., and M.S.S.; analysis and interpretation of results:
N.A.P., S. (Suharno), and S. (Sukatiman); draft manuscript preparation: D.K.U. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia (Grant Number 254/
UN27.22/PT.01.03/2022); PUT-UNS; LPPM Universitas Sebelas Maret; Ministry of Education and
Culture of Indonesia.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge Universitas Sebelas Maret,
Indonesia (Grant Number 254/UN27.22/PT.01.03/2022); PUT-UNS; LPPM Universitas Sebelas Maret;
Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
List of abbreviations
AC Alternating current
BaU Business as usual
BOE Barrel oil equivalent
BOPD Barrels of oil per day
BOSS Biomass operation system of Saguling
BSCFD Billion standard cubic feet per day
CCS/CCUS Carbon capture, utilization, and storage
CEDI Clean energy demand initiative
CO2 Carbon dioxide
CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent
COD Commercial operation date
COVID-19 Corona Virus Disease 19
GDP Gross domestic product
GHG Greenhouse gas
GW Gigawatt
GWh Gigawatt hours
Ha Hectare
Hydrologic engineering
Center-hydrology modelling system
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