Plate Buckling Resistance Buckling Method
Plate Buckling Resistance Buckling Method
Plate Buckling Resistance Buckling Method
Mattias Clarin
Mattias Clarin
A couple of weeks ago, I spent some time in contemplation over how different time may be
experienced. More than five years have passed since the 1st of April 2002 which was the day I
took my first tremulous steps towards this thesis. That I actually was moving towards writing a
doctoral thesis wasn’t that obvious during that day, neither during many of the days to follow.
Nevertheless, that day was the beginning of a period which has contained so many things. A
period which will be ended by this thesis. Five years are a short period in some senses, a very
long in others. Isn’t it strange that end and beginning can be so close in some ways, distant in
others? Just as a reminder, this preface is a beginning, a beginning of an end which in fact this
thesis is...
During this period in my life, I have been fortunate to be aided by my supervisor Professor
Ove Lagerqvist. From the earlier days mainly investigating residual stresses and local buckling
to patch loading resistance in the end, your experience and knowledge in the field has been
invaluable. Though, working with you has also brought many memorable times regarding other
things. Reflecting over music, books and other small and large things in life has been delightful.
I thank you not only for drafting me to the Division of Steel Structures in my beginning, but also
for your time, support and friendship!
The first three years of the work resulting in this thesis I was favoured to get great assistance
by Dr. Eva Pètursson. As co-supervisor Eva was reading, correcting and questioning but maybe
more important, supporting and encouraging. When Eva engaged in new challenges outside the
university I was fortunate to get a strong “substitute” on the co-supervisor position; Professor
Bernt Johansson. Using his vast knowledge, calmly explaining and answering my questions has
been the very best support a Ph.D. aspirant can get. I thank you both and I am truly grateful for
assisting me during this period!
As always, research is maybe not impossible, though difficult to conduct without financial
support. The financial aid provided by Luleå University of Technology (LTU) and by RFCS -
Research Fund for Coal and Steel within the frame of the two projects LiftHigh - Efficient
Lifting Equipment with Extra High Strength Steel and ComBri - Competitive Steel and
Composite Bridges by Improved Steel Plated Structures are gratefully acknowledged.
I am also very grateful for the friendly support and help given the staff at Complab which
have helped out with huge effort during the experimental work. Special gratitude is paid towards
Lars Åström, Georg Danielsson and Claes Fahlesson for aid during the all the tests!
The immensely friendly and warm atmosphere at the Division of Structural Engineering has
been a great aid in the days starting not that productive. This especially regarding the research
group for Steel Structures with which I have shared many good times. Supporting late night and
week-end workers, coffee breaks, research discussions; the memorable occasions are so many...
I have enjoyed the period with you and will miss you all!
I can hardly imagine how this period would have been without my companion Jonas Gozzi.
Much has been going on during these years, work- and otherwise. The former stretch from the
beginning of office and computer sharing, via doctoral courses, laboratory work and assisting
guests researchers to the thesis discussions in the end. The latter stretches over an even wider
spectra of events; caravan customizing, skiing, transparent toilet doors, Sarek, the queues of
China, popcorn dinners and much much more. It has been a pure pleasure my friend!
Nonetheless, nothing of this would have been possible without the support, understanding
and love of my cherished Annica.You kept encouraging me with your hearty laughter and
glowing and kind spirit regardless how messy and absent-minded I was. As much as this is the
beginning of the end of this period, the end is the beginning of a new period for us. At the same
place, at the same time, how sweet it will be!
Consequently, all periods come to an end, also prefaces... However, this preface was just the
beginning of an end. Though, an end which is the beginning of something yet not written. Ergo,
time is a strange thing. Occasionally slow moving, usually fast. Aye, plainly strange it is...
Mattias Clarin
One solution to this problem is to increase the buckling resistance of the web with the use of
a longitudinal stiffener of open (a plate) or closed type (closed profile of e.g. V-shape). The
improved patch load resistance is in the european design code EN 1993-1-5 nowadays
determined with the help of the yield resistance for the web and contributing parts of the loaded
flange reduced with a factor dependent of the slenderness of the web and the influence of one
or more longitudinal stiffeners. Parts in the expression for the yield resistance and the reduction
factor have been somewhat questioned and over the years a substantial amount of tests and FE
simulations of longitudinally stiffened webs has been carried out. This research work has
produced a large amount of test data which has been used herein to further improve the
prediction of the patch load resistance of longitudinally stiffened steel girder webs.
Based on the use of the gathered test data from the literature and previously done research, a
calibrated patch load resistance function was developed for both open and closed longitudinal
stiffeners. Furthermore, a partial safety factor for the proposal was determined according to the
guidelines in EN 1990 (2002). In all, the proposal was shown to clearly improve the accuracy
of resistance prediction when compared to other resistance models as well as the EN 1993-1-5.
Another questioned part in the commonly used design codes is the reduction function
regarding local buckling under uniform in-plane compression. The nowadays used function (the
Winter function) has been developed during the 1930’ies and was based on tests on cold formed
specimens. This reduction function has been criticized as being too optimistic regarding plates
with large welds. A series of tests on welded specimens made of high strength steel with large
welds was conducted to investigate the aforementioned concerns. Along with test data found in
literature survey, the Winter function was proven to be too optimistic regarding these heavily
welded plates. A new reduction function, based on the test data, was proposed and validated
through a comparison with the available experimental results.
Notations & Symbols
The notations and symbols used in this thesis are described within this chapter. The notations
and symbols are listed in alphabetical order, roman and greek respectively.
A - Area
A5 - Elongation measurement, 5%
Aw - Area of web
b - Correction factor
b - Width of plate
bf - Width of flange
cu - Half the length in the web which resists the applied force
d - Plate thickness
E - Modulus of elasticity, Youngs modulus
fy - Yield strength
F - Force
Fcr1 - Elastic critical buckling load for the upper (directly loaded) panel,
patch loading
Fcr2 - Elastic critical buckling load for the whole web panel, patch
Fu - Ultimate resistance
Fy - Yield resistance
Notations & Symbols
k - Coefficient
kc - Error term
kF1 - Buckling load coefficient for the upper (directly loaded) panel,
patch loading
kF2 - Buckling load coefficient for the whole web panel, patch
L - Plate length
N - Normal force
Ncr - Critical load
r - Value of resistance
re - Experimental resistance
Rm - Ultimate resistance
s - Standard deviation
ss - Loaded length
t - Thickness
tf - Thickness of flange
tw - Thickness of web
T - External work
U - Internal work
Notations & Symbols
W - Section modulus
x, y, z - Cartesian coordinates
T - Angle defining deformation of web with yield lines
V - Stress
Vr - Residual stress
Vu - Ultimate stress
Vw - Stress in web
Vx - Normal stress
F - Reduction factor
\ - Stress ratio
Throughout the thesis mean values are marked overlined, e.g. fy represents the mean yield
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . III
Notations & Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V
Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Local buckling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 Patch loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3 Purpose and Aim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Basic concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5.1 Effective cross-section of longitudinal stiffeners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5.2 Bending resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.6 Disposition of the thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Chapter 2: Plate Buckling - Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.1 Plate buckling theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.1 Elastic analysis / Calculation of critical load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.1.2 Simply supported plates under uniform compression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.1.3 Initial plate imperfections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.1.4 Geometric imperfections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.1.5 Residual stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.2 The effective width concept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.1 The von Kármán effective-width formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.2.2 The Winter function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.3 Patch loading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.3.1 Resistance for girders without longitudinal stiffeners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.3.2 Resistance for girders with longitudinal stiffeners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.3.3 Interaction with bending. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
2.4 Summary of the theoretical review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 3: Patch Loading - Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.1 Patch loading experiments on longitudinally stiffened girders . . . . 46
3.1.1 Rockey et. al (1978) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.1.2 Bergfelt (1979) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.1.3 Bergfelt (1983) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.1.4 Galea et. al (1987) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.1.5 Shimizu et. al (1987) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.1.6 Janus et. al (1988) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
3.1.7 Dubas and Tschamper (1990). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.1.8 Dogaki et. al (1990). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.1.9 Carretero and Lebet (1998) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.1.10 Walbridge and Lebet (2001) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
3.1.11 Kuhlmann and Seitz (2004) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
3.2 Numerical simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.1 Davaine (2005) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.3 Summary of the experimental review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Chapter 4: Patch Loading - Design Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.1 Yield resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
4.2 Elastic critical load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4.3 Reduction function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
4.4 Proposal of design approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
4.5 Validation of the design proposal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
4.6 Comparison with other models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.7 Interaction with bending moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.8 Summary of the proposed design procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
4.9 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Chapter 5: Local Buckling - Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.1 Nishino et. al (1967). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
5.1.1 Test Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.1.2 Test results and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
5.2 Dwight et. al (1968) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
5.2.1 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.3 Dwight and Moxham (1969). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.3.1 Tests made by J.D. Harrison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
5.3.2 Tests made by K.E. Moxham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.3.3 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
5.4 Fukumoto and Itoh (1984) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
5.5 Rasmussen and Hancock (1992) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
5.5.1 Test setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.5.2 Residual stress measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
5.5.3 Test results and conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
5.6 Möller and Johansson (1995). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Table of Contents
Chapter 1:
The civil engineering of today is a demanding undertaking. A structural designer has not only
to guarantee that the structure to be built is safe to use, but also take economical, environmental
and architectural aspects into account. A part of this work is to decide what material to use, e.g.
a materially homogeneous composed structure or a composite creation? The early civil
engineers often used what was nearby, usually stone or timber. Today there are a multitude of
different materials available on the market. Concrete, timber, fibre reinforced polymers, glass
and steel are all examples of materials used in civil structures today.
When the structural steel entered the market, the civil engineers were provided with a
possibility to design more slender structures than before. However, making the structural
members more slender in order to minimize the use of material (dead weight and economy) the
designers also had to pay an increased attention to possible buckling related issues.
The designer has a couple of tools to use to make their structure as perfect as possible with
respect to the aspects of safety, economy, architecture and environment. The material was one
example of these, another is the design regulations which is a way for the designer to ensure the
safety of the structure. However, the design codes available for the designer has to be applicable
with respect to not only safety (yet being economically efficient), but also be kept up to date
with respect to advances by the steel industry and the production methods of civil structures.
Developing and up-dating the design codes are usually some of the work a structural researcher
is facing, e.g. through European research projects.
The work presented within this thesis is an example of some of the outcome of such projects.
The two RFCS (Research Fund for Coal and Steel) sponsored research projects LiftHigh -
“Efficient Lifting Equipment with Extra High Strength Steel” and ComBri - “Competitive Steel
and Composite Bridges by Improved Steel Plated Structures” were the frame within which the
herein presented research work was conducted.
The project LiftHigh was initiated in 2002 and under three years an investigation of how
using steels with a higher strength than commonly used (e.g. fy > 600 MPa) could benefit the
crane industry was carried out. This with respect to an increased lifting capacity and / or a
reduced dead weight of the products. The work in this thesis focused on investigating the
resistance of plates subjected to uniformly distributed compressive stresses, referred to as local
buckling, was conducted as a part of the LiftHigh project.
The other part of this thesis, focusing on the resistance of longitudinally stiffened plates
subjected to in-plane local compressive loads, referred to as patch loading, was conducted as a
part of the ComBri project. The ComBri project was a three year research activity, started in
2003. The main objectives of the research work was to promote the use of steel plated structures
mainly in bridge applications and to further improve the cross-sections of steel in both
composite and pure steel bridges. This with respect to design with respect to both final and
erection state.
In the European design regulation used for design of plated steel structural elements, EN
1993-1-5, the method of taking local buckling into account is based on the effective width
concept, originated from the work of Theodor von Kármán and his colleagues in the 1930’ies.
Though, original concept by von Kármán was refined in the years to follow and in the end of
the 1940’ies George Winter presented a modified version of the effective width concept. The
work by Winter ended up in a reduction function validated with respect to a large quantity of
experiments, i.e. on plates with imperfections. This was the major difference between the work
of von Kármán and Winter, the former was derived with respect to a perfect plate without any
imperfections. However, the tests conducted by Winter only comprised cold-formed plates
which imperfection wise often differs from corresponding welded plates.
Emphasizing that steel structures usually are made slender on economical basis, the reader
understands in which manner a modern steel bridge, composite or pure steel, is designed. The
common way to ensure that the buckling resistance of a slender bridge girder web are sufficient,
may be either to increase the web thickness of web or by using stiffeners. The choice is in most
cases based on total economy, e.g. labour costs for the extra welding needed to reinforce the
web with a stiffener versus the cost for increasing the web thickness. However, vertical
stiffeners are commonly used to resist the static support reactions (patch loading) from dead
weight of the bridge and external loads in the final state. Though, when constructing a large
bridge, the common erection procedure is to incrementally launch the bridge in place. The
bridge girders are assembled at one end and pushed out over the intermediate supports along the
span of the bridge.
When a bridge girder is launched, the support reactions is not statically applied as in the final
state, but is moving along the span of the bridge. Thus, the support reactions is not possible to
manage using vertical stiffeners. Furthermore, since the bridge girder will be supported as a
console beam during most of the launching, large bending moments are added to the patch
loading. For girders with a depth up to approximately 3 m, the buckling resistance is commonly
ensured increasing the web thickness. However, regarding deeper cross-sections and larger
spans, the bending moments may increase in such an extent that the most efficient way to
guarantee the buckling resistance of the web is to reinforce the web by one or several
longitudinal stiffeners. Reinforcing a girder web with longitudinal stiffeners not only increases
the bending resistance but has also as shown by many researchers a beneficial effect on the
patch loading resistance, e.g. Rockey et. al (1978), Bergfelt (1979) and Janus et. al (1988).
The ultimate patch loading resistance of an unstiffened steel girder web has over the years
been quite thoroughly investigated. One of the more recent and acknowledged publications was
Lagerqvist (1994) which also was implemented as the patch loading rules of EN 1993-1-5.
However, parts of the existing rules in EN 1993-1-5 has been questioned, and with Gozzi (2007)
a refined proposal for the patch loading resistance was presented and validated.
Regarding the ultimate patch loading resistance for longitudinally stiffened girder webs
publications as Graciano (2002), Seitz (2005) and Davaine (2005) are examples of work
focused on improving the prediction models regarding the failure mode. In EN 1993-1-5 the
patch loading resistance for a longitudinally stiffened web is predicted using a model presented
in Graciano (2002). However, the prediction model in EN 1993-1-5 treats open and closed
section stiffeners in the same way, furthermore the model was based on the theory for
unstiffened webs. Hence, inherited the criticized part of the resistance model of Lagerqvist
The purpose of the work presented within this thesis regarding the ultimate patch loading
resistance was to
• Examine if webs stiffened with closed section stiffeners could safely be designed
in the same manners as open section stiffeners with respect to the patch loading
The work focusing on buckling resistance of plates with welds subjected to uniformly
distributed compressive in-plane stresses was conducted with the purpose of
• Produce experimental results using specimens made of steel with a higher strength
than commonly used in civil engineering today.
• Examine if steels with higher strength may be considered in the same manners as
more commonly used structural steels with respect to the ultimate plate buckling
The aim of this thesis was, regarding both the patch loading resistance and local buckling
resistance, to if possible
• Propose and validate an efficient and safe design procedure, improving the
prediction of the ultimate resistance in comparison to EN 1993-1-5 and previously
presented research work.
1.4. Limitations
Regarding the patch loading investigation the following limitations were imposed:
• The experimental results gathered from the literature comprises only plate I-girders
subjected to patch loading (one local load). Opposite or end patch loading was not
• The investigation presented herein only considers the patch loading resistance of a
web reinforced with one longitudinal stiffener of open or closed type.
Regarding the local buckling investigation the following limitations were introduced:
• The gathered data from the literature only comprises plate specimens with a square
cross-section under uniaxial compression, i.e. the individual plates were all treated
as simply supported internal compression elements.
Further, the following limitations was common for both the patch loading and the local
buckling investigation:
• The gathered data, as well as the experimental work conducted, only comprised
structural steel, i.e. no tests or specimens made of stainless steel were considered
• All experimental results gathered from the literature and presented tests herein,
comprises only welded girders or box specimens in as-welded condition, i.e. none
of the specimens were stress relieved.
Figure 1.1: Schematic description of cross-sectional notations for a girder
stiffened with an open sectioned stiffener (left) and a closed section
stiffener (right).
The section of the stiffener used as the gross area comprising the stiffener with an addition
of the web, 15Htw wide on each side of the stiffener. Though this must be compatible with the
actual dimensions of the cross-section, e.g. distance to flanges or overlapping areas.
Furthermore, the bending resistance was also modified with respect to the girder being of
hybrid type or not. Regarding common hybrid girders, i.e. with a flange having a higher yield
strength than the web, the approximation according to eq. (1.1) and eq. (1.2) was used to
determine the bending resistance.
hw Aw f yw 2 f yw
'W = ------------------ § 1 – -------· § 2 + -------· (1.2)
12 © f yf ¹ © f yf ¹
However, some of the test data from the literature was based on girders with an “opposite”
hybrid girder, i.e. with the web having a higher yield strength than the flange. In these cases the
bending resistance was approximated assuming that the web was to reach the yield limit even
though the flange having a lower yield strength, i.e. first assuming the whole cross-section
having the yield stress of fyw. The bending resistance was then modified subtracting the
overestimation of the flange resistance, all according to eq. (1.3).
M R = f yw W eff – f yw – f yf A fl h w + t f (1.3)
the literature are introduced. All the gathered tests results were also re-evaluated with respect to
EN 1993-1-5 and the results are shown in this chapter.
A proposal of a modified design approach, based on the findings in the literature is presented
in chapter 4. The design model is validated by re-evaluating the test results and numerical
simulations with respect to the proposal. Furthermore, the proposed design approach is
compared with some directly comparable proposals by other authors as well as the design rules
of EN 1993-1-5. In a last step a partial safety factor in accordance to the guidelines in Annex D
of EN 1990 (2002) for the tests as well as for the numerical simulations, is introduced.
Chapter 6 presents the experimental work regarding local buckling of box-sectioned welded
specimens preformed at LTU. The test set-up, layout of the specimens, measured quantities and
more are described. Furthermore, the results from the local buckling tests are compared to the
EN 1993-1-5 and presented in this chapter.
Chapter 7 proposes a modified reduction function for calculating the effective width
regarding plates with welds. Furthermore the proposal is validated by comparison to the
available tests results from both literature and experimental work conducted at LTU. In a last
step, the proposed reduction function is provided a partial safety factor on the same manners as
for the patch loading part of this thesis.
All the work presented in this thesis is discussed and concluded in chapter 8. Furthermore,
some proposals for future work is also introduced.
Tables containing data of the specimens used for patch loading experiments and numerical
simulations presented in the literature are displayed in Appendix A.
In Appendix B additional figures describing the test and numerical simulation data are
shown. This with respect to the herein proposed design approach, as well as the proposals by
other researchers which have been used for the comparison. The statistical evaluation of the
proposed resistance approach is also provided in this appendix.
Appendix C is detailing the local buckling experiments. This with respect to specimen data,
stress / strain figures from tensile tests, axial load / mean axial deformation figures from the
local buckling tests etc. Furthermore the used measuring equipment are briefly described and
the statistical evaluation of the partial safety factor with respect to the tests results from the
literature and LTU conducted experimental work is presented.
Plate Buckling - Theory
Chapter 2:
Plate Buckling - Theory
The words “stable” or “instable” are used by people in various contexts. Almost everyone
have a relation or thought concerning the two words describing the state of something. The
terms are used in the wide range from psychology and politics to nuclear and chemical
applications. The term “stable” is often connected to something positive and rigid when
“instable” is closely linked to the possibility of an abrupt loss of something. One of the most
known and used context of the two words, which almost all people have a relation to, is when
used in medical surroundings; a stable or instable health state.
The interest in stability / instability is also a central concern regarding mechanical systems,
e.g. structural or civil engineering, see Figure 2.1. In this field the stability or instability of a
structure is often confined to regard the elastic part of the phenomena. However, as will be
shown later herein, a structural engineer may also have to consider the inelastic state. As an
example of structural instability one can consider the columns in a building made with a steel
frame. These columns have not only to withstand the vertical loads of the dead weight and e.g.
snow, but also lateral loads caused by the wind. This well known instability phenomenon is
usually referred to as column or flexural buckling.
The buckling may be of global nature, as described above, but may also be of localized
(local) type. Buckling of local sort are regional located buckling, e.g. a flange of a beam or at a
certain level of a silo, see Figure 2.2. Local buckling occur due to compressive stresses and may
in a further perspective cause global buckling because of the loss of resistance of the cross
section in question.
Figure 2.2: Different examples of buckling. Shell buckling in a silo (left), Farshad
(1994), and box shaped profile (right).
A structure or a member in an equilibrium state under e.g. compressive load may become
unstable and the structure acquires a new equilibrium state or a new trend of behaviour. When
considering classical buckling theory the critical stress level is defined as the stress at which the
perfect structure becomes unstable. This point is called the bifurcation point or bifurcation load.
Usually two more types of elastic instabilities are distinguished. These are limit equilibrium
instability (snap-through buckling) and dynamic or flutter instability.
Critical load
Bifurcation point
Figure 2.3: Schematic description of the bifurcation of equilibrium.
Plate Buckling - Theory
The bifurcation load or critical load has under the years been thoroughly investigated. As
mentioned above, the critical load is determined with elastic analysis and have been examined
theoretically by many different researchers, e.g. Timoshenko and Gere (1963).
Thin plate elements are used in various structures; they may be elements in a complex
structure or may themselves constitute the major part of a structure. Examples of plate elements
are walls of containers, silos, and reservoirs, flat roofs, flat elements of vehicles and aircrafts,
and sheet piles. Examples of plates in civil engineering applications are the flanges and the web
of a beam. Plate elements may be homogeneous and isotropic or they may be stiffened and / or
have a composite construction.
Depending on the mode of application, a plate can be subjected to various lateral as well as
in-plane forces. Under certain circumstances, applied in-plane loading may cause buckling
which can be global or in some cases, have a localized nature; delamination buckling of
composite plates or buckling of a web in a steel beam are examples of local buckling. Regarding
thin plates, buckling is a phenomenon which may influence the load-bearing capacity of plate
elements. Hence, this must be taken into consideration in the design of plate elements.
Analytical calculation of the bifurcation or critical load on the basis of the classical theory of
elasticity may be done either through solving the differential plate equation or via the energy
method. The differential equation describing the equilibrium under small deformations of a
plate loaded in its plane was established by Saint-Venant in 1870, Dubas and Gehri (1986), and
4 4 4 2 2 2
w w w w w w 1 w w w w w w
--------- + 2 ----------------- + --------- = ---- N x --------- + N y --------- + 2 N xy ------------ (2.1)
wx wy
2 2
4 D wx
2 wxwy
where w is the lateral displacement and the flexural rigidity of the plate is given by
D = -----------------------------
12 1 – Q
This plate equation was derived under the assumptions that the material is behaving in a
ideally elastic way, the plate is without initial imperfections such as initial curvature or residual
stresses. Furthermore, the plate deformations are assumed to be small. Under these assumptions
the plate shows no lateral deformations until the critical stress level is reached. At this point, the
deflection can either be negative or positive regarding the coordinate system of the plate, Figure
Figure 2.4: System bifurcation at point A. The plate buckles in either a positive or
negative lateral direction, w.
The plate equation may be convenient to use when a rigorous solution of eq. (2.1) is possible.
When the plate in question is for example reinforced with stiffeners, the problem gets more
advanced. These more advanced applications led to the development of other models, better
describing the actual behaviour of plates.
In 1891 Bryan developed an strain energy expression for a plate under bending. The
approach of this method is to study the plate energy in the bifurcation point, where the plate
cease to be in its assumed perfectly flat state and instead follow its secondary equilibrium path
(see Figure 2.3) in a laterally deformed state. The energy based solution is built on the classical
correlation between the internal energy of bending and the external work done by the forces
acting in the middle plane of the plate. The expression for describing the strain energy stored in
the deformed plate is
1 § w 2 w w 2 w· § w2 w w2 w 2
w w ·
U = --- D
2 ³³ ¨ ---------2 + ---------2 ¸ – 2 1 – Q ¨ ---------2 --------2- – §© ------------·¹ ¸ dx dy (2.3)
© wx wy ¹ © wx wy wxwy ¹
Furthermore the equation describing the work conducted by the externally applied forces is
Plate Buckling - Theory
2 2 2
1 w w w w w w
T = – ---
2 ³³ N x ---------2 + N y ---------2 + 2 N xy ------------ dx dy
wx wy wxwy
The equations eq. (2.3) and eq. (2.4) are only valid for small deformations, which is assumed
to be the case at the bifurcation point. With Figure 2.3 in mind, the comparison between the
internal energy and external work gives, according to Timoshenko and Gere (1963), the
following information concerning the stability of the plate in question at the bifurcation point:
• If U > T, the flat form of equilibrium of the plate is stable (primary path)
T = UU–T = 0 (2.5)
which can be solved under the condition that the change in energy potential must have a
minimum value for a stable equilibrium. This may be used for the derivation of the differential
equation form of the equilibrium, eq. (2.1). Another way to solve the problem is to apply an
expression for the lateral deformation of the plate.
Figure 2.5: Simply supported plate under uniform compressive load. Dubas and
Gehri (1986).
If considering a plate subjected to uniformly distributed forces along two of the edges,
according to Figure 2.5, the determination of the critical load level of the plate in question is
dramatically simplified comparing to the general case with loads applied in all the in-plane
directions. Since the only load applied on the plate, in the form of a uniform distributed
compressive force, acting along the edges x = a/2 and x = -a/2, the rest of the external applied
loads according to equation eq. (2.1) equals zero:
N y = N xy = 0 (2.6)
The assumed edge constraints of the plate leads to the following boundary conditions:
w w
w = ---------2 = 0 (2.7)
w w
w = ---------2 = 0 (2.8)
The boundary conditions implies that the deformed shape of the simply supported plate may
be described by a double trigonometric Fourier series on the form
f f
mSx nSy
w =
¦ ¦a mn sin ----------
- sin ---------
m ,n = 1 ,2 ,3} (2.9)
m = 1n = 1
By substituting the expression of the lateral deflection according to equation eq. (2.9) into
eq. (2.3) and eq. (2.4) under the above described conditions in eq. (2.6), eq. (2.7) and eq. (2.8),
and by using the relation between the external work done by the applied load and the strain
energy according to equation eq. (2.5), the following relation may after some mathematical
work be stated
mS 2 nS 2 2 mS 2 mSx nSy
D §© §© -------·¹ + §© ------·¹ ·¹ + N x §© -------·¹ a mn sin ----------- sin --------- = 0 (2.10)
a b a a b
To satisfy the equation eq. (2.10) for all positions on the plate, i.e. all values of x and y, the
following relation has to be true:
mS 2 nS 2 2 mS 2
D § § -------· + § ------· · + N x § -------· = 0 (2.11)
©© a ¹ © b¹ ¹ © a ¹
or in another form
Plate Buckling - Theory
mS 2 nS 2 2
D § § -------· + § ------· ·
©© a ¹ © b¹ ¹
N x = -----------------------------------------------------
- (2.12)
§ mS
© a¹
The combination of the two integer parameters now have to be chosen in such a way that the
applied load, Nx, reach a minimum value, i.e. the sought critical load value, Ncr. It can be shown
that the lowest critical load is reached when the plate buckles in a shape such that one half sinus
wave is formed over the width of the plate (y-direction), hence the integer parameter n = 1,
Timoshenko and Gere (1963). With this, the equation eq. (2.12) may be evaluated to
2 2 2 2
a S D §m 1·
N cr = -----------------------
- ¨ ------ + -----¸
2 2
m = 1 ,2 ,3} (2.13)
m ©a b¹
in which the integer parameter m describes the number of half sinus waves over the length of
the plate (x-direction). The equation eq. (2.13) are more often formed as
S D-
N cr = k cr -------------
where the dimensionless parameter kcr is the buckling load coefficient and is given by
mb a 2
k cr = § ----------- + -----------· m = 1 ,2 ,3} (2.15)
© a m b¹
Furthermore, with the expression for the flexural rigidity of the plate given in eq. (2.2),
inserted in eq. (2.14) the well known expression for the critical, or bifurcation, stress may be
expressed as
2 2
S E t
V cr = k cr -----------------------------
§© ---·¹ (2.16)
12 1 – Q b
cr N
V cr = ------- (2.17)
The buckling load coefficient, kcr, is, as can be seen in eq. (2.15), a function of the plate width
b, the length a and the number of sinus half waves over the length, m. For different values of the
plate width and length ratio a / b, the lowest critical stress level will be found for different
numbers of half waves according to Figure 2.6.
Figure 2.6: The buckling load coefficient for a simply supported thin plate.
Timoshenko and Gere (1963).
Now when the assumptions are found to be a quite utopical description of the real behaviour
of the considered plates, the question arises how these initial imperfections affect the plate
behaviour before, as well as after, the bifurcation point. Figure 2.7 shows the difference in the
plate behaviour when plate imperfections are considered.
Considering Figure 2.7 two conclusions concerning how the imperfection influence the plate
behaviour may be drawn. Firstly, buckling of a plate with inherent imperfections is gradual and
the exact critical load may be difficult to determine. Hence, difficulties arises when a
comparison between theoretically and experimentally determined critical loads are to be
conducted. Secondly, as mentioned before, the plate may accept continued loading after the
bifurcation load is reached. Thus the critical load is shown to be a non-representative measure
on the ultimate resistance of the plate in question.
Plate Buckling - Theory
The graph and the calculations behind was made by H. Nylander in 1951 and shows how an
applied initial deformed shape with the amplitude wo (in the same shape as the deformed plate)
affects the magnitude of lateral deformations under applied load. Furthermore, when the
material is assumed to be ideal elastic, the model gives no information concerning the ultimate
load. Concluded, the initial geometric imperfections primarily influences the plate stiffness and
becomes more obvious with an increased plate slenderness.
Figure 2.8: The effect of initial geometric imperfections. Relation between the
lateral deformation, w, plate thickness, d, and load, N, concerning
different amplitudes of initial imperfections wo. Nylander (1951).
2.1.5. Residual stresses
Knowing that residual stresses are present in all materials, it is evident that this must affect
also the plate buckling theory. Geometrical imperfections and residual stresses in a plate under
compression mainly affects the initial phase of the loading of the plate. This since the initial
imperfections acts as an existing applied load before applying external loads. In Figure 2.9
below, a schematical distribution of residual stresses caused by edge welding a plate is shown.
Considering Figure 2.9 above, the influence of the initial load due to the present residual
stresses is clear. Since the middle region of the plate before external loads are applied, already
is under compressive stresses, it is obvious that yielding of the plate in question will occur at a
lower external load level compared to a residual stress free plate, see Figure 2.10.
The effect of inherent residual stresses is more marked for stockier or intermediate slender
plates, for which yielding is the governing cause of failure. Concerning more slender plates, the
initial geometric imperfection tend to surpass the influence of residual stresses, Dubas and
Gehri (1986). Hence, the influence of residual stresses decreases with increasing plate
'L / L
Figure 2.10: Schematic influence on the behaviour of a plate with (S) and without
(A) residual stresses.
Plate Buckling - Theory
Another reason why non-linear models were established was that many researchers showed
that the ultimate load of a plate under compression may significantly surpass the critical load
level. This was especially evident concerning more slender plates. Regarding stockier plates the
resistance is often limited by yielding in the material and the ultimate load may be lower than
the critical.
In linear elastic analysis, the distribution of the load is assumed to remain uniform until the
plate buckles. However, when the plate starts to buckle, the stresses are re-distributed in the
plate. The plate behaviour under these large deformations, or post critical behaviour, is a
complicated area to describe. Some differential equations describing the phenomenon were
derived by von Kármán in 1910 but the methods for solving these are complex, Dubas and Gehri
(1986). The finite difference method, fourier series or different perturbation methods are
possible tools for this work.
Other methods may also be used for studying the post critical plate behaviour. One example
is the numerical methods, e.g. the finite element method, FEM, which probably is the most
powerful tool available today. However, other methods have been used during the years of
research. Analytical methods such as the Ritz energy method or a method based on a theory by
Skaloud and Kristek called the “Folded plate theory method” are both excellent examples.
As described above, the theory behind plate buckling is rather complicated due to the
combination between the membrane stresses from the applied load and bending stresses in the
deformed plate, as well as shear stresses due to rotation at the corners of the plate. For design
purposes the above described methods may be too advanced to use. This is why the “Effective
width approach” by von Kármán et al. (1932), is widely spread as the model for determining the
ultimate resistance of plates under compression.
in Figure 2.11 below. The real stress distribution in the plate is approximated, or substituted,
with two strips which describes the load carrying effective width of the plate.
Figure 2.11: Stress distribution in a plate before (a) and after buckling (b).The von
Kármán assumption concerning the effective width is presented in (c).
Brush and Almroth (1975).
von Kármán’s hypothesis was that the fictitious plate with the width of beff would have the
critical stress equal to the yield stress, i.e.
V cr = fy (2.18)
Furthermore, the critical stress according to eq. (2.16) under the condition that the plate is
under uniform compression and simply supported (kcr = 4) the following expression may
describe the relation between effective width and yield stress level:
S E t 2
4 ----------------------------- § --------· = f y (2.19)
2 © b eff¹
12 1 – Q
Plate Buckling - Theory
cr V
b eff = b ------
- (2.20)
which is usually referred to as the von Kármán effective-width formula. Furthermore, the
fy b fy
Op = - = 1 ,05 --- --------------
------ (2.21)
V cr t k cr E
was made as a generalization of the corresponding well known parameter for column buckling
and was called the reference slenderness of the plate. In modern design rules, when design is
done with respect to the ultimate load, this expression is the only one in which the elastic critical
load is considered, and as expressed in von Kármán et al. (1932) the following may be stated
b eff = 1 ,9 t --- (2.22)
b eff 1
-------- = ----- for Op t 1 (2.23)
b Op
under the circumstances that the plate is simply supported and under uniform compressive load.
Although, von Kármán’s theories gained reputation as a good method to use for the
determination of the ultimate load of the plate in question, the method was a method based on
plates without initial imperfections and when compared to test results it was found to be true
only for large b / t ratios. However, von Kármán still stands as the first researcher proposing a
reduction factor function.
b eff 1 0 ,22
-------- = ----- § 1 – ----------· for O p t 0 ,673 (2.24)
b Op © Op ¹
as a suitable function regarding the effective width, Winter (1947). Winters first suggestion
was with the coefficient 0,25 but was later changed to the 0,22 used nowadays. However, it is
interesting to notice the small difference between the “original” equation eq. (2.23) and the
experimentally based eq. (2.24).
Other researchers proposed different solutions, or modifications, of the initial von Kármán
formula. Two reported in Dubas and Gehri (1986) are
b eff
-------- = 1----------
,05 § 0 ,26
1 – ----------· for Op t 0 ,55 (2.25)
b Op © Op ¹
b eff 0 ,82-
- = ----------
------- (2.26)
b Op
0 ,85
Even though a lot of effort has been put into this research field, the Winter function, based
on the cold formed members survived and is nowadays set as the function used in the present
design rules in EN 1993-1-5.
Op = -------------------------------- (2.27)
28 ,4 H k V
H = 235
--------- (2.28)
The above stated parameter was introduced as a precaution to eventual differences in the
material characteristics considering steels with fy > 235 MPa. However, this parameter may be
debated in some senses, e.g. when used in physical interpretations of the behaviour of a cross-
section as the moment of inertia, see the discussion in chapter 8. Regarding the buckling load
coefficient, kV, for a simply supported plate under uniform compressive load, this is set to be
equal to 4.
As mentioned above, design with respect to local buckling of flat compression elements is
made through a reduction of the cross sectional area of the plate in question. Concerning internal
compression elements this is, according to EN 1993-1-5, done through the use of the expression
Plate Buckling - Theory
Op – 0 ,055 3 + \
U = ----------------------------------------------------
- d 1 ,0 (2.29)
in which the factor <= Vmin / Vmax, represents the actual stress distribution over the plate.
Concerning uniform distribution of compressive stress this factor equals 1. Thus, the eq. (2.29)
reflects the original Winter function eq. (2.24) used for these kind of plate elements in EN 1993-
The aforementioned research on plate buckling regarding the gained knowledge in how to
predict the ultimate resistance, i.e. moving from the idea that the critical buckling load was a
good approximation of the ultimate resistance to actual models describing the maximum load a
plate could carry, applies also in the field of patch loading resistance. The elastic critical load is
nowadays “only” used to classify the slenderness of the girder web in order to calculate a
reduction factor. Other models does not use a reduction formulation, e.g. in the 1960’s tests in
Granholm (1960) gave a very simple and preliminary formula for the prediction of the ultimate
load with the thickness given in mm and the ultimate load in tonnes according to
F u = 8 ,5 t w (2.30)
This was probably one of the first ultimate patch loading resistance models to be derived
based on an empirical consideration. However, more refined models were to follow and the
resistance for a longitudinally stiffened web has often been closely linked to the unstiffened
ditto. Herein, a presentation of how the research regarding the patch loading resistance for an
unstiffened web has progressed will come first. Following the theory for an unstiffened web will
be the corresponding theory for the longitudinally stiffened webs.
2.3.1. Resistance for girders without longitudinal stiffeners
3-hinge models
One of the first models based on a fully mechanical approach based on the failure
mechanisms observed under experimental work was presented in Bergfelt (1979). Bergfelt
referred to the model as the “three-hinge-flange” and stated his earlier work presented in
Bergfelt (1971) as its origin. The three hinge mechanism model was derived from tests results
from his own and other researchers work.
Bergfelt describes his model as follows: “At a small load the flange behaves as a beam on
elastic foundation (consisting of the web). At increasing load a plastic hinge forms in the flange
just under the load. The web stresses start yielding below the hinge, whereafter the yielding
region extends. The negative bending moments in the flange increase, and the failure starts
when a (negative) plastic hinge forms on each side of the load.” However, Bergfelt also states
that the model in Bergfelt (1971) not seemed to be valid for tf / tw > 2 (i.e. more common girder
ratios). The authors’ idea of the reason for this problem was that for girders with more slender
webs compared to the flanges, the crippling of the web starts as buckling of the region of the
web under the applied patch load and not because of a reached yield limit of the web.
This contradiction (compared to the basic idea of the three-hinge-flange mechanism) led
Bergfelt to refine his model further, and was so done with Bergfelt (1979). Furthermore,
Bergfelt mentions that if the load is distributed through a very stiff bar, or is distributed over a
longer distance, there are possibilities that the centre plastic hinge in the flange may be replaced
by two hinges at each end of the load introducing bar/plate.
To make the model more applicable concerning “normal” girders, Bergfelt aimed towards
finding a satisfactory estimation of V w according to the model description in Figure 2.12 below.
Bergfelt used the von Kármán approach, with the approximative description of the failure
stress according to eq. (2.31)
Vw = V cr f yw (2.31)
Plate Buckling - Theory
F R = 0 ,8 t w E f yw t i e t w f s s ,h w ,etc (2.32)
in which ti = tf for a web of “normal” slenderness and with a flange satisfying bf = 25tf.
In other cases with bf / tf -ratios not equal to 25 the eq. (2.33) is valid (under the restriction
that the flange has a rectangular cross-section).
t i = t f 4 ------------- (2.33)
25 t f
Concerning eq. (2.34) the expression contains a number of correction terms and also terms
for including eventual influence of vertical, f(sv), and longitudinal, f(sl), stiffeners. Bergfelt also
states that the other correction factors generally lies close to 1.
f s s ,h w ,etc | f s s f h w f f yw f M E f G f s v f s l (2.34)
A more recent publication using the three-hinge mechanism is the dissertation by
Ungermann (1990). Ungermann used a more contemporary approach to establish a patch
loading resistance model for design, i.e. by using the von Kármán approach of plate slenderness,
with the slenderness parameter according to eq. (2.35). The resistance proposal in Ungermann
(1990) according to eq. (2.36) was also verified through a comparison to tests. Furthermore, the
resistance proposal presented by Ungermann comprises two equations which are valid for two
different web slenderness values with 0,8 as the divider. This is due to the yielding of the web
regarding more stocky webs and the same idea may be found in the work by Roberts presented
later within this chapter.
The two equations of Ungermann reads
OF = ------y- (2.35)
F cr
2 2
° F R = 22 7 H t w f yw if O F d 0 ,8
® § 0 ,525 0 ,375· (2.36)
° F R = 2 c u t w f yw ¨ ------------- + -------------¸ if O F ! 0 ,8
° © OF OF ¹
ss s s 2 4 b f t f f yf
2 c u = ---- + § ----· + ------------------------------ (2.37)
2 © 2¹ t w f yw
and the yield resistance, Fy, of the web is calculated over this length of the web according to
F y = 2 c u t w f yw (2.38)
As may be noticed in eq. (2.36) the yield resistance of the web over the length 2cu is reduced
with a function, f(OF), i.e. the resistance is given with the reduced yield load on the form
FR = F F O F Fy (2.39)
and was the first patch loading design model based on a reduction factor dependent on the web
plate slenderness parameter, OF.
4-hinge models
Plate Buckling - Theory
Figure 2.13: The definition of the failure mechanism and the position of the four
plastic hinges in the loaded flange and yield lines in the web
according to Roberts and Rockey (1979).
In 1981 Roberts presented an article himself with a revised version of the aforementioned
model. The modifications of the model presented in Roberts (1981) was mainly due to new tests
focusing on how changes of the web depth and the thickness of the flanges and the web affected
the patch loading resistance. The latter was a revised form of the four hinge model from Roberts
and Rockey (1979), and the procedure to estimate the patch loading resistance according to the
version of Roberts (1981) is presented in short manners below.
The greek symbols D, E and T in Figure 2.13 above represents the assumed position of the
yield lines in the web, the position of the outermost plastic hinges in the flange and the
deformation of the web precisely prior to failure respectively. The next step to take in order to
formulate the resistance equation is to assume that the external load deforms the girder a small
vertical distance, Gw, which implies a rotation in the plastic hinges of Gw / E and of the yield lines
in the web of magnitude Gw / 2D cosT. By summing and equating the external and internal work
done under this incremental deformation, the following equation is given.
4 M pf 4 E M pw 2 s s M pw 2 K M pw
F R = ---------------- + -------------------------- + --------------------------- – -------------------------- (2.40)
E D cos T D cos T D cos T
in which K is a definition of a length of the web under the external load which is assumed to
have yielded because of compressive membrane stresses, hence this part of the web offers no
bending resistance and is subtracted from the directly loaded length ss according to eq. (2.40).
By minimizing FR in eq. (2.40) with respect to E, the spread of the plastic hinges in the flange
may be expressed as
2 M pf D cos T
E = ---------------------------------
- (2.41)
M pw
and under the assumption that the flange deformation just before collapse may be estimated
using the theory of elasticity and that the moment distribution in the flange varies linearly
between +Mpf at the outer plastic hinge to - Mpf at the closest hinge at the edge of the patch load,
the maximum vertical displacement of the flange may be derived by integration to
M pf E
v E = ------------------- (2.42)
6 E If
Through some geometrical compatibilities, mathematical work and also on the assumptions
that fyf = fyw and the distance between the flange and the yield line, D, was set to 25tw for slender
girders, Roberts ends up in a solution for estimating the patch loading resistance according to
E f yw t f 3 ss tw 2
- 1 + ----------- § -----·
F R = 0 ,5 tw ---------------------- (2.43)
tw hw © tf ¹
However, Roberts recommended that the ratio ss / hw would be limited to 0,2 due to the
somewhat unrealistic assumption of a straight flange between the two inner plastic hinges when
the loaded length grows larger. Furthermore, Roberts indicates that eq. (2.43) seems to
underestimate the ultimate resistance concerning girders with very thin flanges and webs. Based
on a comparison to test data Roberts suggested that the ratio tf / tw would be limited to three to
avoid the aforementioned issues but also states that this limitation is not recommended for
practical situations.
In the same publication (Roberts (1981)) an alternative failure model is presented. This
model addresses the possibility of a failure by direct yielding of the web underneath the patch
load. With an increased web thickness, (i.e. stockier web) the ratio out of plane bending stiffness
to the compressive membrane stiffness will be raised. According to Roberts this implies that an
alternative formulation for more stocky webs would be needed and is founded on the model
described in Figure 2.14.
Figure 2.14: The failure model for stocky webs according to Roberts (1981).
Analogous to the method on which eq. (2.43) was derived, Roberts uses the external and
internal work, equating these and minimizing the expression with respect to E and ends up in
eq. (2.44) below.
F R = f yw t w s s + 2 4 M pf f yw t w (2.44)
Plate Buckling - Theory
M pf = f yf b f t f e 4 (2.45)
and inserting eq. (2.45) in eq. (2.44) the following equation for prediction of the ultimate patch
loading resistance concerning a web failing due to yielding may be derived
§ f yf b f ·
F R = f yw t w ¨ s s + 2 t f ----------------
-¸ (2.46)
© f yw t w¹
All in all, Roberts used the lowest of the two described resistances (i.e. either the direct
yielding resistance or the resistance of the buckled web) as the resistance of regarded girder, that
is the smallest of eq. (2.43) and eq. (2.46) gave the actual resistance of the girder.
In 1994 Lagerqvist presented his doctoral thesis focused on the resistance of steel girders
subjected to concentrated forces. In Lagerqvist (1994) a thorough literature review was
accompanied with the presentation of experimental work, numerical simulations and in the end
the proposal of a design model. Lagerqvist addressed patch loading of three types; patch load,
opposite patch load and end patch load. Herein only the work dealing with the first of these will
be considered. The proposal of Lagerqvist was based on a von Kármán approach and consisted
of three parts, an expression for the yield resistance, the elastic critical buckling load and the
resistance function itself.
Concerning the expression for the yield resistance this was derived on the basis of 48 tests
made on welded girders made of high strength steel and moreover 12 tests on rolled beams were
included. All three load applications were tested, however the majority of tests were focused on
end patch loading. Numerical simulations by means of FEM were used to derive appropriate
elastic buckling loads, i.e buckling coefficients for the three load cases. Furthermore, the
resistance function proposed was empirically determined with the use of about 250 tests from
the literature and in a last step the whole design proposal was compared to some 540 tests and
was found to predict the patch loading resistance with a better accuracy than other models from
the literature. The work presented in Lagerqvist (1994), with respect to the patch load case
according to the mechanical model described in Figure 2.15, will be summarized herein.
In Lagerqvist (1994) the first of the three included parts in the resistance model to be
addressed was the expression of the yield load. A model according to Figure 2.15 was used,
which is similar to what earlier was proposed by Roberts concerning webs with lower
slenderness, i.e. webs suspected to fail by direct yielding. However, based on experimental
observations Lagerqvist stated that the deformed part of the loaded flange increased with an
increasing web slenderness, i.e the responding part of the web increased with the increasing web
slenderness. Nevertheless, this behaviour was not captured in the proposal of Roberts in which
the loaded length of the web remains the same over variations of web slenderness. This could
be shown using a formulation on the form of eq. (2.39) and the resistance expressed by Roberts,
i.e. eq. (2.46) put equal to the yield load, Fy. The loaded length in this expression (i.e. the
bracketed terms in eq. (2.46)) remains the same over variations of the web slenderness, OF.
Lagerqvist suggested a possible alternative formulation to capture this behaviour and this was
to enhance the plastic bending resistance of the outermost hinges by letting a part of the web
contribute (see Figure 2.15). By using this fictitious T-section of the outer hinges, Lagerqvist
secured the dependent relation between the slenderness of the web and the loaded length, i.e. if
hw increased the contributing part in Mo would increase and so also the loaded length.
Figure 2.15: The mechanical model for the yield resistance as suggested in
Lagerqvist (1994).
To establish an expression for the yield load Lagerqvist made the evaluation in the same
manners as Roberts did, i.e. equating external and internal work and ended up in the equation
§ f yf b f h w 2·
F y = f yw t w ¨ s s + 2 t f + 2 t f ----------------- + k § ------· ¸
© f yw t w © tf ¹ ¹
and by comparison to test results, Lagerqvist proposes k2 = 0,02 for the contributing part of the
After having established an expression to determine the yield load of the web during patch
loading, Lagerqvist focuses on the second part in his design model, the elastic critical load,
eq. (2.48). The method used in Lagerqvist (1994) to determine the buckling coefficient was
based on FE analyses of a web with flanges. The model was verified through comparison to
other researchers’ published work and found proper to use for further simulations. Lagerqvist
combined his derived expressions for the buckling coefficients of both the first and second
buckling mode of the deformed web and ended up in eq. (2.49) as the best combination.
2 3
S E tw
F cr = k F -----------------------------
------ (2.48)
12 1 – Q h w
Plate Buckling - Theory
hw 2 bf t f
k F = 5 ,82 + 2 ,1 § ------· + 0 ,46 4 ---------------
- (2.49)
© a¹ 3
hw tw
Furthermore, Lagerqvist (1994) also proposed a simplified version of eq. (2.49), in which
Lagerqvist included the contribution from the flanges (i.e. the last term in eq. (2.49)) in the first
term of the expression. This simplified coefficient would be more suitable to use in design
applications. The simplified buckling coefficient was proposed as
hw 2
k F = 6 + 2 § ------· (2.50)
© a¹
The third and last part of the design model presented in Lagerqvist (1994) was the reduction
function itself. The function is dependent of the web plate slenderness, OF (see eq. (2.35)) and
was calibrated with the use of some 190 tests with M E e M R d 0 ,4 . The reduction factor function
proposed reads
0 ,47
F F OF = 0 ,06 + ---------- d 1 (2.51)
and gives the patch loading resistance with use of eq. (2.39). This equation was however
simplified in Johansson et. al (2001) which presented the new design rules for plated structures
to be implemented in EN 1993-1-5. The simplified version (design version) of the reduction
function eq. (2.51) reads according to
0 ,5
F F OF = ------- d 1 (2.52)
and was furthermore introduced in EN 1993-1-5. Furthermore, the term describing the
contribution of the web to the outer plastic hinges in eq. (2.47), (in EN 1993-1-5 called m2) was
restricted to only influence the resistance concerning webs more slender than 0,5. That is
hw 2
m 2 = 0 ,02 § ------· if O F ! 0 ,5
© tf ¹ (2.53)
m2 = 0 if O F d 0 ,5
Another proposal addressing the reduction function for predicting the patch loading
resistance may be found in Müller (2003). In his doctoral thesis Müller proposed a reduction
factor founded on the general plate buckling curve proposed in Maquoi and Rondal (1986). The
proposal of the latter authors was based on the consideration that any plate buckling curve
captures the yielding (lower slenderness) and the actual reduction curve (more slender plates).
Based on this consideration Maquoi and Rondal presented a general format for which the
buckling curves could be written
1–F 1–FO = KF (2.54)
in which the factor J is depending mainly on the boundary conditions for the plate under
consideration and the K is an imperfection factor dependent of the plate slenderness. The
imperfection parameter was expressed as
K = D O – O0 (2.55)
In Müller J = 1 is used to interpolate between the yielding and the von Kármán proposed
curve for reduction with increasing plate slenderness. With J =1 the solution to eq. (2.54) reads
F = ----------------------------- (2.56)
M+ M –O
M = --- 1 + D O – O 0 + O (2.57)
Müller proposed a reduction curve with D = 0,34 and O0 = 0,8 to be used for girders subjected
to patch loading. The curve was derived in comparison to tests results and furthermore proposed
to be used with the plate slenderness determined according to the reduced stress method of EN
1993-1-5. Müller used data from tests and numerical simulations to determine the required load
amplifiers according to the reduced stress method. Another example of derivation of a
resistance function based on the eq. (2.56) and eq. (2.57) may be found in Grotmann (1993).
However this work was proposing a geometrical imperfection factor including the properties of
high strength steel by the use of the parameter H according to eq. (2.28).
In Gozzi (2007) the work on patch loading related issues were taken another step further in
the refinement undertaking. The doctoral thesis by Gozzi put the patch loading resistance of
plated girders in ultimate as well as serviceability limit state in focus. Herein the work
concerning the serviceability limit state will be overlooked and only the ultimate limit state will
be regarded. When dealing with the ultimate patch loading resistance Gozzi continued and
modified the work presented in Lagerqvist (1994). This with special attention paid to the
expression for the yield resistance, in particular the assumption about the addition to plastic
moment resistance which origin is found in the added part of the web concerning the outermost
hinges in the 4-hinge model of Lagerqvist. In Gozzi (2007) a thorough numerical simulation
Plate Buckling - Theory
investigation was presented without any proof of that the web contributed in the aforementioned
plastic hinges. The FE investigation comprised 19 models over which the flange thickness and
width, web thickness, aspect ratio and loaded length was varied. According to Gozzi the
numerical study could not prove any contribution from the web regarding the plastic moment
resistance in the outermost hinges. Hence Gozzi proposed that the influence of the m2 parameter
regarding the loaded length would be neglected, i.e. m2 = 0 irrespective of web slenderness. This
conclusion was also supported in Davaine (2004) which is presented in section 2.3.2.
However, the above presented conclusion by Gozzi made the yield resistance decrease hence
a new calibration of the reduction function was needed. This undertaking was presented in
Gozzi (2007) using a reduction factor function of the same type as in Müller (2003) (see
previous section). As mentioned, the yield resistance was changed which furthermore gives an
overestimation of the patch loading resistance if the factors proposed by Müller is applied. Thus,
the factors D and O0 was calibrated using a data base consisting of 184 individual patch loading
experiments with low applied bending moments compared to the design resistance. The
calibration handed a best fit curve with the factors set to DF = 0,5 and O0F = 0,6. Moreover, the
results showed that the stockier specimens still had a higher resistance, and the plateau level was
proposed to be set to 1,2. The proposition of Gozzi (2007) regarding the reduction factor
function may then be concluded as
F F = ------------------------------------- d 1 ,2 (2.58)
MF + MF – OF
M F = --- 1 + 0 ,5 O F – 0 ,6 + O F (2.59)
Further, the proposal was in Gozzi (2007) proved to give a prediction of the ultimate patch
loading resistance with less scatter compared to the design model implemented in EN 1993-1-
5. The proposed model was furthermore verified through a statistical evaluation according to
Annex D of EN 1990 (2002) and the derived partial safety factor, JM1, was proposed to be set
to 1,0.
design regulations of today (e.g EN 1993-1-5). With the aim to have stringent patch loading
resistance prediction models both regarding longitudinally stiffened and the corresponding
unstiffened type, this has brought the amplification factor models somewhat out of date.
Nevertheless, a lot of effort has been put into the topic of estimating the ultimate patch loading
resistance of longitudinally stiffened webs with amplification factors (e.g. Bergfelt (1979),
Janus et. al (1988), Kutmanová and Skaloud (1992), Graciano and Edlund (2001)), and will be
presented shortly herein.
Although these are two historically predominant methods of calculating the patch loading
resistance of a longitudinally stiffened girder web there are other proposals available. One quite
unique example is a model developed by genetic programming (GP) presented in Cevik (2007).
The programming method is a self adaptable program which uses the predefined variables to fit
an expression to predict the actual test result. The GP based formulation of patch loading
resistance of longitudinally stiffened webs was calibrated towards 138 tests with 11 geometrical
and material parameters used as variables. According to Cevik the final GP-equation shows a
perfect agreement when comparing to the experimental data base used, showing a mean value
of 1,021 and a coefficient of variation of 0,156. Although the correlation to the experiments are
good the equation is somewhat complicated and lacks a physical foundation. This may make the
expression inadequate when dealing with parameters outside the interval used for the GP.
Moreover, the equation is calibrated with only open stiffeners which makes it questionable to
use for closed stiffener types. Nevertheless, the equation, with geometries in mm and material
properties in MPa, to predict the resistance in kN according to Cevik reads
3 § ·
§ cos a f yw · ¨ tf ¸
F Rl = ¨ t w + --------------------------------------------------------------¸ ¨ ---------------------------------------------------¸ (2.60)
© – 59 ,57 t st + s s – 83 ,08 ¹ ¨ 184 ,22
t + 17 ,97 + ----------------¸
© f ss ¹
f yf
§ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------·
© h w b 1 + 65 ,81 + b f – 98 ,77 s s – f yf ¹
§ hw ·
¨ t w + -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
© t f – 15 ,42 t st + f yf – 34 ,76 – b st¹
Another type of direct prediction model may be found in Graciano (2002), and later also
Graciano and Edlund (2003), in which the 4-hinge model (Roberts and Rockey (1979), see
Figure 2.13), with the addition of a longitudinal stiffener, acts as foundation for the work. Under
the assumptions that fyw = fyf (the shortcoming of the yield line model mentioned in section )
and that the position of the yield line would be D = b 1 e 2 d 20 t w the resistance expression,
a model in Graciano (2002) named “Model II: Failure mechanism model”, was stated as
Plate Buckling - Theory
° 2 E f yw t f 24 E I f s s + 2 t f – K M pw b1
° F Rl = 4 t w ----------------------- + -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ----- d 40
° b1 b 1 M pf
® (2.61)
° 2
2 E t 12 E I s + 2 t – K M b
° F = 2 f t 2 -------------------f + -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
f s f pw
- if ----1- ! 40
° Rl yw w
D f yf D Mpf
2 tw
the latter also the resistance for the unstiffened web plate in which the yield lines are positioned
at D = 20 t w f yw e f yf and for both cases the parameter K, according to eq. (2.62), assuming
that the collapse load is transmitted over this length of the web which is yielding due to
membrane compressive stresses.
M pw 4 E + 2 s s + 2 t f
K = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (2.62)
M pf
2 M pw + f yw t w D ----------------------------------
6 E I f M pw
However, in many cases f yw z f yf and aiming for a harmonized resistance formula for both
stiffened an unstiffened girders, along with being user friendly, there might be better options for
the designer than the above presented approach.
F Rl = F R f s l (2.63)
The ordinary way of deriving such an amplification factor was with reference to
experimental work and tests of girders with the same dimensions and only the presence of a
longitudinal stiffener as difference. Further, the difference in ultimate resistance was expressed
as with an empirically determined function. Some examples of such amplification factor
proposals presented by some authors are presented in this section.
One of the more straight forward recommendations for an amplification factor was given in
Markovic and Hajdin (1992) who suggested a linear equation according to
b1 b1
f s l = 1 ,28 – 0 ,7 ------ for 0 ,1 ------ 0 ,4 (2.64)
hw hw
which was derived based on test data from the literature comprising 133 longitudinally stiffened
and 318 unstiffened girders. Using eq. (2.64), the authors compared different equations for
predicting the resistance regarding unstiffened girders, FR, and searched for the best model to
be used to predict the resistance for a longitudinally stiffened girder according to eq. (2.63).
Testing several equations the best one, according to the authors was the one presented by
Roberts (1981), eq. (2.43). This either in the “basic” form according to eq. (2.43) or a form
including bending moment. Furthermore, Markovic and Hajdin concluded that eq. (2.43) was
the hitherto best formula to predict the resistance for the unstiffened girders if the influence of
the loading length was diminished.
The same year another amplification factor was proposed in Kutmanová and Skaloud (1992).
The research work was founded on earlier performed experimental and theoretical work (Janus
et. al (1988) described in section 3.1.6) regarding single- and double-sided longitudinally
stiffened as well as unstiffened girders. The results of the tests were analysed with a non-linear
regression approach and the following equation was established as amplification factor
f s l = 0 ,958 – 0 ,09 ln § ------· (2.65)
© h w¹
0 ,153
ss § If f yf ·
F R = 12 ,6 t w f yw § 1 + 0 ,004 -----· ¨ ----
- --------
-¸ (2.66)
© t w¹ © t 4 240¹
These equations are similar to the ones presented in Janus et. al (1988), however slightly
modified to have a better prediction level. However, one drawback of these equations may be
that they are established using tests from only one place, e.g. the steel delivered from the same
mill, same equipment used and so on. Though, the population used for the regression analysis
comprises many individual tests which is favourable.
Based on his test results (see chapter 3) Bergfelt determined an amplification factor to take
the influence of the longitudinal stiffener into account. This with respect to the ultimate patch
loading resistance. In Bergfelt (1979) the three-hinge-flange model was presented together with
a resistance function for unstiffened girders according to eq. (2.32). However the investigation
in Bergfelt (1979) was started as an attempt to determine the factor f(sl) (see eq. (2.34)) and
through the comparison with the (relatively few and scattered) test results, Bergfelt proposed
eq. (2.67) as the amplification factor for a longitudinally stiffened girder.
1 b1 sK b1
f s l = 1 + §© --- + ------·¹ -------- ; 0 ,1 ------ 0 ,33 (2.67)
3 hw 3b 1 hw
Plate Buckling - Theory
in which the modified distance between the outermost plastic hinges in the upper flange is
proposed to lie in the interval
s y + s s d s K d s y + s s + ---- (2.68)
and with a correction factor for the flange bending moment, K, Bergfelt proposes eq. (2.69) to
determine the distance between the outermost plastic hinges.
bf t f 2 tw f yf
s y = 5 ,2 ---- § -----· ----
- -------------------- (2.69)
K tw © ¹ ti E f yw
However, Bergfelt also proposes a more simple way to determine the amplification factor for
the presence of the longitudinal stiffener. The idea behind this formula is according to Bergfelt
that the increase in ultimate resistance due to the longitudinal stiffener partly depends on the
ratio sy / b1and partly on the effect of the welding. The alternative formulation was stated as
sy sy
1 + 0 ,02 ----- f s l 1 ,1 + 0 ,02 ----- (2.70)
b1 b1
In the aforementioned doctoral thesis Graciano (2002), two additional models were
investigated besides the previously described Model II. The “Model I: Regression analysis of
test results” was based on the customary approach of amplification factors. As base for the
ultimate resistance Graciano used the findings of Lagerqvist (1994), see section , eq. (2.47)-eq.
(2.51), as the resistance for the unstiffened case. Based on a large number of test results found
in the literature, Graciano performed a regression analysis with the ratios b1 / hw, tf / tw and fyf
/ fyw as parameters in the amplification function. The results from this regression analysis was
that the best fit would be found if using an amplification factor function according to
b 1 f yf e f yw
f s l = 0 ,556 – 0 ,277 ln § ------ § -----------------· · (2.71)
© hw © tf e t w ¹ ¹
However, Graciano also states, with reference to statistics literature, that the main
shortcoming of his empirical approach is that the actual accuracy in prediction is strongly
dependent of the population size used for the analysis.
determine the plate slenderness for von Kármán approach reduction factor models, i.e. most
reduction factor models regarding plate buckling of today. Hence, how the elastic critical load
is determined is of great importance to achieve a good correlation between the predicted
resistance and the actual resistance of e.g. a test or a real girder. The elastic critical load has been
subjected to extensive research work, e.g. Rockey et. al (1979), Graves-Smith and Gierlinski
(1982), Kutzelnigg (1982) and Janus et. al (1988). As mentioned earlier approximate solutions
were given to estimate the elastic critical load under various support and loading conditions.
Nowadays, the elastic critical load may be estimated in complicated cases by means of different
computer aided approaches, e.g. FEM. However, for “everyday” design purposes there has to
be analytical approximations of how to estimate the critical load, or usually the buckling
coefficient regarding the considered plate, i.e. eq. (2.48). More recent research work presenting
solutions for estimating the elastic critical load for a longitudinally stiffened web subjected to
patch loading may be found in Graciano (2002) and Davaine (2005).
The work regarding the elastic critical load presented in Graciano (2002) was founded on
numerical simulations using the FE-package ABAQUS. Graciano first studied simply
supported plates with and without longitudinal stiffeners and compared to previously presented
work. Furthermore the model got more refined adding flanges to the web, and a parameter study
was conducted in order to investigate the relevance of some parameters, e.g. the relative position
and flexural rigidity of the stiffener and the contribution from the flanges. Moreover the
influence of the torsional rigidity of the longitudinal stiffener was investigated which led to that
also closed longitudinal stiffeners were included in the study. The results from the numerical
investigation were then used to modify the buckling coefficient regarding unstiffened webs,
proposed in Lagerqvist (1994), see eq. (2.49), by adding a term, ksl, which took the contribution
from the longitudinal stiffener into account (eq. (2.72)). This term was proposed as a function
of the cross section of the stiffener (i.e. open or closed) and the panel aspect ratio of the upper
(directly loaded) panel b1 / a.
hw 2 b f tf
k F = 5 ,82 + 2 ,1 § ------· + 0 ,46 4 ---------------
- + k sl (2.72)
© a¹ 3
hw tw
The term ksl added the contribution from the longitudinal stiffener, taking the relative
flexural rigidity of the stiffener into account and a factor, Co, which is through regression
analysis dependent of the ratio b1 / a and the ratio torsional / flexural rigidity of the stiffener
according to
k sl = C o J st (2.73)
Summing up the results from the regression analysis Graciano ended up in two expressions
for the Co parameter, according to eq. (2.74) below. The first will normally be suited for open
stiffeners and the second for closed section stiffeners.
Plate Buckling - Theory
° 5 ,44 b----1- – 0 ,21 §I-----st- 0 ,15·
° a © J st ¹
Co = ® (2.74)
° b1
° 6 ,51 ----- §I-----st- t 0 ,15·
¯ a © J st ¹
0 ,05 d b 1 e a d 0 ,3 (2.75)
b 1 d 0 ,3 h w (2.76)
Further, the relative flexural rigidity of the stiffener should, according to Graciano, not be
taken larger than the transition rigidity, i.e. the rigidity for which the buckling mode of the web
switches from lateral displacement stiffener to a stiffener acting as a nodal line regarding the out
of plane web buckling. Thus, ksl is limited according to
k sl d C o J st t (2.77)
in which Jst,t is the transition rigidity for open stiffeners (or Ist / Jst < 0,15) according to
a 2 ,9 b1
J st t = 14 §© ------·¹ + 211 § 0 ,3 – -----·
hw a¹
or regarding closed stiffeners (or stiffeners with Ist / Jst > 0,15) according to
a 1 ,3
J st t = 45 § ------· (2.79)
© h w¹
Graciano also states that these sets of equations were obtained with geometric interaction
between the web plate and the longitudinal stiffener taken into account. Moreover, the equations
also account for the transition from global to local buckling modes. The above described
approach to determine the buckling coefficient for longitudinally stiffened webs under patch
loading was, combined with the design proposal by Lagerqvist (1994), by Graciano named
“Model III: Post-critical Resistance Approach”. This Model III was in Graciano (2002)
proposed to be used for design purpose since it was found to be the most complete model
available and with a good agreement with experimental comparison. Moreover, it was later
somewhat modified and in EN 1993-1-5 the recommended design method to use for predicting
the patch loading resistance of a longitudinally stiffened girder (see the section EN 1993-1-5
Further work concerning the elastic critical load for a longitudinally stiffened web was
presented in Davaine et. al (2004), Davaine and Aribert (2005) and later the doctoral thesis of
Davaine (2005). The aforementioned work comprised not only efforts focusing on the elastic
critical load alone, but also a complete reduction factor approach which is presented later herein.
Solely focusing of the elastic critical load within this section, the work presented by Davaine
and co-authors aimed for adding buckling of the upper panel to the expression used to estimate
the elastic critical load of the web. The proposal was based on considering the upper panel,
according to Figure 2.16, as simply supported and loaded on both longitudinal edges with an
un-symmetric in-plane load.
Figure 2.16: The simply supported upper panel as proposed in Davaine (2005).
s + 2 tf
§ 0 ,6 s--------------------
- + 0 ,5·
ss + 2 t f a © a ¹
k F2 = § 0 ,8 § ---------------------· + 0 ,6· § -----· (2.80)
© © a ¹ ¹ © b 1¹
The transfer of the applied load through the upper panel (slope 1:1) gives that the eq. (2.80)
is only valid when
ss + 2 t f + 2 b 1 d a (2.81)
When the buckling coefficient of Graciano describes the panel as a whole, the buckling
coefficient according to eq. (2.80) together with eq. (2.82) predicts the elastic critical load for
the upper panel alone. This buckling mode / failure mode has been commonly observed in the
numerical investigations of Davaine (2005) as well as experimental work by others.
2 3
S E tw
F cr2 = k F2 -----------------------------
----- (2.82)
12 1 – Q b 1
Plate Buckling - Theory
Finally, Davaine and co-authors proposes an interaction formula for the two buckling modes
according to
------ 1 1
= ---------- + ---------- (2.83)
F cr F cr1 F cr2
in which Fcr1 denotes the buckling load according to EN 1993-1-5 presented in following
section. The interaction formulation was based on observations during incremental loading in
the numerical simulations. Davaine and co-authors noticed that the response of the stiffened
web was divided in two steps; the first corresponding to local buckling in the lower panel and
the second local buckling of the upper panel until failure.
The reduction factor approach, used to predict the ultimate resistance of a longitudinally
stiffened girder subjected to patch loading, all depends on the web slenderness as shown
previously herein. Furthermore, within this section the two most recent publications on the topic
is presented along with the recommendations of the EN 1933-1-5. The reduction factor
approach by Graciano (2002) was modified to be implemented in the EN 1993-1-5 and hence
the original proposal (aforementioned Model III) will not be regarded within this section.
Along with the proposal of the improved estimation of the critical load, see eq. (2.82) and eq.
(2.83), a proposal for an improved reduction factor function was proposed in Davaine (2005).
The reduction factor function was calibrated with the use of the extensive numerical simulations
by Davaine, see section 3.2.1, and furthermore also justified through a comparison with
experimental data gathered in the literature. Davaine proposed to use a function on the form of
eq. (2.56) and eq. (2.57), hence the plateau length and the imperfection factor were calibrated
to fit the numerical results. The parameters were determined to be set to DF = 0,21 and O0F =
0,8. Furthermore, Davaine proposed to set the term m2 = 0 regarding the expression for the yield
resistance. Emphasizing the origin of this parameter as the contribution from the web to the
outermost plastic hinges in the 4-hinge model of Lagerqvist, Davaine observed a better
correlation with the numerical results if the contribution from the web was omitted. Even though
this was not the scope of the doctoral thesis, the questioned term could be disregarded without
the whole concept failing. Recalling the previously described findings in Gozzi (2007) which
proved that the m2-term should be neglected, further indicates that the assumption of Davaine
was correct.
Another approach for determining the ultimate patch loading resistance regarding a
longitudinally stiffened web was presented in Kuhlmann and Seitz (2002), (2004) and later
refined and presented in the doctoral thesis Seitz (2005). The scope of this approach was to
consider local buckling of each individual panel as well as global buckling of the whole
stiffened web. The approach was motivated via the different load cases the two (considering a
panel with only one stiffener) sub-panels are subjected to, i.e. “opposite patch loading” for the
upper and “regular patch loading” for the lower. Further, the upper panel was expected to fail
in a column buckling mode and the lower panel in a plate buckling mode with larger post-
critical reserves, so Kuhlmann and Seitz drew the conclusion that the resistance of the stiffened
girder would be possible to define by interpolation between the plate-like and the column-like
EN 1993-1-5
As previously mentioned, the design recommendations of EN 1993-1-5 is a modified version
of the Model III proposal of Graciano (2002). The procedure is rather straight forward and
presented in short terms herein.
The patch loading resistance of the longitudinally stiffened web is predicted according to
FR = F F F y (2.84)
F y = f yw t w s s + 2 t f 1 + m 1 + m 2 < f yw t w a (2.85)
f yf b f
m 1 = ----------------- (2.86)
f yw t w
h 2
° m 2 = 0 ,02 § -----w-· if O F ! 0 ,5
® © tf ¹
¯ m2 = 0 if O F d 0 ,5
OF = ------y-
F cr
Plate Buckling - Theory
F cr = 0 ,9 k F E ------ (2.87)
So forth the proposal of Lagerqvist is followed, however to take the influence of the
longitudinal stiffener into account, the modified version proposed by Graciano (2002) is used
in EN 1993-1-5 according to
hw 2 b1
k F = 6 + 2 § ------· + § 5 ,44 ----- – 0 ,21· J st (2.88)
© a¹ © a ¹
in which the relative flexural rigidity of the longitudinal stiffener is calculated with
I a 3 b
- d 13 § ------· + 210 § 0 ,3 – ----1-·
J st = 10 ,9 --------------- (2.89)
hw tw 3 © ¹
hw © a ¹
where the second moment of area of the stiffener, Ist, is including contributing parts of the web
according to Figure 1.2. According to EN 1993-1-5 eq. (2.88) is valid for 0 ,05 d b 1 e a d 0 ,3
and b 1 e h w d 0 ,3 . Last but not least, the reduction factor is obtained by using the eq. (2.52), i.e.
0 ,5
F F OF = ------- d 1
The attentive reader may here notice the differences in the original proposals of Lagerqvist
(1994) and Graciano (2002).
One of the earlier contemporary interaction models was presented in Bergfelt (1971) who
F E· 8 ME 2
§ ------ + § --------· = 1 (2.90)
© F R¹ © M R¹
However in a later publication, Bergfelt (1976), the author states that no interaction between
patch loading and bending moment seems to be present when ME / MR < 0,6.
Moving on to the into the 90’s, the publication Lagerqvist (1994) proposed two interaction
equations; one for welded girders, eq. (2.91) and one regarding rolled beams, eq. (2.92)
according to
------E + 0 ,8 -------E- = 1 ,4 (2.91)
F E· 2 ME 2
§ ------ + § --------· = 1 (2.92)
© F R¹ © M R¹
and in EN 1993-1-5, the first equation of these two are recommended for design purposes.
The today recommended design models in the EN 1993-1-5 has been presented herein, and
the author will use these as a reference to the work presented in the following chapters.
Furthermore, the work presented by Gozzi (2007), Graciano (2002) and Davaine (2005) will be
used. The latter two as reference to the herein proposed resistance approach since both of them
are focused on the ultimate patch loading resistance for a longitudinally stiffened web. The
author of this thesis also find the work presented by Seitz (2005) interesting, however
shortcoming in the german language of the author herein makes the interpretation of the model
difficult and moreover very uncertain. Hence, no comparisons with this proposed approach will
be conducted herein.
Patch Loading - Test Results
Chapter 3:
Patch Loading - Test Results
All since the 1950’ies experimental work focused on which and how the parameters of a
welded I-girder influences the patch loading resistance has been investigated. One of the more
internationally known early publications, considering longitudinally stiffened girder webs,
would by many researchers said to be the work of Allan Bergfelt in the end of the 70’ies and the
beginning of the 80’ies. The publication Rockey et. al (1978), with Bergfelt as co-author was
the start of an extensive investigation with many experimental tests. Bergfelt (1979) and
Bergfelt (1983) were continuing the previously conducted work. One of the larger, if not the
largest, test series was presented in Janus et. al (1988) which presented a test programme
comprising over 150 individual specimens, both stiffened and unstiffened.
From open stiffeners and via V-shaped stiffeners, Carretero and Lebet in 1998 presented a
series of tests with girders stiffened with closed stiffeners of trapezoidal (TRP) type. The TRP-
type stiffeners are probably the most used today when a longitudinal stiffener is applied to e.g.
a bridge girder. More tests on specimens reinforced with TRP-stiffeners was presented in
Walbridge and Lebet (2001) and Kuhlmann and Seitz (2004). The latter also included FE
simulations verified via the experimental work and in Seitz (2005) proposals were made for an
improved design procedure (see section 2.3.2).
Within this thesis, some of the experimental work presented by some of the aforementioned
authors and more has been used to evaluate the EN 1993-1-5 patch loading resistance
recommendations. In Table 3.1 below the data used and its origin is presented as well as some
of the characteristics of the specimens used in the experiments. A total of 140 specimens with
open longitudinal stiffeners, 24 with closed stiffeners and 366 FE simulations were gathered
surveying the literature. The authors’ publications in which the test data and/or simulations were
presented is briefly described in this chapter.
The gathered data was in a first step evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5. However, the
current limitations in EN 1993-1-5 was not followed in here, i.e. the validation statements
regarding eq. (2.88) was not taken into account.
Table: 3.1: Characteristic data from the experiments and simulations gathered
from the published material introduced within this chapter.
Patch Loading - Test Results
a way that every girder was tested twice; the girder was after the first test turned so the patch
load could be applied on the undamaged flange.
Test setup
The two girders R2 and R4 was fitted with longitudinal stiffeners during the first set of tests
and hence used in the evaluation in this thesis. The other two girders (R1 and R3) tested in
Rockey et. al (1978) were also equipped with longitudinal stiffeners, but this only after the first
set of tests in which these were tested as unstiffened. In the following tests the girders R1 and
R3 were fitted with longitudinal stiffeners but in the tension zone. This in an attempt to reduce
the influence of the fact that the girders already had been loaded to failure due to the patch load.
The same procedure was followed concerning the stiffened girders R2 and R4. These were also
stiffened with an additional longitudinal stiffener in the new compression zone and the old
damaged part was now on the tension side of the girder. The exact dimensions of these four tests
on two girders may be found in Appendix A.
The tests were made with the girders simply supported and the patch load applied in the
centre of the flange. Strains were measured with rosette gauges, lateral deformations, initial as
well as during the tests, were also measured. Vertical deformation on both flanges of the girders
was measured in the centre of the specimens with transducers.
Rockey et. al (1978)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.1: The four tests on two girders with open stiffeners from Rockey et. al
(1978) evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function
of the slenderness, OF.
The main conclusion in Rockey et. al (1978) was that it was shown that by using a
longitudinal stiffener positioned at one-fifth of the web depth, the patch loading resistance could
be significantly increased.
Test setup
Test series “A” was intended to investigate the influence of a distance variation between
vertical stiffeners for both unstiffened and longitudinally stiffened girders. The series comprised
a total of 3 girders which was first tested unstiffened. After the first test a longitudinal stiffener
of open type was welded to the web and the same girder was tested once again, though rotated
so the patch load was applied on what was the tension flange when unstiffened. The girder was
then sectioned into two girders with a length between 510 and 1200 mm, cutting away
approximately 700 mm of the mid part (i.e. what was defined as the damaged part from the
previous patch loading). As a last step these smaller girders were equipped with vertical
stiffeners at the ends and tested two times (i.e. one test with the patch load applied on each
Initial out-of-plane deformations were measured with transducers as well as the propagating
buckling during the tests.
A total of nine tests on longitudinally stiffened girders were conducted and these tests were
evaluated with respect to the EN 1993-1-5 and may be found below in Figure 3.2. Furthermore,
the publication presented the test series “B” which comprised a total of 9 tests on unstiffened
girders. Though, these tests were not regarded herein because of the unstiffened webs.
Patch Loading - Test Results
Bergfelt (1979)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.2: The nine tests on girders with open stiffeners from Bergfelt (1979)
evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the
slenderness, OF.
Test setup
A single sided open stiffener with varying upper panel depth were used on all the six tests
presented in this publication. The specimen layout and test set-up used were the same as
presented in section 3.1.2 also the same procedure in specimen fabrication was used (i.e.
dividing of one main girder into two smaller). The two main specimens had a panel length, a,
of 3000 mm and the four other smaller specimens panel lengths of 1100 mm. The longitudinal
stiffeners were placed at either h1 / hw = 0,2 or 0,34. The rest of the specimen dimensions may
be seen in Appendix A.
The six specimens used herein were evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5 and the results
may be found in Figure 3.3.
Bergfelt (1983)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.3: The six additional specimens from Bergfelt (1983) evaluated with
respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness,OF.
Test setup
The specimens used in the experimental work all had the same dimensions and the only
difference was the presence of an open longitudinal stiffener on two of the girders (P2 and P3).
These two girders are the ones used herein for further evaluation. The yield stress measured to
be between 244 - 286 MPa. Further information about dimensions and material properties may
be found in Appendix A.
The two specimens R2 and R3 were tested with an extra applied moment, or if put in another
way, with extra span; a total length of 15,4 m. The setup was of three-point bending type; the
beam simply supported with an external concentrated force applied at the centre of the beam.
The patch load was applied with a loading device consisting of four rollers spread over a load
length of 690 mm. As for the tests described in Shimizu et. al (1987) these tests were made with
specimens with extension girders to reach the required span regarding bending moment. The
Patch Loading - Test Results
girders were prevented from lateral rotation, i.e. no risk for lateral-torsional buckling of the
Galea et. al (1987)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.4: Girders R2 and R3 from Galea et. al (1987) evaluated with respect to
EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness, OF.
The main conclusions by the authors were that the longitudinal stiffener increased the
ultimate load with approximately 37%. Furthermore, the authors concluded that the position of
the stiffener (i.e. at 1/4th or 1/5th of the depth) did not have any significant influence on the load
carrying capacity.
procedure. All the specimens were fabricated of SS41 steel (fy = 235,2 MPa). The total length
of the girders was either 6 or 9 meters. This in order to study the interaction moment-patch
loading behaviour. Herein the specimen with a single stiffener was taken into account, denoted
Test setup
The specimens were attached to extension girders with a bolted connection to get a longer
girder and also a larger applied moment. These end beams were used in all the tests and the
small mid part (the actual specimen) was replaced to form a new test setup. All specimens had
a depth of 1 m and the stiffener size was 80 x 6 mm. Additional supports were used to prevent
lateral-torsional buckling of the girders. Further details of the geometry may be found in
Appendix A.
Strains in the girders web were measured with rosette gauges on both surfaces of the web.
Furthermore, uni-axial strain gauges were placed on the flanges to measure the axial strains in
these. Out-of-plane deflections of the webs were measured with a transducer. This was also
conducted prior to the test to determine the initial curvature of the web plates. Vertical
deformations were measured on both the top and the bottom flange.
Shimizu et. al (1987)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.5: EL1 with open stiffener from Shimizu et. al (1987) evaluated with
respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness, OF.
Patch Loading - Test Results
From the experimental work presented the authors drew the conclusions that a smaller span
length increases the maximum loads. Furthermore a wider launching shoe (load length) was also
concluded to be beneficial concerning the patch load resistance.
The authors’ aims for the study was to achieve a general understanding regarding the
behaviour of a longitudinally stiffened steel girder subjected to patch load and possible
differences between the stiffened and unstiffened types. Furthermore the influence of the
stiffener rigidity was examined with respect to any correlation to the patch loading resistance.
Moreover the position of the stiffener and the influence of changes in this parameter was
Test setup
The test series was divided into four sets in which different parameters and their influence
on the ultimate patch loading capacity was examined. The parameters/quantities varied
throughout the test series were the position of the longitudinal stiffener (i.e. b1), the size of the
stiffener, the height-to-thickness ratio of the web (i.e. hw / tw), the aspect ratio of the web
(a / hw) and the size of the loaded flange. All of the dimension and material characteristics of
the 101 stiffened specimens used in this evaluation is listed in Appendix A. During all the tests
the ratio load length / panel length (ss / a) was held equal to 0,1.
The setup of the tests were of three-point type with the girder simply supported and the patch
load applied in the beam centre. Strains were measured on a number of positions on both the
web and the longitudinal stiffener. Displacement out-of-plane concerning the web buckling as
well as vertical deformation of both flanges and the longitudinal stiffener were measured with
electrical transducers. Furthermore the initial curvature of the web was measured prior to the
test on all specimens.
The results from the tests presented by Janus et. al (1988) was used to be evaluated with
respect to the EN 1993-1-5 and is shown in adjacent Figure 3.6. A total of 101 specimens
equipped with open stiffness were used in the comparison. Noticable in Figure 3.6 is not only
the large scatter within the tests, it is also evident that the EN 1993-1-5 overestimates the patch
loading resistance in some cases. This seems to be evident for more stocky webs, i.e. web
slenderness, OF < 0,7.
Janus et. al (1988)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.6: The 101 tests on specimens with open longitudinal stiffeners from
Janus et. al (1988) evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as
a function of the slenderness, OF.
Test setup
The study of Dubas and Tschamper was investigating how the torsional rigidity of the
stiffeners influenced the ultimate patch loading resistance. Moreover, the interaction bending
moment / patch loading was studied through the application of additional load pairs analogous
with the setup used by Kuhlmann and Seitz (2004) described in section 3.1.11.
Patch Loading - Test Results
the panels was that the relative position of the stiffeners, h1 / hw, concerning the closed stiffeners
was kept constant at 0,2. Regarding the open stiffeners the ratio b1 / hw was 0,15 or 0,2.
The 24 tests used in the evaluation herein were evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5 and
the results may be found in Figure 3.7. The results in plotted Figure 3.7 all points out an
underestimation of the patch loading resistance when calculating according to the EN 1933-1-
5. Generally speaking, it seems to be more evident for the closed section stiffened panels than
for the ones equipped with open stiffeners.
Dubas and Tschamper (1990) (OS)
Dubas and Tschamper (1990) (CS)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.7: The 24 experiments from Dubas and Tschamper (1990) evaluated
with respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness,
Test setup
The test specimens which were equipped with a longitudinal stiffener (model 4 and model 5)
had an open stiffener of thickness 4,5 mm. The width of the stiffener was 30 and 38 mm
respectively. The other dimensions was nominally the same, but the measured values may be
viewed in Appendix A.
The test setup was of simply supported type with the patch load applied in the centre of the
girder. Lateral rotations were prevented by supports at the sides of the beam, as well as with help
of the hydraulic jack used for application of the load.
Numerous strain gauges of uniaxial and rosette type were used to monitor and measure the
developing strains during the tests. The strains were measured on both flanges and in the web
(with rosette gauges). Furthermore, the vertical displacement was measured at both upper and
lower flange at the centre of the span. The out-of-plane deformations of the web was also
measured with transducers.
Dogaki et. al (1990) concluded that the post-critical strength of longitudinally stiffened
girder under patch loading was remarkable. Moreover, the buckling of the web was all localized
to the upper panel and the longitudinal stiffeners seemed to be stiff enough to form a nodal line
for the out-of-plane deformation of the web. As for the comparison of the theoretical models
three predictions out of four were underestimating the ultimate load. These when comparing
with the models of Janus et. al (1988) and a model previously developed by the authors of
Dogaki et. al (1990).
Dogaki et. al (1990)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.8: The two specimens from Dogaki et. al (1990) evaluated with respect
to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness, OF.
Patch Loading - Test Results
Test setup
A total of 6 composite beams were tested under a concentrated load. Concerning the study
presented herein, 6 of the panels in the beams were longitudinally stiffened with a TRP stiffener
and furthermore used in the evaluation. The dimensions of the specimens may be found in
Appendix A.
Carretero and Lebet (1998)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.9: The 6 panels with a closed stiffener from Carretero and Lebet (1998)
evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the
slenderness, OF.
As shown in Figure 3.9 the actual patch loading resistance, Fexp, compared to EN 1993-1-5,
FR, was up to 2,2 times the predicted load. However, a large scatter between the 6 tests may be
Figure 3.10: The cross-section layout of the specimens tested in the experimental
investigation presented in Walbridge and Lebet (2001).
Test setup
The tests setup was made with the intention to simulate the launching of a bridge girder with
the concrete already cast on the flange. The loaded length of the upper flange was held constant
for all tests, i.e. 200 mm and the web depth was in all cases 700 mm over a panel length of 1000
mm. The longitudinal stiffeners were placed that the depth of the upper panel was 75, 100 or
125 mm. The complete list of dimensions and some material properties of the specimens may
be found in Appendix A.
Patch Loading - Test Results
The results from Walbridge and Lebet (2001) was evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5 and
are shown in Figure 3.11. Noticeable is the high resistance when compared to the one predicted
by EN 1993-1-5.
Walbridge and Lebet (2001) (OS)
Walbridge and Lebet (2001) (CS)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.11: The five specimens from Walbridge and Lebet (2001) evaluated with
respect to EN 1993-1-5. Two specimens with closed stiffener and 3
with an open stiffener. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness, OF.
Test setup
The test series consisted of 3 smaller girders with a span of 2,4 m and two larger specimens
with a length of 9,6 m. The latter was used for introducing bending moment high enough to
examine the patch loading - bending moment interaction. All of the girders except one had
longitudinally stiffened webs. All stiffeners were of closed TRP type. Furthermore, two of the
patch loading tests were made on panels with two longitudinal stiffeners. The test setup and the
loading frame is schematically described in Figure 3.12. The girders with a single longitudinal
stiffener were used in the evaluation herein and the dimensions and other characteristics of these
girders used in the evaluation herein may be found in Appendix A.
Figure 3.12: The test setup used for the patch loading experiments with “extra”
applied moment. The load pair denoted “Q” used to introduce a
higher bending moment. Kuhlmann and Seitz (2004).
Kuhlmann and Seitz measured out-of-plane web deformations, initial as well as growth
during loading, on a grid consisting of 23 x 15 measuring points. The vertical displacement was
also measured, in this case with a pair of transducers in each of the four loading points. Hence
vertical deflection was measured in 4 points on both side of the loading rig. Strains were
measured with uniaxial, as well as rosette gauges. The rosette gauges were applied on both sides
on the web and the uniaxial gauges were used to measure the axial strains in the flanges.
Concerning the patch loading - bending moment interaction, the authors could not observe
any significant differences in the patch load resistance when applied under a bending moment.
Only when the combination bending, shear and patch load was examined, a reduction in the
patch load resistance could be noticed.
Regarding the evaluation of tests results herein, the four tests on girders with a single closed
longitudinal stiffener were used. Two of these were tested with an extra applied bending
moment. The patch loading resistance evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5 is shown in Figure
Patch Loading - Test Results
Kuhlmann and Seitz (2004)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.13: Four specimens with a closed longitudinal stiffener from Kuhlmann
and Seitz (2004) evaluated with respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a
function of the slenderness, OF.
The FE-simulations was first used to re-formulate the critical load Fcr as stated in EN 1993-
1-5. In a second step, the resistance function was calibrated, some of these findings are
presented in section 2.3.2. Furthermore, the proposals were calibrated with the statistical
procedure described in Annex D of EN 1990 (2002).
Within this thesis the 366 simulations were used to be evaluated and the evaluation with
respect to EN 1993-1-5 is presented in Figure 3.14.
Numerical simulations
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.14: The 366 numerical simulations of Davaine (2005) evaluated with
respect to EN 1993-1-5. Fexp/Fy as a function of the slenderness, OF.
A total of 140 individual tests made on specimens with open longitudinal stiffeners were
used in the evaluation herein. Comparing the test results with respect to the by EN 1993-1-5
predicted resistance in Figure 3.15, it seems like the majority of the tests are on the safe side.
Nevertheless, some of the stockier tests ( O F a 0 ,6 ) by Janus et. al (1988) seems to be
overestimated with respect to their resistance. Furthermore, the scatter amongst the individual
tests by all the authors are noticable. Also, specimens with web slenderness, OF > 2 would
benefit from a raised reduction curve when looking into Figure 3.15.
Considering Figure 3.16 containing the 24 specimens with a closed stiffener type, all tests
seems to be on the safe side of the reduction curve of EN 1993-1-5. Though, one test by
Carretero and Lebet (1998) exactly coincides with the curve. However, it seems that the margin
of safety regarding the prediction of EN 1993-1-5 seems to be rather high and moreover the tests
also in this case seems to show a large scatter.
Patch Loading - Test Results
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.15: The 140 specimens with open section longitudinal stiffeners. Ultimate
experimental load, Fexp, compared to the EN 1993-1-5 recommended
design procedure.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.16: The 24 specimens with closed section longitudinal stiffeners. Ultimate
experimental load, Fexp, compared to the EN 1993-1-5 recommended
design procedure.
Regarding the numerical simulations by Davaine (2005) most of the 366 numerical
simulations seems to keep together in a cluster, see Figure 3.17, though some simulations seems
to have much larger resistance than predicted by the EN 1993-1-5. Furthermore, regarding the
simulations with a web slenderness, OF > 1,5 the EN 1993-1-5 curve could have been raised to
better coincide with the simulations.
Fexp / FR
Numerical simulations
EN 1993-1-5
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 3.17: The 366 numerical simulations with open section longitudinal
stiffeners. Ultimate experimental load, Fexp, compared to the EN
1993-1-5 recommended design procedure.
All in all, the tests regarding both open and closed stiffeners together with the numerical
simulations, could benefit from a modification of the resistance function, better shaped to fit the
more slender specimens, i.e. the prediction of the ultimate patch loading resistance could be
improved for more slender girders. Further, the scatter amongst the tests could possibly be
reduced by a better estimation of the buckling load of the stiffened webs.
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
Chapter 4:
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
The aim herein is to find a design approach for longitudinally stiffened girders subjected to
patch loading consistent with the one proposed in Gozzi (2007) concerning unstiffened girders.
This involves the yield resistance of the web, the elastic critical load to determine the
slenderness of the web and as third component a reduction function to determine the reduction
factor as a function of the slenderness. The basics of the reduction factor approach used to
determine the ultimate patch loading resistance have been presented in chapter 2 along with
proposals from other authors as well as the today recommended approach given in EN 1993-1-5.
The previously presented tests reported by other authors (see chapter 3) are used to validate
the proposal. Hence, the herein proposed ultimate patch loading resistance model was validated
using data from tests on girders with both open and closed sections stiffeners, as well as
numerical simulations. Furthermore, this chapter also contains a comparison of the proposed
model with the most recent published directly comparable models of Graciano (2002) and
Davaine (2005). Also a comparison to the EN 1993-1-5 proposed approach to predict the
ultimate patch loading resistance is conducted.
The findings of the conducted research work of Gozzi concluded that the questioned part of
the yield resistance expression should be neglected, i.e. the contribution from the web to the
bending moment resistance of the outer plastic hinges should be omitted in the mechanism
model. Furthermore, since the mechanism regarding an unstiffened web subjected to patch
loading is profoundly the same as for a web longitudinally stiffened, the work by Gozzi should
be applicable also regarding longitudinally stiffened girders and would not induce any direct
sources of resistance prediction issues. Moreover, in a historical perspective, some design codes
e.g. EN 1995-1-5 have recommended use of the same equations for the yield resistance both for
stiffened and unstiffened girders. Since this way of designing has been used it would be
preferable, from a designers point of view, to maintain this correlated design recommendations,
i.e. basically the same equations to use regardless to if the web is longitudinally stiffened or not.
Hence, the expression in eq. (4.1) will herein be applied as the yield resistance of the
longitudinally reinforced web subjected to patch loading.
§ § f yf b f · ·
F y = f yw t w ¨ s s + 2 t f ¨ 1 + ----------------
-¸ ¸ (4.1)
© © f yw t w¹ ¹
However since the model is considering one panel subjected to patch loading, the effective
loaded length ly, expressed in the brackets of eq. (4.1), is limited to the panel width a. Hence,
the yield resistance will inhere be determined as
§ § f yf b f · ·
F y = f yw t w ¨ s s + 2 t f ¨ 1 + ----------------
-¸ ¸ d f t a (4.2)
© © f yw t w¹ ¹ yw w
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
F cr1
F cr = min ® (4.3)
¯ F cr2
in which the first is proposed to be calculated according to eq. (2.87) and the second according
to the proposal of Davaine, i.e. eq. (2.82) and eq. (2.80).
The proposed function of Gozzi (2007) was calibrated using 184 patch loading experiments
with unstiffened webs with induced bending moments according to ME / MR < 0,4. Furthermore,
the limit of the reduction factor concerning stocky webs, i.e. with a slenderness lower than what
is needed to reduce the resistance with respect to buckling, was chosen to be set to 1,2 instead
of the usually used 1,0 of e.g. eq. (2.52). This was based on the fact that the more stocky
specimens showed a resistance higher than the yield resistance and a better fit of the curve
(prediction of the actual real behaviour) could be achieved in this way. However, the limitation
of the reduction factor in the lower region of web slenderness would actually not be needed
when compared to the experimental work presented in Gozzi (2007), though a bit
unconventional. Nevertheless, the proposed reduction function for unstiffened girders, as
presented in section 2.3.1, reads
F F = ------------------------------------- d 1 ,2
MF + MF – OF
M F = --- 1 + 0 ,5 O F – 0 ,6 + O F
A comparison of the above presented resistance function with respect to some other usually
used or historically famous may be studied in Figure 4.1.
0,5 / O
Reduction factor, F
1 / O2
Winter function
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, O
Figure 4.1: Comparison of reduction curves, e.g. the Winter function, the herein
proposed reduction function.
Regarding the critical load, the lowest of the critical load for the whole panel and the upper
panel is suggested to be used, i.e.
F cr1
F cr = min ®
¯ F cr2
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
F cr1 = 0 ,9 k F1 E ------ (4.4)
with the buckling coefficient for the whole stiffened web according to
hw 2
k F1 = 6 + 2 § ------· + k st (4.5)
© a¹
k st = § 5 ,44 ----- – 0 ,21· J st (4.6)
© a ¹
If the above stated addition to the buckling coefficient for the whole unstiffened web not
should be given the possibility to be negative, i.e. the buckling coefficient for a stiffened web
would be lower than the corresponding unstiffened, the following relation is needed
b 1 0 ,21
----- t ---------- | 0 ,039 (4.7)
a 5 ,44
In EN 1993-1-5 this possibility is given, i.e. if the panel is wide enough it would be possible
that the buckling coefficient for a stiffened panel would be lower than for an unstiffened with
the same dimensions. To avoid this oddity, the buckling coefficient for the unstiffened panel is
herein proposed as a lower bound for kF1. Hence, eq. (4.7) can be disregarded if the influence
of the longitudinal stiffener is limited to
k st = § 5 ,44 ----- – 0 ,21· J st t 0 (4.8)
© a ¹
As for closed section stiffeners, the proposal of Graciano (2002) is proposed to be used
k st = 6 ,51 ----- J st (4.9)
Regarding the relative flexural rigidity of the stiffener, Jst, this is calculated as
EI st
J st = --------------
- (4.10)
D hw
with the moment of inertia of the stiffener, Ist, including the contributing parts of the web
according to Figure 1.2. However, when regarding a longitudinal stiffener of open type the
relative flexural rigidity is limited by the transition rigidity according to
a 3 b
J st d J st ,t = 13 §© ------·¹ + 210 §© 0 ,3 – ----1-·¹ (4.11)
hw a
At this point EN 1993-1-5 uses the limitation of the ratio b1 / a < 0,3, otherwise the last
bracketed product in eq. (4.11) would be negative. However, inhere this aspect is disregarded
and if b1 / a > 0,3 the transition rigidity is set to the first term, i.e.
a-· 3 b1 b1
° 13 § ----- + 210 § 0 ,3 – -----· if ----- d 0 ,3
° © h w¹ © a¹ a
J st d J st ,t = ® (4.12)
° a 3 b1
° 13 §© ------·¹ if ----- ! 0 ,3
¯ hw a
Regarding closed section stiffeners, the statement for the transition rigidity of Graciano
(2002) is kept to be calculated as
a 1 ,3
J st d J st ,t = 45 §© ------·¹ (4.13)
Regarding the elastic critical load for the upper panel, the only limit regarding dimensions of
this proposal is governed here. The derived expression of Davaine (2005) is proposed to be used
under the restriction that the responding length (loaded length) of the lower part of the upper
panel has to be smaller than the actual panel width, that is
s s + 2 t f + 2 b1 d a
The buckling coefficient for the upper panel regarding panels with both types of stiffeners is
proposed to be calculated in line with the work of Davaine, i.e. eq. (2.80) and eq. (2.82).
At last the yield load and the elastic critical load determines the slenderness of the stiffened
web according to the von Kármán approach stated in eq. (2.35) and further determines the
reduction factor according to eq. (2.58) and eq. (2.59).
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
load. Furthermore, the statement would probably be satisfied for most common dimensions of
girders, hence excluding the tests TG1-1 to TG1-3 by Janus et. al (1988) and the EL1 of Shimizu
et. al (1987) (see Appendix A) would not be detrimental to the design applicability. After
removing these four tests, 136 specimens with open stiffeners, 24 test with closed stiffeners and
366 numerical simulations remains to be used in the proposal validation.
Regarding the relative flexural rigidity of the stiffeners, these were calculated according to
eq. (4.10) with a Young’s modulus set to 210 GPa and a Poisson’s ratio of 0,3. The results from
the experiments in relation to the proposed ultimate resistance approach are shown in Figure 4.2
(open stiffeners), Figure 4.3 (closed stiffeners) and Figure 4.4 (numerical simulations).
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 4.2: Fexp/FR for the respective specimen slenderness according to
the proposal. 136 tests with open stiffeners.
As seen the scatter amongst the tests are somewhat large, however this may be the case when
using a larger amount of test data produced at various test institutes. Experience shows that
when using test data from one or a few laboratories, the scatter is often decreased. This may
have its origin in different measurement equipment, test setups etc. However, an other
possibility may be that the scatter may be native of parameters not included in the model.
Though, this negative side of the scatter may also be turned to something that may be counted
as a strength of a prediction model, i.e. if the model may predict the inhomogeneous test
population safely the reliability in design work would be higher than if using a model only based
on for example numerical simulations or tests made at one laboratory.
When concluding the two graphs over the tests regarding the open and closed stiffeners, the
conclusion that all of the 136 + 24 specimens are safely predicted by the proposal. However,
only the characteristic ultimate resistance are yet regarded. Further, the scatter amongst the
relatively few closed stiffener experiments seems to be comparable to what was shown
considering the much larger data base of open stiffener experiments.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 4.3: Fexp/FR for the respective specimen slenderness according to
the proposal. 24 tests with closed stiffeners.
Regarding the substantial amount of numerical simulations results used from Davaine (2005)
the Figure 4.4 below shows that the most of the simulations are predicted conservatively, i.e.
safe, by the herein proposed prediction model.
Numerical simulations
3 Proposal
Fexp / FR
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 4.4: Fexp/FR for the respective specimen slenderness according to
the proposal. 366 tests with open stiffeners.
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
When the results presented Figure 4.2 - Figure 4.4 above is put in statistical figures, the mean
value, the coefficient of variation and the standard deviation of the three sub-groups are
presented in Table 4.1.
Table: 4.1: Statistical interpretation of the results shown in Figure 4.2 - Figure
4.4. Experimental results, Fexp with reference to the predicted
ultimate resistance, FR.
As seen in Table 4.1 the two groups of test data (open and closed stiffeners) seems to be
comparable with each other. When regarding the numerical simulations the statistical
parameters seems to be somewhat better which would be explained if pointing out that more
than two times as many specimens have been used.
Regarding the neglection of the upper limit of the ratio b1 / a the Figure 4.5 containing both
open and closed section stiffeners, shows that this assumption would not jeopardize the safety
of the model. The prediction model seems to underestimate the actual resistance somewhat
more for these, nevertheless, the model may be used without restrictions regarding b1 / a and
still be safe. However, there are only four individuals tests with a upper panel depth / width ratio
above 0,3.
Tests from literature (OS)
3 Tests from literature (CS)
Fexp / FR Proposal
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b 1/ a
Figure 4.5: Fexp/FR as a function of the ratio b1 / a. 160 tests with
longitudinal stiffeners.
As a last step in the validation process a statistical evaluation of the proposed design model
was conducted according to the recommendations of Annex D in EN 1990 (2002). This
evaluation ends up in a partial safety factor, JM1, to be used for calculation of the design
resistance. This evaluation may be studied in its full extents in Appendix B.2. Within this
chapter only the final result is given, i.e. the partial safety factor for the proposed design model,
evaluated using the 136 tests of girders with an open stiffener and the 24 tests with a closed
longitudinal stiffener. The partial safety factor was determined to JM1 = 1,0 which herein will
be given as the recommendation for design purposes. Moreover, the same partial safety factor
was determined on basis of the numerical simulations comprising the 366 simulations. The
result from this evaluation is enclosed in Appendix B.2.3 with the evaluation of the partial factor
which was determined to JM1 = 1,0.
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
As seen, the model by Graciano (2002) is the only one showing a lower standard deviation
combined with a lower mean value than the proposed approach. However, when studying the
results more closely, it can be concluded that the model by Graciano seems to overestimate the
ultimate resistance regarding some of the more stocky tests. Regarding the corresponding
statistical parameters the closed section stiffener specimens and the numerical tests, these may
be studied in Table B.1 and Table B.2. Though, a conclusion from these tables and their
respective graphs Figure B.14 - Figure B.21 is that the proposed model of Davaine (2005) seems
to be the best one to predict the ultimate resistance of the numerical experiments used herein.
However, this may not be regarded as a complete surprise since the model of Davaine was
calibrated with respect to these numerical experiments.
Furthermore, some, or rather most, of the specimens in the data base was of hybrid type, i.e.
with different yield resistances for the web and flanges respectively. However, for those
experiments where the stiffener material properties were given, these were in all cases the same
as for the web. The differences in the strength of the girder parts was also taken into account,
both regarding the “common” hybrid girder with stronger flanges than web and also for the
cases when the web was stronger than the flanges. These procedure was also presented in
chapter 1.
Tests from literature (OS)
Tests from literature (CS)
2 EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / FR
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
M E / MR
Figure 4.6: Fexp/FR as a function of ME/MR for the 160 tests with open and
closed longitudinal stiffeners.
Numerical simulations
2.5 EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / FR
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25
Figure 4.7: Fexp/FR as a function of ME/MR for the 366 numerical
simulations with open longitudinal stiffeners.
As seen in Figure 4.6 no obvious interaction between bending moment and patch loading
may be observed for the experimental results. However, the experiments under a high bending
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
moment utilization are few, hence no conclusions regarding this matter will be drawn herein.
However, even though the aforementioned tests are few, they are still safely predicted using the
interaction equation recommended by EN 1993-1-5 according to eq. (2.91). Considering the
numerical simulations no further conclusions regarding a potential moment - patch loading
interaction may be drawn. Figure 4.7 shows no real interaction behaviour, though the
simulations subjected to larger bending moment utilization is, as for the experiments, too few
to make any statement.
s s + 2 tf + 2 b1 d a (4.14)
§ § f yf b f · ·
F y = f yw t w ¨ s s + 2 t f ¨ 1 + ----------------
-¸ ¸ d f t a (4.15)
© © f yw t w¹ ¹ yw w
F R = FF Fy (4.16)
F F = ------------------------------------- d 1 ,2 (4.17)
MF + MF – OF
in which
M F = --- 1 + 0 ,5 O F – 0 ,6 + O F (4.18)
The slenderness of the girder web is calculated using the von Kármán approach according to
OF = ------y- (4.19)
F cr
The elastic critical load is proposed to be calculated as the lowest of the one regarding the
upper panel and the whole panel respectively, i.e. as
F cr1
F cr = min ® (4.20)
¯ F cr2
in where the critical load for the whole panel should be calculated according to
F cr1 = 0 ,9 k F1 E ------ (4.21)
hw 2
k F1 = 6 + 2 § ------· + k st (4.22)
© a¹
Regarding the upper panel, the elastic critical load is proposed to be calculated using
2 3
S E tw
F cr2 = k F2 -----------------------------
----- (4.23)
12 1 – Q b 1
s + 2 tf
§ 0 ,6 s--------------------
- + 0 ,5·
ss + 2 t f a © a ¹
k F2 = § 0 ,8 § ---------------------· + 0 ,6· § -----· (4.24)
© © a ¹ ¹ © b 1¹
The improved stiffness of the panel due to the presence of a longitudinal stiffener, kst, is
calculated differently regarding open and closed section stiffeners. Regarding open stiffeners
this term is proposed to be calculated according to
k st = § 5 ,44 ----- – 0 ,21· J st t 0 (4.25)
© a ¹
EI st
J st = --------------
- (4.26)
D hw
in which the moment of inertia of the stiffener, Ist, includes the contributing parts of the web
according to Figure 1.2.
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
However the transition rigidity of the stiffener, Jst,t, is set as an upper limit of the relative
flexural rigidity, according to
a-· 3 b1 b1
° 13 § ----- + 210 § 0 ,3 – -----· if ----- d 0 ,3
° © h w¹ © a¹ a
J st d J st ,t = ® (4.27)
° a 3 b1
° 13 §© ------·¹ if ----- ! 0 ,3
¯ hw a
Regarding closed section stiffeners, the added stiffness from the longitudinal stiffener is
proposed to be calculated as
k st = 6 ,51 ----- J st (4.28)
with the relative flexural rigidity, Jst, according to eq. (4.26) however with a limiting transition
rigidity according to
a 1 ,3
J st d J st ,t = 45 §© ------·¹ (4.29)
F Rd = F F F y e J M1 (4.30)
with the partial safety factor according to Appendix B, i.e. JM1 = 1,0
The proposed model was validated through a comparison with tests results and numerical
simulations, though only regarding girders reinforced with one longitudinal stiffener. However,
the model was found to be applicable for webs with open as well as closed section stiffeners,
see Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 below. The model was found to be relevant also disregarding the
validation ratio limits b1 / a and b1 / hw used in the compared models, see Appendix B.1.
Tests from literature (OS)
Tests from literature (CS)
1.2 Proposal
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 4.8: The 136 experiments with open stiffeners and 24 with closed stiffeners
compared to the proposed ultimate patch loading resistance model.
When comparing the proposed design model with the model of Graciano (2002) the latter
model seems to overestimate the results for b1 / hw > 0,3 (see Figure B.14 and Figure B.16).
This is also outside the validation limit of the model by Graciano, however comparing the
aforementioned two figures with Figure B.1 and Figure B.12 it seems that using the herein
proposed model will hand predictions on the safe side when b1 / hw > 0,3. Studying Figure B.15
and Figure B.17 showing how the ratio b1 / a influences the level of prediction for the model of
Graciano, it may be observed that outside the valid interval 0,05 < b1 / a < 0,3 there are some
tests and numerical simulations on the unsafe side. Figure 4.5 and Figure B.12 showing the
corresponding results by the herein proposed model, the latter seems to predict the experimental
results safely disregarding the ratio 0,05 < b1 / a < 0,3.
Comparing the proposed approach with the model proposed in Davaine (2005) on the same
basis as above, the model by Davaine seems to predict all of the experimental results safely (see
Figure B.18 and Figure B.19) however with reference to Table 4.2 and Table B.2 the proposal
of this thesis seems to be a model with less scatter and a better mean value for the closed section
stiffened panels. However, regarding the open stiffeners the mean value of the model by
Davaine seems to be slightly better, though with a larger scatter amongst the individual tests.
Regarding the numerical simulations, a few results from the simulations seems to be
overestimated with respect to the ultimate patch loading resistance. The reason for this are
difficult to point out, since there seems to be no special differences in geometry, material,
loading conditions etc. when compared to the ones predicted safely.
Patch Loading - Design Proposal
Numerical simulations
Fexp / Fy
0 1 2 3 4 5
Slenderness, OF
Figure 4.9: The 366 numerical simulations with open stiffeners compared to the
proposed ultimate patch loading resistance model.
All in all, the herein proposed model seems to perform better than the models used in the
comparison regardless of the ratio b1 / a and b1 / hw. Furthermore the proposed model was found
to be applicable both to webs stiffened with one open or one closed section longitudinal
stiffener. The partial safety factor was evaluated with respect to both the test results and the
numerical simulations and found to be in both cases 1,0.
Local Buckling - Test Results
Chapter 5:
Local Buckling - Test Results
The plate buckling phenomena has, as mentioned in previous chapters, been quite thoroughly
investigated. This also on a strictly experimental basis. The research work is in a continuous
state since new steel grades and design rules enter the field of constructional applications.
The articles and papers presented in this chapter have been chosen to be comparable to the
tests in chapter 6. This with respect to specimen layout, welding conditions, support conditions,
steel grades and other comparable similarities. Furthermore, all the test results presented in this
chapter are evaluated with respect to the Winter function discussed in chapter 2 and according
to the EN 1993-1-5 specifications concerning plate slenderness values.
Figure 5.1: Specimen layout and weld detailing. Nishino et al. (1967).
Two different steel grades were used for the specimens, ASTM A7 (sheared specimen plates)
and ASTM A514 (flame-cut specimen plates) with properties according to adjacent Table 5.1.
In addition to the buckling tests the residual stress condition in the specimens were measured
with the sectioning method.
Table 5.1: Results from tension coupon tests.The average compressive residual
stresses was estimated regarding each plate (side) individually.
Nishino et al. (1967).
• the buckling mode corresponding to the lowest critical load would be developed
The buckling tests were performed with the specimens under uniformly distributed
compressive force as the specimens were equipped with rigid end plates, milled flat to simplify
the alignment in the test rig. Simply supported conditions were assumed to be valid constraints
for the plates in the welded specimen.
• The effect of residual stresses on the buckling strength of a plate is less pronounced
for A 514 steel than it is for A 7 steel.
• The plate elements of square columns of A 514 steel are stronger than those of A 7
steel when compared on a non dimensional basis (compared to the yield strength of
each grade).
Local Buckling - Test Results
Furthermore the test results presented by Nishino et al. were re-evaluated herein with respect
to the Winter function and EN 1993-1-5 and presented in Figure 5.2.
Specimens of grade A7
Specimens of grade A514
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 5.2: Test results from all the 8 specimens from Nishino et al.(1967). The
results are re-evaluated with respect to the Winter function, eq.
(2.24). Plate slenderness according to EN 1993-1-5.
The mechanical properties of the steel used for fabrication of the specimens were determined
through compression tests. The length of the specimens were set to 3,5 to 4 times the plate width
and tested under uniform compressive stress. In this evaluation the result from four of these tests
were used and the yield stress in compression was measured to 354 and 403 MPa respectively.
The test results from these tests were re-evaluated herein with respect to the Winter function and
EN 1993-1-5 and presented in Figure 5.3.
Dwight et. al (1968)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 5.3: Test results from 4 as-welded specimens reported in Dwight et al.
(1968). The results were re-evaluated with respect to the Winter
function. Plate slenderness according to EN 1993-1-5.
5.2.1. Conclusions
Dwight et al. concluded that the difference between the resistance of an as-welded specimen
compared to a stress relieved specimen could be in the order of 10 to 15%. This considering a
considerable range of width to thickness ratios and with the higher resistance concerning the
stress relieved specimens.
Local Buckling - Test Results
specimens). Furthermore, the test results from these tests were re-evaluated with respect to the
Winter function and EN 1993-1-5 to be comparable within this thesis. These re-evaluated
results are presented in Figure 5.4.
Dwight and Moxham (1969)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 5.4: Test results from the 13 as-welded specimens reported in Dwight and
Moxham (1969). The results were re-evaluated with respect to the
Winter function. Plate slenderness according to EN 1993-1-5.
5.3.3. Conclusions
Several conclusions were drawn concerning the work presented by Dwight and Moxham
(1969). Concerning this thesis relevant conclusions are:
• The load - deformation curve for a web containing residual stresses is less peaky
than that for a stress free web.
5.4. Fukumoto and Itoh (1984)
A comprehensive investigation regarding uniformly compressed steel plates was presented
in a paper by Fukumoto and Itoh (1984). The purpose of the work was to review and store data
of experimental investigations under clearly defined and described conditions. The authors
collected data from 793 individual tests of a variety of cross sections such as single plates,
welded square boxes, square and rectangular tubes, welded rectangular sections and cruciform
specimens. Data concerning specimens in as-welded as well as annealed condition were
regarded. 13% of the data collected was regarding specimens made of steel with higher yield
strength than 430 MPa (definition of high strength steel in the paper).
Data concerning initial geometrical imperfections, residual stress levels and ultimate loads
were presented in form of histogram plots. Concerning the residual stresses, Fukumoto and Itoh
states that the magnitude of the residual compressive stress may not be influenced of the yield
stress of the base material. This statement was founded on 32 residual stress measurements on
specimens made of high strength steel which showed that the Vrc / fy ratio was lower for the high
strength steel specimens compared to the rest of the data set.
Fukumoto and Itoh collected results from 383 plates with inherent residual stresses. The
plates were of the type with welds along the unloaded edges (in tubes or as single plates) or as-
welded box sections. The authors made a non-linear regression analysis with an assumed
uniform variance on the data and the mean function presented with a standard deviation of
0,0871 was
Furthermore, the authors made the same analysis for 172 plates without residual stresses.
These plates were as-cut, annealed or annealed box sections. The result from this analysis was
with a standard deviation of 0,104. Herein both the equations eq. (5.1) and eq. (5.2) are
compared to the Winter function in Figure 5.5.
Local Buckling - Test Results
Plates with residual stresses (eq. 5.1)
Plates without residual stresses (eq. 5.2)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 5.5: Mean functions of plates with eq. (5.1) and without eq. (5.2) residual
stresses from Fukumoto and Itoh (1984) compared to the Winter
Several interesting conclusions were drawn by Fukumoto and Itoh concerning their
experimental data-base approach. Conclusions among others were:
• No clear difference between the plate strengths determined through single plate
tests and square boxes could be pointed out.
and Hancock (1992) may not be completely in line with the aim of this thesis, still the test results
from the paper in question are valuable and re-evaluated with respect to the Winter function.
The test programme was divided into three parts; measurement of the material properties
with tension and compression coupons, residual stress measurement through specimen
sectioning and compression tests of the specimens. The specimens were all made of
BISALLOY 80 steel which, according to Rasmussen and Hancock, is equivalent to the ASTM
A514 grade. The through coupon tests measured mechanical properties of the BISALLOY 80
grade are presented in Table 5.1.
Figure 5.6: Specimen layout and weld detailing. Rasmussen and Hancock (1992).
The specimens were milled flat at the ends to allow a proper seating in the test rig. The
bottom plate was fixed to prevent rotation and the top plate was mounted on a spherical seat.
Furthermore the length of the specimens were chosen to allow unrestrained development of
local buckles and short enough to prevent overall instability phenomena (column buckling).
Local Buckling - Test Results
the box specimen and the mean values of the measured compressive stresses on the four plates
are presented for each specimen in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2: Measured residual stresses of box columns. The average compressive
residual stresses was estimated regarding each specimen
individually. Rasmussen and Hancock (1992).
Rassmusen and Hancock (1992)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 5.7: Test results from all the 6 specimens from Rasmussen and Hancock
(1992). The results were re-evaluated with respect to the Winter
function, eq. (2.24). Plate slenderness according to EN 1993-1-5.
The investigation of the high strength steel sections presented by Rasmussen and Hancock
rendered in the following conclusions regarding the box sectioned specimens:
• The strength of slender welded high strength steel plates exceeds that of welded
ordinary steel plates when compared on a non dimensional basis (compared to the
yield strength of each grade). The test results suggest that the difference in the non
dimensional strength may be greater for plates supported along one longitudinal
edge than for plates supported along both.
• More slender plates are more affected of the presence of the residual stresses than
stockier ones. This is due to the fact that the more stocky plates may be almost
completely plastified at the ultimate load level.
The specimens were of stub column type with a box shaped cross section, Figure 5.8, and the
height of the specimens was chosen to 3,5 times the specimen width. This to prevent column
buckling, avoid clampening effects from the end supports and to allow the specimen to buckle
in such a way that the lowest buckling load would be acquired. Furthermore, the specimens were
tested in as-welded condition.
Figure 5.8: Specimen layout and weld detailing. Möller and Johansson (1995).
Local Buckling - Test Results
Möller and Johansson (1995)
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 5.9: Test results from all the 6 specimens from Möller and Johansson
(1995). The results were re-evaluated with respect to the Winter
function. Plate slenderness according to EN 1993-1-5.
Furthermore, the re-evaluation (or use of test data) was made with respect to EN 1993-1-5
and the Winter function. This was done in order to be able to do a comparison between the
different experimental results. Even though this procedure was conducted, some differences
considering the results are still present. One obvious difference is that in some cases the yield
strength of the steel was measured in compression. Usually the compressive strength is slightly
higher compared to steel in tension. This influences not only the evaluation considering the
reduction factor, but also the plate slenderness. Emphasizing the definition of plate slenderness
according to EN 1993-1-5, described in eq. (2.27) and eq. (2.28), the yield strength of the
material in question is regarded. An increased yield strength implies a higher plate slenderness,
i.e. the plate will be considered more slender than it would be if the yield strength in tension
would be used. Furthermore a higher yield strength also implies a lower relative resistance.
Regarding the presented results some conclusions may be drawn when contemplating the
conducted work shown in the sections above.
• The effect of the presence of residual stresses is evidently decreasing the local
buckling resistance.
• Most of the stockier specimens seems to have a resistance surpassing the resistance
predicted by the Winter function, i.e. EN 1993-1-5.
• More slender specimens tend to have a lower resistance than predicted by the
Winter function, i.e. EN 1993-1-5.
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
Chapter 6:
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
The local buckling phenomenon has over the years been quite thoroughly investigated by
numerous of different researchers, e.g. see chapter 5. However, the field of local buckling
research concerning members made of steels with higher strength has yet not been fully
evaluated. This topic has been the focus of the experimental work presented herein and, in some
way, a step towards filling these gaps in knowledge and further enhance the possibility of using
high strength steel in constructional work of today.
6.1. Background
During the winter and spring of 2004 a local buckling test programme, comprising stub
column tests and uniaxial tests, were performed at the division of structural engineering, Luleå
university of technology, LTU. The tests were a part of the RFSC funded project “LiftHigh -
Efficient Lifting Equipment with Extra High Strength Steel” and with focus on the second
project work package: “Global and local buckling of hollow sections and welded boxes”.
With focus on this work package, 48 specimens with box cross section have been tested at
LTU, solely with respect to the local buckling phenomena. This was complemented with
uniaxial tension tests for the determination of the mechanical properties of the steel in question.
Furthermore, measurements of the residual stress state in the specimens (as-welded condition)
was conducted and presented in Clarin (2004).
The specimens were fabricated by SSAB Oxelösund and made of extra high strength steel,
as well as of a more commonly used steel grade. The specimens were designed to simulate four
individual plates under uniform compression and simply supported along their boundaries.
(hot rolled) and the two Weldox grades 700 (quenched and tempered) and 1100 (quenched),
both of plates with a nominal thickness of 4 mm.
In addition to the buckling tests, 18 coupon tension tests were conducted with the purpose of
determine the properties of the three different grades needed for further evaluation of the
buckling test data.
6.3.1. Specimens
The thicknesses of the plates used for the fabrication of the box specimens, hence also
concerning the coupons, were nominally 3 mm for the Domex grade and 4 mm concerning the
Figure 6.1: Plate with laser-cut coupons along and transverse the rolling
Prior to each tension test the coupon was measured to determine the geometry of the
specimen. The length of the coupons was 379 mm and the width 39 mm for the gripping part of
the coupon (the ends) and 24,9 mm (mean value for all 18 coupons) for the notched area in the
middle of the coupon specimen. Furthermore the plate thickness was determined to 3,05 mm for
the Domex plates, 4,09 mm for the Weldox 700 and 3,98 mm for the Weldox 1100 plates.
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
Figure 6.2: The coupon equipped with an extensometer in the test rig.
S420, Coupon D1
W700, Coupon W1
V,Tensile stress [MPa]
0 10 20 30 40
H, Strain [%]
Figure 6.3: Typical stress - strain relation for Domex 420, Weldox 700 and 1100.
All specimens oriented along the rolling direction.
Concerning the material behaviour of the Domex 420 and Weldox 700 it is evident that the
yield or 0,2% proof stress and ultimate resistance is higher when tested transverse to the rolling
direction. The Weldox 1100 seems to behave contradictive to the other two grades, with an
almost equal 0,2% proof stress and ultimate strength in the both directions, maybe with a
slightly higher strength along the rolling direction. This was also concluded by Gozzi (2004).
Table: 6.1: Results from the uniaxial tensile coupon tests.0o indicates rolling
direction along the loading direction and 90o transverse.
W9 - 1357 1489 *
W10 - 1326 1457 *
6.4.1. Specimens
The specimens were made of four identically designed plates, welded together along their
edges, see Figure 6.4 and Figure 6.5. The design of the specimens were conducted with the
purpose to allow the plates to act as simply supported along the longitudinal edges (edges in the
loading direction). Furthermore, the aim was to have these simply supported plates subjected to
an uniformly distributed compressive stresses. This was achieved through welding flat milled
rigid end plates to the top and bottom of the box section. These end plates were assumed to be
thick enough (thickness > 15 mm) to distribute the applied load evenly to the four plates of the
welded box specimen.
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
To prevent column buckling, the height of the specimens were limited to 3 times the plate
width. This would also minimize the influence of possible clamping effects (moment restraints)
from the end plates. Furthermore the rolling direction of the steel was varied between being
along and perpendicular to the loading axis of the specimen.
All specimen fabrication work, along with the production of the Weldox plates, were made
by SSAB Oxelösund. The Domex plates were fabricated by SSAB Tunnplåt in Borlänge. The
test ready box specimens were delivered to LTU along with plates of the three grades for
fabrication of the coupons needed for the uniaxial tests.
Figure 6.5: Specimens S30-0a (left) and W73-0a (right) after test.
The 48 specimens were divided into three sets, each comprising one of the steel grades
Domex 420, Weldox 700 or Weldox 1100. The nominal plate slenderness values, Op, were
chosen to 0,7, 0,85, 1,0 and 1,5 and the nominal thickness was 3 mm (Domex) and 4 mm
(Weldox). The width of the plates was calculated with respect to EN 1993-1-5 on basis of the
pre-defined plate slenderness.
The different slenderness “groups” comprised four specimens for each steel grade. Two of
these had the rolling direction oriented in the axial, or loading, direction of the specimen,
denoted 0o. The other two were designed with the rolling direction perpendicular to the loading
direction, marked 90o. The different specimens setup and geometries are shown in Appendix C.
All welds were of fillet type and had a nominal throat thickness (a) equal to the plate
thickness, i.e. 3 and 4 mm respectively. Gas metal arc welding was used for the welds and two
different electrodes were used with respect to the different steel grades, see Table 6.2 below for
electrode properties.
However, the heat input of 0,33 kJ / mm, welding speed 340 mm / min., current 155 A and
the voltage 15,3 V were all the same for all specimens. Mison 25 (77% Ar and 23% CO2) was
used as protective gas for all the welds.
The deformation speed was kept until the load response had decreased with 10% of the
ultimate load. At this point the deformation speed was doubled and the test was run until the
load had decreased to approximately 70% of the ultimate load.
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
Figure 6.6: A box specimen placed in the INSTRON I450, 4,5 MN test rig.
6.4.3. Measurements
During testing data was sampled over six channels. The load was measured with a load cell
from DARTEC with a measuring range up to 2 MN. The deformation in the loading direction
was measured with four 11 mm LVDT's in four points located at the corners of one of the end
plates of the specimens, e.g. see Figure 6.7. Four LVDT’s were used to be able to calculate the
mean axial deformation of the end plate which in further evaluations was used as the mean axial
plate deformation. The out of plane plate deflection, or buckle growth, was also measured. This
was done with a 25 mm LVDT at the mid point of one side of the specimen, see Figure 6.7.
During all the tests the sample rate of data was 2 Hz and a 600 Hz Spider 8 from HBM was
used for interpreting the signals from the gauges to PC environment. For information
concerning the specifications of the equipment used for acquiring data, see Appendix C.5.
Figure 6.7: The test setup with all the LVDT’s and the load cell. The specimen
was deformed from the lower side and the load measured by the load
cell on the upper side (left). To the right the out of plane deflection
LDVT is pictured as well as some of the axial deformation LVDT’s.
Prior to test start the specimens position in the rig was measured to ensure that the loading
axis was in the centre of the specimens, hence the risk of introducing forces due to eccentricity
of the specimen was minimized. As an extra precaution to unwanted influences, a small hole
was drilled through one of the end plates of the specimens. This was to ensure that the air
pressure inside the closed specimen was equal to the surrounding air at all times during the
deformation of the specimen. Furthermore, possible pressure differences due to the welding
(heated air) was also avoided through this procedure.
Additional measurements concerning the geometry of the specimens were also conducted.
The plate dimensions were measured prior to the buckling tests and are enclosed in Appendix
C.2. The plate width was measured on three positions on all four plates in every specimen. In
addition to this, the plate height was measured on one position on all four sides. All dimensions
were measured between the weld edges, i.e the effective width and height of the simply
supported plates.
6.4.4. Results
The test data essential to the aim of this investigation was the ultimate load registered
concerning respective specimen. The typical load - mean deformation behaviour for the
specimens made of the three different grades is presented in Figure 6.8. All of the load - mean
axial deformation curves are shown in Appendix C.3.
F, Axial Load [kN]
400 S40-0a
0 2 4 6 8 10
G, Mean axial deformation [mm]
Figure 6.8: Typical load - mean axial deformation behaviour for the box
specimens made of the three different steel grades.
The cross section area for the stress comparison was calculated from the data presented in
Table C.1. The weld area was added to the plate section area. The weld areas were set to 19 mm2
for the Domex specimens, 34 mm2 for the Weldox 700 specimens and 32 mm2 for the Weldox
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
1100 specimens. All weld areas were theoretically determined with respect to their individual
measured plate thicknesses. The mean 0,2% proof stress, Rp0.2, was calculated from the tension
coupon test results presented in Table 6.1.
Three specimens, one from each grade, were removed from the buckling test programme.
These specimens, S20-0b, W72-0b and W112-0b, were put aside to be used for the
measurement of longitudinal residual stresses, presented in Clarin (2004). Furthermore SSAB
Oxelösund delivered some extra specimens of the stubbier type with a nominal plate
slenderness of 0,7. These specimens were made of the two Weldox grades and the results are
presented with the other results from the ordinary specimens.
Figure 6.9: Specimen W74-0a with deformed end plate (left) and specimen W111-
0b with ruptured weld in upper left corner (right).
Unfortunately, the results from the specimen W74-0a had to be removed from the evaluation
because of some problems regarding end plate deformation, Figure 6.9 (left). The specimen
never reached its ultimate load due to the plastic deformation of one of the end plates. In
addition to this, problems concerning specimen W111-0b occurred. This specimen reached its
ultimate load, but shortly thereafter one of the corner welds failed (see Figure 6.9 (right)) and
the load dropped very fast. However, the load - deformation curve shows a somewhat different
behaviour and are shown Appendix C, but since the ultimate load were reached without
problems, the results from this specimen was evaluated and presented among the other results.
In Figure 6.10 and Figure 6.11 the results are plotted in comparison to the Winter function, i.e.
eq. (2.24).
Domex 420
Weldox 700
Weldox 1100
1 EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Slenderness, OP
Figure 6.10: The evaluated results from the 48 specimens along with the Winter
function. Plate slenderness calculated according to EN 1993-1-5.
Domex 420
Weldox 700
1.5 Weldox 1100
EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / FR
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Slenderness, OP
Figure 6.11: The experimental results, Fexp,with respect to the predicted
resistance, FR, according to EN 1993-1-5, i.e. the Winter function.
The plate slenderness calculated according to EN 1993-1-5.
Regarding the evaluated test data some things are important to be pointed out. Firstly, the
scatter between the results for each group of tests is small for the more slender specimens. Some
differences can be noticed for the slender specimens, especially concerning the slenderness
value of the plates. The origin of these differences is mostly dependent of the different strength
Local Buckling - Experimental Work
of the steel, due to the differences in the rolling direction. Though, these differences seem to be
less pronounced with increasing steel strength. Furthermore, the scatter between each test tend
to be larger for the specimens with Op< 0,9.
When comparing the test results with the Winter function (i.e. EN 1993-1-5) the more stocky
plates, Op < 0,9, seems to be spread around with the reduction function, see Figure 6.11. The
resistance may even be somewhat higher than predicted through the Winter function.
Considering these more stocky specimens, the ones of the “lower” strength steel seems to have
a higher resistance than the high strength steel specimens which is positioned closer or on the
Winter function in Figure 6.11. However, this may have its origin in the difference in
mechanical behaviour and how the material properties are regarded as discussed above.
Regarding the other range of specimens, Op > 0,9, the opposite has to be concluded. The
Winter function seems to overestimate the resistance concerning more slender plates. This
completely independent of steel grade. However, if Figure 6.11 is considered along with the
Figure 6.10, the specimens of high strength steel seems to coincide better with the Winter
Considering all of the evaluated and presented test results the following may be concluded:
• The Winter function tends to describe the mean value of the resistance of stockier
specimens. In this case plates with Op < 0,9.
• The Winter function overestimates the resistance of more slender plates. In this
case plates with Op > 0,9.
• Plates made of high strength steel may be treated in the same way as “ordinary”
grades with respect to the local buckling resistance.
• With respect to the Winter function, no difference between the specimens with
different rolling direction could be concluded.
Considering the evaluation of the test results, one obvious difference, regarding the
mechanical properties of the steel, in the evaluation procedure has to be mentioned. The slight
difference between the specimens of the Domex and Weldox specimens concerns the used
material properties, i.e. yield strength for Domex and 0,2% proof stress concerning Weldox
specimens. This different approach is dependent of the lack of well defined yield plateau
considering the Weldox grade, still the hardening properties of these grades influences the
evaluation. This in the way that the difference between the ultimate strength and the stress
defined as fy is larger for the steels with lower strength, i.e. a well defined yield limit. This leads
to that the calculated critical stress level considering the Weldox specimens will be in an
unfavourable position since the stress level defined as yield stress is closer to ultimate strength
of the steel. In the evaluation of the experimental work, this leads to a lower reduction factor,
hence a lower position if plotted with the Winter function as a reference.
When considering the actual experimental work some things are important to state. First, the
measurement of the buckling growth has not been implemented nor evaluated in this thesis. This
data was herein excluded due to the fact that this test data was considered to give no further
valuable information or possibilities to conclude with respect to the aim of this thesis.
Furthermore, the measured initial geometric plate imperfections were neither implemented
Local Buckling - Design Proposal
Chapter 7:
Local Buckling - Design Proposal
7.1. Background
The results from the experimental investigation regarding local buckling of the box-
sectioned specimens presented in previous chapter 6, the Winter function seems to be a
somewhat inappropriate choice when calculating the ultimate resistance to uniformly
distributed compressive stresses for plates heavy welded or with large welds compared to the
dimensions of the considered plate. Emphasizing that the Winter function was based on tests of
cold-formed specimens, the actual residual stress magnitude and distribution of a plate with
large welds may not be a plate represented by the Winter function. When cold-forming profiles,
one do not only produce the wanted profile without welding, but also changes the material
properties as well as inducing residual stresses. Introducing these changes the material
behaviour, may lead to an incompatibility issue when compared directly with welded plates.
Even though the boundary conditions of the respective plates are the same, i.e. simply supported
around all edges in this case, the differences on a deeper level may leave the researcher
astonished when comparing their test results with the Winter function. The cause of this may be
the different residual stress state between welded plates and cold-formed. Furthermore, cold-
forming induces plastic strains into the material. Experimental work has shown that cold-
formed profiles have significantly higher proof stresses and ultimate strength levels in the area
of forming, i.e. corners of a box section, Gardner (2002) and Talja (2002). These increases in
the material resistance of course affects the over-all behaviour of such a specimen.
Veljkovic and Johansson (2001) comprises FE studies of plates with and without residual
stresses and concluded that the Winter function is more suitable to use for plates without
significant residual stresses or stress relieved. This is not the case concerning plates in as-
welded condition. Similar conclusions were also drawn by Rusch and Lindner (2001).
When considering Figure 7.1, comprising the collected data from the literature (see chapter
5) and the experimental results presented in chapter 6, the outcome seem to coincide, or at least
describe the mean value of the results discussed above. Regarding plates of different steel
grades, it seems like the Winter function may be a more suitable function to use when the plate
slenderness is lower. Regarding more slender plates, Op> 0,9, the Winter function overestimate
the resistance concerning all the plates in the herein used data base.
Domex 420
Weldox 700
Weldox 1100
Tests from literature
Mean function, (eq. 5.1)
1 EN 1993-1-5
Fexp / Fy
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Slenderness, OP
Figure 7.1: The evaluated test data from 48 box specimens along with data
acquired from relevant literature resulting in a total of 85 specimens
tested with respect to local buckling.
Nevertheless, the results presented in this thesis shows that steel with higher strength may be
treated in the same way as “ordinary” steel grades. The high strength steel may even coincide a
bit better with the Winter function than steels with lower strength (fy < 460 MPa), see chapter 6.
Local Buckling - Design Proposal
F P = ------------------------------------- d 1 ,0 (7.1)
MP + MP – OP
M P = --- 1 + 0 ,5 O P – 0 ,6 + O P (7.2)
Compared to the Winter function (Figure 7.1) and the experiments from literature and
presented herein the proposed reduction function according to eq. (7.1) and eq. (7.2) seems to
better predict the ultimate resistance of plates with larger welds, Figure 7.2. However, the more
stocky specimens of the 13 tests by Dwight and Moxham (1969) seems to present ultimate loads
surprisingly low regarding the specimens used, see Figure 5.4. The reason for this is difficult to
herein explain or debate.
Domex 420
Weldox 700
Weldox 1100
Tests from literature
Fexp / Fy
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2
Slenderness, OP
Figure 7.2: The experimental ultimate load Fexp in relation to the yield load, Fy,
as a function of the plate slenderness Op put in comparison to the
proposed reduction function, eq. (7.1).
However, comparing the proposed reduction function in Figure 7.2 with the Winter function
used in EN 1993-1-5 shown in Figure 7.1 it is clear that predicting the ultimate plate buckling
load according to the proposal is more accurate. This only regarding plates with larger welds
and not stress relieved in any way, i.e. as-welded condition. Further, the proposed reduction
function is evidently proper to use regardless of steel strength or at least within the interval of
the data from literature and experiments, i.e. from a yield stress, fy, of approximately 258 MPa
to Rp0.2 of around to 1350 MPa.
Regarding the design resistance, FR, this is determined in the same manners as in EN 1993-
1-5, i.e. according to eq. (7.3).
F Rd = F P F y e J M1 (7.3)
As the last step in the validation work of the proposed model, a partial safety factor was
calculated in accordance to the recommendations of Annex D in EN 1990 (2002). The method
of the statistical evaluation is shown in the patch loading oriented Appendix B, and the results
of the local buckling results of how the partial safety factor, JM1 = 1,07 is shown in Appendix
C. Even though, this safety factor is higher than the 1,0 recommended in EN 1993-1-5, the
herein presented material shows that the proposed reduction function is much more appropriate
to use regarding plates with large welds.
Furthermore, it was shown that steel with a higher strength have the same resistance with
respect to local buckling when compared to more commonly used structural steel. Moreover,
the high strength steels may even be better to use regarding local buckling related issues as
shown in Figure 7.3 when compared to steels with a lower strength.
The experiments used for this evaluation was partly found in the literature (37 tests) and
partly (48 tests) made within the scope of this thesis. Different authors have presented a large
quantity of tests results, from the 1960’ies until today. As discussed previously herein, using test
data from many different laboratories may induce some uncertainties with respect to what is
presented in the actual published report, how quantities are measured, deformation rates etc.
The evaluation of the local buckling resistance was made on measured values, e.g. the yield
strength measured by the authors. Though, was the yield strength measured in the same manners
in 1968 than it was in 2004 with respect to the recommendations in EN 10002-1 (2001)? Was
the welding techniques comparable with the fashions of which plates are welded today, e.g.
filler material, energy input etc.? Since the yield strength is a dominant factor when predicting
the ultimate plate buckling resistance of a plate, this also makes the evaluation of the tests results
inherit the same uncertainties. With this in mind an additional statistical evaluation was
conducted, comprising only contemporary results which in this case meaning results from the
1990’ies and forward. With this manoeuvre, the data base comprised 60 individual specimens
for which the partial safety factor was determined with respect to the proposed reduction
function. The key values of this evaluation are displayed in Appendix C, though the corrected
partial safety factor was calculated to 1,03.
Local Buckling - Design Proposal
Tests made at LTU
Tests from the literature
Fexp / FR
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
fy [MPa]
Figure 7.3: The experimental results from the tests made at LTU and gathered
from the literature, Fexp, in relation to the predicted resistance of the
proposal, FR, as a function of the yield strength of the steel in the
specimens. A total of 85 specimens are shown.
Regarding the definition of how large the weld have to be in relation to the plate dimensions
to be stated as “large” have not been studied herein. Though, the swedish design code
Handboken Bygg (1994) recommends two different reduction functions for welded plates. For
plates with welds > 0,5t a larger reduction is made than for plates with welds smaller than that.
However, the other dimensions of the plate are probably not unimportant, i.e. if the weld is
positioned along the edge of a wide plate the negative influence of the buckling resistance in the
middle of the plate would be small. Nevertheless, the herein proposed reduction function was
within this chapter shown to be more suitable to use regarding plates with welds when compared
to the Winter function.
Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 8:
Discussion and Conclusions
The mechanical model of Lagerqvist was also used and evaluated in Graciano (2002) to be
compatible concerning stiffened webs. The work presented in Graciano was also introduced in
the EN 1993-1-5 and design rules for webs stiffened with one longitudinal stiffener. However,
the EN 1993-1-5 only regards the elastic critical buckling load for the stiffened web as a whole
which is contradictive to the observations of some experimental work presented. Furthermore,
numerical work presented in Davaine and Aribert (2005) showed that the rules of EN 1993-1-5
predicted the patch loading resistance heavily conservative regarding simulations with a higher
b1 / hw ratio. Thus the authors introduced a critical buckling load estimation concerning the
upper (directly loaded) panel alone. The buckling load for the web was then proposed to be
estimated using an interaction formulation of the EN 1993-1-5 critical load for the whole web
and the critical load for the upper panel.
The herein proposed resistance model is consistent with the proposal for unstiffened girder
webs of Gozzi (2007) with respect to reduction function and mechanical model describing the
failure behaviour of a girder subjected to patch loading. Furthermore, the elastic critical load
was herein proposed to be estimated as the lowest buckling load comparing the EN 1993-1-5
(the whole panel) and the upper panel. This was a subjective choice by the author of this thesis
since the idea of two buckling modes interacting seems somewhat contradictive or inappropriate
to use with the von Kármán concept of determining the slenderness of a plate. The concept
proposed herein which instead uses the minimum value of two possible buckling modes is
probably more uncomplicated and obvious to a user (e.g. structural designer), moreover
consistent with respect to design rules concerning other phenomena.
Another not too obvious ingredient in the EN 1993-1-5 is, according to the author, the use of
the H- parameter, i.e. 235 e f y > MPa @ . This parameter was, to the best of the authors
knowledge, introduced as a modifier to uncertainties regarding the behaviour of steel with
fy > 235 MPa. However, the herein presented experimental work regarding local buckling
shows that the parameter may not be adequate. Moreover, regarding patch loading resistance
the use of the parameter to determine the contributory part of the web to the longitudinal
stiffener is debatable. The rule implies that if two geometrically identical girders, though one
being made of a steel with higher yield strength of the web compared to the other, will have
different second moment of area for the stiffener, Ist, when designed according to the EN 1993-
Considering the experimental data gathered from the literature, some of the specimens were
tested two times. First patch loading on one flange until failure, then turning the girder and
performing a second test applying patch loading on the un-damaged flange. Inspecting the
results from these tests, it is evident that the second test is influenced by the first since in most
cases the ultimate patch loading resistance is lower the second time. Nevertheless, considering
these sequel experiments on the same basis as other tests only loaded one time, the choice of
doing this should be safe since the resistance should be higher than the experimental results
Discussion and Conclusions
Previous conducted and presented research work have shown that by cold-forming a
structural profile, not only the residual stress distributions and magnitudes differs when
compared to a welded specimen, but the material properties may also be significantly different.
Gardner (2002) and Talja (2002) both shows that parts of the cold-formed profiles have a higher
proof strength if compared to welded specimens. Regarding the residual stresses present in a
cold-formed profile compared to a similar welded profile, the compressive stresses in the webs
of the cold-formed profile are commonly lower than in the welded ditto, Ingvarsson (1977).
Since the compressive residual stresses decreases the ultimate load resistance, a plate with
welds along its edges will in all likelihood have a lower local buckling resistance than compared
to the same plate in a cold-formed profile.
As shown in chapter 5 and chapter 6 the Winter function is evidently not appropriate to use
considering plates with larger welds. In this case large welds in the meaning that the welding
procedure governs compressive residual stresses of such an extent that these surpass the actual
initial stress state in the cold-formed profiles used deriving the Winter function. The
applicability of the Winter function has been questioned, not only herein, but supporting FE
studies may be found in Veljkovic and Johansson (2001). This article presents numerical
simulations of plates with and without residual stresses and concludes that the Winter function
is more suitable to use regarding plates without any significant residual stresses, e.g. cold-
formed or stress relieved plates. Furthermore, Rasmussen and Hancock (1992) also concludes
that the Winter function overestimates the resistance of welded plates and the mean curve for
as-welded plates of Fukumoto and Itoh (1984) further proves the statement. The swedish design
code BSK 99 (2003) uses a distinctive limit of what should be treated as a plate with “large”
welds or not. The throat thickness of the weld, a, is compared to the plate thickness and if
a > 0,5t the effective width of the plate is estimated to be smaller in comparison to the contrary.
Similar approaches may be found in other design regulations, e.g. the Australian Standard AS
4100 (1990) which uses two curves (LW - Light welded and HW - Heavily welded). Though,
since also the other plate dimensions influences the magnitude and distribution of weld induced
residual stresses, a curve decision solely based on the weld thickness in comparison to the plate
thickness may be a bit subjective.
When it comes to the data base of the square hollow sections, both from the literature and
conducted tests, it was shown that disregarding tests made before the 1990’ies (25 specimens)
improved the performance of the proposed reduction function in comparison to the test results.
Gathering tests results from the literature often brings uncertainties regarding the specimen data
and results of the experiments, e.g. “how was it measured, what techniques were used?”.
Furthermore, the results from the tests of some of the more stocky tests were surprisingly low
which may be a result of differences between how the experiments were performed at the
different laboratories and maybe also differences in followed experimental guides, norms and /
or regulations used. An example may be how the yield strength is measured. It is well known
that the out-come of tension tests, usually yield and ultimate strength, of steel coupons are
strongly dependent of the deformation/strain rate. Hence, questions rise whether determining
the mechanical properties was made in the same manners regarding tests made in the 60’ies as
tests during the 90’ies? Further, since the prediction of the ultimate buckling load is strongly
dependent of the yield strength of the considered plate, an answer to the low resistance may
possibly be found here.
Regarding the experiments conducted on specimens made of high strength steel, it was
shown that square hollow sections made of steels with higher strength may have a higher
resistance to local buckling when compared to specimens fabricated of more commonly used
structural steels. However, the fact that the magnitude and distribution of the compressive
residual stresses strongly influences the ultimate buckling resistance is well known. Though,
this higher resistance of the high strength steel specimens may be a result of lower residual
stresses in relation to the strength of the steel. In Clarin (2004) the residual stresses was
measured and compared regarding the specimens used for the local buckling tests presented
herein. When the three different steel grades were compared, it seemed like the magnitude of
the residual stresses was the same for all the specimens. However in relation to the yield strength
or proof stress the ratio was lower for the high strength steels. This could be an explanation of
why the high strength steel specimens have a better resistance to local buckling. Though, it is
important to remember that the yield strength of the filler material in the weld is influencing the
magnitude of the residual stresses. According to the knowledge of the author, there are no
matching filler material regarding high strength steels as of today. Hence, the high strength steel
specimens were welded with an undermatching weld which possibly led to unconventionally
low residual stresses when compared to the common steel grade specimens.
8.3. Conclusions
Within this thesis, the following conclusions are drawn from the presented work regarding
patch loading resistance of longitudinally stiffened webs and local buckling resistance of simply
supported plates.
• The experimental work comprising 48 stub columns with a square hollow section
made of three different steel grades was concluded to have been conducted with
success. The scatter within the different test groups were small and the tests results
overall comparable with results found in the literature.
• Based on experimental results, plates made of high strength steel was concluded to
perform slightly better than common structural steel plates, compared with sole
respect to the local buckling resistance. Thus, it was concluded that no further
special attention has to be paid when using high strength steel in buckling related
Discussion and Conclusions
• The proposed reduction function regarding the effective plate width was, by
comparison to 85 individual tests, concluded to be more suitable to use for heavily
welded plates than the Winter function used in EN 1993-1-5.
• When compared to EN 1993-1-5 the proposed patch loading resistance model was
shown to reduce the scatter and improve the prediction accuracy. Furthermore, the
proposal was concluded to safely predict the resistance of webs stiffened with a
stiffener with open as well as a closed cross-section.
• The proposed patch loading resistance approach, consistent with the model for
unstiffened girders of Gozzi (2007), was statistically evaluated with respect to
Annex D of EN 1990 (2002). In comparison to 160 experiments and 366 numerical
simulations the partial safety factor JM1 = 1,0 is proposed.
The performance of proposed reduction function simply supported welded plates still needs
to be investigated with respect to its other applications, e.g. effective cross-section calculations
of girders subjected to bending moments. Furthermore, the ultimate resistance with respect to
local buckling is strongly influenced of the present residual stress state in the plate. Thus, it
would be of interest to investigate if plates of high strength steel, heavily welded with matching
filler material, would be in line with the conclusions herein; that plates made of high strength
steel seems to resist buckling better than common structural steel grades.
Regarding the ultimate patch loading resistance for webs stiffened with a closed stiffener, the
data found in the literature was limited. Furthermore, most of the evaluated tests seemed to be
predicted conservatively with respect to the proposed model. Questions rose wether the
estimation of the elastic critical load for such a girder could be predicted too low. A higher
critical load would lower the slenderness value of the web, hence also a lower reduction due to
buckling. An improved estimation of the critical buckling load regarding such stiffened webs
would be interesting to perform, by means of numerical simulations and / or experiments.
Further, the herein proposed design procedure was only validated with respect to one
longitudinal stiffener. To widen the applicability further, this could also be verified through
comparison to webs with additional stiffeners. The most straightforward approach of this would
according to the author be by further investigate the critical load for such girders.
As no conclusions could be drawn regarding the possible patch loading / bending moment
interaction, this would be possible to study further. The limited amount of experimental work
studying this creates a void to fill. Furthermore, numerical simulations regarding the issue have
been conducted, e.g. Graciano and Casanova (2004), nevertheless not, to the best knowledge of
the author, presented in such a way that these could be further evaluated by other researchers.
Hence, more experiments regarding the possible interaction would be beneficial for the steel
researchers around the world.
This thesis was focused only on patch loading and not opposite or end patch loading. Hence
the herein proposed resistance approach still needs to be validated with respect to these two load
Chapter 9:
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APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Patch Loading - Specimen Data
In this appendix some specimen data of the herein used tested girders is presented.
Geometries, some mechanical properties and some of the evaluated results is showed in
tables comprising the specimens by author / authors.
In Appendix A.1 some of the data for the specimens used herein is presented. This
Appendix comprises all specimens reinforced with an open stiffener which counts 140
individual plated girders of which 136 has been used in the evaluation.
Appendix A.2 contains the specimen data for the plated girders equipped with a
closed section stiffener of V- or TRP-shape. The tables in this Appendix contains 24
individual plated girders and a schematic figure presenting the stiffener cross-section.
Some of the important data of the numerical simulations used herein is presented in
Appendix A.3. A total of 366 individual simulated plate girders with an open sectioned
longitudinal stiffener are presented in the tables.
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Table A.1: 45 of the specimens with an open stiffener presented in Janus et. al
Table A.2: Two tests on girders with an open stiffener from Rockey et. al (1978).
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Table A.4: The two specimens with an open stiffeners from Dogaki et. al (1990).
Table A.5: Two specimens with open stiffeners from Galea et. al (1987).
Table A.6: One specimen from Shimizu et. al (1987). The specimen was
excluded in the evaluation as mentioned in section 4.5.
Table A.7: Six specimens with open stiffeners from Bergfelt (1983).
Table A.8: 12 of the specimens with open stiffeners from Dubas and Tschamper
Table A.9: The three specimens with open stiffeners from Walbridge and Lebet
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Table A.11: Six plated girders from Carretero and Lebet (1998). The
layout of the stiffeners are according to the adjacent figure.
Table A.12: Four specimens presented in Kuhlmann and Seitz (2002).
The stiffener layout are according to the adjacent figure.
Table A.13: Two specimens from Walbridge and Lebet (2001). The
stiffener layout are according to the adjacent figure.
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Table A.15: 63 of the numerical simulations presented in Davaine (2005).
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Table A.17: 13 of the numerical simulations presented in Davaine (2005).
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
Table A.19: 62 of the numerical simulations presented in Davaine (2005).
APPENDIX A: Patch Loading - Specimen Data
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
Appendix B.2 contains a statistical evaluation of the herein proposed design model.
The method for calculating the partial safety factor JM1 by the recommendations of EN
1990 (2002) is presented along with the results of the corresponding evaluation with
respect to the experimental data base of 160 tests (136 + 24) and the 366 numerical
B.1 Evaluation of design models
Within this section the influence of various parameters on the ultimate patch loading
resistance are shown. The section is divided into three sub-sections containing
supplementary information regarding the design proposals of this thesis, the thesis
Graciano (2002) and Davaine (2005) respectively. Some additional statistical
evaluations are also enclosed in table format. The notation FR in each section refers to
the predicted ultimate patch loading resistance for the model respectively. Further,
special findings made with aid of these additional graphs have been presented in chapter
4 and / or chapter 8. The tests used are the same 136 with open stiffeners, the 24 with
closed stiffeners and the 366 numerical simulations as used in the evaluation presented
in chapter 4.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b 1/ h w
Figure B.1: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / hw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
0 2 4 6 8
tw [mm]
Figure B.2: Fexp / FR as function of the web thickness, tw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
fyf / fyw
Figure B.3: Fexp / FR as function of the yield stress ratio fyf / fyw. The 136 tests
with open stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
Tests from literature (OS)
3 Tests from literature (CS)
Fexp / FR Proposal
0 1 2 3
ss / b1
Figure B.4: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio ss / b1. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
ss / a
Figure B.5: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio ss / a. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
ss / hw
Figure B.6: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio ss / hw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
hw / a
Figure B.7: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio ss / a. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
Tests from literature (OS)
3 Tests from literature (CS)
Fexp / FR Proposal
0 5 10 15 20 25
bf / tf
Figure B.8: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio bf / tf. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
0 2 4 6 8 10
tf / tw
Figure B.9: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio tf / tw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
0 100 200 300 400 500
hw / tw
Figure B.10: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio hw / tw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
0 40 80 120 160
b1 / tw
Figure B.11: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / tw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
Numerical simulations
3 Proposal
Fexp / FR
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b1/ hw
Figure B.12: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / hw. The 366 numerical
simulations with open stiffeners.
Numerical simulations
Fexp / FR
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b 1/ a
Figure B.13: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / a. The 366 numerical
simulations with open stiffeners.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
Table B.1: Statistical comparison between the proposal of Graciano (2002) and
the herein proposed design approach with respect to the ratio Fexp /
FR. Tests with closed section stiffeners (CS) and the numerical
simulations (FEA).
Tests from literature (OS)
3 Tests from literature (CS)
Fexp / FR Graciano (2002)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b1/ hw
Figure B.14: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / hw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b 1/ a
Figure B.15: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / a. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
Numerical simulations
3 Graciano (2002)
Fexp / FR
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b1/ hw
Figure B.16: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / hw. The 366 numerical
simulations with open stiffeners.
Numerical simulations
3 Graciano (2002)
Fexp / FR
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b 1/ a
Figure B.17: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / a. The 366 numerical
simulations with open stiffeners.
stiffeners and the 366 numerical simulations. The proposed approach of Davaine (2005)
is compared to the approach presented in section 4.4.
Table B.2: Statistical comparison between the proposal of Davaine (2005) and
the herein proposed design approach with respect to the ratio Fexp /
FR. Tests with closed section stiffeners (CS) and the numerical
simulations (FEA).
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b1/ hw
Figure B.18: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / hw. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b 1/ a
Figure B.19: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / a. The 136 tests with open
stiffeners and the 24 with closed section stiffener.
Numerical simulations
3 Davaine (2005)
Fexp / FR
0 0.2 0.4 0.6
b1/ hw
Figure B.20: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / hw. The 366 numerical
simulations with open stiffeners.
Numerical simulations
3 Davaine (2005)
Fexp / FR
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
b 1/ a
Figure B.21: Fexp / FR as function of the ratio b1 / a. The 366 numerical
simulations with open stiffeners.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
r t = g rt X (B.1)
in which grt symbolizes the equations in the proposed approach for predicting the
ultimate patch loading resistance and the stochastic variables are denoted with X.
Further, the probabilistic model of the resistance is put according to
r = b rt G (B.2)
in which G is an error term for each individual experimental value (divergence between
the experimental and predicted values), and b is a correction factor estimated by the
“Least Square”-best fit to the experimental values, i.e.
b =
¦ r re
¦r t
A mean value of the proposed resistance function is calculated using the mean values
of the basic variables, Xm, according to
r m = b r t X m G = b g rt X m G (B.4)
Determine the coefficient of variation of the error term is the following step to take.
This is done using the error term for each individual experimental value, Gi, calculated
according to
G i = ------------ (B.5)
b r ti
An estimated value for the coefficient of variation of the error should then be
determined according to the following four equations, eq. (B.6) - eq. (B.9).
'i = ln G i (B.6)
' = ---
n ¦' i (B.7)
2 1 2
s ' = ------------
n–1 ¦ ' –' i (B.8)
and finally the coefficient of the variation of the error terms according to
VG = e s' – 1 (B.9)
The herein proposed resistance function is on the form, by EN 1990 (2002) called,
“more complex” according to
r = b r t G = b g rt X 1 } X j G (B.10)
2 VAR > g rt X m @ 1 § w--------
g rt · 2
V rt = ----------------------------------
g rt X m
- # ------------------
g rt X m
¦ © wX i i¹
-V (B.11)
The attentive reader here grasps the complexity of the partial derivative according to
eq. (B.11) and the resistance model. However, in Müller (2003) a conservative value of
Vrt = 0,08 has been used concerning similar issues. The coefficient of variation denoted Vrt
regards the variations in the geometry and the yield resistance. By using this the coefficient of
variation for the probabilistic model may be calculated according to
2 2
Vr = V G + V rt (B.12)
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
Furthermore, since the population of tests comprises more than 100 individual
experiments the characteristic resistance is calculated according to
– k f Q – 0 ,5 Q
r k = b g rt X m e (B.13)
in which
Q = V ln r = ln V r + 1 (B.14)
The characteristic fractile factor, kn, for a population comprising a large number of
experimental values, i.e. n o f , the fractile factor k f in eq. (B.13) is set to 1,64. To
acquire the design resistance basically the same equation as eq. (B.13) is used, however
with a different fractile factor.
– k d f Q – 0 ,5 Q
r d = b g rt X m e (B.15)
The design fractile factor, k d n , for a population comprising a large number of tests,
n o f is denoted k d f and set to 3,04. Then the partial factor for the resistance, JM, may
be determined according to
– k f Q – 0 ,5 Q
rk e
JM = ---- = ----------------------------------------2- (B.16)
rd – k d f Q – 0 ,5 Q
J M = ----n = k c J M (B.17)
in where the resistance using the nominal values of the basic variables is denoted rn and
the error term for this case, kc, taking into account that fy is a minimum value and not an
average, is determined as
– 2 V f – 0 ,5 V f
y y
1 e
k c = --- --------------------------------------
- (B.18)
b – k Q – 0 ,5 Q
e f
chosen to be evaluated as one population tests. Hence the whole population evaluated
comprises a total of 160 individual tests, i.e. all of the tests evaluated in section 4.5. The
coefficient of variation regarding the yield resistance Vfy was set to 0,07 and the lumped
coefficient of variation of the geometry and the yield resistance, Vrt was as previously
mentioned set to 0,08. Furthermore the variables was assumed to be log-normal
distributed. The 160 test results as a function of the proposed prediction model is showed
in Figure B.22.
According to eq. (B.3) the mean value of the correction factor, b, was determined and
the coefficient of variation regarding the error term, VG, was determined using eq. (B.5)
- eq. (B.9).
b = 1,498
VG = 0,171
With use of the in section B.2.1 discussed coefficient of variation considering the
resistance function, Vrt, the coefficient of variation of the probabilistic model is calculated
according to eq. (B.12), i.e.
2 2 2 2
Vr = V G + V rt = 0 ,171 + 0 ,08 = 0 ,189
re [kN]
0 400 800 1200
rt [kN]
Figure B.22: The 160 tests results denoted re as a function of the predicted
resistance, rt, according to the proposed design model.
APPENDIX B: Patch Loading - Further Evaluation
2 2
Q = V ln r = ln V r + 1 = ln 0 ,189 + 1 = 0 ,187
which is used for the next step, calculating the partial factor for the resistance according
to eq. (B.16) with the values of k f and k d f used.
2 2
– k f Q – 0 ,5 Q – 1 ,64 0 ,187 – 0 ,5 0 ,187
rk e e
JM = ---- = ----------------------------------------2- = -------------------------------------------------------2- = 1 ,299
rd – k d f Q – 0 ,5 Q – 3 ,04 0 ,187 – 0 ,5 0 ,187
e e
In order to calculate the corrected partial factor, kc needs to be determined using eq.
(B.18) according to
– 2 V f – 0 ,5 V f – 2 0 ,07 – 0 ,5 0 ,07
y y
1 e 1 e
k c = --- --------------------------------------
- = ------------- -------------------------------------------------------2- = 0 ,801
b – k f Q – 0 ,5 Q 1 , 498 – 1 ,64 0 ,187 – 0 ,5 0 ,187
e e
When this is determined the corrected partial factor of the resistance may be
determined according to eq. (B.17)
J M = ----n = k c J M = 1 ,299 0 ,801 = 1 ,040
Hence, based on the evaluated tests, comprising 160 specimens with open and closed
longitudinal stiffeners, the partial safety factor to be used for determining the design
resistance according to the resistance model presented in section 4.4 is proposed to be
approximated to 1,0.
b = 1,395
VG = 0,142
Vr = 0,163
The parameter Q is the calculated to
Q = 0 ,162
re [kN]
Numerical simulations
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
rt [kN]
Figure B.23: The 366 simulation tests results denoted re as a function of the
predicted resistance, rt, according to the proposed design model.
J M = 1 ,254
k c = 0 ,821
The partial safety factor based on the numerical simulations was determined to 1,030.
The population comprises a larger number of individual tests and is a more
heterogeneously composed group why the safety factor for these simulations are lower
than compared to the experiments. However, this partial safety factor is approximated to
1,0, i.e. in line with the proposed factor regarding the experiments.
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
In Appendix C.1 the stress - strain curves from the tensile coupon tests described in
chapter 6 are enclosed. This in the form of 6 figures containing the results from three
coupon tests each.
Appendix C.2 contains the measured dimensions of the 48 box specimens used for
the local buckling tests. Furthermore, for each specimen, the calculated plate slenderness
according to EN 1993-1-5 is provided.
All of the load - mean axial deformation graphs are enclosed in Appendix C.3. This
in the form of 14 figures describing the behaviour of all the 48 specimens tested.
In Appendix C.4 the evaluated test results from the local buckling tests are enclosed.
Furthermore, the cross section areas with included weld areas are shown along with
measured ultimate loads and evaluated ultimate stress levels.
The Appendix C.5 displays the measurement equipment used in the experimental
work. All of the gauges and other equipment are described individually.
The statistical evaluation of the partial safety factor for the proposed reduction
function with respect to local buckling is presented in Appendix C.6.
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
V, Tensile stress [MPa]
0 10 20 30 40
H, Strain [%]
Figure C.1: Stress - strain curves from tension tests along the rolling direction on
Domex 420.
V, Tensile stress [MPa]
0 10 20 30 40
H, Strain [%]
Figure C.2: Stress - strain curves from tension tests transverse the rolling
direction on Domex 420.
200 W1
0 4 8 12 16
H, Strain [%]
Figure C.3: Stress - strain curves from tension tests along the rolling direction on
Weldox 700.
V, Tensile stress [MPa]
200 W4
0 4 8 12 16
H, Strain [%]
Figure C.4: Stress - strain curves from tension tests transverse the rolling
direction on Weldox 700.
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
V, Tensile stress [MPa]
0 4 8 12
H, Strain [%]
Figure C.5: Stress - strain curves from tension tests along the rolling direction on
Weldox 1100.
V, Tensile stress [MPa]
0 4 8 12
H, Strain [%]
Figure C.6: Stress - strain curves from tension tests transverse the rolling
direction on Weldox 1100.
C.2 Measured dimensions - Box specimens
Table C.1: Specimen dimensions, measured mechanical properties and
according to EN 1993-1-5, the calculated plate slenderness values.
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
Load [kN]
200 S10-0a
0 2 4 6
Load [kN]
0 2 4 6
Load [kN]
200 S30-0a
0 2 4 6
Load [kN]
200 S40-0a
0 2 4 6
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
Load [kN]
400 W71-0b
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure C.11: Load - mean deformation curves for Weldox 700 specimens with
nominal plate slenderness of 0,7.
Load [kN]
400 W72-0a
0 2 4 6 8 10
Load [kN]
400 W73-0b
0 2 4 6 8 10
Load [kN]
400 W74-0b
0 2 4 6 8 10
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
Load [kN]
0 2 4 6 8 10
Load [kN]
0 2 4 6 8 10
Load [kN]
0 2 4 6 8 10
Load [kN]
0 2 4 6 8 10
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
Load [kN]
400 W114-0b
0 2 4 6 8 10
Load [kN]
0 2 4 6 8 10
C.4 Test Results - Buckling Tests
Table C.2: Evaluated test results. Cross section areas with included weld areas.
Yield strength used for Domex 420 and 0,2% proof stress for Weldox
Specimen Ultimate Load, Area of cross Ultimate stress, Ratio Vu/fy or
Fexp [kN] section [mm2] Vu [MPa] Vu/Rp0.2
S10-0a 502,3 1023,9 490,5 1,11
S10-0b 502,2 1025,1 489,9 1,11
S10-90a 514,9 1024,5 502,6 1,07
S10-90b 530,6 1020,5 520,0 1,10
S20-0a 505,9 1254,5 403,3 0,91
S20-90a 517,6 1254,9 412,4 0,88
Domex 420
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
The specifications for the Welwyn HS25B LVDT used for the
measurement of buckle growth is:
The load cell from DARTEC used for load measurement was
calibrated in 2004 with a measurement error of < 0,6% in the
whole measurement range up to 2 MN. Serial No. 89086/A.
C.6 Calculation of the partial safety factor - Tests
The same procedure of evaluation as for the experiments regarding the ultimate patch
loading resistance (presented in Appendix B) was used to evaluate the proposal of reduction
function regarding local buckling resistance. Since the procedure of evaluation should be know
to the reader at this point, only the calculated key values and the graph showing the
experimentally determined ultimate loads versus the predicted loads (see Figure C.21) are
presented within this section. A total of 85 specimens were used in this evaluation.
b = 1,143
Vd = 0,078
Vr = 0,111
Q = 0 ,111
re [kN]
Tests made at LTU
Tests from the literature
0 2000 4000 6000 8000
rt [kN]
Figure C.21: The 85 experimental results, re, as a function of the predicted
resistance, rt, according to the proposed reduction function.
J M = 1 ,168
APPENDIX C: Local Buckling - Further Evaluation
k c = 0 ,916
The partial safety factor based on the 85 individual tests results was determined to 1,07.
However, according to the discussion in chapter 7 this evaluation was also conducted using
only tests made from the 1990’ies and forward. Disregarding the earlier conducted tests, the
statistical evaluation of the partial safety factor will be determined to 1,03 according to
following calculations. A total of 60 individual specimens are left when the earlier tests are
b = 1,165
Vd = 0,071
Vr = 0,107
Q = 0 ,107
J M = 1 ,161
k c = 0 ,891