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1st Term Final Exam Revision Sheets ANSWERS

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1st Term Final Exam Revision Sheets

Grade 11


World History

Make sure you study the

information in these sheets, rather
than memorize the question style.

Questions in these sheets won’t

necessarily appear in the same
form/type in the exam.

Best of luck!

--Ms. Asmaa

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 2


→ Spain Builds an American Empire……………………pg 4

→ Europeans Nations Settle America……..……………pg 6

→ The Atlantic Slave Trade…………………………………pg 8

→ The Columbian Exchange…………….………………pg 13

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 3

Spain Builds an American Empire
Module 16, Lesson 4, Page 634—643

A) Define the following

1) Colony
A land that's controlled by another nation.

2) Conquistador

3) Mestizo
Mixed Spanish and Native American population.

4) Encomienda
A system where Natives farmed, ranched, or mined for Spanish landlords.

B) Who am I?
1) I was funded by the king and queen of Spain to transform the Caribbean. I thought I had
reached the East Indies, but I was mistaken. Who am I?
Christopher Columbus

2) I landed on the shores of Mexico. I destroyed the Aztec culture in my search for gold.
Who am I?
Hernando Cortes

3) I marched a small force into South America. I conquered the Inca Empire and destroyed
its culture, economy, and society. Who am I?
Francisco Pizzaro

4) I was the emperor of the Incas. I was captured by Pizarro in an ambush. After I offered to
pay him in gold and silver for my release, he killed me. Who am I?

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 4

C) Choose the correct answer
1) Under the encomienda system, (Asians—Africans—natives) farmed, ranched, or mined
for Spanish landlords.

2) Spanish settlers in the Americas were mostly (women—men—elderly)

3) The Aztecs kept a series of books called ( codices—grimoires—tomes ) that described

Aztec history, economy, religious beliefs and daily life.

4) The (Portuguese—English—Spanish) were the first European settlers in the Americas.

5) The Native Americans that Christopher were not Indians, but a group that called
themselves (Comanche—Taino—Navajo )

6) San Salvador meant ( Holy Savior—Salvation—Sacred Sanctuary )

7) Columbus’s ship whose lookout called out when he found land was called the
(Black Pearl—Mayflower—Pinta)

D) Choose True or False, and correct the false statements

1) Columbus called the surprised inhabitants of the Americas
‘ los Indios’. True or False

2) Columbus, like other sailors, was interested in forming alliances. True or False

3) Cortes reached the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. True or False


4) The name of the Aztec emperor was Montezuma. True or False


5) The Spanish’s weapons were inferior compare to the Aztec’s. True or False

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Europeans Settle North America
Module 16, Lesson 5, Page 644–649

A) Choose the correct answer

1- Who discovered what is today New York harbor?
a) Jacques Cartier b) Giovanni da Verrazzano c) Henry Hudson

2- Which river did Jacques Cartier explore?

a) Mississippi b) Hudson c) St. Lawrence

3- The settlement of Jamestown was named in honor of which king?

a) Louis XIV b) Charles II c) James I

4- What was New France’s main economic activity?

a) Farming b) Fishing c) Fur trade

5- The war between Britain and France in North America was part of which larger conflict?
a) The Hundred Years’ War b) The Seven Years' War c) The Napoleonic Wars

6- Who explored the lower Mississippi and claimed the region for France?
a) Jacques Cartier b) Sieur de La Salle c) Giovanni da Verrazzano

7- Which colony did the Pilgrims found?

a) Jamestown b) Plymouth c) New Netherland

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 6

B) Choose True or False, and correct the false statements
1- The first English colony in North America was Plymouth.
True | False Correction: Jamestown

2- The Dutch established a fur trade with Native Americans in New Netherland.
True | False Correction: …………………………………………….

3- The English colonists had a peaceful relationship with Native Americans.

True | False Correction: …………………………………………….

4- The French were primarily interested in building towns and raising families in North
True | False Correction: weren’t

5- The Seven Years’ War only involved Britain and France.

True | False Correction: and other European allies

6- The Dutch were driven out of New Netherland by the French.

True | False Correction: English

7- The main reason for Puritans establishing a colony was to build a model Christian
True | False Correction: …………………………………………….

C) Answer the following questions

1- Why did the French have a more cooperative relationship with Native Americans compared
to the English?
The French were primarily interested in the fur trade and worked with Native Americans,
while the English sought to settle and expand, often displacing the natives.

2- What was the main reason for the founding of Plymouth Colony?
The Pilgrims founded Plymouth for religious freedom, fleeing persecution in England.

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 7

The Atlantic Slave Trade
Module 16, Lesson 6, Page 651–657

A) Choose T or F, and correct the false statement (part 1)

1. True or False: Many African rulers and merchants played a willing role in the
capture and enslavement of Africans for the slave trade.

2. True or False: Many Africans had experience in farming.


3. True or False: Conditions during the Middle Passage were relatively

comfortable for enslaved Africans.

4. True or False: Enslaved Africans did not resist their conditions and adapted
easily to life in the Americas.
…………………………… resisted …………………………………………………………..

5. True or False: Initially, Portuguese traders were primarily interested in trading

for gold in Africa rather than capturing Africans.

6. True or False: About 20 slaves on Hispaniola attacked and killed several

Spanish colonists.

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 8

A) Choose T or F, and correct the false statement (part 2)

7. True or False: As England's presence in the Americas grew, it came to

dominate the Atlantic slave trade.

8. True or False: European traders often traveled deep into Africa to capture
Africans for the slave trade.
………………………………………waited in ports in……………………………………..

9. True or False: African slaves brought to the Americas were usually considered
indentured servants.
……… property …………………………………………………………………………………..

10. True or False: Indentured servants were usually Africans who couldn't afford
to pay for their voyage to the Americas.
………………………………………………………… Europeans ………………………………..

B) Write the correct term

1. The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas.
(……Atlantic Slave Trade………..)

2. A system of labor by which a person could work to pay off the cost of coming to
the Americas.
(……Indentured Servitude……..)

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 9

C) Define the following
1. The Triangular Trade
A transatlantic trade route where Africans were transported to the Americas.

2. The Middle Passage

The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North
and South America. The middle leg of the Atlantic Slave Trade.

D) Choose the correct answer (part 1)

1.. What was the driving force behind the demand for labor in Portuguese colonies,
especially in Brazil?
a. Silver mines
b. Tobacco farms
c. Sugar industry
d. Cotton plantations

2. In the encomienda system, what promise did Spanish landlords have to make
regarding the treatment of native workers?
a. They had to promise their freedom.
b. They had to promise good treatment.
c. They had to promise a share of the profits.
d. They made no such promise.

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 10

D) Choose the correct answer (part 2)
3. What was the primary reason for the Europeans to turn to Africa for workers?
a. Lack of available land
b. Scarcity of gold
c. High mortality of Native Americans
d. Abundance of European laborers

4. Who were the first Europeans to explore Africa?

a. Spanish conquistadors
b. English settlers
c. Portuguese traders
d. French missionaries

5. What are the advantages Europeans saw in using Africans in the Americas.
a. They were immune to Spanish diseases.
b. They were less likely to escape due to being in foreign land.
c. Their skin color would make them easy to catch.
d. All of the above.

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 11

F) Fill in the table: Compare and Contrast

Slaves Indentured Servants Wage laborers

• They were considered • They agreed to work • They’re workers who

property, and weren’t for an employer to are paid by an
paid for their labor. pay back the price of employer in exchange
their trip to the for their labor.
• They were brought Americas.
against their will. • The two parties enter
• They voluntarily the agreement
• It wasn’t expected to became indentured voluntarily.
treat them well. servants.

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 12

The Columbian Exchange
Module 16, Lesson 7, Page 658–663

A) Choose T or F, and correct the false statement

1. True or False: The Columbian Exchange primarily involved the transfer of foods, plants, and
animals during the colonization of the Americas.
2. True or False: Grapes and olives were both inexpensive to grow and nutritious.
…………………………Potatoes and corn……………………………………………………………………..
3. True or False: The Columbian Exchange had only positive effects on the ecosystems in the
………………………………………………………………negative and…………………………………………..
4. True or False: Capitalism is an economic system based on government ownership and
control of resources.
5. True or False: Mercantilism emphasized a nation's dependence on other countries for
………………………………………its own wealth for power………………………………………………..

B) Choose the correct answer

1. What was the primary role of corn and potatoes in the Columbian Exchange?
a) To serve as currency
b) To boost the world's population
c) To introduce new technology
d) To establish diplomatic relations

2. Which of the following animals was brought from the Americas?

a) Ox
b) Horse
c) Turkey
d) Chicken

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 13

3. What is inflation?
a) A decrease in the money supply
b) A steady rise in the price of goods
c) A decrease in the overall economic activity
d) A decrease in trade practices

4. What was the common purpose of joint-stock companies in the 1500s and 1600s?
a) Scientific research
b) American colonization
c) Artistic endeavors
d) Religious missions

5. According to the theory of mercantilism, what was a nation's ultimate goal?

a) Achieving self-sufficiency
b) Promoting international cooperation
c) Encouraging economic interdependence
d) Reducing the accumulation of wealth

C) Answer the following questions

1. How did the economic practices during the age of American colonization impact the power
of European monarchs?
The new economic practices during the age of American colonization expanded the power of
European monarchs. They gained more control and resources.

2. What were the environmental issues caused by the Columbian Exchange?

Deforestation and weeds.

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 14

D) Write the correct term
1. The global transfer of food and animals during the colonization of the Americas.

(………..…The Columbian Exchange………………..)

2. An economic system based on private ownership and the investment of resources for


3. A partnership of investors who bought shares of stock in the company.

(……………Joint-Stock Company……………………..)

4. A theory stating that a country’s power is based on its wealth.


5. When a nation sells more than it buys.

(…………Favorable balance of trade…………………..)

World History Revision Sheets PAGE 15

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