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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria

Biodiversity and Agriculture :

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
University of Tlemcen Assessing the impact of biodiversity loss on crop Key Features
Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Earth and Strategies for sustainable agriculture that Plenary Sessions:
Universe Sciences promotes biodiversity.
Role of pollinators in enhancing crop yields and Renowned experts will deliver
ensuring food security. keynote addresses on key issues and
emerging trends.
9th International Seminar Food Security and Nutrition :
Examining the link between biodiversity,
MGIBR dietary diversity, and nutritional health. Panel Discussions:
Addressing challenges to food security in the In-depth discussions among experts
BIODIVERSITY : Food Security & Health face of climate change.
Innovations in agroecology and their from various disciplines to provide
April 20-21-22 , conference room, University of Tlemcen.
contribution to sustainable food production. comprehensive insights.
Ecosystem Services and Human Health :
Understanding the health benefits of biodiverse Research Presentations:
ecosystems. Platform for researchers to present
Exploring the impact of biodiversity loss on their latest findings and innovations.
infectious diseases.
Integrating traditional knowledge and modern
science for holistic health outcomes. Workshops:
Interactive sessions focusing on
Policy and Governance :
Analyzing international policies and agreements practical solutions and skill
related to biodiversity conservation. development.
Identifying gaps and opportunities in current
frameworks for addressing food security and
health. Networking Opportunities:
Showcasing successful case studies of countries A chance for participants to connect,
implementing effective biodiversity policies.
collaborate, and form partnerships.
The International Seminar on Biodiversity:
Community Engagement and Education:
Food Security and Health is a premier Empowering local communities in biodiversity
global gathering that aims to explore the conservation. The International Seminar on
intricate interplay between biodiversity, Enhancing public awareness about the link Biodiversity: Food Security and Health
food security, and human health. between biodiversity, food security, and health.
Recognizing the critical role that Strategies for fostering a sense of environmental seeks to inspire collective action towards a
biodiversity plays in sustaining ecosystems, responsibility among the general populace. sustainable future where biodiversity
agriculture, and overall well-being, this thrives, ensuring food security and
seminar provides a platform for experts,
promoting the health and well-being of
researchers, policymakers, and practitioners Session 1: Human
from around the world to engage in present and future generations
Session 2: Animal
meaningful discussions and share
Session 3: Plant
innovative solutions.
Session 4: MicroOrganism 21-22-23 April
Organisation Committee Scientific Committee
Dr Kalai S M University of Tlemcen Pr. Olivier Hanotte Univ of Nottingham UK
Dr Chaouech T University of Tlemcen Pr. Abdulmojeed Yakubu Univ of Nasarawa NIGERIA
Dr Azzi R University of Tlemcen Pr. Felix Meutchieye Univ of Dschang CAMEROUN
Pr.Elena Ciani Univ of Bari ITALY
Dr Salah Z University of Tlemcen
Pr.Gudrun Brockmann Univ of Humboldt GERMANY
Dr Taibi W University of Tlemcen
Pr. Nacer Mhamedi INAT TUNISIA
Dr Meghelli I University of Tlemcen Prof. Meghachou Mourad

Pr. Michèle T.Boichard INRAE FRANCE
Dr Kaouadji Z University of Sidi Belabbes
Pr. Stéphane Fabre INRAE FRANCE
Dr Belkhadem S University of Tlemcen Pr. Magda B.D.kharrat European Forest Institute FRANCE VICE PRESIDENT OF HONOR:
Dr Labbaci M University of Naama Pr. Atef Jaouani Univ of El-Manar TUNISIA Prof. Soulimane Nassima
Dr Benhamadi M University of Tlemcen Pr. Kazi Kahia GenEthical Laboratoy ALGERIA
Dr Benyarou M University of Tlemcen Pr. Ahcène Hakem CRAPast ALGERIA PRESIDENT OF THE SEMINAR:
Prof. Gaouar S.B.Suheil

Dr Haddam H.Y University of Tlemcen Dr. Mohamed Oueld Ahmed HITE MAURITANIA

Dr Kidoud B University of Tlemcen Dr. Malika Aid-Boudries Univ of Harvard USA University of Tlemcen
Dr. Touati Benoukraf Memorial University CANADA
Dr Belharfi F.Z University of Tlemcen
Dr Selka S University of Tlemcen
Dr. Abdoallah Sharaf Univ of Ain-Shams EGYPT Dr. Sidhoum Mohamed
Dr Ayed S University of Tlemcen
Dr. Ahmed M.Alqudah Univ of Qatar QATAR University of Sidi Belabes

Dr Haddadi I University of Tlemcen Dr. Rahmatalla A Sihem Univ of Berlin GERMANY
Dr Mediouni R University of Naama Dr. Pamela A.Burger Univ of Veterenary Medicine AUTRICHE
Dr Bellabbes M University of Sidi BelAbbes Dr. Sameh Menasri Gene Bank TUNISIA SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE PRESIDENT
Dr Abdelali O University of Tlemcen Dr. El-Bouyahyaoui Rachid
Dr.Tefiel Hakim
Univ of Tissemsilt
Prof. Cino Pertoldi
Dr Ilias F Univ of Ain Temouchent

Dr. Chahbar Mohamed Univ of Tissemsilt ALGERIA University of Aalborg , Danmark
Dr Benbarka L University of Tlemcen
Mme Benyahia S University of Tlemcen
Dr. Kdidi Samia Arid Regions Institute TUNISIA
Mr Aissaoui O L.A.S.T.J Association
Dr. Menani Achour Univ of Sétif ALGERIA
Mr Moumani M Director of P.N.T
Dr. Ameur Abdelkader Univ of Tlemcen ALGERIA
Ms Hesnaoui I University of Tlemcen
To register, scan the QR code to obtain
Dr. Gherissi Djalel Eddine Univ of Souk-Ahras ALGERIA
Mr Tabet Aoul W University of Tlemcen
the link to the Registration Form
Dr. Mkedder I RHUMeS Tlemcen ALGERIA
Ms Mebkhout H.F University of Tlemcen
Language of the Seminar :
Arab, French and English
Reception of the summaries (limiting date) :
20 February 2024
Notifications of acceptance of the
summaries :
01 March 2024

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