Final Notification Ls 3 202421102024

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Advertisement No: 03/Consultant/2024/Rectt. Cell

Engagement of Consultants in DDA on short term contractual basis

Delhi Development Authority proposes to engage the following consultants purely on short term contractual basis:
Sl. No. Name of Post No. of consultants Department
1 Consultant (Landscape Architect) 09 Landscape

2 Consultant (Architect) 02 Landscape

online mode only at the

email: on or before 28.10.2024.
For complete notification, bio-data format etc. kindly visit DDA’s website

Commissioner (Personnel)
(Reference Advertisement No.: 03/Consultant/2024/Rectt. Cell)

DDA invites applications for engaging Professionals for various projects under Landscape Department, DDA purely on contractual basis. The required eligibility criteria for the posts are as under:

Consolidated Fixed Local age as on
No. of Educational Required
SI. No. Name of Post Experience & Eligibility criteria Remuneration Conveyance closing date Period of Engagement
Posts Qualifications Experience
per month per month of
Consultant i. Master Degree or 1. Professional Experience in Landscape Projects after >= 05 & ₹ 76,000/- ₹ 3000/- 45 Years 01 year (DDA may extend the
(Landscape equivalent in Landscape Master’s Degree. (as mentioned in next column) <10 Years’ contract period further
Architect) 09 Architecture from a experience depending on requirement and
recognized University. 2. Candidate must have Proficiency in Architectural based satisfactory performance of the
software – Auto CAD, Adobe Creative Suite, < 05 Years’ ₹ 52,500/- ₹ 1500/- 45 Years candidate which would be
ii. Bachelor’s Degree in
3D Development Software, MS Office (particularly experience reviewed annually.)
Architecture from a
recognized University. Proficient in documentation and presentations)
Consultant i. Bachelor’s Degree in 1. Professional Experience in Landscape >= 05 & ₹ 64,000/- ₹ 3000/- 45 Years 01 Year (DDA may extend the
(Architect) Architecture from Projects/office after Bachelor Degree. (as mentioned in <10 Years’ contract period further
2 02 recognized University. next column) experience depending on requirement and
satisfactory performance of
2. Candidate must have Proficiency in Architectural based the candidate which would be
software – Auto CAD, Adobe Creative Suite, 3 D < 05 Years’ ₹ 47,000/- ₹ 1500/- 45 Years reviewed annually.)
Development Software, MS Office (particularly experience
proficient in documentation and presentations)


1. Professionals will be hired for various projects under Landscape Department of DDA for a period mentioned against each purely on contractual basis on a fixed consolidated remuneration mentioned herein
2. 5% Annual enhancement on base rate i.e proposed remuneration will be applicable on the recommendation of HoDs concerned on the basis of performance. In no case, the remuneration of any individual
Consultant shall exceed 1.25 times of the in initial remuneration.
3. DDA may extend the contract period further depending on requirement and satisfactory performance of the candidate which would be reviewed annually.
4. DDA may review the number of posts as per requirement.
Instructions for Candidates:
Note: The candidate shall send the bio data in the prescribed format by 28.10.2024. They shall fill up the form duly typed, fix photograph at the
space provided in the prescribed application form (attached), put specimen signature in the space provided and then send the scanned copy of
the signed application form duly filled pdf format at email– Application received through any other mode of
communication / after the last of date of submission of application/ or not in prescribed format shall not be entertained. No
correspondence in this behalf either by email, post or phone shall be entertained.
i. Please do not enclose any document(s) while sending the scanned copy of the application form at the above mentioned email ID. The
applicants required to produce the original/supporting documents at the time of interview, if called.
ii. Sending bio data through email does not necessarily mean that the applicant shall be called for interview. Only those candidates will be
called for interview who are shortlisted as per the criteria devised by the DDA keeping in view the requirement of the work to be carried
out. In this regard, no communication either by email or phone, etc. shall been entertained.
iii. The shortlisted candidates will be called to appear before the interview board on the dates decided by the DDA for this purpose. Date, Time
& Venue of the interview will be intimated in due course of time. A notice in this regard will also be uploaded on DDA’s website.
iv. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
v. The posts are temporary and engagement is purely on contractual basis initially for a period of 01 Year which may be extended further
depending upon the requirement and satisfactory performance and will confer no right to the candidates for permanent employment against
the said posts. Candidates are requested to bring all the documents / certificate related to qualification, experience etc. 02 passport size
photographs in original alongwith one set of self-attested photocopies of the documents in support of the educational qualification
and experience, on the date of interview.
vi. The criteria for selection shall include the marks obtained by the candidate in the required essential qualifications for the post, relevant
experience alongwith the marks obtained in interview.
vii. The terms & condition including remuneration for engagement of Consultant (Landscape Architect) and Consultant (Architect) will be
governed by as per policy’s guidelines issued by DDA vide F&E circular No. 22 /2023 dated 01.11.2023 and F&E circular No. 17/2024
dated 04.09.2024.
viii. Delhi Development Authority reserves the right to cancel/ restrict/ enlarge/ modify/ alter the number of Consultants to be engaged / terms
and conditions / or any other part of notification and engagement process, if needed, without issuing any notice.
ix. Prospective candidates are advised to stay in touch with DDA’s website regularly for latest update.

Commissioner (Personnel)

1. Post Applied for: Photo


2. Category (SC/ST/OBC/UR):

3. Gender (Male/Female):
4. Name of the candidate: Signature
______________________________________________________ (In block
5. Father’s/Husband’s Name:
____________________________________________________ (In Block Letter)

6. Date of birth (DD/MM/YY) _____________ Age (as on closing date) ______________

7. Address for communication:




8. Email ID:__________________________________________________________________________________

9. Contact number: a) Landline ______________ b) Mobile _______________________

10. a) Educational/Professional/Technical qualification (Starting from class 10 th onwards):

[Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.]

Discipline/ Year of Duration of

Examination Percentage Any other
Specialization Course
passed Board/University Passing (In Months) of marks Division information
b) Details of Employment if any, starting from previous to present (Total Experience __ Years__ Months)

[Enclose a separate sheet, duly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.]

Employer’s Name & Address (also

Brief description of
indicate whether Central/Govt./State/ To
Designation From duties

c Additional information, if any, which you would like to mention in support of your suitability for the post. Enclose
a separate sheet, if the space is insufficient.

11. Details of awards, professional achievement, extra – curricular activities etc. if any (Documents(s), if any, may
also be provided in this regard along with this form)







12. The candidates will be required to submit a write up on ‘How he/she will perform the task required for the
concerned post alongwith his application.





13. If any case pending against you in any court of law at the time of this interview, if so details thereof:

14. Have you ever been convicted by a court of law for any offence, if so details thereof: ____________________

Declaration to be signed by the candidate

I hereby certify that above particulars mentioned in the application are correct and true to
the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material fact/information has been
suppressed or concealed there from. If particulars mentioned by me are found false or
incorrect at any stage, then my services shall be liable to be terminated without any notice.


DATE: Name:

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