Naomi Nyanchera HSM
Naomi Nyanchera HSM
Naomi Nyanchera HSM
HMS /B/01-00226/2020
Naomi Nyanchera
Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and
promote sustainable agriculture.
Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for
all at all ages.
Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
Climate Action: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Life Below Water: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and
marine resources for sustainable development.
These goals are interconnected, and achieving one often involves addressing
issues related to others. The aim is to achieve these targets by 2030,
creating a sustainable future for people and the planet.
As the SDGs are recognized international they also aim to foster a good
relationship among different countries as they work together to achieve
these common set goals. Despite the fact that sdg 3 is the one that focuses
on health, other SDGs also play a role in health as they contain items which
are also determinants of health for example SDG one that aims to end
hunger also can influence formation of health policies. This is largely because
hunger affects many people in different parts of the world as is one of the
causes of malnutrition a major health issue. Access to clean water and
sanitation as spelt out by SDG 5 also relates with health and may play a big
role on how policies are formed around access to clean water and sanitation.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) play a significant role in shaping
health policies worldwide by providing a comprehensive framework for global
health, they guide governments, organizations, and institutions in
formulating strategies and policies aimed at improving health outcomes.
Health is closely linked to other SDGs, such as SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 2
(Zero Hunger), SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), SDG 5 (Gender Equality),
and SDG 13 (Climate Action). These interconnections mean that health
policies are developed in a way that integrates solutions across various
sectors.This integrated approach helps in addressing the root causes of
health issues, such as poverty, inequality, lack of education, and
environmental degradation, which are often outside the traditional scope of
health policies.
Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is one of the key target of SDG 3 ,which
means that all individuals and communities receive the health services they
need without suffering financial hardship.This focus has led to the
development of policies that aim to make healthcare services more
accessible, affordable, and equitable, especially for marginalized and
vulnerable populations.
To promote Preventive Healthcare SDGs have shifted the focus from reactive
healthcare to preventive measures, emphasizing early detection,
vaccination, education, and awareness to reduce the burden of diseases.This
approach in health policy-making aims to prevent health issues before they
become significant problems, reducing the overall healthcare costs and
improving population health.
Many developing countries rely on external aid and donations for their
healthcare systems, which can be unpredictable and unsustainable.
Increasing domestic government funding for healthcare reduces dependence
on external sources and ensures more stable and long-term investments in