Networking and Technology Class 12 Important Questions 1
Networking and Technology Class 12 Important Questions 1
Networking and Technology Class 12 Important Questions 1
Chapter(5 Networking Technology
Probable marks: 28
The technology is
better options for wireless network. There are expanding o r k
three basic tvpes of wireless
Wireless LAN 2. Extended LAN 3. Mobile new
For Advantages of Wireless Media l'lease refer
: Chapter 5 Q.3, Pg. No. 5-2.
Science II
TPSComputer 5-2 Networking Technology
What is a
Transmission Medium ? What are the advantages of wireless
Q.3 transmission ?
(Oct.2004; July 18)
Ans.: Transmission medium : Refer Q. No.1.
(a) Bandwidth: (March 2020
(1) Bandwidth is the measure of the capacity of a medium to transmit data.
(2) Data transmission rates is number of bits transmitted per second.
(3) Bandwidth of a cable depends on cable length.
(4) A short cable can have greater bandwidth than a long cable so for all cable designs,
maximum lengths for cable runs are specified.
(5) Beyond these limits the highest frequency signals can deteriorate and error occurs
in data signals.
(b) Band usage: (March 2009
(1) The bandwidth is shared so that maximum usage is obtained.
There are two transmission modes, base band and broad band transmissions.
Base band devotes the entire capacity of the medium to one communication
Broad band enables two or more çommunication channels to share the bandwidth
of communication medium.
Base band is most common mode of operation. Most local area networks (LAN)
function in base band mode. In base band, signaling can be anolog or digital.
(6) Thebase band and broad band transmission modes are shown in following figure
TPS Computer Science - II
is absorbed and,
medium, part of the signal mak the
(2 As signals pass through the
signal weak. falls below
when signal strength certainn limits,
Installation requirement:
Before installation, prepare actual physical layout of network and then estimae
(a) cable and cost of installation.
For almost all media, the cost of installation exceeds than the cost of the able tself.
v Attenuation:
of how much a signal weakens as it travels through
Attenuation is a measure
is absorbed and makes the
b) As signals pass through the medium, part of the signal
signal weak.
interconnected collection of
autonomous computers or system
Computer network is an
r e s o u r c e s controlling
of sharing
ofcomputers capable
network are :
4 T h e main advantages of computer
a) Network provides resource sharing.
information and software.
b) provides exchange of
other machine if one machine fails in the
c) Itprovides high reliability by using
air and traffic control.
network like military banking,
able itselr.
(b) For almost all media, the cost of installation exceeds than the cost of the
i Bandwidth:
v)Attenuation: a
weakens as it travels through
Attenuation is a measure of how much a signal
and makes the
the medium, part of the signal is absorbed
(b) As signals pass through
signal weak.
(March 2020)
vi) Immunity from electromagnetic noise that distorts
interference consist of outside electromagnetic
(a) Electromagnetic
the signal in a medium. to decode the
signals and makes difficult for computers
b) EMI is interfering the
signal. LAN and
networks ? Distinguish between
the advantages of computer 17, 18)
(March 2003,06,11, 19, Oct.2005, July
What are
follows :
The differences between WAN and LAN are
is groun
A LAN (Local Area Network)
1 A WAN (Wide Area Network) is the
interconnection of LAN or MAN can | of computersrinterconnected within a
area such as room, building or a
be located entirely within a state, small
country or around the world. campus.
Data transfer speed is comparatively
2. Data transfer rate is comparatively
slower such as in Kbits/sec. 10 million high such as thousand bits per second to
Outer (protective plastic covering)
conductor (shield)
Co-axial cable
(3) The components
of co-axial cable are as follows
(a) A center conductor is solid
a copper wire or stranded wire.
(b) An outer conductor form a tube
surrounding the inner conductor. This conductor 1s
made up of braided wires, metallic foil or both. The
shield. This serves as a ground and outer conductor is called as
protects inner conductor from EMI.
(c) Aninsulator layer keeps outer conductor
spaced evenly from the inner conductor
(d) A plastic jacket protects cable from
II Networking Technology
Science 5-6
TPS Computer
(1) relatively more expensive than Twisted Pair but less than
It is
fiber optic cable.
(2) Bandwidth capacity is comparatively less than fiber optic cable.
Twisted pair cablee
TPS Computer Science - II 5-7 Networking Technology
lt consists of two or more strands of copper wire twisted together.
4) his twisting reduces the sensitivity of the cable to EMI (electromagnetic interferena
and also reduces the tendency of the cable to radiate radio frequency noise.
(1) Shielded Twisted pair cable consist of one or more twisted pai
pairs of cables enclosed
foil wrap and woven copper shielding.
TPS Computer Science - II 5-8 Networking Technology
2) Following fig. shows IBM type 1 of shielded twisted pair cable:
Two Shield
twisted pairs
(3) The shield is connected to the ground portion of the electronic device to which cable is
connected. Ground portion is electrical reference
(4) A properly grounded shield prevents signals from getting into or out of the cable.
(5) The characteristics of shielded Twisted cable are
pair given below:
) Cost: The cost of STP cable is more than that of co-axial or UTP cable. Its cost is less
than that of thick co-axial or fibre
optic cable.
(ii) Installation : The installations required for STP cable depends upon the type of
network. As per the type of network, different connectors are used.
(ii) Capacity: STP cable has a theoretical capacity of 500 MBPS. Practically it is around
155 MBPS with 100 meter cable run. The most common data rate for STP cable is
16 MBPS.
iv) Attenuation : All Twisted pair cables have attenuations. This limits the length of
cable. 100 meter limit is most common.
(v) EMI characteristics: The shield in STP cable results in good EMI characteristics.
STP cable has low sensitivity towards electromagnetic interference.
Q.12 Write a short note on unshielded twisted pair cable with its characteristics.
(Mar. 2002)
(1)UTP consists of a number of twisted pair with plastic jacket.
(2) It is commonly used in telephone systems. Now-a-days UTP cable is being used in LAN
instead of co-axial cable.
(3) AUTP cable is shown in following figure:
9The characteristics of Unshielded Twisted pair cable are given below:
(i) Cost: UTP cable is cheaper than any other cable. The cost of
category 5 twisted pair
cable is high.
(ii) Installation: UTP cable is easy to install. The equipments required are also low
cost. UTP system can be easily reconfigured.
Science - II
T P SC o m p u t e r
Networking Technology
TheThe fibr optic cable is used in
This cable have
optical transmission
extremely high bandwidth. It has system.
) several kilometers.
zero sensitivity to EMI and
runs ovcs
The characteristics of fibre
9 optic cable are given
(i) Cost: The cost of fibre
optic cable is
pair cable. more than that of co-axial cable and Iwistea
i) Installation Fibre optic cable
minimum bend radius. They may requires skilled installa tion. Every cable has
not be stretched. get damaged if bent sharply Fibre
optic cable can
Q.16 Compare the characteristics of fibre optic cable and co-axial cable. Mention at least
points. (March 2002, Oct. 2005)
1 optic cable. Fibre optic cables are
than that of fibre
LOst: Cost of co-axial cable is less
expensive. and easier than that of fibre optic
stallation : Installation of co-axial cable is cheaper
3) cable is 10 MBPS, while that
data transmission capacity of co-axial
pacity: In general
ot fibre optic cable is 100 MBPS
Networking Technolo
TPS Computer Science - II
cable has serno
4) EMI : Co-axial cable is less
sensitive to EMI, while fibre optic no
sensitivity to
EMI. attenuation is very less
5) Attenuation: It is m o r e in co-axial
cable. In optic fibre,
Twisted pair cable. Mention
atleast three npoints.
cable with
Q.17 Compare the co-axial (Oct. 2003, 2010, March 200
Coaxial Cable
Twisted Pair Cable
It is a hallow cable with a solid copper at #hhe
(1) It consists of a pair of wires or one or
more pairs of two twisted copper wires center of the cable surrounded by plasi
insulation. from
Relatively expensive i.e. twice or thrice than
(2) This is inexpensive medium.
twisted pair.
(4) Attenuation is more than coaxial cable. Attenuation is less than twisted pair cable.
(5) Bandwidth capacity is from 1 to Bandwidth capacity is from 500 Mbps upto
100 Mbps upto 100 mtrs. 100 mtrs.
(6) They can be used only for short It is commonly used in network.
distance communication.
Q. 18 Compare the characteristics of Fiber-Optic and Co-axial Cable. Mention at least
three points.
(March2008;July 18)
Fiber-Optic Co-axial Cable
i) This Cable has no sensitivity to EMI
| i) EMI effect is minimum
ii) Optical fibre cable can transmit
ii) Bandwidth capacity is form 500 mbps
100mbps for several kilometers.
upto 100 mbps
ii) Optical fibre are expansive. i) Co-axial cable are less
Q.19 Compare any four attributes of
Coaxial thicknet Cable with UTP cable. June 2016
TPS Computer 5-12 Networking Technology
0 .2 0 Explain the
tollowing wireless media in detail, OR State and
networking media. Explain any two wireless media. explain difterent
Oct. 2005)
( Radio waves
(1) Radio waves are
easy to
generate. They can travel long distance and can
buildings easily. Hence, radio waves are widely used peneurate
for both indoor and
purposes. Outabo
(2) Radiowaves omnidirectional i.e. the waves travel in all directions, in the ree
space so that there is no need to place the receiver or transmitter along a direct line
of sight.
(3) Radio communication have variety of frequency ranges that
are utilised for
various communication applications.
(4) As radiowaves covers large distance, interfare between users is a problem. For th1s
reason government license is necessary to transmit radiowaves.
(5) Radio communication having major drawback that it may be disturbed by rains,
bounce back from obstacles. It offers low bandwidth for data communication.
(1I) Microwaves:
(1) Microwaves travels in straight lines and therefore narrowly focused, concentrating
all the energy into beam.
(2) For microwaves transmitting and receiving antennas should be accurately alligned.
This directionality allows multiple transmitters linear in a row to communicate
with multiple receivers linear in a row without interference.
(3) Since, microwaves travels in straight lines, for longer distances periodic repeaters
are necessary.
(4) Unlike radiowaves, at lower frequency microwaves can not penetrate buildings.
(IT) Infrared and millimeter waves:
(1) Unguided infrared and millimeter waves are widely used for short range
Q.21 State four LAN wireless transmission methods. Explain any two of them. (Oct. 2003)
** Wireless LAN can use one of the transmission method:
(a) i n intrared
100 feet.
(6) This is limited within
bandwidth can
be supported.
(c) Upto 10 Mbps transmissiOn.
(a)Remote control of TV uses
(ii) Laser
are used.
transmission LASER rays
(a) In laser
are in straight of sight
(b) This receiver and transmitter
WAN transmission.
( C T h i s can be used for LAN and
Q. 23 What is topology ? Explain BUS topology in detail.
(Oct. 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010, March 2011)
Topology reters to the way in which network of computers is connected.
(2) Nodes in the network are physically interconnected in some configuration to provide
efficient communication. This configuration is called as topology.
devices that make
3) A topology defines the arrangement of nodes, cables and connectivity
up the network.
BUS topology:
In BUS physical topology, all the devices are connected to a common shared cable
(1) a
PC Server
reflecting back.
10 MBPS.
is ethernet at
(7) for BUS topology
Onmonly used implementation
(8) Advantages:
) The bus system is much faster.
branches to form
arnother topology.
i) The bus topology can be extended with sub
other node's communication.
(11) Breakdown of any failure rnode does not affect
(a) Bus topology is widely used in LAN network.
Q.24 Explain RING topology. Give its advantages and disadvantages.
(March 09,18, July 2019
(1) RING topologies are wired in a circle. Each node is connected to its neighbours on either
side, and the data transmits along the ring in one direction only.
(2) Each device incorporates a receiver and a transmitter and serves as a repeater that
passes the signal onto the next device in the ring.
R- Receiver
TPS 5-16 Networking Technology
Costly wiring is required for RING topology.
)Expensive adapter cards.
(i) Difficult connections.
0.25 Explain in short, STAR topology.
March 2006, 11, 18, 19, Oct. 2007;July 2019)
(1) In a STAR topology all the workstations are connected to central hub.
(2) The hub receives signal froma workstation and routes it to the proper destination.
() STAR physical topology is often implemented to implement BUS or RING logical
(4) A STAR topology is shown in following figure:
5) Advantages
Adding a new workstation is easier than that in BUS or RING topology.
(March2003, 2005, Oct. 2008; March 2017; June 2016; July 2017
(1) Ethernet is a local area network technology, with networks tradionally operating within
single building.
(2) Atmost, Ethernet devices can have a few hundred meters of cable between themn.
Modern technology allows Ethermet to span upto 10 kms.
(3) Ethernet devices are connected to a common shared medium that provides the path
along which the electronic signals will travel. Historically, this medium was co-axial
cable. But, now-a-days twisted pair cable or fibre optic cable are also used.
(4) Ethernet network transmit data in small units called frames.
(5) Each frame must contain source address as well as destination address, which identifies
receipant and sender of message. The address will uniquely identify node. No two
Ethernet devices can have same address.
(6) Ethernet network is as shown in following figure.
Computer Server Computer
Computer Computer
i) Token passing:
1) Token passing utilizes a frame called a token, which circulates around the network.
2) A computer that needs to transmit must wait until it receives the token.
3) When computer receives token, it is permitted to transmit.
4) When computer completes transmitting, it is passes the token frame to the next
station or token ring network.
Q.34 Discuss access methods of networking. OR Discuss any two access methods of
networking? (March 2003, 2020, Oct. 2009)
OR Explain the following access methods brief.Oct.2002, 04, 08, March 2006, 18
i) Contention (ii) Token passing
Explain in brief Token passing and Polling' access. methods (Mar.10;July 17, 18
(1) An access method is a set of rules governing how the network nodes share the
transmission medium.
(2) There are three most important types of media access methods:
(A) Contention (B) Polling () Token pasing
(3) Contention:
a) In contention, any computer in the network can transmit at any time (first come
first served).
attempt to transmit at the same
b) This system breaks down when two computeres
time. This is a case of collision.
used. Here each computer listens
c) To avoid collision, carrier sensing mechanism is
to the network before attempting to transmit.
If network is busy, it waits until
network quiets down.
to the network as they transmit. If
d) In carrier detection, computers continue to listen
that interteres with the signal it is sending, it stops
computer detects another signal to
wait random amount of time and attempt
transmitting. Both computers then
Networking lechno
TPS Computer Science - Il
control od
on LANs.
most popular
e) Contension methods are
-- -
(4) Polling
a) In polling based systems, there is a device (called controller or master devicel
a) to
poll other devices on the network to see whether they are ready to either transmit
or receive data.
b) This access method is not widely used on network because the polling itself can
cause a fair amount of network traffic.
(5) Token passing :
a) Token passing utilizes a frame called a token, which circulates around the network
b) A computer that needs to transmit must wait until it receives the token.
c) When computer receives token, it is permitted to transmit.
d) When computer completes transmitting, it is passes the token frame to the next
station or token ring network.
Q.35 Explain the following terms with respect to cabling
(A) 10 BASE 2 (B) 10 BASE 5
(C) 10 BASET (D) 10 BASE FL
(A) 10 BASE 2:
(i) This uses thinnet of co-axial cables.
(i) Each network connects
directly to the network cable with a
(i) The minimum cable distance between T-connector.
clients must be 1.5 feet.
(iv) The T connector must be
(vThe entire network cabeling scheme directly
to the network
cannot exceed 925 meters
(B) 10 BASE 5: This uses thicke net
co axial cable.
(3035 feet).
i) BASE 5 uses an external
transreceiver to attach to the
(i) The minimum cable distance network adapter caard.
between transceivers is 2.5
(ii) The maximum network metres.
segment length is 500 meter
iv) The entire network
cabling scheme cannot (1640 feet)
exceed 2500 meters.
(8200 fee
TPS Computer Science II
Networking Technology
(C) 10 BASET:
() This uses UTP cable.
i) The maximum number of
computers on a LAN is 1024
(i) The cabling should be UTP category 3, 4 and 5. STP cable can also be used.
(iv) The cable segment length (hub to transceiver) is 100 meters (328 feet)
D) 10 BASE FL:
0.36 What is meant by protocol ? Explain the concept of TCP/IP protocol.
(March 2004, 08, 11, Oct. 2003, 04; June 2016; March 2018,July 2019)
(2) Internet protocols are called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol)
protocols. This protocol do not belong any one company and technology is available to
(3) TCP/IP protocol use three types of addresses for network addressing:
(a) Hardware or physical address is used by the data link and physical layers.
(b) Internet protocol address provides logical node identification. This address is
unique address assigned by administrator expressed in four parts dotted notation.
9.37 Explain modem in detail. (March 2006, 2010, Oct 2010; March 2017)
(1) Computers store digital data,telephone lines can only transfer analog data. If a
then it must convert digital
computer is to be connected to internet through telephone,
data to analog data before transmitting the computer signals.
(2) form is called modulation and reconverting it to
Converting one signal form to another
original form is called as demodulation.
3) odem is modulator/demodulator. Modem is used
to connect computer to
Modems convert digital data to analog data and vice-a-versa.
Networkking Techne
TPS Computer Science - II
Demodulation . Computer
Computer Modulation Analog data
Digital Telephone lines
Modem Digital
data Modem data
(1) In some network topologies,
mostly ARCNET based star
topologies, device
ae a hup
Computer. Science II-
Hub is a Networking Technology
(2) connecting
device in which
cables can be connected without
wires tocentralise network traffic through solderug
(3) It manages the a
cabling in the network and sends connecting point.
the network. signal to the other or
Figure shows a network
inter-connected with hub.
in place of router.
ID Repeater
(Oct 2010, March 2018, 19
(1) A repeater is a mostly used in Ethernet to
hardware unit
to another.
and amplifies the signal from one Ethernet segment
(2) Arepeater reshapes
Figure shows network with repeaters
signal signal
to attach
repeater is used
and a
vertical up in the
building backbone cable.
A backbone cable the office to the
each floor of
running in between them, if
an Ethernet segment more than two repeaters
Routers can use network address to assist
network address
is called as routing. Routers
packets according to logical
routing. to determine most efficient na
intelligent. They can use algorithms for
3) Routers are
sending a packet to any given LANs into smaller segments.
(4) Routers can also be used to divide large, busy network (WAN).
LAN to wide area
(5) Routers are also employed to connect
(6) Routers are oftwo types
1. Static routers Dynamic routers
Static routers do not determine paths, but you need to specify them. Dynamic rotter
havecapacity to determine paths (routes).
Write the functions of each of the following devices in short:
(March 2008, 2011 Oct.2003, 2004,2005, 2007, 200
) Modem (ii) Repeater
(ii) Hub (iv) Routers
Ans.: (i) Modem:
(a) Modem means modulator / demodulator.
(b) It is used to connect computer to internet.
() Modem convert digital data to analog data and vice-a-versa.
ii) Hub
(a) Hub is a connecting device in which cables can be connected to centralize network
traffic through a single connecting point.
(b It manages the cabling in the network and sends signal to the other componentso
the network.
(iii) Repeater:
(a) A repeater reshapes and amplifies the signal from one network to
(iv) Routers another.
(a) Routers are internetwork
similar or dissimilar LANs.connectivity
devices used to connect two
topol cally
(b) Routers use algorithm to determine most
efficient path for sending a
given network. packet any
Q. 42 Explain the following terms
(a) Modem (March 2003
(b) Hub (c) Repeater
Ans.: Please refer Q. 36.
Q.43 Give atleast two
advantages and one
media. disadvantage of wireless media
l aover cable
ov 2014
Ans.: Advantages of wireless media:
(1) Communication can reach rural and hilly area.
(2) High data rate transmission by using
large bandwidth.
Science II
5-26 Networking Technology
of wireless media
skilled labour require to install. This increases cost of network.
) disturb the signal.
EMI and outside noise
Explain CP/IP protocol in detail. (March 2019)
Ans. :
A node address
is the address of the entity of device on the Logical network
address is the segment on the network to which node is attached.
TCP/IP uses numbering scheme. This number is IP address. All devices on
in value
need a unique IP address. An IP address is a set of four numbers, they can range
between 0 to 255. Each number is separated by period.