Ch10 Solution Totally
Ch10 Solution Totally
Ch10 Solution Totally
Section 10.1 Angular Velocity and Acceleration
11. INTERPRET This problem involves calculating the angular speed of a variety of rotating objects.
DEVELOP Apply Equation 10.1, ω = Δθ Δt , where Δθ is the rotation and Δt is the time interval for the rotation.
EVALUATE (a) ωE = (1 rev ) (1 d ) = 2π ( 86,400 s )= 7.27 ×10−5 s −1
(b) ωmin = (1 rev ) (1 h ) = 2π 3600 s= 1.75 × 10−3 s−1
(c) ωhr = (1 rev ) (12 h ) = ωmin 12 = 1.45 × 10−4 s−1
(d) ω = ( 300 rev ) min= 300 × 2π ( 60 s )= 31.4 s−1
ASSESS Note that radians are a dimensionless angular measure, that is, pure numbers; therefore angular speed can
be expressed in units of inverse seconds.
12. INTERPRET We are asked to compute the linear speed at the equator and at an arbitrary location on Earth. The
problem involves the rotational motion of the Earth.
DEVELOP We first calculate the angular speed of the Earth using Equation 10.1:
Δθ 1 rev 2π rad
ωE = = = = 7.27 × 10 −5 s −1
Δt 1d 86, 400 s
The linear speed can then be computed using Equation 10.3: v = ωr.
EVALUATE (a) At the equator,
( )(
v = ω E RE = 7.27 × 10 −5 s −1 6.37 × 10 6 m = 463 m/s )
(b) At latitude θ, r = REcosθ, so v = ω E r = ( 463 m/s ) cos θ .
ASSESS The angle θ = 0 corresponds to the equator, so the result found in (b) agrees with (a). In addition, if we
take θ = 90°, then we are at the poles, and the linear speed is zero.
13. INTERPRET This problem involves converting angular speed from various units to radians/s (which is the same as
s−1, or frequency).
DEVELOP Use the appropriate conversion factors to convert each angular speed to units of rad/s.
EVALUATE (a) ( 720 rev/min )( 2π rad/rev )( min/60 s ) = 24π rad/s = 75 rad/s , to two significant figures.
(b) ( 50°/h )(π rad/180° )( h/3600 s ) = 2.4 × 10−4 rad/s , to two significant figures.
(c) (1000 rev/s )( 2π rad/rev ) = 2000π s−1 = 6 × 103 rad/s to a single significant figure.
(d) (1 rev/y ) = 2π rad/(π × 107 s) = 2 × 10−7 rad/s , to a single significant figure.
ASSESS Note that radians are a dimensionless angular measure, that is, pure numbers; therefore angular speed
can be expressed in units of inverse seconds. The approximate value for 1 y used in part (d) is often handy for
estimates, and is fairly accurate.
14. INTERPRET The problem asks you to find the linear speed at the outer edge of a 32-cm-diameter circular saw.
DEVELOP We first convert the angular speed to rad / s :
Δθ 2100 rev 2π ( 2100 ) rad
ω= = = = 220 rad / s
Δt 1 min 60 s
The linear speed can then be computed using Equation 10.3, v = ωr.
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10-2 Chapter 10
EVALUATE The radius of the circular saw is r = d / 2 = 16 cm = 0.16 m. From Equation 10.3, the linear speed of
the outer edge of the saw is
v = ω r = ( 220 rad / s )( 0.16 m ) = 35.2 m / s
ASSESS The linear speed of the saw is over 78 mi / hr!
15. INTERPRET For this problem, we are asked to find the average angular acceleration, given the initial and final
accelerations and the time interval.
DEVELOP Apply Equation 10.4 (before the limit is taken), α = Δω / Δt. The change in the angular velocity is
Δω = ωf − ωi = 480 rpm − 190 rpm = 290 rpm, and the time interval is Δt = ( 71 min )( 60 s / min ) = 4260 s. Recall
that 1 rpm = ( 2π rad )( 60 s ) .
EVALUATE (a) Inserting the given quantities gives an average angular acceleration of
290 rpm
α= = 0.068 rpm / s
4260 s
(b) In rad / s 2 , we have
290 rpm ⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ min ⎞ −3 2
α= ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 7.1 × 10 rad / s
4260 s ⎝ rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠
ASSESS Note that the units cancel out to leave units of frequency, as expected.
16. INTERPRET In this problem, we are given the angular acceleration of a turbine and asked how long it takes to
reach its operating speed and the number of revolutions that occur during this start-up period. The key to this type
of rotational problem is to understand the analogous situation for linear motion and apply the appropriate equation.
The analogies are summarized in Table 10.1.
DEVELOP Given a constant angular acceleration α, the angular velocity and angular position at a later time t can
be found using Equations 10.7 and 10.8, respectively:
ω = ω0 + α t
θ = θ 0 + ω0t + at 2
The initial and final angular velocities are ω0 = 0 and
5400 rev 2π ( 5400 ) rad
ω = 5400 rpm = = = 565.5 rad / s
1 min 60 s
EVALUATE (a) The amount of time it takes to reach its operating speed is
ω − ω0 565.5 rad / s − 0
t= = = 942.5 s = 15.7 min
α 0.6 rad / s 2
(b) Using Equation 10.8, we find the number of turns made during this time interval to be
1 1 1
θ = θ 0 + ω0t + α t 2 = α t 2 =
2 2 2
( ) 2
0.6 rad / s 2 ( 942.5 s ) = 2.66 × 105 rad = 4.2 × 104 rev
ASSESS The responses are given to two significant figures to reflect the precision of the data. The turbine turns
very fast. After 15.7 min, it has reached an angular speed of 565.5 rad / s, or 90 rev / s!
17. INTERPRET This problem is an exercise in angular kinematics. We are given an angular acceleration and the
acceleration period, and are asked to find the revolutions made in this time and the average angular speed.
DEVELOP Apply the formulas in Table 10.1. To find the number of revolutions, we find the total angular
displacement θ from Equation 10.8, and then divide this by 2π (= 1 revolution) to find the number of revolutions.
The linear analog to this can be thought of as finding a distance, and then dividing it by a given distance (say,
10-km segments) to find the number of 10-km segments traveled. In both cases, we end up with a dimensionless
number. To find the average angular speed, use Equation 10.1.
EVALUATE (a) Inserting α = 0.011 rad / s 2 and t = 14 s into Equation 10.8 gives a final rotational distance θ of
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Rotational Motion 10-3
Δθ = θ − θ 0 = ω 0 t + α t 2
1 ⎛ 1 rev ⎞
Δθ =
( ) 2
0.011 rad / s 2 (14 s ) = 1.078 rad ⎜ ⎟ = 0.17 rev
⎝ 2π rad ⎠
(b) From Equation 10.7, with θ0 = 0, the final angular speed is
Δθ θ − θ 0 1.078 rad
ω= = = = 0.077 rad / s
Δt Δt 14 s
ASSESS The final angular speed of the merry-go-round is, from Equation 10.7,
( )
ω = ω0 + α t = 0.011 rad / s 2 (14 s ) = 0.154 rad / s
which is twice the average speed. This is expected because we start from zero speed and accelerate at a constant
rate, so the average speed is attained at half the acceleration period, at which point the object in question is rotating
at half the angular speed.
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10-4 Chapter 10
where r⊥ = r sin θ is the perpendicular distance (lever arm) between the rotation axis and the line of action of the
force F. Alternatively, one can think of F⊥ = F sin θ as the effective force.
EVALUATE Using Equation 10.10, the magnitude of the applied force may be obtained. The forces are (a)
τ 32.0 N ⋅ m
F= = = 136.17 N
r sin θ ( 0.235 m ) sin ( 90° )
and (b)
τ 32.0 N ⋅ m
F= = = 140.34 N
r sin θ ( 0.235 m ) sin (104° )
ASSESS As expected, we have to push harder if we do not push perpendicular to the lever arm. To produce a
specific torque most effectively, the applied force should be at a right angle to r , the position vector from the axis
of rotation to the point where the force is applied. This would yield the maximum effective force,
F⊥ = F sin ( 90° ) = F .
21. INTERPRET In this problem, we are asked to calculate the torque, given a force (gravity on the mouse), the radial
distance at which it is applied, and the angle at which it is applied (from the geometry of a clock).
DEVELOP Draw a diagram of the situation (see figure below). From the geometry of a clock, we know that the
angle the minute hand makes with the vertical is φ = 180 / 3 = 60 . The angle between the force and the radial
position vector from the axis of rotation to the point where the force is applied is, therefore, θ = 180 − 60 = 120 .
The force applied by the mouse is simply its weight, so F = mg , and the lever arm is r = 22 cm.
EVALUATE Inserting the given quantities into Equation 10.10 gives the torque as
( )
τ = rF sin θ = rmg sin θ = ( 0.32 m )( 0.022 kg ) 9.8 m / s 2 sin ( 67° ) = 0.064 N ⋅ m
ASSESS We see that the torque would be zero if the angle φ were 90° because sin(90° − 90°) = 0. This makes
sense because the valve stem would be directly below the axis of rotation, so its weight would apply no torque.
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Rotational Motion 10-5
EVALUATE (a) For the axis labeled (a), two masses have r = 0, and the other two masses have r = L. Inserting
these quantities into Equation 10.12 gives
(b) For the axis labeled (b), each mass has r = L/2, so Equation 10.12 gives
2 2 2 2
⎛L⎞ ⎛ L⎞ ⎛L⎞ ⎛ L⎞
I = ∑ mi ri2 = m ⎜ ⎟ + m ⎜ ⎟ + m ⎜ ⎟ + m ⎜ ⎟ = mL2
i ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠ ⎝2⎠
ASSESS Thus, there is more rotational inertia when the axis of rotation is at the edge of the object than when it is
at the center of the object, as expected.
24. INTERPRET We want to find the moment of inertia of a shaft that has the shape of a solid cylinder.
DEVELOP The rotational inertia of a solid cylinder or disk about its axis is I = MR 2 (see Table 10.2). The
radius is half the diameter and the mass, in more familiar units, is 6.4 × 103 kg.
EVALUATE The rotational inertia of the shaft is
1 1 ⎛1 ⎞
2 2
( ⎝2 ⎠
I = MR 2 = 6.4 × 103 kg ⎜ × 0.91 m ⎟ = 662 kg ⋅ m 2
ASSESS The numerical value is reasonable, given its mass and radius, and the units (kg·m2) are correct.
25. INTERPRET This problem involves combining the rotational inertia of several objects to find the overall
rotational inertia of the combined object. In addition, we are asked to find the torque needed to give the object the
given angular acceleration.
DEVELOP Because both the cylinder and the end caps rotate about the same axis, we can sum the rotational
inertia of each object to find the total rotational inertia: I tot = I cyl + 2 I cap . The rotational inertia of the individual
components are given in Table 10.2, and are I cyl = M cyl R 2 and I cap = M cap R 2 / 2. To find the torque, apply the
rotational analog of Newton’s second law (for constant mass), Equation 10.11: τ = Iα .
EVALUATE (a) The total rotational inertia of the capped cylinder is
⎛1 ⎞
I tot = I cyl + 2 I cap = M cyl R 2 + 2 ⎜ M cap R 2 ⎟ = R 2 ( M cyl + M cap )
⎝ 2 ⎠
= (0.073 m) 2 (0.100 kg + 0.024 kg) = 6.6 × 10−4 kg ⋅ m 2
(b) The torque needed to accelerate the capped cylinder is
τ = I totα = (6.6 × 10−4 kg ⋅ m2 )(3.2 rad / s 2 ) = 2.1× 10−3 N ⋅ m
ASSESS Notice that we used more significant figures for the total rotational inertia in part (b) because it was an
intermediate result in this case.
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10-6 Chapter 10
26. INTERPRET In this problem, we are asked to find the minimum total mass of a wheel, given its diameter and
rotational inertia.
DEVELOP Every part of the wheel has a distance from the center that is less than or equal to the maximum radius.
Therefore, using Equation 10.12, we obtain the following inequality:
I = ∑ mi ri 2 ≤ ( mi ) rmax
27. INTERPRET By assuming Earth to be a solid sphere with uniform mass distribution, we want to estimate its
rotational inertia, and the torque needed to change the length of the day by 1 second every century.
DEVELOP From Table 10.2, the rotational inertia of a solid sphere of radius R and mass M is
I= MR 2
Once I is known, the torque needed to slow down the rotation can be found by using Equation 10.11: τ = Iα.
EVALUATE (a) For a uniform solid sphere with an axis through the center,
2 2
( )( )
IE = M E RE2 = 5.97 × 10 24 kg 6.37 × 106 m = 9.69 × 1037 kg ⋅ m 2
5 5
(b) The angular speed of rotation of Earth is ω = 2π/T, where the period is T = 1 d = 86,400 s. If the period were to
change by 1s per century,
dT 1s
= = 3.16 ×10−10
dt (100 y ) 3.16 ×107 s/y )
This would correspond to an angular acceleration of
dω (T ) d ⎛ 2π ⎞ 2π dT
α= = ⎜ ⎟=− 2
dt dt ⎝ T ⎠ T dt
Therefore, to change the length of a day by ±1 s would require a torque of magnitude
2π I dT 2π 9.69 × 10 kg ⋅ m
τ =Iα =
T 2 dt
( 86,400 s ) 2
3.16 × 10
= 2.58 × 10 N ⋅ m )
ASSESS The torque in (b) is actually generated by tidal friction between the Moon and the Earth. Note that the
Earth has a core of denser material, so its actual rotational inertia is less than that obtained in (a).
28. INTERPRET We are asked about the rotational inertia of a Frisbee, given its mass distribution, and the torque
required to generate the rotation.
DEVELOP The Frisbee rotates around an axis through its center and perpendicular to its flat surface. Its rotational
⎛ ⎞
( )
inertia is the sum from a disk ⎜ I d = M d R 2 ⎟ and a ring I r = M r R 2 , each accounting for half the mass of the
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ 1 ⎞
Frisbee ⎜ M d = M r = M f ⎟ . In part (b), the torque exerted by the student can be found from the rotational analog
⎝ 2 ⎠
of Newton's second law: τ = I f α (Equation 10.11). We don't have the angular acceleration, but it can be
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Rotational Motion 10-7
determined from Equation 10.9, ω 2 = ω02 + 2α (θ − θ0 ), given that the Frisbee goes from rest (ω0 = 0) to 450 rpm
⎛ 1 ⎞
after a quarter-turn given by the student ⎜ θ − θ 0 = rev ⎟ .
⎝ 4 ⎠
EVALUATE (a) The Frisbee's rotational inertia is the sum of the inertias from the disk and the ring:
3 3 ⎛1 ⎞
If = Id + Ir = M f R 2 = (0.102 kg) ⎜ × 0.23 m ⎟ = 1.01 × 10−3 kg ⋅ m 2
4 4 ⎝2 ⎠
(b) To find the torque, we first calculate the angular acceleration:
ω 2 − ω02 (450 rpm)2 ⎛ 2π rad ⎞⎛ 1 min ⎞ 2
α= = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 706.9 rad / s
2(θ − θ 0 ) ⎛1 ⎞ ⎝ 1 rev ⎠⎝ 60 s ⎠
2 ⎜ rev ⎟
⎝4 ⎠
The torque given by the student is then
( )( )
τ = I f α = 1.01× 10−3 kg ⋅ m 2 707 rad / s 2 = 0.714 N ⋅ m
ASSESS The units are all correct and the numerical values seem reasonable. Using Equation 10.10, we can
estimate that the force exerted by the student when flicking the Frisbee is roughly: F ∼ τ / r = 6.2 N, which is well
within the strength limits of a human wrist.
29. INTERPRET This problem involves calculating the torque that results from a frictional force applied about a 41-
cm shaft, and the angular acceleration this engenders. We are then asked to find the time it takes the shaft (and the
accompanying flywheel) to stop, given their initial rotational speed.
DEVELOP From Equation 10.10, the torque applied to the flywheel is
τ = rF sin θ = Rshaft f k
where θ = 90°, fk = 34 kN, and Rshaft = (41 cm)/2 = 0.205 m. Inserting this torque into the rotational analog of
Newton’s second law (for constant mass), we can find the angular acceleration. We find α = −τ/Ifw, where the
negative sign indicates that the acceleration is directed opposite to the motion. Use Table 10.2 to find the formulas
for the rotational inertia of the flywheel (which we take to be a solid disk). This is
1 2
I fw = M fw Rfw
where Mfw = 7.7 × 104 kg and Rfw = 2.4 m. The time it will take the flywheel to stop is, from Equation 10.7 with ω
= 0,
0 = ω0 + α t
ω0 ω0 I fw ω0 M fw Rfw
t=− = =
α τ 2 Rshaft f k
EVALUATE Inserting the given quantities into the expression for the time gives
ω0 M fw Rfw ( 360 rpm ) ( 7.7 × 104 kg ) ( 2.4 m )2 ⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ min ⎞
t= = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 1200 s = 20 min
2 f k Rshaft 2 ( 34 × 103 N ) ( 0.205 m ) ⎝ rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠
ASSESS The exact rotational inertia for the flywheel is M Rshaft
+ Rfw ( ) 2 , which is just 0.7% different from
MRfw 2 for the given radii.
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10-8 Chapter 10
where I = MR 2 /2 for a disk (see Table 10.2). The average power required is the work done on the saw divided by
the time over which the work is done ( P = W /Δt ). The work done on the saw may be found by using the
work-energy theorem (Equation 6.14): Wnet = ΔK .
EVALUATE (a) With ω = 2500 rpm = 2π ( 2500 rpm ) / ( 60 s ) = 261.8 rad / s, the final rotational kinetic energy is
1 2 1⎛1 ⎞ 1
Kf = I ω = ⎜ MR 2 ⎟ ω 2 = (0.85 kg)(0.165 m) 2 (261.8 rad / s) 2 = 396.5 J
2 2⎝ 2 ⎠ 4
(b) The average power required is
W ΔK K f − K i 396.2 J
P = net = = = = 113.2 W
Δt Δt Δt 3.5 s
where we have used the result from part (a) to three significant figures because it is an intermediate result.
ASSESS To check the answer, we present an alternative approach to computing K. In this problem, the angular
acceleration is
ω − ω0 261.7 rad / s
α= = = 74.49 rad / s 2
t 3.5
and the angular displacement is (using Equation 10.9)
ω 2 − ω02 ( 261.7 rad / s )
θ = θ0 + = = 460 rad
2α (
2 74.49 rad / s 2 )
With these quantities, the rotational energy may be calculated as
K = W = τθ = Iαθ = ( 0.85 kg ) (0.165 m)2 (74.49 rad / s2 )(460 rad) = 396.5 J
which is the same as before.
31. INTERPRET We’re asked to imagine extracting energy from the Earth’s rotational kinetic energy. We want to
estimate how long it would take to slow the rotation rate enough for the day to increase by 1 second.
DEVELOP We imagine that rotational kinetic energy is extracted from the Earth at a rate of P = 1.8 × 1013 W . The
rotational kinetic energy will correspondingly decrease, manifesting itself as a slowdown in the rotational speed.
Over sufficient time, t , the rotational speed will decrease from its current value of ω0 = 2π / 1d to a value for
which the day is 1 second longer: ω f = 2π / (1d + 1s ) . Equating the change in rotational kinetic energy to the
energy extracted gives:
I E ω0 2 − ω f 2 = Pt ( )
EVALUATE From Problem 27, the rotational inertia of the Earth can be estimated as I E = 9.69 × 1037 kg ⋅ m2 .
Because 1s 1d , we can approximate the change in the rotational velocity squared as:
2⎡ −2 ⎤ 2
⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎛ 1s ⎞ ⎛ 2π ⎞ ⎡ ⎛ 1 s ⎞⎤
(ω 0
−ωf 2
) =⎜ ⎟ ⎢1 − ⎜1 + ⎟ ⎥ ≅ ⎜ ⎟ ⎢2⎜ ⎟⎥
⎝1d ⎠ ⎣⎢ ⎝ ⎦⎥ ⎝ ⎠ ⎣ ⎝ ⎠⎦
1d ⎠ 1d 1d
Plugging this into the above energy equation and solving for the time gives:
2 E (ω 2
0 − ω 2f ) = (9.69 ×10 37
kg ⋅ m 2 ( 2π ) (1 s )
ASSESS This is around 10,000 years, which simply shows how much kinetic energy there is in the Earth’s
rotation. Of course, the computed time may be an underestimate, since humankind is continuously increasing its
power consumption.
32. INTERPRET The kinetic energy of the baseball consists of two parts: the kinetic energy of the center of mass, Kcm,
and the rotational kinetic energy, Krot. We want to find the fraction of the total kinetic energy that is due to Krot.
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Rotational Motion 10-9
DEVELOP The total kinetic energy has center-of-mass energy and internal rotational energy associated with spin
about the center of mass (see Equation 10.20):
1 1
K tot = K cm + K rot = Mv 2 + I cmω 2
2 2
EVALUATE For a solid sphere, Icm = 2 MR / 5 (see Table 10.2). Therefore, the rotational fraction of the total
kinetic energy is
K rot I cmω 2 (2 MR 2 / 5)ω 2 2 R 2ω 2
= = =
K tot Mv 2 + I cmω 2 Mv 2 + (2 MR 2 / 5)ω 2 5v 2 + 2 R 2ω 2
33. INTERPRET We are asked to find the energy stored in the flywheel of Problem 10.33, so we will use the concepts
of rotational inertia and kinetic energy of rotation. We also need to find the power output of a generator if the
speed of the flywheel changes a given amount in a given time.
DEVELOP Apply Equation 10.18, K = Iω2/2, to calculate the kinetic energy stored in the flywheel. We will need
to convert the angular speed in rpm to rad/s, and calculate the rotational inertia of the flywheel using I = mR2/2
(from Table 10.2). From the work-energy theorem (see Equation 10.19) and using P = W Δt , we have
P= =
Δt Δt
where ωi = 360 rpm, ωf = 300 rpm, and Δt = 3s.
The mass of the flywheel is m = 7.7 ×104 kg, the radius is R = 2.4 m, and the initial rotation rate is 360 rpm.
(a) The energy stored in the flywheel is
K = 1 Iω 2 = mR 2ω 2
2 4
2 2 2
1 2⎛ rev ⎞ ⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ 1 min ⎞
( )
7.7 × 104 kg ( 2.4 m ) ⎜ 360
⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜
min ⎠ ⎝ rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠
⎟ = 1.6 × 10 J
(b) The average power output during the deceleration of the flywheel is
ΔK mR 2 2
4 Δt
ω f − ωi2 )
( 7.7 ×10 kg ) ( 2.4 m )
4 2
⎡⎛ 2
rev ⎞ ⎛
rev ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ 1 min ⎞
2 2 2
⎢⎜ 300 ⎟ ⎜ 360 ⎟ ⎥⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ = 16 MW
4(3 s) ⎣⎢⎝ min ⎠ ⎝ min ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎝ rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠
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10-10 Chapter 10
1 1
(a) K t = mv 2 = (2.6 kg)(7.1 m / s) 2 = 65.5 J
2 2
1 2 1⎛2 ⎞⎛ v ⎞ mv 2 2 2
(b) Kr = I ω = ⎜ mR 2 ⎟⎜ ⎟ = = K t = (65.5 J) = 26.2 J.
2 2⎝5 ⎠⎝ ⎠
R 5 5 5
ASSESS Note that the rotational kinetic energy is 2 / 5 the translational kinetic energy in this case. Does the 2 / 5
look familiar? How would the two answers be related if, instead of a solid sphere, it was a hollow sphere?
35. INTERPRET This problem involves comparing the rotational and translational kinetic energy, so we will use the
relationship between ω and v (v = rω).
DEVELOP The total kinetic energy is
1 1
K = Mv 2 + I ω 2
2 2
where the first term is the translational kinetic energy and the second term is the rotational kinetic energy. From
Table 10.2, we find that the rotational inertia of a solid disk is I = mr2/2. Recalling that v = rω, we can calculate the
ratio f =Krot/K.
EVALUATE The ratio of rotational kinetic energy to total kinetic energy is
f =
Iω 2
( 1
MR 2 ω 2)
Mv 2 + 12 Iω 2
M (ω R ) + 2
( 1
MR 2 )ω 2
2 1
= =
1 + 12 3
ASSESS This is consistent with what we noted in the previous problem: the rotational inertia is mR2/2 so the
rotational kinetic energy is ½ the translational kinetic energy when it rolls without slipping.
36. INTERPRET This problem involves rotational kinetic energy and rotational inertia. Knowing the fraction of
kinetic energy due to rotation, we are to determine whether the ball is solid or hollow.
DEVELOP The given fraction of kinetic energy due to rotation is
K rot 40 2
f = = =
K total 100 5
We know that Ktot = mv2/2 + Krot, and Krot = Iω2/2. From Table 10.2, we find that the rotational inertia for a hollow
sphere is I =2MR2/3, whereas for a solid sphere it is I = 2MR2/5. Use these formulas to calculate the ratio of
rotational kinetic energy to total kinetic energy to see which one corresponds to the ratio give (f = 2/5).
EVALUATE For the solid sphere,
f =
1 Iω 2
( 2
MR 2 ω 2) =
1 Mv 2 + 1 I ω 2
2 2 M (ω R ) +
( 2
MR 2 ω 2) 1 + 52 7
f =
1 Iω 2
( 2
MR 2 ω 2) =
1 Mv 2 + 1
2 2
Iω 2 M (ω R ) +
( 2
MR 2 ω 2) 1 + 23 5
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Rotational Motion 10-11
DEVELOP The meter stick rotates about a perpendicular axis through its center, so treating it as rod and a flat
plate results in rotational inertias 1
ML2 and 1
12 ( )
M a 2 + b 2 , respectively. Here M = 0.172 kg , L = b = 1 m , and
a = 0.0254 m . We can calculate these and then determine by what percentage the simpler model (rod) is in error.
EVALUATE Evaluating the rotational inertias gives
1 1 2
I r = ML2 = ( 0.172 kg )(1 m ) = 14.3 g ⋅ m 2
12 12
1 1
( 12
I fp = M a 2 + b 2 = ( 0.172 kg ) ⎡( 0.0254 m ) + (1 m ) ⎤ = (1.00064 ) × 14.3 g ⋅ m 2
2 2
Thus, modeling the meter stick as a rod results in a lower value; low by about 0.064 %
ASSESS Rectangular objects like this meter stick are better represented by rotational inertias which better match
their geometry.
38. INTERPRET In this problem we want to determine the location of the rotational axis for a thin rod knowing its
rotational inertia. We will apply the parallel axis theorem.
DEVELOP When the rod rotates about an axis which is parallel to a perpendicular axis through its center, its
rotational inertia is given by the parallel axis theorem as I = 121 ML2 + Md 2 , where d is the distance from the
center-of-mass axis to the parallel axis. We can set this equal to the given rotational axis and solve for d .
EVALUATE Equating the rotational inertias and solving for d gives
1 1
I= ML2 + Md 2 = ML2
12 9
⎛1 1 ⎞ L
d = ⎜ − ⎟ L2 =
⎝ 9 12 ⎠ 6
Meaning the axis of rotation is located a distance L / 6 from the center, or L / 3 from one end of the rod.
ASSESS The rotational inertia of an object through a perpendicular axis can always be related to the rotational
inertia about an axis through the center of mass using the parallel axis theorem.
39. INTERPRET In this problem we want to model the rotational inertia of a large centrifuge. We will use the equations
from Table 10.2 to treat the tube as a thin rod and astronauts and seats as point masses.
DEVELOP From Table 10.2 we determine that the rotational inertia of the tube is given by It = 121 ML2 , and the
rotational inertia of both occupied seats are given by I s / a = mx 2 .
EVALUATE Evaluating the sum of the three rotational inertias for the given mass and length values gives
I cent = I t + 2 I s / a = ML2 + 2 mx 2
I cent = ( 3880 kg )(18.0 m )2 + 2 (105 kg + 72.6 kg )( 7.92 m )2 = 127 Mg ⋅ m 2
ASSESS The rotational inertia of a composite object can be calculated by separately determining the rotational
inertia of each component.
40. INTERPRET In this problem we want to remodel the rotational inertia of a large centrifuge calculated in the previous
problem. We will use the equations from Table 10.2 to treat the tube as having a square cross section of length B and
the astronauts/chair combination as cubes with side length c .
DEVELOP From Table 10.2 we determine that the remodeled rotational inertia of the tube will now be given by
It = 121 M ( L2 + B 2 ) . The remodeled rotational inertia of both occupied seats is now found by applying the parallel
axis theorem to the rotational inertia of a flat plate, and is given by I s / a = 121 m 2c 2 + mx 2 . ( )
EVALUATE Evaluating the sum of the three rotational inertias using B = 2.10 m , c = 1.85 m , and the given mass
and length values from the previous problem gives
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10-12 Chapter 10
1 ⎛1 ⎞
I cent = It + 2 I s / a =
12 ⎝ 12
( )
M ( L2 + B 2 ) + 2 ⎜ m 2c 2 + mx 2 ⎟ = 129 Mg ⋅ m 2
ASSESS The rotational inertia of the more accurately represented system is approximately 2% larger than the one
found in the previous problem.
41. INTERPRET In this problem we want to apply the conservation of mechanical energy to determine the speed of a
marble after it has rolled down an incline.
DEVELOP The gravitational potential energy at the top of the incline turns into translational and rotational kinetic
energy. At the bottom, all the potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy, and with no energy
dissipation we can calculate the final speed of the marble.
EVALUATE Equating the initial and final mechanical energies and solving for the final velocity gives
1 2 1 2
mgh = mv + I ω
2 2
2 ⎛v⎞
2gh = v2 + R2 ⎜ ⎟
5 ⎝ R⎠
10 gh
( )
10 9.8 m / s 2 ( 0.242 m )
= 1.84 m / s
7 7
ASSESS The object is slower than if it were to have slipped since some of the potential energy went into making
the object rotate.
42. INTERPRET In this problem we want to apply the conservation of mechanical energy to determine the speed of a
marble after it has rolled down an incline.
DEVELOP The gravitational potential energy at the top of the incline turns into translational and rotational
kinetic energy. We know its velocity halfway down, so we can equate that to the potential energy that remains at
that height. Once we have the starting height we can find the speed at the bottom like we did in the previous
EVALUATE Expressing the mechanical energy of the marble at halfway down the incline, and solving for the
height gives
⎛h⎞ 1 1
mg ⎜ ⎟ = mvh / 22 + Iωh /2 2
⎝ ⎠
2 2 2
2 ⎛v ⎞
gh = vh /22 + R2 ⎜ h /2 ⎟
5 ⎝ R ⎠
7vh /2 2 7 (1.12 m / s )
h= = = 17.9 cm
5g (
5 9.8 m / s 2 )
Using the expression found in the previous problem by equating the initial and final mechanical energies we find
the speed of the marble at the bottom is equal to
10 gh
10 9.8 m / s 2 ( 0.179 m ))= 1.58 m/s
7 7
ASSESS If there are no dissipative forces acting on the system, the mechanical energy of the system will be
conserved, even while there is conversion between potential and kinetic energy.
43. INTERPRET In this problem we want to apply the conservation of mechanical energy to determine the speed of a
wheel at the bottom of an incline, and to determine the characteristics of its mass distribution.
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Rotational Motion 10-13
DEVELOP The gravitational potential energy at the top of the incline turns into translational and rotational
kinetic energy. At the bottom, all the potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy, and with no energy
dissipation we can calculate the final speed of the wheel.
EVALUATE Equating the initial and final mechanical energies and solving for the final velocity gives
1 1
mgh = mv 2 + I ω 2
2 2
I ⎛v⎞
2gh = v2 + ⎜ ⎟
m⎝ R ⎠
2 gh
2 9.8 m/s 2 (12.6 m ) )
= 11.9 m/s
3.58 kg ⋅ m2 ( )
mR 2
( 29.5 kg )( 0.406 m )2
To determine whether the wheel is uniformly solid, or if its mass is concentrated at the rim, we look at the term
2 = 0.736
. This is the coefficient that multiplied by mR2 gives the rotational inertia of the wheel. From
Table 10.2 we see that a uniformly solid disk has a coefficient of 2
, while a ring has a coefficient of 1, meaning
that wheel is structured somewhere in between.
ASSESS The simple shape of this object allows us to easily compare its rotational inertia to those introduced in
the text and to determine roughly what its mass distribution resembles.
44. INTERPRET In this problem we want to apply the conservation of mechanical energy to determine the masses of
two objects making up the wheel which rolls down an incline.
DEVELOP The gravitational potential energy at the top of the incline turns into translational and rotational
kinetic energy. Since we are considering the wheel to be a composite object consisting of a disk and a ring, we will
express separately the two rotational inertias. Then we will solve for one of the masses considering that the total
mass M = mdisk + mrim .
EVALUATE Equating the initial and final mechanical energies we get
1 1
Mgh = Mv 2 + ( I disk + I rim ) ω 2
2 2
⎛1 ⎞ ⎛v⎞
2Mgh = Mv2 + ⎜ mdisk + mrim ⎟ R2 ⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ R⎠
( 2gh − v ) M = ⎛⎜⎝ 12 m
+ M − mdisk ⎟ v 2
⎛ gh ⎞
mdisk = 4M ⎜1 − 2 ⎟ = 8.31kg
⎝ v ⎠
mrim = M − mdisk = 6.39 kg
ASSESS We could’ve solved for the mass of the rim first and obtained a similar expression by instead replacing
mdisk with M − mrim .
45. INTERPRET The problem is related to the rotational motion of the wheel. By identifying the analogous situation
for linear motion (see Table 10.1), we can apply the correct formula.
DEVELOP We are given the angular displacement, the angular acceleration, and the initial angular speed ( = 0).
To find the final angular speed, we can apply Equation 10.9, which relates all these quantities:
ω 2 = ω02 + 2α (θ − θ0 )
To find the time it takes for the wheel to make 3 turns, apply Equation 10.8:
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10-14 Chapter 10
θ = θ 0 + ω0t + at 2
For the calculation, we will convert the angular acceleration to s−2:
⎛ rev ⎞ ⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ 1 min ⎞ 17π
α = 17 ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟= rad ⋅ s −2
⎝ min ⋅ s ⎠ ⎝ rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠ 30
EVALUATE (a) Inserting the angular acceleration and the angular displacement, θ − θ 0 = 6π , into Equation 10.9,
we find the final angular velocity is
ω = ± ω02 + 2α (θ − θ0 )
⎛ 17π ⎞
= 0 + 2⎜ ⎟ (6π rad) = π 6.8 = 8.2 rad / s
⎝ 30 ⎠
where the two signs indicate that the wheel could turn either clockwise or counterclockwise (we arbitrarily chose
the positive sign).
(b) Inserting the acceleration and the angular displacement, θ − θ 0 = 6π rad, into Equation 10.8 gives
θ − θ 0 − ω0t = α t 2
2(θ − θ 0 ) 2(6π rad)
t=± = = 360 / 17 s = 4.6 s
α 17π /30 rad/s 2
ASSESS Another way to answer (b) is to use Equation 10.7:
ω − ω0 π 6.8 rad / s
ω = ω0 + α t ⇒ t = = = 4.6 s
α 17π / 30 rad / s 2
where we have used ω = π 6.8 rad / s because it is more precise than 8.2 rad / s, which is only precise to two
significant figures.
46. INTERPRET You need to determine how many revolutions (i.e., the angular displacement) the blender makes
while accelerating between the two speeds. You can assume that the angular acceleration is constant.
DEVELOP You're not given the angular acceleration, but this is not a problem since you can combine Equations
10.1 and 10.6 to find the angular displacement: Δθ = (ω0 + ω ) Δt.
EVALUATE Plugging in the known values gives:
1 ⎛ 1 min ⎞
Δθ = ( 3800 rpm + 2000 rpm ) ⎜ ⎟ ( 2.0 s ) = 96.6 rev
2 ⎝ 60 s ⎠
The blender does not meet the specs, since it makes 36.6 revolutions too many.
ASSESS A blender that does meet the specs would need an angular acceleration of at least:
α = (ω 2 − ω02 ) / 2Δθ = 24.2 rev / s2. Therefore, the maximum time to switch between speeds would be:
t = (ω − ω0 ) / α = 1.2 s, which explains why the blender above is unable to meet the specs.
47. INTERPRET This problem involves angular acceleration, which we shall assume is constant. We are provided the
initial and final angular speed of the motor and the time interval over which the motor accelerates and are asked to
find several characteristics of the rotational kinematics of the engine.
DEVELOP Because we have no information about the variation in time of the acceleration, we can only calculate
the average acceleration over the given time interval. This is given by Equation 10.4 in the form
To find the tangential (i.e., linear) acceleration, differentiate Equation 10.3 with respect to time to find
dv d dω
a= = (ω r ) = r = αr
dt dt dt
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Rotational Motion 10-15
(note that this result holds only for constant radius). Finally, knowing the angular acceleration and the initial and
final angular velocities, we can apply Equation 10.9 to find the number of revolutions made during the given time
EVALUATE (a) The average angular acceleration is
Δω ( 5500 − 1200) rpm ⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ 1 min ⎞ −2 −2
α= = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 167 s ≈ 170 s
Δt ( 2.7 s ) ⎝ 1 rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠
to two significant figures.
(b) With d = 3.75 cm, we find an average linear acceleration of
⎛ 3.5 cm ⎞
a = α r = 167 s −2 ⎜
⎝ 2 ⎠
) ⎟ = 2.9 m/s
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10-16 Chapter 10
Iper = ML2/12. For part (b), we apply Equation 10.13 first to a single rod. Using the coordinate system drawn in the
figure below, the integral of Equation 10.13 becomes
L cos θ L cos θ L cosθ
M tan 2 θ M tan 2 θ ⎛ x3 ⎞ ML2 2
∫ ∫
2 2
I= y dm = x dx = ⎜ ⎟ = sin θ
L cosθ 0
L cosθ ⎜⎝ 3 ⎟⎠0 3
Because all four rods are symmetric, the total rotational inertial will be four times this result.
For part (c), apply the parallel axis theorem. From Table 10.2 we find the rotational inertia of a rod rotating about
an axis through its center of mass is Icm = ML2/12. The parallel axis theorem tells us the rotational inertia about a
parallel axis a distance L/2 from the center-of-mass axis is
⎛ L⎞ ⎛ 1 1⎞ 1
I = Icm + M ⎜ ⎟ = ML2 ⎜ + ⎟ = ML2
⎝2⎠ ⎝ 12 4 ⎠ 3
EVALUATE (a) Because we have two rods parallel to the axis and two rods perpendicular to the axis, the total
rotational inertia is
ML2 ML2 2
I a = 2 I par + 2 I per = 2 +2 = ML2
4 12 3
(b) Given that we have four rods, each with the rotational inertia given by the expression above, we can sum them
to find the total rotational inertia. The result is
4 ⎛π ⎞ 4 ⎛ 1 ⎞ 2 2
I b = 4I rod = ML2 sin 2 ⎜ ⎟ = ML2 ⎜ ⎟ = ML
3 ⎝4⎠ 3 ⎝ 2⎠ 3
(c) Again, we have four rods, each with the rotational inertial derived above. Therefore, the total rotational inertia is
I c = ML2
ASSESS Notice how we used symmetry to simplify the calculations.
51. INTERPRET We are asked to find the rotational inertia of a thick ring with inner and outer radii R1 = R and R2 =
R/2. The mass distribution is continuous, so we need to do an integral.
DEVELOP For a thick ring, the ring-shaped mass elements used in Example 10.7 have mass
dm = σ dA = 2π rdr
π R22 − R12 )
where σ = M/A is the mass density (units: kg/m2). Note that the ring only extends in radius from R1 to R2 . The
rotational inertia can then be obtained by integrating over
I= dm
EVALUATE Upon carrying out the integration, the rotational inertia about an axis perpendicular to the ring and
through its center is
R2 R2
2π r 3dr (
M R24 − R14 )=M
I= ∫r
dm = M ∫ 2 2 = 2( R2 − R2 ) (R 2
+ R22 )
R π ( R2 − R1 )
R1 2 1
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Rotational Motion 10-17
disk with radius R2 and I = MR22 2 (ii) R1 → R2 : In this limit, we have a thin ring with I = MR22 .
52. INTERPRET This problem involves applying the parallel axis theorem to find the rotational inertia of an object.
We can use Table 10.2 to find the expression for the rotational inertia for an axis through the center of mass of the
DEVELOP The object is a flat plate that is rotating about one of its long edges (of length b). Therefore, if we
displace the axis of rotation to go through the center of the plate, we have the situation depicted in the last entry of
Table 10.2, so Icm = Ma2/12. The displacement of the axis of rotation is d = a/2.
EVALUATE Applying the parallel axis theorem (Equation 10.17), gives
⎛ 1 1⎞ 1
I = I cm + Md 2 = Ma 2 ⎜ + ⎟ = Ma 2
⎝ 12 4 ⎠ 3
ASSESS Notice the length b of the long side does not enter into the result. This makes sense because a longer
plate will simply have more mass than a shorter one, but the distribution of the mass will not have changed.
53. INTERPRET The problem concerns the cellular motor that drives the flagellum of the E. coli bacteria. We are
asked to find the force exerted by this motor, given the torque and the radius at which the force is applied.
DEVELOP We're told that the force is applied tangentially, so θ = 90°, and Equation 10.10 reduces to: τ = rF .
EVALUATE Solving for the motor's applied force:
τ 420 pN ⋅ pm
F= = = 28 pN
r 15 nm
ASSESS This is a very small force, but it's rather impressive that an E. coli, with a typical mass of about 10−15 kg,
can exert a force that is over 1000 times its own weight.
54. INTERPRET This problem is an exercise in finding the rotational inertia of an object. The object in question is a
flat plane that rotates about a central axis (i.e., the last entry in Table 10.2).
DEVELOP Following the hint, we divide the plane up into strips parallel to the central axis (see figure below). For
a uniform plate
dm/M = b ⎣⎡ dy ( ab ) ⎦⎤
dm = dy
Insert this result into Equation 10.13 to and integrate from y = −a/2 to y = a/2 to find the rotational inertial.
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10-18 Chapter 10
55. INTERPRET You are asked to find the time it takes for the space station to start from rest and reach a certain
angular speed, with a given thrust.
DEVELOP The space station is essentially a ring with radius R = 9 m and rotational inertia I = MR 2 (from
Table 10.1). The two rockets provide a net torque of τ = 2 FR, as can be seen from the figure below.
This torque causes an angular acceleration, α = τ / I = 2 F / MR, that spins up the station from rest to an angular
velocity ω. This final rotation speed is chosen such that the centripetal acceleration at the rim is equal to the
gravitational acceleration on the surface of Earth:
v 2 (ω R ) 2 g
ac = = = ω 2R = g → ω=
Your job is to determine how long the rockets must fire to reach this angular velocity and how many rotations the
station makes during this time period.
EVALUATE (a) The time can be found with Equation 10.7:
ω g/R M gR (9 × 105 kg) (9.8 m / s 2 )(9 m)
t= = = = = 3.01× 104 s = 8.3 h
α 2 F / MR 2F 2(140 N)
(b) We could use Equation 10.8 to find the number of revolutions completed in this time, but Equation 10.9
provides a simple formula with the weight of the space station:
ω 2 Mg (9.0 × 105 kg)(9.8 m / s 2 ) 15,750 rad
Δθ = = = = = 2506.7 rev
2α 4 F 4(140 N) 2π rad / rev
ASSESS These are relatively small rockets, so it takes a fair amount of time to reach the desired rotational
velocity. Since t ∼ 1 / F , a larger thrust will shorten this spin-up time.
56. INTERPRET In this problem, we are asked to estimate and compare the rotational inertia of an ice skater before
and after they extend their arms outward. We can model the human body using simple shapes from Table 10.2 for
which we know the rotational inertias.
DEVELOP We are told that we can model the ice skater’s body as a cylinder when they are holding their arms
tight to their torso. When their arms are extended, we can consider the addition of a thin rod rotating about its
center. We will have to make estimates on the size of the radii and length, as well as the mass distribution after the
arms are extended. We will estimate the height, and, thus, the arm span, of the ice skater to be ∼ 1.8 m, and we can
estimate the distance from the center of rotation to their shoulders to be ∼ 0.2 m. This, in turn, means the cylinder
radius is Rc = 0.2 m and the rod length is Lr = 0.9 m. Before arm extension, the mass located in the cylinder is
M ci = 65 kg, and after extension, we estimate that the cylinder mass becomes M cf = (0.9) M ci and the rod mass is
M r = (0.1) M ci . With these, we can now express the rotational inertias before and after arm extension as
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Rotational Motion 10-19
M ci Rc2
Ii = I c =
1 1
I f = I c + I r = M cf Rc2 + M r L2r
2 12
EVALUATE Evaluating the expressions for rotational inertia found in Table 10.2 gives the following approximate
I i = ⎜ ⎟ (65 kg)(0.2 m) 2 ≅ 1 kg ⋅ m 2
⎛1⎞ ⎛1⎞
I f = ⎜ ⎟ (0.9 × 65 kg)(0.2 m)2 + ⎜ ⎟ (0.1 × 65 kg)(0.9 m) 2 ≅ 2 kg ⋅ m 2
⎝ ⎠ ⎝ 12 ⎠
Thus, upon extending their arms, the ice skater experiences an approximately 100% increase in rotational inertia.
ASSESS From these estimates, we see that I i roughly doubles, but this depends heavily on the proportions used
for the skater.
57. INTERPRET This problem involves Newton’s second law in both linear and rotational form, which we can apply
to find the coefficient of friction between block and slope, given the acceleration of the block. We will also need to
consider the rotational inertia of the wheel in this problem.
DEVELOP Draw a diagram of the situation (see figure below). Applying Newton’s second law (Equation 4.3) to
the mass gives
mg sin θ − f k − T = ma ⎫
⎬ mg sin θ − μk mg cosθ − T = ma
n − mg cosθ = 0 ⎭
where we have used Equation 5.3 to express the force due to kinetic friction, f k = μk n.
Likewise, applying the rotational analog of Newton’s second law (Equation 10.11) to the wheel gives
τ net = Iα
TR = Iα
where tnet = TR because the tension is the only torsional force acting on the wheel, I = MR 2 / 2 (from Table 10.2),
and a = α R (Equation 10.4). These equations allow us to determine μk .
EVALUATE Solving first for the tension from the rotational application of Newton’s second law gives
Iα ( MR 2 / 2)(a / R) 1
= T= = Ma
R R 2
Insert this into the equation derived from Newton’s second law applied to the block, and solve for μ k :
mg sin θ − ma − Ma / 2
μk =
mg cosθ
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10-20 Chapter 10
58. INTERPRET This problem combines Newton’s second law for rotational motion and the concept of torque.
Combining these with the rotational kinematic equations (Equations 10.6–10.9), we can find the final angular
speed of the wheel.
DEVELOP Assuming the wheel spins about an essentially frictionless axis, the only torsional force acting on the
wheel is due to the wrench, so Newton’s second law (Equation 10.11) gives
τ net = τ wrench = Iα
From Example 10.6, the rotational inertia of the bicycle wheel is I = MR2, and from Equation 10.10, the torque
applied by the wrench is τwrench = –fkR = –μkFappR. Note that θ = 90° in this case for Equation 10.10 because the
frictional force is applied tangentially to the wheel, and we have used Equation 5.3 to express the frictional force.
This gives us the angular acceleration, which we can use in Equation 10.7 to find the final angular speed ω.
EVALUATE Inserting the given quantities into the expression derived above using Newton’s second law gives
τ μ F R μ F t
ω = ω0 + α t = ω0 + wrench t = ω0 − k app2 t = ω0 − k app
⎛ rev ⎞⎛ 2π rad ⎞ ⎛ 1 min ⎞ 0.46 ( 2.7 N )( 3.1 s )
= ⎜ 230 ⎟⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟− = 18 rad /s = 170 rev/min
⎝ min ⎠⎝ rev ⎠ ⎝ 60 s ⎠ (1.9 kg )( 0.33 m )
ASSESS Notice that the greater the applied force, the smaller will be the final angular momentum. One might
think the wheel will reverse direction if the applied force is great enough, but this will not happen because friction
only acts to counter the motion, not to create motion. Once the wheel stops, the friction force will be static and will
not create motion. (It could, however, prevent another force from turning the wheel.)
59. INTERPRET In this problem, we want to find the angular speed of the potter’s wheel after he exerts a tangential
force to the edge of the wheel. We can address this problem in several ways—either through the work-energy
theorem or through Newton’s second law (Equation 10.11). The force produces a torque that causes the wheel to
DEVELOP We will apply the work-energy theorem for constant torque (Equation 10.19). This gives
1 2
W = τΔθ = ΔK = K f − K 0 = Iω
because the wheel starts from rest. The equation allows us to determine the angular velocity ω.
EVALUATE Because the force acting on the wheel is tangential to the wheel circumference, θ = 90° in Equation
10.10, so τ = FR. In addition, from Table 10.2, we know that the rotational inertia of a disk is I = MR 2 / 2.
1 π
Inserting Δθ = rev = rad, we have
8 4
2τΔθ 2 FRΔθ 4 F Δθ
ω2 = = =
I MR 2 / 2 MR
4 F Δθ 4(60 N)(π / 4 rad)
ω=± =± = ±1.89 rad / s
MR (140 kg)(0.375 m)
ASSESS The two signs indicate that the potter may spin the wheel either clockwise or counterclockwise. The
greater the force exerted on the wheel, the larger the angular speed. On the other hand, larger M and R result in a
larger rotational inertia and smaller angular speed (if the same force is applied). If we apply Newton’s second law
to this problem, we find
τ net = FR = Ia = MR2α / 2
Inserting this result into Equation 10.9 and solving for the final angular velocity gives
=0 Δθ
ω = ω02 + 2α (θ − θ 0 )
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Rotational Motion 10-21
4F Δθ
which is the same expression as that found using the work-energy theorem.
60. INTERPRET This problem involves conservation of total mechanical energy, which we can use to find the angular
speed of the hollow drum when the anchor hits the water.
DEVELOP By conservation of total mechanical energy, we can equate the initial and final mechanical energies.
The initial energy is just the gravitational potential energy of the anchor, E0 = U = mgh. The final energy is the sum
of the kinetic energies of the rotating hollow drum and the dropping anchor,
1 2 1 2
E f = K drum + K anchor = I ω + mv
2 2
From Table 10.2, the rotational inertia of the hollow drum is I = MR2.
EVALUATE Equating the initial and final total mechanical energies gives
1 2 1 2 1 1 2
mgh = I ω + mv = MR 2ω 2 + m (ω R )
2 2 2 2
2mgh 2 ( 5000 N )(16 m )
ω=± =± = ±12 rad /s
R2 ( M + m) (
(1.1 m/s ) ⎣380 kg + ( 5000 N ) 9.8 m/s 2 ⎦⎤
ASSESS The result has two signs because we cannot tell if the hollow drum rotates clockwise or
61. INTERPRET This problem involves conservation of energy: gravitational potential energy is converted to center-
of-mass kinetic energy and rotational kinetic energy.
DEVELOP By conservation of energy, the sum of the gravitational potential energy and the total kinetic energy
(Equation 10.20) is a constant. If we assume the gravitational potential is zero where the ball is at rest, then this
constant is zero, or in other words:
1 1
K cm + K rot = Mv 2 + I ω 2 = −U
2 2
As it rolls down the incline, the potential decreases: U = −Mgh, where the height is related to the distance rolled
down the incline by: h = d sin θ . The ball is hollow, so its rotational inertia is I = 23 MR 2 , and we assume that it
rolls without slipping, so v = ω R (Equation 10.21).
EVALUATE Plugging in the various expressions into the energy conservation equation gives:
1 1
Mv 2 + Mv 2 = Mgd sin θ
2 3
Solving for the speed,
v= gd sin θ
ASSESS If the ball were sliding down the incline without friction, the speed would have been v = 2 gd sin θ . The
fact that the ball is rolling means it will go slower down the incline.
62. INTERPRET This problem involves conservation of total mechanical energy, which we can apply to find the
height to which the ball rolls up the incline.
DEVELOP If the ball rolls without slipping and we define potential energy to be zero at the incline’s base, then
the initial energy is only kinetic energy, and it is given by
1 2 1
+ I cmω 2
Ei = K cm + K rot =
2 2
The final energy is only potential energy and is Ef = Mgh. Conservation of total mechanical energy allows us to
equate the initial and final mechanical energies, which we can then solve for the height h.
EVALUATE Setting the initial and final energies to be equal gives
1 1
Mgh = I cmω 2 + Mvcm
2 2
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10-22 Chapter 10
With Icm = 2MR2 / 3 (from Table 10.2) and ω = vcm / R, this becomes
1⎛ 2 ⎞ 2 1 5
Mgh = ⎜ MR 2 ⎟ ( vcm / R ) + Mvcm
2 2
= Mvcm
2⎝ 3 ⎠ 2 6
5vcm 5(2.5 m / s)2
h= = = 3.19 m
g (9.8 m / s 2 )
ASSESS The height attained is proportional to the linear speed of the ball squared.
63. INTERPRET The kinetic energy of the wheel consists of two parts: the kinetic energy of the center of mass, Kcm,
and the rotational kinetic energy, Krot. We want to find how changing the moment of inertia and mass of the wheel
affects the total kinetic energy.
DEVELOP The total kinetic energy of the wheel consists of the center-of-mass energy and the internal rotational
energy associated with the spin about the center of mass (see Equation 10.20):
1 2 1
K tot = K cm + K rot = Mvcm + I cmω 2
2 2
With the condition for rolling without slipping, v = ω R, the total kinetic energy can be rewritten as
1 2 1 ⎛v ⎞ 1 2 ⎛ I cm ⎞
K tot = K cm + K rot = Mvcm + I cm ⎜ cm ⎟ = Mvcm ⎜1 + 2⎟
2 2 ⎝ R ⎠ 2 ⎝ MR ⎠
( )
The initial condition is I cm / MR 2 = 0.37 = 37%. After the redesign,
I 'cm 0.8 I cm I
= = 1.081 cm2 = (1.081)(0.37) = 0.40
M ' R 2 (0.74 M ) R 2 MR
EVALUATE The fractional decrease in kinetic energy is
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Rotational Motion 10-23
its angular speed is constant). By conservation of total mechanical energies, all three of these expressions for the
total mechanical energy must give the same result, which allows us to solve for h′.
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10-24 Chapter 10
1 3 253
I remainder = I disk − I hole = MR 2 − MR 2 = MR 2 = 0.494 MR 2
2 512 512
ASSESS If the hole drilled were concentric with the disk, we would have
1 M ⎛R⎞ 1
′ = Icm =
I hole ⎜ ⎟ = MR2
2 16 ⎝ 4 ⎠ 512
1 1 255
I remainder ′ =
= I disk − I hole MR 2 − MR 2 = MR 2 = 0.498MR 2
2 512 512
( )
The same result is obtained if we use the formula M ′ R12 + R22 2 derived in Problem 51, with
M ′ = π R 2 − π ( R 4 ) = (15 16 ) π R 2 = (15 16 ) M , R1 = R and R2 = R 4 .
66. INTERPRET This problem involves Newton’s second law and the rotational inertia of a solid cylinder. We are
given a mass that hangs from a cylindrical drum by a massless rope that is wrapped around the drum. The mass is
allowed to fall, but it is restrained by the rope that makes the drum spin (causing an angular acceleration of the
drum). We are to find the tension in the rope as the mass falls and the drum’s mass.
DEVELOP The situation is similar to Example 10.9. Applying Newton’s second law to the falling mass gives
mg − T = ma (where we have taken the downward direction to be positive), which we can solve for the tension T.
For part (b), apply the rotational analog of Newton’s second law, Equation 10.11: τ net = Iα , which gives
τ net = RT = Iα , where the rotational inertia is I = MR 2 /2 (from Table 10.2) and α R = a.
EVALUATE (a) Solving for the tension gives T = mg – ma = (20 kg)(9.8 m / s2 – 5.0 m / s2 ) = 96 N (to two
significant figures).
(b) Inserting the known quantities into the expression for the net torque gives
MR 2 a
RT =
2 R
2T 2(96 N)
M= = = 38.4 kg
a 5.0 m / s 2
to two significant figures.
ASSESS Notice that we retained three significant figures for the tension in part (b) because the tension is an
intermediate result in this case.
67. INTERPRET This problem involves conservation of total mechanical energy, which we can use to find how high
up the hill the motorcyclist can go.
DEVELOP If all possible losses are neglected, the total mechanical energy of the motorcycle and rider is
conserved as it coasts uphill, so the total kinetic energy at the bottom equals the total potential energy at the highest
K trans + K rot = M tot gh
The translational kinetic energy of the motorcycle and rider (including the wheels) and the rotational kinetic energy
of the wheels (about their center of mass) are, assuming rolling without slipping,
1 ⎛1 ⎞ ⎛v⎞
K trans = M tot v 2 , K rot = 2 ⎜ I ω 2 ⎟ = I ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝R⎠
These expressions can be combined to solve for h.
EVALUATE Substituting the second equation into the first and using v = 75 km / h = 20.8 m / s, we find the
maximum vertical height reached is
v2 ⎛ 2 I ⎞ (20.8 m / s) 2 ⎛ 2(1.5 kg ⋅ m 2 ) ⎞
h= ⎜⎜ 1 + ⎟ = ⎜ 1 + ⎟ = 24 m
2 g ⎝ M tot R 2 ⎟⎠ 2(9.8 m / s 2 ) ⎜⎝ (372 kg)(0.305 m) 2 ⎟⎠
ASSESS If the rolling motion is ignored, the result would be h = v2 /2 g , which is what we expect from
considering only the linear motion.
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Rotational Motion 10-25
68. INTERPRET This problem involves conservation of total mechanical energy and Newton’s second law. The
former allows us to find the speed at the top of the loop, and the latter allows us to find the minimum speed
necessary to stay on the track.
DEVELOP The center of mass of the marble travels in a circle of radius R – r inside the loop, so at the top, mg + N
= mv2/(R − r). To remain in contact with the track, Newton’s second law tells us that n ≥ 0, so that the track causes
the ball to accelerate (otherwise it would be in free fall). Thus, we have
Fnet = − mg − n = ma = − m
mg + n
v2 = (R − r) ≥ g(R − r)
where we have taken the downward direction to be negative. By conservation of total mechanical energy, we can
equate the total mechanical energies at points A and B. For point A, the energy is just the gravitational potential
energy, which is
E A = mg ( h + r )
For point B, the energy is the sum of the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energies due to rotation and
1 1
E B = mg ( 2 R − r ) + I cmω 2 + mv 2
2 2
Equating these two energies (by conservation of energy), we can find the minimum height h.
EVALUATE Equating the EA and EB gives
mg ( h + r ) = mg ( 2 R − r ) + mv 2
Inserting the minimum value for v2 from above gives the minimum height h:
mg ( h + r ) ≥ mg ( 2 R − r ) + mg ( R − r )
h ≥ 2.7 ( R − r )
ASSESS If we let r → 0, then we would have mgh′ = mg(2R) + mv2/2 from conservation of total mechanical
energy and v2 ≥ gR from Newton’s second law. Combing these gives h′ ≥ 2.5R, so we see that h′ < h, even if we
insert r = 0 in the result for h. This is because the rotational inertia of a finite-sized ball consumes some mechanical
energy, so any finite-sized ball will have to start higher than a ball with zero size (a point particle).
69. INTERPRET In this problem we are given a disk with nonuniform mass density, and asked to find its total mass
and rotational inertia. We will therefore need to use the integral expression to calculate the rotational inertia.
DEVELOP As mass elements, choose thin rings of width dr and radius r (as in Example 10.7) so that
⎛ρ r⎞ 2πρ0 w 2
dm = ρ ( r ) dV = ⎜ 0 ⎟ 2π rw dr = r dr
⎝ R ⎠ R
The total mass is M = ∫0 dm and the rotational inertia about the disk axis is I = ∫0 r 2dm (see Equation 10.13).
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10-26 Chapter 10
void rem
From Problem 10.65, we know that mvoid/mrem = 1/15, and ycm = R 4 , so ycm = − R 60 . Equating the total
mechanical energy when the void is at the top and when it is at the bottom gives
K bot + U bot = K top + U top
2 2
I ωmin = 12 I ωmax − (U bot − U top )
where the minimum angular speed occurs when the void is at the bottom and the maximum angular speed occurs
when the void is at the top. From Problem 10.65, we know that I = 253MR2/512, where M is the mass of the
complete disk (M = mvoid + mrem). The difference in height of the center of mass between positions with the hole at
the bottom and at the top is Δycm = R/30 , so the change in potential energy is
U bot − U top = mrem g Δ ycm = (15 16 ) Mg ( R 30 ) = MgR 32
With these results we can solve for the minimum angular speed in terms of the maximum angular speed.
EVALUATE Solving the system of equations derived above for ωmin gives
2 2
I ωmin = 12 Iωmax − (U bot − U top )
2 2 2MgR 32 2 MgR ⎛ 512 ⎞
ωmin = ωmax − = ωmax − ⎜ ⎟
I 16 ⎝ 253MR 2 ⎠
2 32 g
ωmi n = ± ωmax −
ASSESS The positive and negative signs in the result reflect the fact that the expression cannot differentiate
between clockwise and counter-clockwise rotation—both directions are equally valid. Notice that if R → ∞ , then
ωmin = ωmax because the void becomes negligible.
71. INTERPRET In this problem we are asked to calculate the rotational inertia of a disk about an axis coinciding with a
diameter. We will do this by treating it as continuous matter, much like it’s done in Examples 10.6 and 10.7.
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Rotational Motion 10-27
DEVELOP Like in most of these problems we want to exploit the symmetry of the object to make the calculation
easier. Choosing the axis of rotation to be the y-axis as is shown in the figure below, we note it’s convenient to
define the distance to the infinitesimal mass element dm as r cosθ , and integrate over both r and θ .
Furthermore, we can break the disk into four pieces, calculate the rotational inertia for the portion located in the
first quadrant, and multiply by four to obtain the total rotational inertia.
EVALUATE Evaluating Equation 10.13 for the first quadrant and multiplying by four gives
2⎛ Mr ⎞
I1Q = ∫ r 2 dm = ∫∫ ( r cosθ ) ⎜ 2 ⎟
⎝πR ⎠
dr dθ
π π ⎤
sin 2θ ⎞ 2 ⎥ ⎡⎢ r 4
M 2 ⎛ 4⎞
⎥ = M ⎛⎜ π ⎞⎟ ⎜ R ⎟
M ⎢1 ⎛
π R 2 ∫0
I1Q = cos θ dθ ∫r dr =
2 3
⎜θ + ⎟
π R2 ⎢ 2 ⎝ 2 ⎠0 ⎥⎢ 4 ⎥ π R ⎝ 4 ⎠ ⎜⎝ 4 ⎟⎠
0 ⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎣ 0⎦
MR 2 MR 2
I1Q = → I T = 4 I1Q =
16 4
ASSESS We can also obtain this rotational inertia by using the perpendicular axis theorem. If a planar object has
rotational symmetry such that I x and I y are equal, then the perpendicular axis theorem provides the useful
relationship: I z = 2 I x = 2 I y . For the coordinates we have chosen, that means I z is the rotational inertia of the disk
about an axis through its center and perpendicular to the disk, which is calculated in Example 10.7 ( MR 2 / 2 ).
Dividing this by two replicates our result.
72. INTERPRET In this problem we are asked to derive an expression for the rate of change of the total kinetic energy
experienced by an accelerating car. We want to include the car’s acceleration in the expression, so we should apply
use force and torque to describe the power.
DEVELOP We are told to include the mass of the car M , the mass of each wheel m , the car’s acceleration a ,
and the car’s speed v . Since the wheels can be considered disks, we also know their rotational inertia is given by
I = mR 2 / 2 . To obtain the power, we will take the derivative of the total kinetic energy (translational and
rotational). Once we have derived the expression, we can consider the scenarios described to determine the
percentages by which the power requirement decreases.
EVALUATE The power applied to the car and each wheel is given by
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10-28 Chapter 10
Pf − Pi
change as , noting that it does not depend on v or a. The percentages by which the power requirement
decreases in the two scenarios are
Pf − Pi
( ( M − 10 kg ) + 2m ) − ( M + 2m ) =−
10 kg
= 0.552%
Pi M + 2m (1780 +2 (15.8) ) kg
Pf − Pi
( ( M − 10 kg ) + 2(m − 2.5 kg) ) − ( M + 2m ) =−
15 kg
= 0.828%
Pi M + 2m (1780 +2 (15.8) ) kg
In the first scenario, we have subtracted the 10 kg from the non-rolling parts, so we see that impact the total mass
M . In the second scenario, we are subtracting 10 kg from the wheels, so each individual wheel’s mass m is
reduced by 2.5 kg and the total mass M is still decreased by 10 kg.
ASSESS Since the torque required to rotate the wheels contributes to the overall power, reducing the weight of
the wheels will result in a larger decrease in power than removing that mass from non-rolling parts of the car.
73. INTERPRET This problem is an exercise in calculating the rotational inertia of an object (in this case, a right-
circular cone). Because the mass is distributed continuously throughout the cone, we will apply the integral
formula Equation 10.13 to find the rotational inertia.
DEVELOP Divide the cone into circular slices parallel to the base of the cone, and integrate over all these slices to
find the total rotational inertia of the cone. The height of the cone is h and the base radius is R, so the radius of
each slice is r = Rx/h, where x is the distance from the apex. The volume of the cone is V = Ah/3, where A is the
area of the base, A = πR2, so V = πR3h/3. The volume of each disk-shaped slice is dV = πr2dx. The cone has
uniform mass density M/V, so each disk has mass dm =MdV/V = 3M(πr2dx)/(πr2h). From Table 10.2, the rotational
inertia of each disk is dI = r2dm/2.
EVALUATE Evaluating the integral gives
2 2
1 ⎛ R x ⎞ 3M
h h h h
1 2 3M 2 ⎛ Rx ⎞
I = ∫ dI =
2 ∫0 2 ∫0 ⎝ h ⎠ π R 2 h 2h3 ∫0 ⎝ h ⎠
r dm = ⎜ ⎟ π R d = x ⎜ ⎟ dx
3MR 2 4 3MR 2 ⎡ 1 5 ⎤ 3
2h5 ∫0
I= x dx = ⎢ h ⎥ = MR
2 h5 ⎣ 5 ⎦ 10
ASSESS The units are correct. The value of I is less than that of a cylinder, since a greater proportion of the mass
is concentrated along the axis of the cone.
74. INTERPRET We are asked to find the rotational inertia of a thick ring with inner and outer radii R1 and R2 ,
respectively. The mass distribution is continuous, so we need to do an integral.
DEVELOP For a thick ring, the ring-shaped mass elements used in Example 10.7 have mass
dm = σ dA = 2π rdr
π ( R22 − R12 )
where σ = M/A is the mass density (units: kg/m2). Note that the ring only extends in radius from R1 to R2 . The
rotational inertia can then be obtained by integrating over
I= dm
EVALUATE Upon carrying out the integration, the rotational inertia about an axis perpendicular to the ring and
through its center is
R2 R2
2π r 3dr (
M R24 − R14 )=M R
I= ∫ r dm = M
∫ π ( R2 − R2 ) =
2( R
+ R22 )
R1 R1 2 1
2 − R12 ) 2 1
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Rotational Motion 10-29
ASSESS To see that the result makes sense, let’s consider the following limits: (i) R1 → 0 : In this case, we have a
disk with radius R2 and I = MR22 2 (ii) R1 → R2 : In this limit, we have a thin ring with I = MR22 .
75. INTERPRET In this problem we are asked to derive an expression for the necessary power applied to the crank so
that the bucket is lifted with an upward acceleration. We can treat the power as the rate of change of the total
mechanical energy of the crank and bucket system.
DEVELOP This problem is based off a scenario investigated in Example 10.9, so we know the crank rotates a disk
with rotational inertia given by I = MR 2 / 2 , and lifts a bucket of mass m against the downward pull of gravity.
To obtain the power we will take the derivative of the system’s mechanical energy, comprised of the bucket’s
translational kinetic energy and gravitational potential energy, as well as the disk’s rotational kinetic energy.
EVALUATE The power that needs to be applied to the crank is given by
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10-30 Chapter 10
78. INTERPRET We’re asked to derive the parallel axis theorem for an object of arbitrary shape.
DEVELOP The law of cosines from Appendix A says that the three sides (A, B, C) of a triangle obey:
C 2 = A 2 + B 2 − 2 AB cos γ
where γ is the angle between line segments A and B.
EVALUATE (a) If we choose θ to be the angle between the vectors rcm and h , then the law of cosines stipulates
r 2 = rcm
+ h2 − 2rcm h cosθ
But recall that the scalar product between h and rcm is equal to h ⋅ rcm = rcm h cos θ . Therefore, as expected:
r 2 = rcm
+ h2 − 2h ⋅ rcm
( )
(b) Plugging the above relation into Equation 10.13 I = ∫ r 2dm gives us three separate integrals. The first is the
integral of rcm dm, which is the rotational inertia of the mass element dm around the center of mass:
∫ rcm dm = I cm
The second term involves h 2 , which is constant since it is the square of the distance between the fixed points CM
and A. So the integral reduces to an integral over the mass elements, which is just the total mass:
∫ h dm = h ∫ dm = Mh
2 2 2
For the third term, we can again use the fact that h is constant to rewrite the integral as
∫ 2 h ⋅ rcm dm = 2h ⋅ ∫ rcm dm
∫ rcm dm ∫ rcm dm
The integral is like the integral in Equation 9.4 for the center of mass. In fact, M
gives the
location of the center of mass in a coordinate system where the origin is already at the center of mass. Since the
distance to the center of mass from the center of mass is zero, the integral ∫ rcm dm must be zero.
ASSESS In summary, for an arbitrary object: dm = I cm + Mh 2 , which is the parallel axis theorem from
Equation 10.17.
79. INTERPRET In this problem we analyze the data from an apparatus that measures rotational inertia of an object.
We are asked to verify that the rotational inertia is 2MR2/5 for a solid sphere, and 2MR2/3 for a hollow sphere.
DEVELOP The problem involves conservation of total mechanical energy, which is composed in this case of
rotational kinetic, translational kinetic, and gravitational potential energies. We shall take the bottom of the
trajectory to be the zero of gravitational potential energy. The initial mechanical energy of the mass m is Ei = mgh.
As it descends, both the axel and the drum with a rotational inertia of I0, and the sphere of mass M, radius R and
rotational inertia I =βMR2, begin to rotate. Energy conservation implies
2 2
1 1 1 1 ⎛v⎞ 1 1 ⎛v⎞
2 2 2
2 ⎝b⎠ 2
mgh = I 0ω 2 + mv 2 + β MR 2 ω 2 = I 0 ⎜ ⎟ + mv 2 + β MR 2 ⎜ ⎟
2 ⎝b⎠
( )
= ⎡( I 0 + mb2 ) + β MR 2 ⎤
2b2 ⎣ ⎦
Suppose it takes t seconds for mass m to reach the ground. We then have h = 12 at 2 = 12 ( at )t = 12 vt , or v = 2h / t.
Substituting the expression into the equation above gives
(2h / t )2 2h 2
mgh = ⎡( I 0 + mb 2 ) + β MR 2 ⎤ = ⎡( I + mb2 ) + β MR 2 ⎤
2b 2 ⎣ ⎦ 2 2 ⎣ 0
bt ⎦
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Rotational Motion 10-31
EVALUATE The plot is shown below. We obtain two straight lines, one with a slope of 0.67 or 2/3 for hollow
spheres, and the other with a slope of about 0.40 or 2/5 for solid spheres. The intercept is
I 0 + mb2 = 9.77 × 10−5 kg ⋅ m 2 . With mb 2 = (0.0778 kg)(0.025 m)2 = 4.86 × 10−5 kg ⋅ m 2 , we find
I 0 = 4.91× 10−5 kg ⋅ m2 .
ASSESS The fall time is greater for a hollow sphere compared to a solid sphere of the same mass and radius.
80. INTERPRET We must compare two centrifuges with slightly different designs.
DEVELOP We’re told that the two centrifuges have the same mass and radius. But design A looks like a thin ring,
while design B looks like a flat disk.
EVALUATE Design A should have approximately a rotational inertia of I A ≈ MR 2 , compared to the design B
with I B ≈ 2
MR 2 .
The answer is (a).
( 1
ASSESS The rotational kinetic energy is proportional to rotational inertia K rot = 2 I ω 2 . Therefore, it will take )
twice the work (W = Δ K ) to spin up centrifuge A to the same rotational speed as centrifuge B.
81. INTERPRET We must compare two centrifuges with slightly different designs.
DEVELOP If design A were made thicker, it would start to resemble a hollow cylinder more than a thin ring. If
design B were made thicker, it would start to resemble a solid cylinder more than a flat disk.
EVALUATE The rotational inertia is the same for both rings and hollow cylinders, as well as for solid cylinders
and disks.
The answer is (a).
ASSESS Solid and hollow cylinders are symmetric about their central axes, so their rotational inertias do not
depend on whether they’re flat or thick, as long as the mass stays the same.
82. INTERPRET We must compare two centrifuges with slightly different designs.
DEVELOP The sample tubes do not rest vertically, but instead tilt outward. The bottom of the tubes are therefore
at a radius greater than the radius of the centrifuges themselves.
EVALUATE If the tubes are made longer, the bottom of the tubes will extend to a greater radius, so the rotational
inertia will increase.
The answer is (b).
ASSESS Some centrifuges have a fixed angle (e.g., 45°), at which the tubes are placed. Others have a hinge that
lets the tubes swing out when the device starts to turn.
83. INTERPRET We must compare two centrifuges with slightly different designs.
DEVELOP When the centrifuges are spinning, the samples in the tubes are in uniform circular motion, so there
must be a centripetal force acting on them.
EVALUATE The centripetal force points inward.
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10-32 Chapter 10
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