Case 4 Akmal
Case 4 Akmal
Case 4 Akmal
Client "M A" was a 38 year old man. He was referred to me by the in charge of Young
nation. He was neat and clean. He was suffering from drug cravings or addiction. He started
smoking and chars 10 years ago. The reason for his behavior was stress and Craving. He was
cooperative and an extrovert. Clients also reported the present guilt of using drugs. The client
Name: M A
Age: 38
Gender: Male
No of siblings: 8
Father: dead
Mother: Alive
The client as referred by in charge of Young Nation to me for talking a detail case history
Presenting complaints:
Presenting complaints reported by client.
Presenting Complaints
پن اکیال
Observational assessment:
Client was 38 years old. He entered in the session room with manners. He was showing
little irritating behavior. He was looking left and right because he feels anxious and nervous. He
Client reported that his crave a lot because of addiction. He feels craving of drug almost
after 2 days. He use alcohol before 5 years, after taking of ICE he use ice regularly.
Personal History:
As reported by client he did not talk much. He is the shy person did not like to attend
the family functions. Client was the one of the source of income in his family. When the
Family History:
He was born as 3rd child in his family. He lost his father because of heart attack. He was
very close to his father. His family suffers because of disturbing periods, because of he is the
source of income in his family after his father death. None of his family has any psychiatric or
physical illness.
Educational history:
Client was not interested in studies. He is the talented he reported. After middle he feels
Quantitative interpretation:
Case formulation
Presenting complaint
Lack of income
Personal factors:
Father death
Family factors:
Father death
Subjective rating
Report building
Deep breathing
Rules of sleep
Counseling plan:
Counseling sessions:
Session 1
The client "A" came in. I greeted him and asked him to sit in a comfortable way. The
Client appearance: the client was well dressed, neat and clean. I decided to make sure that the
client is comfortable and told him he can Make him as easy as home. The session officially starts
with the history taking and mental examination. The client was showing some activities as he
wanted to go from the sessional room. So I Ended the Session after taking history.
Session 2
Today the session starts with taking the further history of the client's addiction or
craving. Today he was more comfortable and talked easily. I did a subjective rating on him. He
scored 51 high cravings. He used smoking and ice unlimited for 4 years. He always craves after
taking drugs. I asked him what makes him angry whenever he thinks about his future.
Session 3
Aim: Religious copying statements and deep breathing for stress management.
The Session starts with the conversation on our religious Islam. I asked him to pray five
times in a day and recites Holy Quran daily in the morning. He said yes he will do it properly. He
shows some body movement as Leg Shaking and Movement. So I told him how he can make
himself relax. I told him Deep breathing exercises when he feels Anger or Stress.
Today's session was able to get the purpose with which it started.
Session 4
After listening to his family issues in the previous session, I concluded that these
tensions of Family make him aggressive and addicted to drugs. We discussed issues and
possible solutions and told him he can do everything for his family. I said that I understand his
problems if he could keep on worrying about it could lead to severe mental and health issues. If
Today session was able to get the purpose with which it started.
Session 5
Aim: Discussion with clients in technique to avoid drugs.
Today's session starts with the conversations on what he can do to avoid Drugs. He said
he will not think about it and never try to buy it again. So, I told him to avoid these you have to
make good relations with your family and spend more time with them. It will make you think
that you don't want to hurt them again. Your family and children suffer again from it.
Session 6
Today the client was showing more confidence and active behavior. I already prepared
him that one day we will say goodbye to each other. We also discuss that I will help him if he
Sessional report:
Rapport building
Islamic learning