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MScElectronics (Instrumentation) 1stsem 2020 21 Syllabus

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Course Curriculum & Syllabus

Under Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)

[Effective for 2020-21 admitted batch Only]

M.Sc. Electronics (Instrumentation)

I Semester

Department of Physics
College of Science & Technology
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

January 2021
M.Sc. Electronics (Instrumentation)

Course Curriculum under CBCS

[Effective for the admitted batch 2020-21 Only]

Semester # 1 – FIRST Year

EL 101 Signals and Systems

EL 103 Advanced Digital Systems & Computer Architecture
EL 104 Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
EL 105 Advanced Digital Systems Design Laboratory
EL 106 Programming in MATLAB


M.Sc. Electronics (Instrumentation)

[Effective for admitted batch 2020-21 Only]

Semester # 1 – FIRST Year

Per /
Examination marks
Code Title of the paper Credits
Semester Mid Pass
L T P Total
End Minimum

EL 101 Signals and Systems 4 1 80 20 100 40 4

EL 102 EMI & EMC 4 1 80 20 100 40 4
Advanced Digital Systems &
EL 103 4 1 80 20 100 40 4
Computer Architecture
Electronic Measurements and
EL 104 4 1 80 20 100 40 4

Advanced Digital Systems Design

EL 105 9 100 50 4

EL 106 Programming in MATLAB 9 100 50 4

Total 600 24

(L: Lecture Hours, T: Tutorial Hours, P: Practical Hours)

M.Sc. Degree Examination
Electronics (Instrumentation)
First Semester

EL 101 – Signals and Systems

[Effective for the admitted batch of 2020-2021(CBCS) ONLY]

UNIT-1: Signals & Systems - An Introduction

A signal, Types of signals, standard signals, Representation of Discrete-time signals, Elementary
Discrete-time signals, Basic Operations on Signals, Classification of Signals, A System, Classification of
Systems, Basic system properties, System Modeling.

UNIT-2: Time Domain Analysis of CT and DT Systems

Introduction, Solution of Differential Equations, Convolution Integral, Properties of Convolution,

Impulse Response of Interconnected Systems, Causality, Stability, Step Response, Graphical Procedure
to Perform Convolution.

Solution of Difference Equations, Impulse Response, Representation of DT signals in Terms of

Impulses, Convolution Sum, Properties of Convolution Sum, Convolution of Two Sequences, Causality,
Stability, BIBO Stability Criterion, Step Response, Correlation of Two Sequences, Inverse System and

UNIT-3: Fourier Series Analysis of CT Periodic Signals and Fourier Transform

Introduction, Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients, Symmetry Conditions, Cosine Representation,

Exponential Fourier Series, Existence of Fourier Series, Properties of CT Fourier Series, Power
Representation using the Fourier Series, Fourier Spectrum.

Existence of FT, Fourier Transform of Some Standard Signals, Properties of Fourier Transform, Fourier
Transform of a Periodic Signals, Modulation, System Analysis with FT.

Text Books:
1.Signals and Systems by P.Ramesh Babu and R.ananda Natarajan, 3'rd Edition Scitech
2. Signals and Systems by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Wilsky and Nawab, Prentice Hall

Reference Books
1. Signals and Systems by K. Gopalan, Cengage Learning (India Edition)
2. Signals and Systems by Michal J. Roberts and Govind Sharma, Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications
3. Signals and Systems by Simon Haykin and Bary Van Veen, Wiley- India Publications
4. Linear Systems and Signals by B.P.Lathi, Oxford University Press
5. Signal and Systems By Anand Kumar, 3rd Edition, PHI
M.Sc. Degree Examination
Electronics (Instrumentation)
First Semester

EL 102 – EMI and EMC

[Effective for the admitted batch of 2020-2021(CBCS) ONLY]

Unit-1: EMI Environment

Sources of EMI, conducted and radiated EMI, Transient EMI, EMI – EMC definitions and units
parameters. EMI Coupling Principles conducted, Radiated and Transient Coupling, Common
impedance Ground Coupling, Radiated Common Mode and Ground loop coupling, Radiated Differential
mode coupling, near field cable to cable to coupling, Power mains and power supply c3oupling.

Unit-2: EMI Specification / Standards / Limits

Units of specification, Civilian standards, Military standards.
EMI Measurement
Open area test site (OATS) – OATS measurements – Measurement of RE, RS, Test site – Antennas –
Measurement precautions – TEM cell – Measurements using TEM cell – Reverberating chamber.

Unit-3: EMI Control Techniques

Principles – Precautions – Measurement of ground resistance – System grounding for EMC – Cable
shield ground.
Shielding theory and effectiveness – Materials – Integrity at discontinuities – Conductive coatings-
Shape and material for bond strap – Guidelines for good bonds.

Text Books
1. Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic System – Henry W. Ott
2. Engineering EMC Principles, Measurements and Technologies – Kodali, V.P.
Reference Books
1. Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility – Bernhard Keiser
M.Sc. Degree Examination
Electronics (Instrumentation)
First Semester

EI 103– Advanced Digital Systems & Computer Architecture

[Effective for the admitted batch of 2020-2021(CBCS) ONLY]

Unit -1: Combinational Logic Circuits

Review of Boolean and De Morgan’s laws – Shannon’s expansion theorem – Consensus theorem –
Encoders – Decoders – Multiplexers – Demultiplexers – SOP and POS Forms – K-maps – Synthesis
of multiple output combinational logic circuits by map method – Static and Dynamic Hazards-Design of
static hazard free logic circuits.

Unit-2: Threshold Logic

Threshold gate – Realization of conventional gates – Linear separability – Unateness –Threshold logic
theorems – Synthesis of single gate and multigate threshold Network
Programmable Logic Devices
Basic concepts – Programmable Read only memory (PROM) – Programmable logic array (PLA) –
Programmable array logic (PAL) –– Implementation of combinational circuits using PLAs and PALs.

Unit-3: Sequential Logic Circuits

Review of flip-flops and latches (RS, D, JK and Master-Slave JK) – Excitation tables – FF conversions
– Mealy machine – Moore machine – State diagrams – State table minimization – State assignments –
Design of synchronous sequential logic circuits.

Text Books
1. Digital Logic and Computer Design – M Morris Mano
2. Computer System Architecture – M.Morris Mano.
Reference Books
1. Computer Systems Design and Architecture – Heuring and Jordan
2. Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance – Stallings
3. Switching and Finite Automata Theory – ZVI Kohavi
M.Sc. Degree Examination
Electronics (Instrumentation)
First Semester

EL 104 – Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation

[Effective for the admitted batch of 2020-2021(CBCS) ONLY]

Unit-1: Measurement Error and Standards

Accuracy and precision – Significant figures – Types of error – Statistical analysis – Probability of
errors – Limiting errors – Classification of standards – Standards for mass, length, and volume – Time
and frequency standards – Electrical standards – Standards of temperature and luminous intensity –
IEEE standards.

Unit-2: Electromechanical Indicating Instruments and Instruments for Basic Parameters

Permanent-magnet moving-coil (PMMC) mechanism – DC ammeters – DC voltmeters – Ohmmeter –
Electrodynamometer – Watt-hour meter – Power-factor meter – Instrument transformers.
Instruments for measuring basic parameters
FET input dc voltmeter – AC voltmeter – True RMS voltmeter – Digital multimeter –LCR meter –
Vector impedance meter – Vector voltmeter – RF power measurement.

Unit-3: Oscilloscopes and Signal Generators

Principle of CRO – Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) – Vertical deflection system – Horizontal deflection
system – CRO probes and transducers – Special purpose CROs.
Signal Generators
Sine wave generator – Frequency-synthesized signal generator – Sweep frequency generator – Pulse
and square wave generator – Function generator.

Text Books

1. Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques – Helfrick and Cooper

2. Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation – Sawhney

Reference Books
1. Electronic Instrumentation – Oliver and Cage
2. Electronic Instrumentation – Kalsi
M.Sc. Degree Examination
Electronics (Instrumentation)

First Semester

EL 105 - Advanced Digital Systems Design Laboratory

(Effective from the admitted batch of 2020-2021-CBCS)

1. TTL logic gate characteristics

2. Design of Decoders (IC 74138 &IC 74148)
3. Multiplexers and De multiplexers (IC74151 & IC74154)
4. Testing of IC flip-flops (IC7473 & IC7476)
5. Design of registers using IC7473
6. Realize the following shift registers using IC7474 (a) SISO (b) SIPO (c) PISO (d)PIPO
7. Design of ripple counter using IC7473
8. Realize the Mod-N Counter using IC7490
9. Design of up-down counter using IC74193
10. Design of magnitude comparator using IC7485
11. D/A converters
12. A/D converters
13. Realize the Ring Counter and Johnson Counter using IC7476
14. Design of Sequence generator using IC7495 and IC7404
M.Sc. Degree Examination
Electronics (Instrumentation)
First Semester

EL106 – Programming in MATLAB

(Effective from the admitted batch of 2020-2021-CBCS)

1. MATLAB fundamentals
2. Creating MATLAB file and process of debugging
3. Signal processing
4. Different types of sequences and plotting generation
5. Operations sequences
6. Real signal decomposition into even and odd parts
7. Linear convolution of two sequences
8. Circular convolution of two sequences
9. Effect of sampling on frequency domain
10. To perform autocorrelation and cross correlation between signals and sequences.
11. To find the Fourier transform of a given signal and plotting its magnitude and Phase spectrum
12. Locating the zeros and poles and plotting the pole-zero maps in Z-plane for the given transfer
13. To represent sine wave, ramp using MATLAB.
14. To design Analog low pass, high pass, band pass, band stop filters.

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